The Signal, 1922-1-19, Page 1ainiaali.w.. is One of Your `Best Features, Says a Signal Subscriber. Are You Reading Il? SE I NTI•FIF"1'11 1F:AK O. 3. THE PEOPLE'S (;t)Iflit I('1I, oN'1'.11tI 'rIlt'IIS COLUMN • u. the t\-, ..,•*ill Iw• old,• to carry 1114,• connlry :uul the •,„,,,,,,.. 1.1,..„„iGoderich Boys on 1Ru ly „Ili be it free• the -Ihogressloe- ntrI' rain 111 "a' " it 1k111' Defeat Heavy Mite Iltipul/t 1 baro trot takru up lou unueh stews. anti that the editor ail! lad pulveue Awtullh's "%atrb(nl *nit- ieg" policy loo long. I rr111at1, 1. ours orally. "Mural Ire." N 111 F.t,KNEI* ARE IN rOLITI('S To The F:.litor of The 21411,11 liar Sir, We note in a r,veut issue of your pallor that the ellitor in s,me- %hnt puzzled as to why the farmers hate formed n 1114111111 or separate psu-ty la peptics, velug that the uau„- ell bels of the Liberal nod 1'rogre.- eive• parties etre' in a g14441 wsuy re- 141w11s kletlthroll. 1;4.a441l4 that they are, or were at tenet, 1401110%1101t hit/kit/kr, yet the ques- tion arises *ould they, the Liberals, in view ew , d tpoet w>. t r. ev , ,rl end the (ompoeltlun elf the {arty. iw• trusted to terry tint their "goof intetitious.' 1 remeullwr when the l:user,a 11 vow aider Sir J. A. Macdonald were 4110- pl1e011 by a I.H,crwl Government that the complaltrt was made (hat the -Lib- erals stole the 1'on*•rvative, clothes." I wonder if that M what they are try- ing ou the "Progressive Party'." There 1w n strung ausplebn among the ferm- ent. at least. that it was only a rim -s- tem' of the "ins and outs" with taw po1ltklan3 anyway. lt'e true that Bir Wilfred frnrier lu 11)11 fought an eieetion on the re- cipes -By [slue. but what happened ? A large part of the Liberal vote doppel4eover. Sir Thomas White aril practially all the other big bushiest; ate11 tit Toronto alit Montreal, I.tbwrals as well as ('oneervattvea. eupportrel the (1uaasvvative party. Why ? Because when It came to an Mow that Itlg Bisstw,u thought would work to their diesdvantage• they voted ss a ••.•*4411' awl not fr.,tu the vlewpoiut of the country us a whole at all. and by wpaekuI argument Induced the permi4 of the ION -ns and cities to ignore the fanner: grieve nes alugetber. Just there is when, in my judgment. the Progressive party entered on an aggreselve campaign p0lltitally Re- fute that toy bad been working on to - operative tines In the three Wt -tern Province e They had looked to a Liberal Gov- ernment ter remedial legislation in the handling of wheat but erre forced and did take matters in their aw0 halals ■4.d the Grain Growers' Com- pany was foe mid. Th -y made a sw- eets of It and mlllious of dollars were saved to the farmerlI, wiieh toaserly bad gone into the hands of speculator. Lad elevator eeomplalew, Thea they looked into other mat- ters dealt • the farmer sad work - and (hit tiovernmeata alike. The Aeolian of 1911. I think. decided) for them, that if they wished to lure much Influence en legl.latiof they should ref xw'ay (mm "party polities- - end they got awxy : as We have erns Ontario 1'rogre-wit.-, itxrteel to much the mow way, but OUR towns 111141 lit Ow have earn In it only a "olxas mot einem " -\nything gust for the farmers must he tad for the town ? Why, the Drury Government 11114 done more for Gale - rich by building that Provincial High- way, 1n Hydro [natters. etc.. than any other Government Ontario ever kite* However, (and i don't want to t4 too long In Raying It I i believe the i•ro- greesive I'arty will have eentinnel wtieews, and, when se get Quebec and the Maritime 1140 -Ines organized, to- gether with Iner4w,ed representation' MISTAKES OF PK%I LK To The Editor of The Sil;uad. Sear Ili;, The Master never made a mistake everything was nettle per- fect, and to be got eruct! by terrain immutable laws. 111 prayer al•rays have this 111 mi11.1: Health, hairlike-. 441141 prosperity are within your own reach If you have the faith, oh,y elle 111w's anti ask the getid- ance. You ',Mould not expect the earth to stop revolving for your (4414(144 Murney a Star of the First Magnitude' Game Thorn the Visitors -Final Score 4-3 111 u game foul by supe•r-huw,ul lack checking. dazzling stlek hatmlliltg and terrific speed. the Golerich Hor- nets defeated the strong Mitchell ag- gregation by a sore of 4-3 1111 Monday I I,• evening at \\"est sense rick and 1 y So doing praetk•nlly Nein[ sited them hi tax+ rade for 11x• leadership of Blum) 14. The opening period stared out fast Mon -nettle things. like locomotives west *1141 furious NISI tilt tir,l liar minutes trolleys, do This. but the Master tan the play ,w•-ewwed up Nail down the tie.wed tJhunt' that's Olt the thretttt Sy. with lwilher side tavftlg much ud- or control you to keep, out of danger's vantage„. It was not long to e011t1nue war. Mo, however, Ma the Goderich boys 1 •4.l tray- 1 h t th4 Clad Cbe•Ir lucks to Sheer,. earmmt and Intel' le 1 :iodized that 7 era tire- answered lu this way. The t11„ wall and 11 Ions wtuiki let fatal. I eompas' would not guide you If sur- Flo spurred on by the thought tlut rouwkd by magnetic lutlueneem. The' victory aust ie• tb•frs they opened up sun and polar star never vary. but are a heavy betrrage tit the citadel of the often obscured. For our gutdane we enemy and fur the greater part of tie' are enluwel with inettla't tool rcaw'n. remaining fifteen minutes they kept Ire• careful in your petitions. Remw•m- the play (eutrel up around their tip- pow•utx' goal. The Mitchell brave4 erught tack valiantly hut were unable) to break through the forward lila of. Imo of the (;uderi'b team, vlz- StlaxPl, Murney, Brownlee. r)ao*4 her the Immutable law-. As ye .w shall ye'ylurely' map- Never ask fur- eregia for y'should you hfor- given for your dell or tadleu•retlon ? Play it with good deed.. If ne.ceesary, which are alwayf within your mach. 711.• aa4retaws of the home is best suited for communion with the Mas- ter; or when two or three are gathered together In ails name. I'tty the poor mbegulekd chaplains praying for the »acre•»» of their own part Wu ler uatiou- alitles. or the pastor beseeching bless- ings for *11 ordinary eongregatlou, backed up with a clnodr of thirty pier..•, giggling and gossiping. Well-halata.el collide are riot In- fluenced by contortion ttlr etturtboll. Baseball anti* avalleth little 111 eup- plkotfon. Double back-sumnrcr,altlts may he p•rmtuaible to Jteulahlsnd, but they won't get you there. Rhetoric of silvery tongue ■re not essential to prayer. Sincerity of thought ap ieth aa much as the gilded Dsprees a Ciero. What repeats can be expectwt from a e4ngalne tty abhors murder only by I , v Who prefers e aliteen pound- ? Only those The last period' 'gull up by a n 1 the c assault •Art... {Thin. erne (i011erl h posting goalie, Pitt .o -ter Haltered and played a go t'• The Gode- rich toren iris just need Moto un him but It was dt *0` can until Ernie Pridham on a foist I. down ceutre lee shot from o • he defense and boring In fast hatted n rebonnet that Campbell never 1 watt the most spectacular play et 4 evening and It - sent taw Goderh•b • - ' iueo the seventh Gate•uhy ,a a. goo,1 ,414.1 *'4114 elangeroua � �tAii70 at' all trus. 1kr, it Isms. ou the detenae, awl (',tuplw•II- iu Ines, were ill there all or the tlw1• The remainder of the tram tented 111 it fair mune. Referee Armstrong flood Cinema, Atm. -it mtg. of London, an - tinted as rerer,-,• and hie work to big official capacity waw the best ever wit. - nestled on 4;,1,1,•rieh or any other Ice. iII' 1111- au unerring eye for offsldes and unfair taetie... fold the playeM On boil) t1•anls tool the large fudleure of fans were delighted with the way he handled the i4141111.. Loyal Supporter Donates The tuewbers of the• 4;olerich team w-Pre'.agnralbly surprised before the game when they were the teelpfents of gum viral tigers e w to Leaf g 1 tutel by Mr. Frank Wends tit the l'astime Billiard Parlor. T111* is the spirit that Owens so much to a elilh ant 1t is the spirit that is going to put G,slerlct on the h44114)•wap.• Hee. Tommy, Lorne, Capt isddle Four of the total iaeu•-Her. Hays. Lorne Young. T. It. Thomson and ('apt. Fut. Robinlaou - all bare done mewls• novards put- ting Goderieh on the hockey map - Good fellows every one and since Let nigkt'ai victory all wearing that mil- lion dollar smile. it 104 up to the mem- bers of the team to allow their *ppre- elatlon to correct their m4Rakes and 40 play jgat• as )rand for, Oo4er1e as qeers and K *woe of a boy16 feoaasaay (d Aril a paw neat putts ttetar7 next TneatH7 T11e ttyatltK Ilse • - x �"� Haerchlar; st ''to104. 111111116111"1110-4.0 "iks "."`• •1,I. ' • irTala'D :IS D=AD C:; �M rotrihre rylfA Mee /tt" t1M1irSugad (` r Bayfield. Jan. tT,•--Th/i•�IMth oatlilt- . rod in Owen hotted on '•SP Jantary 11111, of I(r. Ryon, wife of Meet, fi. R7$& ceased lady was Abe det*gtlter'ot • _L_ h zr and Mra. Connor areal was horn li`li 1* a. ti9d aeeenty-SM Mr/ a$t1. She amis.....(vitrbw, A 3w', ` married nearly fifty tears ago to Mow. a! else F. Ryan. an Anglican tjurgyman. whp boom atad 111111.1* pc survived her. Her pa inept in the llay'lirld rk•t In a! early days and owned. i s property. The site of tb► pea 1010 (I., O. L. o. :� u was the of Major Con to the Order. IoM t of the to of Mrs.' Ryan was. in d cemetery on Friday. Ja 13 4. The chid mourners ween ' Charles Ryan. of cos Hitt Ont. F. Ryan. of Toronto. tons of the ceased. The palweasps were Watts H. McKay, Jas. $$curt. C. Parker: J. Parker, K, Blair 440. t Er$ DATES TO RSR �. J¢tuntry 2h -'-f;. Cr 14kefsry , o t{ -, le petenenside �dwty eotnration. i. t►,. sidedt ' O. r. lows' Hall. Gexderirh. Jannt'T'll- dleeting of tj „� • .. 1- JanuarSatiety.ral January SS --it s r .s:,+ Cha4 t ssn. , t ,441• 1 it. #• . - jitptb It - a ' ~ of one ilk, Ito , mah Bast•clDlan aatae VS. s 4 in 'ice t taws .. where lived, *WWI "lir t+ l�atried irlf, paw • ,aarll►�r'A^>r� tpR. hra6aei irk >'J�, aM th![t fatal an T P Of their heti of ten C,aiapkell. fl% Goeifi, t r ;� liNildl , m(litra the ] pe a. t Warta Thaw anti Lw v ► re g *Mir, Ap Jpot4rr'-'ttra 13rttoka. of t The�Galier7, c aJllliilM �7MeLAka•nitirsa, of Myth;1► t ? jktt atdILP. &didtittd of ,iM! 1 Id rs J.."`� flew ` Of dNljrf,. j AO •1Mttrb � ' o -ill the =r.�1Crairai •} 1ai Pa.; Dr. IL t fd rare r ttaff ,it • leen _ Ives' 't it all, �'t` _;: a �414 , aPl e fOt iF sl: ii, Ito r F!•. �- •! One � erS�mrt h a i y bat it ear: • ng +Lit, ft z . rale his db�a� �a I the �• . 1 .11 �� noondeed�• A OW� e is. A. els a . t 44 1,r..i! 411i . toping masass.' Whoa - would destroy they first make mad. The Kanter had the ehapialus. Rig Bertha had the range and power. but leeked the right. Re sure you're right before siteplicating the MaMtrr. O. (;. MARTIN. 411 West Ferry street. Buffalo, January 9th. NEW AJ/% BRTISEMENTS Fine twin I thtat•ment---Union Bank of 4'atw4la '3 Annual Mese ing--M('K'Bop Mutual Fire !nein-epee ('0. !; Flout*. for Salt -Mrs. Slegman >t M.olel Theatre Reader 4 I'nihll• Notke--4'lerk of A4hfleld-.. Auction Sale -Clarence Joy Centre Huron Littered Assoefation Linesman Wanted -4;oleri(fi Town- ship Telephone System 1 How Many Invitations Did You Send ? Into your husinen are daily putting all your thoughti, energies and executive ability, in ordir to preserve intact the cap- ital invested, build up your volume of hns- iness and produce a profit. Your success depends largely on your sales policy, Are you making that policy as efficient as possible by the wise lise of A DV fiR'i'ISI NG People shop where they feel welcome. Eons advertisement should be an invitation. How many did von ';end nut this week ' About 2,(X$) invitations can be sent each week by using "The Sigllat.' The Wise Shop Where They Are Invited issued by Canadi►u Weekly Newspapers Amoriatlnh Head (Mee, Toronto, Oanads. three boy* held the- w e '• Mitchell team and their thele eh Ing and of. fenalve tactics was the ' : that many oke hockey fans ha wItneleseld 1* yea 4.t, Murney stolid. 4.d fought a'great battle. He to hxe�w here and his hook 'Ire's woril�over- ttmee. The the forwards,' line backed ep • eh other was extraordi- nary. A • e • t tet minutest of 'playing time , vibes Brownlee, taking a port • ' poen registered for Ooderkh. Rete Armstrong dimallowed it, cls ng it to be off side. However, no •disheartened, the homester4 came I ck and in a few minutes. after an teasing bombardment of the Mit- chell net* Murney registered the first goal on a past' from Brownlee. It was a pretty play anti it brought the fans to their (tet. Immediately niter the goal was scored Mitchell started a new offensive and when It was looking quite dangerous Prldham relieved the situation and drought play tack to the Mitchell territory. The period ended 1-0 for Goderlch with the play in mid ice. Goderleh Going Great Guns On the reeumptlon of play the game lagged 1n the first few minutes and for a while it looked am if the Hornets had moot their bolt. However, much to the relief of the majority of the fans the native wens got a new lease of life and ere many momenta (kelp - rich was again making life tnlwershle for 1 41e Thorel end company. They just stepped on this Mitchell outtlt and Rude them look like "alert M • y Oa m Thie Hv{/I ed Mega tie and whet•. Thorn !glee throelth for thetrtbinl goal a Mew moments later It almost gave the Oederieh fans hoert failure. It look- ed for ■ while as if Mitchell were fog to snatch Iictury out of defeat. as the honwaters were tiring rapidly and could acar.e•l). stand on their skates. Pridhann saved the situation by going up on (1 forward Ilse and rell•vlmg tow *tear, Murney. There- 114444 414) `nrther Boring and both teams were kg weary and tlrel when the struggle was over. Fane Talking to Themselves The loyal Goler,ch fans were talk- ing to themselves :.ftcr the game. The backcheking of the forwards, Mur- ney'e wed control and brilliant play. Prkiham's spew, alar rushes anti 'ruffs defensive t,ntlew have them by the ears and us a;oderich intend to rest of the [fan be tie centre, 'blarney ; 1. w., Suazel ; 1. w-. Brawnier; subs, Mellonald, Mountain, Sanderson. Mitchell -goal. Campbell: r. d.. Dav- idson; L d., Etzerula n ; -ceptk, Thorn: 1. w-. Moven; r. w., Gatentryq sobs, McDermott, Balfour, Re•fere4-Arm,.trong. CLINTON "WILD CATS" ARE VICTORS OVER GODERICH "HORNETS" Home Team Sustains Second Re verse In A Fast, Olean, Thrilling Game In the first lntermedlate (l. H. A. game played In Goek•rk•b this season the bones team went down In defeat In a game that wean replete with many brilliant individual efforts, fast skat- ing and clean play. If 1t had not been for the defeat sustained by the "home brews" It would have been a very favorable opening from a (;odP- rlch viewpoint. The rink presented a very pretty sight, Manager Ander- son, es he promised. had a very fast sheet of kr, and with the blue linen in the lee, the [DPW nets, the many iight'', the hand, tow+ gown and white color of Clinton and the bine and red mourn his ins. The funeral was geld to Winton cemetery on Thursday and was hargely attended. Rev, J. S. Hardie had charge of the services, also the (1141 Light Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of which he was a member. Thome present for tlw Tuner - al were Mr. Johnc1N .Ivor, Detroit; Mr. Angxs McIntyre, London, and a niece from Toronto. Eleetleas Ai The G. C. I. itself frit by all 44 1)0 (ate in contact with her.. the wan au ideal • wife, an ideal mother and an kind friend. it can be truly said of her, that elle had not one enemy. Site will be sadly misted by her humb*anl and family for whole she had such tender n•gani. and who gathered at bet hone for their family Christmas dinner. Flour of her family were privi- leired to 1e• with her at the last. The funeral waw held to Brandon's cemetery on Tuesday, January ITth. Her sins and daughters wens all pprement with lige 4•cceptiol of Dr. B. F., etiologist present in San Francies,, Her pastor. , Bev. Mr. ,lotus, e*ndueted the servicer at the hotter and grave. while her two seeps and four nems -in-law bore ler to her Ian renting place. Clearly' the Goderleh Collegiate is turning out budding politicians. Tle 1 electioneering that went on lest Mon- day points unmistakably to futon• public life. The lomitutlois for the T.lterary Society were Held on Friday afternoon, resulting in a large number of candidates for office. By nwatw of e prominent display` of election cards and personal solicitation (In sohte cases at least) the following °Hier* were elected on Monday afternoon Honorary president, Mlss Emnln Wal- lace; president. John R,yeraft : first vie-pr'eoldent. Douglas Witsou; wenn* rice -president. T)orothy Marshall: weeretary, (Tpnel e•ve Spays: treasurer. Maz Reycraft ; pianist. Jack \I.11er- mId; editors, Huth Martlu, L. Brown and T. Cutt ; pros. secretaries Jean Cooke and Chas. 1lunlh•r: (!ntnlcillor. -Form i., llorothy Iteyeraft; Viol i1., Madeline McKay-: Form III. It., Harold Cooter; Verna Iii. A. .Toho Wallace; Form iV.. Erie Wilson. The promenade will be held tomorrow even- ing'end the new executive are plan- ning to .make it the most enjoyable yet. tceGas des .. C1030 of Pool Tournament --ss The end of the pool tournament 41 aelitl4 Mene•nwtulgt (knee Club has been conducting for some weekx was marked by et supper given by the los- ing side, rimier the leadership of the pres4kl'nt of the club, Mr. Walter 1. Buchanan, The vfctorluus aide was led by the vire-prreident, lir. J. W. Fraser. About seventy of the mem- bers enjoyed the bouquet whk•h ee- 1 fleeted erelit on the hosts' midi' as r' jIiittorvr'--Att.14n,oda rho.r1eplll'.Fleur were wade by 1''•• chaplain of the chub, Rev, M, R. Manly. 111441 Me•s4iw, W. R• ltoh•rtson, G. K.wL Gw. \\'IIIFuma, W. Huehauan, (1. 1,. Patswns and J, W. Fmsr, 4111 oaf whom wade tilne'I7 crap. 44.41014» for turthrr activitbe« of the (ink 1 See By The Signal -41 i Everybody loved The Referee -- rens" They were simply all over Mitchell and if they had nit Ibsen w1 over anxius they would have stored mans goats. Thr forwent line were checking like fiends plssetwd end the visitors were loss. Uoderk•h were everywhere. The forwards worked with pre•h.ktn of sleek work while the defence men, lim1Hl and i'rklham, were 4444411444 in some great fleshes, although at tlnww they were unwise in begging the hoard. tot. elo.ely on their get - *way. Rna*PI .•ane• through with a ole• goal In this period on a wast high shot while Bowers aror'(d for re Prldham Shot Wee A Ballet take x scalp out of 141. Marys neat Tutealey night, Ito• following game her,. will eertalul, he played to a eoputty house Mitchell tiered Sports The visiting t.am showed good sportsmanship 4.t .111 time,. and In de- feat they were the 'first to congratu- late 114 sinners They freely admit- ted after the frame that tiney were beaten by the I'4tt,•r team on the play. Three wits no hard feeling ezhll{jted on the part of nese of tow mntenling pinyers and only two p•,alitee for minor °freesia.* von. handed out ell evening. Thorel w',1. w 11'uotht 11 doubt MIt- ,•hell's het hot he was not Used em often 4114 111411x1 11114 no doubt to Mur- ooy's stiff che•king. ironer, on eft wing dM not ploy Si well an he did in Mltelell, but he turned In a fair rime when we ,.onstder be played with two broken ribs. L'ineratan. the yet- prim et- en n defense man.otterned ti a good (leen game 111141 broke op many of tilt• (3od4 rirh offensl,.•n by a jaaMlottn pas of hie body In n good puke dwelt. lie to not an fest us some of h1s co0tntjati but he has iwe k,y Amino mad he iw * much greeter .corm of atr4tlgth to lila team than mat) of the Ions reslbs • Oow*Neek Waa Closely Checked of Gederkh, along with the lar'getlt crowd that las witnemed a hockey game in Goderieil in many years eventually augur," well for very sue- e',twsfnl neneon In hockey. Referee Tom Munro went them on their way GT R.15 p.m. sharp. The play in the Anel period was het and furious with troth teams pnttlng forth every effort to score. Finally od` ■ pretty combination play Geettlloek, the good loft wing Of the Mitten team, (Vontlatttsd oa Pap &) That Rex. Mharmen mn pap. 14 gi44w a few of the bargains offered et his big ehmring vale which eommen.et' on Raturday. That un imp. 3 E. 4'. 1b,herfsntt wry-: that tet woman eon resist the tippet of the charming lavalliere') be has on Pit IhItIon. That 1n l'urt,r's ad. on peg. II it Is pointed out t11111 wall paper prices •err extremely lowjust naw. They Mere l 22 In. paper Thet 4'. 4-- M11Ne11 1s Offer; 11.1 tor sale a dell -situated farm in t'ollorn.• township. 1(44• page 3. That McLean 11ru14. ou page 7 are offering mime very slws•isl' lelrgxi•Ie M men's fur .ants. That J. .t. Campbell says that Janu- ary weather is dangerous to tie, bronchial tubes nod that :motet hod mM remedies should he 4441 •m before it is too isle sec• 1)144 ed. en png4 5. That the Belch Store is offering 11114 UA hargeina for the last two weeks of their mid-wiltter .style. See the ad. On page 4. That Seeker I ndk. It.ady-to-W.ar lave an ed. on page 4 offering ninny articles *t below cost. Thxt 4111 page 2 M. Rubins is en- F(tp't cigPtineIIg * sus l*l denying 1n mete* wlls an.I work shirt*. la? W. C. l'rldham is advertising talen's sof' hors' /weever. to clear cheaply 04. page 4. That to have ,tutees next 4'hrlstmas you Attract join She Bank of lf:tmiltaft t'hrl-ln/ae ('1141. tete. The ad. la 4411 Matte 3 That W. Aehew.n A Sort on porgy 2 an, offering sps•la1 values In silks. That the Nuclei Th•t(tr• h•14 on -pegs ,i an exceptionally gaol program 1e - eluding Sessile Hayek**.1, (brrinne (irlfflth. Harold 1.10y0 and Eugene 4) 11rien. That The Renal' ilnug Store 1s ad• rertl+Ing Hillle• 'iturke ebrw'olatee as "the bergs. creamy, old-fashioned kind." 1103'111Ni accounts for tlwir big errant. In eh.solate bnslnema by t fart that most people tike the line besot. See more (1. That J. H. Colon 0e A co. Mnlylte twwtdM sn {age 4 that they will bovine.. on the c*.'h blasts only. e February lit. JP.