The Signal, 1921-6-16, Page 2nday, Jew 111, 1921. THE SIGNAL - 0ODERIOH, ONT. how Thursday. Juni 10. ' W21. THE HOSIi'ITAL VOTE. i'In•`1•dul►ty conned solo'. to tai will - lug t,, appoint ts.mulirtt'rs to Inquire into horldtal reiluireweuts in tier county. tint tudtxiroiwil to siren t the se tuumettelaiiuu" td ilio..' wit., go to the trouble of ascertainingthe !Melte. 1 FRESH Tea -to be good -must be fresh PP .LAD T3E1A At the meletins of the county tuu1N•11 its always fresh and possesses that unique flavour L+.tt week a report was prosodist b) of 'goodness' that has justly made it famous. the 'j t'.'a... . .m:11/flee which hail t..seu appointed at a precious session to go Into this matter. This r.yr'rt, wile a WZt signed by Mr. J:ur,lou Yonne. pi't'ies of 1.II'.,t•ue. Mr. Jt'hu MtNaht., It...we of Grey. and Mr. Wei. Cure* Royce of East tWawauo1h, Wall as fol. low's : . B._'S .kfter ear.dul to+a.iderution of tete smarter of hd,l ital ,u'Iditlui s tit flit• eituuty. tour .vu/.uitter' is r.lriurirt ..t rtie fa.-: that t1ie bore h:l'4 arrived whet* ir.n.iderslle exp thilun In at'•- ...natu,• I. ri..0 4411.( ittrprurewl•ut to rhos. Llrcitabl,• {an•!e.l ... b'Ir ❑••u•r les. r,qu?ail:. t. r••fa a an•'iJ.•r.ui•,u Tha.re i. •tie.. ire 5f tram:•+1• ily alr.nr tset,.0 ' b4.• . pound and S1' a t•.u. doll r at sl :w hour i the L;:;Idb,. trade. diet I11 a dui on he farms. •F•arIn pr. Mots are tato:; s.. 1 uu the bot+i. .4 1.11..4'. amt. whit. rile: hold•, G,.• (.44. u •r rio- t Ir• ••s:. • • asi 1.. ;tut,.tih Lil !:..r.Kdw:d t cul t)41l • sit,) .,.un the r (eo.lw merles' out by fu. ebb trill labor fu t •rcpt of s,. tun •h hl : wages than t.• wInii.we:,t i'4 tel4 wu.11 :o •"• ....•.44.14) and ah.wluh'ly n.vvwu+ry. (In� s. IM''41. fnrw -I".th t.'wu an.1 1)450 lest .•.nu,:ry ere frau year A, year ut:4kfu: • Muntrr:rl S Iart.'r Qeul.uul.. 1{(.nl ala• server which hospita►, afronl ti' caro or tlri•fr +d. k - •\n iluen+ring fart *sal i{ljlllwl. xlMi ter yl else •amu the light' tit wn..h th.tt tin• ar.ruuw..datiou available ,Ilwlusirl wle'1+ Ibr sole nor• .•r i tuft..ilwd4.quaie Lt w•r•t til,•;n►w. \Vhfrht I.aurh•r ntr•nr,l tl • .tf.••' .1.•- tird. 111.4'414 Ii..x wl1 •n• the ,lr.t.4 .+f. icow.,n stew ..f those L+tyta' miter ''rimy= 10'14 Mi-. iM't' 1.tI+1- implies. .tit tis' I_ y ryI ruiddle .1.f a. bnwll• ,.t lu.ura r.• p,1:- T mr'tev: Iles vol other do.nuuetu. itf a i41.iI b:- That loff oIN• mill Ill• made ou' the ,'qua .1 asse1.anent of tine county,. 'Intim- reit. a lii•rgr.4ph b':ter from to t'tre.lte (111141 from which ;grants King Girorge. ..fft•ring kir iVilfr.1 a may be ii'd r as r,quirr.l, when the '"truth•. It was oirt•fott. that Sir Wil. h..lbir,I urate Stili' p the roridrntwd4v---frrill- hail pl:owl--tit.• letter -rites- with taeh.'. 1.1 :h4. - ywent of the omni. invention. It rs.pld 144.4 e.e0411• evi.iI The ..alit ions ltlr : }:ash h,.y.italJ lilt' tuu:K tarel.ras rye. - leo.Inl 1k • reiputroit to noutributt• an, 14 'far- a----11.0- 1?aiow. Mir Wilfrid : anion* eertfat-ter-tti,-even ribber in' err isiscutiouodorldo.luatter.-.to Lis .vsh ur its t•.tulrnlrut:.. That ora. -third' fri.Muls.%chile he ora. :dive. 1t -w•a,.‘ a of (lir hnspit:tl tl,lard,Ire from the nil•' great sur(u•ise to ht..ex.r•noir.. our of • .11 44,."pit�tl w•Maia at lea'4t .had sharer{ Ili. Wont t,f it» Initiators. ej,utllleut't•. Hut. Sir Wilfrid ,i of ; was :1 m:u, alio lor.rl li.mor. nod the /.inlets' w't'i lit• clieri.ltwl %011ie living 1{e w•a. I/prima 15. 4uu.lnu:r %h,•11 he had (left wale' thiel tsartily 41.41.• .1 (arr,gr •would lg.:l.1: liar,' wade Sir Wilfrid a greater 1 wall. lint 114..was 1111111. in. eil.rllgl, t., 1.1• ,le.i.•'I that his greatness was fittingly r•o.4ni44el 914 the lit:heest pl:ters. - king. in Lint - • 'I- his Jatene rural 41)144 rirt 14. Guard su)twit a full re{ eel4.1s and exp•n.lirurro. :11 work *lou,• .•aril ye:fl• to til. e1)IIIN'i1. From the fund pr..vides) as tin• h•.y,Itrh .41 (;.ah•rirh and IS ha u+. la•it��r tn.w pr.g.anrl to inlet t above evlhtitluu., nr•i•ire :t grant o •..',1MM1, t.. 4.r dlyid.rl n• aWerrl ninon bt' rare two hors{Hhrl la'.Ird. ill pr.gr.r- tion :Is their Inerts ,stmt eelieral eumil- tion, wiry to theta s,r'w just. The mewllers of the t'.►uttnitter• all rwt{.la,rt..l their , nyairt lit *truing Two Rules fur. Matrimony. St. Lou.+ GL.be•Democrat How • pick a wife and how no' to pick a husban are the suhj •ct of two piices of r h.-• but an onslaught alaat it recent adv, , both fromChlcago Doll"p" ' ! let some tau act as a fate in determining w:,. lel 1.Y i11•. M1111, of Itf}-th, slut I who tour hush d Shall be : th'+t is. di'n't deco-`f-.wartha -Mor._. - - -44--1144,•:4t- bio township. pr,••ru'rd. .m ianeudu,, 114 ' clothes, says Jud H. A. foots of that +.town. "Make sure a •oman has c )mmnn ew aside the report and lie ease . before marry her. sats Mrs. nromue•tkLltinu.. Thi- torr . Wile as Cathenne Waugh \IcC och, a. Chicag' t,liowii : For Mr. Trott:art- 4s :,new'm t• a an.1:014-gm tlyer. 1:014 -gm a should viglate both warnr gs are. eas►ly -doe. A men[-Anllsrnolo. ('oath. t nolo. thing.' f oreman win would marry a an because las. Elliott. tiro- iii; Ho•kt•t4. Jamie -of the cut of his clothes alone !det, a on, Klu(�MaMsp . ,•Nughton, elahi:disappointing husband. -i( .the udge' Irs Sf111rr, Milne. Ne,•b, i'1nw. Pilo � thus p ckedr a til sbd d v. uld betut as a odei dlyy had r don. !Imirh. S(.ottou. Trewartlia-lj1.,locking in common s. naw, tirhnwould t Aarelnst-11•s+t•i•rs. C'la'rk-, t'otlipo tool t e worse of the bargain ' A;)parently i Me, Davis. • Elsrou. t;riere�__)_,I_i•\Cult; l sou d be about an even t hnig. Porter, Tiptitig. Yuuuo-11. Tlu• to al worker. in Iio"{.it.at aRairs A Good War('rT. err• tart 41is(a,sl1) to etrr'pt this A. OleI Montreal Herald. comment ofothe trial el:vi.irion of the matter. Ti.•ey Lake keeo( the Woodsrlegislattionierrjust as- Ch1/111 th.it t11t• i•omnlitt.'r's report. stented to at Ottawa indicates a fight b -[ween the Province of Ontario and the %minion over the question of the control of water power in the Frovince. Mr. Drury colt'templates an appeal to the people on the issue. if the courts db not declare the legislation ultra vi es of the Federal Parliament. It is a far-reaching action of Premier Drury's to express his intention to appeal wh)eh points to the .thwilute He ve+.ity Of "..,ushier:144e es isinsinn til nee. an and twprovets•'ut . in smite won." is a mitre enlightened view -Milan Trial LrT4. alsoirilitty. try -The majority .d the wewlwr• of tow owin- g -it, who Base not mole any' special misty of ttl:'qui' tl,n. and taw) dr• to the people at a general election, if that star,' nil«lir Intrusion of ,rrnMuninr to is ultimately the only way, for such an appeal could have only one result -his press for more generous treat molt of retlirn10 power. •.It would cut the Gor- dian knot of all Ins Montt ditloultwa.. History of the Province show. th dutch appeals against arbitrary Otta ea as were taker more U:a • once by S rOliver Mowat invariably rallied the el. -coos to his sup- n,rt. a, 1'rovmcial feeling is fir 'trotter than Federal feeling, and the Provin.e has the advantage of making theis:ue While the Federal a:thorities are practically ousted from the forum. -tre-ostontsI,• EDITORIAL NOTES. *pend Dominion 1►ay -t:ar,ik•Iwr. will .sour, -lug -heard --trout with ittorles of eariy potat.x5, and a green pry.. 1toronto printers are on .trik.- They are just a year behind tiuoe. Ldtot yet+r they world h.lye won; :hi, year they are lo+tng. A. teen Isar cent. reduction in r.,i1w:,y passenger fares In Eastern Canada is AD. he made on July :144. This m.•.,n- e return to the rate prevailing prior to Septt+min•r of loot yes r. That eomel which was to Mable with the earth prover) to 1a• a false alarm. It did r►ot mine within several million mile« of "the earth. Cannot the astn,u,n'Ier, gnrs tiny hotter than that P . Tho Martin Gieve•rnnsent In Sask- atchewan has been returned to office with :5 large majority of the s,>,ts Mott of the ttpp.rdrion roemla•rni are olaomed an independents. only two be- ing ol,.•ted on the straight Conserva- tive cirk.'t The United States la still technic - idly a4 war wMh Germany, hut ('on - groom is trying hard to put through . setaolut ion which %ill t'tnl 17171.1 state affatrn. A trwlty of peace with •ermarry will he the nett $rep, as the Cutteri States lois not ratifier) the slw.ty a Vermin.... Our 1wiglihora are ex leisurely about getting out of 1M war .l. the► .cern snout getting Soho it. - _ ararial writer My. • - 'Ife 1'yotaisest pr.w'4's$ at present I. elm 4 • sood aaany branif$tee. 1 ublir School Board. The regu'.r m lnthly meeting of the public school hoard was held on .vlonda). clime one 6. • Mrs. M: Hattie submitted her res:g- nation as the board's representative on !the public lihrary board o••vtng to her removal from town, and Miss I. E. 1 Sh ninon was ap;loi•re1 in her stead. I 1)r. \lcKenzie-truth, Provincial med- ical inspector under the Department of 1 Educat►on, who addressed the board, told . of the work she -has been doing in the schools here, and urged that it be followed hup by the alipotntment of a trained nurse for till schools of Goderich and the neighbor mg rural sections ,Mils Campbell. a trained nurse. who is associated with Dr. Smith in het work. also spoke on the same subject. Miss McKee was granted permission to give demonstrations of the Columbia grafon-la inthe puts 'c schtsots - • The engagement..•( teacher for the next school year was left over to a special meeting to be held some time this month at the call of the chairman. Inspector Tom submitted his report of the public schools. which on the wh,Je• was quite favorable. He called attention ,was some needed improvements in the buildings and to the need of new mops at It is difficult to sat Ory do far the both Schools These matters were referred . roost mischief. enem,r - Kith the worst Li committee for attention. 1Nnu"nal Cr.p Improyemeat'service.) "In the Pacific Northwest, wheat smut spores live over winter in the soil and the ordinary treatment with formaldehyde is not effective unless .here has been a rotation of crops which causes the smut spores to die, "As a consequence, dense clouds of smut spores, which niay be seen for miles. arise from th. threshers and spread wheat contas over the en- tire country," says M:: P. Schleuss- ner, Perth Amboy Chemical Coin - pony. • .- .. smut cloud "Sometimes when b properly mlzed with air• a Ptece pt wire or nail will gtr:kr a spark is the separator and tete resylt is an explosion worse than a thirteen -inch gun. blowing machines'to pieces and often killing and injuring the. ceche, 'sThei wheat smut tali sfaiounts to millions of dollars. Ir 1s in most in- stances entirely preventable by treat-- ment of the seed, bit•' -o serious has - tt-become that the Atltertean- Dollar . ment of Agriculture hos a separate gtade for smutted wheat. "It will be well for the Canadian farmers to prevent smut from ever I getting entrenched *tole it is coni- paratively easy." wteatioaa. or friends : I -tilt best- ! " Bulwer. • FOR WEAK PEOPLE.I .. A SPLENDID TONIC Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Act on the Blood and Nerves. ? r Food is as important to the tick parson as medicine. more so in many cases. A badly chosendiet may retard recovery. In health the natural appetite is the best guide to follow ; in sickness the appetite is (Atm -tickle and depraved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most -people to Mt! heatth tiro ilitthams' Pink Pails are a fine tonic medicine, harmless and certain in their action, which is to btrtd up the blood and restore vitality to the rundown system. For growing. girls wto are thin and pale, for pale, tired women. and for old people who fail in strength, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are -an ideal tonic. Thousands have testified to the benefit .derived from the se uof this medicine, amang'them is Mrs. Wm. Gallie. an_sport. N. S . who says: "Ettore I began the use of Dr. Wi'liams' Pink Pills I was so weak"and rundown at I could hardly do my own work. I n suffered from headaches and'was very • p With the John Raiinsea Cirrus in nervous. I then began the use of D. Goderieh Satur,lay• June 25. These 501 Williams' Pink Pills and I can truthfully twisters to make you forget your say 1 have found them the best medi:ine worries. I have ever taken. You may depend upon it I will advise other sufferers to take these pills" You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boles fur 22.50 from the Dr. Will,ams Medicine Co , Brockville. Ont. Timber Dorn Not Increase in Mature Forests. Our Canaan grandfatl•ers, many of them, held every tree an enemy. and spent their lives harrying them with fire and axe. Some of their grandchildren hold that man an enemy who cuts down any tree in any place. The attitude is in both cases illogical. If a tree is worth mote than anything else that MU grow on it particular piece of land. then it should be protected until it is mature : and, on the other hand. there is no virtue in abstaining for ten years from cutting down a mature (crest in the hope that the quantity of timber will be grea'er a• the end than at the beginning of that time. It has been ascertained by foresters that in mature forests the gain from the growth of the younger trees is offset by the loss through the death and decay of the older trees. A mature forest ought to be cut down and marketed as soon as conditions are favor- able. hut if tide land is not suited to grew agricultural crops:y provision should be made for bringing on a new crop of trees, and to protect that crop from fire and insects. To do this economically is the work of the forest engineer. that represen• tative of the new profession to which so many young Canadians are turning. Magistrate (to Scotsman charged with assault) -The most brutal attack i ever heard of. I've a good mind to send you to prison Lir six months. The Prisoner -You canna dae it. 1 told ye. mon, I'm only down in London (or the week IL Do ■01 amAher d. b & t e a l egg,, Sie.d- Ingor Trotrna- , Ing Piles. No snrglcat opw- attoa roping De_ (base's cestsweas wed- ranges yea .i saes end steed lasting •salla► me. a box • .p dou r% or ad,w.ns0w, 11 ba o On.. umiak Tererite g.mpl• Ilex (vas tl ywr wain. tag The morning hour has gold in its mouth gaper sea ensues Its. asap to ;Of 94011a11. - Franklin. SCHOOL REPORTS. N. S. Nit. 1. AMIIFiE1.I). The following Is• a report of pupils of itt. R. No. 1. Ashnel.l7 for the Month ls_s.dewns• Freed 4)i,•ksou 5011. Jr. 1V. -Harr•, -y Crawford 5571. Howard Quaid :MM), ('a mina a Hayden 4414. Sr. 111.- Grarie Green 445, Ir;ule•14 Hoy 4:44. 1%'illir itleh.ndwu a s7. }And Mornay 157. ,Jr. 111.-V,•ntou \Vtllls :440. Visnas-M-orray-i$211, ('lora \\'Mist 84/7. Melvin t►t'kwrn 225. Sr. 11.- Annie (;rein 223. It,'rr Crawford 24)1- Jr. IL. --Hugh Bennett 192. Itnby I11e•ksn 172. Floron..' M. -Kenzie 167, ieonar.l 4'rawtonl 147, Vinton.... Hoy 140. Mar- eIr't Ashton 11:,. Sr. Primer -Jessie Hop. Otto (maw, violet A•tht.n, Jbhn Green. Edna ('rswfort. Henson Mgr. ray. .tr. 1'rinh•r-Emmet ('rowford• Jain Ashton. ('liffonl Hoy. Hero eon - ELLIOTT Vonore aria Charge Su. Toccoa. is noted (attriit orale traimnr Webs positiona to fill no• at 1118.4 to 51", per month - We filled one tat ly at SOSO per month and another at 51790 per annum. Open all year. Ente! at any use. W.1. ELLIOTT. Principal. Exceptionai' Values inSilks BLACK PAILETTE 36 inches wide. Every yard stamped "Imperial quality Pailette," green woven edge. Silk is good weight and of excellent lustre and finish. Wear recommended. This quality , was recently . sold at $2.75. On sale special $1.65 SATIN DUCHESS W Yard wide, extra heavy for suit, skirts, dresses. Deepest lustre "Im- perial Satin," will give endless wear. - Formerly si-Td- at 1450. At per yard ' JAPAN TAFFETA Japan Taffeta or Pussy Willow, in black or navy, good weight and 36 inches wide. For dresses, skirts - or waists. Special reduced price... $125 NATURAL SHANTUNG 33 or 34 inches wide purest Silk, washes beautifully. Used for a dozen purposes, dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, rompers and curtains. Formerly $1.50, at per yard ....98C CONTINUED SALE OF CURTAINS, RUGS and LINOLEUMS 200 pairs Swiss and Nottingham lace Curtains, all this spring's buy- ing. Curtains made to sell at $3.00 to $10.00. At per pair $125 to$3.75 BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, WILTON - RUGS CLE - UCTIONS W. Acheson & Son t MILLIONS IN PROFITS aro blind pail to eke ohm. - holders of Northern Oaten**s Gold Mines, Are you getting your shore ) The experience gained in fif- teen ye.rs of active tion with these mines will help rota to participate in these splen- did profits. Complete anr.e.eneed... M Ree•+Ne HOMER L. GIBSON It CO. 703-4.5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO 1 New Automobile Paint Shop Opened I baveopened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to -handle alt classes of Cars for painting and refinishing CALL ON US OR, PHONE Hate you got your Anti -Glare lens as required fur all automobile. ? I handle the McKEE LENS __w•h:cb_:1a4 been approved- by the Government Let us glow yes ko geed ptiliab ewer ether sakes JOHN CUTHBERTSON Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall Phone 354 P. O. Box 509 duct-c'arnlan Hayden. W. ('T'S- t' IXGHAM. Teacher. C.M.M. 11. H I' 1,1.F,TT-E, \VAI{ ANOs 'odic following Is the report of 1'. S. N. No. 11, tlinl4•tt and East Wstem - no•h. for the month of Mn, : tor. IV. r{Misit (01 -Marge net ('cora n 6(19: Vi'usley Itradntn•k r,4:i. Sr. iii (%ms.' ono)-Florerltr• AN. aliter O4Mi; .john Denholm :.141. Jr. Ili. (palm (10111- t;union Jenkins 587; 4;raer (rowan :ni'r: Kenneth Cowan :ata. Sr. ii. (pew. 31104-aMatllda Maln' :rill. Jr. 11. foes Rnnl-Belle Hob.'rton 341 Mgry Ilwtlmlm 3841. Primer- M1nnte apnhl, Daisy Itoberton. iteest op•Ile•rs --MargeMt (bwan, Florone,' Wolper, Kenneth Cowan. Mary ik•nholm. i'n'sent every day -Ms rgaret ('swan, Wesley Bnldnoe•k, Florpnx•e Wainer. Gordon Jenkins. Matilda Main., Belle Botwrton. Number on roll 12. Aver- age attendant* 11. LiLA M. Hat ATT, Taarher. Irnarueting the Sea. A small buy in the visitors' gallery was watching the proceedings of the Senate chamber. "Father, who 1. ,that gentleman ?" he asked, pointing to the chaplain. "That, my son, is the chaplain," replied the father. the boy he pray for theSenatnrs ?" asked • The father thought a minute and then said : "No. my son ; when he goes in he Intake around and sees the Senators sitting there, and then he prays for the country. " $TRATIFORD. ONT..". The largest and best Commercial School in 1Veltern Ontario. Aschool where you get thorough courses under experienced instructora in Commer- cial, Shorthanul and Telegraphy de- partment.. Graduates assisted to positions. Home study courses can be arranged. Get our free cotalogue. U. A. M.I..t('HLAN, Prn.Apc1. / It HOW YOU CAN TELA. GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others) There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Crow" -all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Gendne "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" bare been prescribed by hyaleians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- lions for Pain, Hsadaehe, Neuralgia, ('olds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of It tablet. --also larger Bayer' park . can be had at any drug store. Made in Canada Aspirin is the tirade mark (rree(�iistered in Canada), of Rayer Manufacture of Monoseetieacideeter of Salieylicseid. While it is well known that Asplrta means Bayer eaeaftaettrr., to assist this piddle against imifatioaa, the Tabbts of Bayer Company, I.N.. will b. ataPP04 with their geaefat trade mark, As "Hader Cross." The Double Track ' isle between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT And CHICAGO Mitt Iled dining car service. St ng cars on night train$, and part cant on principal day train$. 11 information from any Grand 'funk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing. District Pannenger Agent, To- ronto. G.H. Lauder. Station Agent, phone 29 F. P. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 LJ At Our Gift Shop Vou may select an inexpensive presets that bas artistic distinction. "Something different" -the gift that delights bot giver and recipient is found herr in Beautiful Pictures. Candlesticks. Pottery, English China. Serving Trays Come in and brine your friends to see our pretty things. SMITH'S ART STORE $tit Street Phone UM *ben in need of • Taai phone In Need a New Tire Come here and get one that will cut down the cost of a>Stoing, per mile, con- siderably. Our Tires, -are doubly guaranteed, first by the manufacturers, second by US. Standard Tires, plus ser- vice, continue to serve the car owner long after the initial saving on a Cut -Rate Tire has been forgotten. 1u1eaii:hot, Retreading and all kinds of Tire and Tube . 1 Repairing. H. J. FISHER "Iluiltoa St. - Goderich .......................„.....„,.„,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ LifeBuoyOuting,Shoesj .. Now that the weather is wartier you will require Outing Shoes LIFE -BUOY FOOTWEAR • ' is popular because it is Stylish, Comfortable, Serviceable and EZonomical, the ideal footwear for old atj young for the summer days. There is a model for every outing footwear purpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or bettef values than are being shown in Life-Btioya. Let us do your Shoe Repairing and have it dose right. GEO. MacVICA R Imams SIDE or spvARt s i OODLRICII