The Signal, 1921-8-18, Page 66 Thursday, August IR, 1921.
jonteel Beauty Refinements
TALCUM ----The glorious new odor of 26 flowers
FACE POWDER --Adherent, invisible
COMBINATION CREAM -Beautifies the skin
PERFUME In handsome bottles
SOAP -Delightful odor, lathers freely
Sold l.y
Call and see a demonstration of the beat Washing
Machine on the•warket. We are Magenta.
Lighten the drudgery of housekeeping with one of
these easy -running machines, which save labor and preserve
health and good temper.
are the standard, up-to-date electric light. We have theta..
Also all kinds of
for house, store, office 1)r Workshop.
Estimates made and contracts taken far electric
wiring and other electrical work.
Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 211
Hamilton St.
I have taken over the Grocery business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the
cash system, ensuring customers\the best
possible values. \
A full line of Grooteies will be Fried.
Your patronage will be appreciated:
1n Smith's 11i11 Church in Memory of
Lieut. K. 1. Walter.
Thr life NISI death in battle of Lieut.
.Ruylalkl A. Walter wIll live forever
hi the memory of Smith', Hill Pres-
awb terian O un•h. As a w11new to ewe.
nig generations of the noble dead/ sad
.uprruu• sat rifle•
made by this gal.
Lint wldk r ou Flanders Fit•Iels there
1.N. 1114.11 erer•ted a tablet to I10rp0t11-
ale bis honored memory.
Reverent a1141 impnrssive w14'4 the
•ougrega4iun w'hieh crowded the sacred
edits hist Sil114111y 11ttehmoo l 1U enl-
nerti,a with this memorable event.
It was fitting lot that Hee. •4(lapt.1
Will ' F'iltglaud, fellow student and
comrade in arms of Lieut. Walter,
'should be chosen to preside on this
N{N4•ial °evasion.
"'.Vhat 11100 11 ye by these ',roues
These .hall Is. for a memorial."
choosing 'these words from the fourth
chapter of the leek of Joshtl;a Mr.
}luglnis1's disoarse was punctuated
with .such earnest and timely advice
that it 01111 tot fail to make a dew{)
Impression 1111 all who were privileged
Only in Rare Cases Does Back.
ache Mean Kidney Trouble.
Every muscle in the body needs con-
stantly a supply of rich, red blood in
proportion to the work it d.1es. The
muscles of the back are under a heavy
strain and have but little rest. When
the blood is thin they lack nourishm, nt,
and the result is a sensationlof pain in
those muscles. Some people think pain
an the back means kidney trouble, but
the best medical authorities agree that
backache seldom or never has anything
to do with the kidneys. OrgQanic kidney
disease may 1 have progressed to a
critical point without developing a pain
in the back. This being the case. pain in
back should always lead the sufferer to
look to the condition of his blood. It
will be found in most cases that the use'
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up
the blood will stop the sensation of pain
in the ill -nourished muscles of the back.
How much better it is to try Dr. Neil.
liams' Pink Pills for the blood than to
give way to unreasonable alarm about
your kidneys. If you suspect your kid-
neys, any doctor can make tests in ten
minutes that will set your fears at rest. or
tell you the worst. But in any event to
be perfectly healthy you must keep the
Mood in good condition, and for this
purpose no other medicine can equal Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr, Williams Medicine Co-.4-
o.Brockville, Ont.
to hear hlas,
Iu 11114 c►p1•n.r:. relll.lrks ;H:0111 10,1
tyu. .1irelwl ! y :he, pre:1 •11.•4 t.1 the
11lffereut men l• which it :.1 IN•eu
nset by 114al 1 1 • aril) fresh in
mcwory the •.t•;l' acitlevements of
41,1.. anti pre �lin� ge11.a'atioum. ileo
for hundred; _rilt•ratlous. he ski.
had *ouglri to poodle the memories+
Of great 41414.k by estehli.hlug a
memorial of one klu.l or another.
Sometimes' it w,, to buil lig of great
arehiteetwsal .:rntsoloonr. .Lala. 11 sus
44 line Slaw , literature. 41r 11071111 oil
11 1411m 14 mol • promote edue•n4loa.
The .wowing , •.•il for two minutes
at 11 o'clock .tit November 11111 In all
the Ileitis"' Empire. anti the erection
of the tlenital•h in 'she 11n.4r44 .4' 1.usy
thulv(ij4il re._ 41 the city of Loielon,
also were rct to 4411 fitting tributes
to the Emil) .p,i13011 dead.
One 04 44lc n: •-' appropriate meal.
orlals, in the, .. ":fen of the -in-siker.
was the ha fig..; 011 the w111111 of
ehun•hei chant:!; .at the country a
brief record tY, i , rniug those who had
made the supreme streritiee Iii the
fight for treeh'n. .
" 'What wean ye by these stones ?'
will ix• asked by ',outing generations.
and the reply -.shall be :These are.. a
memorial to hove who hate ynaw M'
fore us and Hayes 41101 the price of
'freedom; "
It wa% one of oke tint acts, of the
children of 4.ricl when they crossed
JIW Jordan 44ioer. to wet up a memorial.
tat.'w1ly� to their 9rom1*14) halal.
AWealthier o' tar•1a+rdships of others
for IM. the ,talker continual was a
good thing. He adciwated memorials
to the pioneers of Canada because.
he said. the 'ae Thk'h they tender.
tock in the haulms 1v[ tin' wildertews
was lander in respects than
erNadug the• - .cud Meeting •the
Hun. so mall 'heir battles being
fought alone ••r the bountiful har-
vests w-hk h . "reaps' year atter
y thnaasm and rigor. drinking In life who keeps Baby's of
Own Tablets in the
world -it w::- ••';r faf111+wo.allaF • our frloul every• sonny: from !sok,. and house feel. safe. The occasioa•al use
father+ fatbe r• /VI bud {aid th►e g)uu.•s and 111 the resided f 11 the Tabiets
year and for 6.11-04 Ts sift the
H L.�I_S
/I f I •r �� \\�
/f. ,• �1rt
stopathe burn-
ing acid pro-
Just as good for
tender or blis-
tered feet, aching
muscles. mosquito
bites, cuts, bruises,
and all akin injuries.
A sure cure for ecze-
ma and all skin dis-
eases. Ali druggists
Sac. box.
dw'{) emotkln." we have get to le true
to our rowMdes. 'They did not go
back on us and we .•snout go tw,'k 1111
them. 1t 1s 1111 to 1114 to fight the tight
in order that wrong of any kin.I nay
be stomper! : wrongs at tame. anti In-
•ijtu.ltk14•s 111 our own .Hurry W1110l1 we
'dare not shut our eye to 1f we are
t.. Ike true•."
('ois•ludiug, Mr. Flogland -saki that KEEP CHILDREN WELL
h.• counted It a gnat privilege to have
the opportunity to pay tribute t.) an DURING HOT WEATHER.
ofd schoolmate and eomrade iu arms.
l'he mon of the . 49th itattalho11 to
which Lieut. Walter was attaehesl.
were well known to him and he ewut-
el it es 11110 of the first regiments to
the 4'auadian aruly. "He is gone but
the gcwwl that men do lives after them
and his lame shall be kept' long In
our memories. Fro full of life. en -
still quite c•he'rftll and said "I shall
pull through this alright," but he
kfiew It was a se•rlou1 wound. This
is all I have heard. If you do not
hear more you could learn where he
141114 burled toy applyhlg h) 1J.(1.H.&B.,
1'.'Inehe•ster Huuw•, London. It was
shortly after his death that word canoe
through that he had been awarded the
MIlittary l'rosm for outstanding work
111 till earlier operation.
"I ca11N)t way bow worn, i Was per-
sonally and deep regret was felt by'
all of&ers and wen. He was a splen-
did type of officer. 1 felt that ids
death WAS ant only a boom to the unit
but also to ('anada. lw14•a11Se wee 41•.141 j
men 114 such eterllllg churteeter In .the
unbundling of our country after the,
wear. If we feel hid( Item NO keenly
who have known him for w1 compar-
atively abort a tllue we can picture,
how deep must be your grief.
"There Is a thought which on read -1
Ing I found wonderfully (omfurtIng.
It wee- written by Fortes Robertson
to a friend Mels) inl,l hest a /fear will.
He oak!, "I pray that you may never
gest over your 'w,rtow but get into It.
for there at the heart of 'sorrow you
will 41111 the Man of Sorrows." Al-
though our boss 1s great we know that
Ise le with eine who knows 91)41 love*
twtter than we ever can and that his
powers will lace a fuller 'There In
the nearer prew'nee of Shod. Meuse
n1'lvpt my deep14t sympathy."
Every motper knows how fatal the hot
summer months are to email children.
Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery,
colic and stomach troubles are rife at this
lime and often a precious little life is lost
alter only a kw hours clings. ('he mother
P q•
Sneaking further on the sign)ttenne
of sts•h Mhier.'9. the 'west generation (:ot 071'14,17S men like the man who
th'• a114110110' was 1011 40 eo1111110r slat
couditinus (':1 .uc1lu4s .nicht lie 1..• nig I has g ' frw too," ens 4he .Peukcr'..
t.slay if acro.• .'4 rhe great events in ""llell1ling prayer.
Iristory tool i. w 1 e ewe let - illf er.•nfly:' G0d(lve w mee. '
If 1'atti had trarollel w,,.t to India The umr demands scrota mind•• treat heart.
instead of w,'.t R' itome. it, the "pan. t true faith and waling hands.
Ish Armada had soweet141e) In raft Men whoa. the lust of office dors not kJl,
qukshing F:U.LIMI. 14 Nalwde.,n had Men ,horn the spoils of office cannot buy.
been .tltvessful at waterlrw, in4h1d of Men who possess opinions and a will.
uneuins'fntl, if tDle'rk•a Ina ,,,vii the m•ri who have hors. darn who Noll not he:
war o 181.4 ;f rhe. liter had broken Men'.i,o can stand before a demagogue
when the Itriti.h artuy sus fisting the And damn hes treacherous flatteries withou*
Han with its I.a.•k to the •wall-lf any
of these sI1p4.,siti1111• hall leen red- Tall men, sun -crowned. who live above the log
ize,l e)1klltloh. 1.•tay w,ldd be vastly In public duty and in private thinking !
The mnsk•a4 contributions to the
g,eel es U a tames,
we 11111,r well .1etetluine to follow it)
Elm flo f,4.'. os."
YOUR co -operation --the oo-operation of all the citi-
zens of Ontario -is the biggept need in Ontario
Forestry td�4lay.
History. slows that impoverishment and national decline fol -
Iowa from the destruction of a country's forests.
Most of the area of this Province is non-agricultural, suited
by Nature only for growing trees. This land remains yours but ••r
the Government sells the trees.
Every summer in Ontario an average area of 425,000 acres of forest
land is burnt over, equal to a strip t :0 miles long by 5 miles wide.
This yearly desolation at the hands of her own people is gradually
turning the northern part of the Province into a rocky desert. On
thousands of acre.., even the soil has been destroyed by fire!
Save Ontario's Foists....
-. ey're yours \.
The a�'er..�, : yearly num-
ber of forest fires in Ontario
is about 1,275. The vigilance of
the Fire Rangers keep two-thirds
Ontario's forest fires down to
a average size of less than five
ac But the others are big
enou • to raise the total average
to 360 cres.
Forest res in Ontario are de-
stroying pr.vincial assets of tim-
ber and pulp ood upon which the
Province retie. to help pay her
share of Cana .'s War Debt.
Forest fires dextro fish and game,
decrease the regula ' y' of stream
flow, cause spring fioo N, land ero-
sion .and the crippling of water
powers; turn revenue -p .oucing
areas into reek deserts.
Out of every 100 fires in s n-
tario's forests 'only three e
caused by lightning, while ninet
or more are due to man's care -
lesaness. One thousand men
scattered over 100,000,000 acres,
have little chance of p ting
fires. All they can hope to do is
to see the kmoke in time to cheek
them and put them out before
they spread beyond control.
The problem of adequate pro-
tection of Ontario's Forests from
fire is almost entirely a moral offe
involving the whole public of On-
tario. The vast majority of .forest
fires are caused by human care-
lessness due to lack of civic re-
sponsibility. The tendency is to
leave ■11 the responsibility to the
Government for protecting the
forests from fire. The Govern-
ment cannot protect the forests
belonging to the people of Ontario
unless the people of Ontario co-
operate. Forestry needs your
patriotism, year public spirit,
your regard for the general wel-
fare of Canada.
Ontario Fore ry Branch,
Parliament Buildings.. Toronto, Ont.
44 ( r'
L11�1'T. 10.1 LANi) e►. WALTER. M.( ..
. The', a fel weeks. he er.p.
tinned. : the fate of tile' Allies
treasabin 1 - 4. : h•' h e la u,•e. "11'1 slurried
tart the e.a' and if we had things
would '.1. 4)Rerent.••
'There i• partly the reason why we
•re 11„t a l•eltea nation today. *le-
(1.1re1 Mr I'94141)41 am he pointed to
ns 1ag•'Iraped tablet "it ' Is well
W,,1'tjl .ear 1%hlle to note the price of
int 'to 41310 9ntle'rtty the war
had cost' s't:,t),(a1l lalo.(NN;. Suppose.
lie said. that that money h;+d leen
taproot .J..1 b..tier tiling.: -the ufamtjd'
_ Ini..itf_tht_-et
tla+ iwpmvement
rd wins 1,)., l factlltlr14 1411.1 the ad-
ente'nt ,•f Christianity. Yet this
Pile*. was '1111H ashen r•.o111ta1rll with
the pike.• that,leas paid In hn,uan'life.
The allies death lied totellell 4,i5,t.(N10.
Anil 0n• ,ell trouts 2OE(NNUMNl had been
killed. .'fir- was the 111.1/'. 1111,11 End
Ms'n 444,44).
ihmietioz .ernes whirl) lin hid.'eFlt-
ne..9.1 in 'Insall vIUIIg,•s ,uw1 glens In
the 7 ,1.., ..t England and in Scotland.
TT"' •'Is'aker declared that awl the
snfl'ling and pain resulting from the
4 weal' 141,4 4149 )n the army. Tlw 14nR.r-
J • liar `4114 Rr.-;ter '•In the helots of the
mks 1 i4, hnttx.'` s Z(14ny End gnlwn
olrl Ier„1,, tbekr Time. alany Mull
lr•1...•�.1 not (.,foie tlu'y .honld in the
ordinary tmeese a nature. "He .1111
nen•) . klk.w the hitt(r/wits anti tial
• _ pahr"nn.l 'I"• sorrow that the world
14 -•I t4,». h:' he exelaimed.
The 1''"Ights of the emltretntlnn
r �W1•re then .Ilvrrt,l to the lde..luga
1:�h 114!1 sire 'ql� aMl t),, lth.'rtle. .'n.
joi'etil. I'rin.'e alone lord lost ov,•r
1*Nin rh,tmhl••,, CAn,ld., w•.I. snfferhlt
111" least in eyrie resrwrt. Th,ry hail
1 b(rn a sn,1•esssion NIT gtxkl Ilnry,wtJi
iwhole mach of the aurid w•:1. .L1 rte -
� 'lad hungry. ('aneda bad grown
'tlmnrh whe;lt last year t1 fecl 2!4-
OOO,tNIn p,rh,te. Natnr' had Isrn eery
kind to n. a+ ninparwl to the p14,plerc
of Enr.{.. who were geoid with hun-
ter :Ind 1mff.ring from deem... while
wee e• a nation knew pructkt•ally
Inching ,n":rning the Inrnnds of Bol-
- elweistn.
"We should recall what t11e bless -
Inas of lil.•rty mean to us. who had
lemght t)4, Meuring and w•hn ►end
p,hl the prim for the gladII(s. that
Is n,ll's t'rito whom much Is given,
farm wlrom raneh shall Iw• n•gn;led.
The Lt,rd hue dors great (hints for
tt. h1 ('Artldq and gre4lt things are
"11kc•tal „f qe "
TtklAy we are faring the great n.,-
iktul Nn of prnsw'rlty. 3(ay (11x1
drllrnt' n4 from it 1 Are we going to
se)1 tax• birthright for which our room -
t),, ire's 7"
McA•.. the speaker declared with
servile were e•xtr•jti.:hilly Impreweire.
A gniutette cr'nsluting of Mr. H. C.
ihuilop, airs. 1P. F. Sinden., Mis'.
Nairn and Messrs. C. K. Saunders and
J. F. TI«lthson. all of Goderich. render-
ed Kipling s "Reeessk,tal :" Mrs. W.
F. Saunders. sonic 11 1401.) entitled. "i.c•t
1's flare Peau:" the duet, "Near
Home." was sung by Rev. Milton
Tyndall and -Mr. Melvin Tyndai. and
after the staging. of the closing hymn
Rath )Sr. Tvn.!nl sang Teneyrol's
"('rosshlg the Thar." The tablet was
unveiled by 4'apt. Iletleritbtton and
Gunner W. Itlsset ■four which the
"last Poet" was sonhded 1)7 Ha1Nl-
manter Davies of the 33rd Regiment
!tend. Rev. Jas. Willson. Id Iluver-
(owrt road Presbyterian chun'h, To-
mato. assist'! in the devotional ext.'s!
After the tablet was unveiled a
ni'ss,lge of 'sympathy from King
t;eorge to the Isrerlvel parents was
T read. as also ,snax the official auu ounc •.
Ment received from the War llt!ee!
°tainting the eonditinns,ntiter which
I Li. ut. Walter aeon the Military ('rasa
i 1.l'nt. Walter was a .nn of Nir. NISI
\irs. William Walter. of ('ulliorne
township. 11ee enM+owl In the sprint
Iof 1!)11; with the 1111st 'Huron [tat-
' (wing transferred nn going to
Trane to this 49th. Mentally, rind
physleaily he 1y.1s a splendid spe•imvn
of manhood and was well k n for
Id* athletic ptvrw•eas. -hacl played
Imse•lalll and lacrosse foot Go,lerich.
and interm,.ltlr•' and senor 0.11..1.
Lockey for Goierirh and the Univer-
sity of Toronto. lie also serve) as
captain 11f the 1'. of T. lacer's*. 4,141m.
For N,•rrrnl years he was a ulemlw•r
of the 1'. of T. track trans. tieing the
champion 1111.11+ thrower. ane) a rusts
able shot-putter.- baring wan several
trophies with the troop1oss, oversMs. He
was a graduate of Gcsierieh ('o1legiate.
the Faculty nt "'Attention anti. an
,honor grndu'ae h1 .mathe•rnatk,+ and
'physics of the 1'))cermlttc of Toronto.
At th.• 1)me of enlistment he was
nrticlol as a low student x111 Wag a
men11S•r' of IN•ltn Upsilon Fraternity.
No finer type of (111111Inodd earl well
Ire 11114111)neh Most appropriate waw
the tribute fetid by Rev. 1')11 F'Int-
ha4l lest Sn11day wh1•n he referred to
Lieut. Walter a. "set fool) of life. en-
thusiast") and vigor, drinking In life
from *every- .nnr.•e, from iooks rind
gents+ and in the grentlwl of all games.
we may welt' determine In follow •in
his footstep'."
The following letter, re'1•irwl short-
ly after Lieut. H'alter's death, ,w•;s
written by t'ipt. O. It. Whitaker of
,,fie 410th iloatation. 1t Was not been
published lu•retnfore and will Is. of
deep interest 11011I 1007 11 14)19.414 vonwlder-
nLle light on the etn'nnn•tan(•s under
which a 1.1ent. Walter received his
d.mth wound : -.
"i have been welting to ohtaln more
information about your son. Roy •de' -
fore• writing to }'un. As we were fo-
Ing up towards e'wmhrat your eon
was w011a1e) 114) slightly that he went -
9.) to 'stay with 1)10 men but he wee
told to go hack to the dressing station.
1 now him Ioat before he went. He
End a bandage round hos nes* lint
14141.1 It was only a grave. He woos
quite cheerful bolt would rather hare
stayed forward. In one way 4 was
glad he had the slight wound 'weenies.
i thought he wotild be out of ctnne4
est more seridtw• harm.
"A ,few days later wee were surprised
aned grieves] to bear that he had diel
of wohn4t* ami child only think that
some eomplkentk,ns had set In. it
ass only a few days ago that 1 heard
jest what had hnpleeted. Ile had al-
most resulted the dreaming station and
WAS assisting nnother wnundest man
who mill not walk very well when a
14trny *he11 1.lxtel about twelve yenta
from them. A pier" of the shell
sfrosek Roy h1 the flack and lk1sww1
right thrnngh haw *wkly.
"He waw sent on from the dressing
station In a motor ambulance and was
prevent stomach and bowel
trouble& or if the trouble comes suddenly
-as it generally does -the Tablets will
bring the baby safely through. They are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
tents a box from the Dr. Williams Med -
tine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell you the materials, or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Mirrors, etc.
We can supply your wants in
tiny kind of Glass
Nardi aide West tt. Phi's* 354
Yonge and Charles Su.. Texan.
1s acted throughout Canada torlf°(sande
work. Write for catalogue and change to
enter at cut fall term opening. Augu.. sloth
We have filled positions recently a4 s15e a
month and CAa' per year.
w. J. ELLIOTT. Pnnc,pal.
Try our Wad ('olumn for Resulta.
The Double Track Route
Unexcelled dining car Nervine.
Sleeping cars 011 night trains, and
parlor care on principal day trains.
Full information from any Orsnd
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn-
ing. District Pesaenger Agent, To-
G.H. Lauder, Station Agent. pbone 24
Town Agenta Phone 14
S of f ness
It b asoni.hing bow
Quickly Mu,rd'. t.uti-
111Mt 1.11.,1 .Ila.
DON and I.menen.
Gives Great
4n A. It C.koe•, 26
Irk Ao... Cw.IW.Oo
4Ner"a4 W
.ltd 4`n.d's Lww..t
+s•s y • wit►
poi vaulty f nods el
wigs or a AN 1 Arum -
1 ..d
ti pow sees, rHml:"
►Its fad hen a. ae. fit. SThcookt. Oo-
' 1 ,.•..d .en.,nod oak awlrr , Ire lea
view. woo ori vase] to try An,wd , Lw, sect. and
nor 414,44 ,.wd•.44, Jr 4.„op9L..t.,..
1 pte.w.d ,. •eta cud , kr to..4..ly4
T te. 1 <... dteut tits. up ry to.
�wv <ndb. w )intend • La.t
... 114•
soWpoi* Avid 11w,d'.. mot alts r•
King o/ Pain
Yarmouth Nova Sans
BOX 07, Goderich. All instruction.
by mall or left at Signal office wW be
promptly attended to. Residence tel►
phone 119. -
ui' TER. Solicitor, notary publle
((clic. Hamilton street, Grwterleh, third
door from Square. Trust funds to
luau at lowest rates.
(*free-Sterllag Bank Block, Ham-
ilton Street, G.wlerlch. Telephone 88.
Real Estate. Loans and Insurance.
()Mee on the. Square, second door
from Hamilton Street, Goderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest
W. Proudfnnt, K. C., J. L. Bllloraa• a
Donner E. Holmes.
RISTER. attoruey, solicitor, ere.,
Goderich. Monty loaned at lowest
MEAGER. It.11RRiSTER, 41()!14
• ICITOR. notary public and con-
veyancer. Office -Court House, Gode-
rich. O1) -12m
ASCI. CO. -tarn and Isolated
town property Insured.
Ofticeri-.•Jae. Connolly, Pres.. (onto.
rich P. 0.; Jan Evans, vice -Pres..
Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays,
Sec -Tree s., Siea for, h P. 0.
Directors -D. F. 'McGregor, R. il;,
No. S, Seefortb : John G. Grieve, Mo.
4, Waltor.1 William Rina. R. R. No. 2,
Beatortb: John Bennewles, Brad•
hagen 'uteMcCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaforlh: Robert Ferris, Hario'k
Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; Jamey
Ecans. Beechwood; James Connolly,
Ageuts : J. W. Teo, OoderkL
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton;
William Chesney. Seafortb ; E. Flinch -
ley. Seafortb. Palley -holders can pay,
all payments and get their curds re-
celpted at R.'J. Morilfes Clothing
Store, Cliuton•. R. H. Cott's Grocery,
Kingston street,` Goderich, or J.
RvId's General Store. Bayfield,
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers -
t all hour.. night or day.
# I Fumed Table. new
1 Ice -box, will give$25°°
good service
I PatiOr Suite, re-
finished and re-
1 Hall Rack, polid
1 Clothes Wringer
1 Kitchen Table
Soup and Dinner
Every day is bargain day at
Harold Blackstone'
Furniture Exchange
Agency for
Call and let us give you
demOnstration of these
splendid instruments.
We have in stock the
/‘Sarr-Geoneit Records
hlich can be used on all
these instruments.
Hamilton and St. indrew's Sta.
Gederleh Phone 104