The Signal, 1924-2-14, Page 9THE SIGNAL, — CODERICIL ONT. _ — .
Esmond Director and
All all promptly attend
ed to day or night
Satre 335 Residence 355w
Masenea Street. Godarich
J. R. Wheeler IS ROUND
•••aa..ap4t' • - WORLD'S WONDER TOWER. I
Structure In the
1. ' s Is Mtlll the Ktghc, t Mr
THE Noted Criminals I Wooed.
Boyhood memories of man)' a man
were stirred the other day when It
was cabled that the builder of the
Past year Bas Net Bees a Happy .ve-at`O e..,r... ,-- 1 Eiffel Tower, in Paris, had died at
the age of 91. When erected Iu 1889
Owe Natfosally --Has Become Normi.n Ilan, of Toroutu, 1s the for the Parts Exposition this great
World's Largest Wheat Exporter--- latest to draw attention to the equal tower, reaching 1,000 fret toward
the sky, was one of th.• wonder"' of
Has Had Comparatively Little Un- truth and poetry n the iautuus line: the world. It a still the highest
employment, Sites Mfr John Aird. "Stun. µr11, du not a Prfaos structure In the world, with the j
make.•• t Woolworth Bulldnll, New York, seat.
Sir John Med, general manager u[ His achievements, though they aF at 792 feet.
the Canadian Bank ut Commerce, is poor to have won the admiration but Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the
the experience of other
I the co nee The past year,he said, newspaDrrs are rl g
mporary Am- I tecta ridiculed his plan and said
Thuraid), 1ebruarj• 11. Irl+ -1
5:0rleans YKARR A(EO.
)hisses In the Alps Mountain Have
• • ' 'w'• Travellers Since Pre-
f Regia Used by
Never was theta a moment la Cit I historic Timer•—(Me of nese
adlan hlnuny when the mighty St.I F'amo•s Dogs Rescued Twenty
Lawrence was of such telling named I Wayfarers Lou Ia the Snow•
and far-reaching Importance as at the
present Once. 1 suppose It would The one thousand birthday aunt -
hardly be too much to say that the versary of St. Bernard, founder ot
Bt. Lawrence is Canada. "The Pt," the hospices of Grand and Petit Saint
weammiawasm convinced that Canada has turned imperfectly concealed of certain builder,
pioneers, the conservative a arcA i
r t ht compared P
had not been a happy, ole nationally. with those' oftwo cont.(
In backing circle the foundering of 1 *.lean desperadoes, ' George Ander- could not be done. He peretated, and
d Gerald Chapman They have succeeded by throwing MulOne 1110r.,
more Y the
e Into
made on
m had
T OOO tons of
iron g
be Ilkt
•1 to make
IQ Y 01
h woo d
Cars overhauled and re-
paired by an expert mech-
anic. . Agent for --
Batteries re -charged and
stored. •
East street Phone 243
Brophey Bros.
Orders cart fully attended to
at all hem-. night or day
"Tate Present" and "The Future"are Bernard to the Alps mountains, was
three strictly primat al yet romantic- recently n the celebrated at Chateau of
laden cargo -carriers a salt on 1L Meithoa, on the shores of Lake Aa
mighty bosom. necy, where the saint was born in
The n,• d"Jrlrans Is the St. Laver`
euce's most Important island child• f3Ttte chief attraction of these fetes
It Is often said of Quebec City that undoubtedly the setting la g•hlee
one Small bank had alarmed people f crime landing place
ft another
an e Il than theyIt le the cradle of N,'w• France. With Is Mad
of M
took plate --the
thousands thatthe they
for a others had been ll though.
a by honest toil In the same space of 1 structure. The many who have as- equal fitness it ought be said thou, dominating the late, command -
tor a time. Despite bac all though, ' time. They have eot 'squandered clatters rete that day Island of Orleans to the cradle sweet-
o the T
es and the
won- lullaby- fn
« heg
seen t
1[e tower have P' •d and rucked and Ve .ler
bumper wheat crop had been reaped their earnings on the necessaries men
of et ly mothered Sad Canada ad become the world'.1 e tower, bull as • ed byk.liee great river that seems to teeth of the Lanton andy
t• Ilse as so many honest min are emu- derful panorama that spreads fur vt r hetet 1)i k, its keep and rating
ingest ta7feat exptttm: she lied la -T ndredo d0; --'-'d dol Mere- several tity_._mllu Th 4 -u -aj 1 . 1) ' y above -the Its (keep and towers �Dahl( I hundred thoussad dollars o[ lout In thing sofi beauty. oceanic one ° ` Canada.
Bated several hundred million In hoe of the
vers securities reduced her irrational Jacques Cartier, that great Sea -ad- trees datesdfrom dthelatenthres �century
at the
their posseifslon and they are at greatest
uringathe greatewar-it W
venturer and navigator, wrote his keep
•_• • the -eines room, to -day an
son a er
of sail by
d th prudent short g
Irailway deficit, and seen cotupare-
tlyely little unemployment.
Discussing the amended Bank Aet,
Sir John Med said that, while the
Iact contained some improvements
over Its predecessor and he believed 1 snow than the great Carticr, w o
that true of the more lmportaut (know hie nationality or his real time o{ to erection comta r Alonstet s in Cartbbear► Mei
changes, nevertheless they bid Leen slender steel girders and network ot red ashore herr on shores eo ulna contact with the orient.
name. They know him merely Y
accompanied tiban increased w num- draped that it appeals d to hila as one 11 was from this room or cell that
I one of the most desperate and re- delicate wires to lace made by the.k
bar o{ restrictions which would in- suurceful criminals thuya Harr' Pa- wlat the timeo satdA letter from j'great vineyard so that he called It Saint Bernard escaped on the eve of 1 The unknown horrors ul the• dune
crease bankne costs and restrict the countered n recent, years. He is s i Parispoetically, ).•t truly, as the poetical his marriage, the baro having been seas and the puna of that. who go
power of •Dank to serve the public. man of education, faultless manner "All the Iron network of ban, I t -rentor true. "Th.• {Mand of Bacchus.' removed by divine intervention. 1a down in small bualr`te catch them.
He regretted the possibility ut cur- and tasttd about
taste, Less than mid- girders, slgzags, etc., with the border- Ina sketchy. way a rough line may fact; the life Saint Bernard de Men- are told by F. A. 111tchell fledges, a
tsnment of the public usefulness ut die -aged, ybout middle height and of Ingo of the different platforms. set I be drawn east and west through the then was one of great romance. many famous explorer who went out to the
the banks by netdtess minor ..Bola- agreeable personality. quite o{ tits one financing that atter all the giant ; length of the Island from St. Petro- thrilling scenece having bHiseen added Caribbean Sea 11. 1921 in the twent'-
hat Both he and Andcrsus. edifice it not of the coarsest and f lue ? nett., to Sass Chagrin's, and ere see to it by the chronicler's. father, I ton yacht Cara His object was to
ale an
hitt us nobleman, desiring the I rove his thea.) that giant eubuar-
liberty. believed he German "Big It-rtha personality and cattle so Indelibly •. , •••
ed In I
r D
un R
havingremains -- _
f _
e rema .__
Though Chapman admitted
been [n prison a couple of times De- was trained on It from Its i 6 -mile into the early discovery scents
of Eastern a oratory,
Canada that he auw carnia more a of the numerous additions and rector TMiSRORR OF ?H1+. i►EiiR•
tore he was arrested for his most, nage. fur some of the shuts came
noted. exploit, the American police perilously close. child of Canada than ot old Saint atlona which make of the castle a• ! _
littI e about him. They do not 1 A description of the tower at the
i Maio.. He It was, no 1 es a Ver t step -nage tlf lthed crusade ePertod of t perfected architecture
Lite to. Study Mabseariia
h first etepRisks -
Until She Started To ' Take
"f ruts -a -thea"
T1� M�dicin� Mall Fnm inn
R.R. No. 1, Everett, Oet.
"I had been troubled for years --
Dyrpepsia,L)rerandHidneyTroublp „
and could not get relief until 1 started -' .• .
taking "Fruit-a•tites". Thanks to
their beneficial action,I am is no ut
health again"
"Fruit -natives" alone can give such
happy and successful results because
famous me
eine made from frit j uloes and ton ice. ,
"Fruit••-tives" is pleasant to take
and will always restore the �t a111
when taken rejularly sa directed;
50c. a box, 6 for $2.5k iralluse ::fk:
At dealers or from Fruit -a -lives -
Limited, Ottawa. Oat.
tions. It is to Great Britain t 1 Raffles type. that the [anus and arm(
we look for sound guidance in the ills partum, were wap who were, morsel metals. A great beauty o
matter of banking and there we and careful with their spoil and always tower b the light boldness with mostly to the north, while on the. ascension of his tantllY' affianced ucadler-
that the banks are . unusually tree i careful d to have capital on hand is 1 which It springs hear oldnes. One south, from early times down to the nerd, who had been trout •kydslative restrictions.** do almest preen(, are founts the homes and Paris, to Marguerite de �tiulatts.
buy expensive cars and live fns - ' fancies that one
„tandssso tlrmlyshoot- '' families of mea who followed the sea Parts,Without eonsnlline the youth. Thi
Ml 1 tot this power
we creatures. every wbit se mighty
and horrible as those of the Mese-
sole era, still exist in the depths of
the Seven Seas. t,He has done so.
ILL story it an epic of high ad -
leglrlatlon un the world n his opts- I fonably. At the time o{ their ro nR t 1 -- d►r the blood an
would have prevented a (allure µ hen Ifght 1n one capacity or another. Hers cantle o u ana. era
her of a mall truck to `eve York Its feet, and it
eho strongly the built n days oI old tale spec
I - f tallith- still eta eels, towering venture, a tale
T L 1 had 1 sloe of t • were
- asasaxemenL Packard car, • y Aerna t rks
- I Comparing the Canadlau banking( Epmpllce named Lo bar. When the ,vast arc ligula that shone on the sum- too, lived and still the a cls
)d�8 AND BAGGAGE SERVICE situation as regards {allures with the police descended u on Park a they
mit, h was a grandiose symbol of the
ey'at••m obtaining across the border'. apartment In Griuim:. cy Park they march ot'Drogress since 1788, when who are seers o[ the river. Men to ceremony was to have taken place at 1 whip -rays, and red DD
Remixing the number of Cs�ria-, a wardrobe �•onxlating of Paris was dimly lighted at night with whom the lordly St. Lawrence has the castle of Menthon and the 31fo1- i and lee which have err
ed as her own—the ane and their relatives were there. reoords. occasiuu he hon
a8 that ot tate HOMO
y in October, k82} GAnd. r n mp[es with the old above the, }alley of � _ '
which, he Intimated, wu due to mat mens a the s"for which Quebec Saint Plerr• Ibi broa Mr Mitearti Hedges has dons
a p'lerce-Arrow• rad And••rann a three -colored Iamb around of the •�wtndjammrrr” for which •
it « noire neer set •great imaginings afoot in the
ldrive! b another ac- { Here
d'A Rn).
did cot dare to face lural what no other has ever done. He
_tin -rays
and Nova Scotia were amoue. ,
ss of men trocar. of his terrlblr father. The has caught giant s gena � on roj4 -
atrA worl• d
i Calle made for • f t a oil lanterns. called
Th n on the ern eve of the veld 1 i- fl h which tow dian
tate town I'n,wpt "...evict. Kner
Night brought to bear hgures strikingly n, Night alter night the in n watch re came groom. who
p asci«m. In the Hall at ofpc •, and 101- himself," and in wrong of hie tower
nes Lola, Miami outstanding en
o Orleans—Gen. µ'otic. the service of God, leaped out of the Showed any a1F°lune, of rntaud weighed
iter Its comb ch the bars a 1
1 of which re
t is ow, ha
Luo O wind •' would
�-- - ten and a hell )Tara to I cI�L•. emhei twat }awed the mall tract that took {halt the same words: Engaged In that mighty effort t
.H R. $ T p W �, two Canadian banks w valuable load fundamental idea u t th tide an win or Dred. landed eat« 1 0.700 potihda its "saw
and eat a rowing organ Factory
- —'—'- t"with nahflltlra of $317 9111,000. sa•.nect took,. and at exactly what t .e in giving thous and the Mlolaa
_--- curve of such a nature that this taking of Quebec. thlzed with the• fug- He caw such tights es _make the
and item R found and stamp On one ked,•played •
Bus m,••' u l tea ns. twenty complete sults o, clothes e• in -
► passe )16 r::.❑d haggage to any fart °f UnitedStatesinvolved hanks. St a -Dohs? river pilots. and of the
head.- I Yd killed a giant anal e w
antecrl I I other paraphernalia to atch. thaOtf' hie aDDlledhas
methods peculiar to Midway between Cartier's day and the unhappy h had dedicated h1m�••If to I at the yacht for five hours before
�� favor o[ the Canadian the City Do
he Pan ret
99 ri f
19 t o U .e I
In u1 [ h
Miami n
b 1
le 1 hr � h:
t t
Telephone 51, Day or
t 9! branches the Gene • 1 Post DraC Y so England all miraculously Tem in hal{ On an
h k with DI I S to t the d 1 f gi buaA
I (toad opposite the
t Office;
had failed with Acgr..'..s liabilities Once. !t was dl en by ratan "The - r
urn - - -
ot i25,615.U0(1. In 1hµ-L'nitod 5tate4"wamr•d Havnnerk. and aDp'•.r•ntly Pylons, or great archways, is based the lets domain that lingered n the and sound la the underbrush. 1 mer occasion De end • companion
e 1922, there ed. Ina few -..eke on • method of construction peculiar coronet of France, Wolte's name ii tied. i
e slats liver placidity Such .an San might -wsRj- have hooked, played
said �a �hadrk w -fit -ose
I average of a shade over two Unite
he seed the various points at wh a b the States bank failures a week. Th • I a robbery might be attempted. The a curve shall br capable of resisting With this part of the island hlatort Marguerite ester
counting each branch of a Ca an; creeping in this
upon our senses like some litre and asked her father for per -
m imagination elan
I qa was one dimly lighted cross stree the force of the wind without neceut- sweet, tont lavender borne on the mission to enter a convent. (ween a sea cow anda taNnf 'shark, A Q
it III bank as a failures
P lnsiitutlon, United 1 or the route, and 1t was at this coy Wing the junction of the edges by Kingston IlarDur. the
HAS BAYER CROSS Stales failures were some twelve) per that the holdruptook place. A • Won't', as fs usually done." morning air, we knocked at the old Bernard's father and mother. In
mre Canadian. • 1 elde the truck, two convent door. The historic old con- the meantime, searched high and low
o 'gent off Sante Famine, for the lad, but Jailed to discover his
• ) .� - • �- Two remedies had been proposed i men leaped on the running board
- forced he Hon. F. H. Gillett, whose re- the convent that was built in 1899 vrhereobAo a inlltalcawherr by his
� Cf086 of the rive down the el virtue
la nine years
• nAt d Jun I was nut guard hall markt d Into the • D
bad hero no lees than 1,016 failures.) they knew every tura that H •ra to m. °f to the edges pyramid
of this bland lying in his path to the caused warfare balePhadlnot`fait k gyoseswelgb�wax 6 490 pounds.
\., I tl as numerous as na car drew a ung Speaker t C 9 Hawse t the parish o
had, however,
1 { t} public to revolvers Siad t 8.h time of the Wolfe gonet
laweyjtt`tOtlt situations uch as those.H eek to d held
I 1 tl a I Thr left not a !leans thus preventing tl t1 0
..gayer w by a small securers o u with drawn re o dart e ton . Speaker of the U. and fortified at the m
l meets tun ons a avran campaign. and nte111RencP, he received
w n A vlrin at all Home hank—Government inspection street. Then (bey took the keys Hou. of Representatives was
• d deposit guarantee plan. ' Our from him Belied the mall bees and rap to two dale by insurgent KeDub• Like all roads in Quebec. Ile recognition which was ■uMclrnt com-
ventln organization d'Orleans road has its wayside pensatle for him
loan of noble rant.
M "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Ile $ 'Bayer" package, plainly marked
with the safety ,"Bayer Cross.
The "Bayer Cron' is your only way
of ksowisg that you are getting genuine
Kirin, prescribed by physicians for
g#steen years and proved safe by
lion for Headache, Neuralgia, ,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
rata By. Made is Canada.
tin boxes of 1_' tablets -also
t sized `Bayer" packages.
is the trader Manufacture (registered
le sada), of Bay
Yssoaeetieacidester of Salicylicacid. •
Wills it is well known that Aspirin
Rastas Bayer manufacture. to ass* t the old Y When Jar. Stanley Baldwin,
rank against imitations, the Tablets of and gold was pouring in too freely'. jumped out of the window. The hoe Minister of Great Britain. was In N
B• ar Company, Ltd., will be .tampre I but the appeared
of the United States' rifled police rushed to the window ho In 14
kwtMir generalstrade mark, the farmer appeared to be worse than W..ed which. he had clw.vanished andsw.sort during his vidt as f
Mime Gee I C dlan broth€r -- Apart ked to the street tar below. Thnlaa . Oy mer . hegner, he Stopped to Du
wspaDnc from a lad S[!e�
f this He beeame an archdeacon, and tt was
d still. A a
• fight with a tigershark'
terrorised nge on
catching of a 1,460 -Ib. shovel -nose
shark and a hammerhead shark,
whose capture caused aitch conetern-
atton among the native lshrrtnen
that they begged to be allowed to
out the line rather than face the "sea
n devil."
contact with.Governjnnp.c o lied in their car. '••crosses. The diffrren a on
In foreign ountrin we come clue, and It was months afterwards Con ass. has been89a member of I
Infoclosest to does no I where we come! that they were thearrested,-:terwardwere , Hou e Sines 1.member of ' bund cross lb that it b fnMarlably in luta quality that he took Dossca- Mr. Mitchell Hedges has brought
i- t taken as the result of another crime the Beton Massachusetts district. set around with a small picket fence Rion o the Saint Bernard hospices photographs and giant vertebrae,baek
onDly," said Sir John. R _the with a wealth of dowers abloom n which h established as refuges for to Englapd which prove, h rrora of the
United States where It has led Tie at ,Niagara Falb in cause Loerber, He is a native of Massachusetts, I beta to the little square. p1lRrhds. terrible
fullest drvelupm,•nr It has become a I at least, was Involved. He turned and was ho • at Westfield on October to the road easterly from Ste. Thee o eelPbrated passes, one
factor Imperilling the successful fu- state's evidence, and the police re-' 16, 1861, s• • of Edward Bates and
ture of the national bankiuR eyete•w j covered some 6400.000 In bonds. Lucy Dougla.', (Fowler) Gillett. He Famille church there stands a hand- at 2.600 tors' altitude, the other
because of Ila inherent tendency to which constituted his quarter of the received his ucatlon at Amherst i ome bronze crucifix to the memory at 2,100, Which are crossed to -day He has put a new color of romance
develop only a restrictive policy. loot.When the others were caught University. tak 1 degrees of A.B.. I of one Robert Gagnon, fleet pioneer by motor Cars during the Summer into a drab century.
M.A., and LL.D. He later took the i of this property where be settled n months and Which linkave Valais bond I bYH w s accompanied
Brown,throughout Many a crisis, he added. had in the the a tee were unableiddto der plan -e '1157. And underneath is affixed Savoy with Italy, who
past been avoided by courage, tultta- where they had hidden their plan- married,
degree 1 Harvard. He even when the pas- dared death In horrible forms a score
der It was learned that they had married, on Nov mbar 26, 1916. names o{ his numerous descendants much travelled,
ten Rirw Hoi widow of Con- who had conceived the thought of sage was most storms and difficult. I of times.
Hoar, of Wor- I this figure in bronze to his tampon'. - Though Hannibal, in smite of the
K b of course one of the outstanding legend to that effect, did not make
P practice of landmarks of this island hlghwaY use of them, at any rate the Romana
la 1517.• Sow becoming so popular with the established a Bernard whlchpost for atloGrandg Saint
epreenta-eil tourbt. Isle of Or- earned Mont Porte after a stator of
lake resent( -The wonder is that the vAAloa
eD barbarian in
r s
He was leans has remained so long a sealed Jupiter.
ouse of ! book to the tourist In Quebec. For went through here, as well se It�irrrlso-e
d Saracens
tot e
his assertion that the o
deep seas are no whit less e
than they were In pre -historic days•
tive and the waving aside of prec.-
dtnt In a manner that might not have
been possible under Government In-
spection. Government Inspection in
the United `Statt>yDe said had not
not spent much of it. - Charlo
Most of the booty was In the form gressman Rockwood
of bearer bonds, and Chapman had tester, -Mau.
e started
• v of Gillett
.t many n Vr.
he peeve to depos d ld
f aa0 a
presented fraudulent failures. them to bilks Ter"toans, the pro -the law at istant s
[ International his- I ed bPng employed in legitimate He was assbtant Atom,
Said President financial I operations at which he D Massae
The feature o a s cos- Massachusetts House of
tory in the lust year, nanc a
91r Edmund Walker, was the repeat- I pored. Chapman and Anderson were Dv es from 1890 to 1891,
ed hope of settlement of European ( quietly arrested, and taken to the Spat elected Speaker of the
dimculties and equally repeated General Post Office .there they RPprrsrntatices at W•ahln
spair which followed. As regards 1 questioned. Suddenly Chapman !May 18, 1818.
I the position of the United States, he 1 sprang to his feet and shouted: "1 f s Two Aims In Lite.
was at111 easy to obtain a might as well end it this way!" and Bol'
Floating Gardens.
In old-time Mexico and in Kashmir
there were real floating gardens.
Mexico City is surrounded by a
crossed by long causeways built
to the time of the Aztecs. As the
city was too small for gardens the
Aztecs made great rafts of wood and
on on as youh
Iva wo
on Dufferin Terrace It Iles almost at again
your feet—only four miles away be' left 1t
e I the little steam ferry that docks down which
w 1 there at the foot ot the hill and tape haunt o
one the round trip for forty cents. the pilgri
And It one happens to have one's own erate the
attiip along so much the better. But Rome or
utos are easy to engage at St. Perto- But the s
Ile and in any case the island b must be die
ed by several lines of auto buses. who make the
e island is divided Into five par- when snow Iles
live Saints—St. Pierre, Ste. whom the holy
e, St. Francois, St. Jean and warm and, in man
rent. It has two small streams the ald of their fa
characteristic that one of Their dogs? Ho
Iled•ot du Beurre. to mention them?
and St. Laurent towns ars canine race, a cross be
with fine old dogs of the Pyrenees a
t wharves. Long cated species, Is kdown
d [ om the ■hoses in world. "Very large and
owing that the dehng ono' of the largest known
Month aide of the saint Hnrnaf'd- Ica gem:tally
h. Dred or chestnut, with alt
t all cutting acmes a..A rough lhlek hair; the 0
look down from t e windows of the Huns an I wickerwork, 100 yards long and
Frontenac, as you promenade meg • e utilized them In his war d th with • couple
t the Lombards. Each host more, and dile em
stragglers In the mountains, of feet of soil. Trees were planted
lime went by, berg e the on these floating gardens, to give
shade. and huts were built for the
Some were vegetable gardens and
others grew beautiful blossoms for
the emperor and to adorn the templed
of the sun. It was easy to brlag the
vegetable produce to market—you
ust punted the garden in from the
ke and sold the stuff to passers-by,
-on.the quay.
The low-lying ground around the
city of Kashmir 1s Ilahlo 10 Roods
each rainy season; the vegetable gar-
dens are Made so that they ruse on
the flood, on the sante plan as those
of ancient Mexico During the dry
weather the floating gardens are run
aground, on the beach or on a shoal.
Yell would not suspect. from a
glance, that they were Anything out
of the comsat'
But when th
cornea and the w
that o[ hie ana coS- n the s
from the of
Drnu one of the most. fortunate in- ep ete1 uous, however, was the broad 1 and s! ruck by the youngster's R
Dons In the world In 11123, and la- (edge, upon which Chapman had ' appearance, and thinking It to be a•
vestment savI1gs had piled up ma { iand-d and along which he had run pity that he'ehould be engaged to
tek)ally. Sir Edmund dealt In detail to a pate of temporary hiding. He what is generally termed fn England
}Willie national trade situation and I was caught, si,d both men were sen- a blind -alley occupation." he asked she
urge that cadre attention be glvea 1 tenc••d to t:c- uty-live )ears' I- :prison- him a'few questions. St.- La
to the 'develop:ne at of mining, mar- ; norm to Atlanta. Penitentiary. That The �y however, expressed him
r• was 1n Atlanta,
1922. In late follow- I self as being perfectly satisfied with I and it
Child's Best Laxative �$ cover andotransportation of
androan-Ing March Chapman and a man his job; so finally Mr. Baldwin said. St. Jea
covery, f
"California FigSyrup" utaeture of gristles produced mainly' named (pray escaped by overpower- ..Have you no other atm in 1110" 1 d Size
V4 from metals Mined In the country. ing a guard. making a ladder with Surer replied the youngster are of g
Emphasising .Canadian Investment their bedding and scaling two high
promptly. "In tact, 1 have two aims." I churches an
power, he Showed )hat_ wberey In- walls,_-. Within forty-eight hours both Indeed: And what an they.'laces s
1913, Canada abnorped Darr mu-, were baeb Is tyke Man, Chapman I The first' It -to become :ha:v:0041ra
aPa mlllon-
per cent. of Government bonds with vifth three wounds as the result of a etre „ to a eo
So!" said Mr. Baldwin, smiling; 1 laland u on the ort
the balance going to En United last
yearea Re running light with the guards. He The last Darteh'
the to England, last we was thought to be In dangerous con- ; ••And the second?" I the eastern end o
absorbed 93.73 per cent. with 15.64 I dltfon and wan sent to the prison The second, sir, is to become a 1 historic church. St
going to the United States and the hoepttal. I multi-mfllionalrr." was here when Wol
remaining fraction to Britain. Sir Wtthln a week he had again Montgomery bombar
Edmund t+galn drew attention to the 1 HeDed, taking advantage of the Mules"' .Arrilcl{IatMn' the village.
heavy burden of taxation which he short absence of the guard who slept But interest in the
still considers unwise and unfair, bn beside him. He vanished in the Sir John Younghushand, the wetl-
and urged the aptofntmeot of a tom- guard's clothing, leaving not a trace. known writer on military tentk irate walledt in th habit
mission to study the whole que8tfoo Two nlghta later a nurse told a guards was once cleverly victimised Irysome
wh re _where Ude. Chagrin wear
with a view to angortfonlr. He con-
that she thought somebody I Indian natives. Ai w-Ylj1a[t - ip�_a Isco tAat fats , _
in a less Irritating manner. He con- prowling la the bas t They he venencampinght tants ay In nb>WI boarding house and till is
eluded his address with an historical went to fnveetlgate and I atones which they hunter wishing recapitulation of the two institutions
which now comprise the Bank of
United States, Cattada had elgn of him What was
brigands who proved
e (rousing in Roods to
mb of Saint Peter
e other famous r 11
mer pleasure see
nguished front these
ourney by nrceaetty
deep in the pass,
en take in and
cues. rescue with
ous dogs.
could one fall
his celebrated
weer the wild
a dontestl-
11 over the
All col -
ad is
Shows If
Bilious, Constipated
Hurry Mother! Even a fretful, peevish
ebild loves the pleasant taste
fonds Fig Syrup" and it never fails to
e today
open the bowels. A t sato
t •sick child tomorrow.
of "Cali -
easy per.. r, genuine Ask youf druPtgtswhi h ilas directions
fornia. Fig Sanup
{m babies and children of all Sites
printed on bottle. Mother! Yon int
say "California or you may get an
imtation fig syrup,
t City of Many Lakes.
A veritable city of lakes 1s Winter
Pavan, Florida. The town, whish
as a population of some 2,000, U
entirely surrounded by fresh water
bodies, large and Into and the
meauer of escape
are few. It Winter Haven should
ever get its army of lakes hooked UP
with eenals, an elaborate system of
navigation charts would be required
to avoid err(':+!"r, and the anney!ptt
mistake of 'retina foto the wrong
the island has Its large. the eyes soft and Intelligent,
Francois church the paws enormous and the tall h -
's troops under end curling up like a Newfou d -
d and burned land's '•
One of these dogs, Barry. wh.
astern end .record twenty wayfarers loot to the
agrin's, a snow had his biography written by a
t house Swiss savant; M. Oondault. One In-
home- cadent of his career may be cited, the
Is hula resrue of s eblld wham mother bad
r the been killed by an avalanche.
days "Barry, having found the little boy
ting ilneonacfoue In a snowbank, licked
- the face and hands until, from the
e warns gentle friction of hie tongue,
the brea h of life returned to the
child. The dog then jay down and
ried to get the little one on his back,
b is
A the child, mused from h T
ober. tried weakly to help him -
After a tong time he succeeded.
ting Astride of harry, his little
rapped about the dog's strong
d thus they rode In triumph
spice." I and as the Rita ca
eta tragic end, which well threw herself from th
infratttude of man. One water. A ntotor.launc
e found a moldier asleep from the yacht, and th
The latter, awakened girl was hauled aboard t Is by the
eases, took alarm at l ktnti
hit/melt. His majesty t ran nota(
e enormous beast, a bunt with 1 hullo cant and
been rt tor
+ killed him, then found that he had ee a
e hospice. the b. nen( of • clnomatogrApl. e�pen
t the hosteler, re -
Bonaparte re-
el 'situation, gave
strands the
It, killed at
ly hi -ought
Auslrallan Tells a Good Btori.
u l story, or
• toldby
1 nit ),
Here's Al R
the Australian Premier, M. Bruce.
Be'for'e beginning, 'it's as well to men-
tion that Australia Is just larger
than the United States. Not many
people realise that.
An American, saes Mr. Bruce, was '
boasting about the size of his country
to a nun from "down under."
"There's a ranch In my country."
said the American, "so big that the
Owner Rot on his horse one Monday
morning, and, having gone the round
of the boundary fence. returned on
the following Saturday night."
"Why, that's nothing," retorted
the Australian. "In my country there
are dairy farms where we send newly
married couples out to milk the eows,
and their kiddies bring la the milk!"
IThe Rookies.
1 The Canadian Rockle cover aa
area greater (hall that of France.
IBe1RIno Sad gwltaeriaad combtaed.
emep . e e
there beheld tants broughtto have a fP
Chapman sitting on a pipe. The of sapphire -like at a spot i
guard seised him. but the nurse sod- 1 stated had been dug up Sir I good
o dhspj� excellent in ll d ck-Sh
denly went Into hysterics and clung some distance from the village• wows wile which the island and
to the omcer. HP was called upon I John was convinced hit en a toarsh
treasurAat he ntine. had 1 11.' . great river coats itch
o an agreement
tives 9°s- ' the end.
relating Laugh On Sir Baden-Powell,
to calm the woman, summon ass lat- , luckily
ance and keep Chapman. He could bought every stone the rat
s of
do only two of the three things on I .eased. "I had dream
the Spur of the moment, and .hose I wealth." saifon my arrive at Cal- Sir Robert Baden-Powell can
to leave the most important one the story, "andways be retied upon to tell a story ael
n whe
Cal -
neglected. When help arrived Chap- culla L hastened to have the stencil ! r
man had disappeared and has not valued. "Lovely color, light, perfect. worth retelling. At the recent din- In g
been seen since. The latest chapter nota taw, worth fifty Ruin«Aa Aptrce Her of the Federation of Rambling amts
Clubs r related an amusing Incident Reek,
in this mantic serial was written half they were not themex of Stewing I Cl which el and hla mute were Dont to the
oa the romantic night Defore'Chrtst- I ham paste!' was expert's crush I isyltrd while camping In • wood be- inners
Ing cel paste!'
)pnging to one of the new -rich. df1Dla)'a t
Xo tYfiet•enrv. [.ads Baden-Powell asked permla- stormy Bay
Two married ladles were discuss- 1 don to put up a tent in the wood. 1n the snow.
ing their grievances. "You can't i After some hesitation, sanction wad tthre Dtlghta of
think how the Increased cost of lav- forthhcomi . 'must brag the general throttled Mei Ing bills us." confessed one. "Why.
my bills for cloths alone are more to Tier Insisted the
pointed out th.g give ratArmerl le trbl1•t
than twice to large this year as they
were bet year!" "Mercy!" exclaim -cent, who was busy harnessing the calla the P56.6VI"
Min. And In VI" eh
ed the other. "I don't ser how your! horse.
••That bsm?" exclaimed the land- monument to Gen. ; M
torrential downpour
ter rises, lo and be-
hold; the garden rise with it. and
cruise gently hither and thither until
a convenient anchorage has been
. en. at
P tam-
Then stout of
ed into the bottom a • d the gardens
e moored until due ether comes
ii tic'Wsa cm the-
Th late King Christian of Des -
mark -as what might be le sued»a
good sp. rt. He once plunged a
saved a Ilor from drowning.
long ago •efore his death he as
cruising In is yacht off the Dant h
coast when a was startled by
sound of fire rma. He ordered tht�
yacht to turn t full speed In the
direction et the mind and soon came
within range of fearful spectacle.
From the deck u i1 steal Pr some
men weer Heng o a rowln?h°at.
e near a girl
boat into the
was lowered
MILS when not even a mouse wan s
ring. But Anderson was stirring to
some effect, for he was crawling
through a long tunnel which he or
his accomplices had dug under the
penitentiary walla, end not a trace
of him has since been found. No
doubt Anderson and Chapman are
once more togeether.
• Thought White Lasky.
' At one time many v'?itt The
fn A^.•'ries t' •r• p. herd
Idea Was conceived by lir verlI, the
eekbrated minstrel m:1nager,e who
thought that white was :. lucky role*.
mild the firm; "but he couldn't ,t'itti nary r. -1;orl heavrr.r: I thought erect. 1 husband can afford it!" "He eau t,
It last year. So what's the did. r- n'aa tail, sem, 'sad—well, baud- who had the ectlersi's b.
'meet" goinc!" to the hospice in Igu3.
permlesiou for Die elne to be ez-
for good missiles come to Ihe Signal.