The Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 6t Thsur,day. January 24, 1924 THE SI New Wall Paper will make our house brightet and _more cheery- for heery for the winter months. - We are always pleased to . show our samples. GENUINE E1 ERSHARP PENCILS seat ,ale at 25 off marked prices. Porter's Book Store BUS AND BAGGAGE SERVICE --to - Bu, meets u;l milli:. Carts made for passengers awl baggage to any part of the two, n. Prompt ,service guarante,al. Telephone 51, Day or Night —0-- H. R. S T O WE Re,idenee. Cambria 1.toad. opposite the Organ Factory Office r CAR OWNERS Wet or Dry Storage if laying up your car this whi- ter, we wish to respectfully remind you that your Battery Deeds special care and attention during the winter months to as- sure its being ready for duty next spring. We are Battery Experts. .and have the tre•ea.sary equipment and facilities for caring for any make of Battery. RADIO FANS We handle Itadio A and B Re. chargable Batteries, call and ask us about them. AUTO ELECTRIC it BATTERY SERVICE cor Colborne street and Square — GODERICH, ONT. SIGNAL, — - . - RADIO PROGRAMS . _ : ' , .• ^ ' 1 BACK ACHED W Prugrain for ,,. of .Iuittiary ►lam B u k lz , 21, 19'.1 TERRIBLY 1, i)Up8eitaily. . \ f;8%(118 }Yertt Punt{uuiy'. ,yYi Li es•7r1.. 1510 Y.•ter►.t Eastern, 4tumtstvl Tlwe. . The fire Meiue their a that led ; I , un .lo.iae.1 flu• Incas raid Itid it Mrs. Mcl hoa Tells How She Sunday. January- 27. 10.:k► u,m. ; p• t g ...orrice of the First frehvterlan ', Sunday Afternoon By ISABEL HAMILTON, Goderich, Ont. 1?tlll g.' tit 'bright 1 's,rc u*:,h,lu at 11• iwt $lien: n11.I wce,l 'the heaven') stu.•..1. around therm I thetas.. Ir• .1.4(11ent to these law, solid: 1 thereon 111.1 the lite of the withal d.- 1. *till high holden o'er u., iii Islet Tru re 1, '.o new isonmand• Taunt us, 4.18101 a or now Istetory r - !t.• gree tl -. . t ❑ gait eutaIued. .,.reign; lit •h . !as.k 'unto the 111.: The dawell,teh 1L.,»• weakling, that re- I . hal.?• r. Is belt .8 short account is giv- • ipw4(1, en of the ,Leath ,end tinrial of Moses. p +r:1s vn Web. do eh 1r.lu.,• us,. Ter 4Th•r /,.t 1 1 \luso, exhorted thew ;t . therefore, bed rkeu. e the stntnte. and unto the I,','11 1 t.•oi•ll yon, for to t c,,• may lire. and go in r11,•land w-hieli tits• Lord ysur• tuth r, 8lr,•th .1,•11." 'He .prlm•essled t,. -repeat and wuj.ha- ,• the greet things. of the haw that thi;y Wight not Iseeolue :1 strange, thing to them throng)( their forget• lint 1hens. tr un, needful for him me give -precept ' upon precept pn•celit upon pr.i•ept: litre nion`tilw Hue opo 1 en One; here a little aw,1 the},• a lir- 11e: that they alight not lfl'. and fall back%ard..:"1.1 1e• broken. :Tui! .unreel rind teken 1 1-1. 1. •1'1 i. These who lad come out of }:gypt 1111,1 1.4 whom tie. 1:nv 8):1- gh.•u'101.1 111•.1 tri i se w-1lderte-s and it wit- n sew genera- tion that• was '.0.n re enter upon the inheritance pr.w4e•.1 to .1braham's seed; and upon their mint. •Mos4(e was laking this lasting. Iwq,resston. What (,k1 hail •pwrkeu owe• by the month of his servant \loses the peon's needed to hear many times just as today The 11.1, Ohl Story of Jesus find Ills Tuve' needs to la• coa- ,t80117 brougltt'.totaiut minds. Today's lesson is a strong appeal for obedience. hacked up t.y argument after argument drawn from their put -t hlafory. (Ympt. 4:32-36--A Reminder. Moses gay them a pledge for their future e.;1fi•ty, raying. "Tin Lord thy Gal is 4 merciful (:al ; - lie will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee. nor` forget the i•oveitalit of thy fath- ers which he swore unto them "end In proof of this he urged them to ask now of thf' days that are post." He ,uncle particular mention of signal ev- ents in their past hishirv, such ns tlutt day atshouut Sinai when "Mose* went rip into the mount. and a cloud eov.•red 11s• mount. -Ind the glory of the Lord abode upon Moult Sinai: 8u,! the .ight.nf the glory ot the Lord 8)i►.. like devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the .•yes nt the child- ren of Israel." Then laving made them sr this anew he inquired if ever since the creation nt the world had such a thing been heard of or seen? From that he pr.aredeel to risk them if it1i tever been known before that (;1,d had made special cho4r of now nation and delivered that nation from flee power of another nation 1.y gni and wonderful signs such as the eyes of their fathers had sen in Egypt and at the Red Sea? .Moses dwelt upon these events in order that this new ceneratfo0 might know "that the Lord he is God ; there to none .els, be- side him. Verse 37 -40 --God's Love. Having inspired them with a right eemeeption of Gal's holiness and ma- j,..ty and power Moses proceeded to show them it was nothing special In thcrose•Itea that had obtained their deliverance from Flgypt. It was all a part of God's plan wit eh he had be- gun when He chose Abraham their forefather to be His Friend. They were His' ("hosed People still and He would make a place for them In Can- aan, even to the driving out of nations gr.•nter than they. They knew from pest experience that He eotld do thaw for had He not delivered Sihon. King of He•.hbon,Into their hands when he refused to let them pass peaceably through hie land' )loses made all this plain before them and then asked them 1. think It over. "Cbtisider It in -thine heart," and then know that "the Lord he In God In henveu above, and upon the earth beneath; there is none else" It was, therefore. fitting that they should keep all the .etatutee and commandments that It might he well with them and their descendants, aild that they might have long life in the hind which "the Lord Thy find Welt thee." Tlw commanrlmenta given at Sinai are ati'l God's laws for him children. and He is the same yesterday. today and forever, mantfeating In provi- denow and In grace his hollnesa. ma- jesty and power "Wherefore awing we -atlas ere eontpsaeed about with ee trent a cloud of witneswa. let t7: lay aside every weigfit, and the min whieslt does an easily Meet n*. and let es run with patience the rs a that in`s'et he fore tin. looking unto Jeene the nnth- I or and finisher of ow .faith." (Het). 12:1-2.1 PRAIF:It :.! 1' 1.. le • J. 1: 4. 1 t. 11. • Th ii a i oil • 1, i el. u hes,: ,1 ,- te•1 u{ou i„• t .ora., , there ,- .,ut....•s..• beside Thee worthy' to receive giory. honor .Istd.1.,wer. Lard n•-n!n nn 1,, .,t.eyI Terr- e 'n: the in t • c newt r u 1 1'hs will and .a t 1 triter prepin.rerl fee 1 L - • ►hat love Thee. Throne; J• • :- •-hrlss Our l I Lord Amen. 1.110.101110111111.11401.110.101104111 Electric Wiring We specialize in Vlririttg Of all kinds. Let us give yO . estimate for %siring your tit U or garage. Private Telephones, Motors Dynamos, Electric Bells and Burglar Alarm Systems All Work (;u,,rantrr,l Cook, lron and Toast by Electricity We have an assortment ot the hest Electric Irons and Toasters made in Canada. ROBT. TAIT Electrician Phone 254J S. 5. 1.E1+fiO% FOR FF:K. lib. 1921 1.Pason Title—What Israel (.earned it Shutt Lesson Passage--Deut. 4„32.40. Golden Tent—Drat. 6-5. Iheitcren.my, the fifth Book of Mo- s•s. contains addresses delivered by hive to the children of Israel when they were preparing to cross the Jor- dan - into the Promised Land. In these addressors he reviewed their for- ty years' sojourn In the wilderness, reminding them of the many showers of l4essing (bey had received and also impressing upon them the many times they had repaid thn-e by Ingratitude. [Br. r.ophey Bros. liRE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Orders carefully attended to at all bout's. night or day GODERICH I SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAIN IN FR MINUTES Rheumatism. lumbago, neuritis, back. ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains, aching joints. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub. Nothing has such concentrated, pene- trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief comes at once. • Just as soon as you apply Red Pep- per Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the sore spot is warmed through and through and the torture is goce. Rowles Red Pepper Rub• made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store Get a jar at once Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowia sa every package. MOTHER! Baby's Best Laxative is' "California Fig Syrup" 40110141111/1411104101040010//~10440101404,1044411/ PUT CREAM iN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To (hepp CI gg Nos- trils and End IIead-Cords. e You feel Inc in a few moment. your cold in head or catarrh will Is• gone: Yourclogged nostrils will open.' -The air pasaagea of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more 1011- nes*, headache; no hawking, snuffling, t morons diaebarges or drysee , no grog. gling for breatb at night. . Ten your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti*eptie cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air peerage of the heal; soothe and heal the swollen. Inflamed muemis membrane, sad relief comes instantly. It i1 just what every cold andcatarrh :ouferer. needs Don't stay studed•up And miserable. When baby is ennstipated, has win.l- eelie, feverish hresth, mated -tongue, nr diarrhea, a half -teaspoonful of genuine "('alifornia Fig Syrup" promptly neoea the poisons, triers, bile, souring fool and waste ri it out. Never cramps or mends.- Ra IPS tote Its delicious taste. Ask tour drnIgint for genuine •Tali• fornia Fig Syrup"i which has full direr• -thetas for infanta in arms, and children tint all ages, . plainly printed on bottle. MoisterI 1'ou must say "California" or .nm -- - t you may pact ::n imitati s STQMACH MiSERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "{'ape's I)iapcpsil," Corrects Sour, Upset Stuntachs at Once Papas Uiapepain" is the quiek.•s: bnvesat relief for indigestion. gime, Moil ieseeq k.artharn, sourness, fermentation es, stornach distress ealisel by acidity. A , few tablets Riva almost irnnlediale atom at; trelkf. Coeree* reit stomach and Irian sow for • few moos. Drug - sell wllMnas d packages. on fig syrup, Found Relief by Takia Lydia E. • ` "7 i r t'bun•h..11hau0. \ 1-,•rwuu by flu• i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Uct N'i!lluu: ;. rnwu ilJpkhis. i).1). watt pAl--Pi'.,cr,nl, by 11'l.% Nya1 poluuy 1'n 1u• -t ran 1., , h::+ert'. ••n Chatham, Ont—"I tuck Lydia E.- duc;ur. . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a ( 7.:N' p.tn. Sen'he of IIu F- t ,run-down condition after the .birth of Pr,'t,ytertilu ('Tarr, h. .tile:, ,yl - ol,lr. -, i. my baby boy. 1 had terrible pains and I b•y lie•nt \ \, L'.• 11..r.74.1::;14%---"''''. 41.4 len .,, :. 1 !. I backache, and was tired-andareak. nos t r •11e15t ut t r + t fit to do my work and care fur my three s 110 1 .1 little children. One day I received your ! \t -;cat et +' little book and read it, and gave up tak- t ' ing the medicine I had and lagan taking ' \ ' ,ihaid d;,,. the Vegetable Compound. I feel much 1 y r'lan!,1ut; is,. 11 Ni • better now and am not ashamed to 1„11 . e 1'. ('anternn, 4tent ral what it has done for me. 1 recommend I,,trtmons 4 :t1 rect.. it to any woman I think feels as l do.' rlle,.lay. January 29. . 1 —Mrs. J. K. McMAHON, 15:1 Harvey t'l:ante.;r n n -i.• by Cdw,u.4 .\ 0 St., Chatham, Ont. vie : u; Ern t I eurlci h, s cello; leo Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- . vie in I) ll,!a: l'Itr• el Itols•rt flue pound, made from roots and herha, has s, hluidl. far of etvsbeerTreetorin suck, Fred r err y. oboe: 1'et••r ng 8)o tS K :... Ir vin, t : Juba It, T" •'t• r I8)..sie.t. •_ ` n tits It 1 uhe thandatre ' 'n women t al rel g K Fther F` tV'•134 e. reader relieves the troubles which cause such 15(+10.8)1117. ,18011817-:1(1 034' II.m. - symptomsas . tired,hw painful peeling, ldse•utur• story (cnllrte-y of Tln• irregularities, worn-out feelings 1• and nervousness.This isoho wn again and Youth's I'umpriuiiote:1 again by such letters as Mrs. McMahon Thursday. January 31. T.1:. Ism - writes, as well as by one woman telling Radio drso n. a titre•.• .act 11.w,•d7, another. These women know, and are ..ibocy; by 1oOY Players. willing to tell others, what it did for _F14tsv - J.'r4.ruary 1. :.are• p-m.— them; therefore, it is surely wbrth Program by Wt;l' (orchestra; address., "11. Mellon Tax Plein." by Judge McKenzie Moss. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. 10.3't rya.-4lperattlt. '.The 140.11 s Bride." by Win' Light Opera Compose 8841stwl by W017 Orchestra. Saturday. Fe4oeuary 2. 11:k► p.m.-- Jack ,m.— Jack Symonds: Orehestra at Hampton Hotel. Albany, N. Y. WORiD !IIIT ipNS Air Narnya:u Cbandarvarker Is de - I cribed thus In the Romhay Guardian: ("He knew the (Tri.than Serfptures with the intimacy of eine erho read 1 isr DRECO ,. The Wo s,: Kidney Liver z. ick Tonic as Nationally Advertised Sold b • Irl. C. DUNIA1', ..•d•rieh, and to a geed druggist everywhere. your trial. Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo..Cobourg Ontario, for a free Dopy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon " Ailments Peculiar to Women." o them and fed his ..out upon them con- tinually. lir 11,44(1 to dimmest, the meaning, of some passage that hid ar r,. -tel him attention. When be ens appointed the first prestdeut of the new Bomlwy Council found a sphere that admlnlhly salt is gifts and training. Ills knowledge I his- tory and of law. alsd, .not leis, .his APfl8) pf diggnity and (leYornm fitted hint admirably for the task of creat- ing a wortl1r tradition In the conduct of the business esf the leglatnture. Rut Sir Narayen was happieet, not in the ehair M+ pre ld.•0t of the marten. tint talking wtth the village people. as, he went for his dally walk. learning of their troubles. and rejoicing in their shrewd and luuuel7 wlwlom. He was eager to see them helped, to wrens. for them m,adk•sl relief and make their hare life e1 -Ter. in ouch aim- plcnees ami gentleness he lived among hi- renews. loving and beloved." Guard the Baby Against Colds Tu guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- Ietr. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach bowels working regularly. It la a recognized fact that where the atom- ach and bowels are In good order that midst will not exist; that the health of Che little one will be good and that he will thrive rind be happy. The new rales tax will not increase the prier of .ITaby s Own Tablets, as 11,. enmpanc "Pays the tax. You can -till obtain the Tablets throneh any medicine dealer at 25 cents n lox. or by mail. pust paid. from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, rpt. Horticultural Satiety Annual The annual meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society was held in the Board of Tred.• r,ome on Friday everi- ing when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year—Presi- dent, J. P. Hume: vice president. J. T. Fell; secretary treasurer. W. 43. Bowden; directors (newly appointed for two years). R. H. Taylor, George Stewart. T. (1. Connon, Chas Cooke SOMETHING NEW IN A BLUE SERGE FROCK and E. R. Wigle. M: 1'. I'.; advisory and visiting committee, J. Juek, Geo. Gould.- .1. T. Fell: auditors, A. J. Mac- Kay. arKay. Roy Stonehouse. The old hires. tore. elected a year ago on the basis pf p two-year term, art.: George faith - wake, 11. T. Edwards,; George (;o'nhl. J. E. Tom and A. D. M(T.ean. The treasurer's statement allowed an actual butanes. un hand of $15S, which, .however. Includes au ap- portionment of L:A set aside to assist the town. In the making of an orna- mental park at the intersection of Waterloo strict and Elgin mean,, and also some fees for 1921. The ews•iety received a Provincial grant of 547. spent 5180 in bulbs and r..se bnshPA as premiums and secured 5181) In mem- berehip feed.- Tire membership ob- jeetive for this year has tarn aft at 2..0. The decision was made at the an- nual meeting to join tum Ontario Hor- ticultural Society. The secretary was lnotr eted to write Iter. Canon Hill. thanking hint for his ek.natiun of 510 as prize money for the aster altnw put on by the society for the school children 'of the• town. The gladiolii and aster shows eon- dn.tel by the Horticultural Society in conjunction ,With the fall fair last year .as well ae the co-operation ex- tended the fair board In jolni'ng hands In the arrangement of the entire floral display. were but two features of the worthwhile work of the society dor-/ ing 1923. i HER X ON //AND. • Oc Box ♦4 PURITV FIDUR 411111C1 inco.Mori ii I ,last tirue I ;tr„w a;„! I{, il, • 1't'tl'1' t.m USE IT IN ALL YOUR F ARINI, True Chivalry The genius of a ,ertaiu Arkansas wlltor els.wed their rvrutly When he printed the following news item in the loyal cohinsns or his paper: "Mss Beulah Itlatk. a .. itatet)vltle belle of twenty 'summers, is viedting her twin leruthe•rs..,age thirty two” IF SKIN BREAKS OUT AND ITCHES APPLY SULPHUR Just the moment you apply Mentho- Sulphur to an itching, burning or broken out skin, the itching stops and healing begins, says a noted skin spe- cialist. This sulphur preparation, made into•a pleasant cold cream, gives such a gtt ck relief, even to fiery eczema, the nothing has ever been found to its place. ause of its germ -destroying prop - es, it quickly subdues the itching, Dols the irritation and heals the eczema right up, leaving a clear, smooth akin in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pim- ples or roughness. You do not have to wait for improve. ment. it quickly shows. You can get a little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur at any drug store. .1 •distinct nove:ty in the design of the frock shown abov .. Is the Inaertlon of •t panel of accordion p ea ed tan crepe 1n the back, con - training with the navy hlne aPrge of the draw. Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago Rub Pain from back with email trial bottle of old "St Jacobs Oil.” Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden paint, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica nr maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with sooth- penetrating St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lame- ness and stiffness so quieldy. You simply rub it on your back and out comes the pain. it is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Limber upl Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest 'St Jacobs Oil" from any drag stere, and after ruing it just once 'Il forget that you ever had bedusie t lumbago or sciatica, because your hack wit never hurt or came any more misery. It never disappoints and has been rec- ommended for 60 years. .. ROBERT WILSON Frost Fence FOR Hard Wood Baled Hay Baled Straw Homestead Fertiliser Rock -faced Shingles Rubber -tired Buggies Hessas'Ites Street Phase GODERICH or Materials with SURPRISE and well washed; the truly clean HAIR GROWS THICK AND SO BEAUTIFUL 35c "Danderine" Does \VondErs for Lifeless, Neglected Hair _ Girls! A gleamy mass of li►=urisnt hair foil of gloss, lustre and life shortly (oilmen; a genuie, toning up of neglected scalp.. with dependable "i)and„rine.” Falling hair. itching scalp and the dandruff is correetod immediately Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly in, vigorated, taking on new strength, eolor and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is delighthil on the hair: a refl.-shin. stimulating tonic—not sticky or greasy! Any drugstore CHILDREN CRY FOR "CASTORIA" A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, .Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups — No Narcotics! Mother! Fletcher's Csatoria has been in use for over 30 rams to relieve hahi.e and children of (bwatipation, Flatulency Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying reveriahneaa arlaing there- from, and, by regulation the 4tnmaeh aid 110W1.111, aids rte assimilation of Food; giving naboa I cleep without opiates. The genn,re bears signature of