The Signal, 1921-6-23, Page 44—Thursday. June 33, 111:'1 THE eIGNAL Holiday and Warm Weather WRA £ WEA R To be comfortable this warm weather one must be dressed in cool clothing. At this store you can get all your require- ments at reasonable prices. See our Palm Beach Suits Outing Trousers iai pin beat`, flannel and clack . Also Negligee Shirts Summer Suspenders Belts, hosiery Cooltex Underwear Straw Hats, etc. W. V. 9ridham .igent fin. llur.alino hoot Phone S7 .' a Goderich *.,41 REDUCTION IN CANVAS FOOTWEAR WHITE &ND BROWN RUBBER SOLE 1 \\ Child's sizes 5-7, we $1.2., now 98c Youths'.sizes 8-13, wer.75, now Misses' sizes 11-2, were ..t, now Boys' sizes 1-5, were $.) W''�!!e_n'ssizes 3-7,w M en's\sizes 6-10, we 11, no re $2.40, e 25 ow. $1.49 •t-$1.19 $169 $1.98 OM. leather .49. A FULL ST, 'K TO CHOOSE Afso some 1 dies' Pumps and Oxford sole, sizes 3-7, o clear at Men's 0 fords, good fitting last, sizes 7-10, clear at $2.79. f D('NG:ANNON. Wednesday. June 22. borne YIeK,'tizIs' was 1111 a business trip ,to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr tt'na. Andrews has honied a new 4lverbnld "four" ear from Lorne M.'- K,•uafr. \live Iva 4'arr is holue fr,.m Strat- ford Normal N:•ho,.l. .'. few front here took in the gilydeu Iwo' at fort .1Il.ert on tt'1,114•sd:ty' evening. The .junior gridnation examination starts Friday morning. The following are writing from Dungannon school : Georgie •Ulan. Margaret McNabb. Har- vey ErrlI4, l0. and ('.4rutan .111e10-..41 We arc pleas11 h, ku,ov 1h.11 Jli•• Muriel Killoligh 1. improving after rhe opera then ,for upla•uel1,•Itis. wide). •li underwent 41i •the 4;,alerleil •ho*pial l *1 Monday. air. \t'ua. JL.4'111 r.' 14.1.4 ennstructl,l :1 warehouse. :In,1 gariige uq Ilk lot on the ,,suer of Main 'street. Three loads of tt'oue•u'. 1 11411 11 4.• Ie411.1e flung here visttoel the )4t. Augustine Women's Institute 1111 Fri• del\ I1.t. Methodist Gamlen Party.—The *n- nu.al 44.,l4b•u Malec' will Iw hr1A on the Methodist eloir.h grounds on Wednes- day, .11111e 21, 1114)1,1' the 111,.t11.v* Ir( 114' Epworth 1.eagi 4* Solver will. Ise 114••1 (runs 6 to • p.111.. folluNwl by 11,1+.1 • by the laieknow bras* bared. inter-per+.•.I with duets ly Mrs. J. 1:. .Ueb'•,.ol .lit t \If 1101einson. of Luck - now, solo. Gy MI...lope. of 1.11ekinew, u.d r•a.11ug• by Miss Lorna rantpleell. ..f LnrkuoN,l;iu,l Mrs. D. Fowler. of Dnng.u11ion. 1.Imission—eldults awes children .a•. There will he a [44411, on. 4.114. groo14)1-. The regular meeting of the 4.Vlimru's Institute will be twill' at Mr II,n11e of Mrs. hived Girth* .on Thursday. Jour :110111. ,, 2:ti, pont. sharp. The tople '4'oaiutry Life. Its Advantage'. nod 1'.wabillti.s." 5111 be taken by Mrs, ltoht. La.vLLsu1.. ADAMS •STA`DISH.—On Wednesday evening. June 15, the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Standish. 12th corcession, Culross, was the scene of a very happy event, when their eldest daughter. Leah May, was united in marriage to George J. Adams. of Dungannon. Promptly at 5 ,'cluck. to -the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Reta Montgom- ery, the young couple took their places: underneath the arch erected on the lawn for the occasion. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. D. McTavish. of Salem, in the presence of about fi:ty guests. The bride was beautifully gowned ' in whtite silk crepe de chew, and was attended by her tittle sister. Margaret. who acted as flower -girl. After congrat- ulations had been extended the guests partook of a dainty bullet, luncheon which was served on the lawn. Among the guests from a distance were : Mrs. E. Standish. Toronto: Mrs. W. Harvey, Stratford, and \tr. and Mrs. R. Standish, ' Goderieh. The young couple were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, a token of the high esteem in which they are held. They left the same evening for their new home. near Dungannon, followed by the best wishes of their many friends. CHAS. W. ALTON Phone, f odert..h Rural 76t.: LANES, Ont. - ie Tai1oringr Worrit" There Is great temptation today to c atpeil clothes, either cloth, trim- mings or skill in making. With " Martin Clothes " quality comes first. Leave your order with us and rest assured that nothing will be slighted. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor I have taken over the Grocery business of Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the cash system, ensuring customers the beat possible values. A full line of Groceries wi:l be carried. Your patronage will be appreciated. .: FAUST to Fido Trans - Transcript. The feeble tremble before opinion, the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, the skilful direct it.—Mad. Roland. I As the wind is. so is mortal life; a ash, a sob, or a storm. a strife. Arnold. ST HELPLESS S DANCE. The Muscles of the Hands, Face and Body Affected. St. Vitus dance is a disease of the nerves brought on by a morbid condition of the blood It is common with children. attacks girls more frequently than s. Irritability is frequently one of the 4rst\,aigns noted. The child (rets, is quarre me and does not sleep well. The jerky ements that characterize the I disease co e a little later. The limbs and sometinjes the ,wheile body jerk spasmodically. ''rind in severe cases the pow r of speech t4' ,affected. Such a child should not be al . wed to studv, but should be kept quiet, •iven a nutritious diet, rem ,in out of , , s a, as much as possible. Ur. Williams' 'ink Pills will help the blood restore t shattered_ nerves. The value 01 these pi in cases of this kind is shown by the ' lowing, statenient 'from Mrs. Frank Rey •olds, Windsor, N. S. who says: "Whe a young girl 1 suffered very severely fro St. Vitt.s dal ce. 1 could not keep still for a moment. 11 I tried to handle dishes I broke them, and could not safely attempt to hold a thing in my hands. No matter what was done for me 1 could not control ' the twitching in my face and body. My parents gave me several remedies, but they:did not help me. Then one lay my. father brought home a half•dozen b ores of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After two ioxes had 'been taken there was an im- provement in my condition. By the time the last box was gone, to my own g.eat joy and relief to our fam.ly, my condition was normal, and 1 have since enjoyed good health. i never lose an opportunity to say a good word for Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." You 'can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Pr. n r.M:Ns.` • 'hnrday, Jinn. 21. 'Nl4s (:hilts Webb 1's'home from Stratford Normal am!' MGCs Dorothy We1Mer frxttn Wit/ghoul High Schad. iMl... Ruth l'hIllfpv L. ci'ittug friends at Nile. Mr. and .Me,.. Bram/mean and grand- daughter Muriel. of (rw1•11 Nonnd are vbdting their (laughter at the 111.1 111.11. Mica J,srie 1Samerem and her eon*in. sir. Allan 'MelSonal/. of Toi'.nrn,, are ylsiton. at Mrs. Ft', ltamen.l'v. Harrl. Portion wits on a motor trip to Barrie. lIrs. H. 31vCtvaMe is home from Nile, where nbe was visiting her doter, Mrs. McWhinney, Garden Party.—The gn ohm lag rty held Friday evening waa a gnat sn.'- ".*. The woefber wits all that could Ix. desired. There wens a great gatln•r- 4ng of pia►(ele and all waned to enjoy the growl supper. the eloquent ",pies -hon and grand mimic. Proceeds from the gate were $215. Weston', inatltute.—Th„ it Tle1,41'. tt'. en'r+ 1nstlt1ttc held irs s,,. i II :111 log on on Tlulrsdn, on the lawn of Mrs. Charles. 1)urnln. The ladies loot with tlw-n rhe fkivermnetrt'. r'Irro'..•ntatl'p, Mis►, P„1r't, of 4'xhrI,tgo who aldrrw,, est the leathering on Dntitate work in general and ehlM nur.ine Mi*. itmn.k• Murray, It. N., of Itnffsln, who went \• uvorsras ' 1th tow lluit.ilo I'•1" 1"" (tltal uult, mt"e as 11001 at of h. r :Itotl1 Wile. were vory•1Iwiai'. rev. Mrs. It. A(,•-tlllat• of K: tine, district M1•vretary ,I•" N.' cut. 1.1114.1, war serve. •i .l .11. ably thio opeut. Mr. J. M. Smith Ix a I::i 'r 4 Matci.,l lug 1 h funrhl 1 ut •1,1. ,r.l,,,i.ou: F111• 1l.ly Smith. • fARIAt11 W'tdur- Ma•. 11114 Mr,• tt'r �a -k . are the gtleaty , • of 1:onlou Yotitlg. Sir. Wm. 1'laya,a's %4.11.• gl.ul to ewe I. kilo :114)1 hearty whl. ointments. In the fief_ Mrs. J. H. Treble's n glad to know that ell, .• • illg. Mr*. Jas. MMeRride - rotino. Lome after spending a . ; •'f `:1r $.•.,forth and :other;-• Mis. :vb•rltng gad );. l:l.tek, Gol.•rb•h. sl►el)t a day I.,•t )'•••k at 111. Il • of Mev. Thos. 11,1.1.•-• 111•• Diluter and Mr• tt'4.::r. oI 1'. troit..were ghee gu,-t,, , i lir ,1114 ti Jo1,n li.11lagher. 1._ uu1,n'1 Mr. and Mrs. herb .tCau. i.f '1 r1111h., petit the aaeek-' I'd Walt \I tltau'• :111141. 111.. The ti -I lis''. Mr. J.1rv4,. 1Ie1tri,le fir*t•,•L1.s Ilathrlu;; sy• pito hu•, d from Mr. L: Goelerle1,. Jarvis Iwl. •• ., 1,., 1lling". 1116(0 -date, Mr. :1141 Yrs. Frani, 1:.1 114,1 3 11 win. al... Mr. Jas. Ito11 c, 1 ..f S'r•,1 fonL *lent Smoggy wit ; tt .4:l 4 '41 A. 4'. (*lark. The martial and si; frieodty gigue 04 4,. evening. The 'single S to 7. They had tin sympathy, es the co sun• tit it they would c so did not come ort t •1frc. Slottride. of () Sunday wish her Niel - Scott. Mrs. .Tai. Wat.ou i -,i -wan sent Sunday with Mr 11r.. teem. 1 u4) 1 1.11,1 unr. ; I .fe.Yh M. - .1 114,.. 1 SHEPI'ARDT. aX A C9x1POSITION.--Oa being asked for a come/ovation. in letter describing the school and its surrounding', an entrance pupil wrote • the following, which is considered worthy of publicilion: 219 Dund t. Street, Peterborough, June lo. 1921. Dear Charles,—I am grad to have the opportunity of telling you about our school. which stands in a` rather pictur-1 esque situation not far from a church and store, which help to comprise 'the tittle village of Sheppardton. ' The school 1s surround(' Sy a well built' fence, which has become d,.a;>ldated by years of strife. Behind it runs a small ; stream on which are spent many of the' cold day's of winter in skaang and sliding , and other amusements. , A high elm stands in one cornet with its lofty branches hanging over the road. Rows of maples shade the school from die 4•.t rays of the sun and give a brilliant sense of nature in the delightful moths of tall and l hRefSIMront which faces the road is made t N. starch near the beautiful by two well -kept flower beds. I At the back of the school +a woodshed in- - which our supply of ad is kept for winter use. and the road. We have a rge plaluound for games—basebal being our tavorae game, of which we sever tire. Behind tie v h.iol the grass rows long, where we :;and many preaous moments searching foe the lost ball which lies hidden under "nue green tuo of rase until some gentle ha'1d picks it up. I should like to hear of your school acid its surroundings in your next letter. Yours truly, ERWIN FOSTER. PO14'I' .%1.1IERT. Wednesday, .Ione t. 41 i AIle,' 14ol.inw.p has returned to 1 Ii.. Koine at T.,i.rttto after a pleasion vi- r 41(44 her friend, Mi.s Lizzie ' Fe •-ter. The profess!. of -the social evening, on June fieri :a the Amnesia chptcli erP'aninuntet r7eT.M.. Miss Mae laickwm bas returned to 1,••r dunes eit Toronto after 'prmling tivo weeks miler 414.• pm retool rood. John Tiger '_ r, 111 -railed a so *01in+' .1111141 this woo ter. E. 'Fa}dor. r.; Toronto --spent 411 week -end with Mr. and Mrs. !Intr. '1CIIli• :nl'l W'iIIM'm Dickson have tot lied fn i t' •• where "The « he Sco tch\Store 9' M STORE HOURS : 8 A. M. TO b P. , SATURDAYS 10 P.M. COOLER UNDERWEAR Warm weather means cooler undergar lents. No per- son needs to dread�» he warm weather if they ould select the proper undergarments. Women's Lisle Vests 39c. to $1.00 Women's fine quality Lisle Vests in cumfy cut, opera and short sleeves in a variety of weaves. Women's Pink Bloomers 50 cents Special value in Women's Pink Lisle Bloomers. Very special, 50c. Women's Lisle Combinations 85c. to $2.50 There is a greater demand e ch sea- son for Combinations. We sh w all styles in sleeveless and knee le' gth, short sleeves, knee and ankle length. Nlany styles, 85c to $2.50. Women's Natural Pongee Bloomers 52.95 Women's tailor-made Bloomers made from extra quality natural Pongee silk. Special $2.95 pair. Children's Summer Vests, Drawers and Combinations in all sizes Special values in Women's Nightgowns, Drawers, Underskirts and —Corset Covers • Kayser Itallan$elk-Underwear—"The Underwear Superb" Women's Smart Blouses at Popular Prices Women's,J'- ;lap Silk Blouse $3 - This is an extra smart Blouse, made from good quality Jap silk. Pin tucks, roll collar, long sleeves. $3.50 each. Women's Georgette Blouse $6.50 A- -very smart, . dressy Blouse, made. from good quality French Georgette in navy and sand. Round neck, short sleeves. Special $6.50. ' Voile Blouses in all the new styles. Pullover and tie backs from $I.50. A chance to.buy Nairn's Scotch Linoleums at $1.50 square yard. 5 pieces only Naim's celebrated Scotch Linoleum, 4 yds. wide, in block and floral_e designs, suitable_for'ery' room in the house. Secure a room length while they last. Regular value $2.25, for $I.50 square yard. / NEW GOODS ARRIVING THIS WEEK , Shadow -proof Silk Underskirts for wearing with organdy dresses. /i New Camisoles New Organdies • New Sweaters New Dresses(' THE COOLEST SHOPPING PLACE IN TOWN Ire Mil St&ar's Scotch56 Phone T Leading Mail and Phone Order Store, riII A> ,r• they wt•rr e: eking w.'1, the collmteerx. - '41 r. noel M G,,, (:raven, of ( NI,'- rieli, Mrs. r,.,. tl, nanism 041.1 Ilr. anal - Mrs,, John- a' . , of this ether, motored to- M.'talttor Mot meet* 440(4 spent the w.'•k».111 N• relatives of '4I r. 4141►, (: reen. Iter. It. Dawkins. wif' . nd +•hil.l- rrn. ,d ttlytit. .yp•414 a day t1, )Ir. x141 ,Mr.. \t' a lira. last wee Mix. Walker Murray +unl l.. Pa'm1,'y took in the excursion to t r.rit and b:e•k on elle .tell neer 4:rey= honn1. MONDAY, June 20. Mr. and Mrs -P, -Sherwood, of Belfast. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrr. S. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schwan, of Detroit. spent a few days viliting friends around here. Mr. Sam. Kilpatrick, of Brantford, is visiting friends here. Miss May '4Ienary returned to her home at Sheppardton after spending the past few months with friends around here. Miss Irene Mctluotd, who has been attending Normal at Stratford. is spend- ing the holidays at her home here. Mr. Sam, Sherwtkxl and Mr. P. Finni- gan have purchased Ford cars. We are sorry to report Mn. William Hasty is under the doctor's care. Miss Maggie Shackketon, of Kintail, visited at the home of Mr. Matthew Shackleton on Monday last. A I' 1:1 ICN. To Celebrate Fiftieth Asnlversary.— Thr Methodists of Auburn are pr'gar- Ina for the holding .4 golden JuMlee service. 1,i cmnne,,,oration of the fiftieth annivenslry ..f the cotseeratton Of- their ohnrvh. The celebration will he 'held on August ;tt and Rth (M Ftrm.hty. the 7th, .p..•lal aerrkrw will he held. and iter .t (kart Amhh, M A. It. D. field were—tory for foreign mlw.ion,. will pn.s'•h morning and evening. Mr. 14anitl:'.4 father, Rev. A. • Smith. was the first minister of the ulrurn circuit. On Monday evening out11.e)r .4041.11 1'1'31111 will be 11.'11. 4,1 11o4x,1 t0 hay, present nlauy outer ministers nod members of the ':Igregation. and a thus of molt In- n•-t..t amt Tarp-pl4'a4nre• to to protilo-T. K I NT.0 L. The Kinteil U. F. O. and LJ. F. W.b, will hold a Dominion Day celebratiou at Lakeview ('ark. Kintail. A splendid program has been arranged for. SUNSET CAMP. ' Registrations Now Being Rewired for Boys Work Training ('amp. Registrations are being received by W. N. Meikle, secretary of the -Sunset Trainyig Camp Committee, Box 537. Godench. Ont., for the summer train- ing camp for boys' work leaders and prospective leaders. which *01 he held at Point Farm, near Goderich. Point Farm ha; an unrivalled bathing beach, and ample grounds for any game; in fact, It would be hard to imagine a more ideal spot for the camp thin just the spot ielected. camp is intended for Sunday school supe tendents, teachers and leaders of boys' c sees, lovers of boys'who want to learn something of a boy's nature and methods of Character` building ; and also for older boy&.overseventeen years of age, who may w t to learn how to be- come Trail Range or Tuxn leaders. This is one of the Ontarro summer training amps, and is promoted by a cu-op/rative committee in afliliation.wit&. Inc Ontano Boys' Work Boa.d, composed of' repre- sentatives of the Protestant c moons of Ontario, the Ontario Religious uca- tion Council and the National Council of the Y. M. C. A., and is designed to ser thecounties of Huron, Perth and the southern part of Bruce. this will be a real camping experience, combined with practical demonstrations of how to conduct boys' organised classes along the lines of the Canadian standard efficiency training program. and features of the camp will be Bible study, methods of boys' work, athletics, aquatics, hikes, games. lectures. campfires, singsongs, learning how to do by doing. There will be a staff of efficient leaders for instruc- tional and supervisory work; in addition to the following camp leaden: Rev. S. S. Hardy. Unclench. Anglican representative and camp director; Rev. T. Atkins. Parry Sound. Baptist representative; Rev. 7. Bole, Tllsonburg, Methodist represent. ative; Rev. W. R. McIntosh, on, Presbyterian repreeentat,ve; Rev. W. D. Fletcher, Toronto, National Boys' Work Board. The dates of the compare from July 4th to 11th. and the fee is 52 for registration and *7 for board and tent lodging. Regis- I ter today by sending in your app'ication l to Ntr, Meikle. Godench. Arrangements will be made to meet you at the train ands convey you to the carol. PERSONAL MENTION. ' Miss Reynolds i- spending her vacat with relatives at Detroit, Cleveland nd INew fork City. Rev, Dr. Seager and Rev. ..man Larmonth, of Toronto, are in few days't,0lid' • Messrs. Fred 1'ra igloo N. Aulev and It'. .V,rl attend, 1. F. elranl iAe1Ke ,•tl ora last week. •Jit$.. W. Abet and .F'. 11. Wood sr re at tinait'tford L. ..is wt4r*Firte ,l1, Rebekah (:rind Amigo nicorinx. r*. It. 11. Itoid reel sou Itehich, of We Mistook. spent the week-el/1, in tow' the glietes e/Mr. and Mri,,,H. W1 I. s'a train. Ree Arte leaves of t1, neate Ktrhr pn, o/ rk•h. ,.MIs. ttie Thorough- who has .pent r,rnnt re In California. arrived in town las' 'week to .poles the stammer loan Me. the 1. 41. at Itnuit. E carry a full line of Am- ateur Supplies— Kodaks, Films Plates, Papers Let us do your Developing and Finishing. Photographer 1 ws EAST ST. GARAGE rv, of the Solvationt xt week tee take charge .\ i rrh hrarr'i. lull 4'al.ti,in 44,:lforth. '.,rn,•. to 1..sl.. �* - !Mita trier Lauder. 11 .t., Is hmme from tit 4 tluirine• for the holiday.. :Mr*. TM*Fning anti Mlr.4 Roth. of Toronto. and Mrs. ll.•Id, of Detroit, are vi.lring at the Beene of Mr. and Mr. J. R. Platt. The Mistiest Nina and Lena Graham are 'ailing from New York on July 2nd for England and the Continent, whe-e -they will spend the summer with their aunt, Madame Dugas. Iw Pa3111017, w eh ha. been closed this stook. relrpena Satunh,y evening. the 23th. g' The melt return from military ramp"0t Lnndnn on Saturday after nine days metier tent The Cireds P Tho .101in Robinson 4)1 us that will ehrnw In G.wh•rh•h on gat rday Is due to arrive at the 11 .T. . *taction at 4:10 n m On its arrival the elrens wagons will be tmmedlatel_ unloaded and take -n to the Fair .da. The Ml low i reg to the rote of t parade whier. will lo -ave tine arm' at 10 a m : From the Fair any nn Ma.'TMratlel street to Rr4trennla mad : from Waterloo street to West rret: from We.t street to the Sonar"; tum tiro !Omar. to /worth street : ren Rooth *toot to Ravinn street nd thence to the gmurda. Your Car Ready For That HOLIDAY TRIP You're Planing This Summer? "Get Out and Get-Uoder" doesn't go very well in vacation time, so let us put it in good shape now before the GODERiCH OLD BOYS get here. Their cars will need a good deal of attention. REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 — Goderich Try a want u le TIN Biped. ,