The Signal, 1921-8-11, Page 8• 'a' r- fir► r ...r,rurtttraM" S. -Thursday, Augtret 11. 1921, Beautiful English China Odd cups and saucers. sugars , and Breams. nsbi plates, jugs, Bake plates. in fact anything you need in high-grade China. such as ('ualpurt \Nodous Ainley, \Vee, nal, etc SUMMER GOODS Picnic Plates. \\'a, 1',:le• r ('ups, Maple -ware I.ul,, I: Sets,•Ti.aue Tablecl.a!,. sus s; Napkins. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Ifeeoguized w. ile BEST Fountain leen 'mad Lt Upholstering Shop! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED I1oa'1 throw away your .old Furni- ture till you see CLIFF ANDERSON liut,.t. is Vit. 11rl.eeu'.. nesselaWssarasentaearet ,- Art Province of ALBERTA Guaranteed Bonds Twenty-year 6 1-2 per cent. PRIG Par and Interest most attractive investment. E.H. HILL&CO. 1E3180NAL ME1VTIUN. Miss Mary Pinder lx Bann,• from ' Tornito for holidayu. • \t r. J. ('. Blackstone la borne trop soca 1o,nul t him, week. - T Mrs. J. t'. Ilarrlwm. of, Slesc,s•, 1s iiug.'ft:Buds lu town. Min Ila Curell. of Toronto. spent the week -end at her home in Salttord 1h•. A. lt, Roertaott. of Ayr, is with the other 111d It,rys for the reunion. Mr. 1.•u Ih,wuiisg, ..f Itruwa•la, was among the OM I lowo Week vialtoin. Major D. M. MacDuff. of Detroit, is a Olen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Connor. Mr. F. 0 Delta, of London. spent Old Home Week with Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Grnnon. Mrs. Short, of New. R York. is visiting with her cousins. Messrs. R. L. atoll I Wm. Lane. \lis; I1.•ny Clarke. daughter ser nee.. .1. 1. l: Clarke. .1 Landon. i visiting Mister 4aimrou Killorut. Miss •G rare Strang. of Ilrtigeridde a'••Ilegi.,te Beat ate, i. Louse for the rontiii,le• of the oteation. Mks Bleier Whitely. itely. of New York. o •ean the esr of the M.. i,e. e ,:nicanal wilt-,• Itsbert',hi, Fast street. Mrs, %Tums Young anal Mr.. Drink- wiiter !formerly Miss Tema Tiningl. of 1,w hl:ute, :are visiting,, relative.: in 10w'0. • Reed Mr. and Mrs. i1, J Horton. of (Sault Ste. _]larie..._i'nt.: have been . holklay I visitors in Glwk•rieh ,luring the past tea we•1:..' _Ur_ -aro., 1Yata *---arid- ktiaw 4, hales. of l.oisluu, anal Miss Anna M,l.,,041, of Toronto. aro bowels of Mrs. Messrs. Eugene and 1:l.•tor Ik•ail are her*» -lent, - Buffalo. Their families !tad :rri'ivtlal .n11b r, and all are taking n titody--Intens, to tam dntngs.`• Mr__.aaat Mr-, lit M••iver tied their sou. Iran, set Winnipeg. 8r.- hero for the r.maion. They ,:mule to 1hilnth be ntotor,•:nid thence by boat. but intend to return the whole way by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1lieko.n, "Sun- set." ,'ort Alls•rt announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter. Mae Reel!. to Itev. ('Iharl.•.. Elmer TtttClor, of Stratford. ..m of Mr. and Mrs. .T 11. Taylor, of tt.•tgt•are. the marriage to hake place_ early .1.u. Scps rower, -1s will he IP rt 111 the a.lrerti.ing oolttn,n•/ in tali week•* leant• of Thr Nigral the Sel.,•t Iadi•. iG»dy-to- . co . is 'ntIntling it, fall opm- ing display for a1lother ten days to ;omit the Lolls-- who are nbsr,rl"r1 iu the netiviti.•. of 114d 11ome 11'erl- to :0814* their seism -tion►. faun the ex - o 11siye symides of 0arelty snit+, tvata, Ir•s..e,; ,.141rt. and w8C ts. ('ustomes are moored that any .elet.tkms made during the uect tett ,hay. will not 1me duplitato4,l.r this .,,1npr111y in (:o,M- rleh. Re=union Briefs A PHOTOGRAPH will recall your happiest moments. Have you a wet -o€• our ,"Old Home Week viewLlI T. FELL fay hast :Mrs. Sinclair en- tertalrtlyl •a number of friends In hou or_ot She aeveutt-aereitth blrt _ nmlirergarr of Mr: E. ikowning of l.ssinpitngtnn, who has. been here for the old Home Week. Mr. Downing was eIa• of the oldest bn.lntess tarn of Goderich alien he retire, a few ysslnt 'Igo, and lu• siiij hikes a great Intermit in etvrythlug pertaining to him old bonze town. Mr. S. F,. Hlek was looking forward Iqd Horne Week with the expecta- tion of matting a great mans old friends,- --but-«et-fine--dortnr' or+terr he had to remain sit home during Ibe greater part of the re1.4,rttion and, mn.fi to his regret. missed wring a good marry: he wouhi have liked to meet. Fortunately he has 1mr•n utile to he nut the last day or two. end he is trying to make np for bet time. Among the callers at The Signal this week was Mr. O. G Martin, of Buffalo. Mr Martin was among the early residents ' of Goderich, as he was in the jewellery husiiess here during the late seventies. His -land was on the site of the present , Rank of Commerce, Mr. Martin motored 1 to torn for Old Home Reek and was ' acoornpanied by Isis wife; and grandson. Mi. Sydney J. 0. Martin. of Hufalo; Mrs, Welltngton Martin and Mrs. David Moody. of Kitchener, and • Mrs.,(Capt.) Ironsideg, of Sarnia. -"-- OOP •of the most tater.• el partici. 'snits In the reunion 1. Mr. . 1. Mac. Laren .1 Toronto. He has npportell •he 111.1 Mine, Week hien row its 11mrptl.ot and i.i,greltly pleas 1' with the .neve:. of Hwe .elebrntio ;and ',hare should -los- mod her in n ion- years. Mrs' Mai i.nren is ere "1t 11 her husband, toad although not :( •'•slerieh add Girl she is.•haking a Special Notice AN EXPERT thor.inglrly trained in the relief and eure of all foot troubles will be in attendance at this store 011 MONDAY, AUGUST I5 and we strongly- advise all persons suffering any kind of diae(►mfort frith their feet to take advautapre of this op- portunity to get expert advice Absolutely Free ONE DAY ONLY NO OBLIGATION SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE W. RitrI. SHARMAN 1 great interest In the events of the week. Col. J. J. Maelorea. brother of J. A.. would Iwve liked to Ise here. twat war pfersutest 1•y another engage- ment. Among the many plea sato family rennk,tas this week wits that lit the !tome Of Mr and Mrs. Win. Str:u'han, Cambria road. their guest: masa \1r. Strachan'. blether James. of Wind- sor, mud his two mous. George of t'hie,go, as 1 Dr. !lorry. and has wife. of ClerelaiRl. Ohio. The latter are ,Stricken. vli sst Moue was in Kan Antonio. '1'ex,i.. is delighted with ( s.l1•ieh and its people. l'ntortun- alelt, Dr. J. It. Straeha ii. of Blot Spring's. Ark.. en's unable to Join the Luall> party. The . etismtive of the ()1d flume \\„k voinusltte• gratefully aek-naw'l- 'shod she i'e•eipt of $:,.IMI from two (:.slerh 1, 111.1 Girl.- -Mr.. 1 Ih•.. ('lark and Ms- Nina Strachan. I. ttr-r.f To - row,. The gooney will be sr.,lited to the fund to J,•fray the t•xisot.e. of the celcbr:u i„n Why pay more for a phonograph when you can get a real "Stewart" from $15 to 135. and a beau- tiful cabinet mat hine for 15'2:' Ask fora denn"o'ration at Black'tone'a ice cream parks,. Agent for Gennett Records No more siwezlrg summer colds ! Hay fever yields to Raz -\fah always, just as rheumatism, neuritis. viatica, etc.. wilt to 7. R. C•'s. Sold locally by H. C. Dunlop. CLDD BCH NOTES. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the classes and Men's Club will meet at 10 a. m. The Club's topic will be: '•liow can we improve oto- secre- tions," and will be tntrnduced by Mr. Douglas Mooney. At 11 o'clock. the Lord's Supper, reception and baptism. The pastor's evening theme will be ''Paul's Conversion and Yours.- Strang- ers and visitors always welcome. -Next Sunday is missionary Sunday and a large . attendance of Sunday school scholars is requested. At the regular meeting of the Epworth • League in North street Meth' dist church next Tuesday evening Mines Leola Herm ' and Marjory Aitken will be at charge. - - The topic will be "The French \lethals, institute.'' Prayer -meeting roll 5e held on Thursday evening. AD RHEUMATISM 11 FOR FIVE VEARS chant awn /tie Tread. Maw Tablas "FRUIT-A-TIVES" YR, JOHN C. GUILDc $oe P. 0. Bax 1eE, Parnimseaa, N. 3. sa feral wd Rkeenigami jw fro years, has tog it so badly at brae I was unable to get up without aanlitaaea I tried different medicines I saw advertised and was treated by doctors in Amherst, also In my home town, but the Rheumatism earn. book. In 1916, I sew in aa advertisement that'Fruit-a-tiees'sserii ssay Mow angina. and took one box and got relief; thea I took them eight along for about s: z months and the Rhea-, mutism was all gone and /ham new felt is niece. Anyone who would oars to write me as regards 'Frenal-tives' I would be glad to tell theca what 'Prai6a- tive.' did for me." JOHN E. GUTLDER9ON, Contractor and Mason. 500. a hos, 6 for $2.50, trial sfae 25o. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Flim,--ti.es Limited, Ottawa. Oat: OLD HOME WEEK. REGISTRATIONS David M. Aitken and family, of Los Angeles. Cal. Mrs. Harry Keenan. of Detroit. Mrs. F. W. Johnston (nee Lillie Mc. Gregor and Fred W. Johnston, of De- nims Florence Ball Clearihue. Kathleen and Winnifred Clearihue, of Regina. Sask. Mr. --and Mrs. A. T. Walker (Jessie Oke), Mildred Bessie and Dorothy Walker, Hamilton. ' Airs. 'IL Ft: Penti4 ai4 trots, 'o! Detroit. • - Irene Tliurlow. of kitchener, -- Milton Thurlow, of Windsor. Mrs. Edith Sch•ster and Miss Edna .1. Sylvester. of Ijwtrolt. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mc*trween, of Galt. Mrs. , John Me$ween, of Niagara Falls •- Mrs. E. Y. Drinkwater, of Port Stanley, E• 1t..esmpliclL oLCodeeit J.A. Taylor. of St. Thomas. Mrs. A. (1: Sperling. of Ninga, Man. A. 11. Doe. of Chicago. Mary Itairl, of Toronto.. Mrs. Robertssm and MIA. Roller• -.,n. of Toronto. • Wm. Rochrig, of.Detroit. Frank Tom, of Toledo. (Ohio. Mrs. Myron Mattilrws, of fort Huron. Gerald Mntthews. of Port Huron. 'Harvey Matthews', of Port Hnt'ea, It. McBride. of Detroit Mrs. Conrad Geets. of !tufa! .. Nora Riley. of Buffalo. ' Jennie M. Sperling. of Tratdnn. Man. Mr.. F:. (l. Hoffman -of_ i. of- l)etr..J - Mrs. II. M. 1 a ria n. of Det r2tt.. ' Miss lkrrothy I44 nnkl.rtj, if • M '- h'h: Mis+w Donaldson. rtf in•trei4 MI.. Mand ikotalds)n.,of !Highland 1hark. Mleh. Mrs. ('. R. Watson. ,.f New York. Kenneth C. Watson. of New York. Thomas D. Amy. of Ilirfort. Hannah ATey .0 Rtirtit�. Fred It Smith. of tondos). 11'm. C. Stew'nrt.bf llttnmwa, Iowa. Mrs. reed Morgsn. of Port Stanley. Mrs. M. Teo. of Detroit. ictor,):. 1-er.tmete. of Detroit • Ins Gladys Fowler. of Detrolt. 'MIM Mary I:hewpilen. of Detrol,-__ n-% n i 4 Mrs: 4)..i:. .Neville. of i.e. 1 r..It. to. D'. Sons of T .mato. . Mr, mill Mrs. 11_ t4, RieMattn, of Kltehe ns r. 1lontald ihull:a1:tit of Kdtchene�t, Renta toligmire, of Toronto. George IropI,,s and family, of De- t reit. Mrs. l'nt* er. ,ef aero Park. New Ont. 1 I. Carver, .,t rim Park, Now Gary. r:. 1 . Tlmrl, w-. of Windsor. r C. E. Me.lrtl, r, of Windsor. Wilbur F' 1'. Anderson. of Ottawa. F. if. (Treem., 0! At. Tired.. 1'11111p 11. .1 flatlet, of tore in. (thio. Mrs. 1. R. Watson, of Watertown, N. Y. l.anra We tom. -of Wntortmrn, N.Y F. M. \t';ot.ws, of waterfowl,. N.T. Mr. and Mra, IR, 1. Smith, of (delph. Mr. R• ',t. Jones, of tetrolt. Anna 1' Rattler. of Detroit. E. M. C..,ssion. of letroir.. i Annie Mo11oo, If Tlotroit. Mr,. Elines, of -Toronto we., 11nward, of Dnek..o,. Mit h. ('l:,irlott" }Toward, of .Aickwnn, \i ieh 11,rriet ilkonsrd, of Jackson. Mich. 1: - I.,,hei Douglas. of Chnt1tnm. 1. 1- Hallway. of Chatli,m• no Mr. Eby Douglas. of Lmcknow, Mi.. yeas i# Douglas. of Ln9kn ow. ' Nos., s1/, ,Dyer of Port Cnnningtnn. 11i.,. mare Holliday. of Stratford. 14i.. Winifred Rellrnore, of De- troit. !tort iorenaon. of Toronto, W. cash. of Peterhof"). GM. M. St radian, of - sal Drage -1 - Mr. and ultra. DI. H. llhnlanga, of Chicago, 1R. Mlxnee Harris Paamore and Edwina l'.a,nwt[se of l hk ego. Stelby• Pa -more. of Chicago. .Kohn P. Glazier. of Kitche,.er, .t. R, Maet►onald. of Detroit. •:.pr. Rod. Morrison. of Detroit. Mrs. A. Miller. of Detroit. \,,stoat Rtnabel. of Detroit. Mrs. Aogns.t Strube!, of Detroit. \Drs. H. Mar+:ewgor, of (tetroti. ''. twaneon. of ,W+ngham. sirs C. So.n,.on, Ot Wingham. Morris Awan,.,n, of 11•ingham. lava Swanson, of Wingham. .tgnes Swanson'. 'of \Vingham. Nies. .1. M. "H*air, ret Toronto. Miss M: E:.Iwarthi. ..:' Chicago. Mrs. Was. Ramsay, of New Liskeard. Mrs. Arthur Buchanan, of Dus.-- •:*otrge B0, I:anan. onnchuerh. Ont. f D R: H. Jolson Jaunt . Ea IH Otto- 14- Cale, of C1in:..n. Mrw. lda Gordon, of Lneknow. ]lis. W- 1{. Cemplbei! of Auburn. Fliml.eth Blackwood. ,.f Detroit. Minirtta M. Kirkpatr-,-k. of Sarnia Mutt Kirkpatrhlc, of sante. Verna Kirkpatrick, of-trnla. Herten. Mak'olm. of Sirs. Inn. Knlaley, of ay.:inaw. Mtr John Knisley. of Sagin.•.v, Mieh, Mrs. Gee Gregory. of !'etrolee. Ev.lyh Gregory. of Petr dee. Xis-FAL;h Rarewell. of T•'roato, PL it Tw pedIP. of ('oinm'..1+. Ohio 11'ill.•rt \Illtinn. of Destro.• Mrs. 11'it.Prt Million, of I'-'roit. Mas. case 1.. Wand. of W i ndanr, Mr.. $yrhsey Dove. of Detroit. Frank fore, of Detroit. Teddy Leve. of Detroit. Grace- lore, of Detroit. W. 1.. C:ukas, of At. Lonia, M- 33-1. of St. Ionia. ail... Iizni.•rh (Incas, of St Louis, Mo. MI.. r. Martin. of Toronto. Mrs. Mary Melt -or. of 'Detroit. John D. Kelson, of Detroit. 1 G. McLean. of Detroit. Nr.. it, G. McLean. of Detroit. F,lh•t-n• McLean. of Detroit. Mt._ %re. MacLean. of Lakewood. Ohio 11rs. (' Rtigney. of Detroit. Mr.. 'f R. Graham. of I)etrolt. .T'. jt. Richardson. of Highland Park. Mb h. Mrs. .1- R.•Richanl.on, of flighlaml • Mr.. .litlotr Rove, of 'T)etrott. .trtlntr Rom, of Detroit. Mr. F: g. Young, of Cochrane . Dr 4 : I'-rie T. Egener. of Minnea- polis. JDs.. Christine M'dlsean. of Tomato. J. .1. Carling, of (ittelph. Mnrgiart i . Symons. of Sit mitt. f.'leyton P.' eock, of Gmelph. ...Mrs. jt'. 1. Peemek. of Guelph. LItWIn �nnt, of Toronto. Me.. W. W Hogg, of .tackson. Mich. neo. It. Nmlth: of 11-cllsindport. • ..tlrin `smith. of WPllandport. Mrs. W. R. Lawhhrook. of Acton. 1C.. R. L4,shhrook. of Acton. wroll's McKay, of Detroit. �tialltlta, of Toronto, hH.tltte Parks, of Detroit. tinily l':rrke, of rk•trolt. 1. C, (ar•Ip, of Rranttonl. Dt. .1 1'ri,lhem, of Calawry. \!rv. R 1. PrMham. of (wlgary. 11ra .1 P. Reid, of Toronto. .1. 1'. 14.•4 of Tomato. A. A. 1tr•rrow, of 1)Ptmlt. (�•eo. R,ehlnsnn, of Detroit. Mr.• I;,Y, Rnhinaon, of (carnia. F.vsty,a M,o•arthy. of Dstrolt Mrs Sranlley mall. of Rr.ntford. \frr. 1511.1 Mr.t. W. J. Little. of Luck - w. MIs• Anne pnliivon, of Detroit. ('. O r'onnnt. of Detrolt. Me'. Sara Redtnr, oft troll. M1. vier* tC- tetentwn. of Detroit. J. W. 1'e . rm, of Port Huron. Mrs. .T. 10. Petterwnn, ant Port neon Kiloton: f Toronto. s, of_vtdhnry, Ont. ---- I{. Rr•.pbey, of Detroit. roplwy, of Detroit. .ow. of Detroit. f Totorpo of Iltse•oato. a Stewart Du Ree. of Iowa • it • H Cl MIs. .1 W D,lwon. of Port Homo. lies (:. 1'. noeitworth, of Ford ejty. N11•. Phyllis Daekwort . of Ford ty THE COLBORNE STORE August is the month when Summer Merchandise is clear We have many special values to offer in Summer Goods They are marked down to clt_ar quickly You will find real bargains in, every department' Very special values in Ready -to -'Wear VOILE DRESSES The Voile Dresses are selling quickly as the bargains are exceptional. All Voile Dresses are being cleared at $7.49. Soule of these dresses are markedas high ase *20.04 and they are all made from the best materials in light and dark patterns pret- tily trimmed with lace and organdy. , They are all to be, cleared at $7.49 VOILE WAISTS - Special clearing of Voile Waists at *1.49. These Blouses are very special and it will be to your advantage to see these numbers. They are'trimmed with lace and buttons. To clear quickly at *1.49. WHITE SKIRTS This is the season for.. White Skirts. We have divided our stork, into two lots and are clearing these Skirts at $2.40 and` s _ =2.79. Every Skirt is this season's make and are all made from' a very fine white aberdine. To clear at *2.40 and *2.79. Pillow cases 42 in. in a very special cloth ac 460 each. Hand. Towels in a heavy weight et 100. saaL Another Special at 36c Ladies' White and Black Strickinge in silk at 98c. • - Ladies' White Lisle ]lose at 35c a Pair Ladies' Combinations at each. Plain Voile, in \shite, pink, blue and brown, at 85c a yard. • Check Organdy. 45 in. wide. . ar *2.50, for *1.50 a yard. SPECIAL A wonderful range of Trieolette Blouses in all sizes, prettily- trimmed with a very new lace and made in Russian style. These Blouses come in tomato, honey dew, light blue. medium_bhie,naxynnd , at *6.00, *6.50 and $7.00.eaab. Be sure and see these Blouses for they are the very - neamtin tneolette. - If you do not wish to buy the Blouse ready-made we have the cloth by the yard in tomato, honey dew, white, black, light and medium blue and navy blue. This is the newest cloth on the Mar- ket. H. GOLBORNE & CO. THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Miss Isabel Foster, of Toronto. Mas'. Norma Ginn, of Toronto. MIs. Mayne Smith, of Detroit. Jas. T. VI.1s-an. of Detroit. Geo. W. 1.1 dd1 •(BTI 't-IIe�roii: Jr..Jr. Mho Ellzntseth Correll. of Toronto. 0. M. Glenn. .4 ('hk•ago, 111, Mrs. 0. M. Glenn, of ('hleago. 111. Horace J. Horton, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Mrs. H. J. Horton, of Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. Helen MacHenry. of Detroit. Mrs. Elizabeth Sturdy MacHenry. .ef Detroit. Derry G. Horton. of Toronto. Mrs. I•tovo-.k:. Mnrtln. of Fort Wil- k,n,. BASEBALL TALK. Zurich Wino Protested Game. The manager of Purity Flours had a good deal of trouble getting a team to- gether on Monday to play the protested game with Zurich, ae. all the players wanted to remain home and help cele- brate Old Biome Week. As a result they met with another defeat at the hands of the Dutchmen, the score being 13.3 at the finish. Ramsay started in to pitch for Purities. but after ten rums had been scored of his delivery in one innings he was replaced by Lindsay, who did good work, only three runs being made while he was'on the mound. Ohlert was the box -artist for Zurich. There was only about half -a -dozen "rooters" who made the trip with the team from Gode- rich. The attendance at the game was fairly good. On account of space being scarce this week the report of this game has to be curtailed. Old-timers' Game. On Tuesday morning two baseball teams composed of players who, at diff r• ent periods in by -roe days were active performers on this same baseball dia- mond while wearing the Goderich uni- forms, had a friendly game at Agricul- tural Park. A goodly number of the Play- ers had played in contests that were more blo for "od' than the game on Tuesday. Five innings were played, the score stand- ing 6 all. as announced by the official scorer. He alio announozd that the tie would be played of at tate (text ()td Hunte week celebration in Godetich. The pitch- wortterrea from wing the deceiving curve ball. The features of the game were the speed and excellent playing of A. Mc- Laren, Toronto: "Peck" Shannon. Ot- tawa Dudley ley Hdrttee, Wingham; Dr Ralph Hooper, Toronto: "Vic" Dean and "Rill" Doyle, Buffalo, catchers; Dr. E. J. Swarts, Sellwood, Ont.. and Jas. Wiggins, of town, pitchers. Other should be men- tioned here, but lack of space forbids. Spectators and players enjoyed the game immensely. "Sid" Malcomson, "Jack" Nairn and "Dick' Black picked the teams out for this evert. Mr. Alf. Secord, of Montreal, and Dr. Hunter, of town, were the umpires, and their decisions sore sometimes all right, but at other tames were debated a good deal by the players. The following is the line-up : No. 1 team. -V. Dean, c; E. Swarts, p; 0. Rhynas, 1b; L. Parsons, as; C. Keene, rf; D. Thompson, lb: R. C. McDermid, 2b: A. McLaren, 3b; Roy Sparring If. No. 2 -Jas. Wiggins, p: W. Doyle, c: C. Shannon, cf; A. Higginson, 1 b; Harry Johnston, rf; Albert Robinson, 3b; W. Buchanan, se; Ralph Hooper. 2b; Dudley Holmes, 1f. Liners. The sporting editor of The Goderich Star should read up the back numbers of I The ;Signal and get posted as to how I district . o. ti stands. The way The Star Fgured out the standing last week was ftrat her muted. The burlesque baseba'I game put on at he Par' a on Tuesday morning g bY local i talent was much enjoyed by the spec- ; tators. The players were so well des- ' guised that The Signal scribe could not • pick out the actors. Hence the absence of the line-up. Zurich defeated Crediton on Thursday. BAY 30th, at the former pince'by the score of 10 to 5. The famous Ohlert, he of res,n•nn-the-ball fame, was driven from the mound. Crediton having a merry-go- round whale he occupied the box. flet Hoffman put a stop to the'•Brickmakers" frolic. Gaderich baseball "fans" say that the game at Crediton on August 4th between Purity Flour and the team of that burg would have been a much better contest if there had been an unbiased umpire at the helm. They make this claim not because Goderich lot't the game, but because there was no excuse for some of the um- pire's decisions against the visitors. It was a fairly good game. but was spoiled by the facts above stated. Score. -Cred- iton 3. Purity Flour 2. Jonteel Beauty Refinements TALCUM -The glorious new odor of'26 flowers FACE POWDER ----Adherent, invisible COMBINATION' CREAM -Beautifies the skin PERFUME -In handsome bottles SOAP -Delightful odor, lathers freely Sold only by THE REXALL DRUG STORE - -. R `C. DrNL,OP -- GODRRICH