The Signal, 1924-2-21, Page 22 ---Thursday. February 21, 1924 dor One Cent you may obtain 3 cups of S.oe Asa fora trial package today. Delicious 1 Economical ! esbevillkiThignat ESTABLISHED 1848 GODERICH :: CANADA Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association Pubi abed every Thursday morning. Subscription price $2.01 per year. To United States and Foreign Countries, $2.50 per year. strictly in advance. THE SIGN -1L PKINTIN(. CO., LTD. Telephone 33 .: Gederieh, Ont. W. H. Robertson. Fllftor aid Manager Thursday.-FebrOat'r ti;---i994- system. Time and again in the history of Anglo-Raxou politics wd hose_ had.,mQre___than--t.ro pxtr•,te6. and more thaw once We. Iiar.e &a new party born to emb•"ly a w ..(- form • • •1t see•ws to fie. t t to ab- Written for The Signal) andon the Idea of t1 patty, n favor of that of an Ilet•upettiutal/croup. which elan not tiring forth fryi4 untllour whole Toronto. Feb. 1A. , I'artleme•ntary spate to drop the subs forret for the widow ur theoretical ...rowels and nn.njoytue•ut [Iodide. The pessibillties, t Al: wan' reforms Infemale INdrtlon of the 11uellrm•r 1, ik- this genera in we -must be prepared td Immensely faded. tired and loured. to Mork th the trails already 1n while the wale portion seemed thank - our ha S. two waft for the creation ful 1•r ead•Iwuse• the crush Inside for of fie ,ones. • .. the chflliue's1 of the atmosplu•re put/ - THE SIGNAL, Farmers, or Prognwstre, group as the official tnipositlou. The Prugrewi%ea naturally re•aent Mr. Fergiu11on's at - Hittite and their leader, Mr. Doherty. and his It,uttNwut. Mr. Raney, have not hi•eu aloe to express that resod- ane ent. With his large and sutaa•rv- lelit wajority the Presider. of e•OUrw•, in " t'x•k of' the walk," hut it Is difficult to discover any reasonable ground for his refusal of recognition. The Pro- gYrNsiv,•s hare more members than the Liberals. and that ought to settle 11. There in no caste law in Ontar- io debarring any citizen because he Al does not wear the old party names. $ l sc - GODERICH, ONT. hm oygWrong WithYour Skin? Lights on the 11. Legislature ie" rhnnged. N The .opening day wee charileterize't •e of urrllwl re-' by bleaknee. outside and curious !aide \., doubt the crush a a- a auseel EDITORIAL NOTES by rile r,4nnl e'f Conservatism to pow.'i• and the hooting of three times a' • many. ilaekets fur admisrlIou sit there "The -an h ge•t11n. .t roIIRer. • were plee.•s 10 Mta11(l. let alone sit. • • • The l.iwllrunut-(;.n-eruor looked and AIR. DRURY AND THE Old toll c.•t ;h ':11..111114. -from the acted b1. part perfectly. The only fault OCCUPATIONAL GROUP. _..}.fit -.nine.- _ . (Mind was that thim atrmtg ',never • • - 1 '" ; In the •-buy in Canada" idea should J▪ ar. • I/tory. 1w you eta not• AtN• toll enol,• come to open the (louse in an -\mer{ Re(til?g ant ••autolW+I•II find +his fn mil}- in try Mr tr-PrPrI1�itt t do -truer -4441.•-a ata ,. of lik • mnntrfae-tum. formation of a vantage of the adverthretnenter 4 The firer clay of business was fra- fates some 'feu- lu The Far NETHER it's a cut or scratch. an 6u1lrreal t ptmptltr6r-rem.. - - or a case of fiery disfiguring eczema. you need Zam- uk. You can always retry upon this grand herbal balm to soothe pain. draw' out poiwnoua matter and in- t1ammatir.n. and quickly end tl:r worst attack ul skin dise-se. A daily dressing of Zam-ruk keeps the skin hrai:t:y and free of a 1 blemish. Jt is (r r. al ,(•, n toted,. fief and of a dilkrent nature entirely to , Ordinary omtmer,ts or salve,. 2t'?I It t' K i+ ; r w.-.1 a mayor lin a the Irra.rr,n of yrs«ora.•ia.....,ren. w.•nr..1. `leers. ell •tt cud. ha...l+ ...1 fall«. rkilbisio., bu+d+. ,t+l.l..�. to ac 1.4. ors± -w it .•1 .rf-1.a1••rs r•..v :scar. AAA ay. •tit } arra SOOTHWS, PtiRi`sICS dl HEALS. reply to ubjec1 aniltTi r ( e -� Silks, $erges and Crepes LINENS Black Taffeta Dress Silks, 36 inches wide, finest deepest lustre, good weight: every yard stamped and wear gdaranteed. At $2 75 per yard, special . tD • Navy Blue Dress or Suiting, new setges, 34 inches wide,, finest botany yarn and beau- tifulshadesofnavy• Recently 75 value; at per ya reed'' ---- f I{irlabaaDRESS CREPES' 38 to 40 inches wide, finest quality wool and a lovely weave, in exquisite shades, greys, navy, black, nigger, sand, china $1 en blue. Special, at per yard •VllVll "Spring -time Crepes," "Vella Vella ▪ Crepes," -the desirable new weaves, :16 inches wide, all silk, itt blues, browns, beaters„ modes. At per yarn $2.25 and $3.75 Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs, 250 dozen ladies' hem stitched, white, 75 per cent. pure linen Hand kerchiefs, regular value 12 I.2c 5 for 25e each; on sale ..... Tea Towelling Heavy, purest all -linen. 24-Iaehes wide Pebruary days onIj•, regular 38c; 'at 2C _ per yard ... e7� 17 -inch, it'd or blue border, heavy pure linen Roller Towelling; regular 25c; c 19 of lser yard '- -- .7S Table Cloths 2 x 21.2 yards, heavy, pure, fine Irish Linen Satin ihamask Cloths; range of pat- terns and beautiful borders; regular $4 95 $600 and $6.50; on sale .. ... - tD Towels Heavy, pure all-litteu hemstitch buck Towels dirtict.; from 'Belfast,- Iceland: Size 18 x 31; under ,slue: spec 'al ale .. 6 for $2.75 ..... Linoleums Oilcloths Congoleuma ,Special February Bargains W. Acheson & Son . 600d, V. I' . to w mart-* of the Speaker to Ili+ ehalr. new political party, •. • • • •,. i turgid by able addresses by taw mover -i Dozen Eath - sous for 118, belief trait an eseluairely Here's a writer In a daily plp•rwho and permitter of the adoption of the. visitor rUltll)1 lielp but aerie • • (;pfd Advice party eau a. -o ,t>fish eery Says that the• art of i..ue r.atfon I+tathlrns, in reply to the speck from the large number of ushers 1110 IR4>,^e•s little. lost. Well, we know 4 %ttltl pxrple` 1 the Throne. Mr. Haney from Sarnia in attendance. there being at least 1,1 k" 4, t PAY to du much talking was particularly effective owing u, his when ton. toad enough h• In Ih.• fir'[ Owl'. he 1(41 •ars friar who are roll able b► talk. youth end his fluent delivery. A ('4 tnelve of emit. 11 might 1•*ecus that . choke, r the farm, r- party would hale he lir- a • • li.-r the po,• w furnish the met,- ,4 1411'.' the Nord that stings the ' minor 1.111+ were hNrfull""1 and r" -I" Iwre with free writing piper :old free• leu cote united ap,•YInst 11. lite` pliers are• printing pier re•s of for first time.• Bel very of their leder. the Ineu,ls•r. deepest is rhe ere that's newer \o matter how wi a and good 11• Mi"_laatltil- Muelk,ta'd. daughter et lir.fssf j4. 4. could at Id -est p11 the.•• letters in sps'kr; I' d platform d such l tl Brills!) Prime \Piuleh•r die n eertecrnient mailbox without haw- tract the other (.4 hew svrauptl lilt 1 policies an 44 le Several sittings 1 ohteo herr tarn k hart}• might I"• we could lr•arcel I l Ilk n •1 l Iss f 1 I III. Page', (Imo th undo r +, her I age i � c - the norm h,is 1.'0n -1a away. 'll 1 1 0' thiol •(4 + e a s s t• taken up, with rhe Premier's refusal - TJi14u ►e• e o n nap thinking cv.Net the p"ople of our cities, or • •`i ' rto recognise the supporters of fly late f dodgin: around like turkeys iae'klaa I .l nn the things you didn't say. even of our small rural towns, to elk' of 4 -nal •trlkeitt ...401.I.11.1 worry1 f 8111 rnasho o sen and gathering u 1 the e t I be enthusiastic or stf-sacrifhing in[(;cttrrilwen r9•thr uffk hal (► a 4lrltlon R 11 1 l for' ass it would ha41e two or three Or iid,+,1 1188 a palrty itt 4(11. 4t•reral ter. thrown with in. .r.. or less fir- --Boston Transcript. their +rap{o,rt of A part} that etielud- cura1w to t2. ?1.'..r ..f the Hous• be f ed them from roll me•Iullrrahlp 1N1 motet it�+ took Tlu'rr, mny he some cold reason,' we'ri\fldYatued by haw for this the memiers from their seat+. This no other ground than that they hx wewthrl`yet. bit miring is not. far off. 'tion, but tl one he pined the .'m- V a • jltasis on wase that he had Naini he alsltstanding at attention during the+ p•ued tit to be farmers. In fact, i reading of the opening prayers b} the would not 114.1�;11lze them :old he, be•liryc we might elpe.t such a .\n ant .11I ttuwn .0 .Hamish- Speaker constitute 11tc major )airs ..f course to widen the unfortunate wea4Mtit-1101 * vers strong argil-. 1 tun w -ns she by a man who wasn't nn•nt for a Premier to slit., but very the ditties of the pages. The n -hers ' interests s of w k ti. and country, tate' during the pant week have {wen kelt interests ..f which. properly Wisher- ,satisfied with' tike car the salesman • fh(•ti+r with seventy of a tuaJorit fairly busy owing to the large toren- I stood. ought not to 111•-a1taito111s1ie." had sold to hint. Rather an eextreme•' The 'Premier' lia;y not yet risen to dame oftlaltnre. olio .hew a smut Limited to farmers only, the patty stept'Cr"r"""r mold • the dignity of hal' position and still Interest In the pr21 4 lin?s. smut This I its tots un the !Orel of the xolltlelan, the • • . • 1 intrnwt will handl} I"• shown during • to .airy could 11441 .•1....t a sufftelent nitbl►x'r Iy d lift tl hl being }- -.l4 .'. into effw•t ; nod. I'Iaj'rrs of molt Jong are Iu dn1^.• ` the vet.•rni Wim. t`larke aerie, 11+t Irl",1. 1111 )'t,lle1 )fir ..HI 1• a' r of the whole .o•slon and the fishers eau 1 whi114 such a party might be ably 141, eootraetitIg n mn!xdc l,raw•d ,b -r- that lir does not n(ew• wear ills brach then n t Itne t and "might 11wve the best of every de•( tlatltb remnant." A. t iiineue Pa}hat In the }louse. irhk�. ('TiiTci•' n so hate" in the legislature. that would opt a ele,nll} one It may fid to the said, prt'41U.el him fnrhl winking as notwail much ape Drury continues • hn•reaat• of the Inch Jung vi tie, as a ( formerly 44.101 both ryes or tither .•ye I fine of eke re usm Illijla'd. a t without hunt t r.el found onto out a. nee pi ee The 14,mtry rlqulres. ,not ab'r 1 mark of s"•Ini distia•tfou. de1"itiug. •'wordy, worn', worths," • • • but action; action igtit iegialative 1 At•eordlugto the testimony Of 1 Muth New Material. and administrative. , 1UN van former min• forer pupils. the. famous, Dr. Taasete I Thr fairly large tommer of yonug urih group get action \\'••11, if the of Galt w-rs to I.trict di-.lplinarinn gild'members Iwds uttt• to hope that ser- -,ill party in power lots a dour major- ity in the House, i don't think they can get action. They w111 have fit' more efft,•t than the proverbial fly on the wheel. The Government. will disregard themlf, however. they hold that 11141 re thing, the •'taIa1N.• of power." the eats• may votively. wielded the taws,. frequently. -111 rrnl nh1. sPea krr+ and dello: I It mast is admitted he touted out he dis•I)Mwl dnrine the s•,wio0, with. the 11011 0.1.- filing 1„ ,the e' 4.nserrative•it. 'Wine ver}- good 1441101tIrs. _Thy 1,11"•rnls. ece.•pliug leader Shi- a_ Chair. whlew seriousness of radii rz- Th. 1ntaun (lotenijat•nt 'lora will ares -furl is farad 111 hl' •-fta,•i1v4 clew t., go aly lu the matter •4 11w• livery. and Knot. ('lerke. with his ranstie• joke.., hove not.. sh(.Wli what they are capable of. Hon. Manning IMlt,rty's follower+ have Iw.•n very ably led ,e. far and Judging by his very strung arraignment of Fe•rgnenn's position in not ree o.nlzi05.11,dm and Hon. air. Itan(•y'+ w1•II•kuoau f1RJtt- ably be different. Having 11 in their d, -4I •ntng of the lit. 1,11wrel)', Great power to upset the Government and force an election eon they not get what they want?. Y.•s, Intt only at sults are timidwlly u1N•rrt*ln. the .pride of coalition. No party M • • • polder will yield (O the denna1ds of The president of the ('auadian allot her party on a matter whichllawutae[un•r.' .\'soelatlnu censures Ing abilities hos group will likely form may 111 s is 'split its own support, ! the most effrcttre• rap peettlon. Tho unless is assured ,of c'ontinoed the. Governme•ut for mincing the tar- mond tiff,, between McBride ut Brant - .support. In purer words. -of coalition. Iff. while the e.,mplaint from Progress- ford and rise (d her wing of 1h.• ('(alitionight stet a partial r.roo llAe• sire quarters that the Government Labor party are ;dressily in evidence. tion of the nds.desired, hut it would has net r ttee1- Tie ••leilff. What's Wet or Dry,(carry, with it all the ills, and more. the answer? . • that Mr. Goof fears. On the other - • • • The 1). T. A. will as usual .s'eiipGoof hand, if the Government in power, not n prominent peace in the IrRlaatrr being essayed cont{ 1114,1 support "The correct terms are '1.31.11 Gov program. and is ranging considerable from tos he group. Jett. its proposal, er11merrt' and 'Labor party,' not •A' le. suer and dlrlalun of the Govern- the group must eft .• prepared to lallst government' and 'Socialist per- mens club'. altt'alal:uld. of the i force an r)w'tIon, w ell would heave ty,' " says Ik'it Spoor, ehi,f whip for! Toronto IileTrb r,, n(1'1%1%01441.1111. fnvor 44f firings in no better posltkrn than they less n•stri.-tion. 1111 1411 n+urls.l the Ramsay MacDonald a;orernment.l \\els illgMn Har'+ lentrrnnlele, and i..\. erre, or ',Utility Itself by abs ndonlllR A Toronto daily which lists been calling' Currie, also of Toroutonare likely to ' its position. i grevltiy fear the group In Parliameeiat would ii44 as Indeed It the "Socialist" Gowerument should lead the wet forces oral ehamplen the very chic group it Ottawa !411 take beech. a refiTendnm for Government control. been. quite powerinsa to obtain really Lakes 4cnterway. The eip"•ndlttlre would he a very large 14,1•. WWI the rte • • • The Speaker has received many per - Worth -while resiftt11. ,.The Egyptfao Government has pit fun(tory congratulittions on his ap- It may be true that Vie pee kty11ya r stop --for the present, fit 14411+t -t. ',ointment. but Sam. Clarke 11ome•- h m -Is doomed. 1 do not Gnu Tint wits[ degraded from the suptwrned �t the exploration or piing Tutanklylmen's honors by pointing out that hies powers I wee no Indications of rite nes apr (0151). - it Is sus x ct, (1 that the 1. D g ptoarh of anything different, 1 y 1 (fYP• were very limited and expressed his the party system, not, the, two -pa than are opposed Hot so much to the surprise at his, the Sp,eaker's, marked despoiling of the tomb sato the tak-I ability in delivering prayers, and the . ins Of the ,{bila out uL the ,,:eouatey,. advantage lie had In hiding itis 1/111%1101 ��.\fid perhaps they- are not so nnrdne- finder life sonmw-hnt florid mmples• Ion. ot1thie at that, A very interesting though not a WRIG ;After every meal A pleasant aad agreeablec sweet and a I-a.s-t-1-n-g benefit as well. Good for teeth, breath d digestion. • • • T Globe tatta.k11 Toronto', mow.; e•tpll i tteslntent and the "in.•urahot habit of assessing even 1sedy and every - \thing to the limit of their ability to Pay." Yet when an opportunity pres- ented j vlteekn op) to reform end 11imldiroutos •s+essmett The 4;lois. d Its support. ,\ whold I.•4 OOtrop }erm wundernR what is the particularly useful ,f(l,- al la the vet- eran sergeant -at -arms. whose white Iwir and tottering step. are at variance nitll his required denies of pressery lllg the peace ill 1he Chamber er aild adding dignity to the entrance and i DON'T matter *1'11, The Globe. anyway. • • • The Loido 4'Itnml"•r of ('Otnmenel IF urging the electrification of two C. N. It. branch lines entering that city - the London, Itnron k ltrude, and the •Atrstford-St. IMarya Fine. (loderich is iaterest,Yl In the proposal so far As the f.., 11. t H. la concerned find should protect 11s interests. Thist.4s matter with whk•li the 16eel Board oTrade ,. -- --If we have sunk an Inntituttos•sr ailed No Phone Orderer" """'f • e • Cela' iJ,,..,. Late his Ii some warp 1*• t ho iw+Rlsleture aver the low to navigable th! THI TRY THE WTEST • Can Yon Hear Plee• .vah eo ear then drew awe Yo•d should hear n.k st in,hes. Dote • t;• emit in rent tare prevent roux proper pons' t LEONARD EAR OIL A I t••4•rn hn h rind 1d., ... end De.i- nese, Ion r,,4,' it bed of }o...• •..d i1•ert;., ao,W . P.i4. 51.25 t Fn. W •errs •re. d 1 IM•»,fint dlr.er(plivw fbl.lar e MM •port I••IW rr. es A. O. IJEOftARD, to e..1) A-.. Nervous Indigestion Some •f- Ila Causes a.nd Ifow Itr- ldef May Be Obtained. Shiny people suff.rr from nervous iu- digestion. The eummotlrttt causes are worry. nwerswork, lack of eiereie..or a general nuolown condition of the system it is a disease of the nerve,* niftier than ref the dlgesttfye organs. and is ,•orreetwl by giving needed nourishment to file ner4-,;i- -y(t.•111 WOME! DYE IT EW FOR 15c Skirts Waists Coats e Don't wonder vrl.,•ther you can dye or ; tint •ucc.s+efullt. because perfect home (Iyein" is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes even if you ha»r ,..ever dyed be- fore.- Dnlggi+es have u! . ,:a. Dirac - Corn ''1 ear!, package. Kimonos Draperies Dresses Ginghams c weater5 -- St A RARE BARGAIN lip s',ecial arrangement with the Family Herald and «eekl'. Star of Montreal, we are able to off 'r that great family and farm paper at a very attractive ptire The Family Herald and Weekly Star Costs $2 00 per year The Signal costs $''2.00 per year We now offer _ - Both Papers For $3.50 • YOU SAVE 50COITS In addition, each subscriber receives a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE ENTITLEi) "The Wonderful Heroine" This beautiful work of art, In ten colors, is 118 z 24 incites in size, on a rieh, heavy paper, ready for framing Orders for this Club must be sent to THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO. and building rap the blood. . T1u•, treatment consists larg.•I?• 1n rest. recreation and the use of a true 'took Stich as 1)r. William,. fink fills. In addition. the patient should follow a (•awful diet, and avoid coffee end stimnlnntt, thshe being unsuitable for nervous people. .ts ()ne'ei_nerves rely for nourishment upon the blood. the ' latter must 1"- 1.11111 up Anil made rich and Imre, whbit Is jest what 1)r. Wii- liamai Pink fills do. if there Is loss of weght and pallor. i►r. Williams' Pink trolls are .specially lmIi,tul. airs. Adolphna Villeneuve. It. H. No. 2. Apple Hill, Cella sa follows 11411 she obtained relief: --"i was :AY lad with nervous Indigestion that 1 (could not digest nnsihing i took and as a von- s,vpien,e Ws, a great sufferer. 1 doc- tored for four months Mat wvmed to he getting worse instead of better. I Mat arrength to midi an extent that i could hardly go about. Then my mother came to see me and urged me to try Dr. Wiliam•' Pink Pill! and 1 followed her advice and got a supply. at once. After taking n few laze,' i felt My strength retnrntlg and h con- tinued ttv'tr use until at ..fie end of a few months i r,ould eat anything I de- sired And regained my oldtime health and strength and was In every way a well woman. i am so thankful for what Pr Williams' I'Ink Palle (lid for me that i always airier Weir rite when any of my friends are run down or ailing." Yon ran Ret these pills from any m(dk•Ine dealer or by mall at :elle. n box from The rn. Williams Mevlicine' Co., Brockville, (int. Admitting Something t 1t N•as In an old-fashioni•t) elllage in comity cork. where a smart young man from Landon went t?, spend file holhdA)s. Poring ayillir stay he played hsrtw• with the hearts of the fair ilex. One night In the smoking -room of the hate at whtrh tie was stnyin¢. he ennress,sl that Ile iOW kissed all the young nehmen 1n the village a �- eept one. :\ young farmer, who hued quite re- cently married the. belle of the vil- lage. overheard his remark, and went home and M'4 his wife. ".tush, nem, Patrick!" she re - Wiest tln(1 n pin,zled r1prr'slon cr44ssd her face, "and who In the warmth! este that wan Ise?" S•eriflee to Elneeraa. .\ minority me• elerelol, Into a majority. Iso 181w:14(4 nt the .fieri• flee uf• its beautiful ,enthusiasm. --- San Franc. Sell Chenille e. • F1%4 ell ord es/aGss= fee 1 � w Ira Ford PerteCiat3 ter 10 ono. or b, The Woe sea aim • S•r.4.. i•r S•r�i•� ho•w •- - ac. ;' 11 Tek -0 Why Ford Pio low haste. Service Every- where At Low Rates There arc MOO authorised Reed Ser- vice ervice Stations is Gonda. Each of these Ford Service Standen• u a dire, link bowmen the Ford user and eh. Ford factory. Each is manned by %rectally trained Ford mechanics skilled in every °per- anna pertaining to servicing roue Ford Each urns a complete stock of Genuine Foni Pam which ars m every detail, idenncal with the anginal pets in your CA? and therefore co-ovduutr pertec,ly with every other part_ Every Ford part and ewer Ford service op•esfm r charged for sit a standard low las. You need not bargain, be cause you will not be overcharged And •o, DO cutter whew you buy your Ford or where you use It. there is al- ways a Ford Service Station tsby ready to gds you expert end iasediate service SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER (ienuinrw.+.e Parts For Sale re