The Signal, 1921-8-18, Page 7TRS SIGNAL
• See Our Select Stock of
Ladies' Whitewear
i n the Latest Effects
Ladies' Collars --
and many other line, of wo-
tueu's and childreu'e wear.
Novelty Goods
1 very extensive line. It
would be worth your while to
call and tuspect them.
Miss S. Noble
Smith Side Square -- Goderit
Flannelettes at redo.. prima;
sheeting at reduced prices
B.ickfast Drill at • used prt.•e.e.
Gingham at redus peke..
A nlee assort ,. • t for %VrnJuW
t'urtalns. fro•. '.Se and up.
All wool Serge nary blue, doubler
width. st $ :'Ji per yard.
L nderwear. u (le4i, at..priers
worth w••Ile
A great •umber of arti:•lee fn
J• Ar strong, of Lucknow, h disposed
of his d ug bususeis to A. E. h Kim, of
1ilson.urg. This Woman's Letter Tells
You How To Pau The j
Crisis Safely. ;
Wi••eham 1 urf'Club, told t • C. t t. er!and
o! es:osevel:, has patine ire ..,d cult.
Iles is otic of the fastest bred Bales in
The death occurred la -t weak of yynnii
Chris ma Graham. wife of W. P. Ht1tch•
inso of the 9th concession of Grey.
e death of Mrs. Sarah Gilgan occur
red t her home rt l3elelville on August 4.
MM. Gilgan and her husband resided for
a number of years in Harputthey.
he death of Mrs. V. J. Brows occur•
at Farquhar on Aegis t 7th. A baby
few days old survives, besides her hu_ ;
idand, two sons and two daughters.
Miss V. Candle, of Gorrie, and Norman
Kempt, of Regina. were married at the •
marse, Fordwich. ou Augu-t I(Rh. "Rev
A. Laing. B. A., performed the ceremony.
IGeorge Widenhamer. of Deluraine.
.11lanitoba. paid a visit recently to Thos. ;
Alcock's. 14th concession of Grey. Mr.
Widenhamer attend •d the Old Boys' •
I reunion at Lietitwel. where. he resided
over forty years ago.
The Methodist church at Ct4•ntra'ie was
struck by lightning and completely de-
stryyed by fire on August tithe The men
corked heroically and succeeded in set-
ting ever) thing out of the church. includ-
ing two pianos and• the seats. There was
*4,000 insuran.e on the building.
A pretty twilight wedding took place at
St. Paul's Cathedral. London, on August
I ind, of Mary Margaret. daughter of Mr.
aud. Mrs Wesley Hall. , of I Iderton. to
Rev. Austin Edwards Duplan. B. D.. of
W'alken.i:e. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Arthur Shore. 13. A.. as-
sisted by Rev. 1f. Metalfe, M. A., of
Miss A. Carl. of the 3rd mimea)
Howick, narrowly escaped-. serious in mTT
in an accident at Winghant a few •days
ago An auto badly frightened the horse:
which she was driving, and losing control.
of it Miss Earl jumped tram the buggy.;
Fortunately she sustained no injury be-
yond a severe shaking up.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ttp1Mg announce the l
ergagrment of their daughter, Ethel
Tiplang Buchanan. to Frank Barton •
Steams, of Paine-vilie. Onto. esti of Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Stearns, of • Willoughby.
Ohio. the marnage to take pace early in
Laaeslles, P.Q. During the Change
f Life I felt so weak and run down 1
c Id hardly do my work. The per.
sp ition Would pour over my face so
that 1 couldn't see what 1 was doing.
We hire on a farm, so there is Iota to do, 1
but many who felt u I did would have
been in bed. 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it did me a
woiid of ood. 1 tried other remedies
but I put Vegetable Compound ahead of
them all, and 1 tell every one 1 know
how much good it has done me."—
Mrs. Dtmces BRuwN, Lascelles, Prov.
Such warning symptoms as sense of
suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread of impending evil,
timidity, sounds in the ear, palpitation
of the heart. sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipation, variable ap-
petite, weakness and dizziness should
be -heeded by middle-aged women, and
let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound carry them safely through this
crisis as it did Mrs. Brown.
Yet{ are invited to write for free 'ivies
No other medicine has been so suc-
cessful in relieving woman's alfferirtg
as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetab
Compound. Women may receive free
and helpful advice by writing the Lydia
L Pinkham Mediciiae Co..Lyng Masa.
Large congregations attended the
Methodist church on July 31st to hear
the new pastor. Rev. C. E. Cragg; B. D.
Mr. Cragg Was pastor of a large city
church at Lethbridge. Alta . and with
(stn. Cragg and their little nephew mo-
tored from there to Wingham.
Howard P. Guest, win of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Guest, u[ %Ingham, was married.
Kitchener on August 4th to .Mass Bertha
L. Schultz. of Kitchener. Rev Dr. Sperl-
ing officiated.
V. R. Van Nyman. president of the
A de'egatiun from the t'. omen's Initis
tote waited on the council with an offer
to assist in the long talked of improve-
ments to the town hall. The cuun;il
gratefully accepted the offer.
Tnomas Dark. of E irnnnton. has
been paying a visit to his latn:r. N'tlliarli
Sheriff and Mrs. Caldbeck, Mks Inert
(riven.and some. of Haileybury. have be -n visits g
with relatives and old (riven. The chem
has been sixteen years in the north coun-
try. and recently had tt.e N nth Bay
district added to his territory. Mrs.
Caldbeck was a former Morris township
resident, being a daughter of the late
Joseph and Mrs Smith. or: the t th line
While making a lively run home with
his car ,a few days ago. rnest Piu n came
in contact with a cow %hush suddenly
loomed up from the ditch. Considerable
expenditure on the car was necessary as
the result of the collision bat the animal
app arently was unhurt.
Elmer Ewan has teased the woodwork
shop and painting and us.ulstering de-
partments of hit father's old established
business. D. Ewan had the business for
forty years. Fred Wilkins. who had been
in Mr. Ewan's employ. has rented the
blacksmith shop..
Canadian' Pacific Rockies
ISM while pie CO then get yeti;
Developing and Printing done b)
See 150 great peaks— iridescent
glaciers—gem-like lakes and flam-
ing Alpine meadows—there are
ponies for mountain trails—Swiss
guides for peaks and
So Easy to Reach
"Fifty Switzerlands in One"
where you see 500 miles of Alpine
scenery from the observation car
and enjoy your favorite outdoor
sport—from golf to fly fishing.
For full particulars, write, tel••phone or esti
on any Agent of tate
Mrs. Nora Shea. an oli resident of
Seaforth. died on August 701 in her
eightieth year.
James Kerr and John M.1ntosh have
bought the old building knorn as the
McGinnis block. and are having it torn
down. This removes another old relic of
the past,
Mrs. J. J. Cluff and fami'y and Miss J
Scott spent last week in Godench.
Miss Dorothy Hutchinson tics accepted i
the position of teacher for the Roxboro
school far the coming year.
Miss Margaret and M's, Celia Horan
are on strip dawn the St. Laarence.
F G. Neelin, collector of customs. is ,
away on a hnhday. During ha _absence LEVER
his Place filled by Hector Hays. BROTHERS
of Goderich. tUMITED.
William Andrew met with an unfortun-
ate :...cadent last week which badly dam-
aced his c..r. While going chart a hill,
''rm•• car tvrnei o!7 ck the with a commemorative medal, first -clan
,emeut curb breaking o6 several feet of of the Belgium food and relief committee.
!Illlf�4! ,aniIaluuuuauIIID I1i,,,:': LII IIlhIIII1
•4S1itI f ) if
* -Ih. ��
xv -a ., ;..�ti -a.:- na -
Office workers should
use Lifebuoy Soap
Thing of the hundreds of
dusty„ germ I.Jew things you
most touch every day I Think
of the danger to your skin.
You seed the best soap
and sore—the hest disinfect -
.51. You get both is
Its healing, aootbing oils and
grateful disinfectants thor-
oughly cleanse and diainfect
Lparticularly useful for
bruises. cuts, wind sores, etc.
TY n.s.rr .I.., to tu5M.o u .
utas .al.0 1•...",..
a.aa,_. r.*ab
sash..: a u.
to is -now that our first shipment for
fall %%ear of
has just been received. You will want to see them.
of course. In the lot are sizes to fit all types and
styles to suit every taste.
And here is some more good news. The new
prices are considerably lower.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
-,. h soil finally atnnntns wMn it tor half a dozen years Mrs. Martin was
the leading spirit in the Saskatchewan
Daughters of the Empire, whit( kept
them working with might and main for
the Belgium refugees.
1 1.INTI)N.
land threshing operations• will During an electric storm recently Mrs -
1 be snarled W. Cooper's kitchen was struck by light'
at once. The season is about tare weeks ning, the chimney being shattered and the
in advance of other years. but the crop stovepipes knocked down. About a month
will be light in comparison with last year. aio _the fence in front of her house was
Harvey Bros. have made srtrit additions struck byf lightning also.
and alterations to then grist mill. They J. B. Reynolds and Frank McCaughey,
have installed a new receiving separator who have been working the Durnin farm
for the cleani.g of grain when delivered together, have dissolved partnership.
W the mull. which has a capac. y of soma Mr. Reynolds will continue to operate
50, bitahei, per hour. .4 the -farm and Mr. McCaughey will resume
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moncur and son I his former position at London.
were m Exeter test igen;packing their -TC. Lmklater.principal of Ganannque
household effects. They intend moving public schoolformerly of Clinton public
to Toronto. where Mf. ancer has par-. school, was seri, nusfy-antured a (ew days
etiaseds-t1on ---- - 7The o by falling down stairs at has home.
fall was the result of his taking a
fainting spell at the top of the stairway.
Mr. Linklater's. relatives reside in East
W awanoeh.
struck a post. Fortunately those riding
.n the car escaped injury. '
A new flax mill to replace the one de-
stroyed by fire has bees oirnpleted in
Exeter North. Two hundred and fifty
l acres were sown in flax tt c x in the immunity, shipped carloads el.yl;;r were shipped
(ram, Exeter last week fi4i Alontreal en.
route for the Old Country. This ship-
ment c.:ntatnedaa•me of the best fat cattle
in Western Ontario, one of the Lids win. C. Muir, of Winnipeg. a former
averaging 1600 pounds for each animal. Clinton resident, has been appointed, vice-
Thi� is tie first of four consignments that pCes dent and general manager of
will leave Exeter district during the neat Canadian National Eompany.
two i r three weeks for the British market 'I Mr. Muir began his career as expressmanthe
The raising of the tar ff wall in the United with JohnCuningham, of ClintxpressaCr.
State-. is fors ng Caradunu to find a new An old resident of Clinton. in the pere n
market for their cattle. of Thomas Gibbings passed away on
John Coq awe 1, n.ttth of Exeter, met August 5th in his seventy-seventh year.
with a pain:el a:cidei: to h•s hen,' a few Mr. Gibbings had lived in the vicinity of
days ago. % nt.e working around some Clin ton all his lite.
machinery h•s hand g t caught, mangling The marriage took place on August 10
it severely. The week previous his little of Pearl Irene, daughter u( Mr. and Mrs.
son had his aim broken by falling from a O. W. Potter, to Frank Jenkins McKim,
see. of Riceton. Sask. Rev. Selborne Andel_
NIrs. Marfan, a former Mitchell gal and Won performed the ceremony.
wife of the Premier .e Saskatchewan,
Mervilte Mar.:n: an E •'er old b .y. has
been decora'. i he the King of Belgium
Good Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
When we do the Jot.. we
give you 'the r,lght kind—the
kin.l that gives you pleasure
• n nil mmfurt.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Cox. of Glen -
holm. Goderich township, announce the
, engagement of their daughter, Miss Willa,
. to Gordon C. Jackson, of, Bancroft,
Hastings county, the marriage to take
place the latter part of August.
Hamilton Street vhon. tact
Plumning Heating
Eavestroughing Aletal Work
District Passenger Agent
The very latest in
jet, pearl and all the new col-
ors of jade, amber, red, blue,
Just the touch of color you
need with your new gown.
Also a splendid assortment
BirgIe and Small Beads
suitable for beading blouses
and dresses.
Smith's Art Store Sr. Phone 19$
This is the Ice Cream that took Goderich by
storm last year. To meet the demand we have
doubled our order for this season.
24 differena flavors to choose from.
Call early for Cones and Bricks, as the supply
is limited.
Insist upon a Yum -Yum Cone or an Orange Crush
Brick. Always something new.
"I Cannot
BILIOUS headache
many an expected
When the condition of the
liver is neglected, biliousness
seems to become chronic and
recurs every two or three
weeks, with severe sick head-
Why not set right atter this
trouble and end It BY Using Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to rosters
the health and activity of the liver.
Constipation. indtgssgow, back:
ache, headache. blllousnella and kid.
Rey derangements seem dlaappoct
with the nus of thla wan -known
vee p111 a desk Seta a hew. In aspire.
• g)gaaaaoa. Babe R Ow. Ltd., Teroil%
enjoy -
D I : Cha se's
,Untended lar last werki
Mr. John McLeod, of Ann Arbor,
Mach.: Miss Susie Johnston, of Detroit;
Nlinnie Johnston. of Sandusky, and
Mrs. John Stothers visited Mrs. J. R.
McNaoh this week.
Mr. I'ercy Sanderson, of Toronto, a
here visiting his father, Mi. S. E. Sander-
Mr. and Mrs. John Glover called on
friends in the village this week.
Miss Burke. of Londestoro', is spending
a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. McNabb.
Miss Ethel Case and Miss Pearl Mc-
Kenzie are visiting at Detroit thie week.
They made the trip on the Greyhound.
Miss Francis Lane, of London. who hark
been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R. Doug-
las, returned home on Wednesday of this
Rev. Mr. Houghton. of Springfield, 1II.,
wes this week visiting his sister, Mrs.
F. Rogerson.
Mr. and Mr.. Fred Ross returned
home last Saturday.
Here is a warning : Ashfield and West
Wawanoeh councils have passed bylaws
forbidding bicycles, can and othA^con
veyences from runn?ng on the sidewalks.
Miss Jennie Stothers is visiting her
friend, Miss Truax, at Lemon.
Miss Libbie Elliott is visiting at Shel-
Mr. D. Sproule and daughter, Revina,
are via ting at Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Treleaven have
returned from Bruce Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and family, of
Tornto, are visiting Mrs. Stevens' brother,
Mr. GeorgaNarria.
Mrs. Jas. Walknm, of St. Marys. and
Mr, Walter Mitchell are visiting friends
in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaiolphie Caesar and
family, of Akron, Ohio, are here visiting
Mr. Caesar's parents• Mr. and Mrs. /as
Ca oar. They were accompanied ny
Mr. and Mrs Ssaeten, Mrs. Caesar's
pa ents, and made the trip by motor.
Advertlae in The MtgtuL it pays.
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto
AUG. 27 — Inclusive — SEPT. 10
To be opened by
Lod Byng of ;limy,
Canada's new
Color of the
Gaiety of a
Mardi Gras
Casnplete exposition
of Canada's resources.
skill of men.
wealth of material.
-OVER HERE"—Super Pageant of Regal
Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's
Origin, Growth and Achievements.
Color—Symbol--Allegory—Hundreds of
Performers—Music—Fine Arta—World's
Largest Collection of War Photographs --
Thrillers of Many Kinds --Fireworks on a
larger scale than ever before—Scares of
Features only to be seen at Toronto.
Canada', Crudes! Live Stock and Fan,.
Display—Machinery and Equipment of
Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency
of the Farm and the Comfort of the Horne.
Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel
M...ain■ Dtr.ctor
More Bread and Better Bream
Once You Int ' ' use Purity
Flour into' Y. Kitchen
You will
Use it in all Your Baking
Ask your Grocer for a bag of
the New "High Patent"
Purity Flour
sa tba
Nan; fiOUP
Reduce Crop . Costs
Ontario Fertilizers' Limited
West Toronto ,One.
To Every Father and Mother
" What mean se fellow citizens of Athens that ye turn every
stone to serape wealth together, a rd take
veall l so
little e_ -Sorties.
cchildren, to whom one day ye
Thoughtful parents of today are faced with the
came grave problem that troubled the Athenian philoso-
pher over 400 years before Christ.
This is the era of progress. The call for trained
men and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science.,.
Engineering and Fine Arts is stronger than ever before.*
If you would help your children make the most of
their lives you should give them the best education you
can afford. A university education is the first essential
for our future leaders.
A enllrae stance al your dont with open gales ready to give dem
.xxnpkte cnurs.•s in Medicine. Aro and Public Health Admission is by
Junior Matriculation .scrM for special cw nurses courses. and the fees Wee
so row that any one may anend
Western Univenny degrees are universally recognized
For information. apply to