The Signal, 1921-6-9, Page 5The No. 2c :autographic
Kodak Junior
equipped with
It's here
It's the camera of the season -the one you've
read about. It's a Kodak and it's Autographic, of
it takes pictures of almost postcard size,
2 7-8 x 4 7-8 inches. So compact that you carry
it without the slightest inconvenience, yet fully
equipped for taking distinctive•pictures. Its R. R.
Tens gives that sharpness of dteail up to the
edge of the picture. And it has, without extra
charge, the Autographic feature without which a
camera is incomplete. -°
Come in and see it.
motile' Tits itegM, .:t- OODI1IRI08, OW.
throughout the evawL as the leading THE / CO� IIpkhti•.
arn[se:awit resort of tat• ilistriet. hOVl4a a
The R(Ile Immolation.
"1"1" -Thursday, Ju,i' 11, 1021 %
The Rifle Association held a well at•
tended practice on Wednesday. Jane 1st.
From now on a party can practise at any
ateyton arntal at range. I'ru%Ii,eial Highway.
Range responsible for transport-'
anon and distribution of ammunition
j .1 (.rand fiend I'r'.Jert.
I lotto)' •.1'I'narslly 1 'I depalati"n
1141 froai hated 1:o•ud was Im s•ot w it11 r,
Imo• toren.... 10 a proiI„4I4 for the 1»aci
)f a ng
.haft l/itry of nand al (i1aall
tate Beall !fro.)m Ihrnun'Is 11(Nol to tl,
Mill lake. .41111 11141n11s u
on the bo)ti,a)
root ,d !Niou .old 1.alld,uu. The ,Inlay
Was asked to join with Ia)14lbtoo
•••111.1) 111 paying a portion 4[f 1114• s- .
pea-,• ,.f 4arry1145 out this proje-t
Annual Plenie MBay/ehl.
Deputation of Women Advocates
for Improved Hospital tet.[
time by applying to the captain. Air. oleo. dation, but Council lute. !sowntepperd. The following rules govern :
Shepperd. Report fteeumrneudhie One-
Range captain appointed by Mr. H. Let ) -
Lake Shore Koad f
F3utt pa:t' and relief formed immeJ .. ('rand lima! to Amkrlr) to
Be :a
Ritlesmust no! be loaded until ready for The (s ntit Nang met ••n Tntwd,ly 791.• , ou1111 dr4•kkd to 110141 itr.
shoot. y .uanaal pi, Sic 144 14ayfiel41 on 'Friday:
afferiasal fur the nattier Jun• session i, i„• S„.•
RIflls must be, unloaded immediately 11'aoleo 1hdg In his uprniug reuuirks •clot Hua tai
after shooting. s{ of ...Feral matters :fvt wuull N '
Individual responsible for rifle and 4.11111)1` before the meeting. The report of til. special 4h.11htu1
ammunition while in his pasession• • On W,,lilrslay morning a rood ihwt...enlusklte was submitted as follncs :
The dates set by the local executive of time was arnpied in diseus.ia1 . Alior 4areful consideration of Ib,
for the cup tournaments are as follows: marten,. In 4vnn,.4tltm with clue good matter of hospital condition, ..f 1114•
July 1st, 9 a. m.
August 12th.. 2 p m. nsuls .1.10.1144.,espet ta0 w
lly .11asewase, •••4111111y. ty. your cuuuitho• Is' 4'4)))II)1 I'll
August loth, 2 p. m. laid ro the n•u working on the toad.. ,n rhe fart • Mutt she time ha- :a'rivel
No 14,111111 was taken. when • e nslderable expansion in ac•
Sep ember 5th, 2 p. m. nTi,.' 41111:111ratlull of the .»w w,•hr counulsletlon tu11 improvement in
Nudelyey-Holmen. for ....may purple( war dal;"41 up iu ,•Ioipment 4s very murk ti, 1»' d.•.ind
At. the n•4den4•.• of the bride's, par• eotiiilii•iee of the whole, a' •4 it w:4. ,ii') ai.44,hltela u4res.crry.
,•nt., Mr, a itJ Jlrs. It.rht: lbdmee,
it!! Palmerston Watleyanl. Toronto...jjj larger 410011414414 ullw ton serial. 1%111411
I formerly of 4 ;intoe e, n pretty wed- I LakeSltorr (toad Ploviorlal Ili. hwa)', l,n.•pilals afford to elite for their sick
din¢ warn 401.041 ia7.d o411'uos.Iay. June Mr. 11.w.,,,,.. 11)4' Prwlati., , . 4'.'r , n•I injured. and the (uiali�le 11041' is
i, 404.14 their),aninte--t daughter, Hel. nn(h•r lir• iii 5lova )'$ Art, o•,- I''• -.,)t -,111 that the ae•o)nn4a141140) available
(e-ided that the a,a1•$1m4••'s ,honld "lir P'(P10 144[4) 1»,144 howl. alai
Temail the •:a Me as last y, ..hurry are from year to year making
411a J4Ilt1. N•a,t a n1:i1•rltd 1.I (.e.rg. E.
11,1c.1 of the late J.
)14K.•1yey awl Mr- Meltelvey of
11.fltnflrld. )bat. 1:.•4'. It. Newton
I'oN.•I1. us.latel by Itev. Roy H.
Iii, kard. (ulidu,•tell the ceremony.
111' bride. artirell Ili White taffeta
and bridal 3.1.11, carrying s shon-er
14.411)10et of l►pheMa and Rues
441 !lie valley, and wearing a string
Of pearls. the gift of for gns,m- was
at14•114441 by tau rharmlng florin
girl.. Verna 1ii11 Slid Evelyn Rowan.
!luring 1144' sipping (of- the Teichner
led i11 a drys. of 14.41')• beaded Clinton
crepe with hat h. ulat.1) tout creat of
K4d1va Guth. Mr. awl Mrs, McKelvey
Will reside at Thpttdas. -
Campbell's Drug Store
"The Penslar Store"
and ad,tr,..w1 the cooped •144 mature, unite ivadepl(le to u14•et 111• grim -
plrt.idniog to the highway '4\•.rk of 4th• in_ 414.491. .
( ,Ul.ty. 110 announced tha' til; i.nk4• i l4)' r w' of (firs.. filets . punt 41)41)'
Itlorre rind from (irate! land t•, nrltt4e ..muiefrl :
.tom)»•roe)• had 'Weil deiitimit..4 a Pr.. That a rt•y .11 one [hill Ile 11111414.'4)11
ti11 ia1 • .vu[t)• road. Mr. Ir0-;u r••yy the elpual1Xi.4l af1.4.sefliteitt of the t•unnty.
plied t.. a 'alit.. number o` 1pte:rionti l to ...nate 1t f[Ipl from which- grunt'
r•epIrdinu r.»1d construction and Roilmay I11• mar as remains,: when the
mmutat talaa44te information on IY d1 e h,ruplhil later s nae.4•t tin' i Aston. tit -
i14l t)ri.hc.• ,-ort"truetlon geld tin• w•' k.Itacheit 144, the {11ayr114•oi of No. Kraut.
trig (vitt .if the Highways Mn •..-1.r91n4lisio lire t Each l),-pital
to 4114)4trty 110(1 tow•nabtp wo1.1o., . . ' 1»aril Is• rapt l to .rhntrr.iite 44 1,
Hwipltai .Deputatioe. / anlomw equal pti ton14)
• •eit. .'ith'r i)4
A large depntariun of *ow, seventy, 1, cash or its wplitHjrnt. -That ono"thir.l
rete- .,t mass ladles from J:•.l..r'.•d, n-hd t of the 9u,spita1 Ial.1 liefrom the 1411-
ila• t1•ilhi..ring, tnw•nshlpa. represent• J6.,•nt rural ,list. t4'. Earl, 110-i)Ha'
Gig theLi A11 of Alex odea le...Ieart1 u*Qhnt a fill \reta,rt ..f it. t••-
{4tto1. w-ritel upon tote (Wali ti iii sup retitle alai )A1..114111 1 ' and al -o of
port of it rattiest for aid 141 {,r..rulin5 work 411,144• tic h yea to 144.- ,out,ty
linirrurwl hospital atouim.11•1 .4n. conna•il.
final oioc Jell us 141140
nil II1'.,1t'4 ';11y! tiur
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear. Co.
Voile Dresses
We have a beautiful assortment of Voile Dresses in
all the latest styles. These are priced very
low for quick selling. Get yours now
as Voile Dresses are going
to be the fashion this
114141iet Women** taatkute.
The thirtieth nrmal di.teirt missing Jars. M. G. 4 4rmIrnn Was th•• •. hi4f 1 r om tit ! 1
441 tali W.4turu's lu.titlde,w'a• -held 1n spokesman' alai slit. +spike M'.Ir 4.f ,the i 411'• ho.l.itals (41 G,slerb I nod Wing -
t11' Snn,lay w•i....: 1.4oru of R',".I,'v *ill,. of the I.soile4' Md. Of Itis great 11lan1. lo•ii)R tlnc prepurtdl 11 n)rt the
char 11, 4'1)111.44). 04) 11'elttu•silay. June torsi Lot local hospitals. of the work 4114414'. „utdkkitts. revive gram! of
1st. Th.•n• was :1 la•g4' atteud44n(4'-, rims. was tieing done at 0611'r4 4) 14.s- f2.1.01Ml, to"1p• 411%441..1 us •1 tor41 upon
unml»•4'h,. o,er•,1 }pital. [ltd (d 11* 44 4lut.,wv ch;tt •w•1411 l v the two. lio' pita! boards prpe.'-
Thr di.' t•i pnesi.4.0)?. Jli.- 7`.wmp 14b .it4.1 •.f Ihr 1',$)ilty trrUnt 4. , lion as t11e1r mails 111141 g.•ar 14.nndi-
s•in, (if St. .Cng1t+tau:', pr••sid..1. The "11ri4.. Me9V11inney df A141.641.1 abso.'i.M.o., may to them semi
uuwtiu_ o{+s•u„I with community ling-! 1l.tke. ilr4)ngi) a,lvawatiag the proti.l Thi- 1o1.04)t luno si3114.1 by 'onion
1115. e).1 tinri)g tar aRrroo.,n n '4x•141; 4.411)f b
oetter Iur+pa
ltal eru
o,tnt.l•)ticnr j Y,mlti..1ohu )►..Nadi and Will. 1 arch.
solo •4 314.. Annie Stewart and On! for neral distriets, and ura111 (lint • Mr. Yow15. 4hairulu4 of the on4-
lu•rruweutnl E uitna I'inmd4.4•11.111, rnl treatment lel .19vwcl''I the rel I nano*. sl .kr i4) favor of the alb{ ion
4 of the 44 -port 1.1111 was backed up ,by
M4's-rte. • MiNa'b. ('Undo, 99pMinIR .1(1
Dat is., lir. Milne led tlue 4iimositiem
•t11 Messrs. ' Jl,1)uaid, Fr.•vvurtha:\
Neel. nisi ...then- 4.P1i41Ar1 tin. r,gov►•t.
%b•.sr• It,4•10rs atilt Grievemoved
-111 arru(luirtit that a mill ion the 414)11ar
1»• 4ass4'sssl for iwupihal l")'1 .e., the
swuu• to Le divi41 i1 epwlly aa)ntg tl
flrr ),'14tr014 ,4'f G01erf4 iI - t� ha> h
rliutnn, Srafortil anti Exeter,
Annual Low Fare Excursion
NwM rerhl.l'.d and were nWcli ap{(re- quest ia.lwhalf of Alexaltdr.l l,.'-pital.
clot's!. - • I Mr. W. fireiknie.• m4' ('111H•.u. [tpip,wr- were eleete.) no. follows : est 011 !admit of the Clinton 11. --pits
1. Mr.. A. Kirk. E4'aforth. . L
board. and endor ed wilt had bee
K. :1: 1st a Mrs. t urrir. mid as to rhe neer' of (ommuaity ,pew
Wingha 44) 2nd 'kI4' t Irtettt Mrs vitae.' He .•oked that l4 ithater,
Swanson: (:islerk'h_: -', r.ire-treelt«=i .hitTrTt Lw ikon to for way of-hoistr+l
firer. Mis' McAllister. Auburn R. R. 2:1 grants Clinton eh.old he elven its fair
auditors. J1r. John lt. Ito a,d. Auburn apportionment. .
R. It. 2, and Mrs. Itol1•rt McKenzie, Mrs. Maiming of Clinton. der flan-
IMnganm,u. dor of 4 iIinr..lI aril (yn•.a 11411 of
Nies. 4lir. , Himlily of R'ingbam (:eplericii also were heard,':eel Reeve ;41%111 when Tach of tltr above
gave a report of the meeting of the •Plphiar of 19'hhgluts pat is( a -.rd fire contribute. the sans amount
Fek•rated W.r '4)'s institut.,, of On- the lowiItai in that town. •.trni4nbnl.
tariu at innd..n last October. and Mrs. Mrsurs• Tr,'w.rtha aMl
Monro of Clinton was •1Nointed as The Truateew' Asaotiistias in atortnlnaset to the
=delegate i4) the similar meeting to ix' A deputation was pretsett fro the 1 the uloid that °tlW ':tg'11s'i1
1 hell this year. Hunch Truster Aseo('tation :t,kin4 for r.•ri'' assistaur . to t1. 18-1.'
Supper was served to th•• 11slt0r1 a grant of g21k) to defray c(ll'nwes of ..minty l'4' lav mf «rstt
11y the (limon Institute. and a very tile ,e.
e Aptation. The refines: was sup-' The alm•tahheH4 to
pleasant seetatbnnr war /meta. , posted trtr (tae t.uaae' 4' Messrs. l wax (VIII.,' 1"' a 1•
Cluttot>- Adams. J.rhu • .. �tebrrteen of radlearne town- f Ml the Im1I
.l very putty w-eddlng took prate at slap and Alex. Saunders. of G•.derlch, I Mr 11'44,', In'
-Mount I'keluut.' the home of Mr.l and was referred to the 4'xeesei(.• cam- wii,, i. um,
outbreak d
and Mrs. James MCK. Adam[, 4'..It.orne
township.he on Rt iia siay, Jilur Ret. , . � �
when tapir eldest 11angltt.r. Margaret.
became the bride of Mr. William Hume 1
('Itrtton. also of Colborne. Rey. J. F.
Itryer ft officiated. the ceremony- tak-
ing piece in Mae parlor before • (sink
bofridfee. rnsbloIwa's o5ra1ntg.e 4b14 oaom
marr"u. ¢4Thb# atYdnt. (• a.
eyo'rs OlaYm•atwesaUmat owHtl v�• e bl•ou, h•J4'moris
Tier fattier. wore 44 lovely gown of white' Tema. Simple Rot free u r ai mention this
embroidered Re,rgette, with welding MMr and eoc1nhe 2, stamp to es, Palmae•
I '-'•11. +aid earned a 1111ow•er bongen•t 441
.line rose, and maidenhair fent. The
w:o. Joss I • Elliott, ran•
11/ 111 11/11111/ 1 L I b 11111111.
Stoll a Few Spring Coats Left
ust the thing for these chilly enings. These are
absolutely up -to -the -min in style and quality.
11/11r 11/11111111/ dote./ Oil*/
Cs.. is asd'see • New goods arriving daily.
Se ' t Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
lit ow
for cone
4.'b Iron
maxim.. to
e w4)•
OM of the
TUESDAY, JUNE 14th, at
All Day Wednesday and Thursday Morning in Detroit
Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday, June 16th, 1 p. m.
f4.1r"u ul
and G•enclt Time are the same,
$3k00 Round Trip _ $2.00 One Way
The`oaly boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this 'season
Lsit trip is Unit, Friday, Jens 176,1:30 a. m.
iton't miss this opportunity to visit big, husy, prosperous Detroit.
A delightful ride over the Great International Highway of lakes and
rivers. Pining room and lnnchaol i .
oovice aboard steamer. Mod-
erate price.. -
Band Moonlight Out of Goderic
Monday Evening, lune 13th, 8:15 p. m.
50c .' Children under 12, 25c
Music and Dancing in the Greyhound's Ballroom
Consulting Engineer.
Mr. E. 11. Darting. M. E., of 11u1n-
Ilton, 114. been retained by the water
and light ermmiwiun Is ronsultin1
engineer in , onm.4•ttion with the In-
.wullation of the filtration and(Irloriwn•
tion plant.
Young Boys in Trouble.
1P allaeilImeet
Of 19 to►1.
toe prerwnt
tty Reeve 4 i 14 hen,
r to •tt,dal owing to an
diphtheria Is his ',tally.
Do ■.t lathe
,.n4'4 sr444Yalp
lna, or Pretrial -
Piles. go
Burste•I apse -
:Latta a s..1iar.
the p't•petrst4w need fxpeet no merry.
At the Harbor. . _
The steamer /Martian nnl0rdel a
cargo (of 44Me,(NOi bushels of wheat at
the elevator 4411 Thursday hist. Ton•
steamer Midland Kling arrived on Mon-
day evening from Fort William with
11(4,090 bushels of wheat for the Rest -
ern ('anotia Floor )11111 and 115.000
r.ats anti dude,' for the
elevator. Tis tug Haggett: en route
from Georgian Pay to Sarnia was in
Two boys, nine and eleven years of age, I the incline on liwskay.
are in the hands of the authorities on No tole for Goderirh Harbor.
charges of pilfering from a number of
houses. They went about their workI There will be no appropriation at the
for the
quite boldly some daylight, in e(e present session of Parliament
coon imitating the methods of the "hold. I completion of the Goderich harbor works.
up" men. They will be dealt with by the At the ast meeting of the Board of
magistrate. Trade ext,( utive a letter from the
- Button for Old Home Week. Minister of Public Works, Hon. F. B.
A committee of ladies has been consid- McCurdy, was read. stating that in view
of the "pre -eat difficult financial condi-
wing a design for a button for Old Home tion of the country" it was hardly likely
• Week and has chosen one showing 1^ that anylarge new works would be pro -
'the centre the court house and tided fr in the supplementary estimates.
-Square, with appropriate wording• revThe supplementaryestimates have since
.oral thoueand of these buttons will be been sumitted in the House of Corn -
mons, mons, and there is no vote for Goderich
Huron Promotion Examlaationa. hill) w.
tlonaf r the public 010410 1 of Ilurle- The o n Trade wit beheldhortllting y ( Abe ward of
will he 'lwkI on June 24 and 27. Every Night at the Pavillon.
Te eliers should .Pn41 *Al stun as pow The usual Stanislav night dance w111
. 1ta1k. to the public .s'hool Impostor a he M•k1 83 rhe I',rlli.m tush, week. and
•tateroent of the number of papers re-
commencing Monday next, the l:{th,
qulred for second, third aid junior the Pavilion will Ip open earth weeks classes. okay 40'0110g. A number of Improve -
A Mean Place of Thkrlag. merits have heen made tM, s0wunl for
Ite11414'n14 In the neighborhood of St. tot e,tnf,rt awl convenience of
Patrick's hark were indignant on din-
-covert int
in--covaning that their pretty plot, on
which no'urk (yore kms been heatoWel.
Bad 41e4•11 , Aet'pc'11a1 (hieing Monde!
1ly tan,� `��.� of several ,4,Jthe
Vat of the ja'--,,,t' -'*•.inns, •14 www
despie.1110 deed, and If dh+s9trer'd
bri.1,-snra id
bride'- cousin. who wore a pretty morn;
of un•hld Dreamt,' with hat to match.
31r. E.I. Shaw was the gn4imsman and
Miss Giles, of Wistiltstta.k. played the
Weltlit)4 1110n•11. At the signing of tt0' 1
register. Mr. Erie Wilson sang "The'',
11,1.14 (4'f rat. Marys." immrlinhdy
aft)'nvonls the Wedding party, 1114 hall 1
.in4 :4114)11 forty guests, repaired to the '
41144i)g•ns1m, where the welding tun-
eless) was *41411.41. fairer Mr. tad Mrs. I Week Of June i3 to Jane %4g'
l'utt.ltI•l0Ut by. motor on M141r weanling{
trip. the bride travelling in a smart
tailot-.,I •tact of navy 14111)' goluirolitw Moewla) ami Tuesdr)..luee 13-14.
with 1.1.10k mohair r bat. The gnotns 1 Matinee Jlonday at 4.16 p.m.
gift to 111' bri.le was a p4Wlet set 'DOROTHY D:11•TON
with diamonds. 'rhe hrf41s
nhaie)' in o feature fleet is bound to !Amuse.
¢r4lotrrrtnan, pMrrh.t and Mr. R'
were ills.. presented with pretty ant) SaGuilty of Love"
suitable girth..
"Tito 1 okohams Mala." .
u• regular meeting of rhe \i' 1''r I'
III 1..' held on 'M44444 Jane.1l.h.
hetead of the 1ath)I .•,, amount 441 tile'
'Greyhound rl4ursiau. I'Iwaw• wee the
eh44'nge--Motehly. the 20th, at :f p.m.
In Tempershee !tall.
patrons : 0rrt'lss. inmate Is provided.
agement that everything is condi[ t4d
properly and in gond taste. Large
4rnwlk4 have ltt.ulkeel ,the da M
.444 far this and no d4i?M the
Pavilion wN1 maieaatils- it+s pollsloeity
wee is taken by the man -
The Inrfi• 41iningn+nm of Hotel Sun-
set. with ,in improvised Stage. made
a very cosy opera hoose on E'riday
night. when "The Yokotu•na Maid -
was presented under the auspices of
tire ch$ir of yet. (korre's (*bomb. The
ahnllex•e was a large x111 apPreciatirc
11144'. et'vry chair 1oit1R tilled.
'The Yokohama Maid" lit. a bright
piece cif (meetly, with Rnrxl mush.
sufficient "pint." many amusing situa-
efons stiff' tonell ii•4tTy dhabsgnts -Mr.
R. Frank Saunders, us 4► Sing-a;Song.
the Japanese heiress. was charming.
11 T141 Mr. 11. 1.. Parsons. as t11• amorous
Fatteklo. who wanted lint Ill,1 not get
ti -Song.
)howl th r
imi l
*nest v to
male -Mile in admirable fashion. in
\4i:« Mary Stafford. who hook t•Ile pert
of Kte.1linee. companion of () Sing*-
w►niR, was discovered a sweet singer
who hod we before wppe•arel nn the'
oldie stage. Others who figured In
the rust were Mrs. Btmkley, Mrs. ihtn-
lop. Miss A. Nairn, mind Mtwara. Harry
ltIw•han•n. feral Stt,rly, !terry
!sturdy. ('am. 'Novelty, and John liar -
wood. vel 11w t1/1Mn4 1141411 were aH
well filled. The nhon1ses 111140 were
sung In attractive Style Tla' stage
settings were pretty anti the .1apane.c
costuming was ren' pleasing to the
A eharar•ter (fiance by -14us 110150
and Mr. 114147 Btt(tanon. 1e(tw'e'n
Ila. wits it 14014'1ty, 111d1 w comely
eketeh by the Sturdy brothers. Ham
and Fred, ass very amusing.
On the whole the performance woe
quite up to the standard and all con-
cerned hare Parried eongrutalttlmnw
npm 411.. ,11/4.0 4.04 of the production.
t►n Monday evening 111. opera was
Oven I the saw Memorial flail at
Blytb, ipfore ■ Wee aa,tblat9, and t
repeat lir•,.sbeitierlire one glees at Hdtel
Sunset .esd*
w Wednesday *coning ea a
hospitwi benefit_
i':1R.1MOI:NT M.%(. IZINE
Tuesday and. Wednesday, June 15-16.
\Maim' Wednesday at 4.15 p.m.
9914• (:neat Super Sps•ial that has
tnarasi even the most cynb'1il critics
Portrayed by an all-star east and
coupled vyitlh
A Two -reel Chester C.Matlty
"Bi(. SHOW" '
rridg) and Saturday, June 17.18.
511itieee Saturay' at ::(10 p.m.
in hi- Is --1 laugh i,roclleer
"The Chicken
in the Case"
ll w,
in his eotnedy kme•koUt
"DUCK -121"
mitten aid Factory : 456 Queen St. Vt ., Toronto
Strong Sen s Preached by Rev.
Canon (liefl of Stratford
1 have taken over the Grocery; business of
Faust and Wurm and will conduct it on the •
cosh system, ensuring customers •the best
possible values.
A full line of - Groceries will be carried.
.Your nonage will be appreciated.
, F-
fa,•t Snnilay was the first 01111114T-
sary Of the 4Im,.4.•ntt' 44 SI. 4ieurgr •
chord. .1pp'ropriate maul)' Was Ma.
11ered 11)1(1 two eery able sermons were
delivered by the 14,v. ('anon fluff of
Stnitfbtd. It' the morning the speaker
hook for his text Exodus 14. tarts of
v,ru•s 13 tau1 1:0 : "Fei r ye not :
stand still and see the salvation of the
Lord. and Steak unto the children
of Israel that they go forward" 11e
t.,), hc,4 utl_..t!" Forward 5tov.uo•nt.
showing how necessiifv' -tt wa1- for tin,
I 'an:What church to gn forward with
the mission lurk in our 4041 country
.illeP the nn,th.r rhun•lI 111141 lien
fon9rl to withdraw her 11.141, and hm'
nobly the peq+h' 4041 reslau1k"1 10 the
rail. 'cirri• nal.? be iio standing still
for 411111'4.N, or individual... 1;01
never 3)11)44'. oltstacl•s that tanner lie
o'ervm4, )4'v.r puts R„( Seas before
us without ,r{»•ring a nay- through.
Time is going forward -the 74Hrs will
snort t* behind us forever. The e0a-
(11u11n5 inesu0Re wa% : "Parry on in
O01's power."
Tow eccning sermon text watt
to el
from 4. Citron. 1xix.
hate prepared will) all my might for
the limes• of my 130(1, the gold for
things to be made of gold and the
'diver f,Iflg" f densings of ly-Thr' 43110+1 the�
'nags for •tlilnR.
things rd• idol, ai4l'w411.41 for thing+• of
84x1(1: onyx •ston44 and shines to he
4.4,• glistering .stones and of divers
colours, and all manner of precunei
i of t/a-
.t I1
, n
.tones. awl ala clip O
Ton's` worts of {hand referred to
that groat- temple that he wished to
hnild for 1:o1. holt which (:,sl said
sll0uld 10• built by his son Solomon
in the light of 1:(01'. assurance that
tt would! M• hnllt 1Mvh1 spent his life
in Fathering together material. This
was hitt work in regard to the temple.
arni 10(0 it he (foot lilt boat energy wad
zeal. 9Coy. this David'. work only --
's it not our. too ? ltlnsiderthe
temple. Nothing exceeded 1111414 grandeur,
It Wali a very nmgnifle'nt structure,
Yet 11 ens m)t its material structure
that made it s) dear to the ;grog. it
watt ie. he Bowl's dwelling plate- this
was what Hoc temple .igni1M to
Mucid, 1111141 144 Ill th" ding .44,ati n people.
TIwy felt they
• home for find, Ind what the Jews
troth to do In their day4,an(1 in their
way. WP 411011141 try to (lo now What
la thin temple which w4' a.4' trying M
hnlld ? (Jnr teak Is something greater
than ereeting_Jtnm4'rtma ekurebee- ,►
(raw to Wild our fewtoriPw
P, arU
owe nk.. all oindustrial works fo
Vend 4111► {warming 111 not tewrely e4)
temple but something mots' more (111r
We take .peeial pekoe ID oar Cooling
alpd ventilating system. (bore and 111 -
Two full shows ever) night Martin
al 7.30 p.m.
Matisse:-Mstaday, Waiss-
4ay and Saturday.
The thing -
.1 (duality the c
You will get satis
clothes _b
Eecause th
in quality.
hant must give,
stotner cherishes.
ction out of our
hi h up)
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
manifold civiliZati(n 4hould lie the
t(p14' of (:(oto it is our work and
our duty M make it such, and to con-
tribute each in his own way to theild
buing of that temple : gold for
thing. mf gold, silver tot things of
Silver. Don
dt do what others are try-
ing to der 41 w
3E do hat you have to do
as well A. you ran, making this world
(kpl'1 home. If is not only our per-
mits' in*uetee that we contribute to
the temple, hut our dlffereot duties.
Our different spheres of work bring
rewards of labor of different values,
as gold, silver, hra.s, iron. They ire
not oars but God's Never will w4'
hold these profit', anal rewards rightly
until WP faro to hold them and to
ns4 theme not as rewards, hut as
materials that nod has given opt, not
to be 4411(91 for ourselves., hilt for the
building of the' 'temple on earth. Thi.
is what you and 1 hare tern plae4'14
here for, that ea, h nue of us may
make hit own life on earth (tod't
dwelling place. 1914' should eo-ole•rake
with trod to make It such. 170,11 emajj
and petty our work on earth b.eomes
if we 410 root repand it thus. Try to
think of what you are doing in this
world so the wink 1101 has given you
to do : preparing material for the
building of the temple of God . Nonee
can take your plat"- you hay[` Owen
i.onel by God to dA s In
work in the building of His tempo to
cnntrihnte neelb t material, perhaps
only brass or Iron, hat ea4-41 working
c in his owe way. hared In Mand, to build
Oodles temple, to Ao 44nd'w work 1w eke
r or. ?'ow Is oar Mea. to week.,, tent
r that' the temple he eme pleted -Abet it
Is for 1111 to 4b oar part ill the
of the temple. May wP hof ammo{ tko
/1 111,14.1.4 44110' day are tar' tempi' IWM-
p14'h.41 ? Let int ',tries. to make of this
world 41114 temple of (iud awl the king.
dem of Bort.
One Dollar
A large shipment of
K. 8• S. TIRES
Just received.
Opera House Block
Kingston St. : Gsderict
... ► .... -.-.s..