The Signal, 1921-9-22, Page 3THE SIGNAL
— 00biluCB, Orr.
Thursday. September 22, 1921.-3 -
J`3ig World tv¢rcts
Irish Situation Grave—Some Figures on the Staggering
Costs of Armaments-- Tumble for the German Mark
on World's Exchanges -League of Nations as a
Power for Good Bye -Elections in South Africa.
At this writing (la. Irish situation four billion dollats, the hulk of it iu
Is grave. The propowr! eoiferenee at currerl for war, or tele to�aria ions,
-Thveruess has been calar•Iled by free- is impressive. o,( au vast grasp sunt .'
Inter 1.luyd George foHowilig the re- actual wrauing thou or erasure
mita of another letter from de Valera. money 1s to try to *thou' The usvourp
The ('resident of the w, eallet1 Irish sn11ethim( Inlweatlia have tiled out
republic insists In -this dot-timrlton the In the aildernesa tiaaa
delegates of the SLIM Frio tieing re- against war have strong support now
gasped as relirraeutatives of a sorer- that the economk situation is driving
sign state. in other word as' a tlw nations tufo tULe•r trylsid,•ration
separate entity owning 110 allegiance of 1M coat. If the Washimgtou Cou-
to the British Empire or the Crown ft•reute dBs-' nothltK.usre. ttuuediaue-
free to make allhace.' and arrange- 1}•. than to start t�egorerlyn•mts of
melts with any power regardless of the big powers s rood by which
Britain or (British Interea11:(•T1rough- many of their ptse zwoald travel. It
lotions •tlw British gov- will have dour m Retest\I:ritish
t t n nsegw
alt r rat
eminent has sit' tIfsstly maintained despatches intimate
that no such (ewa1l could Ie mast- Lloyd Georgy
11 t i.. to meet formerly Government Wailer
few drys to t cal with the o ,
nixed. The British {x o ur will lot
iu a 1 f h 1 reply }loose
s d ('Olulrlolus, will r uL ` hi h
situation. The responsibility for a the +r+ute•renve. The, who bill gather
renewal of hostilities M upon the Nino among the greet well ga
1 there. Lloyd George is }}}Ire 01 au
_ry_ I enthusiastic and friendly Acton,,,
The British rattle embargo tnromis- . --''-
slim has reported in favor of the aril- I !laving won places for/ thematic
misaunl of live Canadian tattle Into in the errutn•tla of pitons-•' if Itis
Britain. The retort goes to the (:uv-' to enlarging their spb go
.ramps for declsbu. eminent. the oversea Dominions can
_et._ regard with trlmplaeene•y the ()missed
-All over.tlw'world tlwre (s repctlon of the British govertlWeut ti, give We
gatnst-shy-*tirggerinR er11415 elf arm- Crown colonies and dependencies a
are elaborate
amine. Germany alone aceorlfl+g to higher states.
the compilations of the experts hart details to the plan. rlt.jwd of many
re. itself into
Irw•n successful in reachlUK an effect- of these tlw idea t1aY,l the Ptuprire
ivy reduction sitar 11V wear. That has giving these motto of I \l ony re
Is.en largely fused op.') her by theilarger autonomous
stern ,necessity of meeting the repair- 1 them have wemoral 1 the how -tint
anions to the Allies. It .has leen government for yeses e-ktng for a
argued h7 some tliht the actn1A ,seers-; Merger share of mabagenenr in their
lig to Germany is equivalent. t 1 tlw' own affairs. espeeilttli in elation to
amount of the reiterations •11 l:.•rmnuy I Mortice. \Vin'tou cMtn•Itill. the pre's-
stk-ks to the reductions in her armed. cut ser'n'tary of tl) °Monie - is anxious
fortes for a ler of years. tither; that thet should !base these powers.
countries have not yet brought them- Ile era his d cot elutteleel up
selves to the cur$litinn where the cost I with matters of parochial character
of armaments con Is• rt-,1arbr1 as only that the !British It 'hoose cannot ,hogs
a reasonable• share of the national ex.) to uude•r-tank a0- well :e. the Britisher
ps'nditnr•4. (•'iglu•+++ of 1irMt. tttt; j1tJ t
tor 111 ostler omt talo on the spot. He
available. , stole that in 1he f lrifwl will probably and hi- colleagues of
States the cost of 11e army and mill the cabinet w•IIIIng to g„ a• far 11% he
Jumprl from two hundred and thirty- rr•nmmends. '1'11e m,,,,•ae•ut is in
'wren millions in 1913 to over one keeping with te time-. It is *Attila-
' two hundred million skaters. I caul tear of, th
iii Britain the• Jump wets from nearly the Enlolre ilr
foss[ hundred million. to oyer olw 1111.
11,11etre Tiaainrtlatttinn. For Japan
the figures Fere ninety -lire million'
and two hundred and seventy-one mil-
lions respectively. The difference ill
the cost of ((ring lwtwe('u the western
and the European 11:11(01 wakes the
burden ,for Japan proportionately
large at. some of them. Figures like
these are Ieyonl the comprehension
of 111e man on the street. To ,pay
that the are It -Ailing nations that will
gather at the \Vashington conference
on disarmament are staggering under
em annual governmental expense of
the league Is vested with authority
to pat Into motion the provisions en-
acted for the eufureemeut of the de-
t•rr-i of the court. or for the preven-
tion of war where tuitions sinew a tb-
slre to fight if their claims are out
sustained,. The dithcvlt problem
brought lwforl- the la•ugue•, by 11,411.
%la's eta ltu to the Province of Talelu1-
Afrlea. awarded soy treaty in 11M4 to
('1dti•. )las been temporarily ,oked by
r,fcreelue to a committee of which Mr.
Balfour, the noted British statesman
I+ a member.
.\ former enemy state. Aust rte.
'wade (ts firs appearance at the
Leaguecot Nations gathering.' Its re-
press -Madre made a Spirited plea for
ahi for the restoration .of Austria's
economic and ftuule•lat ernn11t1ot1.
Austria pail n high prier• for Ger-
Ma 'ifs
ereMacy's friendship.
Poland Is again in travail. This
situp the danger is out from elewlea
w'It1 t the state. but from politicians
withinThe resignation of Premier
Whirs 1tnl his cabinet. strews to h14vv
left Marshal l'llsndski pretty much In
the parsltion of dictator of the country.
The, situation withili the country is
wade lucre delkate by the Inenacr'
tlrrul ltnssia Whose famine strk•keen
thousands are pouring into Poland in
one direction. while Its militarists or
some of their supporters are threaten-
ing resolution in territory avyarderl
to Poland. It is not to be expected
that after centuries of tribulation the
new Polatnl la to settle down to calm
loud peace fin easily a+ a Hatton thatr--
hos mnrkerl Its progress elderly In the
arts of pedes'.• Like all the new nee- -
toms of Europe the Poles 10..1 a little
nue. They are a well educated us
ell as an iulagivathv (srgde. They
k ow that without the support of the
Al Ws they would have ler(,htrl ere
shill. it Is not ilkrly .1 hat their most
aggressive iullitarlstt will take steps
Hutt will result in_ the withdrawal 'rat
11 hied support a 114 trlendshtp 111 a
Icruelitl hour.
When two seats in ('alwt,rwn ren-
dered Savant by election irregnluritk
111 by Lalor 1.1i1141111110r14 t►w•
nt of Gtrlen+I Nwlrts the
Df Korth Afrlc:l. received a
A. in many older (ronin-
.orobk•w of the unemployed
haw /web M take of anxiety to Pre.
inter Scouter and his colleagues. The
Premier hituwlf and several members
of the cabinet took part..111 the (am-
iu tie heilrt is pnign on behalf of candidates for the
Government supporters.. orters.. Thus the by -
the In over the ch1iia I elet(ous in a measure coulgituterl a
told that hold" situs' miniature gener'(I election. General
r iu weal or woo. I *mots has meets tiered 11114117 storms.
two contest, will
rumt'nnt In its plans
tit of his (ounrry.
South Africa Is
Afton which it
In Britain the
merit is very
A *pedal cow
Ilas lawn 'sp-
its dr-
k*etl ttl-
lsh '. wak-
you don't kn%w how -
good music be .
The music of the Amberola is clear and ure
-a refreshing change from shrill tttal .o
machines" and metallic phonographs. at
plays the music you like best, better than you
have ever heard it before.
Until you learn how /ow -pried the Ambstvla is, you have
no idea how ,ar4t'*rrve good musk can he Thomas A
Edison created the Ambelola with the two.fettdpurpose of
putting good music in every home—sr a press re law that
no one need be without it.
Hear the Amberola at our store today. Easy terms of pay'
mens make it possible for you to own it without delayif
you wish to give the Amberola a thorough trial in your
own home, you can have -_.
"Three Days of Gaud Music—FREE"
without cost et oblyetises. '(['idols -call, write or phone.
"Wear Cornh d Wear and keep Smiling"
the tighter t
Etlprlfe toRrt
At this w
Ls in trodrle
lt_is not eat
actuating t•A
enure. uu t
A Lot of New Goods Just In. Read the Following
List of Special
Ladies' Dresses **Riflery
Ladies' Botany Serge Dresses, ac-
cordeon-pleated skirt, from $12.50 to
Ladies' Taffeta and Satin Dresses
from $14.50 to $16.75.
One-piece Flannel Jumpers in red
and green, $7.95.
Navy, black and white duand
Lurgundy Jumpers, fine serge, $5.50.
Ladies House Dresses in pink and
blue chambray, latest style, a very spec-
ial line, from $1.12.
Children's Dresses
Very fine Serge Dresses from $2 95
to $6.00.
W aists A very special line of
Tricolette Waists, beautiful shades, to sell at from $1.25 to $1.65.
a very special line for $4.95• '
A whole lot more Special Bargains but there is not
space Wtell you all
about them here. Call and foryourself.
were Inv
hard bin'
tries the
—0-- The results of ill
Ing the ife•rulan mark out therk his Goy
I the world's extlunig,•s. I for wise drrelopm
to say Jost what is the
nn or the nail signin-
fare of it• the indica-
fear that the Ger-
The Government o
suffering', from a
cannot really control.
thong paintt I question 4,1 ntwmpgo
trans might )(late their war 41.11". much to the fore also.That would be a disaster with 'tar I mincer of tie (10,4144,
rmaelting eff ta. Before tlw war tie pmtotcrl to ileal w1Hn (
ouirk' was (pitted at '- s (•taionM w11T lir alvilfwT
New Turk xebaa`e and eleven and
serest thrvrilglout tlw jE
threw quarte penes in lunlem. it ing world.
was quoted Il In N* 'fork within the _,g—.
last new dads at leer than one cent British -pep ern carr radio hitter in
and In Loudon wader oni. penny. To tale criticisms of the ('a'ad n !Marl
rues the re 1 J of Arbltratrrs h hot the
nmde G 11 of 111.'
nt a premit ',ter .soul value.
MY has !sen bitl.stgrl \I Cassels and Sir
beyond the
eases The
It appeals to everybody
because of the pleasure
and benefit it affords.
The longest -lasting refresh-
ment possible to obtain.
Sealed tight—kept
right in its wax -wrapped
impurity -proof package.
The Flavor Lasts
Nitration a meats 8Iready which decided
to hos leen buying Ro s common and preference stock.
ni At the cam,• n.I. C. Trunk Itailwuy are of 114
r. Justice
gold reserve Illly•h is no \Vhlte were in entire aorord uu
being tn•rrsssrl aucl _invisibly is icing 1.1ew•. Hent. R'iltinu1 11. Taft. a fob
depletedbetween at :e taped soots. The n'onhlr l president of the I'Mt rl States
affilhe 1 a goocrunen1 of I1:n'aris repress -Med the Grand Trunk ole
erIl the Ur oral or erruftrlPdti ne Roc I holders being the lNssentient. -k
erne eat which *its in Berlin was tot hnprobabh• that the Gorernmrn
touched tit n I,llttntly. It fs Iso shrubs I of Canada may make a pmpsrsll which
another cot tributory cause for the fail;
will smooth a gess' deal of the bitter-
ness 10 11e 11111 kit press lural among
the Brit 1.11 silrel abler,. ` The 0111•
standing lesson of the grand Trunk
Itallttay would sr('m to ie that a 1111'1-
tress cannot tee properly manager' if
the scat of authority Is three thousand•
wiper (cur t
of the mar
sin and th
urger) that
upon Gerii
flows in *1
Aloof nice range. To appreciate
the values you should give us a call.
Men's Raincoats --
Men's Raincoats, wool
from $7.50 to $15.00.
Sizes 11-4 and 12-4.
$3.45 and $3.19.
Table Linen
Special at
Table Linen
Next Walker's Furniture Store •
West Side of the Square
Keen observers in Brit -
United States have again
the Allies ahotthl not ipsl't
lay 1111 1ilg ail her obliga-
ti bei that materials and
goods whiMi the other countries im-
port airywty should make up part of
the payments. The millions who do
not proftsoil to Ire -outruns of economics
will be shy to believe that Germany
cannot afford to Par the cost of a
war width she had intended should be
borne fr,' tlw coffer* of other tai-
tIOnP. in Other word* they fear that
the Z:vrnI*IIt - who prort•tl th4"
master prijpwwIgntulists, Ire again busy
In the effort to crate a ware of sym-
pathy the* will lighten the burden
they must i4•Mr. Nevertheless the de-
sPMpments 1n the German situation
daring filet next new menthe emissivelF
to he ii-dee'siing. i`
miles away from its real ae(l4IIics.
A 111.1Jur(1y der•Islom by the 110nr1 of
I(nilwtl Commissioners. Is ak+xln-*t a •
g4lw1•ai rs'sluctfou hl fr•igllt rates by
the railways of this country. ('ommis-
sl •r• ('smell 11 1141 rr
l Nautel om-
nli'ndwl n general reduction of ten per
cent e[i.t'!d Iii Ili
have already Isco lowered as in
instances of lite sack and of g
from the railhead. Commis*Melena. Itutherf,,rd and 11071
sed. • iupyrtgb
tel h British
The mills lave
The collection of
anything in our
Worsteds, Tw.
. utdone themselves this year.
tidings and Overcoatings beats
emory for nobbyness and taste.
s, Cheviots, Serges—everything.
_F. H. MARTkN, Tailor
been p
From the tone of some despatches
one might almost incline to the belie
that the 1 -agile of Nations, now tee
session in :eleeye oils 'staging a elvll
war In Is own ranks. A more dis-
passionate view would be that tlerei A meeting of
is hoiw fo the league as a powerr•i's Aid N('
for good in the 1(v.•Ilrtsawsi y)•Ith whk1I e,nnrt house o
It is condntiting its debates and in the 1n the ahs
way its .\s 'rohly alai ('ounll cias1wr11James Mit
over the krtion of the Jnlges for I presider)
the intern timid Court of Justice secretor
which is tit sit at the gaga**. Tlw regula
eomposition {of the League 1s such that the i.confusion o�trwi arises In tie Mins& his
of those wet try to keep abreast with
1n a broad setas' It nifty
the Assembly has powers
eI recetlTseeeMlation. Th -
Is poly aeablts mill r � by order of the magistrate. A -toy 0
nationalities to ' re fifteen. chergcrl with crime•. was insole
In 11* working-' t of a ward to Payr palm from a prison
be ('ninon, p . tally' sentence and is new doing well On a
Na big yower , M the
Thirteen children haveg pnw•ing :•
ced In loupes wine last meet -
present there are eight tidbi-
t ' home, and foster homes are
wl for girls of ages nits. ten anti
shy girl oto year old. a
ren. a
by toy
six years
.wtretnry. Mr.
The follawlt
oelvecl since las
fully acknwrl(r1
x months oke. and a poor
age. Any who are In -
4L M. EHiutt.
(lonatbrtts were re -
report and are grate-
: AKhtk•Ml town-
sMp. $1(1: ('has. •,Mellardy, $:i: Ms's.
Cohn/fat Strang, _Alj T. A. Gear,. 12; Mrs.
Carrie. 1r2; Tann Nub
trIb)tlous of fruit, re'getables, cloth-
ing, etc.. were rece•1ctr1 from the fol.
Good Report Prem.
Held On Tues'
Its proem's..
ire wild that
of advice ft
status of 1
powers and
places ow it.
file 1Rng11P
' controlled by
deciding Vol
that by pox'
,embly as
that desire to
factor. The t
that step. A
after some f
senility and th
noon the kid
d Ispilt4w
of tenni
ed at - Meeting
of Last Week.
'iron ('ouwty Child- I
y was held In the 1
Tuesday of last week.
e of 11e president. Mr.I
wit. Iter. J. F. Itteycrnft
Mr. A. M. Robertson. the
. read the minutes of the last
meeting. and Mr. (1. M. Elliott.
un )' seeretery. Race a report of
refit kilt of the macs mentioned
In the minutes.
Since last meeting many cases were
hirest lgnNs). alai font children—two
Mors awl two glee -_wry' made wards
re *raft probable ----
of n the As-
n - all nations
the decisive
yet ripe for
tate the league
ONween the As-
'ourrell. Iran derided
for the Iaternitloasi
en la all flaring been
ort. *111 diwpase of
ny dt,rpil(Ps be-
y the league whleh
possibly Ied to serkllts friction
art Menthe r.l of the iae4Rne ire
1 lid to sntrmlt Such matters to the
r ,ort. The latter'will also hear dis-
,pnrtes •u(1 give deefi*O1 in the ears of
nations twit yet In the League mem-
herald') tart who • Willing to bring
Vie recut rather
than quarrresort t .war The ('puncil of
than sewers to, a
Bract of all Fly Kies lOs
per Packet at all i)ruggists.
Grocers and General Stone
wy,.r .ate .
iltawell, Jos.
Salkeld. Mrs. ('utt, MX. 1*YPry,
Presbyterian Annaba +sehooi, Mrs. Hal-
liday, Mrs. Mcl)onald. Mrs. T. J. Me -
Brien. C. Seeger. Mr. Windmill, Mrs.
Andrews, A. II. linbertaon, Moss
\Vhite•1y. Miss M. Kalkteld, Mr. 0. F.
Carey, I•esidea other friends whose
nwassw—w re. arts Arises. The Manage-
ment will appreciate donereiU '
potaltwa, apples. pears, or any vege-
tables, or Jara of fruit. aIso children'*
clothing, and the mime will he grate-
fully acknowledged.
€inerfulness is thetalbbec-yte of life.
vehicle. It helps us to pass over many
bumps and rough places.
We are running our already famous Chocolate
Special every Saturday
Just Imagine
W illard's Forkdipt Chocolates
Regular 60c alb
Saturday Special -Pike,
This is the secret as to why Lauder's always
have fresh chocolates /
a; H. L AU DER, Phm. B.
North side of Square Phone 19