The Signal, 1924-1-24, Page 3Advertising is telling a prospective customer what you can do for him. For this purpose use The Signal's advertising columns. THZAIGMAL PRINTING CO, LIMITED, IPublhhera e atao.. F I it. S T of thr series dealing with the establishment olithe BANK Oi M. ,f tit representative points 111 CANADA, incl elsewhere LEFORE any steamship had crossed the ocean, and be- fore either the locomotive or the telegraph had been invented, time merchants of Montreal signed articles for the formauon of the "Montreal Bank," now the Bank of Montreal. That Was 011 June 23, t817 -snore thea to6 years ago. Since that nmeiMontreal has grown from a town of less t than 20,000 to a city of more than 800.000 population. The Bonk, in continuous and successful operation from those early days' down to the present time, has steadily pioneered its way across Canada. Today, through its Head Office and more dun sso Branches, it offers complete banking service- local, national, --tnternational -in every section of the Dominion. R BANKOF MONTREAL Established over 100 years Total Assets in excess of $6so.000.000 rr r •0 A QUIET SESSION Remu.ratton To l'runril '1'o Re Takers ionat GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 192-1 L'p With Solicitor. , .\'I the uj.•'uh. rs of town eoun I oil wort- present ^ (sr Ile- first -sftatular nesting a th )oar net Friday even Lt c Ph r I t e•,•tI!*1lv'•r of the preens were xh+� 111 .1„ nilit:g the ISulpltt in; quest. Fort huwerer, little hu.iltess of Iugw.rttls•e cam(• tefurr this-lneeting. witch oras a quirt one. An Intereatiog it.•ru aelm. ctr.. In the report of. the finance .s.mwittt•:'eT11a1 tip• matter of r,•n.nneratton ra eount•Ir to ' the t•Iajrtuan of - the finance lame In ilhe." The cemetery s,•xtop) reported five' burial during the 1Wnitb of. DetxNr.i c1ow and Bleak ]sauces eNita r!0 now pooseetwa approxi• mately 300,000 motor vehicles, whkh. ba -.r1 uo the 1,•;ulatlon of the PrOv• ince. means a ear to every ten persona. 4.r every two families. It will Att. he oven that at least halt of the residents of the Province. in• eliding children, are directly 1n- teressf.si lit- motor mg and - that cola•iderahly more then fifty per e eat. of the adult population are .so lntereeted it will thus also be teen that any expenditures on roadway coistructlon, imis•ose- went and maintenance will be to the direct benefit of at least half the papulation of Ontario in ad - tilt len to h•ing of indireet benefit to alt persons living within the Within a short flint. 111.• ear own - Real Estate and Insurance Sun lie i, Auto, Accident, insurance) Houses and Lots ,.derich and Farms for Sale FOR SALE-- veral very ne homes, among the best in Goderich. Full modern equip- ped, a large number of horses and lots in almost any part of the town desired. Many of them very cheap and easy terms. 18.50, $950, 81000, $1300, etc., will buy good houses and lots. Mao a member of fine farms for sale. As low as 8100 down pay- ment will be accepted. J. W. ARMSTRONG Above Parson's Fair P. O. Box 14!1 I :,wlerich, tint. a ber and the sail: of one plot with six lots. A letter 'from Dili -Slid. Children's Hospital jtvtuesting a donation was re - ferret! (0 the finance committee 5411 mo- tion of Deputy -Rove alulmings and Councillor Ryan. A communication from Barker Bros. Hayfield road. requesting the, removal of a tree. in ,:runt Of their tmrage was. on motion of Reece Mac - Ewan and Councillor L'latt, 'referred to the parks and public works• vow- mitten.' jointly. On moliou of ('oun•11'ors Worsen and Ryan the propuritlott of Samuel Sheardowu to rent the lower pert of the graveI pit for the sum of $10 per year was referred to the public works to tpt•i•stigat• and report. The question of providing ancone meslntion for a museum or the nucleus o4 one, was. on motion of Deputy. t Reeve Muell.tllgs and It.•eve Mat -Ewan.' referred 4o 'the special committer to look into and report. Sitar the public works committee Is able to nor. 'edeas" 0alt.'s tlte* (vaned d.cl,k'l to put a notice in the paper; requesting people td keep their garb- age and ashen ,separate. A motion W this effect was made 1.y Councillor Sunder ant Ik•putydleeve Muuuiugt•. 011 motion of peeve Macl:wan and Councillor Ityan it was decided to sub. ere of the Prosinee will ix' able to proenre their 19`14 licenses. There has been an unusually lung delay in the homing of the licenser thk year for certain unavoidable reasons. but 1t is expected that everything wl.1 be In readiness before .th1-. month 1s ended. The fee for licenses remains u1,•hauged at $13. There _Wlll- few r laeue e-th ectOua years. -ns the Department of highways 1a dlsirlona of reducing coats to a mini- mum. The new livens.. plates will have n yellow background. with black figure+. • They will be good until the end of the present year 1Cars purchased since the beginning of 1924 will be subject to Ow charge as other Oars. lawless Proceeding The 14.8e114•r slaw giving n 1eetitre on 'gravity." Now. children. she said, "it is tate law of Gravity that keeps tt on this enrth." ••I:nt pint:.• teacher. inquired one 4111111 child. `how= did we stick on before the 1/IV; was passed Y" sea Irl` the ...inst.. tdtort Rations it w•a" just after the hntteyutoon nod Mr. Fr'e„ltwtd superintended the Moonset of their first s'vening meal prepared to his young ,wife. FOR SALE e e e 4 The People's Garage 1-letorla street Goderirh, at present occupier[ by Wm. Craig. This Is a money -making proposition for the right man. Apply to Pitons :A P..1. RYAN II .W. WOOD Who has just been elected pt•eei• dent of the United Farmers of On- tario for the ninth consecutive year. At the annual [meting 914 alt.•ulpt tuns made to paw a reso- lution advutauting the establishment of a separate Dominion comprlsin4 the tern laces ,t,• ih, N i I \\ .rl 1. :a I FALL FAIR STATEMENT mound) o ;c unudb:pa: of rslt•s.I , • r: `al•h •nemla•r t„ "'t h,• t I,r 1 NI niittR Po"tpomied Lentil I.. • mina e' uul \ • w �1 M lay of Next. Welt• Folios -lug an IlhifF of wr/ rat • :• ! •I05,110.1 Tasai t re in 10th • vert tul,emelit weatlf• week's a sea known ri •tdi•ur oft .1r, -�-1►NfL liYtYtl ♦ act �u i W ; Wt redraw" ay at malty of alt watt , Ire 11tis crier Te Buying Power of a newspa 's circulation is gauged by actual results td by advertisers. Tltq, reader interest and in nee of The Signal is a known quantitvl-and its ality of circu- lation bl;iugs adveltesers satisfac results a:\ I:NTi-H4.IITII 1 is ti! NS. 4 The Late John Kelly • and four daughter... of whom 'but one sou now survive:- 1tr. James Kei17. o Morris townrh 1. Mr. K.4jy survived ale by tw.•niy four grad ••hildnn and sin grout grttnd,ehlidree. 0 f a `family' o f - twelve children; born to the Site 1[r. and Kra. Kelly the fol:owtng have Isis -ed nwuy: Miss E.fher Kelly, Mrs. W. C. (taker, Miss carnation. Kell):. and Messrs. 1'utrirk. John, Jos- e,: Rud Michael Kelly. Mr. K..117 was for a uumis•r Of years M-h'ad [run• tee --of I;seti'tr�ch._I.lnrnr�• •r•hx,t. Ia form he war :a •taus. h lits cal. lit -was tt dcvont minit..-r of the Ro- � waqq l'atholic ,church. t.eiug a f it fun i1t(•nllaut at `St. 1'.•tor'. ,•hureh. and well x monitor of Ow Holy .sot} 1'1••4 fuo•rs1 t,erelre which wi� he1.1 on Thursday morning from Ht. i.4-ter's chun•h. war conduc- ted by Rev. \Father P. J. Guam. wbo sang R.-qulegt High Mass, assisted by Rev. F$ther.4.Mffn•y, of Clinton. and Rev. Father Moran, of Ht. Augustine. Rev. Father Gaffney offleiat.d at the graveside rt•n•monics. The pallbearers were Meskrs. J. II. Kelly, I'. J. Ryan. 1'. Farr. Jam1+s Foley, Thomas Hog- an. and John Maffron, of Blyth. Mrs. le 1. Whitty and Mr. William Moyle tatng at the service in Rt. Peter's, hire Whitey rendering a beautiful Nolo entitled "Jerusalem." Mr.. W. 1I. Dullard, of Scaforth, presided at the organ. The attendance at the ser- rl(e here and also at Iilyth. where in- terment Wa•t mast• In At. MIe1Wel's ,wmetery. testified to the high esteem In which the d(ceesd was held by an • t.- .tingly large number • of friend. and acgttxlntatices in the northern part of the county. Among those present from nut of town for the funeral were• Mr. and Mrs. Jot- eph Dwyer, of Detroit. W. J_ Kelly. of Detroit, Mrs. Richard Foley. of Chicago. Cr... i' Moore and Mrs. Mack- lin. beth (.1 Stratford. Mrs. 1'. Rey- nolds. of Ilullett, anal :.tr. James Kelly. of Morrla u e e f J 1'. r. ( e au1lln,lg r•;wirt of _••i w ii'li id,e lied tki M011diTYlLC • tave•s 1•.1... . "$ring 1111"".1 wit:. :,.'fol•' atlliunt 111' ting of tire. 4:,s1.•r101 Agri. of the late John Kelly. pa lows: 1.11. 1:' titin, ..::,ll: 17120, 1 rid ,-n s..,•i.l w:i• ls.sto'onell petit tlnc home of his 4,twhter 9114js; 1:121 t.^.11; 1:._. tt13.u�.110 n,• -it St••i'da> ,Ift.•l11 14 eat 1.Sitt ,(loc•k. Farr. 4Iturch sRttt. nu 1!r_t. > t., to..,1, - $104.9x. It) i Th.• r.,':,,,t,ng fhiati ial-1at,•ment anti lost week. ' The theatu'd, Sime .hqu1. -t lax co'11rtlulls have 1..• pr, -eutel) to the anlilIJ1 meeting horn In the count) of Tiplwra laid. In January, l!W_, V0ine 1.. amounted to _:74.31. for „I,.;,Ierattnu. , !nontrial Park? I RECKi1''ts - country with his parents, the late. • Kelly and Margaret Ryan. at the tea A co:unnlni anion from P:Illiatn \\'al- It:::,,. .u, timid. la ,huo:4'. age of else yrnrs, settling first •tOr treat' 11.•• "SLµu.-eu•• ",....ling .>K 11i8.(alt.,► vese7"" at re t,.mrl muni the Vit• 7 FPldrnttst"•at•emnrllrt 1•nrt: `.Arse -refer. ProylTrr•tn! t-owrtr:u.-nr-:ratr4 --_�H6.4M►-_; :-T)tla�tra._. -Thi?_ a•ettn tin.'utgr•-.-eu_ ted to the cemetery and larks corm- i,llttrou Comity gr.na 100.1111 the willing ceswel, Thr, Lazy Rry rah, ntlt:ee, on motion of Deputy-ite.•ve j Gate rely (pts 199.99 (vnRum.d eleven weeks. Atter a rest- Miuulings rent Cuulldllor liuntber. 1 Palet. -1 $ \I .Iwuc atm' 11411[4' of only two years at Byetuwn Ott motion of Counel':lor [lumber and Booth and Game e1 lrewlons 72.it0 Killohw,.o11 tie �ll'eaisslppl river. prto"r w':ts °tC R,wve Ma.Ewan the council- det•idwl , t,I.I 1� t to meet the water and light i'ommis- ston on Thursday evening to discus,. the financing of the Intake propos-. [tion. Conmtittes Reports, The public work'. committee report - that out door skating rinks were loving made at 1'ictorut. Park and on tine lot on Bayfield meld. the same as last year. The committee recommen- ded that the town engineer be instrue- tell to prepare rill• special assessment rola for each sewer constructed which had net as yet leen capitalized. To Meet tie Comerjmilsn .\drertit'etneuts In i'ri .• Liar . •(Zip the Kelly family lived for a yt•tr in Unlimited Quantity of 300D MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered, EHE GODERiCH MANUFACTIIRING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angleaea St. Phone 61. Capital $ 8,000,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits2,067,074 Total Assets 128,299,679 The Bank's Annual Statement has just been issued and copies thereof are available for anyone, on applica- tion, at any branch of the bank. sea UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Wooleambe, Manager • wee pros eat . The finance rommittes' recommended • that the bond of the Dominion .Rood . Matltln.•ry Co. for $2259.412 due Janu- ary let last ie paid and that the mat- 1 ter or repayment by the Company toe taken up by the finance committee: that the insurance on the Ar-td'raft Furniture l'umt•any's plant• which re- quires some re -adjustment. be left with the chairman of the committee; that with refeTencw to the _method of as -1 ee N+TnR and COTICi�fititt oT tifr -tier cam -- mine.. mitts- ts• empowered to consult the solicitor to obtain advice as to the I method and pro dare to be followed.' and any other information required in the matter: that the matter of tel-' runneration to eouuclllors tel taken up with the solicitor by the chair- man of the committer: that the Housing Commission he rvcluestt-.l to collect the sum of $1044.30 outstanding on the Cathherttan loan or tr. realize on the property. The committer re- ported that the Galerk•lt •Indnstrlal Exhibition Society had paid into the town treasury the snm ofi4- somber of at -•aunts were panned in - dieting: Street lighting for Dleem- twr. $.44!1.08; water rates to July lar. $1594.13: Provineinl Treasurer. few for i tot re consolidating debt. $150; snow ploughing to January 12th. - 60: .t. Higginson. services at National ahipintildtng plant. $1840. R. R. Kemp, attending town eloek daring tient. $7,0.00. ibtaeri. ' rant Itar-k- Fees fur stalls fund pens- s e e s ' Mt wlers ticket,. add (:rand stand -admissions Prov. F1.•Id Crop Grant (1!r_'. Prot-. Field Prop Grant (1t $u Prov. g-rnnt, wet weather allowance ... ('`� rtaywt but one year, at that time 18.11,'11 moving to a farm oil the Th eoa,ea- IT•� 1 stun of Morris township. whirl' for Ate! thirty.nin.' years was Mr. Kelly's home. Isaving the farpm in 1MM3 Mr. x•00 Kelly livid retired in the village of Itlyth for nineteen years, tvming to To ,•oming fn tioilerk'n 151n -re they' 300.00 $2901.:.{ 765.90 3I1.00 239.43 95.64 EXPENDITURES Prize Money .... $ Horse races Field (lop. Priz.•s. 19'22. $375 1923. 875. other expenses Printing. bills. posters. prize list .... Postage. $33.71; paler. 85•'-'.4 : posting bills, $34.95; et I- tionery, $11.50; tickets. $)4.20 Telephone. $4.80; electric lignite 25.: water, 810; atria. $10. .... 49.80 ' Ghard. 87.50 ; t onstableti, $10. gatemen. 122. Ce ... _welt. watchman. $9.00; meals. *2.5.'10 sees sees sees 7450 Insurance .. sees. sees .. 150.001 Racing Association fee .. 20.00' Judges 820.; race judge and starter. $215 51.00 County advertisements 18.00 Work on building. 852.49: 64.0 8.00 horse ring, 811.50 Rest tent. $6; law costs. 82. Other eipenses of manage- ment sees Salary secretary-tr(ttsnrer Membership retained Town of Goderich (workon_ building". in past) 1lautnce on hand ..... • • G. C. I. L tersry Officers The (:coterich Collegiate Literary '- S.ociety has e!eeted the following Bet, of offl(erw for the winter term: Iron. i president, Rontil(1 3. G. W Ikon, .Tor- onto; president. Tom. M. Cott; vice presidents. W. F. Baker and T. 1) Anderson; secretary. Agnes 1'. Fraser: treasurer. Robert .1. MeT cod ; planlst. Etbel M. Whitely; editors of the I Journal. Chariest Humber, Reginald ! Munroe. Dorothy Brown: press seer,. blebs:. Jeno Winter. F. McCarthy; ex- ecutive font, representative from each roroull tketlght \Gttelt. Rowan! ljua).t. Douglas Nairn. Margnr,-t Welsh'. and 1 hottie' .5. Robinson. 25.44 Goderich twenty 15000 ly was married a 66.00 ary 26th, 1864, by to Margaret Wal -_--- _ "Tau? Mr: a6d M • Morris -township. as also do three danghters and two $2001.54 sons: ,Mrs. Joseph Dwyer, of De- trolt. Mrs. M. J. Farr, of Ooderieh, Mr. W. J. Kelly, of Detroit, and Macdonald Gibbs. teacher of piano Mrs. Richard Foley, of Chicago and and singing at Knox cbur.h, Sat- Mr. Myles Kelly, of Los Angeles, urlays. 10 a.m., to noon; and 3 to enlifornla. The deceased himself was y p.m. tf the fifth child in a family of six sons years ago. • Mr. Mel- t Wingham on Janu- Rev. Father Wasro, 4111. daughter of the rs. John Walsh, of who survives him, 304.39 • A So d Sens Burliness. - Mr. Arthur (lnazei has disposed of his hill posting business in Goderleh Wingham, Clinton and Seeforth to Mr. Oscar Winmill, of Goderich. who se- cured pmts. -anion of the bnedneeas on January 2nd last. During tltp past ten years Mr. Hnazel has succeeded in building tip a first-rate bill posting ' service under the name of the '•Snazel Posting Service," which will he con- i Honed by the new owner under the saute of the "Wlnmlll Posting f.'rvice." The deal, transferring tie' It does fifty-eight panels of ad- 1-vertlaing spaen.throughout the county, la an important one in the field of bill board advertising. (UNION BAN -K OF CANADA 59th Annual Statement, 30th November, 1923 ruoF IT AND Lens 414 4 lit sen' $03,12r. 15 Balance to credit of ace`ounl. P,th November. 1:'22.. I,• _sees. _ 531,17'•:15 Transferred to Contingent Heserve-Account. 111)11. ,lune. 1 131,2114 St Met Profits for the Tear, after deducting expenses of n:,,':, _anent• Int due depositors. •ing for !Wriest and ex,t,,,).e, nmt making full - provision fur all - bad and doubtful debts, have amounted to bleb has been applieta as follows': ' Dividends 144. 21xt, : 115. 214,1: 144: 2.1: 147-, 2 .. �Contribution to Oflicet.e Pension' Fund TAar Tax on hank Note ('Ircuiatlon, and Reserve for 1,,, ••," Balance of Pnonta can -led forward.......... sees__ .........__.. GDS l- -...-.....__-_...--t.... W ..._......- s LIABILIT1125 t� stock -..•--. ........ Rest ccount Baran of Profit and Loss Account carried for, w.0 d Dividends Cnclnlnl .................... Iiivldeud No. 147, pnynble lst Decehlber, 1923. -. Notes of i (tank In Circulation.... ..................... ..-.. ........ poaale n, t bearing Intelesl - - - .posits he ring Interest , A 'ranee.. un er the Mabee Aet lichees -due other Hanka In baaa4l lances dile n ltauk■ and Ilaetking CM resp. dent,[ .tsew et than, w Ca,adai...........:.... .. ors of Cred t outatanding. --- tunes not in luded In the forettuing.... 1.033,432 11 1 1.1.• { ;20.00s 00 10,1100 011 r;,� . 137.520.Ya ---�--ate (L1%4,69,.01 t s.noe1.040.00 ( 1.7Gt1,00a.10 ' :117 „-e 13 2,nG ;.•!; 1,11 41404' ^3.^.". It 111,2.:3.31 .4( • 10,317.57,0 00 .1 711.881.01 67.141.709.72 w. ten. 000 00 :44:4.760 01 2,094231 22 118.734.? ,A1 .......... 1,329.993 51 Ms,299,6; 9 'i4 . . Ae5CTt4 acrd Aiiver Coln -.. i 9, 77.195 90 • Ion liuverhnteht 3d.les..._._. sees !'•11;7.191.00 s ees..-.-__.- 10,0R:..317.P0 It with Mintater or Finance for e,.„••• of ••-e --- ---- -- - 2,5n1 00p 00 N,)iea t In the Central l/uld. Reserve- se es - - -- - _... _sees 741.Y1i.00 Mutes of other' (tanks - ................'............ sees. . ........... _.. sees � 42.741 21 United states and other Foreign Currencies. .. 1,5 Che u •a on. other ]tanks .. - ltalanc s tale b Batiks Mini .. n nu. urirsp s' tt1ti'. . �n by 1i, 104."J b. 11 Domini •n ml T'ro41nMa1 tlov't Ret!'tirutiea not eaeeeding. market value.,......,_ Conadl-n \Iunlrlpnl Securities, end itrltlsh, Foreign and (',h.itlat, ieubllC .a: .9ec - rides other than Canadian, not eRR•eeding marker value _...... ftallwa3- and other Donde, Debentures and -blocks, 1501 exceeding ni k'.1 void* 3.:.v3,•4:t:05 1l sot Short (not exceeding 30 [lay's) ',wrens In. Canada. on ltonis. (tcben• 1,096.0.4f, ':r �ture- and Atneks_.. ... Catl ane Sh(1rt /not ex-rcedIng 30 .kly1) Loans elsewhere t]tan-In (•an:ada . .. 9.4(2.1,1 73 i Demand cans in Canada aaguLesLb1. Y[Ftn . . - _ _ 6;7..s271.7:36,1%.,14 . Loans 10 Governments and Municipalities Other CO nt Loans and Dlecounts in Canada (leas rebate of Interest) 53•t�s,a40.19 Other Cu 'e Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada [less ,,•bate of 2IRLR38 7t tri-...-..._ .._sees-_. ,..-�,,..................-sees..:--......... _ _yTyT3S 72 Real Eats • of erosion.Dankpremises 401,53960 ]Mortgages on R a 1 Estate told by the Rank i ,' 701 46 (4 '... !1177 EO 1^ Non -Corr'. reI Lot estimated loss 1. emir a to Renk Pre last. at t more than coat. lest amt.unls ',Written off I.fahllttlea ,1 Customers under Letters of Credit. as per contra. .. 21:312199..199111.:,4, sees... .... She,ze and bond* of ane loans to controlled rompanlra...__.. - 11, Other' Ante s not. Included 1n the foregoing;7723- NOTE. Ronde of the Canadian ResltY Corporation, Lbl., to the extent 1131.21 of $2.%E0.r,0 secured on premises leased to the clank, •re In the hand,. let the 1'ubti These floods do not appear In the above Slate.u,ent. as the ` (tank Is net directly liable therefor. ' W. R. ALLAN. President. J. W. H.t5II1.T0Y. c .1 Meeager. Al1DTTORl` Rl4PORT TO THE. swim:noun:Its at Read (dikeandaudited the A above Flalance reh teas fromheet end cthelrBranches.ared th he b „k+ an -1 ria, F•rx We have ghecked• the cash. anti verified the ncuritl4a representing the Investment of the tionkatsthe CM elf Chief Office nn the 10th oflNovember 1921.date an1 fnuot that tthan hey at owerethe In.Agree- Meat with the entrlea In the books of the flank relating thereto. We report that we have obtained all the Information and eiplanntinns we have re- baye beenatwIra ithinrIkenion the powers of a thectIona fank. find thate nto oulch r opinion the ae come bove stater ment dtscloees the [tae coudItlera of the Bank and MARS asY shown by E. A. Rb:Anthe s offqAthe a Rank. wlnnlyeg. Dec. 19, 1919. et the firm of 0PiOR'7F. A. TOFCT(B a co. HOW THE DiXMi'DE MET iTS FATE The great dirigible slrabip, the Dixmude, which with a Fren•lt crew of half a hnndred. how disappeared mysterbuely, la now believed to have been struck by lightning, far above the clouds, during a terrific storm over Africa. Romance and tragedy mingle In the story of time airship, which was anrrendered by Germany, and applied by France to her own nee. Defying ing the t'k'mente of the ale, it started off nn a long cruise, and except for finding of the body of its commander there le no trace of the missing ship. The sketch shows what apparentlybsppewed to the Dlxmnde tar up to the air. •