The Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 7See Our Select Stock of
Ladies' Whitewear
1,1 the Latest Effects
Ladies' Collars
Rnd many other lines of wo-
men's and children's wear.
-Novelty Goods -
A very extensive line, 'It
would be worth your whsle to
call and inspect theta.
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square -- Goderich
limn of Goderich
d.ruh of lir. !ferry A. i.tewatt of
sasio,tu.l, u former reeidwrt of. this
u!ty. the wa' he st•rv,d
fur +t utuulw•r of year* h1 Fr.uue,•iu,.1
nP Mil not t•u}u)'t•d g,sol health sin.,
his rend u. .\ •hurt time ago he w• tit
to the Mayo liespital at Ito hl•, t, r
,Alan., for Nasus N,t, x1111 Le flies! then.,
after uI.1.•rg.etteg an operation.
Mr.. T. \\Ltsou has 1.•turn,lI fluid
the Wile:haul hospital, where she 111,.1
been Vias .e 111. 11hA-414 doing w'i•11.
:Mary('..u1w 11 w,ts auu,ug the
nte,•r..ful r.uri n -;'aur sludekt- .t1 To-
ronto. this ;year. graduating in yetis.
The remains set John Hackett. a
native of AsItttel.l will a eon-ln 1d
I12.•11. Hackett, who flied 111 1A11111011
1.14 week, was br.aight here for im
•,•rna•11t. -
- %VINM1IL\\I. .
L%W'N• SEK1'l('E iHOU'RS
:ire from i a.m. to 8 and
from S p.m. to 10 p.m.
Ae.\• 4w..-,ui or per -.n:•
ii -lug ' water for lawn semi •
,.;Iter thin during the ale,,
„ser" -err u-1118 lawn servI.
:thole first applying owl Iia,
u;r for Kiwis -will 1,.•Gable •
;.In.eeittiun and tl,.lr
.n seal' e.•rsi.-.• 4urtiwl off w•lth.,
rt le.•.
Water a.•n:.v,, are to 4e' in•
-I...Med•und :illy found
.s isle leaky tai.. or ,..•r►i.•ra or in
.ny way waveiu,g water will lie
'alt ,.IT. ire.• I:,1tyour plumb -
is all In Cloud condition and
fold 2roui•le for all eon.ernel
1 t t1. -t • 11t•.ney "f' p•Imp
Wash Days
A Sunlight Wash Day is
free from the toil and
41. labour usually associated
with washing because
Sunlight Soap washes
clothes beautifully clean
and white without rub-
bing or scrubbing.
Water and Light Commission
Town of Goderich
Flauuetette* at reduced prime.'
sheeting it reduced pile's.
Rockford Drill at reduces' prle.•-
tiiuxhani at reduced prier..
A felts-.astlULtW&t for Window
Curtains, from/0e sad up.
.Aft -work tS aw awryblue. duuhlte
771tr.?i ?ard.
ear, to clear, at prices
A yea number of arrh•Ir• in-
Groceries at redtwrd prier+.
The Num Phone 16
When It's a -
Question -of
"The Old Reliable"
A full .tock of Light file.
::l fell, Is:el:trical Household
I •tentifs, etc., aIw tw on h•tnd_
Estimate: given and con-
tracts taken for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Nest Postoffiesi
noose: Stora. sr; E'ss 1113
being the surest,gentlest,
purest of all cleansers is
kind to the ofothcs-they
last ever so much longer
-kind to the hands, too.
Insist on getting the Soap
you ask for -
Tri Sunlight for
,yourself and see.
UHrrED, Toombs
Good Plumbing
Poor Plumbing
--- - Wass we de: the J. i. we
give you the right k -the
ktod that given yon pleasure
rifle\ ('omfort.
Hamilton St.'.., Meow tax
I'htmning Heating
Laventr..ulrl,irig Metal Work
Decorating Materials
Wall Papers, Paints, etc.
We sell you the materials, or
take the contract of decorating
your home, store or office.
Estimates cheerfully given .
Window Glass, Plate Glass
Miners,. Ne.
We can supply your wants in
any kind of Glass
North side West st. Phone 354
Only Tablets with "Bayer COMM"
are Genuine,'AWN%
in milan, organdy
tulle and mohair, with.
trimmings from the
plain corded and
moire ribbon to the
beauty of flowers and
Miss M. R.lMlacVicar
Kingston street, Goderich
If you don't see the "Bayer Cress"
on the tablets, you are not getting
Asppirin-only an acid imitation.
The "Bayer C'reai" is your only way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
over nineteen years and proved safe by
millions for Headache. Neuralgia, Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuritis, and for
Vain generally. Made .. Canada.
Handy tin bosh of'12 tablets -also
larger aiud "Biyer" packages son be
had at drug stores.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
Mn*oacetirarideater of Salicylicacid.
While it is well known that Aapirie
means Bayer manufacture, to assist the
public . ainat imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross.
Young Husband -It seem+ to me. my
dear, that there is something won; with
this cake.
The Bride (smiting triumphantlyl-
That show+ what you know about it.
The cookery book lays it's perfectly
if his tMh-.ere Aran. t flatly in.peetion with the John Robinson
Cireus that came. to I.oderich ,1Etse 25.
14I' *F(Iirrih.
1' Ati.`an� M i;..:'.- 141.1gil!11 t. ,.
COUNTY AND DISTRICT.have 1w41•II .re.ide set• t4� furtu fel
Thos. Bennett Ila+ sold his 22
fame 1111Ju Iiii*e Ise village of t,
to Wilfrid King. for aiemethIng .
<_df 212,
'Phe aleath nrr nrr..t at Y lrtrtets h
fatal. f4,udnu. on .111111' 14th, of Nellie
Mae \Miller, wife of Thos. .1. Sherrttt,
Jr., of H.•nsatl. et the age of tw'e nty-
edc year-.•s her linehand, a
Huh. wen +nn iyew.
Thomas Williamson, an old and re-
spected re ident o! Grey township, died on
the sth fir st. at the are of eighty-three
years. He had lived in Grey township over
fifty years. Mrs. Williamson died ten
years acro and three sons and ,three
daughters sury ve
The'marriaQa of Elsie Margaret, only
dru,lhter rtf;Mr. and Mrs. Aueust Stief.
West Monkton. to Hartwell G. Speiran,
of Grey township. took place at the
Lutheran manse. Stratford Mr. and Mrs.
Speiran will reside on the groom's farm on
the 12th concession of Grey.
The teacters of the three senior depart-
ments ••f the Brussels school have a!I
resigned their positions nn the staff Mr.
Scott has received a9 ap.w.intment at the
London Technical and Art Schon!; Miss
Morris will take charge of the mathe•
matical department of the Oakville Col-
legiate, at d Miss Geddes «441 likely go to
The home of fir. and Mrs. {Welling-
ton Neil. of the 1BrIi (OILY'+.I(l of
i'-sllworne, wens the atone of a pretty
wedding on 4Ve ln.wla y, .111122• xth.
when their yours -.t diaghter. irluri
Mae, w•H' nnitell In marriage to .1111wes
H. Turnbull, of Wtnclt elww. The erre-
tnun7 •a•Hv perfnt11w411 br ilet. I1. M.
('hldler. The yotnig eOlryde 'Will re,.4M
on the groom's farm at 1Vlm•ielween.
'MVe..ley Wein, sem of Mr. amt Mrs.
ttetfrie.l \Vein. of ('r•(liton. has re-
turned bona. with Iles hrkle. formerly
MIw+ Wttlert of Pittsburg,' and the
young eoupM wt11 rr-.lde on tine Erwlm r,
farm 'pear iMM rvn.
Thursday. Jule :a, 1921 --1
soul of .Ir. awl Mr.
.I. .\.
Morton. Atkin ha.. been we -infant
Hie. general rininager of tate stink
f 4hiniillou, hax al}IwinteI to
2111*ltlageN li l of the !Link of Ilalu•
;2011 Craueh 1►t \'.Illeullter. It.• ('.
1011t1e•1111 ' ST..*.1rt, a 4..ruu•r w141
is nowt] n•sident. .r \\`iuglw w, p:t.-w1
.n;ty ,Ino•• 1-( .21 hi. Iw.uu• :it Le•
.\age ire, Califerl2.2. aged *evenly tit.-
''.e• i11.ttte of Sir. and Mr.. rho..
u.. Saturday. .lone 11. their
Y lr...Faetuner Ina, was married
h•om., Burke. Iter.. F:. F. Arm -
,iron: y ,lft'':uiu;c, Mr. and • Mr:
Iarke well r•.i4.• on the groom's fano
.t funvWr prienbient citizen of Willie -
•.n •.,.....1 i •.it' ill flit. • of ht.+
Lu,::h'.•r. NI.- ,IIe•heringtoi, at Pull -
1.: \\..•b , „ir \I ,y :Gqh. hl the
.0 \Cilli:use 1'I. g. iin-cettw411 was
I.a4n iu t:,'1b--;-I timuship :uul litter
'Aught -a'll'ot 11. \turrh and ora. lown-
I ip .elerla. H.• tuoterI from doxy• lo.
I:Ilse. 1.':,'r.• 1.• 12.t•'ill the Bard ar,•
n•Lr •- : n,l .a_ Mmes.,' of the;e.
..ft.•rward. mining 10 '1, when
;e• ,'•'• .111 tTie grililn 411-i1w•.R. Fur
IVO. casino he ora- Ma;tor'er the town.
ti n It tnrb.trii he 111111141 r0 rhe 1-f
idles -..t Men:. aa.t._wan Uretr.a& lumane.
r..r f..r a tiff.,. _ hoirt elgMw•n months
6.• 11141 ,Ir-. 2'teri: went to Wash -
..22 2„ reside with 14e it adopt.-d
IanKirt+r ---
The• Ae�th 'occurred on Wednesday.
, lube 13th. of Mrs. 'Roger Pepper, aged
sixtyhve year;. Besides her husband,
two daughters and lour sons survive.
i John .Shaw.,a retired school teacher.
who for some years had been living
here with hi: son, Di. J. W. Shaw,
died on lune 13th. at the age of. eighty -
I four y ears. He was a native of Argyle-
, shirr. ,c,tland. He commenced teaching
at the age ot sixteen in North Carolina
alter which the family removed to this
country. and 11/41r. Shaw taught for many
yea:+ in the county of Huron, at Walton
and Brussels. also at Teeswater and Col-
:;n;wood. He remained active until the
nd. his death occurring unexpectedly
of ter a few hours' illness.
Mary M. Tewsley, wife of D.B. Geering,
f Wmnipeg. died at the home of ,,her son
at 'Cleveland, Ohio, on June 10th. The
&ceased wos a daughterol the late Henry
ewsiey and spent her girlhood in Clinton.
I he remains were brought to Clinton for
John Zapfe hes taken the place of Mr.
Atkinson in the undertaking firm ot Ball
& Atkinson. which will .nous y Bah &
P. Livermore. one of Clinton's junior
1 baseball players, broke his arm while
playing in a game retently. He will be
out of the game for the rent of the season.
W. R. McCamus. eldest son of Rev.
D. N. and Mrs. McCamus, who has been
tea:king at Ottawa, has been appointed
classical master in the Brantford Collegi-
ao• institute. Miss Marion McCamus
ha- been appointed to the staff of Jarvis
street Collegiate Institute, Toronto, as
sc.ence teacher.
Time for Straw fiats
Keep abreast of the season and make yourself
a present of a cool, light straw hat. This
is June and straw hat time.
We have a
stock of Sum-
mer Head wear
that will please
Also other
-.summer wear-
ables for men
and boys.
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' •Furnishers
Get .teguainted.
The father of Success is Work.
The mother of Success is Ambition.
The oldest son is Common Sense.
' S mle of the other boys are : Persever-
ance, Honesty. Thoroughness. Foresight,
Enthusiasm. Co-operation.
The oldest daughter ib Character.
Some of the sisters are : Cheerfu1nfst',
Loyalty, Courtesy, Care. Economy, Sin-
cerity. Harmony.
The baby is Opportunity.
Get acquainted with the "old mar." and
you will be able to get along pretty_ Weil
with the rest of the family.
-r.-rf ire .r.. rt "enfeoff .
to ieside. Their rey:l"UIw here lids
leen 4ntr'hil-..l lir 1.., '. 11.nlly. '
1211 Friday morning. 1124), hist., Sr.-
1.0toke nit iii,one of the ataek+ lit th.•
yard of the 2':utada Fiat Mills. Lim -
and before it I.,i: get tinder eo.
tro!.six large sea:•k-. ••;mtatning Nom,
11111 fiefs id' • materi.,: ',ail been eon -
slimed. Tine I..++ t„ '.i•• company, It
*atoll. will be ,e..4 $13,I10141. Thi-
Is the flits! tire the i,.a.lain}' hits ira-
te 1 In four year-
At f . 1,'e mind irrilsiting of itlyth
•'.1...4 4. mrd. Mr. i:1-•,1 Sinnott] wit•
npls.i111421 p1114t1lru .;r---1-114. public
w11o01. web le )lis- 1:,d1 retains the
pr1Irlfal-hit of flu ••, 'luna•tion e4en11-
Iwo 31r. Sion in n.1 ''". an ' hk n ase•
of S11MI In '.1111 }•.
Mr..ytwlds, o e of ties obi re+Idents
of they village•, pt. sed :Wray on Friday
;Jest Md her seem y•ninth year. tee
meas born In Inuit i,• -hire. Mention.).
her anaklen udaue- Ing Mary holm. tehe e:nm• to l' dolt when six
yveri of ,,gel amI n1cy n yearn ago
w•a.1 trnlrri,.l to Mr. Ion Dodds oriel
e$me to Myth /IS a I.ri 4''. r. 1eelds
41,411 many reou'.,l,eo :Indo a family
of .even three .survive : ( itw•Illor
1 James 11,side 1111.1 Mn-• *'*!wile ihsl,lr.
of 1417th. atsl Mn.. 1\'m Reblertaon. of
1 (leo. ILerni++ Ilan r.--:rnv1 ht'. void -
Hon as lineman for •'e• Myth innitt-
(elfin telephone s}•stwu. which he had
held for 'Ix yearn.
,Mr. nlwl Mn. Harry Glazier. of
('Ilrrton. noisome,: the ra►Rwgeme•nt of
, their eldest daughter. Elle Bernice, to
\I r. \\',ne !. (ilon+i„•r. ••f tll7th. hr
wwlding Is to fake pl:,'^ til. montTh.
The marri',ge of Mi-+ Maud her.
hour, danghter of At.I.. Helrtwmr of
Liekn.m•, to !lorry M:I'irrntrthrn of
lteljrdtr, took ranee en R'atne-nlay.
lane Wh, at the hone of the hrl.I,".
*tater. Mr. I iter. t W J. R•,1 t t of
Allantlale. tier. Mr. watt •eflh•iated
Word was reisive4 last Werk of bile
Bring Your Films to _ -us for De-
veolping, Printing ane :Enlarging
Prompt Service
- Reasonable Prices
Satisfaction ivaranteed
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B.
Phone No. 1. The Rexall Drug Siore Godf rich
Studebaker and Gray -pork
MOTOR CARS nay_ .demonstration ,with these
ca : before you decide on your spring, purchase.
--n mite
ur new $attery Charging Outfit is working
we are now ina position to handle any
of Batteries.
good Bat •ries. This is proven by the fact that
four-fifths `tf the Automobile -Companies in Can-
ada are usin • them as standard equipment. We
,have them the ready for delivery.
Non -Glare nses from $2.7$4.00 a pair.
AFriendof theFamily
Over fifty years ago a young
physician practiced widely in
Pennsylvania and became famous
for his uniform success in the
curing of disease. This was Dr.
R. V. Pierce, who afterwards estab-
lished himself in Buffalo, N. Y.. and
placed one of his prescriptions,
which he called "Golden Medical
Discovery," in the drug stores in
the United States and Canada, so
that the public could easily obtain
this remarkable tonic, corrective;
and blood -maker. Dr. Pierce
manufactured thin "Discovery"
from roots and barks without
alcohol -a corrective remedy, the
ingredients of which nature had
put in the fields and forests, for
keeping us healthy. Introduce
pure red blood into the system,
and health is assured. When you
feel run-down, out of sorts, blue
and despondent try the energiz-
ing influence of thin reliable tome.
You can obtain Golden Medical
Disoovery in tablet or liquid form
at all drug stores, or send 10e fbr
a trial package to Dr. Pierre's
Laboratory in Buffalo, N. Y.
ra< - filo.. ��s•='-- -
�.Cray--Dort- • •" ' .1; goodjas new, 1920
- 1--Btu(lebake>~, A.c linder, passenger,-.tho>
oughly overhauled. and \ epainted. -.
1 Ford Touring, in good, running order.
1- Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape.
Case Tractors and Machinery.
Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away
Ne matter bow oi4 how &FM
Minnew N__m•__A tit•
a rope around orn and s. to u• to bi Ao'tako
The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs
WIZ wear • Ile time-Pr1o.a reasooaMla
W. v hundred, a( r•oommsndatsona from en
Ad oustomsre. Ask hr "VELVETEX'• Pito*
W par axprsm both ors 7 • po Mea. order One
wag ea turd orders.
Established MO Phone MS
Western University
London, Ontario
Jiris and Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
For information and 1"alendar write
K. P. R. NEViLLE, Registrar