The Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 7TSE SIGNAL e� OODE8ICH. O1 T. Everything you need for Fancy Work may be found here. Call and see the many beautiful and useful ar- ticles we have in s'ock. Miss S. Noble Setltil Side Square - - Goder h ;goy McEwen's Specials Flanaelettt.11 at re4ue•rl prirea. Sheeting at reduced prices. Itoekfast Lrllt at reduced pr... - Ghigiiiiu at Ie••:ueed'priers. A nice assortment f••r 1l'iml• •' Curtain.. from !Se and up. A11 -wad tb•rg'•• nary blue. daub., width. at 11.75 per yard. Cnderwe.ir. to Blear. at pril•t•. -worth while. When Baby Comes WH A T a joy to met by Dr. Chase's Nerve (mother's heart when Food. Wm. Woods, Cold- baby comes! What water, Ont., writes: "After.• a relief after months of the birth of my baby I was anxiety and nerve strain! run down, nervous andcould Mother is happy and ex- not eat or sleep, lumps g at pects soon to be strong and the least noise. Dr. Chase's well again. Nerve Food built me up and made me strong and well But frequently reaction again.' sets in, and when the excite- Mrs. David Logan, Thor- ment is over she is left weak burn, N.S., writes: "A and limp and does not seem . friend of mine whom I went to build up the way the - to see after baby was born should. told me she used Dr. Chase's Fortunate the mother who Nerve Food all through the has at hand the kindly nurse expectant period and attri- buted her good condition and splendid baby to its use." or attentive friend to tell hes how Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will help her at this critical time. Now more than ever the mother requires the assist- ance of a blood -forming, tis- sue -building, nerve -invigor- ating treatment, and these requirements are admirably d.urghter of Mr. and stn+. • S. 'Marlin 1 SUFFERED .,,:d ,r,.. in her thirty -44th year. The deceased .pride most of his• ate in she tau where for a numbpout twelve of years, FIVE YEARS �� she taught ...ism'. At10Ut tN'1•I1•r acres I ago she was married to Mr. Bowden and about two years later they aures' • to Edmonton. Alta. •For some lilac, . Wads Restored to they lived IIIBritish Columbia. re4urn- hnK again t1, Edmonton. Several *ie•b . Health by Lydia E. Pinkham s ago the deeea*ar1 1•atne east u visit her 1atrrutw, (w•sidra whom ori• brother :gel Vegetable Compound. ore Aster survive. Wilbert 111111 1.1111k1.,, both of town. Mr. li:iwden arrlt,.l O,it._••For years yyeai suf- fr.m the West on Monday, the funeral feted from 'ns caused by displace- " held ht• lit ment of my organs lauglrten gyusanu:e Faun)'. tt , and in my brick. All lulstrmd the same attention, 1111111111111.:11;14H1111111 of this time I was WINt i1•\M• unfit for work and 'was taking diA'ereitt Fiking l 11144' t rolls uikeu 111 t�°bile medicines that 1 walking in tow street. \rompof last thought were gvo.i. Newk• Hr meat Into a brae• ate rr11r1 saw the advertise - and a doctor was railed. He lir. ment in the papers Ili,'Rogers died shortly after. Hr mus 111 o of Lydia E. Pink - his ,wreutyieventh year. Befti'ti u vow! ham's Vegetable Ing u, \\'fugtlue a few mouths a$o he 111111 Compound and took resides' at itluevale and prier to flat r ,° it faithfully. I am In \\'UN'atle.h, The tuueral took .ora s a now in perfect health plays to Dungannon cemetery. my awn work. 1 recommend John Hltoey'psowed 11WilS at his home it to others, and give you permission to Ilene 1111 the 13th hist., in his eighty publish this letter in your little books seventh year. He was one aeric I,Ir1E I and in the newspapers as a testimonial." wander. of Huwiek township. moving _Yrs. D. CAS.SADY, Box 461, Paris, Ont. to \\ fuglerm a fete yours rare Why, women will continue Lowlier so tV H. Gurupy bii•1 r•Un•ue.I home af{er a busiueas trYp through the west• ern 1'ritvht•es. He has %retied some tore rnf obug toildjuwd his fuetury i• Wilfnrl Hamilton. Who has our- ehasel R. 'AI. Mc1 tar's Jewellery bnsi- uess. has nought W. F. Van $ton,••. bunoil„w- on John IItreet ail parts•-• - moving his, wife atti 1'itiiII' f1',�1❑ Grand Valley nest month. tWinghaiu rales will be held un July Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box. All dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Look for por- trait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Re- ceipt Book author, on the box you buy. p 11 that Ito grenf uuntt.•r of articles, is "(;rocerie' at rldneed i'ri'e'I. J. J. McEWEN The Square 1'Mtiw 46 COUNTY A� jQ�j(� 7- 11 At 1 II 111\L Daa7aluVlo II plow S\'umeti s litaittlree The toitnw•tng' 'Terris. of linnet,. and Jlr.. tides Jen - I oflierrs were elel•t1.1 :I Presitleiit. Mrs. khis. of Ikod •rdeh, are .:-iters of the i II II K. A. llollan: Glee -president: Mrs. M. dee:toed. Mitehell: 2it1 rieeipresidi•ut, Mrs. 1'►. 'Phe VI -tient, t:xp•riuwota•R Farm it ('. %h'Morrau: 's•••retary-treasurer, t)ttaw•tt bus Ieitsel for a period of two Whole playing baseball at t;rated Mrs. Wm. -Rivera: directors. Mrs. Get• years tie Clinton fiat Will free Mr Itrnl. Ware ttlhwr balk.- his leg he- Greer. Mr.. Holt. Mullin. 3lrs. •John ittrotlit•rs, who recently pnrrtt.i d it tw•e•n the ankle and kttw. Button. Mr*, Tho,. Mich. -sou. Mrs. 11. from Merui•r lines.. ams' will opernt•• 31rs. ('uthdwrt Hutchinson, of Cres. a11e'lure. Mn. D. Huston. it as u demonstration sutura. Mi. township. underwent an ols•ra11.n sue. . I1tnehiustm.• flax rx pert. who has te- e.+.fully at the Listowel ho.{df:a1 ventl)• return's' from England. where ,'ilio \ash Inas pnr•hilsel a farm Well Satisfied With lw wit- Poking into the flax situat•- has Iswli in town looking over the on the 'Sed edea. -kion of NItt residents. Baby's Own has groom!. -.mitring total alai getting it inteitwls erecting u modern residents. •••111/V11 to flux for 1itt emir's crop. un it. William I;ay. w1111 11. year toga Once a mother hag used Baby's Own IrHICht oat the Graham house, has Meld Tablets for her little ones she will use ,tut tri .mit of l4euforth. Mr. and nothing else. Het use of them leads her \tis+ lisle. will .r.tutii to l etuduu. to believe there is no ether .lurk \Visentiut• woo Its 1.r•u wiiIt The 1rd►•ai•rr Ie,nestesd of l'et•-r Me- medicire to equal them for • any this New York branch e,f the Hack of rit11.itl; 1iar•"iit iiIlene-t 1 rimetr.trtri -of-- Nle ----maws Alit= iaiimcnta to Lasalle Itriruei. of Wint ltum. Mr. and Miss!. �Mt4'aIl are rrmening to Wingham. Thursday. 'May 24. 1421.--Y long is more than we can understand, when they can And health in Lydia E. 1 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound! For forty years it has been the stand- ard remedy -for female ills, and has re- stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail- ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, etc. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will .lith and 21st. be opened, read and answered by a Juan Putter. Lowi'r \iingham. caught woman and held in strict confidence. a large tell fin near they dam N 11.11 i , weighed 7 Ib. la oz. It is unusual fur __-__ s1 large a fish .to be caught in lids.; of ago. ib. ,as well known ben•. Iwo. part of the...river.. '' pug giotro lit, herr from u little Ind. Li'CR 5(1W. The re•waius were brought here Lott The Diet/woe'pip•-lwnl has `been re- ih1'•t•meut. nrgaula'rl, with Riti MacKenzie as..} Jahn 'Jetikli s. a lifelong re•,irdent of header..aiel has already secured 140114 this section, diel on Sunday, May lath, 'engagements. at the age of .rr'rmty-four years. He The opening game of the Baseball was taint in Galerich loran+hip, on the League series was •idaywi h!•re om this Huron road, and after farming in the 17th. with 11w•lial•lt. The wore was township' fnr many tears 1w came to :1-2 in favor of lab -know. Irwin awl 1 ('lloton to reside. ire is survived by loh1istoue• we1e the battery for tuck• i his Wife' and two. daughters : Mr.. W. now aril Walker and M, i' .-teIriek for' J. Vadde•n, of 111w1••rich township. and lntt•hnlrth. I Hiss Nellie, at lame. Rulatwl Jenkins. At �ite anntrwt meeting of tl_w ',lick- t of town. is a brother, and Sirs. R. Clothes are a Problem but the problem is easily solved if you consult us If it is fur work, for sport, for ordinary crery-day wear, or for dress oc- eitaiurs you wish to be outfitted. we are prepareli tit do it in the correct style and at reasonable pen• s. • EVERYTHING IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR (except boots and shoes) McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1HE SQUARE GODERICH • IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE ttI TR'IJ..M GODERICH and TORONTO Lv. Godench No. 26 . 6.00 a.m. Lv. Stratford 7.45 a.m. Lv. kachensr . m. Il 51 a.m. Ar. Toronto " . I0 15 a.m. • Dally eReept Sunday LI. Toronto Lv. Guelph Lv. Kuchsnsr Lv. Stratford Ar. Godench Duly escort Sunday Buffet parlor car and bre-cls vssebuls coachss ,n each dsrecoon. (;.H.Lauder, Station Agent. phone F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS \ Town Agents Phone .37... 4.10 p.m. 7.41 p.m •'\... 1IIp.m 1.00 p.m I • • • • • • Good Plumbing • L4 A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing Is All ABOMINATION When WP do tie• job. we give you ahs• right kill --the kind that gives you pleasure �aiJ wwfurt. FRED. HUNT THE PLUMBER •• Mamwte" Street Plains in Heat ing Metal 5\'ark 1'iumning Iiavpvtruuuh�n¢ New Summer Millinery - ` Milan, organdy tulle and mohair, with ,_lemmings from the plain corded and moire ribbon to the beauty of flowers and mounts. Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Godertch I• itaymorlll. the young son of Philip 1,eionty. I)ryilale, was run into, by a hh;vek'-rider and lied itis Iwo broken above the ankle At the ('ranbrook manta.. on May 4th'. Miss F:Ihtalw•th McIntosh, of t•rwnbrrok. and P. J. Wilda ir. of StrNt- --' e•rd. were uniteyl in marriage by Rev. E. Kennedy. They w•111 reside at dept t for 1. highly eute•mel resident of . ih•1- pa+swl away on the 13th Inst.. Penton of Catherine Miller. wife 1'rew•tor. She wits in her year and Jo survived by her w•o sons and a slaughter. tars Hayter, of Stanley artel this life on Wirt - Is. In his s-venty-first anter. 4)n the home Johnsttm. of Varna. ter of Ow deceased. o teat•iwi the Wey- burn resod. near 1. eter. has handed in hie resignation. to take effect June IO. anil he and Mrs. lgaty fittrpose returning to their Man obit home in Auurest. At the } rangelleal panto ton. on May lmth. the tun place of Mgis.. Irene Pear dtrtghter of Charles Wolfe% 01 tun. to John Herold Moir. won o M. Moir of 1'sburne. 'They will DECORAT ING AND Decorating Matenals Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials, or take the contract of decorating your home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. We can supply your want.. in any kind of Gla.s J. CUTHBERTSON North side West st. Phone 354 1 MEN'S_ SUITS of Right Quality As well as our young men's style we carry a large and complete stock of the more con- servative models for both young and old, ranging in price from $16.50 to $38.50. SPECIAL FOR Saturday and Monday 15 Men's English Worsted Suits in blue and fancy materials, all new patterns. While they last $22.50. All -wool blue Serges, guaranteed indigo dye, pure wool, single and double breasted styles. While they last $35.50. Special - 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.75. M. ROBINS opea twain. gra% in On n1 (le sixty -If husband. Joseph eph township. 11 Destiny. May year. Harry - farm. and Mrs. are moi and des J. R. ilelgaty: w fpp. ('reli- ge took Wolfe. (septile 'titer r . Ids nt London. Tlw death occurred wt K bra May 12th of Annie Itattary. wife o lire. J. K Jun•., at the age of twenty- eight_ Le•ern Mr..lones w•a. to charge of the llxrfit•111 and Varna Sfethoidfat ,nngre•gtitiotns for a tern. Latterly Ire has been farming at Sombre. On Wedueaelay, May 11th, Mr. avid \ars. Thos. Jiliriwtou. of Znrielt. vele- bra ted the• fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. They left the same clay on en extended trip t.. theirllatighter. Mrs. Stottktpf, Kttehener, and other eastern points. 11r. awl Mr. Jolrn- stou have• been residents of Zurich for over forty years. Peter Me1%ugilt,-ftp"-r-oneetielon M Turubo•rry. nearly lost the sight of an eye one evening n•t•erflly. He wens pooriug hot lead whir.• fixing a door lack when a 1,01,14e horst and strnek him In the eye. He was taken to tii- Wingham hospital, where it was found that the ere1M was loony burned put the sight was not destroyed. E\F.Ti•:it. George Cnlmore. an old resident of Exeter. passed away May 15th in his eighty-fourth year. A few weeks ago he fell and fraetiirel Ili. thigh and he had alae been gradually grow Int weaker. He was a tytttve of iA•von- shire. England, coming to Canada at the age of thirty and wining In Exeter, wiwre he had sine resided Ile is Morn ivel by two sons and ora• da Weller. The tww. of the quite 'hoiden death of Mrs. N. (i. Bowden. whielt took place In lit. Hyndmwn'a ho.pital on Thursday evening. May 12th, was re- ceived with much surprise and regret by her many friends In tarwn. The de- t•e's.nt was getting along nicely anti on Thou. -slay was feeling letter than she had for several day.. I►nring the t-ventng she w.. 'stricken with heart trouble and pawed away In a few minut,r. ItewMer• her hu.hand en In- fant daughter two week. old survive•. Mn. I0swde.'a maiden ram. we. Mil- dred Victoria (Martin. 141*' was a childhood. Concerning them Mrs. Eugene returned to Canada and is now oilfbc Boisvert, East Ashfield, Quebec. writes : H,tmiiton bninch 'shin. "My baby was terribly constipated. but after the use of Baby's Own Tablets he is entirely web again. I am to,well satisfied' 4 Hopeless fast. with the Tablets that I Ioee no option. You're looking poorly, .i..hap. K'h> tunity in recnmmending them to other don't you go and see a lye old h mothers." The Tablets are sold by"i did.1 saw see this morning." medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents "What did he say ? ' a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Cot, Brockville. Ont. CLINTON. Emmerwm 1 it4.y, a former ('!intoe boy. and granls n of Cas. F. Libby. of the Clinton Knitting Co.. was ele•trt•litel 1111 Wednesday- of hast week at Owen Sound. Hr w -as {mint- ing the front of the building in %%fool the Owen Rooted bniteh of the Clinton Knitting Co. Lrsituatel. and was on n w•affoklfng shout eight feet pilo'.' 111t• slde•Wilk ant -holding on to an into pipe 1n which were a nuutlw•r of ebr•- trM wires. With his , other hand. while wielding the paint-lernat. he touched au nupr,steetel end of wire. and inimedi:1t.•I3 the current fewer] tlmwigh him. He fell to the ground. and ,,store wrl" suuunt n•d. but in tepite of eforriForetttiiritett for *ewer 40t liner be e•oniel sot be ri,tt11nrl. Fan. mt•rson wits nut Witte eighteen year. In Ye Olden Time beep lkirta were worn by those who first caked the druggist for, and insisted on having the genuine Favorite Pre- eeription put ap by Doctor Pierce over fifty years ago. Dress bas changed very much since then! But Dr Pierce's meli- sines contain the same de- pendable in- gredients. n- gredients. They are stand- ard tdday just as they were fifty years ago and never contained alcohol. Beauty depends upon health. Worry, sleepless nights, headaches, pains, disorders and weakness of a dietinetly feminine character in a short time bring the doll eye, the " crow's feet," the hag�d Mak f d r n a p i n g shoulders, and theanfaltenng step. To retain the a pearanee of youth yon mast retain health. Instead of lotions. powders and ppaints, ask your druggist for Doctor tierce's Favorite Prescription. Pnt?TIN , liAsk.-" Daetor Pierce's Favorite Prescription eared me when all other medicines failed. The home doctors o,nld do nothing for me. I happened to see Pc. Pieree's advertise- ment In the paper, sent Inc the medi- cine, and fe1t a greet benefit from even the fleet few doses. I kook bet a few bottles until I was entirely well. I cannot sprak tar highly of We merits of the Prescription." )(aa. Jagrrr Naomi, R. R. 1. Bring Your Films to us for De- veloping, Printing and Enlarging Prompt Service Reasonable Prices Satisfaclion guaranteed H. \'C. DUNLOP, ?lune P. Phone No. 1. The Rexall Drug Store Cod( rich Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away No matter how oto how dam. how deayedatsQ, w a rot's around them and • end to ata to be made trio The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs Revsramla-Wta wear a a-tatiats--RWas reasonable. W. have hundreds of reworrunandattons from seta - fled fled customeew Ask for VELVETKX" Prior List We pay storms beta ways on large orders. ono way on stroll orders. Estakkikee lees Procne Oleg CANADA RUG COMPANY N CARLING *TAM t : LON0004, OMT• o , NSee Our 11%'eddtnit SlahonerWJune Brides June Brldi,s Be/ore'Plaetng' Your Order. Now Is The Time To Paint If you havq.ddaiyedpainting, youLproperty bas suffered. Do not put vat ark,longer. Save the surface and you Save a Look around and you will many places, both inside ando>i that call for a coat of paint. Now is the time. £Nature is re -decorating, get in line and do the same. The most economical method is to use euaranttt We guarantee the Mortis -Renews, les% Pure Paint (except beside White and • dew dark shades that cannot be prepared prom lead and rine), to be made from pure white lead, pure oalde el rine, with coloring mat- ter is proportionate qua•titiee necta- eery to make their respective shade, and tints, with pure linseed os' and 1ur- peeline dryer, and to be entirely rats from water. ben- zine. whiting and other adulterations, aad sato suspect TO caarlcat. •II- •s.vsts. .r prat 41lfami do O ..z.--` �/ -,0 '" ,' PAINT, MAR'T1N-SENOUR 100% PURE PAINX AND VARNISHES Their covering power and lasting qualities are very peat. It will pay you to insist on getting this popular brand. For whatever painting or varnishing you do there is special All ARTIN-SENOtIR Product, each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose (or which it monad* Consult us as to your requirements. We have • lull stock and complete information as to deroiative schemes. Let us advise you. F1RED:LH U NT GODER1CH ONTARIO t .q III R