The Signal, 1922-6-27, Page 2-Thursday. July 27. 1922. Aionid ESTABLISHED 1848 6111011RJC d CANADA Wrier of l'anadlan Weekly News- paper Association I'ubli«Bed every Thursday morning. 8ulweriptiun price $2.00 per year. It paid In advance $1.50 per year. To United State« and Foreign Countries, $2.00 Far_,Mr, tytrletly in advance. Lead Advertising Rates Yearly contract for display adver- tising, 20 cents per Inch each ineertlon, run of paper; six months contract, 25 cents: tbtee months. 25 cents; one month, 30 cents per inch; casual rate, for leas than one wontb, 40 cents. Guar- anteed positions, 25 to 50 per cent. extra. Advertising on page three, or on front page of second eeetlon, 25 pet cent. higher than run of paper rates : on back page. 75 per -eut. higher than run of paper rates. Legal end other similar advertise- ments, lu (nits per line for first in- sertion and 5 tent« per line for each subwpueat insertion. Ituelne�n+ cards, $10 per year. Advertisements of Situations Va- (94)11, Situations Wanted, Articles Lust, see for Sale or to Rent, Farms for Sale r to Rent, Articles for Sale, not ext 35 words, 35 cents each in- eertion; three insertions for $1.00. Larger a'4lvertisements in proportion. Ituslnesa"\otices, In reading natter type. each nrertlon. 10 cents per omitted line. To merchants baring contracts for $splay adrertlslug. 5 Lente per roust line, THE SIGNAL P 'TING CO., LTD. Athol Mellnnrrie, . uuging Ftlitu: Telephone 33 (;oderirh, Ont. tr TIWRSDAY, JULY :\1.1''^. EDITORIAL NOTES The death of tate Inventor of e ukelele is announced. W.41. lie ha never leen lucludtel to our ILO of hu- man benefactors. Ttlm Skeyhlll says he reads a hook .\ 8 day. He would he a handy mat] to hare around' to tell you what Iwseks are worth reading. He must get thruu;gh a lot of stuff that is not worth rewlwring. � s The ter. stamp tax tin hank cheques over $511 eoiri into effect August let. Up to $.fav the tax is 2 cents as at plies• ent. and for every. additional $50 or portion therewof.2 t :s�+ lditional 1* rtuuired. The maximum_ tib is $2. Orillhn is preparing for an OldHome 1Veet-Tlezr-mnntlt unci we as au heroic life-saver, cad now EliaI1y thirties ties comes to the fore In the issue capacity. Emily's feat waw not of so siaetaeular a'. nature as was that of the heroine of former days, hat It shows that tie Darling family Is still to be relied upon. Emily, whose home is at Mierritton, was tending' a cow uenir the old Welland canal when a luau came along and fell lu the water. iVlth rare pretence of mlyd she untied the rope from the cow• and threw It to the struggling mall, who greeted It ami was hauled out. It may be that the story of Grace Darling is not as well known In throe days se 11 used to I*, but Emily's exploit will be a remluder to the present generation of the family tradition. -rather expecting a epocixl Levitation from our friend The Parket to vledt the (seronl) prettiest town in Ontario. The 11relaeker proposition. to be voted on August Sth, gives Goderith citizen* another opportunity to make Cie wheels of industry go 'round. There is nothing to lose. and may Ile much to_ain, by the reopening of the runner Wheel Inge factory. Hun. W. 31. Martin, former Premier of Saskatcllewntt, has resigned his vest in the Saskatchewan Legislature, aig- uifying his retirement from public Ufe. lir. Martin is Will a youd roan. how- ever. and iiiiirlar iia and from in :he political arena. Ile, is a former A professor- of .the t'aireraity of Toronto declines to retire merely be- eanse he has reached the age of slaty flee.. Quite right: a• man Wit 'old .at sixtyflve. Right here in Goderich we hay • y officiallal nae r- t •u civic e fin cxam le�- 1 Iy ninety years of age who knows more than .all the tuw'n council put together, Only one guesses allowrel. - -- _We wish entire +metes. to the tflnl- enr-()wen Round .highway c1teme, hitt we hope that work on the 'im- provement" of the I.ctke Shore road In till., -county will not be commenced oath the Pvinelal h1a11way 'from Stratford to Goderich Is in running order. VG can get along with one sutnsh is--Ilse-lank (f_the Li_fitlay tontriutora bnt it wilted be bra rt-brt'akJIM to motorists 1f both the =Hill road.. to the +oulh should Is' torn ups et the: Mame time. "The Ottawa Journal Inks why 4.000 citizens should pay from one to three dollars to catch a glimpse of Ihempey. :is they probably would not do to see Fate'. Haig, Lloyd George or Iheau I lige." Ilrante'd that The Journal's prem lee is correct. we sues• nothing more strong • In it than that a thousand aieopL• «htauld play fifty tents to wee a leise- ttall. match to every huudrtd (or fewer) wbo would go to bear it so -- 11101i and pint ratty cents In the collec- tion plate, or that the sporting page with its small type has more read •rs than the editorial page with its leaded type. People like what they can un- derstand, and more people can com- prehend a pugilist than a tac'tk•lan like Hata or Foch. whose mental pro- cesses are wooly twyond the ken of the average man. Anyway, the world's sense of valor" is not to be measured Ly the number of «porus who would pny lard cash for a look at the clam - pion thug of the moment. The United Farmers are the largest group lu the new Manitoba Legislature and will lee only n few sot *hart of 111 act nal Majority of the libel. The \esults of the elsrth ins held last week n e : United Fanners. 24: Progressive, 1: - lepletel ent+s,-J44-�.11x•rals, Z: .erre ten. 0: labor. 0. There are there d erred Piet -Ions, which are ri- me -tel. to , 10 the 1'nitt-d Farmers. The tet.tl stulterehip of the House Is 55. A Farwe Government will doubt - 1..+s Iwe ful•tucl, lid Ju1111' Bracken. B. S: ,j., prea'dent• the Manitoba Agri- cultural ('olltege. 1 been offered the leadership of the• Farmers group. carrying . with • it tS, I'remlerahip. Manitoba is the third P vine•* to hare a FOtnht'r (.overntreut. f OOLtrlo and Albrti fent of the Norris Govern Mat Newer to mean anything way 1) a change in Provincial ern - term policy:_. -The defeated ' Rorlafn- Iuetit was nominally Liberal. but Ltb- nnis were not unit In its suptpoq), s r. Norris antfiertme of/ his cols length+ did not support the Federal Liberal ;Arty. Probably the "class conecluusues,' of the farmers was the most portent factor In the recent con- test, as there, wig!' ' little eine to sway the voters onebrar or another. Rhes lowing the Tit de- nt dotes n 11te THE SI ooDssloa, OPT. tta►a� s . • •r .a LD aY VCIOt!I...SOOKaC TEA CUP READING No. 5 of letter In Interpretation. No. 1 Other int This eltows by means of the eretawnt moon ou the side, prosperity nod for- tune as the result of a journey denoted by the lines. The number of triangles In eoujuctiou with the lulus! -H' Iu- dk•ates the receipt of a legacy teen sone one whose fame eommeteee with that letter, and. lelug near the rim, at 00 great distance of time. The bird flying towards and uear the han- dle. accompanied by m trdaagle 'ani a long eurelope, denotes good lwwr from au official eeouree. The flag gives warulug of ovule danger from au ni- cety. l'rluclplal Symbols: Cresu•eut moon. llit-d flying. Trieugle•s. Flag. initial 'A' In voiJt,•tlin with sign LT[o 'elope. two 'Lea' FI G.l The Farm Loan System First of a Series of Articles On This Important Subject By W.B. Roadhouse This be the firtt of a short series of articles explanatory of the new rural credits syeteni in Ontario, written by 1Ir. 1V. It. Roadhouse, Dep- uty Mlnlste-r of Agriculture and mem- ber of the .lgrieultural Development Board, which Is admluhrtering the system. The hoard is at the tlle- posal of any farmer in Ontario anti inquiries should he sent to A. G. Farrow. chairman 8181 chief admin- istrative otheer.-Ed. On O•tuler r't last the Agricul- tnralt Development hoard passed the first loan under the long term farm loan legislation . bf the previous seet- +kon. dines'-flint--lhme brans femmut]t or about $S00.000 have been pa +se'eL . It is plain, therefore. that the leg- islation is being taken advantage of by the farmers of the Provinee, and that It to serving a 11='fol writes*. Aeconliugly 1 have Ment asked by the Editor to seat dutvn souse of the initial experience and impressions of the application of this legislation to the farming needs of the Province. int noting the progress n- shown by the figure's quoted it is necessary to n•wemb•r that the haus are limited to certain specific purposes. Aa qulrlug ian*1elleetl4w _ of befitting! straightening lip an estate -these were the purposes in the orglnal Act and_ loans- up to 65 per cent. of the value of the property (could Ile made. To these pommies' hare now Leen added the ditr¢¢aarging of encum- brances where t ilei eneumlrfl do not exceed 40 per cent. of the :slue. and the tort of Installing the drain+. uaswuch as farm properties change be .sen that the new system of mslnly In the spring or fall it as jure got nicely stertl'el and ++1011 is that it will Iwyome born prereuted in the cases where a loan has been granted to clean up all such obligations nod the outuerous small debts have been eon*olldated ta- to nue and lased on a (tear -cut burl - Dem bards. In Old Ourarlo nnr•lra;ty th !OMAN for for loans 1. erect bulldinga lave not lees nuwerut:.. but a num- ber of such appllcatlot,s have leen passed. Here le a csse of a hundred acre farm with buil :tee, put down a* worth $7,500, fret of deb:. Yet the 11008* is only valued it $200. lienee the owner sutures a loan of $2,500 to Build a new house mud spreading the payments over a peril of years will enjoy the additional comfort while It Is being payed for. In other eases it las leen a new barn or improve- ment.' to some of the existing build- ings. then comes betose the Board as a whole for action. As the chairman is the permanent administrative utfi err, and as the other wemlwre 9Ie readily available, the hoard meets as required. Sometimes westing+ are held two or three thus+ 11 week. often ou very short nuke. it the Ivan, is pascal the _papers are imme•tlately sent on to the solicitor+ to have title twatn•heel mad mortgage papers made out. Here any delay there is usually moire. Sometimes there is a slight flaw ill the title, oinking it necessary to get 11e «ignature of someone now several thousand miles away. It 1s in -Tauten•-t of the harrower, as well me of the Board, that the tite be made siwrlutely Blear. even If it takes a few week,. to do Ito. As emu as ale sol- icitors certify that mortgage papers bare been completed cheques are I.+- vueel, exrept where Iona« are made for bnikling puritotes, when Cheques are suute'tlme's i-.-11ee11: from time to time as the work progrectsee. It will be see'u that this procedure parallels onllntry business practice very clos- ely null illustrate the determination of the hoard to operate on. strict bun hese principles only. Important_ a of Imieetlea - in this work 11 ,t ill Ile obvious that inspection and t.:lnntion is a most im- portant pare, -TI..• hoard Ix expected 1111 de -sires 10 -erre the whole Pvoo= Vitace. l'overtag such it large territory with such a1ft. t ty of conditions. is a big Rif. tali?RLe Board must Deere- eerily ever•erily fence reliance on the inform atlott whites comes 10 it from 114 In- spseetors. Detailed informal Iola is asked in regard to the property. Its location, distance from markets trhoole, roads, soil, buildings. drat"- mylm`ir lige, stock. eta•., ete. In addition a Metter kt�sown :and more ezh•nslvely port on, the applicant. About t uw'ol ns dile months and years gra Icy. years ago wssu faced with an Inc pefi it I 1 Yak ha' Features II Ing his rent. lie decided to bu• w•11 ha nt 1on et+ some Small Holdings Not ver; wavy lomua have been granted od small holdings. Under the Act r•epnywents on any loan plac- ed ou less than fifty acre+ must lee• made in five annual luwetalments. The object of this ppovlsluu was to limit the nutuber of leans ou small acreages, Port Elgin as It is recognised that laud values Ripley in such eases fluctuate more rap:dly Seaforth arab a margin of security of 35 per Stratford cent. may Iw easily wlpwed out. At Teeewater will deal with the system In operation. its part In the development ot North- eru Ontario, and the working of the eystew of *loan -term loans. AiIsa Craig Aylmer Rayfield Blyth itrussels ('Bewley Drumbo Exeter �n Fordwlch Goderieh I llderton .. September 29 Kincardine ... Sept. 21 and 22 Klrkton Sept. 25 and 26 Listowel Sept. 21 and 22 London Sept. 9-16 Lucknow Sept. 24 and 29 Milverton Sept. SO4 and 99 Mitchell Sept. 19 and 20 dept. 20 and 21 Oct. 3 and 4 Sept. 26 and 27 Oct. 5 and 6 Sept. 26 and 27 .Sept. 21 and 22 Sept. 19-'.2 Oct. 3 and 4 Sept. 26 and 27 Sept. 25 and 26 Sept. 25 and 26 FALL FAIRS Sept. 21 and 22 Sept. 6, 7 and 8 Sept. 26 and 27 Sept. 28 and 29 ,,,Sept. 14 and 15 Sept. 2'1 and 29 Sept. 26 and 2T Oet. 6 and 1 September 19 October T September Mount Forest Palmerston Parkhill the same time, there l.+ much to le N'iarton , said in favor of the man who 1s skill-' Wlughati NI In raising luteusire ,.raps, and Is ' Zurich able to produce as much off ten acres e o c scum arise's n a o a T' ,re ore brew features---ef--- f de a entail payment _cull_ int affair*. tit* pwrlitk 11 ahnnsphere' tMitl plan wsich have Igen commented ou a substantial mortgage: The be clearer 81,41 sharper. favorably_ by a leHIIts. Tehsr ate: year he w.a, able to meet -- 1. Money Is av table. ments. the n••zt year was last y.•. FROM OUR ('ONTEMPORARIES 2. (tate of bite t. whk•h was se dienstrons to so many 3. Atuurtizatlan a farmer«gaud be'tound himself rased with formicnee. Had h* had a -tart Free Publicity (Sim ow nett rner4 if 011e Ad these guys who 1 a our mail, wail*-'tre•at petekaxe'a- p tihIk'113' Konldd eon* and si ww* paper (tacke't ?Parts soma -t all impart to ]ala palls to their monetary advantage. Passing Sentence (Bowe 11 -ntld and Times) * If there is one spot hotter than an- other in the Big future punishment 1r1nnL we think it edit be reserved for those ingrates who take a newspaper tar several years and when approach- ed fur payment. try to evade coming *cross by simply marking le '•refused" and sending It back with all the air of Injured dignity. Every papeer- has it* questa of this Ilk, and old Sntaw can't shovel coat fast enough to give these rogues their due's. reps: mt ike. There has Is-,-tt n',generil impre•-. «ion that there was alwnv+ plenty- of money availahlc In rum! Ontario to Aaaatw. *11 term tuartg.uos offeresL Tina is not as trw now in. uv section 1- not t -uta fkatrw _ One iN the r'tIip ones ry whirl* brims ttracted large sums of mon • s' from nre autheriz.•,t under Thr ArfT for sal Outarto azul moreover d refute ttrtlghteniva up estates. and this has ed an understanding of bonds and been toned as -advantage in n tronsid- their. adratrtages for investirteit entitle number of cosecs. A farm Ie which did not previously exist. (' left to the oddest sun with lirectitmt sequentty nonny airp:k•ants for loal to tiny en innhie mother oval xis - have stated that there was now lit= tyre, or so *Much to hit several sisters tie or no '-uadce'y sync$ HA0 In their 'ansi bruthete, Perhaps the instal- s o are so heavy s t to be , id instal - community ler farm wortgagr.l. mrur i n Then the r:��e of interest of six I col:+t11 11e a hnttsk•u when paid mut of pier Pent. is regsirdeel ns • remsnutlde nuuunl revenue. l'erhnps misunder- for a long term' . loan. It . it., of standings :nett family quarrels arise cour.+e, two or three per cent. less aftermath 1a uatorhnna;e for than prevailing tg rate+ in New Ontario, all eonce'rn and the after1. Such eonditioms have and thesa- Li reason.fei-l4Iti�- in OiQ Ontario It las it stabilizing hnfiluenee. N Hut the fttature which appears to appeal to many is the Nona of re- payment. When the repayment 1s divided into annual instalments of principal and Ipterest and spread over a period of twenty :ears It gives a sti'nee of permanence and enables a man to make his plans aecordfa*-y. A payment of 111.17 per thousand dollars borrowed. will discharge the entire loan in 214 years, and phi« is not much more than the interest payments which would be asked In some eRsnt otherwise. Most borrowers are !making forward to haring the tnttre loan dis- charged long before the maximum pe-- lolod. hilt when they are told they can pay as much as they like on dile date after the thirst year they are sat- isfied.$1.45 As te Red Tape N i« perhaps expecting n good deal to export a skeptical public to be- ta_that any �LerDPnent_er acrd x_.25 dozen Men's Working Government Organisation operates without red tape. Certainly It Is the aim of the Board to do cm. To com- ply with the Act and to vee that the inter ohs of the Province are pro- perly .nfcguardeti, there are some conditions which moat teceemarily be rigidly insisted upon. Within theme limes, howcwer, the Board has en- 35c deavored to make the operation of the phis as sistpie- tti pwsslhi0 from the standpolst of the borrower. Ap- plle*tinns are made direct to the Board and are not passed upon by any lo(11 cnmetttee. If the nppll- (atlnn appears to bhp elhelrman of this Bosrd Eat d within the m*aning 1,1 the Art then an losp«eet(e,n anti 1711- uatlon M ordered. The inn ter The Brilleh House of Commons has mewed. el. by a rote of 247 to 171. a reso- lution ea -lution to favor of the removal of the embargo against live cattle from Can- ada. This embargo has been in effect shoe 1892. Before that time Canadian cattle exporters did a large business 1n the shipping of live cattle to Brit - l•*Id Country market. Under the em- rgo Canadian cattle moat ile *laugh- ed on arrival at a British port. Malty efforts have been made on be- half of Canadian stockmen for the re - moral ofsthe embargo. but until the .present tis‘ without success. With the United States niacin" higher tariff reatrtctiona on the importation of cattle into that country, Catmdlan stock -raisers will welcome the removal of the ohatade which has hampered their hsalneam with the Brttlah market. We seed t0 reed of Grace Darling Rude Rural Rhymes $p 23o6 Adams The N'aterr'a Fine This hurl though bald. Is fair y slim, his years aro not yet hutting him. but youth recedes from day o den and Mahood seenea seem far savoy.tlrendy dimmer through the hoz. shine memories of the good old dales, and other kids both plump and (lino po'e1'ss the creek he need to swim. Iiy their free mnsonary the boys *'P11 at their hhooks, forta.te its joys. Tiro fingers relent (or is it three ? mean "After school come swim with me." in fraud* haste their shires they shuck, their britches form their legs ,Ln. tea1t11 imbibing 1 0 boyhood joys be- yond deperibing! Cotte, comrades of the good old times, and all the boys who read these rhymes; shuck off the age from off yoit roll and Join one at cares that vex the soul, let middle the swimming holewhy should we pause because were bigger. "I.ant one in's a read -head nigger," Forgt your years e*P11 though you've got 'em -Set Toe I sae bring+ lip iw4tnm." "Gosh, old Fatty you toes neer." "Po deep, Skinny, loolmhcre." 1' A delightful and delirious dessert- Rlackstone's Ice cream to hulk or fancy pricks. Try our new fruit brfrk. it's a peach. Telephone 240 for prompt Berries. 8 as others would off vie hundred. Some way etnum'usurate with ade- quate security should be found to ex- tend atwlstuncw in worthy cases, but Grand Bend it can only be dune by amending the Crediton Act, which 1e a matter for another Zurich wessiou. Ill the meautiwe. a few are Clinton 'gran. ago In asgntring Isis own farm 1'e was satisfied hitt experience would .Bay4..1exec different. Estates and Buildings e at aU' CENSUS TIGUU$ Some Interesting and Reeest Flgtees Aa To Population of Dominion Canada's total population. aw of June 1, is 8.784,4$3. say« an Ottawa dispatch. This 1r the final figure la- aued of the sixth (*newt. and, like the Iowa of the Medea and the Persians, 1t cannot be changed. that 1s, officially, or until 1931 rolls round. The total represents a gain of 1.581,840 over the total population recorded by the census Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Ptatlstles to 1911. The peree'rltaie of Increase 1s 21.95, and. curiously enough, the labor of months. involving a house to louse canvas* of the whole ohm - tion, together with mounted pollee jour- neys through the Yukon and the North- west Terrltoriew, is Roally recorded In four rows of figures aenwus one very small piece of paper. Claim.' by agriculturists that farm- ing 1s the'busie Industry In Canada are sustained by the coleus figures, whleh show 4,439.505 of the total population molding In rural districts, as compared with 4.44R.97R living in urban eentres. Ontario 1e leading the way among the Province... both a+ to total population anti to the number living In the Coun- t ry. Ontario'« total population Is 2.111.4,- 602, of whom 1.220.292 live In rural distrlet$. Quebec is wruni, with a total t,f 2,361.1911. of wham 1,038.128 reside in the country. SCHOOL FAIRS • securing loses to repay lu the five' Bluevale year* a* required. Ashfield Repayments • at. Helens 'Sept. 7 Rummer Tour Fares Sept. *4 The Canadian Pacific are ofsett/g Sept. 11 redueedSummer Tour Fares thv year Sept. 1Y commencing June tat to practiealb all points. Goderlch to Banff, t7p/�F gory or Edmonton. $99.20; and to Van. rouser, Victoria. Seattle, or Tsa acos. Wash., 1111.95. These tickets are good for travel on Canada's famous trails. /'asthe "Trans -Canada Limited," and a good for stopover at any point a route. going or returning. for any length of time within the final return limit, October 31st_ Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 1R Sept. 19 Sept. 2t) Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 2 t Sept. 25 and 2(1 Sept. 27 For tickets, reserratlona and full Is- Sept. a.Sept. 24 formation as to routes, etc, apply se sept. 29 Canadian Pacific Ticket Office. corner I w•t. 2 met. 3 Oct. 4 Belf rave -.-..«. Repayments are pn.lwbly the final Gerrie test of the stiress of. any loaning Ethel retinue. No repayments are due un- Wroxeter der this scheme until next fall, and (iollrurne hence uo evidence on this point is Porter's 11111 available. Every precaution has been Wlugbam Olken, flowerer, to assort• repayment. Walton and every Iworrower is given to under- McKillop stand that a loan Is a business pro, . Blyth position nod must he treated 011 a Varna strictly 1u8111e%. ba+is. Dashwood Editor's Note .-Suhwsp ie•nt articles Winchelsea Clearing in Men's Fine and Working traw Rats. Special lot of smart Sailor, White shade with black ribbon band. Clearing at Harvester Straw Hats, bleached a n d creased shapes. Clearing at M. ROBINS ttpecie prices in house furnishings at 'talker.- Furniture inure. lsxri>.>.r>.*rix•l�>.*psis*><lsx>.rrrNrrr>•r>.r�[�>«■ 1 • 1 CreamFlannels andIf r III - , --- 1 ■ "Viyella" Flannels, 31 and 32 inches wide. for skirts or suits. Two 1 ■ qualities, medium and heavy weight, in this beautiful Flannel. It 1 IN washes perfectly and is unshrinkable. We are fortunate in having 11 ■ secured a large stock. The demand for " Viyella " Flannels from Eng- --1 ■ land has never before been so great. Cream, [O and 1 ` II III mauve. rose pink. At per yard II II__ II • III• Handkerchiefs Silks il 1ili if 80 dozen women's fit st Irish Cambric Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Plain, with • narrow border of white. Colors, mauve, pink, blue, gree. Regular 20c r 1 each. At 3 for LSC. • 30 dozen ntett's finest pure linen, hem- stitched Handkerchiefs. Regular 1 45c and 50c. July sat ....6 for e1 ..6 Rugs -Clearing Wilton Rugs, !1 x 12 feet, good patterns, r neat, conventional. Rose, browns, etc. .50 3 only 39 ou sale. $1:0.011 each$ For J 2 1-4x 3 yards. Regular 140.00 r each. For -,$29.00 watt -satin >r Yard wide, heavy weight. Regu-Q lar $2.60. July sale ep1.90 1 White raw wash Silk extra heavy, double warp. "Hirashiki." Pure and beautiful for suits, skirts, coats ::3 inches wide. Regula- $2.'e(). tl A5 July Sale ........... e�1.J Black Satin Pailette Our high grade quality that sells regular at 42 00 special. Bc:etitifully dyad and g nod weight. Saie per .and $1.59 Linens Pure all -Linen Satin Damask fine Table Cloths, size 2 x 2 yards. Regu- lar $6.75. 6 designs. At each s$4.85 Extra heavy double Damask Satin Linen Cloths. 2 x 2 yards. Regular 2 $C. 19.50. At each $V Lel W ACHESCN & SON -- r 1[11i11111111111111$W**111111i1i •$11111111111111111111111111 $ ■ 1� Frichon Ili Pow+'�r� It is estimated that a reduction of 1% friction (and this is easily poisible with the right grade of imperial Polarine Motor Oils) will increase the available power of your motor 11%. Get the most out of your car at the least ernes. Consul, dui Imperial Chart of Recommendations, the - guide to proper lubrication. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufoetureve era Marketors of Imperial ♦oMr(na Moror Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargegfa 11.44J846 14. 1 1 4.... r1 t