The Signal, 1921-10-20, Page 7THE SIGNAL
Thnr•day 11. t,. 1. r 20 1921 '7
When It's a
Question of
call on
"The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix•
tures, Electrical Household
Utensils, etc., always ou hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
Wast St. Next Postoffice
Phm•es: Store 82, jtes 193
Electrical Contractor
Agent for Blue Bird Wash
Machines. Choice line of
Electrical Fixtures
Carried in
Old Colborne Hotel Corner
Phone 251
Harold Blackstone's
urn fore Exchange
you are missing a golden
opportunity to get some
rare bargains
Everything for the home
Bargain day every day here
a „Pwe✓
holstering Shop 1
Dodi throw away your old Purrs!•
ture till you see
Finally Was Restored to
Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound.
Paria, Ont. -"For five years I suf-
fer from • ns caused by displace -
lit Illi ment of my errata. and in my back. All
this time I was
unfit fur work and
4r * was taking different
medicines that 1
>d 1 thought were good.
1 saw the advertise-
ment in the payers
of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound and took
it faithfully. I am
now =perfect health
an •o 1 my own work. I recommend
it to others, and give you permission to
publish this letter in your little books
and in the newspapers u a testimonial."
-Mrs. D. CASSADY, Box 461, Paris Ont.
Why women will continue to suffer so
long is more than we can understand,
when they can Md health in Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound!
For forty years it has been the stand-
ard remedy for female ills, and has re -
=ore(' the health of thousands of women
-who have been troubled with such ail -
Manta as displacements, inflammation,
'iteration, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-
dential). Lynn, Mau. Your letter will
ba opened, read and answered by a
_ROM= and held in strict confidence.
r- ---
A very plasaut evening was spent
recently at the bouts of Mr. and Mss.
Geo. Jackson w•ileli their daughter
'Berta was I.oteros at 11 h1))'t b.11y {arty.
als,ut thirty guests 1441111 pre -sent
During the evening fin. bustt . wit.
surprised by the pres•utatkna of sev-
eral pieces of stiverw.u•e. After a
lery pleasant evruIug the ghats went
home wishing Miss Herta "many haply
Betts. Who bought a laking
and eoufe•t ioia•ry 1,u, lue•s.4 In ('iiutop
a year ago. has again sold and is r• -
turning to Itldtn•luwu. The I(* W owner
is .J. 4. O'Neill. of Milton, who took
possession on Monday.
It. A. Itdhertwt underwent a minor
()iteration at the hospital on Friday.
(let1,1,4•r 7, and took a holiday front his
drnylog work studs..
\lis FlurWow Rorke (ele'bratd her
blrtlnluy on tlotiday /tf last week by
entertaining a uululx•r of !sr little
girl friends to a jolly party. The
birthday feast was lavishly spread
and them oras a cake with canines on
it. Afterwards the young people
;mused themselves with rarkous
Ira 111.1.
John Lindsay lots- pu.n•hitstel the
house and lot of Mls. Mende Porter
and rented the Muse to R. S. 'O'Neill,
the new baker. Mi. Porter Is to re-
•wrin III 1.•nol.•41sore.
lu the ba.ketbat1 game at SeafortIt
hili day the Sea forth girl, defeated
the (111Ruu girls by n swore of 23 to 1a.
The ('oll.'giate field day, herd on
11th was quite '.44e1Mwf441,
Frank Cudmore sou the lore 00
medal a11,1 Eric F:'Iward' the Junior
nuchal. Herter i1lys won the prize
for the Idgla.a number of point. out-
side of sir medalist. The girl'. modal
Ij1 I was enwlphon h)• toady•e\Il rl'boe,.
R t
COUTY AND DISTICTpresrtwl the Seafurth tedf /cub with
11 a ver' rile trophy for handicap l'llm-
p•titl1,n an,4nlg the uwmtter1.
1111 Saturday evening at the hose
I atl
I)r. Vernon Itos-. of Brussels. wua
1 he Free Press Trophy' 111 a t•tmie
r•.rtusment in .Iuglw at 1.d•udon'ant
,neek. -
'rite .b•xth ,.vvrrel on ti,'toM•r 14,-
.,Rcr :cal Inns.'. of two asks o1 Fitch -
.rd 1t)•au ll
of \\aln,, Ile was In his
•.,ghty-fnurrti year.
Irvin F:.•kst'hl has token over the
n'-isience anal bake ship of JVs.
t:eiger. 4Zurich. and will,. tarry ou
the imalws$ In his place.
-11r and _Min. Ed. Worm, of 7nrk•k.
have a 11011 into the house ownedd by
Mrs. J. Geiger. at rhe ...nth end of
the village. and reeutly vncatel by
Fetal Hess.
Tlo• death eo•carnel suddenly oa-
Mondny of last .week .1 Donal(' Rosa.
of ISnw.rW1d. in his fifty-sixth year.
I14+hies his widow Int leaves gine sin.
Julul.:uo1 1,110 dan;thter. Laura.
.L 11 11
110. ra ig. of 1 n•btud. whowatT
•} riling hi Henson Air .some months
has returned with his wife ural dough- ,
ter 11ll• 1lid Country. They enjoyed I
very 011/111 their visit to 4'ivada. •
Tlwre• is14se1 away at theresidewe
of her son-in-law, lt.Aa•rt 114nikon. of
)tooretown. on (k•tulwr 7, Isulwlha
Brimar, r•Ilet of the hite (e0rgr
Iso•ktart of M14-Kilhsp, a resident for
many years of that ..etikn • of the
Pen7 King. of Gorrie. re eptly met
with s'rh,Il *evident when le
slipped off tin' f.s.rbarl 4.f a thresh -
log engine nod fell with full fore on
to a bolt. 11.• Is doitgt as well as 111 11
be exta'tet bur will tart be around
again for some (hue.Jobs Wright, of Howh•k. had the
misfortune to have ala) tarn on the
Weiser farm whi.•h l
gta• had rented, to-
'tlwr .with this year's crop and 'spy--
lwplenw11t4, . t_.!tlll deoetroyed by
a, fire caused by an overturned lathier&
Although the Darn was incited the
kosis will 1e• heavy.
While Bert Peek. of Rtan:ey. Mt.
11.41 as .l anot lwr man were working
on a scaffold, building a silo. last week
the scaffold Imre way. Mr. Peek and
Mr.'Me11 fell to the ground. the hatter
baking his am while Mr. Peek had
tae bbs
rued. , ereverah rill* b
and other) injuries. The latest repofb
are that he w111 recover. The third
mon waved himself by holding to the
top of fire silo. '
of her sou. Nell 4 11I*'spie. the c a
took plate of .tgn.•+ M,Krllir, widow
of the late Jellies, Gillespie 4.1 Hibbert
tywiishlp. A few weeks ago Mrs.
Gillespie net with a serious accident,
from w)1k•h sir (ever recovered. She
leaves a family of siz : 1)otw1d and
Hugh. of Saskatoon: James, of 4'-11}-
cago: MN. M. northrm. of Brandon.
sial Neil nal Jessie, of itewforth.
After An illness of two weeks. Mrs.
Theo. Hall, wife of Theo. Hall. at one
time publisher of The Wingham Ad-
Vance. died In Pasadena._ Cal.. at the
age of seventy-five. 1f she had level
for three more days Mr. atal Mrs. Hall
W011111 have celti,ratel their fifty -third
wedding anniversary. Besaake' her
husband slw lava four soca. J. Her-
bert. Walter, and Earle all in busi-
ness in Pasadena nym
\1'isvnsl+. and. two daughters. afro.
Edith Dillard and Mrs. A. E. Colling,
.of Pasadena. -
Major Ernest Pettigrew, M. C.. of
.%'IIIgl1YID. was tow of .the carelidatts
Ia)mllmtet at the North lanae Nn-
tioltal 1.1berai (\,flservutive dvuvention.
Ile made an eloquent optseh awl
muv,el the utaanitnuns support mf the
meeting for Ciel. (lark w1a1 wqs the
choice of the convention.
lttdrrt Mitchell anti fa have
11Mt•e1 from Wroleter to thdE• Mws•
which they re wiifl jurclaswd trona
August Ilomuth.
J. G. Fyfe and Mhos Viola hare heft
for $lwfl,nurne where tlwv will make
their haeme. Mr. Fyfe leas accepted
a clerical posltlon In that town and
hY4 alai, been engsged a4 choir (ender
111 the Metlanllwt church there.
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at ll boon night or day.
The Double Track Route
Rnezoelled dining oar service.
Bleeping ears on nigh trwbw, and
parlor ears on pAholpal day trains.
ran information tram soy Grand
Trask Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing Inatr•jet Paseengar Agent, To -
O.M. Lauder, ReaM Atfaat, plume E}
Tom I,& moos 8
Thi 1. el Impetuses to Yee
Niagara Falls, Ont -"Throe years
ago my son, Gerald, bad a severe at-
tack of yellow
jaundice. I tried
three doctors but
they only gave re-
-lief for short peri-
ods- As I hap
Wed Dr. Pierce's
Anuric Tablets on
my other son, I
decided to giro
.7 him Dr. Pierce's
j, Golden Medical
// Discovery a n d
after tieing four or five bottles
be wits entirely well. I .ball al-
ways say a good word tor all of Dr.
Press's remedies. Today our medf-
ctsls cabinet contains a bottle of each
of ties, famous remedlea."-Mrs.
Catherine Dempsey, 32 Bridge St.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dir
is frac from alcohoQl and in-
ns rfdus drugs. You can 13e certain
you will and It a trot blood•makSr,•bsllder, and re.fot•atl've nano
took and -that it will produce no
eve aftecefects.
Windsor, Ont. -"Dr Piorco's0oVon
M.4toal Dlscovwry and his ' ant
Polhts' aro wonderful medicines for
herbe use. I used to sumer with
weak lungs. smothering spells abd
ink -headaches, but show, takiag the
above-meattoned medicines thew
o.sditfbns lave left rho."
-Ova of my daughters took the
'} to Prescription; u a•, tonic
osliaa expectancy and oke prates
that medials* very k1g1h, too.'
M yltg Ileds Harddiboring aoedl1 d arae BrW.
/buran Dr. Pilece's PaullyP. icts's,
1<a uor 1f`rid wait. lir.. Pierce.
h•aiA' 'Hetet 1!Misska, N T.
He free Laboratory t drtdip►karg, Oaal advice. th
Directors of Dungannon Agricultural Society Are Well Pleased With
the Showing Despite the Serious Setback by Unfavorable Weather
Date for Next Year's Event May be Earlier in the Season -
Keen Competition in Many Exhibits.
if the Dungannon Agricultural 140 Allister: p:arsulp- FL !nuke. F. ltark-
dirty had been favored w•Ith gas!
er ; IYIh.•ri u a,. l y
weatM,•r for its fair on Ik•tober 6 and i Barker, Miss F'. Joynt ; collection of
7 there are plenty of indications that I ai•huo)x
l Ramiro products -Nile iao,l,
theev'eut would tare l,e•u a record' Dunganlaul s'Msd, .
breaker. The pity of It is flat this - Jilin --\1'. T. .Iuraey.
statrun•nt begins with the word "11." •• 1 atcrB
As a matter 4.1 fact the exhibits in N'INTEIt .U'I'LE4
the setlons displayed he•1de were eery 1Stpl;,y_J,un'•s 4terliug, J. A. Garr:
snperlur to that shown at the majority taaldwta'-Janos Sti•rtlig, J.. A. (;r4rr;
of other • shows In Herrn dunce: the kill; of 1 pkiu' *snooty- -James 4ter-
{aa rr•Isou. A4 an indication of the ling, 1V. Witts,u: ralntau 4weet-Jas.
kern interest taken fifty eutrks were $ter'f. W
lti. Watwm; ('aladt red
mash• ill the ladle: work seniors and Jas. Sterling, W. w'ats,n: Ontario -
in the ev,wpt}tbn for the prizes Jame. St.•rliog. W. Wit una; golden
awarded for dairy butter by Mr. J. roast -lumen Staling, W. • Wetmore;
Joyut, 11.I'.1'., there were thirtvett wagu,•r--,bund+ Sterling, \1'..,A. l.'ul-
eutries. • lwrt ; russet --W. A. Culbert, James
It M known, too. that If the weather Sterling; 11114,414' Iaha,al gree•nlug-Jae.
had permitted ale assembling of the sterling. W. .%. CbNwrt : eranlwrry
outside exhibits .an exceptionally flux pippin --.lumen Sterling: phonatz --
showing would hare been made. fay. St•rIhlg; manor -J. A. I;, J1111.
The directors of tlw society are swot- Sterling: static -Jas. Sterling; four
disheartened by any means. A meet• camel rarlrths-Jas. "Sterling, .1. A.
lug will be held shortly when plans (;neer; lulu. like. -.las Sterling, W.
for next year's event will be discussed A. s('ulls rt , I'rwuuk,r -.1. A. (1rcer;
and the changing of the date to one w'. A. CuHwrt.
n will be a subject
earlier in the Keanei'F:AiLS. F:Tn
for srMls <rousldenatluu'
(Tire. named variet}e. of pearer*--F,
GEAC` Harker, James Alton; fall pars--J*a.
Sterling. Jawed Alton; winter pare=
Fall wheat, whke-Jas. Alton, It. Jas. ABou I1 and 21;i y,dletloa otic
fit wheat rel -Mrs It rape• -F'. Marker; pushes -James
FtAlow•Blg la the prize list swards ,
Mtti►IINtrr, a R
J.Finnigan. riga E Blak • (Grow barley
Int u, e • - Sterling.
1:. Blake, J. Alton: cats, white-,laM.l
Jas. Stirling, stirs. J. 1.1ow•matt; peas, ',Volf river -Jus. Sterling; ribt.m
large -Jas. Alton; timothy sell -Jas. prt -:las' Sterling; wealthy- .1 .\.
Alcor: fax ,.eetl-Jas. Alton; topes- Greer: snits -,las. 'Sterling, lames
I). McAllister, J. Alton: corn, dent- Alton: iilrulwlm p}ppin--Jas Sterling:
F. Barker, Jas. Stirling. end) appl--Jas. Purvis; S meal var-
Jutige----Kobe. McAllister. Mtic1- .els. Sterling.
Alton, D. McAllister; pees. +mall- F'A1.1. APPLER
Asters -F. Barker. Frank licllwatn;
Mutter In ro11s7Mnl. S. H. Johin+ton, dahlias -F. Marker, J. Lyons; petunias
S. J. Kilpatrick, J. pride table butter. -F. Barker. James Purvis: phloxes.
111 print. -Mrs. M. H. Johnston. Mrs. n•unial-F. ftarkt•r; edhvtkon of
1'. .\1olersou.. W. A. l'ullert; pecked phloxes, Dnlmtantll-F. Marker; col -
butter -Mrs. S. H. Johnsttt. W A lectlon of marigolds -J. Lyons; redia,
l'u111ert;- fancy tattle butter -1C. A. tern of slnlfknrrrs-Frank Mcllwuin,
Cnflsert, Mrs. S. H. Johnston'. J. Lyon4: MN. J. Plowmen; geranium, any other
Best mil e•thrn of butter -W. A. Cul, varlet). in bloom--]lisw M. t'eKwright,
bort : butter. In crock, special cash M1.+s I►nauy ; f,.ILag - M1ss ell. prizes donated dlonated by John Joynt. M.l .1'. weight. M11cq Dmeny : house pdA nt -
-F.. Blake. W. A. Culbert. Mrs. S. H. 'Mrs. Tom ('nlbe rt ; fetus --N. F. \Vhy-
Johndoa' ard: Mrs. C. Daudrn• : table bouquet
Judge -Mrs, Robert 'lures. F. Barker, Errant Ml'IIw'Aill; horst
UOMF.ttTIC Davit'i+A('TVKE8-Tiuluttiet=T.-Barker: basket of annuals
Houteurath• broad, willte-Jas. John- -F. Barker, Mrs. J. Ilowuan.
stun. Me:, S. II. Johust.m: huleemade Ji.lge--Mrs. \1'. T. Munwy.
bread. rows -Mrs. J. Webster. Mrs.' LAD11Ciif WORK
k. .1. K patrit-k: fruit e•ake--Mn'. J Plowman. 1►. McAllister: layer cake, Paoli quilt. in wool --I1. MiAllfafer,
dark --Janie. I'urvis_ Mrs. C. Ihlstrw;l•.Mrs. S. H. 'Johnston; latch Quilt. in
ay'er cake. light -Mrs. 1'. Dustuw•, N. Cotton --W. A. Culbert. Mho Deenny ;
F, \\'hyinl: Iarm,•tuadc, law t,isult,4. paMh gtdlt, 111 silk or velvet -Mrs. 14.
Irl: Alfred. 1 •mth. jwhlte--11. -McMaster, James Alton; H. Johnston. Miss Livingston: knit-
muflins-Mrs. S. H. Johnston. Mrs. S. ting, .vrllwtln• mf eV/tell-1f Ins Living-
J. Kilpatrick; odd-fa,ib,twd s4vow's- sto11; lath towel alai wash etith,
Mrs. S. .1.. KI'patrlrk. James Alton; knitted -Mrs. J. S. McKenzie. Miss
4. H. Johnston. Llvrngstou: ladles' fancy wool mlttw--
The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin
waS the .r m--ut-a--pretty-wedrtitlg
Welneeselay' of last week wlwn their
daughter, Anna Louise, was married
r1, Itutw rt G. <i1Hb•s. ?airs tit. Mr. a,,d
Mrs. itobert Gillies. .after the wed-
ding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Gillies
left by motor for Hamilton.
C. T. Brooks/received word reently
o tee, errarn'-3T Mrs. W111.-7froit 1sf
Crystal ('Ry, Man., a former resident
of Exeter. Mrs. Brooks Was, a sister
of N'm. Treble of town. •
On Sunday evening of last week the
home of L. V. Hogerth caught fire while
tie --family were at clung'. dome
rile Tdern gave the alnrm and
Emily Hogarth pt Into the douse and
with the aid' •1 0 fire e'xtillguisher the
flumes were subdual. The fire waited
when w lamp iu the chicken brooder
exploded and before It wag .toped
Iwd damaged the kitchen and living
,\ quiet wedding wits w/ennnizel in
Toronto on Tuesday. (blotter 4, when
Mks Eleanor A. Johnston, of Toronto,
was married to W. Edwin Walker, of
fondon, acro of 'Mr. and Mrs. William
Walker of Exeter. Miss Stolle Walker
nod James Walker, sl -tea and brother
of ilw groom were the attetslants.
A large crowd witnessed the laying
of the ,orner .tone of the new Meth-
odist church at Centralia of (1etla•r 0.
Tlw *en•mtlgr was crrnluctwl by Rev.
(l W. W. Rivers, of Henson, *iodated
y several of Uw otlwr ministers of
the district, while the main addre.a
was given by Rev. J. W. Hlhhert, pre, -
bleat of the London (onfen'rae.
MINI baste! Walker had the ml.-
fortuae last week to fall' down the
ntahr. at the home of Thome« Ka)'.
iter fair was out alcove the I.•ft eye,
x calple of .tlt1•hes bring required to
(dose the wound.
Mrs. 4'. 1►ttstow : j,►hmiy Ike-J. Ernest ISlake, Miss 1I. Cartwright :
Icons, Jutues Purvis: short l,rr.ul-J. wood sock•. ha►olna*he--Mrs. J. K. me.
Lyons. 1). )1*'Allstt•r; Cookies -Mrs. C. Kenzie. Miss 1►rwny: rag mat -Mew.
1)u"tow, J. Lyons; pie. upple-James 4. H. Johnston. D. McAllister; knit
Stirling. Mrs. C. Dustow: pie. pump. ?clippers -Miss Livingston: Dirty J. N.
kin -Mrs.
C. Ihtstiw. James, Purvis: McK,•IIzIe: wood mitts -Ernest Blake.
pie. lemon -Mrs. ('IuR, Jannis Stir- Mrs. .1. S. McKenzie: crochet. ev)Ile•-
liug: fruit s41xd-Mrs. ('. Dust uw•: tion of wood. -Miss Livingston, Mrs, J.
\ree.lable saiY,l-Mia" I)Ieany. Mrs, 4', S. McKenzie crochet, ,Suction of eot-
Ihlstaw'; maple s}•rap. mmlt be wade ton -diens Livingston, Mrs. J. M. Mee
by exhibitor -Mrs. Tom Aiiderairo, D. Kenzie: crochet, •olk*•tiun of si114--
3Ie.Ulister; . maple sugar -Mies' M. Miss Lh•hrgsm,n. Misty -Hazel Parr;
('nrtWright : jelly. three varlet les, Ilalxlkcrelriefs, Ince, ►aaiallnalh, -D. Me.
n+unwl-Miss F. Joynt, Mrs. .1. Plow. Allister, Mrs. J. S. \IcKeitzle; ace,
man; pickles. four varieties. named- !mutton or point -M140 1,1,ingston.
1)usnm, Mrs. .1. 1'low•man; Mrs. J. S. McKenzie; lunch cloth and
pastry baking -N. F. Whyarl, Mr.. C. doilies to match --•Mrs. J. 4. M,K••nsic;
'Motors, Jas. Purvis: beet mapper, pre• set li,drooni linen -Mrs. .1 R. MrKen-
red for working mea-1Hrw, S. J. ale; underwear, ladle's' --Minx I.Iting-
ohnstnn. '0. 3lcAnleter. •Konzle: tray cloth
trick! dawned chickens -Mrs. J. --1. Lyon t, D. M1eAltlster ; crochet
Webster, •Yrs, 1i. J. Kllptrick : can's--tlgble matw:'tit-t'efton• wet lean flaw 11
eggs -.James Alton. Jamey I'urrle; Oren to match --Mr,. J. R. McKenzie.
hard teeth- Alton, Mists 1':Juynt; pl!low slip..- tMIss 1.1y.
James Purvis; hurry -up meal -James 1Mtr1on• J. Lyons; enoto towed -•Mew
!'urrls. D. McAllt.ter,•Ilr . S. H. John- Llringstou. Mrs. J. 4. McKenzie;
stop. netting -Minx i.Ivingwton, Mrs. J. R.
Jltlge4--Mrs. Lewis Taylor, Mrs. McKenzie; tatting -Mise Livingston,
_1,1 gh •1loridw. _.. _ .Mr.. J. R. McKenzie; wash stand
YF:(3L"rABLB.9 AND ROOTS Mplasher-'Mita I.ivinrston: sklelooanl
drape -airs. J. S. McKenzie. Miss. L1v-
ing-ton; crochet .tipp'rt--Mi.. Living -
stow; t'otto11 Mouse dre.M--Mrs, 4'.
7111i0ow, Linn. J. T. McKenzie; sofa
pillow, lutist embro1lerN-5r.. J. T.
McKenale; -table eentrepiene, colored ---
111'. TT ii 11% -ii, Mr.. T. r. iCtlpatrftelt ;
tattle eentteplee, white -MM. J. T.
McKenzie, J. Lyon.; MesMsn drawn
work -MI.. Livingston, Mra. J. T. Me -
Kenzie: lady's fancy apron ---Mrs. J.
T. afeKe'nzie, Miss Llvinpton ; tea
luny -D. McAllister, Mw. J. T. Mr-
Kearle; fancy pin cushion -Mr.. J. T.
McKenrie, 'Mist i.Mringaaton; pillow,
n)amtt or day si4fix--lir•. J. '1'. Mc-
Kenzie, Miss Livingston: htnritlry ing
-Mn•. J. 7'. M.Kenai0; fancy tient'
rest -'Mrs. J. T. M,Kcnrle; kitchen
apmn-Mrs. J. 1'. McKPI»le, Mho Liv-
ingston : embroidery In Wxlla,•hlan-
J. (,rams, allies Livingston; hprdIngcr
work --11111* Livingston; nine button-
hole., only worked on lila. of goods---
sMrs. J. T. McKenzie : collect on ladies'
work -IA.. iAving.toa, Mew. J. T. Me -
Kenzie, Mrs. 1'. Duetow ; lady'e semi -
sole -Mho i.ivingstoll, Mew J. T. Me-
irnmsJMrs. J. Plowman. c' Kenzie; lady'n sweater and cap -Ulm
(Drowsy, Mrs. J T. McKenzle; lady's.
pr gentleman's wart- Mrs. J. T. 11r
Kenzie ; able rnimer- -Mrs. J. T. Mc-
Kenzie. W. A. Culbert; Spacemen of
sewing -Mrs. J. T. Kilpatrlek, Jame%
Sterling. Mrs. J. Wetter.
J,algses---Mr.. 11. A. McKenzie, Mrs
II ihsyle.
Now For You to Consider
Your Purchases In Clot ing
for fall and
Before buying you should see the values Nye ave in
Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats
All sizes carried in Stanlield's Pure Wool
Underwear for Men at an average of 25 per cent.
less than last year's prices.
Men s and Boys' Tweed Caps with Klingklose Band.
Prices ranging from $I.25 to $2.5o
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Rinso can he used with
cold water its well as with
warm. Rinso is as harm-
less as pure. water itself.
Try this easy ° way of
washing neXr-Monday.
At Night -soak IM clothes in the
rich }tin►o code.
Morning- Riese them in either warm
would water-thtt'etlll 7hey' re
rsadfror- Bullae- eteansadfreak.
If ).. 11a.e e
wuh1.( maetfv-
S.ak toe d.tW ovs
nlgbl 1■ r\. natio'
Mu* war. Two downs -
Ina rude I..e.n ..ou
bit of dirt. is 10.
*Seri.d opast! ta.
machine foe. 1.w mi. -
odd and deo dab..
w p.rf.etly dons -
woo dY. m..1. •stied
w oes
This season 414• :car show iu{.• an array of unusual
values in
Oxfords, . Strap Slippers,. high Shoes
('akt.agp-F'. Barker, Mrs. ('. flus.
tow: blood beets -Mrs. Jas. Purvis, N.
F'. Whynrd : long blood tarts --K.
Blake, Mrs. J. l'urvie; improvpd'sugar
n--•]clic. .1. Purvis, !Yank Mc -
Iva n : ma ilgb - a- T. Mc-
Alaeter, Mrs. J. Punta; wurtal'ls.
nlslnonoth, yellow Intermediate- Mrs.
S..1. Kllpatri,ic. W. A. Culbert: Swede
tnrni{oo --T). McAllbeter, 'firs. J. l'nr-
v14; rarlv.tb. intermediate, whitb--W.
Sproul. Mrs. J. Purvis: early horn
4armtl .Mrs. S. 11., Wm.
Sproul; table carrots --F. Marker, K.
1jbtke: oufon.-rrnnk Mellwaiu. 1).
\Ic.\Ilister: tomatoes--\\'. Sproul. Mrs.
.1 Purvis: table corn-\\'. Sproul:
pnuq,kis- L). McAHister. F Marker:
winter tplxsh- B. Blaine. Airs. S. J.
Kltpntrick ; sdhlmer squash -F. Bark-
er: wntcrtnelim.-Frank Melina in.
F:. Bloke: potat.s'., early, whlte--Mrs.
Jas. Purvis. W. A. Culbert : potatoes.
eel ray. red --l3. A. G nser. M rw. ('lug
potatoes, 111te, white -i). McAllisrter.
W. A. Culbert ; celery -I'. Barker, W.
1. Miller: eanllflower-W. Rpronl:
,. i) M
Seht►el M.p)rt.-The following I. the
'port of 4 4 bo. S, Colborne, for
the mots i of Srp(emlrr. Those mark-
ed erlth an a.te'rl wk missed mune
P111Qlw. V. --4l. Bogie 114. iV.-M.
1'hielwolm 2'1'2. •J. McCann 17:i, •F.
4Mottp 147. •O. Horton ian. •7. Free-
man.M. Jr. 111.-E. Freeman 110• .1.
(4iktbnlm 110, K..Morris 14r7. Sr. i 1.
-4'. Morrie 1(16, 6. Hortat 110. Jr.
Morris 711. i1. Freeman a2, •A.
Freeman 01. 1st -E. Horton. E.
!Dorton. R. (Y)ok. Theme with fire
or Fess mlatakee In epellla( for .he
mouth -44 1141 •. Number on roll, 17.
-?. M. K41114•11ON, !t#elter,
Upset Stomach,
Gas, Indigestion
"Pape's Diapepsin" gives
Raef in Five Minutes
"Pape's i Iapepaaa" is the quickest,
t'relief for indigestion, Gun. Fla-
t, Heartbaurn, Fburnoss, Fermenta.
tin or Room 1'14 Distorts saluted by aeid-
Ity. A few tablets Fee almost imme-
diate stomach relief and shortly the pwllniM *4 'lama -Mho UT
stomach is osrreeted so you can eat fa- rig urns Mav*w-Yea. Te Amiens*,
serer. feode wdrhset fear. iarim onto ugh., Dressy : eu!)brtwar0 -W sprout
cotta only few teats at arse store. MH. t ,mote's -]M rot ltoicerson allot &..-
lions helped Manually Mf Hiram.
Our Rtock is most complete in all the favorite sty les
made in the -fit leathers. krises are t st reasonable.
For working men our shoe* are juatthe thing for the
fall. They are solid and reliable.
LTUe=Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots
lead in finality aid price- Are now in stock foralt-pur
Painting on ..cot --tills. Haul Carr,
Mrs. T. Anderson; collection of oil
paintings -44W hazel Carr, fJt-
iwgtgston : collection of sour color. -
Miss i.Ivingwtnn: aolleetlon of pewit
1 drawing. -Min. l.tvinindo i; collection
of crayon drawings --'Mlle I.hinpdon;
pen mod ink sketeSloga-Glias Living -
.nn : sf t•rlwtee1 of'peeima•a.hlp by (try
or girl epees 15 years of age Mex J.
Weliwter, lost owl 2rd; aowerw. pointed
sxa g4Ar-Miss ' I/vi4g.ton: fruit.
North side of Square
Ready for Business
We Have Removed to Our New Stand
and are now ready to attend to all your
requirements in
Work done by Experts and satisfaction
Oppotyi .t.
Me sonic Temple
M atoloosentelesewr