The Signal, 1921-5-19, Page 4( 4•-Tharwlay. *ay 19, '11131. Better Clothing for Men IIsi Illlllttllrl 11 I bill 1 11 111 Illllis - lh"111IIIIII I l Th 11111.1' 1 r....-fToo pilin. nal , l)ll 4'1 1111"1 ---7P IIii„ III • • It does not pay to buy "cheap" clothing. It will not give satisfac- tion. You not only lose money but also the sat- isfaction of being well dressed. Let is dress you up in one of our stylish;; well -tailored Suits and you will be dressed fjlt for any society. PRICES $20.00 •TO• $40.00 Phone 57 9ridham .,Ireat.fur I..ji•..,clinu 1/,,Is !Eg EEG* Has Springtime rs mewed your youth Do you feel "Ten years younger . NOT if you suffer from Rheumatism, or Neuralgia, Neuritis, Lumbago. Why not a Spring clean-up of your aches and pains with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules? Guaranteed to contain no habit-forming drug. and to be ahsoi- utcly harmless to the heart. kidneys or other organs. Prescribeded r doc- tors sold by drugg Teal free at 142 KiingcW . Tor ronto. T'ettnplctons, Local Agents-Dudop's Drag store. Now is the time to order - COAL • We have a limited quantity .of choice Chr'stnut on hand at McGaw. Prices renable. Also Orders taken f Shingles and Cement. WM. McCLURE Dungannon Phoue 4:?, Goderich Rural B. C, Goderich -JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY SERV! OF TOE • BENMILLER METHODIST CHURCH MIA. BE HELD ON • rsrN(;.A \ Nt)N- RenuinIM•r the pluv. "Lena -Rivers. - to I. elven in rhe .4zrieulroral Hall here on Friday evening of next week under the au -Lica- of the Women's Io -bone. 414DEWIt7S, OR? CHURCH NOT. !ter. .7. E. lied Clinton. gave an lntere.tiug travel Wk. Ilimrr:u..t by lantern Hibbs., It h'i"\ ,'1111 l'• II 1111 Tn mito$y evening. nolo ' o,au-pier•- of the St. .Andrew's Clot!, Tie.-ul.ject Wa. "R,M•ky Y,MIIIC1111 M'•'" •- ' At the Itaptl$t .'11 next Snndac Rev. Horace firs„'1 " ' f `.'uthnutl' ton. will preach *t h• 'i -eels• SIIb• 104•t+ : 11 a.m--7r'..• pout et of the tSfohlidrslmIt,i:ml•1ui1taH1'tinpP" - 11:11:11 i•nl 1:.T!mhre sT. hh.nowl i At Knox ehnreh Mg Itev. T.. 1). *tire of Knox I. ereace. Malt that Int4141• ers+ting c. Ing the minister 1, "rh morn- r.•present- ,Iia'. Will work Iu , '!W (oven.: : An - I'nuaua' t'. -• Sabbath' school and Bible .l.•" - t• a ei, I4M k. The annual ase.•tim::'f .h.• London conference branch.• Methodist ' ••y will be Woman'sMlasio*:.n' hell at T.Ivtnwel nu M.' ei and 27 At the opening aP--1.''- .: Wslues.lav aft,•rn on there will ' 1.. 4l union s:•t'vi'w." In whir+ ti,,• .' irrer Rival- larles will take p,.' • 1 -••w'.•1. (anis rieh,.84. Tbomaa, e'h.iO:t•• • and Strath. any. - .,, - Serrbe. wIR 1* 1,0.1 .r. 'Voir,' sjpw t Meth,wll.t ehnreh u,:\• :.,'0I41 : 11Aa• in. and 7 n. m..rpi!,Ic,. ,,-'ill. \Hetl- i 4 ne theme -ante f),:v spirit ,and 1 World Pntgreaa." •1'+---.4=--44--b".tat '1.'r. rives. 111 a.m., Mi.- I::In& Shen'- Club and (I*' - I",t'' '•.1'ie--dia•a.- don on '4Pr••rer." 1.1 hc'W+•:r4. H. R. I Lotg and W. T Tiilie p.m.. Son- ' day Pinole Th. ,-,VP.ttle`•rifitt nn tVeanesday avenin +..: bot •in charge of the Epworth 1.c,:+•- Mr.. Lenard W.•••'' -,k was .t1,0 it+t,•w of the ll..• -.'----.lig of the• 1.a.li.•s' Aid Society ,.f \ ''"ria street eluln•1i. Roll Ball evils answered by pr\-i84C the due. an.l Iw1rine-s aalsist.d ..f tini-•hint up the pa year's work. ,n.4 arranging n ing for •he-'•'m:r.•ettioirnI nu -•t i tic to to held 'n 1{r•-(neselay even- iuC, rhi- Society fnrni-:link refresh- ' meurs. it was not' -1 in the reports of 'cf4mmttbs-, for the war that the S.- iety hail a .u1. -stinal Increase la dances and member, fleeting (vvm- n1 Iter. reported 424i ri-i's Afternoon 1*' served by the-.••-rp•a.--. CI 414\E. Tuesday. May 17. ritnfllanwl (concession Notes.-- Mks Twmi.-n Jlae.l••l is staying with Mn. 1Vw. Steno. this week )1r. and Mr.. Wu..,Snv.ler returned last week from ai t1•u .lay.' trip to Toronto. Ham. Hum. Kitchener and other prints Mr- H. E. Forster ds visiting with. frtetut+_int Iiuffal rttrta week: - : Misr Albano. Holtzman, of Crediton. Is visit- ing with. her sister, , Mrs. I). F. Schwan! •lir. AVS. Stevens went 1 Th,• doors of the Atie,-ln Sybil., of Ilurn remain dosed l' •••wen 41e1e- mite.'. Mr. John Itat-f•.r 1. of (Tin- ton. at the meeting ,.f Syn.:•l last work. again brought up Iii. in ..ion for the admtssJnn`Of women. -lin' 11 was \5.te1 sown. and an amen.lmr:i 1.. refer the lineation to the ve-ter• un•r with no support. The Synod wo=n' on r..•or.l in favor of empoweriye''i..• Bishop to authorize clergy of other •-'nlmnn ions tu preach in pulpk. of rl..• Anglican rintr.•h and to , allies- L;- .terry to joreach in other i•i►ilr.t-. limier such rir.•umstahees as In11..tiinlrnd 4)4'•111 - selves to his judgu..•ur. Rev. 1.. 1). 8. ('.....h,sslon:sry . Media. la visiting the Isbytery ,. Huron, and partieu:arh• 1 c..ng tion of Knox chart -14 w l,•' -u Xinirvarnf- •e he is in the mi --ion field. Mr. ('oxs,.n arrived in Lean on MutMlay ace ay, May 22nd, 1921 -. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rey. A. W. Itnrwu. a former pastor. will preach at loth services. Special mu.lc`will he furnished by local choir, assisted by Miss iO3 Way. of luudon. GRAND SUPPER and CONCERT will he held on TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 24th Supp•r will be serval frow 5 t.. '.aft o'cl.s•k in the public school room. The programme: to he given-tn'the church, will eoroebt of the fol- lowing talent : ' Erie Young, Dramatic. Reader Miss Florence ITewea, Violinist of these young ladies are conn'. -ted with London 4'our.•rvatury ilnet pnc+.•ss great talent in their respetive lines. Miss lhnvey has Just returned from a ..nic.•rt tour of ('*nada and parts of the 1'nit,d Staters. Ted will be given by Mks Ida Way. of London, Miss Hazel her, of Goderieh. Mrs. Russell ('outts, of Mettaw Station, and Mb.. Winnie amitotic. Add by Rev..). F. Re)'erift and Its ..t`. W. Brown. Ito 1 A baseball garb will he playet In Mr. E. Vaustofe',. field, commenc- ing at 4 o'clock between 4•oll.orne. and (luderieh township teams. genrl•nl louglot boo t will 111 on the gronn.l. Thu' patronage of the ..teras ' Adaiaaioa Price to Sapper and Concert -rains sx ;,.a-. ZZ•• rax carload ..f crottle...... Mr. J. C. I)nr4.t had a- number of *keep and 14.0111111 sniaar. .at..'•w'+a• parr s tip from 1Voalsteek for a few resit with. his brother, Mr. N. Baer. BF:41_1;4;R. ieF.R. J Airrle•e Fntertainnt41nt. -help liter the Jnldlee I111111v.rs.ry sprt•lI•e.: of Renmlller Methodist (lum•h on Sunday next. a.t 11 a.m. and 7' p.mt ltt . A. W. Rrnw•n, a former ptl.tor, is gill pr1-1,•h at both -seri -lees, and there Will 1..• :pedal mimic. Ott - the evening n .Mar 24th there will 1e a gnon.l supper and eoneert at the cliilmh. for which groat pregiiiiatlont sire being made. 1t is Hoped that the friends of the congregation will !natty in trot nnmlw•rt anti maMP thia-ncrw' Mlon an uugnalln..1 atiheess. A I'1t1'RN. 1ne+llt\ Mar 17. Dr. R. C. Weir and Mrs. Keit are +pending a fey✓ days vlsltitlg at To- ronto this !nest:. «m !.r4 ',r" I'8'! with.ItIS. . slam.• eeme tet misei,nifiiing w-aiis r tP f1I t4 iS'N. Tip lmse1r111 Ion .4.13l hitt w k was well att1.114e•11 and a rn,wl time w:k• spent. It. i), Mnnrn and 'Meg 4innro motor- ed t.. Kitchener over Sundlry to visit the t:trter's nhrents. Mrs. R. 1). Monro and "Miss 1`Ileu tw me - are visiting near tratfonl 114 . 11 1', KI- NX1•:11], ('htihrman. CARLOW, - -\ WEDNESDAY, May lY MI's. John Feagan spent the week -end with her son William at Sheppardton. Mrs. Jarvis McBride and Maters (so, and Percy spent one day last wt ek with her sister, Mrs. H. Reid. of Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. James Feagan spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. John Mid- dleton, of Clinton. Hurrah for baseball practice Friday evening. Something special doing. Mr. and Mrs. A C. Clark stent Sun- day with Mr. Clark's parents at Harring- ton. Mr. Alex. Sterling took a flying trip to Stratford one day last week. Mr. Thomas Wilson is at Toronto this week on businem. Mist Ruth Young, of Stratford. spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs R. M. Young. • RT. HI)I.F.NS. 1V.donsday, May 1`a. Inapector Totn was visiting our schools on Tuesday. Mrw. A. atcliro+tle was a visitor with Mrs. H. Mullen, of Lucknow, la* week. Mr. end .Mrs. John Miller, Mn. Ed. Thom sad -Mr. Joe Anderson were at Alma o* Tueerlay attending the fun - seal of their cousin. Mr. John ]filler. The annual meeting of the St Helene Women'a Institute will he held at 0* hobo et ,tent. D. McKensie on w tray 24th. at 2.20 o'clock. Tete 1 b. the elertlon of officers, roll on hailmbera' fee. A special In- vitation li esi ailed to *11. LFFiltl'Iit Missionary Anniversary. -The Lee. Srn auxilinl'v, W. M. N., will celebrate t • twenty-fifth anniversary ut its vi- a,' 'coition on Friday. ably 27th. ■4 2 p.m.. in ttm chnnfi. 't`h.• neig1)11nfft anal! ries of Knox elms h, Goderich, Port A - et aid Smith's 11111 are in- vited to be present. it is (tamale! that an a . eras will be given by Mrs. Paxson of din PERM) AL MENTION. Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson has returned to town and Mr. Hutchinhon is expected to arrive from England verb shortly. Mrs. H. Stowe, of l.nrTon, is at the home of her parents. Mr. ctpd Mrs. Jas. Buchanan, recuperating aftt•r her re- cent severe illness. Mrs. E.O. Colborne and iittlr aug4. ter have returned hone after visit to Toronto. They were aceompi%(tied lty Sirs. ('olborne's mother. Mrs. Tont of Toronto. who will make a visit beta, Miss Ware, of London. and Mita Jean` Oliver, of Dorchester, motored to Gode- rich and Ripley the past week. On their return they were accompanied to Londod by Miss Vida Wilson. While in town they were the guest of Mrs 'Byron Wil- ton. Mr. E. V. Campion. of Weyburqq Sask.. pas been here the past week vin'ting his mother, Mrs. E. Campion Our former townsman is now at the teed of a large concern at Weyburn handling coal eaten- aivety and report, business protperotu. Mn. Campion *01 come east next month for an extended vert. ASH FIELD. The 1 -Tares ,who are interested in helping the G.Mlerlch hospital are medially invitel to attend a meeting to 1.. 1. 411--.j4-114.• bnme .d Mrs. Rleh:tnl M.'AVhinrey on Wcdtuwlay. Jon,. 1st. at 2.:ln .icl.Mk. 1F:reryuMsly come. dtt trrlt'. Ing i lug. tin Turgidly .,rnoon he• !tri• an addr.•es at the meeting the o- man'- MisaMnary Society. \ext $n11 - day morning be Will occupy vim wapiti of Kn..x ebur.•h giving an .ii ,•osmt of his nus-iun work, and on IM•• -.lay even- ing. in the intltre room of ... church. a reception will he tencleretl him by the («ngreirtinn, lies. - (' n-"n and their young -.n.- Billy, merit, in town tomorrow. Mr ('oxson will -mend the remainder of 41.111 month io rhe Pres- bytery of Ili 4.11, visiting a. many as possible of the congregations within It. taun.l. The District Meeting. Phone 56 D.MILLARSON "The Scotch Store" STORE HOURS t 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. t SATURDAYS 10 P.M. Phone 56 Vet/W.NS Newest Silks for Summer Wear Our stock is now at its best. No color is missing that fashion demands. Never 'were silks more popular than this • season Fuji Silks for\\ Skir This is a. heavy wave Jap ese Silk that will weat well and eve splendid satisfaction for skirts, sport suits, and dresses for summer -wear\ 36 inches. $225 yard. White PongeeSilk $1.95 yd. White Pongee Silk is much in evidence for summer sport ski extra heavy quality, a.. great wearer: inches. $1.95 yard Three splendid values Kong Gorrie Jersey Weave Silk This is another Japanese Silk, similar to Jersey Weave; very dressy for skirts and dresses; launders per- fectly! 33 inches wide: $2.25 yard. Guaranteed Taffeta Silk $2.75 yd. This is our special Imperial Silk; rich quality, woe Isr.guar- Colors - white, taupe, seal, , rose, navy, amethyst and inches. $2.75 yard. in Charrneuse for dressy wear For best we Charmeuse Satin is desira 1 ; beautiful finish, drapes splendidly and gives thorough satis- faction. In seal, navy, orchid, castor, black and white. 40 inches. $3.50 yard. in Natural Pongee We are showing three exception- ally good values in Natural Pongee Silk. The wearing and washing qualities are well known; they are ideal for curtains, overdrapes, skirts, , waists, dresses and children's wear. Specially .priced at 98c, $1.48 and $L96. The snuoisi-.b-.trk't tnew tout of 1h.' Methodist ' ims+ for Goderi.•II district was held n• liiytb on Thu --,lily and W,rines.Lly -'f'thia week. There were two new candidates* for the ministry. Mr. J. 17'. Tf'ton of lieaforrh and Mr. Stanley Itic.•rs of Goderich. both of W110111 h1Iv1' l.wg attending Victoria 4'oll.•ge The w.mmittee on retrrange- tn.'ot of tai" 4:erk, after hat -king over 4_ab+vont irr-•> I#thrii, thess$W#w1... at present Ib4 t.. ittrertert wltlr the pres- ent status of 4he clr,nttw. lint it com- mittee to vi -it ILP weak circuits was I)i*w.iutid and Instntrtetl to visit cer- t.'in cireait-':11111 reportat for Septe 1 - her -district sir -•ling. A profitable dis- c .n was --held on the subject of 1 tie 4o •h1.'nh1.,. the efficiency.of our so," The eriTinifidOna KI\(;sltill4N:E. ..A -garden parte tinier the nn'nieec of St. Joao -pi's church w111 be hell on the ehnn•h groru44. on Wednesday June Nth. Ttedrwhment booths will M on the gmtnlds. The dance music will be furnished by Miss (;ens C. Connofi and her on•hestra of (k,lerk•h. Tera .peel from S to x n i•l.s•k. Admissl.tn, including tea, :A cents. ' were (mil sailed in a report which Is to IM• sent to •'ieli minister t.. 1M• pr.•setrt- ed -to tum gaarterly ofilciiii board. It'v. I). N. 1l'1'amus, of 4'14114,111. WAN 111,114464-4..441/. stationing lommlttee. The dr Mile. to tete annual Conference. to ninor 3tt rind - on J446er1at, were appointed. Mrs. g. -'raft has the dis- tincti•nt of I.•inz the first Indy dele- gate to ler api.'inred from the Goderich distelet. Women ere now by regttla- Hon of Oar N,r -ei1 Conference eligible for all tin• oak,. In 414. M'th,sllst chnn•h with the ,•x4'Pption o1 the min- • isiry. The 10.1' district meeting is to be itch in Victoria street church, G,Mlerieh. 4'11 EWE. Monday. May 111. iMe, and Mn. Thomas -Hackett, of lion. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. It. Treleaven. Miss Itarger, of Toronto. visited few day. laot week at the home at Mr lfatthew Aliaekletun. Mr. 4'. Reston, of :Spnforth. ♦kited at 'Mr. Samuel Sherwo d's a few day* last week. Mr. iingh Finnigan spent Si11May at the home of hl. brother, Mr. itic•hard Finnigan. Wawa nosh \ Mr and 11e. Stneltzer, of Lneknow, visited friend+ around here Sunday -1111. PERS(1\Ag, MENTION. Mr. and )frs, George little have Ice• 111r11141 from' -the West. where they spent tlw last year. Messrs. c M Elliott and James 11 14014'11 attended the annual ('Ilildten', a Aid Society convention at Toronto last (•nun. illor ll,,rtln Knight underwent an op -ratios sir Altera mire hospital last wreck an•l la now making good prngreas towards recovery. GOTIEI4I(•II ToWNSHiP. The Inion chnn•h auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society will hold w specie meeting on Timm -lay. May 211. at 2 o'r9a k p m , to celebrate the t enty-fifth anniversary of its orgen- I tion. The neighboring auxiliaries Raygell, nethany and He$masvllle Invited to be present. mos. (Nit- ta of India, Is expected to he present and to give an address. Mr and \In T. R. Waills and Mien Susan Walli. left Wedn,'wIay morning by automobile „n a trip M l)Ptrnit, in- tending to return at the enol of the week. Mr. and Mr. p, J. Prldham hare retuned from a hwalactsa trip to To- ronto and a risut to their son-in-law Arne]. Reidaughter there. Mr. and Mrs. A. d. Ripley F,xprpw ; 3Ira. S. A. Trwln 1. viwlting fri.n4 la (1od#rtrh Mrs. RMtertIlnwtsll, of (1nd.rMh, IS vl.Iting her pare*ta, 11[1. and Mn. (lonr'gp Swalwell. . nd meal M ann%tr.nId•.a• (heMri4- r.Hag.'meeJatMeK. AdatOf their Other fashionable Silks are Tricolette, Crepe Meteotr, RadIuin Silk and Wool Poplins, in all the newest shades. ) SEE OUR SPECIAL VALUES IN BLACK SILKS. Pure Silk Hosiery $2.25 pair __ \This is a pure Silk Hose, Radium brand, all pure silk, ribbed top, black, white and brown. $2.25 pair. wntings Now is the time to prepare for the hot sun and save your carpets and rugs in the rooms on the sunny side of the house. Extra heavy qual- ity Awning Stripe in blue and white, brown and white, green and white 30 inches wide. 60c per yard. Children's Hosiery a specialty Children's Hose in black, white and brown, in cotton and lisle, also `children's sox, all colors, with cuff. Marked at lowest present prices. Everwear Rugs for ----- - the verandah To enjoy the full benefit of the ver- andah and out-of-doors these Ever - wear Mats add greatly to your com- fort. They come in sizes 36 x 63 at $3.75, 42x9at$9.00,6x9at$12.50. NEW GOODS ARRIVING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT THIS WEEK. re Millar's Scotch Storer daughter. Margaret. to Mr. William Hume Clinton. Ron of Mr. and Mrs. A. , IL (•lutton, all of Colborne township. The marriage to take place early in June. Friends in (kslerk•h are pleased with the stovers of Mr. Amble Kiy, son of Postmaster A. M. Kay of Stratford (formerly of Ooderk•h1. In taking honors In his third -year examinatioaa In chemical engineering. Mr. J. M4Fwen and his bride re - Menet home last night from their wedding trip and were given a hearty nrrption at their horde, iidontreal street. by an ametnhly of about thirty relatives and friends. Mr. K. E. Brooke, who has been In charge of the Dungannon branch of the Sterling Bank for same time, le again on the (lakeric•h staff, AA asslat- ant manager 111.4 place at Dungannon is taken by Mr. French, who ha. been im the stiff hers for maw month*. Mr James MacViear, sr., Wm Belle MacVlear and Mrs. Reddltt were at Brantford Mat week attending the funeral of the former', brother -Is -law, Mr Thomas Carlyle. of "Ruddy Knowes..." The late Mr Carlyle was a insnssake and nephew of the great philosopher and historian. Miew Helen Wilson, cif Wingham, a nur'MP1n-training to the Kingston gee. oral hospital, was awarded thele prima at the recent enrnmencemlt#. exert -bar In conneetlou with that TIN stftution. These were the intermediate plass prize. the prize In pnetleal nursing. and the prize to attaetathetic•a. Congratulations Mrs. T. E. Durnln retorted Mnndny from a visit to Kingston, Bowman- vllle and Toronto. While a4 Kingwton Ave attended convocation In Queen's i'niversfty and the commencement exsrc•taew of Kingston general ho pital. Her daughter. Mica L. R. d)urnin, formerly + teacher In the Ooderieh Col- legiate Inatltite, was OOP of those who rreMved a degree in artis at eonvas• Don. Miaa Dnrnln w111 spend the Kum - Mer at her home here. 4',.e the BIgl•a1 'phone --No. 311-44 you have as item of views for our columnar. • BABY DAY Every Saturday dur- ing May will be Baby Day at Sallow* Studio One copy of the photo will be presented to each baby having his or her picture taken on these days Bring your Baby in any Saturday during May R. R.SALLOWS `Photographer