The Signal, 1921-10-27, Page 5Admiration
iti�utuiiuiuibv,i��iht�tGi1/z;,tete,t��:�,u���;t1;ru1f1/t�filiibA1►��,t1ti►1��yWuii/iltiil,w►V NATIONAL TRAIN emeriti, coutaartd, took charge of al: "!low can we shdw our
t t'kth *genii• chute) Itirt July;.goltt; tows Y" wills to ionic for di
a t ! tl1(•rr trim t+heltforl. said in the 31 n•. ('hub in North Ntret
WILL BE HERE ON goodly 1(r meant it service for church next dtendny mornUog. EMI will
Record f evenZOithiri
the law ltov, Ii. i:. $elite. a Gunner ht Intr.Nlnc,d by 31l'. Ge••rge Horsley.
•3 t� •
=: FRIDAY,NOV.4 1'11"Ws. o1 \tirt11 Street Methodist
ale. .\. '1' t
chinch. Genb•rk•h, whir passed away a se•vi.e secret ry of fh' Ninety. wfil
few• weeks ag.'., wilt t. • bald In St, have elm tgt• us. the servi' at 11
" uron' ate" duel arelllk• thin 6 :Iwl .4111 be auu'rhN k. lies.' 111 al
r. uyer pill t,leah
Iden d Cioderieh Citizeaa Will Be Afford- dueled by lege t►r. Grtlnuwcons in the evening
' ed An Opportunity To In -
is found even among children. If
you wish your child to be admired,
let us supply the
Wearing Apparel
We make a specialty ..f
Baby Garments
South Side Square - - Godey%!a
Model Theatre
Week of OQtr 31 to Nov. 5
Monday and T
James (flyer t'urw
oup•r feature •
"�AiENi'* •.
Alio the third • epluode \of The Sero
of Ta non
'The Oki of the Jangle"
, ()et. 31 --Nov. 1.
1's so -.•u roe(
Wednesday and Thurilsy, NM. 3.3,
rwwr..t three -reef comedy
"Prineeus Jeer's"
Friday and Saturday. Nov. !.3.
a » I•• fenitur.•
~111.►31" Li.tll1) 11.4,311t,TON
144 n r.,IIN a.1u¢ Iukdy
' N.kmahine"
Matinees Monday and Wednesday at
4:13 p.m" Saturday at 3:es p.n.
Two toll *bows every night starling
at 7.30 p.m.
A Velvet Hat
That has unusually grace-
ful lines is a good selection
for winter wear,
We are showing a number
of the newest shapes, in the
latest shades, several of which
will prove becoming to you.
Come in and Slee our well,
chosen stock of
New Millinery
Diss Ma R. MacVicar
Kingston street, Ccder?ch
ifVf!f►1.1111tq'ry 1.1“.I'PIPI.t"ft,%'r tgthuNq'rf./!ffiNr ,
The last Of The Beason. Goderfeh \lerrantile Resumer, Work.
The last bowling tournament of the 1We are Wail to see the .woke roll -
season sae p14V•rd on the local greet) 011 ing .nine more from tete (1441 *.- of
•cduexlay afternoon. In a frame of the a; ,,Mh Mercantile ('ompwuy. A
Scowl. double, the sinners were: First, tow of the uaemploy.d of the town
Dr. Hunter and ('bus. Black;.dr'cond. are being absorbed and we will the
Char. Chapeuau sal Chas. A. Nairn. buslurw every stxess.
A quirt wedding ,wag 'solemnised in
Detroit, on Saturday. October 1*, when
llbau Gladys Item, youngest daughter
of Mr. alsl Mrs. James Huggarth. of
Goderk•It. became the bride of {Ir.
Lathe !!eyes of Howard.'rexns. The
ee'rtWouy was p.-rfurmel by 1tev. Or.
Muth. pastor o1 Grand ltiver Meth-
odist church.
Death .1 a Former Resident. •
A former reehleut of 1;.41.•ri.•II passed
away . . r
71 1 11 1.1 v
111 1 1
1 l:+irrie ..0r
Tu slay,
(h•t,dwr Is, in the ie•rs..0 of Pollee
. agistrat. (:. .1. It:ul'i Mr.
lis dee/burst w41. Isrru In Perth county
s,•v ly-two year- ago and server) dur-
ing ►e Feehan raid.. qtr was as
-i,t:ui to 11r. Presto', fu the -old tlude-
rieh g war whim{ end later ensiled
law here. 111 1w17 he moved to Runde
where he remised taw nod where he
war ruade• lice magistrate .ever -devil
y rs ago,
Rattan's lfiitems.
Friends of 31n.... i'. Button have leen
much concerned chi week, over the news
of her melons ilht in the hospital atI
Hutchison. Kermit.. r e woe 'e'n fuer way
to California to attend t e wedding of a. but was uneis es.fut. Mrs. Troy's',
niece Weld stayed over a Hutc4iann to Ikonse also wits br, ken into and con -
vied relatives there, ahem 1(r sat taken side r,abl.• mo41e-y taken.
i11 of pneumonia. Her coed ion Issue,
rotenone that Sir. Button w called! to 1 fllotr-Whitely.
iter ride by telegram on Sunda and het The hue,,' .of the Miss& \t'hitply, on
Jeb the 1ileo• day by aut Ile fur Je}eut1* street, ;vas the stone of a quiet'
London to pet a train. \Won! has ainoot'wedkling on Wednesday morning at
been received that Mrs. Button. while, 11.:40. when Mis. Erma, daughter of
very ill, has still a chance for Dr..I. 1t. Whitely, byelaw.. the bride of '
recovery. Mr. James Betz. Rev. Mr. 3keDermid
Farewell L perforuied the ceremony to the pres-
ence Monday evening the Nurtlern encs• of the Immediate relatives. Little
Lights heel the It. (. N. classes of alaxlur 1Whltrly acted as ring -hearer
North .ff'5.•t Meth.sdist.rharwll held a aisl Miss Edrle Tvr pla7.,1 the w•el-
ed/c el evening for the purls!.&' of hid-.
'ling March. The bride wire' a tiwyrl-
ding fire -wield W ate of the must 1"17ling suit of navy blur tricotine with
Vat to
tar of their.lumlwr, Miss Edna Itivers, I mactl . Niel ;arri,ol (plena
Baler --Colt.
-t quiet wedding was solemnized in
VIctorie street Methodist pal-sonuga• ou
Saturday. October 22. when *tel.. J.
F. Iteyeraft united in marriage Miss
lone rift, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
14. 11. Cute, of G,sh•rich, and Mr.
George W. It(4eelder, sou of Mr. and
31rs..h.e. Bumbler. of the Ihurou road.
Thr bride wore It smart navy 1rle,thtr
reit and a -laruutiug Int of blur ata!
black. After the cerrurouy Mr. and
Mrs. llasehler left for .Hamilton and
Toronto. tin their return they'notion with fled hlstalIatien of n gases.
reside on the groan's farm 00 the line tank urs) tamp in front 4,1 lel.
Huron road: enrage on West stmt su.1 it Was re-
g el. Howard's fifers Entered. commended that the privil.1 » asked
• A shallot rottiwry was perpetrated for 1..' granted and the (ootid approved.
on Mon.h*y erode', i'N•tw,'H*'tt a1141 7 It avis rwv,mettrmttrt ghat the 4144491
.telae when the ,lierdware ..tor• of at (144 fos.* of %.'tlerley. \%.11111009
Mr. It. .1.' Howard ou Kingston street • and 'Waterloo streets 1e repaired at ti.
was l.rikeu Ithp�aiel about *4.1 taken 14,1,T 11.4 eineeding $75.00. iu this
froia tine till. Thr thief gaTri r eu- t kmtasetluet t o cotutratttee ads Wed .flit
trainee 1,y br..;ikliig a pan,. of glass ft (4.lnts•II that it had sleet this year'
the slit. d.a'r and .lruwt1) the la,lt.•apprTwirl tion and tie rcpaairs, there
Mr Howard has, n. yet, no definite fore, wily could he temporary. I
evidence as to who committed, the w1(, reommended that next year'
theft. trwtin•IL give ,4,nsiderati..n to the re -
The some night some person, tried'
building of them. three flights of stepsto enter Calvin. Curt's groery store .r
it w1(* resorted further tlhptt a ode -
gram had leen forwarded to the Union
of 1',,tuldh,u .Uauhdtalltr 1111(1 the
1luard of Railway t'omml*aouers of
plo.m.ting airiest any further
Imes(,..• fu the rates and toll. irf the
hell 'rr41•phoned'ompwuy. The report
was adol*ted.
'1'.' public works committee report•
e.l that It had followed Instructions
and made repairs to the buildings of
the National $hiplr(tildfug . Co.; that
ua•a+aretneuts and cost reports as to
the ulling of atnwte as p•titiotn4I for.
were tieing prepared: that a tuta•rOr.
gutter was being coxI.tneessi on Har-
bor hill d, tike .rete of the surface
w'ntrr which had been causing run-
alelrrahlr damage to the roadway
flint Mr. .1. S. .UMu had tiled with
tin• town te 'knoll of 1ls1rmnity In eeon-
spect The Modern Cars
air. F. F. 1-1wreme, dlowu town
ticket agent for the (*;44.41 Trunk, In-
form. The Signal that the ('auadlsu
National tram will he at tib• 4:. T. 1t.
station, 1:11,1e•ieh, ou Friday, November
4. oust will 1e ,open for lusp.tiou !rpm
J si.w. 10 10 ,.w.
Toils afford. • a unique opportunity
to the resident. of (.talerich at.4 vlch-
fty of inspecting ole of the fraliw
surd) us i. used by 4'arwd1ru Nettling!
railway, in it- daily Canada w•rvhv.
At Guelph hist w(ei•k 401400 people in-
spected the train and in Kitchener
fully 3*14141.
-Thee train -is of otu.luudlug interest
In a two -(111.1 w'uw•. lu the first place
It shows The kiwi of be...uotive aril
cin•* *Intl are being used to the traus-
coltlentsl service, while in thts sec-
ond place it is -an ,o'ular slenuol.ira-
tfun of tie' high Blas, hwo*uollvr and
rwiiwuy eale44 w111e11 are tehlg 11111414.
the farterlrs of (lar 1oortiniun.
The tnlill is cou1p1,.a• *n rce•ry re-
spect. helm; lnll4w,e'l of ,leep'ug car,
dining car, day coach„ tor arise car.
colonist ear and }express ter. Patent
car is the ewtaalllllrnt of the hte.t
amt.utost up-howlate ideas d.•-lgued to
.*e•ure for the traveller the maximum
of comfort and safety: 4t.:•l equip-
- melt 14 employed in every ,u.taa4•e.
t Practfcallc all the •. (,*forts of
e lotus life torr 4,rovhkv1 1. . the. 'leef.-
ing cur 4*ttarle.l to the r;;lin. '1'h•, -e
,l who desire More than n.awl mea,.urr
a ..l -ping car privacy' 'lie by n sim-
ple device 1.e a,roulati sl„ted N 1431 iu-
a { divtdtaal sections. The inter4or of the
ear is rfai,.hed in an*twee oy. tints
are of the lute•,t design in frteuKte
,I*ort milt J.1gitiag Is by eleett•icity
throughout. The ear is heut'sl by the
larger size Pullman 'standard type of
lot water 'heater. Berths 1(r' minim -
.ed e*t with the Iate.4 mnveuien es, The
water .ripply Ir ,Wallies! from under-
fed tanks. 117 the eleetrk••drl•du sue -
time fain Installed. tine air of the ear
tats hr changed every twenty minutes.
The tont of a car of this kind is $ (,.
.The dining ear has a seating ralpne-
ley for thirty persons. It is finished in
quartrr•eak and 1.1 equipped with
cooking facilities, lighting arraugc-
mont, and the ,osn•rnlroce of. travel-
ler... Honse•wlvr. will he particularly
interested in the kitchen. Among the
features of its equipment are reuov-
abir (.49f int; tables, trot tallies for
csokeel ►nears 411141 poultry, awl a
speiul 41rr:wgeuent for floating cups*
land disk itefrigcrators are equip-
ped with tlw' Mahn system of rrfrlRer-
ation. sent rare isitepart exits (wing
provided for prudery, meats. milk and
1 vegetables. Stewards. chefs nisi wait-
er, are on 11am1 to exploits equip-
ment slip reveal the mysteries miler.
raining to the kitchen and dining
room of a travelling hotel. ('ost en-
tailed in htllhi)lg anal espileming h
dining cur Audi as the• • on ex1(abl-
tkn Is $46.(00,
To *le overture citizen who may Ire
cvntewpleting se crn.4-(`auulda trip in
n less extensive way than the stand-
ard sierra -r -?hr tmtriet .•ns.- elwrvt4-i.t
of particular interest.. it is Jost as
suh*tneitlally be11t us the•.. st4minr)
sleeper (4,1x1 iv exceedingly well Privily.
who tett yesterday for I.ucklsrw. A' roses. After the eereukn*y the
pry Ileasant veuinR was swat with Iuiieh k of a delicious suu141. Leering
game 1411(1 'Anent.. Mr. 11. It lunch several. telegrams of cengratu-
,.ulc and Rev. lf. F. 3(uyrr Barr "bort • Litton. were re -evicts). Among those
present frum.a Meitner was Mrs. Mae-
a.14r',s.s'aud Mlss Eolith Murrey reed k.I*zh•, of Henson. 'seer of the gr.i"m.•
a letter from the classes expressing Mr. ark! Mrs. 11412 eft ou the 2.20
heir avid .•lotion•. of 11i's Rivera' for 1►etroit and other taints. They
rt«ence among tl and regret at W!11 la' at home to their friend. lifter
Wer departure.- --
(unary 1 al 'their reskdenev pm South
Harbor Notes. . ' street. (;.Mlrrkeh.
', r Cdlliugw.xal arrived At -_.A 8elmol Nurse For Goderieh.
tike' G•aierieh elevator ten Thursday At the netting, '•f elk• pnhlic school
with '44144.114144 bushels of wheat. board on 3londav,-flight Trusties \Wallace
The «tinnier 4aenbrae arrived on and'[iaundern pulse a verbal n'poort of
1(aturday with{I0 bushels 'of their inquiry into the 'amnesia used in
wheat. icttgaginge 10)8..4 nurse in other muni
The steamer Glenlhvet arrived on cipaliti,•'. They stated that the share .�f
Monday with 127,(Mko bushel..., \whom expense of the public ech•N,1
and oats.
\- - , board should not be more than
i o The stremer Matthews ar•rivl'I on WOO yearly. it was reeved by Trustees
1l.dueaday with Laui MMt bust(rls , 4of Cratgte and Platt that the matter be
laid over' till the r gnLtr meeting, wiere-
'l ted ,teaatrr Homs 14in11h Ir In pd1t upon so amendment wait 'moved try Trus.
and will linked 2110,0111 bushels of t*.. (.untlry, end Sallow* that they join
wheat at the rlrrator today.
w'i471 otter org:uurgtions in 4:alerich to
T1w steamer Telle411*11e of Milwaukee
is exported today with '2:14),000 bushels
.4f corn and Oats, •
Joins leyeraft '!las Close Cat.
gages .a•h...l nurse. at n cost not to ex.
1 Flrnl- The amendment was carried
on the following division: 1.4.11-Trnste es
Ae'he.'on, Salk,ws, Gundry, McLean! and
1Sa rs. Fay-Tnuate.'s Craigie and
What at first was thot,ght to yh a I It as then moved by Trudee» Semi-
serious aecldeht took Mare- f--dam--Mid ltel,'awthat.-Tru...tce Avheemn
afternoon when John iteeyeraft, son of together with -,Truster Wallace, the chair -
Her. J. 4'. and Mrs. lj.ycnft, as ria • man, he appointed the board's regimen -
over by an auto driven, hy r. Rotoert tadivee on the ppint committee to arrange
Matiewrn. John wig* r ng on the details with re eetena'to engaging a school
Square on his bicycle, .fllr. Mathis nurse..
sin drove up Met ..t , and, not •
noticiug,the boy. c iii(' cv,urse
suddenly to avoid nother ter. The
Lid was thrown 0his wheel and on-
lookers state that one wheel •
,,directly over 141{ head. He was mash- ' (Cs^tMmrl from page 1.)
ed to the bo!'tiltal in a passing car paid the ears of 411100 In ('ullsl4eil-
and a dex-ter snmmoterl. 1t waa\ttlon of the fart that he had been me-
1.mmt that n.. bones were broken, al- playgirl hy the town for over a year
t:*.. gid he was 141,117 st•rapel and spit had been showed to holidays:
!bruised. Ile was taken the the '4%10 Bounty nits. wits reported
fhospital on Tuesday and is at present waif,- And tete' fn} E=10n0.4141 IR -
getting along very well. rleadhlg (. W. N. it. nod's. had leen
rctire'l In the Lank. The report was
Same special prices as announced last week
will continue to the end of this month
Specials as announced last week in Hot
. Water Bottles. Free Razor with the pur-
chase of Colgate's, Williams Shaving
Stick, powder or cream. Stationery, Hair
Nets, Soaps and other specials. Be sure
and get yoyW supplies •
r ' ../N4H/M/'Nv
Campbell's Drug Store
Goderich Phone PO The Square
While Thanking our good mimic for their filminess awl eon -
sideration at all limes in the pest. w,• '..mule ask .hem to 4x4(414., 10
the new firm the same loyalty and forbear once that has been given
to u* so al all time..
The fire,--conimittes. recommended
the* fifteen building permits he grant-
ed, These permits 4otveret the erec-
tion of fonr'garages. the retr04141)IIg
of three dwellitegs, the i.alanee being
shingling permit's with the exception
of one of Mr. E. I.. Dean who nppll.rl
for permission to tenet a a•arehrake,
office. and weigh Peale Wilding n Al -
rt etre.d:""The report was adepted.
The ,.pari.) cvomnl)ttee retnrterl that
It d net Messrs. 4'. A. Bekl sad -4.
1W. `$Mci)o►Iakl. tis• ealuators ofv the
Natio1 Shipbuilding plant. and had
disco several decant in 400nnevtion
with t ,work of making an inventory
and valuation of the pintrt and equip -
meat. A lull report, including a 1)'t
of equipment and the machines re-
moved from the Brock Ptreet plant awl
a list of machines installed Pinee the
last valuation. 1s to to made to the
•ommlttee later. The committee alto
reported that it had been informed
that the highland Heald antehlne whop
ie1nginw M the Astor enspasy, bed
been lease,! to the i',rf,e.tton Flax
Pulling Machinery Co. al 4200 per
month awl that the town solfItor had
n.otiAed the lessee to pay the rent to
the town to apply on the mortgage
aswirrst this" property. Aeotber re-
cmmerakltlon was to the effee•t (hat
the eourniltee be empowered) to !'ou-
molt the oolk•ltor and take whatever
Mete were ae(•r*wary to protect the
Hewn'. interest In the plant of the
floderk•h Meil'antile ('n. The Ir,mmit-
*.e approved of the paten to prnvi.e
for the eollectlon of taxa* twt{ce a
yea* and reconamende,l that I* 1 evn-
JOnvr MI to ro lllrttaol lelte Its
Mass Mee
A meeting of the Women
of Goderich mod vicinity
will be held in the
- on -
Friday Erg., October 28
Commencing at se o'clock
The speaker of the evening wilt be
Mrs. Harry Carpenter, Haste•*,
President of the Onttrfo Women's
Liberal Association, Airs- Carpen-
ter is an eloquent And forceful
speaker and all women interested
in the big political reties of t he day
should not'to hear her and the s
1e able to -
Vote Intelligently on It» 5th.
God Save The King
Whthw • ' as Frau 15c. up
We have all
hang them for
Me Agents fort
Rud," best rod o
Do not forget the Hallowe'en Pinner to he' given i►y the
• men of North street Methodist Church ori
Dinner will be served in the Sunday School Roost
frotu tl to 8 o'clock. After the dinner a splendid pro-
gram will be rendered in the church auditorium
ADMISSION --Adults 5Oc• ; Children 25c
ors and sixth. We also
OU tree of charge. We
e "Kirsch Flat Curtain
the market.
Goat Display o(\Hallowe'en Novelties
Smith's Art Store
East Street Phone 198
When in need of a Taxi Phone IW3
Tablets without "Bayer Cross"
are not Aspirin at all
Get gesu)ee "Bayer Tablets of Aapiria"
to a "Bayer" package, Odin marked
with the safety'Bayer Cross.'
The "Bayer Cron' is your only way
of kaowiag that you are getting gamine
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
nineteen years sad proved safe by ma-
ltose for Headeehe, Neuralgia, Cello,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pais generally. Made is Canada.
Handy tis boxes of 12 tablets -o
larger sited "Bayer" packages.
Aepiria is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Masnfactors of
Monoaeetiesc{d.ater of Salkeylieacid.
While it is well known that Aspitia
menu Sayer manufacture, to assist tba
publie against imitations, the Table* of
Bayer Company, Idd., will be stamped
with their curia trade mark, the
'Ram Crow'
pod with IneMlrfll rnlV4 nheIt.4.P, but is
less hiiuriouay furnished. '131tr ear is
lighter) by eleetticky, one ilenllar
featureof which is the location of
electric lamp ar.ler tilt• seats for use
at night when the soiling lights are
Mit, The ear it nl*- q Lipp ed with it -
emdlern kiti•hen, containing rnnge, rn-
frigerator, sink. enplwlnrl, rte., for the
convenience a of travellers who wish to
provide their own meals. This car
forst 4.7),000.
.44WNher efte--thavelit. per rhat4y
of partictller Interest to many is'thn
eulenlst car.. Taleear_ shown 15 of an
improved type. and la much as is now
tisk! hy the ('anadliiI National Rail-
ways in (harvesters' Excursions. The
bertha are adjustable In order to are
eommalats ihemw•Irrs to day or night
travel. A car of this kind costs
Tale day eoa(•h le of the well known
standard type used 01the Canadian
National'm, and root 4:11,000.
Thr •xprb,s err Is of the type r.gnlAr-
14 Used by the (t,radlan National Pa -
press ('onpplrry.
Total cost to produce a train *nch
is that now on exhibition would be Friday, Nov. 41h
approximately 4A70.04M1. ('err atone AT GODERICH Open One Day. (Inky
melee over 47;lID,OfKI. .l similar train p 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 4
was shown at the ('anadian National
Exhibition and wan visited by: 14)0..
000 people.
eflXntlnrf1t1A X dAntfSeXtA XX -
ou appreciate the value of Good
•,Clothes from a
Viewpoint of Style Standpoint of Value
Style Point of Appearance Pocket Point
then you will appreciate
in• eve
possible point..
of Price
F. I -J. MARTIN, Tailor
WE cash Domini>n War
Loan and Victory Loan
interest coupons at par, and
without charge.
Deposit your Victory Bond
and Dominion War Loan
coupons in the Bank of Hamil-
ton and thus save the amount
represented until such time
as the money can be used to '
best advantage.
Goderich Branch A. J, MacKay, Man Iger
Canadian National -Grand Trunk
-Across Canada
Standard Train
Everyone Invited
Free Exhibit
Courteous attendants in chary- to ' -•'r erste •r colpftY tl� tit �s
eight travel. Slrwards, Chefs, W a' .ole, . on duty.
1 Housewives will be specially tote *unary arrangements.
The train is aceompinled by a staff
of men efficient in the flexions de-
palrtments npp'rtainfim thereto. Their
office Is to explain by praetl-al de-
monstrations the "why and where -
for' of the equipment on an ncmv.-
('nrmelo trail smelt AN that in 11441' cel
tIIP ('annrllan National Railway aye.
PonnNr Metbodbnt Pastor of (.oeerie44
Returns Frees Conference a In London.
Rev. Dr, W. H, (lrwtaam, pastor of
Victoria att'es't 'Methodist elfin oil,
•oderk•h, abort' fourteen yr'ar•r ago,
hat returned from the Methodist
Dcrt►trterrival Conten•n.e In London,
England, and hat »slimeed the prrtor-
ate of St. Clef. ave ' 3lethodIPt
churrli, Toronto.
Speaking from hit own pnlptt
Dr. 4lrahsm deviated that "Lord
Northcliffe it afraid that a ware
of pmhtbltlon tenor Canada and t11.
tinted States will neer" the (M
('entry aid he ban atertol In NP
' neematrrn..-naapalign to belittle pro-
rob41,1(1no on tolls Mae of tie AtlantIe"
1 The 'rotunda" Manor, *Pon whore
Mr A.- ree of Melee of Divinity wad,
We hog to announee to the peolic •'' *.ods'rirh and %trinity
that we hive sold our royal business 1, . 'nhu It. Mustard
and Compons, and in doing so 1(r wish ••ere to our customers
in this 4,41.41 and surrounding township., e..r gr. eful appreciation
of their patronage during the many years iu whish we have AMP
b,i'.lnet. here.
While Thanking our good mimic for their filminess awl eon -
sideration at all limes in the pest. w,• '..mule ask .hem to 4x4(414., 10
the new firm the same loyalty and forbear once that has been given
to u* so al all time..
Our seem..sore will ('0nfinu4 to art as the Sok Agents in tilt.
district fo, the genuine 11. 1, & W. Serateton ('oat -the Standard
If prompt, 4ar1h11, and .twerp %ervite will win and retain
your M1sine.s, we feel dire that Mustard and Company will
leave nothing undone fo merit your confidence. Before Mad*
further orders. we shall embroider it : -,nal favor if the new
proprietors he Riven an opportunity ,, •. v the question over with
With our further assurance of air deep gratitude for emu)
past favnrw in our association In bu*iness with the pastille generally,
believe us to he
Nineerety your*,
Per iL .1. A. .Mace'WAN
Per W. A. Weer:WAN
(iodlerloh, Oeteher 1a. 1421.