The Signal, 1921-8-18, Page 3THE SIGNAL
Thursday, Augnwt P4, 1921.-3
There is
all the Flies
To Owner's aril Breeden' of Porrbred
The t:oslerieh Industrial Exhibition
prize list is now IM•ing distributed.
During the last ,(monde our Fair has
adcnucesl fnvw u very swell F:xhtld•
tion to a good three' thiys Fair and
we are sorry to way that the number
'of exhibits in agricultural ehtss:'w has
not kept pace with some other depart-
ment+. The fault Ia yours. It la year
duty to exhibit your aulmals—you
owe It to them, to youlxelf, to the Fair
Mill to the piddle.
When there is au exhibit of out.
stapling oust unusual merit of your
breed of uuinaals. It laments every
breeder of that pa rtfcndar breed 111 the
country: therefore for the -wake of
Isms' show your marimba.
While the Fair board has Increased
•1114' prise money dl per (mut. over
fortner year.. we do not t•laim that
the dhow• financial returns of the prise
money pays for the trouble: but We
do claim that the indirect returns by
the improvement of your Mt.a•k. and
I.y this very best and cheapest moans
of advertising. are worth considering.
for It )ways b, advertise.
lite twat Iisavr your animals at home.
hook over our ekhlblts and return with
the thought that you have letter ones.
Get your nuimaIs out and let the pub-
lic sir what your hare. It Is only
when you have teem alongside those
of your fellow -breeder that yon know
what you have or whether they are
up to the standard wet for that breed.
comparison Is all there is in oempetl-
tMn; by exhibiting and competing
with Miers you undoubtedly improve
your animals. your will sur their weak
)pots and will endeavor to strengthen
them In many respiects before another
yea r.
Again we repeat. for the sake of
the /air ung for the sake of the breed.
list every breeder In all classes of live
stork do his part in exhibiting and
thereby Iswwt1ag the pwartbailor breed
of his and is. and at the Maine time
boosting the Fnlr. The end Home
Week was it grand mtre,ts. iet every-
one give a helping hand to Iswwt our
Pair. Tills Soviet)* realizes that it
has a groat number of well-wishing
friends and penes In the county ttf
Unpin. rind desires to ask your kind
orunpwrntion In furthering the
of oar annual }'air, which, will be held/
this year on September lith, 7th midi
'tth. The directors are sparing no
efforts to make the Fair amour:01y I
large and fine this year and will be
plen'osl 1f You will share In the ex-
tensdre entertainment provided for old
and young.
Very reap tftfully ivoura.
W. F. 'I:ARI(, secretary.
This is it—Darken the room as much es possible, close the
windows, raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in. about
eight inches, place as many Wilson's Fly Pads as possible on
plates (properly wetted with water lid not flooded) on the
window ledge where the light is stronj leave the room closed
for two or three hours. then sweep up the Dies and burn them.
See illustration below.
Put the plates away out of the reach of children until re-
quired in another room.
w right
`tyt o rse
N lson's
Fly Pads
tit Have your the vulcanized here.
Our equipment Is cowpletelan) we
can handle and repair a tire in
DO time. Itememlw•r our vuk•anls-
Ing Isn't repairing In the ordinary
sense. It Is, waking an old tire
ail vlug if from the scrap heap
and saving the ,apenae of a new
N. J. FISHER, "(' ;CH
TIIE \'I Ll 1N1/1,11.
Dr. Edwat s, this is Dr. Watt, Blankville, speaking. I
have a nen us cane of appendeatis—I want you to operate
on immedia Iy—this afternoon—at 168 Bellevue Avenue.
Got that? 1 -
There is a trai leaving at 11.20 that will get you here by
two o'clock. ill you catch that? Can I depend on you?
Fine! 1'11 meet he train."
Be Operated On Today!"
Business, too, has its ties, when only action hy Long Distance
can turn a threatened oat into a profit.. Out of a clear sky, defeat or
lou may suddenly star you in the face. Or a chance to save money
may unexpectedly revise itself.
One of the largest firms t Canada recently placed an order for many
thousand dollars. The daYthe-order wan received at the factory prices
for raw materials began t stiffen. Immediately notified of this by
Long Distance, the firm at rce doubled the order and made a good
13,000 highly trained tele) ne em-
ployees enthusiastically welcome every
opportunity to prove their intelligent
devotion to your interests. Think of
them as willing, helpful members of
your organization, ready to serve.
Every Bell
is a Long
Never Dreamed Anything
Could Help Her Like Tan -
lac Did, Says Mrs. Ahern.
lister+ to perform the anemone erre-
! minty. The general interpretation
plue,sl upwaa the limitation of the act
is That any religious institution whk'h
Is a -going eotiveru" may have its
clerical members registered and
authorised) to perform 'marriage.
(Intended for last .I
Rev. Mr A illson left on T day for
his holidays.
Rev. R. J. Roar left on a trip to the
West on Wednesday, expecting to be away
two months. During Mr. Rou' absence
Rev. James McCrea, B A.. of Turner..
ville, will supply for the next two Sun-
• The jubilee 'services in the Methodist
church on Sunday. conducted by Rev. R.
Cook. of Toronto. a former pastor, were
well attended and enjoyed by many old
a:quaintances who returned to celebrate
the occasion. On Monday night a lawn
social was held on the lawn of Mr. J. C.
Clark, where many old friends mei after
years of separation in other fields.
Mrs. George Rowe, of London, is
spending a few weeks with friends here.
Mr. W. D. Wilson, of Brucefield, is vis-
--+ting his daughter.
Miss Washington, of Goderich. and
Mrs. Wm. Gundry, of Regina. are visiting
their brother, Mr. J. J. Washington.
Mr. Roy Munro, of Sudbury, arrived
home Saturday night for a few holidays.
Mr. Henry Yungblut, Mr. 0 rdon Mc-
Clinchey, Mr. Russell `ills and Mr, Geo.
Hailum left on Wednesday on the harvest
excursion for the West.
munity was shocked on Tuesday mining
upon learning of the sudden death of Mrs.
Robert Stalker. She had been in her
usual health, doing her work on M mday.
The doctor was ca led at midnight and
the got relief She rested until about 4
o'clock when she took a relapse and
passed away an hour later. Mrs. Stalker
leaves to mourn her loss her husband,
three sons, Frank and John at home,
Roy. of Brantford. and hve daughters.
Mrs. George Finch and Mrs. William
Coats, of Flint, Mich: Mrs. Forest Carter.
Mr.. Maitland Allan 'and Mrs. William
Craig. of Auburn. The sincere sympathy
of the community goes out to the bereft
husband and family in the loss of a loving
wife a,d mother.
.T11e Goidew Jubilee.—The fiftieth
anniversary of the opening of the Au-
burn Methodist church Was cwlebrttell
OD Mnnslay and Monday. August 7 and
Is. The morning servtee un $itnday
was in charge of the pastor. Hev. A.
F. Mitleon. assisted by Rev, it. ./. Korot
of the Auburn Presbyterian church.
A Limitless Guarantee
A guarantee that operates at any time
is the life of an Ames Holden
"Auto -Shoe" protects you against any
and every defect in material or work-
manship that may come to Tight.
There is no time or mileage limit on this
Ames Holden -Auto-Shoe." Guarantee. It
serves as bedrock for all adjustments, which
ate madettpon it—without fuss, quibble or red
aa/ wy Sox" Tub
Smith St.. Phone No. 53
Cord and Fabric Tires in all
Standard Sizes
For Sale By "Red sots" Tubes
P. J. MacEWAN,
St. Andrews (it.,
!Mime No.
"Tanlac has put me in good health
when nothing else would even so muc:i
as help me, and the wa it has worked in
my case just seems miraculous to me,"
said Mrs. John Ahern. of 1 lioultbec
avenue, Toronto.
"Words just can't tell, how much 1
suffered for the past ten years from a
terrible case of rheuma-ism. and the Paine
in my hands and knees were just almost
unbearable. Many nights the pain was
a had that 1 couldn't even he in bed,
much less sleep, And would just have to
get up and sit by the fire. The fingers of
both my hands were so sote.and swollen
that at times they were altogether use-
less. as car as work was concerned. and
the suffering and misery I had to endure
was simply indescribable.
"I got just wonderful results from my
very first bottle of Tanlac, for it ended
the aches and pains and tour bottles have
relieved me entirely of all symptoms. 1
feel just fine in every way now. can do
all my housework with perfect ease and
am as healthy and happy as can be. 1
never even dreamed it possible for any-
thing to help me like Tanlac has, and
simply praise the medicine from the bot-
tom of my heart for the wonderful bless-
ing it has been to me."
Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
The wtwle wax furnished
bourn choir, averted by M
and Shithorge of Wyatt'
preacher of the day wig
by the Au-
ra. Henry
d. . The
T. Dr.
('ook, Tororfto. a pr,Mittent sniper -
animated minister in the Gerrant
street Metlixllst chureli.-Tor,uto. win;
was ,it the Auburn cinrolt in Nan --
forty-one years ago. The ,text for the
morning srtmon was from i.evltleur+
2.i : 11—"A Jsbllee"afiwbi.41w1 fiftieth
year he nntu yott. • and I'hilllplans 4 :
4—"Itejolce in the L..rl alway, and
again I way. Rejoic'e." The dlse'onrlie
went very appropriate, bringing out the
fact' that people about(' be glad at all
times, not only at the time of Jubgee.
The evening service was again in
ebnrge of the pastor. asrbsted hjr Rev.
1Vnm. Taylor or Moorefield -Presby-
terian church. The singing Was lead
by Westfield Brotherb,wwl 1.1Mde, and
\L.c. Jenkins. of London. rendered an
ex.ellent and appropriate sok,. The
subject of the service was "The ('1111
of Ma`hew." Mattheq n P. lar.
('.sok developed the ^nbj.s•t so that
Matthew Maw In (`hri-t, himself as he
might to Is•, nal rest' 111101, leaving
nil and following Him. These servb'es
will be tong remembered for their ex.
cellence and for the hearty find'rev-
ereut response of the 'people in the
community. (10 lioteley evening the;
Jubilee ,neaten on the form rat al
lawn molal on kir. J. e ,'hark's lawn.
it was pr eeded by w "hall game fir
Mr. Raithby'a f1e1s1. lieme•n Westfield
end, Auhdm
rn teas. t1'aw.tflrld
w3nlnt 11 to R. The t.nwnttfnl stip
per was served hy ?Se ladies of` t
congrega bon larthetr fell -known iityJi
The /'lir► on KlItt""Medlla band supplied
the mnsh for the eidAtng, while sour
Of their lumber gate a bagpipe selec-
tion. Mag. Jenki44- gore 'woo splendid
motors and Mr Harvey M,+:.•e. of Au-
burn. gave s.•r.•ral well.reml••rcl Irish
olid fioot'h wing.. Rev. \L'
give a shirt talk. sketching the Itfe
of tlte_shmrlt_ _fr_w.__the tlrnc of 91.'
(brrnit riders until the present. Rev
Mr. Ross. Rev. W. Ilaw•kina. and Het'
14r. ('ook warp timely addre.-.•s tips
prnprlate to the osrash)a. Tl'y all
h.gwsl that before another fifty years
passed I.r a union of all the churches!
would h•. eousumurib'd. The pr•.• 18.51
of the .sr.,Ann amonnttvl to $
which will go r, the church. M. ay
oil members wen. present, some
British ('.dund,is. AKerta, •
ebewan. Mankcd,n. fiadloom
Tin iri, leiuih,ii. 1Ti .iredeld.
itrined-la. H9•th. Nile. and
two appointments. West
Ihannvhraok. The whole
festwi the community
t riot.
(Intended for last work).
Misses Ella and Anna Shanahan, of
Hullett, visited their sister, Mrs. J. W.
Boyle last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H Herold and son Bob,
of Shakespeare, visited at Wm. Mc.Allis-
ter's last week.
Mr. Ambrose Brophy had the misfor-
tune to have, a Yalu -hie horse killed by
lightning during the storm last Saturday.
Moat of .the farmers in this vicinity
have finished harvest Ing and are now baby.,
preparing to sow fail wheat.
t 'llaton New Era.
D ting from August `st. Ur. Athol
Mcl name .,sero.. tic• um noJvaleta
of The 49n1,'rit•14 signal. Mr. Mc-
(lwan•ie learnt his wade with the
Brussels lost when the I•:dItor'of the
New Era wins "putting in flute- there
ala,. t('e wish bis sue,•t•ss at his
new jobs
It's easy to own
FVERYONE can afford Mr. Edison's New Diamond
Amberola--the perfected musical instrument which
is actually the wseld'1 greatrat phonograph wlnr.
Despite the fact that the Amberola actually surpasses in
sweetness, and realism all ofthe so-called "talking machines",
in price is unbelievably moderate. Because the permanent
Diamond Point Reproducer does away with the bother and
expense of changing needles, and because the Edison Am-
beroi Records are practically indestructible, the Amberola is
the awl rcenssslical p4onorragh 1 rnainMiw.
If roe eajoy good music. and if you have rehainedfrom investigating
the Amberola because you naturally believe it to be expensive, come in
today/ ask w for full information. The low price of the Amberola will
.astonish you—particularly when you hear the convenient payment tenni
which we wall be happy to arrange.
Three Days of Good Mus4C—PREE!
Aak us how you can have the Amberola in your own home for three
dayssbaolutely jrw, and without obligation to buy. If you can't come
ia—simply phone or write us a postcard.
r, I •
417.0IIII•/esnaeStedivawalie/Ieri i'wti ll titilti.1 1{K
Even the Syne Boys will hardly
recognise their former leader in
the above. it is, however, Lord
Syng's very latest pictute, specially
posed for the Canadian National
Exhibition, • f -:w days before he
sailed for Cart -:la, for reprotactien
on a medal eon-.merr.ora'int the
opening of the 1921 Fair, over
which Re will preside on Aug. 27.
Divested of his military attire the
new Governor-General looks a very
different person to the stern soldier
Canadians kne:c' thr^ugh hes war
Yon are 0044
ex p e rlmena
Ing when
(Ion se lar.
'uhast'. (lint.
went for Erzrma and 'Am Irrita-
1 otter sod gradu-
Pample box Dr.
i1 you mention this
mansonBates Co.,,
turns It relieves
ally heals the s
Cttaee's Ointment Ire
paper and send xa. s
box. all deniers or
Limited, Toronto
The Western Fair
Sept. 10th to 17th
Seven Full Days This Year
$6,000.00 Added to the Prize List
Boys' and Girls Calf Competition
Speed Events—Dog Show Auto Rac.s
The Wortham Shows on the Midway
Plenty of Music—Fireworks vvey eight
Admission, 104, 12th, 16th & 17th 25cts. 131h, 14th & 1516-SOcts.
Grand Stand nasal peaces '
Lt. -Col. W. M. Garithore, President A. M. Hunt, Secretary
e Miter '
old and
Mair maid-.
of the fila.
-RAI I' y. --_.. - msrtter wig
MONDAY. Aug. 1S. cou'll Ie glad to know nlxaut the sat -
11. T. Murray and daughter i•faetorr work wee do in
\ire. of Hayfield. a r.•'pending a ,v,uple•
Of weeks In 1►etr..i• \I'T/1HOBILE REPAIRING J. W. Tippet met with a serious
• accident last week., while sp:nding the c;iro ns n trill the next time you
afternoon with her daughter, Mr:, V.
Mustard. in playing with the children n.•.',I Ion,1111,1 ,4. r'. d.ui• on yon? eiir
she sipped on the Fleur and broke her hip
Perhaps your benritors Drell rehab -
St Andrew's Presbyterial.' 'church will REM. W1LLIANIS
hold its anniversary services on Sunday. I•hm,c 213
August 21st. when Rev. Geo. E. Morlec.
of Toronto, will preach. A quartette --
from Knox church G a. and Mrs. OTHER TABLETS NOT
Frank Saunders
rs and Mississ Hazel Be cher
soloistii, will assist in the musical parr of
the services. Monday evening a concert .
will he given in the town hall. when Rev.
Mr. Morley, who is a gifted elocutionist.
will assist in the program.
The marriage took nlace in Bayfield on
August lOrh, in Trinity church, of Mss Only Tablets with "Bayer CMOs"
Lulu Madeline, daughter of Mr. and kers.
Fred Baker and Victor Arthur Burt. Rev. are Genuine Aspirin
R. C. Pitts officiated. The young cauple
will reside at London.
lio derfeh
A Word to Pleniekers.
The Kingston 1Vhig pleads with
motorists who picnic on pntllerty neer
the raa(Iside to tellve the place t1.I'.
Hot do -fared with n litter of lunch
boxes. plates. oiled paper, egg shelf.
sardine awns ,all hnnalat skins. (turn
repo the litter. pal out the fire. or earry
the refuse *way to a dump' Thos is
good motor mornllty. Pieufeki'ra
should also be careful crf iires, anti not
destroy property '11110 much Is due
to farmers, and also to
mntorhds who may follow.—Toronto
The New Marrlaplt Act.
Toronto. Aug. 12--Regisiration of
(Inha rto's clergymen for marriage rites
performance is prow ceding rapidly 8444)
without friction. n,s•0Mtng to 015118ls
In charge of the administration of the
new Ma triage Act amendments. ao
far no applicant for regb,tratkin has
been refused, although several cults
a" I have leen asked to •bring dui rthcr
proofs of their IneohIpnrntion and
right: under the act for their min-
Ifou don't sce the "Bayer Crews
on the tablets, you are not getting..
Aspirin—only an acid imitation.
The "Bayer Cross" is your only way
of knowing that you ars+ getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
over nineteen years and proved safe by
millions for Headache. Neuralgia, Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pail' generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablet,—also
larger sized "Beyer" packages can be
had at drug stores.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.'
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer manufacture. to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
with their g 1 trade mark, the
'Bayer Cross
Tim c.sot Shia "SELANDBElr='Y7Tya0/ t 1E” "QTY OF BUFFALO.
tae rwsaw
BUFFALO,, Diily.,Alanlit.b :15th—CLEVELAND
User ttrrrA,. - • O. 00 r. 1L LAar>.tw LCtavtaato fl P. 14.Amu
Amro Ctavata 7.a0 A. Y. j awda
t4e Tom ' % Arra s..rat f- A. IL
'Connection. at Cam-4ed for C. Polk. Fut-In-Bay, Tolle. Detroit and naw plats. Railroad
• t.ckets reading! between B.eslo sod Clev.laod sr. good for tram oetatbo on sur M..e.n Ask
your or 'ear ticket wooftwr..t weary for tickets u C A B lie.. N Twrl.t Automobile Rola—
i10 a hosed Trlg with 2 dare estate 444,1. far ear, ..t 0.sdtae in look wb..tba...
nwotJullr colored 'whorl pang* .kart at The (]rat Map • •tr EANDBLar' sat sip receipt of
A. root. ALO sat for aw r .. p•• 4.l .ad d.aslptf.a booklet fro..
,TM tland &
Ck.rLnd. 0Li. -
Th. Groat Mir
`OSSA PI 111111"
a a-
-aka Logan sod mom=
pese4au Steamer w
.r..... oftam ..ert&. sl..plaa
.arpadty, 1500 r..y+e.
"'F i1EJ55
vs. aoset.e•Mnis.....nnne
Studebaker and Gray -Durk
It is a known fact that t tudebaker is one
of the leading cars of toda
Come and gel pl•i
and the price is
and patronize
S. • They have the quality
ht. Buy ,a Canadian battery
nadian trade.
We : ndle nothing but GUARANTEED
TIRES the best makes—Dominion, Goodyear,
I{. & : Bring in your K. & S. coupons.
Columbia Hot Shots and Dry Cells. Our sup-
ply is always fresh.
Sole dealers for Sunoco Motor Oih.
1919 Gray -Dort in good condition.
1914 Ford Touring, good tires, worth the price.
Studebaker Touring and CroW Touring, in
good shape.