The Signal, 1921-6-9, Page 66.-'Phunatay, June 9, 1911 UX Shampoo is a real luxury • Perfect cleanliness and a re - 4 freshing stimulant for the scalp are the best of all means for ensuring hair health. to other ' y words -try a LUX shampoo. . Dissolve a tablespoonful of LUX in a gallon of very hot grater. whip into a creamy lather. and then temper with cool water. Rub well into the scalp -you'll enjoy the invigor- sting. cleansing sensation. Then rinse thoroughly in fresh tepid water and dry the hair, in the sun if possible. never with t4 - strong heat. L•.s is sold at all grocers. mental stores, etc. glitonly .cape b c4 "77te Can of 'Dainty Cllithas" is gladly sent foe on request. LEVER BROTHERS LIMfTED ."'7/ TORONTO M depart - June Brides -See Our Weddin Stationery June Brides Be ore Placing Your Order.-- TSI SIGNAL - BI. WORLD TO El SIGN IflCANCE. ' %Vlium`130111t. • • OODIIIOE, ONT. • Genet-Alh.u•.I 11Y11.,: 1.f \ itny, '.lf., aM.Y 41 , hits been u poointeit (io(eritor.4:ener.al c1 l '.. Math' in sun.- eesrl•M 'til the Duke of lievora.hire. Nr is the .*.youth son of the Earl of Straffor'j x11.1 81,1• born in Vat:. Lona Ryan rile :retire service iu the •bblnlan x1111 Tater in tar t4mtli .tfriean war. On t11w\oitbreak of 11w Great War, he lad command of Nue Thins Cavalry t'orpa. latter Ire siaveeded (iearral .1.1drtv4nl. as commander ..f the Can- adian Army d•urps, and •lir•sted them at k'iwy Ridge, .wheretli.•y •^..sunt a great victory: Sulswiluently he com- manded the 1'hln1 British .1nuy Corps. Ili. ales were slw•apa proud to call themselves "Thr Byni; Boys." •Ir is announce -I in in apparently inspinri despatch 1. h (psm 1,otnion that the mesion. of this conference id Im- perial Premiers and the .rr41rraent- atiye•-- from Wnlia -will he hail iu the official residence of the ltrif•ish Pre- mier. 10 th,wuing street, I.nnkln. It 1' a short and marrow street this. itch minuses by Il•*4s of imildinga de - 4 11 Government departments. The hotise4114411 ha. 00 iliwinguishing feature* an far :as its exterior is eon - corned.. 1t was it gift to the nation, to Ise natal as the official IAtnduu home of the Pn•mi.•r; of Britain. Inside it is a rumbling stnn•ture wi i.aoewliituIIIP8) t- atnb- trera twit n plalss:.tte... There' 14 nothing impressive aboin it estrpt tin' moa• to which it is put, and of course It gains distinction from that a. well :1s from the. 'liwmentons cnnfan•neea that have been held within its walls. If precedent is followed tlw Premiers and their »teff+ will hart ofli.w in % Iittt•Mxll Gardena or -arae other ne.lr- Ity departmental place, for tin• affairs of their own Government,' will require that they keep in touch with the cewn- UP from the ashes !;_. tri•. the;y re rent. --0- l\-Itile the coding conference 1s of itself ..f great Importance In Ito tar as x number of istiers now pending lire concerned, k ,a••'" the any for it .4(11 inure iu.portaut rtthering w'hh•h it Is gt•uerxlly expected is ly he ellen as Year. Inlet i- c'erri tik lbustttuti•aml 4'onferene. At this Dithering ft i• intended to 114'41 With gltleethnM of nil i..t. ■$ flt•tweell the Mothrelaed mid the t4VerwMM Tannin - ions, white lire m.itter of the repre- w'ttatlon of the latter hl tlw iwp•rinl Parliament, it i- ••ala"4'"I• will h' dt' (ilei. ,]lash more delicate ground than that whin is to Iva (moored at the st.aston Moan to open will tit ll to rw•ntaelred alone. TO Inst It bluntly. the formation of tan Imperial Parnas Ine11t In actisilit J' will then he • the paramount i.s.l.•. .There will. in the everyday Otte., he a " owdow•r' tae- twwru theme aroo favor an Empire non' rigidly ..r mune tumult) Iaotuul than Is now tin• case. and the lanesely ennneeted Misty of untionx that none fora the Itritiali Ewplre. Fur the Imm Iigt.• present. however. it is plain tha Illy renewal of the AugM.Jalwlw•r !liars*. 411141 the Ent• ',ire's rani 4.4.;V are the two out - •ml .the ugrul1a. ft( standing matt mntale some .punt any tome to di grav'tty with ail. r It mi . t lea reaard- el. That wow'tin ' 1 pgaeus ht the tw4et rrgltlatret : ` nfrn't ors. General Smuts, 1'reallt.r of lir 1'nhnl of South Africa, Premier 114 gh•* td An»traria x1141 I'rrmter'M:vas• of New %wvIuwl all favor renew 41 of the illi:uie•. Ther want fl.. •r --.t, to toe in.aliftd. however, in . •. .t hirer its to 14( n•- noyr arty so- -ion hat the 1'1144 States may st iris, a; to its Ie•hg a menace m '-o try. it 1e ad- mitted that th.•re is au pktun between question i* inside at e1144 1114•4. • in rite 11110-8NFAMOIMMW RIP 1.6e INMIMPIRMSEMIF -. A9iaw'�!�7lPi131E�A1E�11a. !! s , nets \ ' 1 rebuilding aJrnI- !ibuild l i • f - ON-Muskoka November 30th last, the - Free Hospital for Consumptives was destroyed by fire. • Patna: - Its Exeelleeey The Dale e1 Devonshire, K.O,; (,CMO„ Eta., governor -Cameral of Canada, Hammy Committee: - - Chairman, gfa Honour Lionel 11. Ciark4 utenant-Uoversor of Oaterial Vin -Chairmen: Bon E. C. Drury, Premier of Ontario. His Worship, T I.. (`hares, Mayor of Toronto. Boa. W. A. 4 ha*iton, M_P. Wm. Thomson, (lrillia, A. 4'. Hardy, Rrorkville. Honorary Treasurer: Bit Edmund ()tiler - - Ontario Committee: Chairman, T. A. Rosner Vice Chairman: Lloyd Barris Secretary. 1. Dunbar On January 14, this year, Sir William Gage, founder of the insti- tution- the one man who had con- tributed most largely to its support, and for twenty-five years the out- standing friend of needy consump- tives -died. To -day, more than ever before, poor, suffering consumptives need your assistance. Give - give all you can - to the National Sanitarium Association's Consumptives' Emergency Million Dollar Fund The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, destroyed by fire on November 30th last, must be replaced by buildings, larger and fireproof. Accommodation is needed at the Muskoka Free Hospital for 400 adults in early stages of thedisease. Thiewillrestore2S0 of them to their home' and loved ones- - cured. The remainder will b• greatly benefited. A few months for each patient soon means thousands cared for Funds are urgently needed for this work. ,.. Again --adults in advanced stages must be treated at the King Edward Sanatorium, on the banks of the Humber, near Weston. Extensions are neces- sary. Many of these patients can be saved. And again p lift!. children - stricken with the dread disease must be cared for at the Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children, near Weston. Ninety per cent. of these are saved to become healthy mem and women. Funds are urgently needed to cover the cod of extensions. Further, funds are urgently needed to carry on the work of The (;age Initfat* in the City of Toronto, whale the needy pow corse lot fres *lamina t�oe�e in• 'Aldine X ray, and for tasted and nursing awi.t*nce. Fifteen tAewsand nosily eon. satnptisea Aare been cared for to date of the hospitals can- doee.d by the Association. NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSOCIATION Headquarters: 46-48 King St• East, Toronto -Opposite Kiog Edward Hotel Telephone.: Main 414A4151-8353-4 S-8-7. "Ev'er'y Needy Consumptive Alfust Still be cared for", the United States and Jappan, aggra- vated and kept alive by many thins that 1t la difficult for *nyour JOIt the student of world polities to follow clearly ut all times. This Is not the place to indulge in any phase of all lu'guwrnt that will ex1.t as long as have are difference-. 111 languages and racial tolors. It cannot be too .tnnugly tvnphasiael, however. that an vudrr»MIa11ua< heta•evl the three great 1a.Ivainvolved- those of. the Itrithtli Empire'. the lintel Statea'and Japan/ --would 1a• 41 1l'e•Itwadolls tuetur in dwr•kleg the •omlaelltlon hl 111411 ar11lana•lt4 that aur on, the Oilier, or Nil three for that watt r, View- with *uxh••i' 2,11.1 sw"plrlon. 1f through any effort on the lure or the oyrrwras 1.1.•wi••ry 11.• way could lie pwvel for xu arruigeui••nt mutually sltlsfartory to these 'lir. ' poower', eiclllrnlion would h.44, %%on it stable Victory. As to the EwpirVal policy It is dlflk•uit to see, 1u view the present ena1Ithot of Nuances. holy any one of the 11.4mininus amid. ear this thaw. ,ager to embark 1111M1 the project of a nasal expltslon that would `Make' her effort; more at to he 4v.mputel-pro- p4.rti..4ately of rower -with tht»w of the Motherland. Prophecy 14 a snare for the rook'. One would hardly Ire top. rash In pnrlit'tiug that for the Ritts end .here will he no .vllunit4M•rrt to big naval 14l1.•1... fur the lhnululuus. -0- i Itnifatn tu•ntntimr Is par ll1ng her. I,•..liey of keeping her naval rxpa•wli- tures 41..8+11 to the hrwe+t pnasiblr IPIt'I. In aiblftion to tletuuldhzel vessels 111 1 t:.aal condition saw las 81141 anew 113 waryhips. including the original 1►tead- ' naught. whirl) are to 1»e bn.kt•n Op In !Initial" waters. Ex-w/dter ariil wino Libor only hs to he Pmployeil. The tiros t w hi. h I»Night-- the --nodus Paid slit bun- Stomachs Can Be Restored to a I dtr.l tln4ttttaml pound-. for them. which would not l..gta to pay for the tone Healthy Condition. 1 tructbm *.1 tike monster big ships that wraps 9•4f a miwlern fleet tree action. .1t the sante 'time the $•skit,- of the United States las easel u realnthw Not to be limited in diet. but 40 eat ;.ulna for a vouch larger expenditure alutever he ',teases is the dream ofevery i 011 therravy than the Howse of Rep.- dyspeptic. No one can honestly, promise y .estotive,. Ind agues to. A hitter to restore any stomach tq this happy noir 1 .cui•1 to t.4' certain over chi_ Conduion, because all peoplt cannot rat s•entiuie'incongruity' w•h:•n taken iiy the same things with equally t+atu(actury eoli}u I14 •(ion w fah flew n.rut nstuses: results. But u a possible to s3 tont up that I'resid.-nt Marling ask a .t.i f -r_ the dlgeshve organs shat a pleasing deet May be selected from art,. les of food that went. Cause nu dtscumlurt. When the stomach lacks tone there is et* right shillings per Mullet for wheat of prime willing quality har- 1•e•ste1 during the 11e10-21 mewl. New South Wales gave a wxurwhat similar guarantee *lid subsequently at a toufereue• 14 -the ',lenders with Fedora! 1h.vult•r Hughes. 1t wits de- cided to tax the price of tattling wheat at nine shillings per Lushes on it sea- 1»Irt 4444,1. through4lt Au14tra114. 4'urlous stoMes art. rousing free Russian .Imre,-, to the t•ffet that l'r•nder Lenin now udwita that coin - 111141194m is it failure and urgt« the return of capitalism and the pp444tl to Morale of various political 'Mille* not Mow in favor. I'etaliug a Mule colu- ph•tr and detail's! story 1t would Iva well to take these deslwt•I4.s with a grain rd salt. It is li**'Itable that Ricotta will 441141 her.rdf, its tin' .11,ing goes, *»mer or later. Ifni i1 much las tome ol4t of that country that is untrustworthy that it ha not wise to build t.»t ww•h on thew wroth.s of col- lapse ole1 j.. -4e of t11r experhuteits (arrival on by Lenin *141 Trotsky. That there la a resumption of trading with a number .d artuutries is eertalu, that the Arita - thin Is mill (huts( Js Io 4444 tert:l111. A* M that case with (;Pr11any, w0 with ltusoria,'the .flamer condition,. get back to a normal Inds the taller for the aorta, whh•h 111 these dap. of rapid •vwwuuit•atl..0 and transport la too +11a11 to ewwp trouble when any one of its eomwuuitlus 1.4 the eeutre of grave difb•ukIr•-' and trials. 44'gn•rlghtval by ltrltl.lt and Colonial I'reae Limltwt.l A IR! TO EAT WHAT YOU WANT. 4.414.• with Britain on naval iliaanua- i:b4' thugs in Ireland were decided on eo quicker way to restore .t than to build tlw proportional n•pleaentation air rseh up �t e] blood is mpues ble,nandth ut ),. tem. wilb h M.•w* 1" 1a• nillkitig (wad• Williams' Pink Pills otter the best way to way la many doom... .Is i4 t. tea trivet -much the blood. Fur this reason these In (Oared. 7 The sp14.Ml .omnsftte of pills see esprually good in stomach the 4:o11111ou' which bas h.m trouble attended by thin blood, and in looking- . into the 'r*tetu - }e..ans tarsals •i In* before action is to k.•u a plt•bi81•Itr should be hold for the puininite of ae■.'rtalnillg rhe eh•sir.•a of the electors as to The xp.pllea tiun,o4 prpp.rtioual replw•s•nta- tion with trump .•matituers•ivs. The • «1,4111141(4' was not prepared to r.4om• mend the ariolr1hu, of the nyletem for *114• next general election:, bort it made fa this sitnfent .statement : ' "Resent experfrn. •r In 4-lei/lona In ('*traria h*ye,hrpt.44ht borne to one people the feet that when. tine or more enroll. dates pr•wrt thwwelyea h1 single change. 1 hen I got six boxes more, and measlier •' 14Itners•ies the candidate by the time they were used I waseatingdeclared *darted slay-. and ..tten d.*'*, my meals with regularity and eninyment. reprr4•nt merely a minority of thew My general health is now good. and it is Voting in Mw cionitkuea•v. Your erns- no wonder 1 aai M entbssiastic armee believes that in cpanttttweciem adtroeasstef 1Dt 'Pink Pilo" where arm- thou two candidates pro- Youcan procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aerot thetl...ayes. the adoption of the through any dealer in medicine or they alternative ,..4e off.lw a .urlirtMm of the will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a box difficulty, iu as much as i.y aueh or six bone, for $'2.50 by writing direct Welioil the .w,*lidate finally declares) tO the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. e4M'twt would r'•prrt.en* (1e r•tolre of Brockville. Ont. the Majority .4f the .l.. .r There is more to the 1411,41111* .ffe t but this is the Ilmtwt of the finding*. \ Thr lIefeated Candidate. The .hati m•me ('.curt of Syr tz.•rland ]GI* a precedent that may he 101- lon ell 1 utter larn.b with tame t. in effect it tarrnnt, to this. nit ..nn .any dh..•to•. who us oke unduly ..prim If or demon rally false4tatoue•uts to pro'pettt tutt•wlw_ induce ' p1.1b• 9, t4' -e Ain 1. their Lush raisin 1.4• 11*1. for'14urlges in .-1-e the hn4ines ftai The civ 111 which they gave a Jwlgin..111 haying down this iir'11s"dile •as that in w-hb-h dir- ector...f a 1w1 line 1.4e1 -et .It ie a 4rospenav alt t the• estittalel PID fit* for the. first rats working were 1:141,14444) Banes, Ivrea* they knew. tlilf i1 t,.t to bra fire P grit iodide the wnrkb(g only lI,r11Mt curia. "There are two kind- : Ea.y frail•*. The dlrwt wt•re en.h•mtk.l markt and tghtwade." to pay shareholders MO dam- ••You are ' wronq,'' said the (1(.14, age's. The xppli,-ltionof a prit4•iple ..There are\wo kinds . Myself and of the 'maw nature •4 rampart (.4 a °ther,t." .... rnmrlsr of Mtxthm* in t'suada would Which merely grit• to show that any - 181 x *xlltary w�arning to teed -rich- thing can be proved (rum the point of quick promotor.. The In.tanwr Are view. -Richmond Times -Dispatch. comparatively few In which the ex- travnitant claims of pmipwliewa Peer get their sponsor, into tomtit.- here. attacks of nervous dyspepsia. Proof of the value of ih, Williams' Pink Pills in cases of indigestion is given by Mr. John A. McDonald, l arbut, N. S. who says : "Every sufferer Irum ,ndlgei- lion has my heartfelt sympathy, as 1 was once myself a bond slave to N. Eating at all became a trial, and as time went on I became a skeleton of my former self. I took all sorts of recommended medicines doctors' and advertised, but to no avail. Then a friend said to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 got a bcx and I thought before they were done I could ftel a He was the only one of all the wedding guests who did not appear in a happy frame ul mind. He only adorned the wall and looked lugubrinns. 'What's the matter?' cried out an exuberant young man. "Haven't you kneed the bride yet "Not lately," he said with a gulp "There are t* - kinds of men in ON world," thundered the °rat r. "fine are lu•t tau kinds, the rich and the Xou're arong," ,hoisted a barber. '•Thar are two kind; . those who shave .'es and those who get shaved • "You're wrong, too.", said tl.e mani- --t, A short time ago ft was bi wis tint the l'rhn.• of Wales would p 'fifthly open the filer i'arliamett. The 1're•.•s A»ssa•Ia1Mn of iotiden no an- row114•e* tla.t King George H likes to officiate at the eernmony. 1t 1s able that this it, an ofhehll 8110011 mmT, as the nl><nnl4nttnn mint Is the usual e1111 11114-1 for the rnaktn of swab xnt14rlrn..'nwnts in Britain. With tine ,Ratrvnent (nine other des- patch-.. .14 ying that in the south of Ireland ...trona fore•.s of the "Rtgmb- 11..111 army'' an. la•Ing mobilized and mar .gime into the np.n to give pitched tattle to the ('row•n forces. Whsle one 111Ay donht this, then' 1s every Indication of increased activity on the hart of Sinn Fein forma*, as artier• the destruction of She Dublin (ii.town horse and other incident.. The King would to the 1"Pi•iest man in his ihmpire if he were going to Ire- land to open the 1`»lifannent of a tinned people in ea fin' es their nualto1 44 gooernfllonrt I* .on ern.41. _ 4)-- 111 Queensland. Act-trillhi, s W110/1t 410111 eomf1owel with one eco. -prion waely of wheat -grower -4 has handled the crop, after an'elonnnwa harvest, alfh ennsgrieu.nlr .ucceas The halm is now arranging to market the in- ferior wheat. The 'hosed prevented (hc 011'11rt of the market, ha Initial the rrrp with a minimum of expense, and in fart vontmllwl it throughout, including taw tn14•kInt, storage and n#,rketing. Ther•• had been a •on.rw- wlon of teal .cosi. In (1rkeetreisrnl and the 1.;overnmers of fie state 111 order to aid the fwrmcn grmtanteed to grow i EAST ST. GARAGE You're Planning This Sher? "Get Out and Get Under" doesn't go very well in vacation time, so let us put it in good shape now l*fore the GODERICH OLD BOYS get here. Th eir Cara will need a good deal of attention. REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 -- Goderich romoseamersormarmas Stiffness 1 is astoniohing hoot twat). 111mo/till Um. w ent mat• Gives Great Relief took red rarely rivals el tea sad rat rar Jut it rya snot MAC' woo • Mewed iritmetisivAr rho first appliseilme. I promoted in wag sad ft has sorer sso • IlltraM 1 an go vet ...theta host kip ins lace aid its• the credA 1/1.• MINARD'S King of Pain LINIMENT Tanainita tom Ikeda THOMAS GUNDRY. BOX 67, Goderich. All instruction, by mall or left •4 Signal office will ba promptly attended tu. Residence teiaa phone 1 LEGAL goo TER, Solicitor, notary public. Office Hamilton street. Goderieh. tlard door froni Square Trust funds 10 loan at lowest rates. TART PUBLIC, ETC. Office-SterlIng Rank Block. Ham- ilton Street. Cioderich. Telephone 88, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, TAMES PUBLIC.AETC.. Office ..n the Square. second door from Hamilton Street, Goderich Private funds to loan at low Dudley E. Holmes NO - 10 }LISTER. attorney. isolieltor. etc.. Goderi. h. Money loaned ar lowest rates SEAGF:11. 11%111U:4TE/1. 84 PL- veyancer. Vtlice-Court House. Godes rich. 09-L211. LNSEEANCII. LOANS. ETC. larKILLOP METEAL FIRE INSUR- • ANCE CO. -Farm •ud Imitate& town property Insured. Offiverit-Jas. Connolly. Pres., Goal., Directors -D. F. McGregor, n. a. Se• afurth; Robert Ferris., Harwell; Maleolm McElroy% Clinton: Jame* Evans. Beeeliwood; James Connolly, all Paxn.ents and xet their earth. re- eeipted at R. .1.•Morrish'a Clothing Store. Clinton: R. H. (litre Grocery. Kingeton street, Goderich, or J. H. Reid's General !Store. Hayfield. Brophey Bros. Funeral Directors' and Embalmers lodera careftilly attended to .1 all hours, night or day. Got iERICH Music for Everybody Agency for Starr Cecilian Harmonic Call and let us give you ilemonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the Starr-Gennett Records which can lie used on all these instruments. GEO. RICHARDSON Hamilton and St. Andrew's Sta. 44,,lerich 16,1 i4'"_ 4