The Signal, 1921-5-26, Page 1•Ilse"✓�MIR , �y f v 4 / f Ile wise whispers dews a well About the goods be kas to sell Will sever reap the golden dollars Like bio who clubs . tree aid boilers. Advertise Your Business in The Signal. tSE%ENTI'•VOLKTH 1'EAR NO. 21. C Id Bnr4•o 1 sus 19 06 801ton Boulevard w 14 . k • e Hew is Tota Supply of Office Stationery ? The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let ns have your next order. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Publishers. PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE The Sterling Bank in your town to more than a repository for funds. It ie the representative of an Institution whose otscere are always prepared to take a person/ interest your business and to assist you in every posdbide way. Advice regarding flna ndal or investment miniature Information dealing with farm problems Is freely Shea. 11 Information along these lines 'admired whkh we do oot possess, every effort is made to obtain It. Are you getting the benefits of this personae Banking Service in the business and financial matters dealing with your farm? THE STERLING BANK • . Old Home Week is Goderich August 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 The Committee has reason to believe that many names of former Goderich residents have not yet been handed in, and it is earnestly request- ed that all who have not yet sent in the names and addresses of relatives or acquaintances who have left this town do so at once. The Committee is anxious that the list of Old Boys and Girls should be as nearly complete as possible. Names may be left at the office of the Secretary in the Board of Trade rooms, or mailed to W. S. Bowden, Secre- tary Old Home Week, Goderie)b N.. 1-Tw•n-wtorc. white brick bourse. fully modern, R rooms, ((Mintel on Newgate street. Teti+ i. one of the tw-st buys in Gotlerlt•b. Price 11.eM. No. 2-44tory and a -half, ftntrw. eight.rnomcel house•. el.e- trte• light, water nod sewer connection, newly decorated throughout, full lot. fniit trees, chicken house,. situ- ated on west side of Cam- eron street. Price 11.311. No. 3 -Two -;story frame house, R rooms. elect tic light end bath, large tent mirth. (west side of Victoria street. Price 11,700. No. 4 -2 -story ryal brick, elght- rormed, fully modern•hottee. i•lrephtttt in den. O. qod retable or garage. This very detnible prove y, altuated on .•11rucr of Elgin *retitle and Stanley stmt Prier 14.111. Nu.:,- -Two-story. brick. fully now limn ho11s5, hot water heft tlug. four fireplaces, lunge verandah. situated on the east wide of Mont real street I`rler 15,000. No. d• -Story and a -half, frame. WI -roomed limn•. full Int. sittlptesi on the east aide of Wer1-e,`.0 street-, Prier 1750. No. 7-10.aere (snit with otw- andw-Iit1f eetory, eight- roomed igatt- r o mud frame 4Iwe1lilig, f11II size hadenuont. Bathroom, good hunt. Elespint I.na- tlu11 for poultry farm 1Ittrtted 011 the west side rf F;Irl.in Are et" fret. $4,250. A number of vacant garden -Ws to fent. - Other listings may be had on application at the office.� Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Heal Estate. N. W. BASEBALL LEAGUE Purity Flour v. Stratford AT -AGRICULTURAL PARK, GODERICH Wednesday, June 1st 6.15 P. M. ADMISSION - - - 35 CENTS roll& 3AL1 OR 1101T. HOUSE FOR SALE. -APPLY TO LA B. C. MUNNING,,Nelson Street. 11 WANTED. -A MODERN FURN• (SHED HOUSE, Isom 1st July: bur bed - mono. P.O. BOX OK Goderich. HOUSE FOR SALE. -ON PARK st1es1; Me been remodelled throuIbout, re- SI0ialad on Brow attest. Apply to MRS E painted and redecorated, and other improve- Bla_k. {t meats made. T. R. W ALLIS. Victoria street t( • ARTICLIS FOR SALE HEALTHY. LUSTROUS HAIR is LARL.ELY A MATTER OF CARE. -Pretty hair has FOR SALE.-�FlFTY "ANCONA • been termed a woman's crowning glory. HENS; to �. A opportunity it's true, for nothing adds more to tete'/ to acquasa sago rick. 'an turm•n ion 1 personal charms than a fluffy, lustrous mot° ALD (Dunlop, R.R. 3. i hair. Such a possession is within the Goderich. grasp of every woman who gives her hair FOR SALE.-* ts TallWO-STOitmodern ''conWHITveniencesE I hair ioscprehaire dyesa.lhair gg000d hdnnd bock brae. wi itIJ OUSES-HuUSES. - All kinds for sale at very reasonable prices - A new red brick, furnished house toren; for tete summer months. Near tete lake bank 'on Elva avenue. Immediate posaeauon. Apyfy to P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 5U. tI LIOR SALE. -RESIDENCE CORNER P ..1 Cambria road and Nelson stript. owned and formerly occupied by A. M. Glover. AU modern conveniences. Owner ..as moved from town and wishes to sell. Apply to MRS. G H. LAUDER, Nihon asset,oe at Signal Oaks. (OUSE FOR RENT. -CORNER OF Ll Toronto and Bridge streets, large two-story brick house. eight rooms. cement basement, floored attic electric lights and bath. APO),to JAMES GARtly RICK, Stanley street. tf LAOR SALE. -A TWO-STORY RED Mick house. with all modern conveniences. estsd by hot water system. Garage on prop- erty. Situated at the Ionto' Noith street. Pus• nano. an be had 1st April. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. if Acquire the Habit Doubtless you know persons who, notwithstanding small salaries, have more substantial savings than you. It is all in getting the saving habit Persistently deposit $5 in your savings account every week for five years, and with interest at 3% compounded semi-annually, your balance will total $1,401.74. Vj ARM FOR SALE. -WT 25. CON- `• CESSION 3, Godertcb township consisting o1 e2 acres of choice clay loam. yeah spring crsa and sprout well. Barn 4014U, with cement stable.; hay bare. 1az27. drive -house. iea.'7; small ben - house, comfortable concrete cottage. sod two acres of orchard. 1t is situated one male from designated Provincial county road. seven mile Iron Goderich, and is convenient to school and church. Apply to B.N. LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2. Goderich. Pbonewra r 1 t1 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. WooUoombe, Manager • PORUC-11MR. NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION. TOWN OF GODERICH. Take notice that the Court of Revision of t4 Towed Godericn will hold os lint sitting in the Council Chamber. Town Hall. (.oder.ch. for the R SALE. -A NUMBER OF PURE - purpose of hearing appeals against the assess. , BRED. regatarerp Pilled. Angus Aberdeen mem roll for the lows ler the year 1021.un bulk. vet for service. Apply to J. R. VARCOE, TUESDAY. JUNE 7th. IR21. i R. R. No. 5.Goderie► 11 VOTATOES.-I HAVE A QUANTITY 1 of potatoes to ba dl.paa.J ot at any price. Anyone may thaw Iyr10 at his own Mire DUNCAN McKAY. K,ntaa 0,14,060.'12r/1. ii OR SALES4tdN PASSENGER, u U s<ylicedis automobile: genuine lather aphelia. ededs Ailed with new bearing,. Car has besa 1Mrou1Ny gone over by an expert and r (a pe*(eict condition: newly painted. The very t#p caro bas been taken of enterer; has been ire y by its owe and M run lees than nee ellosiensid mdse. Fated with (our ties practically sew and two spare.. Top and side curtsies aa m the day they kit the factory. The owner to sena and will give the biggest terpin veo on a car m Gode- rich. Apply to WOW WALK ER. CREAMERY EQUIPMENT FO R SALE. The Dungannon G.Msery having bee bound out last loll. and it having been decocted nest to re- build. the islionnag ertkhe and goods whit\ formed part of the equipment are for rill: Osie Ford auto t rusk. One light Ford truck. One 1sh. P. engine and 15.11 p. map. One rotary pit &Ata round woodaa wet wormy Meat 0't� 1 One round wooden vat *cavern im laaut W ). One sq.ure tank (osp.ity about Ribble.), One Ice saw. Olacw building. late, tame. Teo 113.gal. lackMedOem tans. Teo Sand 1e gal. gfelvanraed cram cane. A quaatity of scrap iroa. About WON feet u1 inch lumber and scent I ' g 'hosHnee apply to A DI-illhit or T. H. AND 'RSW1. Dungannon SHINGLES FOR SALE. We will sell gre.n tlrinales, because they are guaranteed to last a els time Why are shingles kiln-driedSimply to sane freight. Shingles Io their natural state wtlgh twenty pounds more per bunch thank That means twenty per cent. more aervtoa. 11 this means anythingto vow buy your ew shingles from C A ROB- ERTSON es JOHN TRrtSLE, R. R No. Goderich. 11 destroyers, combs, brushes. brilliantine and many other things which may be needed in caring for the hair. E. R. Wigle, drug- gist. Goderich. •t s o clo _k in the evening. All parties interested are requested to attend L L. KNOX Town Clerk Coder icb, May lard. 1921. WARNING TOWN OF OODERICH Ute Blackstone's homemade ice cream. for all occasions. It makes a delightful. delicious dessert. Phone 240. Unlimited Quantity of ' GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 14 per tingle cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING Co.. LIMITED (Foot of Anginas St.) Phone 61. Any plr+sa or pesos tying, tethering i or pastswmg ase horse or cow on any , meet or public place will be prosecuted ander tett Tbwn Bylaws• if animal is l not under the immediate control 01 some' responsible person. Dated this 18th day of May. 1021. R. C. POSTELETHWAiTE. Street Inspector and Chief of Police. COURT OF REVISION. . TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH. The Municipal Council of West W awanosb will sit onlMay 30. 1051, at to 0 clockas a l ourt of Re. niton on the aaieasment roil a. returned by assessor for the year IRA. as per statute in that behalf. W A WILSON, Clerk. 1 MiR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital assistant at Moorefeld's Eye Hospital and (torden Square Throat Hos- pital, London. Eng 53 Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Telephone 9rR. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich. from Wednes- day. July 20th. at 7.10 p. m.. to Thursday. the 21st. at 1 p. en.; MUSIC IANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. to.HENRY, Masts Studio. north ode of to. tl wV't>iU. iktqr W ANTED. -A le'fdai- is charge or so elderly pwWWS. AR ooryei pastimes won be treated conadaetially. Apply '0130E17. SIGNAL. OFFICE. The Juvenile Harry Lauder Engagements taken o 'Jawu socials and other entertain*tents. SINGING ^No OAPLCING LESLIE EVANS Box 417, e • erich. - 1l `f ANTED.- -A LOCAL REPRESEN- TATIVE at Goderkh to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries." and cover sur• rounding hwnto,ry. A splendid opening for a reliable mart. Exclusive terrilary, STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto.Ont. St WANT A FEW STUDENT p111 Berge1� W the CiT, OP ST1RA D G kNAL I•IOSPI AL, Surat• lo:d.OaYrie. St GENE C. CONNON and Her Popular Orchestra Up -to -Date Instrumentatiost ASU The very latest Dance Music Rates on application to mem- bers of Orchestra or at J. H. LAUDER'S DRUG STORE North Huron Llberaki. The annual meeting of the North Huron Liheral Awe-tttlon Icor the Federal ridingl will be held in tete town Ball, Winghaw oe Tuesday. flay met, at 2 oi•I.i•k. All I.Ibera1 are In. riled to attend. Why pay more for a phonograph when you can get a real "Stewar'" from 115 to 135, and a beau, tiful cabinet machine for 15" Ask for a demonstration at Black.tnne's ice cream parlors. Agent for Gennett Records. in solitude you may clean your desk. wipe your slate clean, and learn to he a man -anew. Try it, and buy one o1 Pridham the Tailor's suits: around the corner North street. "Thr 1'.kuhaaaa Maid" June 3rd. "The Yokohama Maki,- a Japanese iv.mic ;opera In two seta, which has been In preparation for the teest few naroths. is advertised In tido issue, to ins glren in the eoulunsltour Hotel Sun- set dlydng.rtiom 1111 Friday evening. .Juste Ertl. A large stage 1. being erected, and al,propriate str1110 decor- ation-, inindstent with the floral fete of Japan, has been arranged tor. Th.• mns1.• i+ ctn.-snugly privity and With a ('1ref1i1 solution of talent for cad and chorus the full {wtislb1111le.. of the opera will lie ensured. it Is u11tttses• wiry to individualize the glwlipt7tinus Of thaw• taking tart. lint 1t can safely it prerli.•led that this offering Will our. 1.5 anything( ever attempted by local lent. 1'rngranr- to lw issued Inter w• give full luf.irmwtlon mower -nine tli • Inking Fart in the production. The growing popularity of Templeton'/ Rheumatic Capsules for rheumatism. neuralgia. lumbago. etc.. and Raz•Mah for asthma has placed these remedies among the -best sellers." Fur sale by H C. Dunlop. Members of the 33rd Reg•ment band are requested to bear in mind the regular practice next Monday night. Every member is expected to turn out for practice. fitTNDKI'H RALE; KEGIBTER. Tt;RioAr Miry 31 • Clearing auction sak of farm•retrk, ,mnlements, household furniture_ etc , urfl r,ly of Peter McCall. lol 17. concession 7. Magri* Sale without reserve. as proprietor has so'd hist' BORN. CLARK - At lesandra hospital. on Wednes- day. May 1921. to Mt and Mrs. W. J. Clark.. daughtertAln.a Eliesbetbt. FRITZLRY At p • lorrd in Monday. Mar D, Richard Freaky. aged -5 Year& YOUNG.. -In C.odench: ,on Satnrdar. May 21, Matilda 1'exanderwidow of the ate John Barr Young. of Montrsl. PROCTOR At Hulm.sy.aq nn Sunday. May 21 Joseph Proctor, and se years. l0 months and 9 days NEW £DVERTISEMENTS. Meeline n1 Ninon County Council Holmen Potatoes tor Sale -Duncan Mc.(ay. Kin Pan ge W. 1_ 1 House for Sale -Mrs E . ..�.. .\..... ..1 CPousvehledReaon WLanLe.dKresins .... special Sale -Parson; Fair Syndicate.11 ... _3 Engagements Wanted --Leslie Evans 1 Ancona Hem for sale --R. McDonald. R. R. N 3. (:nder.rh Kee,er Wanted ---Fins 17 Sinal Oftke.. . . ... 1 House for Sale --T R Willis ... .... .... 1 "The Yokohama Meld" filed Phonographs. .- 1 horns n'. Music Store ..4 Financial Statenent•-Stell• g Bank a Open for all Engagements GENE C. CONNON LEADER TOWN OF GODERICH Garbage Collection. The Town will collect garbage from private dwellings on Wednesday and Saturday of each week from JUNE 10, providing there are enough persons desir- ing the service. The fee is 81.50 per month from the first of any month. and must be paid in advance to the Town Treasurer. A few approved Garbage Cans for sale At cost. For any further particulars apply to L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. NOTICE OF MEETING. lia.EETiNG OF HURON 11IOUNTY OOUNGIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at a o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the 7th day of June. 1U21. All accounts against the County must he in the handsel the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meet- ing of the Council. GPO W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich. May 20th. 1921. GOLDEN GATE R. B. P., N0,10114. Meets dive Thursday of each month, M Forest. en' Hall. Visiting Sur Knights welcome. • 1. McNEVIN, R. H, MEW Registrar. W. P, is David Mcilwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. All kinds of Farm Machinery In the•Qld Stand Hamilton Street, Goderich. DANCE! Saturday Evening May 28th 8.30 to 12.00 "THE PAVILION" Goderich. Ontario ti he Yokohama Maid" A Japanese Comic Opera in Two Acts ivy the saute writer as "The hasp of Limerick - will be given in the Hotel Sunset O N FRIDA', JUNE 3rd, 1921 AT 8.30 P.M. _nada the ell of St. George'. ('hair, assisted by the best musical r r�G talent of Goderich. ;rose tZaho bate seen the Opera elsewhere. and others who have wit• awed local reheareals. pronounce the Opera w,, notch 'superior to "The LMictirt." width gtkned Fetch popularity here two year; ago. egg' '�elslder the cat and caprin exceptionally proficient. The story and mnsic are much on the lints of (iilben St Sullivan's "Mikado. - which attained and maintained World prominence, with an advantageto "The Yokohama Marti ' in mirth and melody. i_Z50 Reserved Seats at 75c. Plan at the Retail Drug Store June Id. 100 Rush Seats at 50c. birder the .1fuxirrrl Direction )f Chnrlex Buckley. ,t • Goderich Amusement Co., SHINGLES! xxxxx (5 x) C; B. Shingles at $ 1.50 per bunch.----- Goderich unch._- --^ Goderich Planing Mills LIMITED noose 17 P. O. Sot '11 • 1, • • • i"�',Mal `. Productive and Provident People: ,i tj 1 The more you produce and the more you save the richer are you and the better off is the community in which you live. Thrift and production are needed to -day _needed more than ever before. This bank is protecting and adding interest to the money of thousands of hardwork- ing Canadians -people who forge ahead and help their country to grow. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTA.RustmD 1817 TOTAL Morn IN Excess or;500,000,000. HEAD OFFIcn s MorrnteAL. GODERICH BRANCH E. V. LESSLIE - Manager. Iileaaches la all important centres in Canada Swings Departments at all Bronchia • 1