The Signal, 1924-2-21, Page 1}
A New Serial Story
will be commenced in an early issue
of The Signal. It;will be a good one.
Watch for it.
A Plea for Civic Harmony,
o -operation and Progress
Some serious thought may well be
--.-----_Is ru kthe ptoplr 41 (3oderi h to tbe
QOestlon of the town's civic equipment.
When this question comes up some-
one is sure to remark to the effect
that "w'ti canted do auything because
the town Is tied up by its debenture
debt" This ha. been beard so often
abut it has be.ome almost a settled
tousiettou, and every step towxrdn
w progress I. !impeded by the firmly root-
ed ides that Goderich Is staggering
beneath a burden of debt. Mow far
1. this true?
A reefereoce to the civic records
.hoes that the debenture. debt On De-
cember 31wt. 10123 wa. 1291.967. In
191:; it was $424.043.t4. Thus in tau
year; there bas leen a reduction of
over $162,000. Euenn year a portion is
Ira of/ and withtn the next aeweu
years there will be a further retitle-
ai..0 of over 1100,000.
By the end of the year 1930, then,
our debenture debt will be lrsa than
1190,000-1F in the meantime we lame
no further debeutures. But we do not
suppose taut anybody seriously pro-
poses that for the next etz or *even
gars the town should stand still and
let the civic plant go to wreck simply
in order to avoid new investments. It
-would be tad bueine', for a private
cone4.01 to puraur such a course ; ft
would be equally poor bnsinewe for the
Right now Godericb la faced with
the necessity of soaking new expendi-
tures la at least three dlffevest dir-
ections -that is, if we accept the view
that we are to keep our civic plant in
shape and up to date. We need improv-
ed boepital accommodation. We need a
larger and better -equipped Collegiate
Institute [wilding. We need a new
town hall with an auditorium for pub-
es gatherings. (We do not take in-
to aocouat here the improvement of
our water /apply system. This fa
being )ylentNOf tallest' aSipr �leEdM
of the Provincial Board of Health and
the cost will be paid by the water -
takers aad will not figure in the tax
Mala ►
With regard to improved hospital
aeosmaodatfoa a pod case was
made out for a new building. but tbe
It Is nothing abort of a calamity that
Goderk'h has no adequate public meet-
ing -place. Mti,4 11eTtowtfe ttrebet-
ter provided ►a this respect than we
Signal Advertisements
read by the best people in Code -
rich and district -the people who buy.
TUI 1114116111. ?WANTING 00. LiJIIT D, Publishers,
,September 3. 4 and 5
The News of the Town , es
Goderich Fall Fair Dat
Valentine for Miss Powell .
A very ph-a,dng little itx4dent took
tidos. at the G. c'. I. last week when
tate pupils of Form 111. A presented
their timelier. like Mabel .1(tw_rli,
with a beautiful bouquet of roma In
token of Fit Valentine's Day.
Aisrse& aripties Sam estdul
A. M. Gamble.
Year 1gratefully ickaow
' ledged: TWemabip
The Ahmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E.. at -tot I'bornr $1000 • JYw•
twined its objeMlve to 19:."t, that of 1110.00; A. M. Robertson, $10.60; Ernest
mixing the sum of 11.000 for the Ai. Pritchard, 32Me•
00; Weele7 thodlit
; ezandra Hoepltal building fund. 921e i
ebIlleh, Clinton, 37.50; Rev. Father
T .
at -sitter on its activities during Th. Oer
'.-16.�� fns, Clinton, -
year cleared over $1.002, of which $10 $2.tei; Miss Frances, Sharp. Verna.
are. We have DO proper plate for pub- I went for lapaneee relief andHayn, 11.00; McKlll. township, $110••
lk entertainments. We cannot bring
Central Hems and *hoot Club I ward the salary of the pebnol horse. 'p
on De0
ominion : West. Wewanosh township, $15.00;
Th "mile of coppers"
'meeker" of importance here, for we
Tu jeer t h1 $10W Morris
bare no place for them to speak in.I
Even political campaign meetings are
held under difficult conditious. The
community 'spirit of the town is dulled
and deadened by the lack of any place
for the getting together of the people.
Improvement projects, such as those
for the hospital and the Collegiate In-
stitute, would be easier to carry if-
tbe people could be brought togrth
to discuss them under comfortable Bir-
cumstances. A good deal, too. might
be said as to the urgent necessity of
better aeeommodatlon for the civic of-
fices and the protection of the civic
records; if anybody wants any In-
formation t ibis -point let him en-
quire of any of the ofneera at the town
hall. The auditorium to come tion
with a hew hall could be rented for
meetings and entertainment--, and the
revenue metered in this way would kelp
in meeting the cof the building.
Now, then, with these three projects
before us., what is to be done? When.
ever any particular propoeitlon comes
op for a decision you hear people
saying that something else is needed
worse•. Each project has its advocates,
eons/. of whom at least will not sup-
port rinser of the others until they
get their own favorite project put
through. The writer beard two citi-
zens diecusatng this very matter not
long ago and one of them, wbo has
held the highest Dace In the town,
summed up the situation by stating
that the town was divided tido groups
-"gauge was the word he used -each
bent on Its own object and unwilling
to give way to any other. Isn't there
a good deal of troth in this??
What L the way out? Would 1t
Bet be a wise thing to have a get -
Weedier meeting replceeoting e11 the
various projects. with the towndisco/etn-
ell, to discothe situation and see
What can be done about it? It is not
to be supposed that the projects can
gram all be put through at on, but a p
gram might be mapped oot-subject.
of course. to the approtal of the rate-
payers --under which all three could be
carried out within the space of a f
years. If such a program could bethfu
agreed upon and failly accepted.
then each proposition when It should
go before the people would have a
united support, instead of eacounterittg ketone, atone, and heastllity of the sue -
pouters of the other two propositions.
Some forbearance would have 00 be
exercised. the pint of give S$d like
would have to be La evidence is spier
that the desired agreement might' be
reached; bot if thole tntereeted �aald
take "t1 long view" - would look
ahead a few years► -they would see
*0 three projects carried through Inbemoana spirit of bemoan and cooperation.)
If fire or six years from Doer we
have a new town hall, a new Collegiate
Institute building, a new and well-
equipped tsoplml bonding, 'hail we
not all be better satisfied than if we
aooapt' any sotherness second -beat oerness just
la order to "get something done be-
fore the people are ready to vote for
the larger schemes?
Let the town council give the lead
in a get-together movement that will
reconcile the differences among the
advocates of the various proposals
here mentioned and pave the way to a
realization of the worthy desires of
i'e0 to- $1.00; F.. V. Leeaiie, $1.00, Mies Aw'l's
Miss. Kidney gave a splendi.. paper I Day enriched the Chapter's coffers len ry owns p.
to Home- Work at the regular meet - to the extent of $331, while the child- I township. 815.00; Mullett township,
ing of the Hnme and School Club of
Central t4•hool last Friday. General
dba•usaion followed by the members
present. T1s Milled: for 1924 are:
President, Mrs. John Purvis; eke -
president, Principal Isabel E. Shan.
man; reeording s, -rotary. Mr.. it. R.
Sallows; eorreeponding secretary, Mr-.
C. K. Saunders; treasurer, Miss Ma,'
bylaw when submitted to tie voters
failed to serene a majority. It would
have ben almost a worse thing if
the bylaw had carried by • bare ma-
jority, for then about half our people
would be sera/mg a grudge against an
tnatlttttlos for which the sympathies of
all should be enlisted. The same con-
akderattoa should Impel us to go
slowly about adopting any second-
best scheme with regard to our boa-
p11a1. The prime requldte la that
any policy adopted should hare the
hearty goodwill of the people, and the
prospect of securing this general ap-
proved and support to not so remote,
The Mesal believes, as might be im-
agined by those whose hopes have
been so often disappointed.
The Collegiate lnwtttute project L
now before the town council and fa
the ordinary course would be submit-
ted to the people for approval or re-
jection -watt, the odd. is favor of re-
jecloD. it Weald tea tits of the
hospital bylaw over again. and the out-
come would be a punting problem for
the Collegiate board.
That, there V tbe question of a now
town hall. This las not, like the two
other propositions, an organised sup•
port. but there I• probably M much
popular desire behind this proposal as
{bars la behind either of the others.
$1.1.00; Goderk•h towneehip, $10.00:
ren's doll eontest realized for the so- Eu -.t 11'awanosh, 815.00; A. Raeker,
eie•h' 1214. Homo made baking Bales, Rri Ls $5 00. Fteter $10.00: Mrs.
idances and card partial were aim the Swanson, $1.00. Clothing and pools-
mraus of contributing toward the l ions also were received from Mrs.
Chapter's pledgeledgeof $1.000. Frank Allen. Mrs. Jane H. Leaeb. Mrs. '
The otfteerp for the turning year, Ct. George frier. Uoferich Collegiate at the annual meeting last
Literary Society, Mts. Ivy Elliott, Uta.
week. are: MarVk•ar, and Robert ►rrison. Bel -
Hon. regent, Mrs. Carrie; regent. ; H --
Ket. el. H. Osteerhout Celled to Ottawa
Rev. J. 11. Osterltout, B. A.. B. D.. of
Lucknow, a former pastor of Victoria
street Methodist church. Goderlch, has
been tendered an invitation by the
F.aste'rn Methodist dlurch. Ottawa, to
become It' pastor ar the beginobnth of
the next Conference year in July.
Rev. T. Wesley Owens. of the Ottawa
church, les in tarn been tendered a
call by the Lucitnow Methodist church.
Both calla have been accepted. sub-
ject to the action of the transfer and
stationing committer..
Dlreeter of Ayrshire Aasoriation
Mr. Alex. Hume. of Campbellford.
wbo was elected a director of the
Ayrshire Breeders' Awlctation of Can-
ada at the annual meeting of net
organization st Tomato last week, is a
brother of Principal J. P. Hume of
Godertch. Mr Ilnme, who has been for
the past twenty-five yearn one of the
most prominent Ayrshire breeders in
the Dominion. was aleo chosen ae one
of a committee of three to interview the
Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Hon.
J. F. Martin, on behalf of the As-
sociation and in support of .the reten-
tion of the Dairy Standards Act_
Mrs. Joae1►Bateman ; Int vice-regent,
Mrs. W. T. Murney ; 2nd vice-regent:
Mrs. Walker; secretary, Mrs. 11. J. A.
MacEwen: :insistent -secretory, Minn
13. MaeVicar; treasurer, Mrs. 1).
Brews; standard-bearer, Mass E. Bing-
Ahmeek Chapter's "Five Hundred"
The "500 and dance" given in the
Muennlc Temple Thursday evening
under the anspkes of the Ahmeet
Chapter, I. 0. D. F.., was a nplendld
suuv'ees, both as to numbers and as to
the enjoyable time spent by those who
attended. There we -re thirty-five
tables' of 500, the prtzee being won
by Mrs. W. T. Murney sod Mr.
Douglas Mooney and Mien Copp and
Mr. .7. W. Murray. The Blackstone
orcbcetn eupptied the mucic for the
dancing. wbtch waw participated in
also by a largo number who arrived
atter the cards were over.
Thee t}oderirh industrial EthlhltiOn
will be held this year on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday', [September 3rd.
4th and Mb. These dates were f'-
et a meettbg of the board of directors
at the town hall on Saturday evening.
'Phe early dates have commended
them.eic.a to the directors from the
exprrienee of Ow last two or three
years. although of course K is Impos-
sible to reconcile all interred!. to any
pertk.ular dates.
There was some discussion on the
question of having a two-day instead
of a three-day fair, but the large ma-
or'ty were in favor of holding the
fad on three days as In the past.
lir. \V F. ('lark, V. 5., wag reap-
Is t21t d secretary and treasurer.
• Committees Appointed.
Committers for tbe year's work were
Celebrating Its First Anniversary constituted as follows:
'The meetingof the Home and School I Printing sod Advertistag-•-Js. L.
Knox. Dr. W. F. Gallow,,,P. J. Ryan.
Club of Victoria sebool on Friday even- 11 T. Edwards.
Ing last was to the nature of a birth -1 tttracri me and Program -Lana'
gym' day cebe•bmltion, as it is nett * year Salkeld. W. H. Robertson. B. C. Mun-
einee the ('1111 W*,' er. t*hlt.4 d. The singe W W. F. Clark, I.. I.. Knox, 11. J.
Mr. Weldon ('ompkmetsfti.- t president, biro Reddttt, in her address.; A, astodewew---
The North street ore•t'estra, organize was able to speak with pride of the ! Sp.i-d Teats -_Thoma' Gundry, Jas.
w1 and trailed by Mr. 1). H. Weston, achievement* of the Chub in its year'" Connoolly, A. A. Fh(h►r, Wm. Greco W.
1.. L. C. M.. -during his stay In (ode- existence. and the reports of the see- ; F, (•lark. 1. Salkeld, R. ('. Green,
rich. asst+tet very pleasingly at 111e eV- retary, Miss Le Tonne!, and the trees- I Horses --Wm. tlr,en. A. A. Ftsher.
ening service in North street Methodist urer, Mrs. Wm: Prier, showed that the' 0. F. Eefward, Geo._ Andrew*, 1i. Lam•
church last Sunday. The number," organization is in a most flouriyhing prey W. T. S'l'ows, T. (lumdry, .1.
rendered by the orchestra included: (ndttion.. During the year the s -um
"Largo" and "Gloria in Excelnie" activities undertaken. and of this a-
(Mozart). The siedInsee. orebestra, mount about 1280 was expended in
.vhmpoped as it is of Mr. Weeton, organ. providng milk for underweight child -
Mks Edna Hunt and Mine Olive ren in attendance at the school.
Whitely, violins, Mr. Clyde Carter and Officer. for the coming year are as
Mr. Sidney Palmer, clarinets, end Mr. follows: Hon. presidents, 3. E. Tom,
Stanley Porter, cornet, was sekettd Alex. Saunders; president, Mrs. Red -
during the *ervlee by Mr. Harold ditt ; vice-presldenta, R. Stonehouse,
Rlacke.tone, flute. The fact of the or- Mrs. Allen, Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs.
chestra'q thus asdeeting at the 'twice Harry Rtack. Urn Wheeler, Men.
was in the nature of a complimentary Calvin Cutt; recording secretary, Mre.
farewell to Mr. Werton, who leaves ('has. Robertson; corresponding were -
shortly for Paris. tary. Mrs. E. Evans; treasurer, Mrs.
The pastor. Rev. Jr. E. IIolmeq, re- Prl.e: executive committee, Mimed;
feared in feeling terms toMr. Weaeton's Hamilton, Wiggins and Sturdy, Mrs.
departure. He ezpre'eed the congro- Taylor, Rev. J. W. Hedley, Jame, F.
gatloae appreciation of the •ervkes Thomson: social committee, Mrs.
of Mr Weeton, of whom he spoke an Temple Clark, Mrs. Newcombe. Mac.
being a splendid organist. Rev. Mr. Noble Young, Mrs. J. Thomas. Mn..
Holmes concluded htdn brief remarks by J. F. Thomson. Mrs. MacAulay, Mr,.
"Hotting MY. Weston the beet of pug- Evans, Mrs. Matteson
ceps in bis new petition. I Atter the business of, the evening
had been concluded, an Intere+ting pro -
Curling Touriomeat Completed ream eras given, the chief feature
twine an excellent addreem b7 Misr
The Matthews Steamship Co., Ltd..'
has announced the appointment of the •
following officers for 1524: • -
Oaptalns :-Steamer Matheweton, W.
J. Moles. Toronto; steamer No. 73, C..
R. AJNison. Mooretown. Ont.; nesse
er 1Perryton, D. A. Kenosdy, Colltng-
wood; steamer Riverton, Geo. Bunting,
Qoljingilued ; steamer Laketon. Peter
*011477., Sarnia; steamer Dayton, W.
r. =}*woad, Mimeos; cleanser Eus-
tis*, Joe larder', Oodaefeb ; steamer
!(wktoa, Marshall Robson, Toronto;
Oteneadaa, N. M. Scott, Hamilton ;
Miiaair Olonaftom, J. T. Rock,
'Marton: str. Olenvegaa. Wm. Mona-
I,arpr, '1*srold : gr. Walton. John A.
pmitth, Coa wiU; steamer t)akton, E.
Dakar, Feet Dalhousie; steamer Bireh-
Mi. Webb Beatty. Midland : steamer
(last tos. Wm. '1efeek. Kingston.
1 ssrs:-'.#Maser M.thawatoa,
nada, Oedoduli ; steamer
J. T. MAW, Port Colborne:
Omni Murray,.0.M.-
T. Q, Twass►
ter, Sarnia ; steamer Laketon. D. H.
McConnell, Colllagwood ; steamer Gay-
ton, L. B. Croak, Ooderich ; steamer
Nastoo, F. Fawcett, Toronto; steamer
Yorkton, Geo. Jarrell, Kingston ; steam-
er Ole*eadam. F. E. Brierendem,
Walton. N. S.; eleamer Clenafton,
Wm. Rennie, Colliogwood ; steamer
Olenvegan, O o. D. Murphy, Elgin;
steamer •Melton, J. H. Robinson, Tren-
ton; steamer Clinton, Chas. Gray,
Port Robinson ; steamer Oaktou, W. P.
Craig, Collingwood ; steamer Rirchton,
Joe Sweeting, jun., Midland ; steamer
Oedarton, K. B. beWtlle, Toronto.
"Ffth Noeturue" (Leyha-hl, Hendren o $376.95 wan talrwl by on, rariou*
Alesaseia Graduate* Oepnize
Having if its objects "the promo-
tion of unitjr and good feeling among
the alumnae and the advance of the
Interests of the profession of num
Log," there has been organized in
Goderleh the Alumnae Association of
tbe Alexandra Hospital Training
School for Nurses. The officers of
Mk young society are: Hon. pre•1-
dent. hiss Matheson; hon. vice-pred-
dent. 'Miss Maaterton ; president, Mrs.
E. Clifford Webb; vee -president, Mia.
Cora Mell(anus; recording scere-
tary, Mita Tlorenee Dough-
rety : eorre.pOnding secretary, Mrs.
George Aalk444; treasurer, Mies
Florence Dnrnin.
Whet the Package Deem
Tea groweed,have found from expef-
henee that it le necessary Immediately
to pack tea 1n air-tgbt metal-tthed
chests, to preserve the flavor and good-
ness of the leaf. Equally so 1s en
air -tight package ne•eeassry for the
small lob of tea for individual coo -
gumption. Bulk tea 1s aiways Infer-
ior tea because it is exposed to air.
The S A L A DA " air tight al-
outman peeling 112 the most itJlalset
way of pt.suevinn tea known.
As indicated in last week's tame.
the winner of the rine tournament at school,on ...The King;• Enslfsb yooal
the Goderfeh Curling Club turned up solos were given by Map. Harvey
in Chas. H. Humber's rink, Composed (tett and Mrs. Temple Clark. a piano
of himself as skip and John Morison. solo by Lean,. Harrison. and a piano
Wm. Webster. anti H. J. A. MacEwan. duct iry Pauline and Geraldine Mc -
Wm. Wallace *kipped the second- Ewen. Lntx'h wee served and a pleas-
piaee rink, and supporting him were A.1 ant social time was spent. There was
Goldthorpe, W. R. Pinder and L. L. a good attendance.
The results in the fourth round of
the tournament were as follows:
A. Higginson 12, G. Symonds 8.
J. Brophey 15, R. Megaw 14.
Wm. Wallace 22, H. Fisher 12.
C. A., Reid 15, C. Campion 8.
O. H. Humber, a bye.
The standing of the nine rinks at
the condo/don of the tournament, the
score being gtven by rounds, was as
follows : _ __
- 3 3rd 4th.Tota1
(1. Humber $ L --/-11 20
W. Wallace 1 0 6 7 16
H. Fisher 7 3 5 0 15
J. Brophey 7 5 0 2 14
C. A. Reid 0 7 0 7 14
A. Higginson 0' 3 2 5 10
R. Megaw 5 0 0 0 5
0 6ymonda 0 0 2 0 2
C. Campion 0 0 0 0 0
The executive committee Kaes ar-
ranged and made the draw for a
Scotch double' tournament. The fol-
lowing rules are to govern in this
tournament: Ten end* shall e•onnt i-
tate a game; player will pay
four stoles; no substitutes will be
allowed; three polntn will be allowed
for a defaulted game; a maxlttium plus
score of four points will 1* allowed
with an additional point for the win.
Theee are sixteen palm entered In the
Roves, of the staff of Exeter High
Maisie at North Street Methodist
The .ervk•e next Sunday evening will
be the last at which Mr. D. H. Weston
will prgalde as organist of North
strret.Metbodlat church prior to his de-
parture for Parts. where he *amines
hie now Buttes as organist and choir-
master of the Methodist chnreh there
on the Bret Sunday in March. Mr.
Weston's organ numbers Sunday even-
ing will be as folbowa : Prelude, "Lead,
Kindly Light" (with lariatlos) ; of-
fertory, "Merchants"; postlude. "Fngne
1n D Minor" (Bach). Mia; Hazel Bel-
cher and Mrs. A. J. MacKay will
render the duet, "How Sweet the
Name of Jeans Sounds." an well as
taking ineideatel solo. In the anthem,
"Hark, Hark. My Soul" (Shelley). by
the choir.
Win of (be Late A. W. Strickland
The will of the late Alexander Wil-
liam Rtriekland, of Toronto, formerly
manager of the local branch of the
Rank of Montreal, who died et Guelph
December lib last, ias been probated.
Mr. Rtrlckland'a will, which was exe-
cuted in April, 1015. at Merritt, B. C.,
provided that the sum of $1.500 go to
his dangbter, Miss Marton Strickland,
$1.500 end hie jewellery to his son, Mr.
()tore Strickland, of Cleveland. and
the residue of the estate, 5002* $7.500.
to hon widow, Mrs. Julia M. Strick-
land. of 232 Jarvis street. 'Toronto.
The bulk of the estate correlated of
8451 e'ash In the bank end $10,u00 life
insurance. There were. also 4,060
shares of stock in oil and mining com-
panies as well so real estate In British
Cambia. both of which, however.
were listed as of no vale..
Clomp to Nam Amu* tbotr eatsso 't
se Monday. 0tibraary Silk.
O. C. L Magary Satiety
On Friday, ?Artgsry 15th. the G C.
I. held its first "Int" of the new year.
It was opened by a few remarks from
the prerldent, Mr. Tom Cutt. Then a
lovely (Nolo was rendered by :'amine
MclOwen. who Is always a rut -Meal fav-
orite. The next item on tie program
was the bnrltaque boxing boot be-
tween "Joe Plugg" (Brock Orr) and
-"Poiwm Pets" (Harold Areekaw).
This afforded a eontinnoua laugh for
about wolf -*n -hoar. The boxers were
ably seconded by Robert MoI.e od and
(Marie, Humber. wins were resplen-
dent to scars and black 'yea and who
weir armed with towel*, mallets, ropes,
saws. oilcan's, and even a battery bor-
rowed from the ectence mom. The
ring leader, Reg. Munroe. and his
alarm Hoek were *leo greatly in evi-
dence. When it seemed that the audi-
ence Nor perfectly „ezbausted from
laugfhing, the iwout broke up. an armis-
flee having been signed to Iceland. -I
The subjtet of the debate between ,
B and HI. A war: "Resolved, that
life imprisonment ebonld take the
place of capital punishment." The
verdict of the judge. was "Idfe 1m-;
pr1*onment !" and so the affirmative
r McLeod leader and Jean
Winter won apnea the negative aide, 1
Pleasant indeed was the gathering at • We are proud to say that one of our •
the Chlldren'r Abetter Tuesdays evening G. C. 1. student*, Grace Sonley, was
of butt week when the lantern dont- presented with a ter and a bronze
ted to the Shelter at Christ- medal. The medal was given for forty
MDR time by the (lodeerich words and the bar for fifty, by the Un-
employees of the C P. R. as. used derwood Typewriter Co. We are look -
to good ad'xlntage in depicting to lag forward to other 'memento for
the thirteen young inmates and to Grace and her commercial companion.,,ss
others aamhled the prfgreaa of a the next prize on the lint being
number of the was of Heron county [liver medal for alzty word*.
Children'* Ald Society. The super-' The Journal, which was full of
Intendent, Mr. 0 M. Elliott, showed jokes and poetry. and even touched the
125 slide,. which revealed with. graphic tortoni; nide of lite, was rM_Q hy
effect many intererttng hxidentp in Charlie 'lumber. Then, Allen eat -
the lives of the children In their foster- ler played a piano auto with her usual
homes. Among other features of tbe skill.
program r short address was given The play, "Jnst a Utile Mistake,"
by Rev. J. W. Hedley. and Mr. Welter was rep to the customary high etan-
Sbdpman sang "Keep Ping." mueh dard set hy former playa of the O. C.
to the delight of the kiddies i, The east conflated of pupils from
At the regular meeting of the So- MILS: Edna Hnnt, Nina Johnston, lev-
cisty the form of agreement )ty means elyn Clark. ea ladies of the hoose,
of which children are placed Ant in Jean Pinder, AP the vbitor, and last
foster -hoes was explained and die- but funniest of all. Ranson Pentland,
eoesd at Nome length. The form of as the cook. After the lItUe Mksagreement. It was concluded. was quite Take was Motored to her rights. the
usHi cMry. There are thirteen Pltild- 0. C 1. students rookand sang, "004
ren at pensent In the abetter for Save the King." d
wits o Ssd�r V oatstfoosly and , With this good beginning we all ez-
M f lo*liig ionisr-besets pact splendid "Uta." in the future.
as Ys'silg nosh esrtalbeties's are -J. W.
Field Crops tad Vegetable$ -0. F. Ed-
jeeral. B. C., Munnlgs, J.W. Maoticar.
J. TowlerJ. 8owerby.
Ladles' Work and Fine Arts- -E. R.
;-DT W. -F. ()allow; a Gould,
J. W. IfseVtear, P. J. Ryan.
Flawetw-- Dr. W. F. (know. H. T.
Edwards. B. C. Munnings. ZV. F. Mat-
Fruit -0. ADdrebw's, G. Sturdy, 1.
Salkeld. I1. Lamprey, W. T. Stllowa.
Grand Stand -B. C. ]lunniop'. H. J.
A. MacEwan, 11. 1'. Edwards. 1'. J.
Ryan, J. Connolly, G. Andrews.
Grounds and Gateee--Preeident and
Vice -Presidents (W. T. Murney. Thos. Green).
Wm. reen).
Merchants'Displays- -W. H. Robert-
son, 11 R. Wythe, I.. L. Knox. H. T.
Edwards, J. W. Mat•Vicar, P. J.
Colleettons-H. J. A. 3LaeiwaL A
8'. Naftel. W. F. Clark, 1. Salkeld. Metal
Western OntarioiMetalThe secretary stated that he was
endeavoring to get a number of
good Western Ontario [lairs to join
dates al
In a circuit, so that dates be
[tett not to conflict. andcon-
verted effort might be employed to
securing Retractions sad lu other ways
that would be beneficial to a1i con-
cerned.In this eeonne'tion the Tillaon-
barg, Coltingwoal, Stratford. Wood-
stock and Owen Sound fairs were men -
Connolly. ' • t ionel.
Cattle -(leo. Andrews, Rol/t. Gien.i Dr. Clark has mins revived a let -
John Fowler, Gordon Bisset ('. A. Rob- ter from the secretary of the Strat-
ert»on. ford fair board strongly endorsing the
Sheep -Gera. Sturdy. Robt. QMw.Lt,Mit-of a Western Ontario fairs dr -
Jarvis McBride. ; cult and mentioning a large attmc-
Ptg+e--John Sowcrhy, John Fowler, tion that�� of ecv ed d o l by Dr.
con -
C. A. Robertton. A A. Felber:- -+-
Poultry -aft. Gould. R. O. Mega,. Clark Is continuing Msefforts In this
G. Sturdy, J. W. MacViear. direetios.
Clinton 7--Goderieb 4
They came, thtey saw•, they conquer-
ed ! Who e•ame? What dint they air'.
Whom did they eonqucr? Clinton
junior N. H
st . L. team visited Gode-
rlch laFriday night and eliminated
the local junior sextette by winning
a scheduled game by the score of 7 to
4, wiring them the round 12 to 8. It 1
must be admitted that thelorals were
'Sewer 'toff color." The first two
period'. were productive of very poor
hockey ; the game pepped up a little
in the 'apt twenty minutes, Oedcrieh
outscoring the visitors 4 to 2. That
tournament. nide, Rob' t •
Frank McCarthy, leader, and Marjory
Children's Aid Society Notes
150 tans frogs 5eaforth who boarded
the special train for Clinton at 7
o'clock on Monday evening expected
a clone game. If not defset.
"Both teams gave the beet they had,
in the mune, whkh wee another in-
stance of We advantage of e•ombined
play over individual work. Godertdh
has a team of nod linb'ns good
stkk-handlers end first-rate the kern,
a team which might go far in the
0. 11. A. if they had mastered team
it Might Ilave'1 [-
Results in rte Sraforth- :uelph
series In the stood round of the in-
termediate 0. H. A. were to direct cos-
tradlction of the esentiment of the well-
known e•ouplet : "Of all sad Words of
tongue or pen, the oddest are these,
'It might hone been.' " That it might
hare been Oolerieh whom Guelph trim-
med 5-2 anti 7-2- may somehow prove
a bit of consolation for the 300 -odd
fans swim journeyed to Clinton on the
special train lent week looking and
rheertng for a victory of tato red and .
white over the yellow and black.
The following eomment from two of
the diepatebes from Guelph on the
second game will be read with interest
hy local fans:
"One of the outstanding features of
the match wow the brilliant work of
Stewart, the Seaforth net minder, who
turned sway dozens of dangerous
*hots in rret, period, man who was
respons * for boldiner the wore aa
low as it was. Reg. Reid *Ise tVtaed
in et Oplentild performance sad was by
far the most effective player for See-
'The feature of the gime was the
work of Craven, Guelph left wing. who
world sir of the wren goal-.. ilea- .
forth was outelaeeneel In .11 depart-
ments, and but for the nucanny work
of Stewart, the visitors' goal minder,
the wore would have doubled. He
played s wonderful game In the nets.
and in just about the beet teen here
this 'season. Reid also played well
for the vii4Fbta. bur -the- 7wertt.112 --
team looked very ordinary"
- Torn Leagoe Hoekey
Entries hare been reeeelv.d by L. G.
Young during the past few days for a
town hockey league to com-
pete for the Roberton cup, lost year
won by the Men setnng (Riot Club.
An executive meeting a beim' ld
this (Thursday) evening to (Ira state.- . -
period standing alone would have won
for the locale group honor)
Clinton was by no means at full
strength, due to the absence of Ken
Roberton and Weldle Hovey, who were
away on a vacation. Ken Rorke 3.
undoubtedly the shining light of tier
green and white squad ; his 'speed and
*Mcklhandling were easily the feature
of the game, in which he notrberl
four counters for his team. Rorke Is
a 'vitt little junior end he has
"many" years to go yet ere he reaches
the age limit. Second to Rorke was
(:ole on the defence. He played one
of tile best gamer of hie eareer, rush
ing with a conm.tency and effectiveness
sr that were indeed worthy of praise the schedule and complete the firs
Elliott, in goal, after tnrning snide mentst.
everything throughout the first two
stanzas, let In some easy ones to the Train Service Disorganized
The scone by pefloat was: The worst snow blizzard since
1919 psrly8et the train nerviest
throughont ilsttsttal Western Ontario
on Tnesday and Wednesday of this
week. At the time of writing (Thors-
day morning) It 1. not yet known ex-
actly when • C. N. R train will
reseb (loderi h from Rtratford. A
solid drift two miles long near Sehrl-
villa has thus far proved theme t0
the blockade.
The C. P. R. war mete
Propelled by throe bop •
snnwpkxhgh arrived 1D'
7 o'elock Wedne•d'•
M half -an -hoes -
IoM p. -r106.
Clinton 2-0; 5-0; 7-4.
Ooderlch--Goal, SStiderson ; defence,
Beck, Thompson ; forward', Nairn,
Robtneon, F. AIIi*on ; mobil., 9. Allison,
G. Allison.
Clinton -anal, Lrlibtt; defence, Ned-
iger, Cole; forwards, Higgins. J.
Mutch, Rorke; subs., Cook, F. Mulch.
Referee ---Charles Lightfoot, Strat-
Comment from Bedevils.The Seatorth News In Its issue of
February 14th had the following coin -
Sent on the Godstkh-Seaforth hockey
i pates In connection wtth the write -
tip of the sudden -death gams played
at Clinton on Monday, February 11th:
"On Tdnitwesay night Godertch played
to tesforth and were defeated 5-3.
which placed the batter One game In
the lead for the district. and the to- n•
night In Goderich the Sailors tied
group. winning the game 3-4. ' -
two gra**. Oodsrteh seesaw'
a little the bettor of the •
train whilie papers and they
o'clock 're
11R s (IM to reach the buying
C. u