The Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 7i WUAT. 1. eta MR £OMPLETELY REE fip CON$TIPATION Tried for Years to Find Relief "FRUIT -A -TIMES" SAYE IT amok Coroetipotioa or ituafci.i i action q% 1M bowls, is one of the great masses of disease. Some autho- rltios eosin claim that Constipation cannot be permanently aorreeted. This is a void salitiake, because here la the proof that oonstipatlon can be cured and the bowels made to act "'gutsily aad naturally. Yaarot1 , N.B. "Tor yeah, I wee troubled with Constipation, and bad to take laxa- tives and purgative all the time. I.f I neglected to take these, the bowels would refuse to do their work. About two ream ago, a friend advised ase to try f}atlaaaw , which I did. The tint boz helped me so much that I obtained further supplies of the remedy and oontlnued the treat- ment. After using about eight boxes, my bowels were able to perform their particular function without aid. The relief is Fee atm Acs been Iamias, as up to date,.1 have never had any further trouble. I Itaa recommend "Fruit -a -Live&" to all suffering as I did and I am bare they will derive equal benefit". A. W. FRAN/ELIN. "Fruit -a -tires" are sold by all dealers at b0c a boz, d for X2.50, trial size 25c., or sent postpaid by Fruit -- fives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. A. J. LAITHWAITE added Caatrsetor Agent for Blur Bird Washing Machihes. Choice !int" of Electric- al Fixtures carried in stock. Old Colborne Motel Corner ]'bone 251 (( I. •TRATFORD. ONT.. The Ieaditet Commercial rcles,l in W'eetern Ontarl. edere a free tourer by snail to fibre wli,ixtrp ooe entering i•tm,irreaa Colte-in--rooteitiber. By " home study' you can sl•arten your aeh.a•I term. Our graduateeare met- ing with dlleeees. Write at once ler l FREE MAIL COURSE CENTRAL NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Happenings Recorded in Huron County Newspapers Dealing With Events of Interest to Readers of The Signal e Hu on Mo top eta Ilgh su u an electric stores In Gorrie , ford, officiating. The floral tributes Jackliu. Wm. E. Karnes, Mary R. Mc - y, July 17th. the ball on the, were numerous showing the high es -I Allister, Annie K. McIntosh, Jennie he water tank at the C. 1'. R.' term in which the elw•rawed was held. McKee. Annus McTaggart (hon.), n that village was struck by The Iwreavei have Uw sympathy of I Clifford Meehan, Gordon Mitchell, ,ittle other damage was the entire comwuulty. Florence Oliver, Jack Oliver (non.). Rrr F lie t•ver, Aa OM Reil Laura I'ptterson, Louise Hose, Irate Mr. I'etrr W. Scott. of Brlgrare, to sieliwadrut 4 hon. ], jCthekeen email- ver, s meeting of the Grand I The little daughter of Rev. A. A. don, Norman Smeller, Mildred Statrt- I.aler of Ancient Free aud aev'epted and Mrs. Truwlwr, rector of Trlvltt hog (hon.), James Smith. Harvey Maoist. now in wallets at fort Arthur. Memorial church, Exeter, has just tee- Stephenson. Vm. Fraser Strachan Mr. W. 1 . itrawley, of Corrie. Is too 'wive! a doll from Btlgland whlch has (hon. 1, I)ourlda Thompson. Marjorie Newly appointed C. P. It. statiyq agent- been In the Trumpet. family for four Thompeen, Sylvia Thowp.0o (howl. hi Wtug1aw. i grnrratiuns. The dull to sixty -ulna Kenneth Tyrrutau, Edith 11'lllie. Ruby M Louie I' ? 1 11 boastsyesrs old. Youugr. Mr. uu » rang. mese .u4. c Blyth Publk 8eboet runt 11 fest, u itches high.. Any Motor Accident While Playing the tot tet•onie ? l • Good Samaritan Oliver Anderson, Beatrice rnirser- seeuud radio set in Zurich is 1 4(n Sunday evening last Walter vier, Loretto Healey. Lisl"th Rollin - being manned by, Barry G. Hess. )*airman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. ger, Mildred King. Olive M,a,n (hon.], Mr.Albert IBabe ) Siebert• of 7-ur-I Itateman, of 14vfurth, met with a George Powell, Lloyd Rxithhy, Fiore nasty 'evident. While driving in from e►i* Slater, Ruth Vincent (bon.), Leh, lett for Kitchener Bali and Galt last hayfield with some other boy.. their Bertha *goer, Stewart Tuung, Lila merit Sue(ttow to )tale . Youngblut, Rev\ A. A. Trueatwr, of Exeter. left I car overtook a car in distress on the aide ',f the road, awl the boys offered Clinton Public Scheel forW i for', to take the lad partyIt t on with *hent. •Thr ca 1141 dill, ltltkey (hull.), PI T 'ltfnllwg rat week Fel preach c mrwlwrs of the t th )tall. Ada lilRKlu. ('llarlutte six %eel,* In Holy Trinity church. Rev. ouetle Bolton *lou. o, A. T lire, of the church of the Re -'young Iliue•man met nut ua the run• Evelyn Hurnx 'Ilton -1• Alma ismer, during Louden. will heli charge lu 11114* board to ride, awl while golug ijcll, Cecil ('eloper. Earl l'udmore, Camp - Exeter during his elective. down Bannockburn Hill. lir was George Elliott, Melvin Elliott. Beta Ithn,wn off, striking the reed with such Elliott, *ran Falconer Ilion. i, ()liver .► Fish Story and A Trite One P. Stakes, of Wiugtigm. pullet out fuse that Ia was rrlileret uw•onscioue Fergwan, Wilfred Flynn, }red }owl• of the Maitland River tie Saturday sic- for several hours. He wee badly c•ut ,.r, Evelyn Olbhlnp, Jack Gihhtn.ts, ruing, July 13th. one of the largest al■nu the head and otherwise brultwd. Wgrwn Gibbing*. .jfesruthy Str'xtk• black' laws seen In thin as•tlou for but is now reeoveriug likely. Ha -want Vernice (bon.), Violet Wut- years. Th.- fi.12 weighed dye pound*. Clinton ]bung Readies Honored (,kin- (hon.s, lien. G.Nuzi,•r, Wilfred {our entice and wit. aels,Ut fourteen -.The (-heir and pastor of Wesley inches eclat church. 4'liuton. met at the home sof Bouquet for Clinton Kittle Ratio Mr. awl Mrs: J. E. iolwrty on Thurs- The Stratford Herald speak. of the Clay evening• July LeIth. to spend a o Clieitoi Kiltie-l'iiiers which appr!.Y c'd Hal lour prior to the departure- of Ge- ar ow at the Tattoo ih that silty reently •r- organist. MIs. Gladys ('antelon. from Dist but not West while Scotch blood town. it was nn informal little gith- or Se•.m•h ailmimtlon lives in the breast ,erlIg and /during file "ve111ag Mh. of 1'nnadIhrS. Mime the gtdd----pipeem-tl'esmelon was presented with a very trent *'111144.1. This 1'Ipr' It*ud le al- ilitlalw.,Ule bral'elet watch. n. r little way, g tel La Stratford with real remembrance be her fellow -members tt•lraith alai Mi. +•Is[t added to the of for choir. ,pyre- tion id the people here of a The t.-nehers and ',deers of the Sun - •:y ,fine little band of pipers and day .,•Safi presentel Mi..s 'ferried .Irnutmers. .l'autel1in, who, has leen on the staff Felt Twfnty-Are Feet 0If Barn Roof .tor tear pa -t maple of years, with a • t atrNt of peed.. Wruxeler Public Scheel S;a•neer Ashton, Dori. linker (hon.), Harold Itartuu, Eielyu ]*x114. (bolt 1, Leslie Douglas, Kenneth Edgar. Nellie }:dear, Harry L. Edwards, Mary Fitch. Agues (Ilbaou, Archie (Olsson. Isabel Gibeou, John Gibson. Margaret Gridlth. Ira Hampton. Alders,* lnglls Ilion.). ('parent* McCallum. Alive Meahan (Itou.4, Geo. Moue., Era Musgrove. Harvey 1'lalt 11101.4. Wi(lnifrel'Itae (hon.), Harvey Ituhlnswu, Muriel 1(04• logos, Iawrew* Short, ltert Spruce. Frank Stafford (con.), .1tuth Stocks', Clarence Taylor. Elizabeth Thomson (bun.), Verna Vogan, Eeart \Vldtd• ld. .. THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 9th. to 16th 192E One of tate most interesting feature of last years exhibition was. the Inc. and girls calf feeding competition which wa* put on for the gra( time. There were thirty-two competitors and and although there were only fifteen prizes Oren. the Board gave a prim+ Olt 910 cash to each of to tither c0u- tei.taata. This competition well be repeated again this year on similar conditions the drat prize being $11k1 and a .liver cup ill addition to this a yearling feed- ing mmPetitiuu will be put Liu fur Boys and Girls somewhat similar with Keu' erous prises which have been kindly donate) by The Farmers .Advocate and Mr. Fraltrgb of Ferret, one All luforluattou Is in the Prize 1.1st. send (:lazier Ilion.). Lillian Glenn, 1.. M. Glen. Vera Gould. Edna Gov ler (hon.]. Hewitt"' Greens. Mary Grealtt. Mar- I Because Lydia E. pinl[haal's jorle }Mer (hon.), Hazel Harris. John Hellyar. I)outaa Hudeon..A11uo Itu1!rr. I Vegetable Compound Re - Ruth Jackson. Harold Jervis. ls Jinks, Walter Jinks. Allan J dates ' stored My Health ( bon. 4, Edith Johnston ( lion. ). Vm. Laois. Alfred Lellrnn, 1\'w. Ler. e'lnr• A elt, N. Y- - "I was inbadbealtb ewe Livermore, Margaret IcEwau but there didn't seem to be any one ting thou. ). Rae Mason, Neil *lathes ill to matter with me. emnrmrrmnn I was tired out all over and it was an ef- fort for me to move. 1 was irritable and could not sleepnights - and had trouble with my bowels and at my periods. It seemed . that nearly every ono around me knew of your medicine and wanted me to try it+ so at last 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Tablets and Lydia E Pinkham's Blood Medicine and improved every dal. HOW DO Mr WORN WITH EASE Ihon.), Hurou, ,Murch, Hazel Potter. Thelma Rowe1Me 1 hon... Zemin Sal- ter. Fret Wampdon. Frieda Se•4.wuhals, Albert !Maddock, Jot• $hadd.s'k. Beth Smith (po(4.1, Edith Suanbury (bon.). Fordwkb Piddle School 11 hat might ha+.• Iwen n ver? «r - ,peel • y r Dalton .Uhriglt. PMelle'Angst. };dun ,lone.avei•lthtl lwpts•Ii.I to Mr. Andrew , best Appetit' New Principal . Armstrong. W'tu. Iter tt 1hots I. Ell - 1 crgtu,w. lleitrivre. l st_Wirk-w1LlI he - TAw.•l'.4Itn/ate- In titutt Board a zaheth Breen.. Sylvia Gallia. Haney $onlac evening Ja1v Demmerling. Kenneth dine, Muriel of at least twentystive fell ..g the roof of his earn_. a distant* Revtts,vttt III,•{ nu 17th. to e,n* Ileal Dulnlage• Georgeane Awl1 Meth 1 hon. t. Nellie CnI(.raith, Marjo le (31isa,n (hon.). Matilda Gilson. ('applwll MOIL W 81. /dray, Arthnr HARrIs. Alk•e Leonard. Maggie Mclla ally. IN to. Ido all my own work now except Rogers. John W'anek. Si 0.1y V*aok. I washing and do it with ease. 1 can ad- Stewsrt Walker Ghon.1. Hazel VCoI[r. I ee nplirth as much in a day now as it would have taken me a week to do last winter and I try to get every one I know to take your medicine to build them up. You are welcome to use this letter as a testimonial if you like," -Mrs. CAAS- BAgYA 21 Spencer Ave., Hornell, N.Y. aicauts for prin. cher_ There were limo for the posi- r. J. ('Neill. of appointed at a ointment was as the board Clone. ytr.Nlx1, lie wai..patehing the root rips, and defeli'e when u shower of rain came- 01' aril about twenty appl made the r,a,f. elipp ery. He thus Leet tion of ,prfnrlpel. !hie footing and fell to- low ground,' (Imegee, ((otarkI, I..r(1111db-1v no isiuw were broken but salary' ,d $S.71a1. N', .I_ ankle Is sprained and he had n fere' mash• for deIi*e masts -13 vat.. and brui.rw shout the face. waited to get other Nig a Leafing EgriwndvRk When leaving 1:gnaaitel11e for Loll- : The; bylaw to I,ormw a tit Erua10 dos lire, R. McLeatl was prrse•ut.sl for the building of drains 1 the cil- fwith • Fair. of SZ21Ni by the csmgr•ga loge of Exeter w'a.. passed on Monday. aeon .d the I'rs•:bytrrian church. 51rv. July 17th. null a .wall coir car re Seaforth Pubile Schad In almost every neighborhood there Me L.•,ua 1 Gan Gw n, Iplent of a eau_ corded. A majority of sixty -riff t was axe women who know of the value of d••z.•u cut gens. sherbert glamor,: 1.t' tow given for the hrtaw however, . the Alive Archibald (hon.). _Isobel Ar- Lydia* E. Pinkham's Vegetable Clorrt- N••:I paw Aiix itiury. . vote of 170 ratepayers. ehll old. J. xnettr Archibald acorea. They know because they have Clinton Mary Atkinson Russet! Barret, Pearl ken It and have been helped. Why ton Itowwpe{x•r nlow_ the "'the of ' ha. leen appuitiriat-sty--iiia-(• C. I. (lion ). 1ol',h Brown. Elroy Itrow•nle• own law finally declared the • un- vacancy caused j Ethel Cameron. Lyle' / p rd n furs (sum Inas hal four '_Ile ].sok h n. . folioed the hours for serving mea s ou n has in Coutinuatiou ani alt Dale. Ileara Itnlrymple, Join, n Dal., Don - Exeter Bylaw C Exeter -t Thursday. July 27, 1022 -4 A. M. Hunt, my daughter. for uta• 10 ices dLowli r,. IIl.ulret %nettle-1•uu're tun late. General offices. Lowlier,. Ont. 1'+'4. teenier' already. "1)id you statesman ? " interview the eminent "What did he have to "Nothing." "I know that. wens of 1t ? say b" The atingle•at man was s'orine tete- ' hired man for his extrecaganee in wanting to carry a lantern in going to call on his twat girl. But low mast' col. "The idea ! " he scoffed. "When 1 WPM courtlu' 1 ue+'er carried * lant- ern; I went In the dark." A supporter of the haul football; tram arrlvel at the ground'" one day and sew' a load of bricks. He app proaelsel the elub secretary and asked,' ••Wouldn't half-bricka have been bet-, ter ? " "Hol{ -hicks'' replied the seers'- tory. "We eaonldu't build a pavWou with half -bricks I Oh ! Are they for a .pavilion t" wsld the man. "My mistake. I thottkhtl they were for the referee." Irate Father-i'Il teach y0tt to klse . "Yes," he '41244 ...idly. "alai hook what fou gut." "Look 111 Hansard' it you want to are what your member is doing,' ad- vised the local pwolltic4ru. "That only tells wbut hr's Maytag," growled the mall who kuew. Poor pewsaut lett Maileoly I jukt as wueh-a ltusslun sa you." lied 'Want : "Your opinion doesn't count. If you aren't n Bolshevik yea aren't n Russian --you are only -a• dirty capitalist." 75 Boys' Tweed Suits 75 2 piece $20.00.. $7.95 Bloomer Suits, regular prices $12.00 to Sizes 26 to 35. To clear at $7.95 for One Week July 29th to August 5th. $7 95 McLEAN BROS. Agents for !semi -Ready Tailoring anti ('arhdrtt Overalls THE SQUARE .GODERICH Manley Publle School' Theresa Eckert. Margaret Horan. EUs'cn Mulligan. Marie Murray. Nel- lie 4O'Rourke. Esther Ryan. .lames Shea. Mabel Rieman 11um _ Restaurant Question 1. Clo.ed i New Teacher ion Clinton C tion' y give A. the fullo+viug item from a Ct11F-{ Bexton. *Vaal lien un•1fan1 (caret, )Ill- t you veil• triall hits+ A. Fern Oi b lane t:1' deme Britton (hon.). ],erased Browne that t I 1 I ` hoard to till aIle d h the hon.l, i 1 hap- Sunday. a - ♦ guy hours far re-t:auruu-. nod r.•s•in.l- reslguation of Mrs. Mew' Miss (ire- 14 Wm. Chesney (lion.). Jean ('IuR, 1 particulars. sir motion. winces greatly 14(4(4 a -hail 7e•11M' 1 0 . Retired A. Mei.ACHLAti, Principal 1 exp 1 High1) 1 Su d ay. sehool work and conies to Clinton with IMo ,• F,d++nr,{ Ii'ce•re'anx (hon.), ' "Ite.tanrant keepers in Clinton are very watisfaetory testimonial,' from the Kath n Fltiottt. Wu'. Faulkner. ('sr- - to have the advantage of lees stringent Iwmmingtuu High school. mon rgltum *hon. l• John Flannery. Sabbath legislation 111141 111 the future Windom Should Advertise Like Cede- John t. itert11u Grieco Mon... may scar weals on that dao 1st any rich Eleanor arries. Hazel Haugh, Eliza - hour. Title de•Islon was reached by beth Hie 1411, Walter porgy. Mary Jhr town cornett nt a w{,e•ial mietlnR•l one of the tort} -three traitler. who Jackson 1 in.). Ruth Jarrott (lion.), iriNm A 7 •7nthm passed at a lirevkeue app,lesd 111 slwwet t0 111ughutu-ay {I„prt.--..5[lldred John., wT rllmttei The trstAnwtt rt. ]!lard adw crrtisrrut for tracllera; 11s stone )Christi,. Ennui= Kuiellt. Mervin Liingstone• 4 hon. a, Ihon. ). Andre ' Me- seq,h Mann (Iaon.), Wm. McNay, Mary Leery Minn (hon.). y Nicholls, Mar- irene Patterson. Edwin Rankin, n. Reynohis toothy Robin- itut _ LI•' W t . .thin aIil- 1 hon. 1, rt. Mar- ( eon. 1, Tnw- .111- tick CLOTHES TALK The Idler Tar leek The I. •' We clean, prow and repair them and give, them a tone of DISTINCTION Call is We'll Call Telephone 3311 Maim Helen ?('fuss« W.. C. SNAZEL Snnth gide of Slnan•, *;•slerich m. na to re fail Sunday hours was rr,4,-11141ce. I ed the following information "At the hist regular meeting of the, far is 1t from a rallreail station wad and teen 4.0418'11 the question of Sunday i how near a. church ?" y hours for r,.Mutant. was dl.e•uwsel • joking or neo es ?rhe' knl;r ,cesow anythng and n motion, passel limping them to I about R g' 1 were - hours 7 to a. fe breakfast. 12 to 2 for I tar7. suggests that 11 -Ingham advertise di11uerand 5,41 7.31n for sewer. This more. Her application was the first evoked instant o ar•ltlnn x44.1 prti- eti lea+. rejected. -Walkerton Tele., p1e• than was quit-kl7 e - shit that same 2110 1118 1440 clergymen. the conneil to re onsidei= ( Stine the council decile 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . .' formehe rr Rtnilnys holies." a ' 1 -T Large 1'. F. 0. Mak • ,l very sicceseful U. F. O. wet. Nellie it. Crozier. 1Pxlhne: }.Iva vow held oh Tlmreday' of -last w, -'-i ill still W'htttnore'..Grave. Tuckertnith• when `k- Dewar. hayfield; Jennie E. Earle, Everything for the Home. lthe clubs of Seeforth. Itntee8eld, and \'t'roxete•r: Ella I. Feer. Blyth: Hart' Walker, Dorothy Web -tee, I 7 Weil - 4.s I Fl is Auburn • \aha K. Gaiser. ('re•- and (hots.), 1.1oyd Williams (12nn"1. idiom* with the -Finn-(sty Normal i- hteitta: inrind- twoIIi t the list of students who - .y„inn. auw eeduily_ noosed The r - of *ml „a1W14at4.su at-.$tratf_ • ne me , 0 aU"- the following -from Hu - ai e•- their e stave Hilly interim oe•eond class Carrie I:. Anderson. }Neter: Eeelyn F. !taker. Itrusaels: Ida E. Itolton. 1wnr. Knthl mild whit.", lean Ihon-t. Hugh McMillan, \hatthews, thou.), Geo. Munroe.' Stan gang Norrie Aimee i'alriek II .4 RAunkl Re(1ake. -Go thou.), Mabel I(lley. 1 teen, t:ocel 11 12 41(.1 .t Mn --1 llnp.u.u. {sots. Ale stinith. Gerald 4n,w•d Frank Sperm. Lindsay Rte ganef Stewart. Elva Tnnt In Alice Thompson (hon.), Clift ant (hon. i, Violet Pieta; (leo, dem -Wallace. Russell_- Walk Bargains in every department. 1'1(nton rel for a moost.e. garter b ver vomit ill('] July Sale Now On • Drop in any time. This is your store. Agnes E. Glen. Clinton; Grace Whotham Public `ehool . Godedch ; Margaret L. !lose.; Mabel A' ns. Thin cin A. James. BeILMve;_ Grace Angst., ers)11. $en forth : -71 n iAn krhnek1e TTton. t. Enytlt B k. ,fridge'. e•e ■• el.,l.urgh H. Jones. Nnron; Vern 1:7-'fl(!rnard i atrrn- altn• a.lek Flrld Exeter: Mary E. Lamely. Myth; Kate Morris ('!mist l' 1 MacDonald, I•uckuow• : Ethel A.- Mac- Chou.). Jack F meter 1 h• , Lillie Kay, Seaforth: cium.iotte M. MacKen- Gxrnfs 1hon.1, 1" 1' Sell. F.d- zir, Ltx'kuow: Margat•!t M. NInunetcrs, nn Hendevson 1110,11 • 1. !lender- Brume-els; Margaret E. Pete; Vera B. Pepper; IAllinn 71. )'otter. Cliatn Potter. Myth: Myrth' rowel . R Walton: I t 1, arm: IIB. T ttei suer I Hnmllt 211111 the only itscldelt of n illi -i i °t{ 14amIZuricll: Uig nature was the nun -appear Vis. .lines Milcl'hnll who lind'lawn Hazel L J advertised to speak. However, J. W. J Kone. Y. I'. for North Huron. Wm. Black. 11. P. for Routh Huron. an(4 Andrew )licks. 71. I'. P. gave Interest-, inK ls•litiexl sla•e'hrx durlu4 the. onF l s Harold Blackstone's Henry Willer( of D weed D Sud.' 'nip (community of IM•hw0o11 was F E hangs den I' •Furniture xe elerekel upon learning of to death of (On The Broadway •d teele:ricle J . _- g inert. one of 1)nshwood's most piromiurut men.The •.0 ." had been in his usual health and had retired about 12 o'el ock• About an hour later he ained ot not feel- ing well and Iwf relmedical help could be 'dimwitted had panned away. The late Mr. Willett Was bornwinch htterar county and when a hey, par- ent!, moved to Stephen where he ha. Pince resided. He was a member of the county .votuieil at one time and served a period of eleven }'ears as reeve. He was also a staunch Coneer- crtave to politics. He had been anp a - master for the taut ten year, present wad engaged with his eon(' in the flax loduatry. He Badreached c ed tbe months age of .I1ty-four year.' and seventeen days. He leaves a widow-. two ern.. Fel. and Will, of re•ntralla. and tive (daughters, MM. Hermes Zimmer, 01 Stratford; Mrs.i. Hoist Hayter, and Isaac, of Dashwood : Mrs. Moo of Greenway. end Mrs. Bert Station, of Grand Bend; seven heathers and greet many *Heade. The s held from 114 late residence on nun - day afternoon to the Brsn*U* line cem- etery. Rev. lir. I>•uchner, of Straa Real Good Damaged Wheat For Sale When wanting corn or oats in large or small quan- tities see us. Also for Baby Chick Feed, Calf and Pig Meals. Wesley McLean errs Howe Bleck Godecieb Mend'. Bruit- on (hon.), inn 11 :ni . io . • Brneefield ; Arvin Kelly. Ada lamely. (:.}o. Lodiet. • Mary I. Aloye's Ludwig. Alec. M.I11 ney. !toss ('Tinton: 5facp)umaid. t;wend'lei.' Mel roe •I1. Madeline H. yon. r lah A. Jack McGee, Jack 7h'Kenzh,, Walton Scott, $eafortl : Ernestine V. lett, , M,Kfl,bdta, Agnes W1nghanI; Ruth Thomson. 4i11(0 11;1 Viola Mather., Film. Minn.1, finer. Florence Tomblin.ilashw•.ait, Mti1?!Mitchell. Maurine Mitchell_ --(hon.). guerlte 3. Wilton. Brnss•Is; Robt. C. Mary Mowbray. trete', Mind." Verde MacLean. Kipper; F. L. Robinson, retro, Annie Pullen. Thee ' re Rob- Illythe sir m (hof1.1•. Donna Smi•n (bon.). }der ret Snell (h":• a, IF Nto'.e- Limited Third ('IRs. certificate house, Attie Stitt. ,• '.torr, -'Anson, Mated Johnston, 1.u, -know ; Bertha 1Irene T lar. iixn I icor: Haroldw.. Salt h, Wroxeter. Wilde. Ne Wilila.n (I•.1 •, Jack Young Ilion. • EAST EURON ENTRANCE EXAMS. I' Bureteaftil Candidates In Various ('wires in East Iluron Inspectorate Dr. .1. M. Field, inspector of public sehoole for East Huron. has handed The Signal the following list of suc- cessful wtudente at the recent Entrance exa m l last ions. Bru mel* Public Seboot Vera Aimee, Jennie M. Armstrong (hon.) John C. Iteoern, Evelyn Chap- man hapman (hon.), Douglas Clark (bon.), Evelyn Cunningham (bon. ), Wm. !tensile, Jean Ferguson (hon.), John Fisher, Melvin Hamilton, Catherine mieessmmmlnemarallesmommtemosewomemimm ASTHM (iii(/ HAY FEVER Who Meador/ Rowdy for BAN elves asd Asia sae fold by all Reed: rueueiiss Per Pae Trial writs Templet sow BT IL C. DUNLOP .i The Athlete's Remedy lei Sprains and WIMP THE sprains and bruises encountered insport vanish with the spplicationof Minard's Liniment. This fact is confirmed by the fol- lowing letter received from W.E. McPherson, Secy Arm- strong High School Baseball Club : "Since the stmt of the Baseball season OW hate been hindered with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., &JUJLAf as soon as we started using Miner( s Liniment our troubles ended. Eeery athlete should keep a bora( hardy" T►. Iota of only one1 the r we M.• moused from ell-L,"o athletes. :lean -up Sale at Massey -Harris Store Hamilton Street Goderich Two 6 -horsepower Fairbanks Gasoline Engines. One 3!/, horsepower and one 2 -horsepower Gold Shapely Muir Engines, of Brantford. YARMOUTH. 15. MIgniellem OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Genuine Aspirin One Case Tractor,_IO-2Q. 2 -furrow Plow: One 12 -inch Roller Crusher. One Tudhope Manure Spreader. Don't forget that we can supply you with Good Hardwood and Cedar Rails for Kindling, Red Cedar Fence Posts, Baled Hay and Straw Two Extra Good Horses for farm work -one 1. Itiful dapple gray and one sorrel. IU,Li ERT WILSON Local A sot for Frost Steel mid Wire Company, Lun'1cd I1,,•o,Iton -trims telephone 1438 1, 9erkfi -.t Ifou don't see the "Bayer Crean" on the tablet*. you are not getting Aspirin -only an acid imitation. The "Bayer Cross" is your only way of knowing that you are getting geeing* Aspiri•, prescribed by physicians for over nineteen years and proved safe by millions for Headache. Neuralgia, ('olds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain generally. Made in Canada. Handy tin boxes of 18 tableel e- 1io larger sized "Bayer" packages had at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade mark In Canada), of Bayer Mannf urs of MmeMeetieseidester of nalieylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin mesas Bayer panufactewe, to assist the public a* inat imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Co*upany, Ltd., will be stamped wkb their general traria tacks the 'Barer Cress. xxxxxxxtillxtrrrrrl+lflrlrl)CXXXXXX xxx GREAT MID -SUMMER BARGAIN SALE The time of the season when we are looking for a bargain in a lovely Summer Dress. Call and see our new shipment of Organdy, Gingham with Organdy trimmings, Dotted Swiss, Y'oile3 ant washahle Tissue Dresses. Just think of it, most up-to-date styles 12.8:and d3.materi95- lls tto sell at ' Beantifbl wool Sport Shirts - This season's Tricotine and Serge Suits... Summer C. , ....$4,0f1p4o.$4.9.-, $1 i_,5O to $24.:4.0 $9.50 to $1.8.50 All the lat, • Iles in guaranteed tops, pure silit Hosiery 11.59 Lisle and n. 4.. l nose, in white and black..., 3Ac Bargain. • in '-'-' rt Hats. GET V.)! it .JARS OF THESE BARGAINS The Roy?' Ladies' Ready -to -Wear -Cot Office and 1 tory Fist Temperance Street. Toronto, Ontario XXXXXXXXICMCXXXXIOC