The Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 2s.. 2—rhurnday, May lie, 1921. r ser.rw.rww+..n, a * __..W.. --..w. ...��. li 1711 �ta>trae. rani a aa, 6" Thursday, May 12, 11)21. EDITORIAL NOTES. The merry month of May. Less titan three months to Old Home Week •► - ate' v • What has become of Reeve Davis' pro- posal for the exemption of new dwellings? i emeels The surrender of Mr. Drury on the Hydro tax question was the most ominous incident of the recent session of the Legislature Premier Meighen is trying hard to get a French-Canadian into his Cabinet. He could do without Quebec votes in 1917, but he needs them very badly just now. Under the two party system, the group system. or any old system. the legislators manage to get away with a salary grab from time to time. Toronto and Ottawa are in the same boat: The. Provincial_(iwvernrent promises some action this season towards the car- rying out of a policy of reforestation. This is more important than a good many other things that occupy the attention of Ministers. After spending months and much money on a tariff enquiry, the Govern. ment at Ottawa decides that there will be no tariff revision atall. This is probably a wise decision. for a revision by the present Government would have made the tariff worse rather t an better. Germany has taken the ly possible course in yielding to the d nds of the Allies. The country is in no ition to mike an armed resistance, grid . e gain of bluff had been played to the limit. The Allies do not wish to crush y —Britain, at any rate, does not—but he penalti for, Germany's ,conduct shoo be suchhenceforth her people will shun war asplague.. The striking feature of the -budget pre- sented at Ottawa this week is the increase in the sales tax fro the former rates of one and two per cent. to one and a -half , our stat the extra and three per cent., r tively. This, 'hirers at t s---ot course, is an added dr upon business, -ttttlnik but is perhaps the most re ily available _ :means of raising the -money the Govern- ment overnment needs. The tax is addtsl to the price of the goods sold and is tit matey paid by the consumer. Whichever you choose �t will be the BEST you ever tasted. BLACK TEA Rich, Satisfying Flavour. From this Roast gardens. LAD MIXED TEA Just enough green tea to make the blend delicious. a 811 GREEN TEA A Revelation la Gress Tea. Pars. translucent angers Flavors. !bough in in.tiv of the older parts of the l'rovine•e there are land. which have wh deteriorated that they are use- ful only for ndtiresta{ion. They are worse for every year of delay. slat the waste area etntllitri1I spreads. 1t is to la' Booed the Department. arnel with slew• powers./ will Parry on a vlgorogs eawpatgn for replenishing Illd (=tartu with !talar growths. which (•a 11 Oily Wtlarge a pan in regula#ipg the flow of rivers anal streams, and will have a steadily in- ervasing a vale value. BURDEN OF HIGH FREIGHT R:1TE3. The Farmers' Sun pxlblisht's the tol- l.... ing letter fete= :—J, -_:'N, Kends -hit* of Iie•nmiller: Editor. Farmers' Stpp.—i am pleas'el to leant The Sun e,nfeli:lplates a cam- paign for lower freight nates. as 1, know of no uthel' eteonumlc gueatton that denrarnls sea thorough an invest- igation .or +[stat r,quire•a more dra.-tic treatment. All elarog,•s ju the commun- ity are vitally interested In transporta- tion charges. tamers more so than any other. and the present exorlrita111 charmer twerlottlely hinder i°ureased bu.tntw., - Th,' freight eharet- LS more notice- able in less than ear lets than in full A third cla umbus. ambitious man who coul without breakin said to Columhu Americ+'• 'Yes.' sa will give me a ship.' and sailed over the sea where he .thought Americ found. The sailors qua said they believed there 1►iseovery of Muerte'. oolmaster told the boys of the to write .a short essay on Col - following was sent up by an yist : "Columbus was a ake an egg stand on end it. The King of Spain 'Can you discover • Columbus. If you he had a ship the direction ought to be elled. and was no such place. But after man days the pilot came to him and \said, Columbus, fa see land.' 'Then this America.' said Columbus. When the ship got near, the land was full of red men. Col' embus said, 'Is this ctmerica ?"lees, it is,' said they. Then he said. 'I suppose you are the Indians ?' 'Yes,' they said. 'we are., The chief said. 1 suppose you are Col- umbus.' 'You are right.' said he. Then the cnief turned to his men and said. 'lhere is rap help for it: we are discovered He who is most careful is most free of care. MUCH ILL HEALTH DUE TO BAD BLOOD. ears, and dila method of Shipment If the Blood 1s Kept Rich and affects the cernslrmer or buyer more than the protmvr or shipper. In earl Red You Will Enjoy Health. lots the amwwut Is' more noticed by I tlie-aenial ahtpper. - whether prwlue•er ' - More disturbance in health is caused or not. My experieiee as a shipper by weak, watery blood than most people in' ear -60: -ata« sipreatl -ural-1.0110:atxma. have arty idea. of.. When your blood is nes a farmer and for four years asr impoverished, the nerves suffer from lack huyee.rtiet rehipper of h Faeine iia' ('Iib. h of nourishment and you may be troubied On cattle Ie•f,tn• the last inereaiee I with insomnia. neuritis. neuralgia or. of nates .and toe then ext•+ting -prkwSciatica. Muscles subject to strain are Of 'cattle. Tile' 'freight re) rtuv ttrmerx, , untier•ndtenel►ed and yet may have mus- amouotel 1e. 1 1-3 .rents tett each cular rheumatism or lumbago. If your dollar ierrivel, or twin dollars per blood is thin and You begin to show cid.- whilst with ho•reaairl- freight symptoms of any of these disorders try 1 lower se41i11 price the atnelint building up the blood with Dr. Williams' ie 3 , entS on each dollar merited. Pink Pills. These pills have a special total increase of fre•igfit charge action on the blood and as it becomes the pari }ear averages els per enriched your health improves. The value es the yearly ahynueuts from ' Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind is proved by the experience of en are at least eighty can., • Mr. D. J• hlcDonaId Math River Bei n The duri ear. an tin 5 \1r. Meighen"s new Minister of Cus toms, Hun. R. W. Wigm re, appears io have a rather inadequate sense of political morality He wrote a letter on the official -statiatnery) of his Depertment- liciting business for -the firm of Nagle 8 'chola t,:rin, t Wigmore. "of which 1 am a member,' l,.;al- aced and ca'hng attention to the fact that het gn,w,'rs ., was the Minister of Custrms. When taxed for the fru in the House with the impropriety, the 11)er.91 IP -the Minister produced a Very lame excuse? The Lalling and the Premier did not Mend matters bythe iner.•ared r. �j,r'yentnt rh,• gen attempting to whitewash hiacolleague: rpro.luet.s. exetyaiug the• latter not being we 'have all heard of the farmer what l'""'tu--r.-e,- • t'"t'u'"-.t became wealthy -by following tae policy•I-;',11.4:,:f.-,1:17::,f tinn•� t ae"Itt ,1 frle•li,l' 111 of growing things that were cheap He ,;;;."1„1,11,z 1,1441 fit pe• was shrewd enough to see that if a t n•1 funnel these eft traeg. ,. e 1 41.1411. or r fie eon: 111oee 111rn product were below the norma prig BARRY RARina1 SEEKS I',F OKMATION, Have l:oderleb Pru$ guy Documents treat the hurrynus ! The followltrg "''' ''beet�re• eehad by Thr !►jy: tl (tvt r, George H. harry, general ma ='e'r of the 1)u Harry 1'Iauu ho„ 1Utt t1` UIIL0D Streret. Ktitttk. N•ushtn ttaa •\..am ahbl5'5h1 tion would nut earl the toll explaga- ticht of lir. Barr ; ie cost, we pub- lhih rhe letter in hall. The Barry fam- ily lived on Eigiu .tr.•t sur avenue) in llolerieh, for sally years. and it Ls a member of ibis f:rtunj , vbe 11°'w writes: 'ieutlwnen,— idieta:ttleal trent RD oawnbble tet.• , hr seanb fahIrther tIntyRo uhlProtPa1t tl-4,uailtt ' yulneutr,. rte., many of who Wight 11e on file or perhaps eartieresly ISI aside seemingly of 11, tmportaner ;u +oe of the furni- ture wild to (ied'rirhwpw'rple at the tiwe of eloaiug ur ttt.'_wrtate of the tate George Harry of your cite- -We We therefore ask Belle kltxt help to asking in the• o'Iumus of your old home tow -u paper if any tiuderk•h folk who mlglrt have t~,Ii 111 either feria. ture. books, of lute's from the afore- said estate oe int lelioel grandfather would now be so kind as to ,LamI11e thew .;lowly for say italhw•tiou .of the prefix 'du' or Ile woad. •Bootee -e ri- erent.' on any petpers furniture or be- i longings that ..weir happen to be In I their to,s ewlon n:llekls.wu to thetu. ' tug!' if so kindly imwefiate(y get 144 ttwih wkh ml-, wham alien wpuki he i'ry ta1u 1.1e• — -Al -►t t and now particularly anwt aalnab to fixe w„nl,l t e 1117 Spell- er1- deta-c f m the ,•+rate 'uf i iy • great- gnwt-grin ether. •1.OPI.it ILsrry, w•home 1:3MWe a have that prompts us to wake this genii and who lived quietly among natty- years: anti perhaps wane of ll- ,dal -timers have some of the thing• y, from his estate lnear•ribtel with the afo id markings of the above paragraph. )rel iu whk•h ease I haired weeds leer de lily grate• ful for partk lane and hero ation. He was born is the town it Little York. on Augmit Ilth. 17:wt. and trent his name in itis 1111de without ata ug the tame of hi..Isir,•nts, whit th were or where airy are from. but in the year 1817 craws ,nit. the pretax 'du' in front of his mime and write,: that to the world from this date on he be knows as i1a” harry. and wettest, Let those that are. to (lame have hearts filled with knelne•s- and fur my_ sake nut use this. prefix *du' for one hundred years hl come. • -()fir family Imre rt4t tairaty r+aepeeet: ed this wish and ism It is time for Ds who are his ti ,rnelanrs to feel , at libserty to trace sueleau'stry. "Old-timers in Go -tern -la will reerll abet Joseph Harry, for itis time, waw One of the meet harm ll men. received from the liberal alley nt'e =ale him. His Son. George. my beloved grans• tat -hot% will be ea.fly st•wetdw•rd by amend pall .by the pro- N. S., who says : "For some years all as aur unusual man with heart of is one point wvntld ntuonnt. suffered severely with headaches pains kinthtie•"". A bookmark In this Iillie other farm tt4 ti' dhe Saerird a rundowt( condition: At start h.i• t> ie ',Jaw art (/"wi-le ftn1.,. hail to bear ,e. same iiw•rease, but 1t i is more iiotkwlHdr_ in the lower-prieed ' a • es. -fey ►• examtde4 t 'oin- records might 1.' enlightenide to e ns;tuiers who suppose the pnolur'r is reliving gill of the enhances price. of straw shipped to Toronto t April If, ltr21, netted the, pnelucee 1 tw1.7o after hating and limilMg In the ear. while the freight paid amounted t 044.20. A ray of potatoes Mhlpgasi n rut taw- .saline -. time m'tteil the gni 'ere,elwt.ter, and freight aniounteel ' 1)u -a. ear of .boxed apple's . last 1).r•,•tuto•r .he 11ev111,. 4444-' freight eil:trice paid Ireton. 0ve1 WAS $300-1114.,W11 HP this the apples.re•efi•Wd K1110•0° grown, picket 'DIA IP- •11 e-' •111. i<r'it Of pnepueta and wee charges 'wave , riling of any farm 8.aul milk. etc..) Ifreetel liy the .brat increase tree bags of .onto as a • express, mttel 10 1• tor• Sale of Curtains and Crtain Materials 500 pairs Nottingham and Marquisette Curtains in white, ivory and arab shade, at less than half price. White Nottingham Lace Curtains, 2i, yards long, overcast and tautbooed edges in patterns, small figured, slots and scroll patterns. Regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25. At per pair 98° French Marquisette Curtains, in a range of patterns, neat and new, 200 pairs, regular $6.50 to $7.50. At per pair $3.75 Marquisette figured, and Voile Cur- tains, 40 to 42 inches wide, 21,; yards long, in white. Regular $5.00. At per pair f,i9 $2.75 Curtain Mmlins--Twenty patterns and designs. 36 inches wide, with new border in most pleasing colo ' and de- signs. Regular •10e, 500 ' 60c. At one price per yard 25° WILTON AND AXMINSTER AT REDUCED PRICES 2Wx yards, $50.00 for $35.00. 21k x' 31,4 yards, $60.00 for $45.00. • 3 x 3 yards, $65.00 for ;50.00. GS 3 x 31/2 yards, $75.00 for $56.011. 3 x 4 yards, $85.01) for ;66.00. Runners and small rugs to match. FLOOR OILCLOTHS All widths, at per sq. yard .... 75C Four yards wide, STAIR OILCLOTHS 24 -inch, best quality .. ' . _ . .. 50C LINOLEUMS in extra heavy quality, at per sgnare iRll�a6, yard • • • $1.35 W. Acheson & Son times the pain in my back with a roma tliswer worked In between . Would be so bad that 1 wnu l lit .ors as the name of dts,ree and Rarr7, carrier our bed all night. From time to time doctors as a msouliffir 44) Prate iir-th Pf. tt tepee were treating me. but it _did not giee"nie di 'tit- . mote than temporary relief. And then • "Strange a, It -.meay seem. perhaps:. one day when I was suffering terribly a by ae'r•Ish t ,e perbairs for a purpose. neighbor came to see me, and urged me another bookmark Is hidden in .loseph; to try Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills. After Barry's 1111,4' with the Isaserage •Fe'ur, taking two boxes 1 felt relief. 1 got five • iso!, for 1 ills-•• redeemed thee, I have! boxes more and before they were hal gone callers /Nee ley thy mime ' !took- I I felt as though they were giving m. new marks quoting the same pa sage• we , life. as in every way they built up and: find la George Harry's Billie and that improved my health and strength. I am ' same passage hit the perwenal Mee of now working as_ a. barker in a pulp mill._rux- daritug beloved =tailor_ "lice ser: tens hours a day, and feeling none the t•ently pa..e.l away. wase after my day's work. I say with -.alt thio i,t:nretges one :utd we turn pleasure that this condition is due to Dr. ! to you w:':g whom -they 11)841 :,m01* Will ams' Pink Pills." l for .any Cnr•I„•r evidence that might You can get Dr. Williams Pinll.ltills; 1.• fit h ort enw•kweesl an ,•ffeets froth from any medicine dealer, or by 1 the ester, s.,! my people. Things erre m:eil at .5() cents a box or six boxes for .s,dd in their grief In, my amities :2.110 from the Dr. Williams Medicine I 'Elisabeth and Nellie shortly after toy I Co., Brockville, Ont. beloved grnnIfather's death that wt.- . - las shouter orot have hese'. and the', The "Rears" Reformation. tire that dei'royed the old fiamily home: Oh, he -Preached it, from the ebousetop, ` "1"u•rly t,Nf..r.• • makes It all the harder and he preached -it by stealth : now to cork. - the fleece) ue ry t N 5 to He wrote whole miles of stuff ag;linst Ole ""odes) "l'''''''.111.1) a ebi111 f".: tit!' alt ful iurse 9( wealth. 1111eh rip:, : - that w -e are in 11ue. lie shouted for the p -,r man, and he -With n- ray 0111 h,•r.• away frena' called the tick man down'; ' personal • ,•; rtnulty of nl:Ikiit . - He roasted every kirg and queen. win ill11sthe ,•hes at this 1}11)... • we oared to wear a crown. • rake MI- - means of ie+khig your i +Ie clan red for rebe:lion. and he "sarJ :tr+h-t tem -tttal owstrran..e. ,titch if • heed head a hand yon will t.. us old benne town folks Toexterminate tee millionaires and sweep with Y."ur 'IIy old it is it, t-14 ss to th m nom the Idnd. -.,y w,- ., u vis to 'rte. -ere. •-, F1e yelled against monopolists. their power frit . he'd defy. 'so if y will kindly run n few 'And swore he'd Ie ah anarchist and Now: 1:1,,g. ask;i; : ,r any Iifororathin aitsh• _rete:-,Rear--irr�+utr_elinrtit : rtlem hit the Ay - - ' 11811:-1Hi-Ku:.t. give ,, -oa Mew i he fumed and ranted, till. he lee w iii tl ,' -f t your kind a st- maoe rich men wince. .1110 But ari uncle- left him money, and he'. _— ! hasn't shouted since. - -Spare Moment-. TRi TiM sitiNAL FOR many (enters would stop growing 6 and "it's ' "til 1 Is• 1.:,ngiit for at itis — Noe I _ otato, . sent at the .tut# time would send the price up. Thera he would ;e,•. i „•.. %lore 1tool worth. 5.111 n,tw- te ready with his.crop to get the lac' i .0 ,t. w•enld !het re,rliz.• charge-. • 1:11. price. The next year with the enc. ur . 11.-- semi' ch:lilg, Ice n,de hw'ferr 44.•x1 glee appalling wa-•e of fluid and agement Of a, big prise.. rather farmers 1.;:l t litee•Iu't. wilt leer lnrzely' lo- . would sow heavily for tha' Cro;,. ha. he.' .,..,reL -w•rr*LL-Ye••p-04 ii --knowing: F the -1- "\Y4'4ilt� Trac Ile stormed dr heavy prlducti. would mean a slow ter niers rt l-.- 1 1 1 • It traps. mgrket. The cotitt of prices for beans. l r J. N. i.Elt\I4;HAN. potatoes, sweet cloverand some tither , products during the last •few years aIIs ,looney •Maker. a 7ood illustration of they Reforesting 01114 1•i • fit. • ''' • The Fanners Nun. Tine est:iblislimeit • .41 n pulp and Impair punt 1n let+ fracTitre n dozes years ago 55411111 lunge Io.•44 ,i .4.1.•44did • n " tilo11i;c-maker. INV flnil,e•r; wlnernis -The Uutarlo 4 e vernumiat''1vll1 Doi:, and w;nter powers. if properly utilized.' wutNd ptrovid. :,II .thy roveuitt 11115 anile 01..0,than year ha 7rrerinnt ger- .-frtrrr-tsttheet iiaalai retried tram. id' P111'111'3' ' .estn.i,.. tin. seven •.I,,illton .e•rllhtlis. iii..! ,; bine Waal •prrn.e..;witli *one hn,t girl Who 1ak.'a a fold Norse. ' we,"la w 111 Is ., 1 out 111 111,• F oe1 st r} , N"u.h - oaten `tar.' teparrul it'. ♦ rfelk a ,tnuy� re •rt -a- There is only one type of girl •Who 'tiote and, ea ...ry t•cn,.1.5 will hi mikes a good ntlrse. aecr-rdIng to 111,1st eip-nt.1 in l:.e. tern tint:trio. The kit- Carol Martin, executive. secretary of the ,trer•airr11-r4-e•ttnttthe4 and nuutioift.iiithse central council of lursing educati,n, -wee be rdtrr•tt.1 it, lite r essi.ei -4•Sfor,`.t- attend.mt the mireitfg education convert` tnr'unste /).1P0•4. MO' 10 11,e aioyer ii- leen here. Namely, a girl who has had a meet ,4 h1 whi h ii"'Y may rh+iut. • splendid home training, good education lilt 11 y,•:,i t n ' --'1Jri• I"iinsnture in the secondary schools, and a vision of 1fit1at,d.tipe T uluutp, irlig.or+rsth,uA.t.t. broad 'social servite. • w licit ,•mj.ewcrea tlwe nurr eipsl' mina - in The old idea that :1 mime was Zwtmtatn ell of a eulruty b. wlSa hyla i)5 for fie• in a pretty cap, currying a trfy of the - qulri"rjr laud for Cefeiretallnn p+nr- den china to a convalescent patient, is proles - Vises.. mid for pinntinig nmi managing entirely auto( date. 'the nursing sMin through the eichth,lur ti •stem;•is dealt -we- werealer tr---ot+.l- 1..nhnl--eire -t= givmg gt►1. a n r o tt1; The pb•ntions'or :en 'ah,onnt not eSe•.vling stadrnt trora, works nn!y t0 the point of *g5.0110 04 "Ili' ,r,t hog a1 n oto• "Inge. I r 4icicncy, not to the limit of drudgery. Ihlrirrg -the 9••.•111- 04)...101104)...1011iq• n - the i.egta- I -That old'Ydea that the nurses Ole is latrine park snot her atop font,Ml by i,,,K 01 self sacrifice has to gcs too," inailta aeloptiref a wince 1 Iv,aldi1 * 1.1)1. etu- I Miss \lartin. "A nurse's work is prole,- offthe a�l ii'-ot-i.:tuds alai' --Wont service, pike the phYsician'a or Use j Orellif to se.mlrs by lease or 'peri I lawyer's. Increased demands for liaises --thaw - poi .for -•ref rr..!(ttMn. 1111)1 111 ! Colne from every point of the word. .11 a enter Into nen•ements with aannlrlpnl- Idea for the situ,. .olrj..•t. Lane. r<o acquired "th,111 ire tinder the-e'emt rot of the MiMAMr, who in ty employ •its •h girl at hes to be a teacher of nursing. there is a call for women to open schools of nursing in Japan, Siberia, China and Eevpr. 1 he public health service require: peranne and make finch rgulariea,s as community leaders. City. county and he may eleeem At. rural nutting and all divisionsof industrial Tex, few meintellaaltties hare taken , and child welfare are bask! on the service .advantage of the esriler l•glslsliou. I of the highest type: of nurse." , node r. AMON ti WORK.. MILLION' IN PROFITS\ are being paid to the shay _holders of Northers Ontario's Cold Mince , — — - ` 'Are you gaming your slum.) Tlie et—ifterience gained in fif- teen yeah of active connection with these mines will help you to parti. spate in these splen- did profits. Complete Information .n Raeome HOMER L. GIBSON' .' & CO. 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Bldg. _ TORONTO DECORATING AND Decorating Materials Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials. or take the contract of decorating your hotne, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS - Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. \lee can supply your ivants in any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON North aide West st. Phene 354' New -Automobile Paint Shop Opened I have opened an Automobile Paint.Sbop and am„prepared to handle all classes of Cars for painting and refinishing CALL—OW-US- OR -PHONE r. Slave .next }let your automobiles ? 1 handle the McKEE LENS w•h;cli ha, been approved by the Government \lkt us show you its good points over other stakes J Decorator Phone 354 HN CUTHBERTSON West Street opposite Masonic Hall P. O. Box 509 . titi.:t., • i% Q4/ "Grey Sox" Tabes TILOS. Ji. DAVIS, south St.. }'hone No. 63 (.Ol)FKI( I1, ONT. tis • ;1. ileage as it is Measured The selling price is the yardstick of tire mileage, very often. The striking exception being Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes”. The mileage put into them'is,not measured. They are meant to give extra miles and they do. Running on your car /t . es Bolden =1 "Auto -Shoes" will give • you 11:e cheapx t r.f mileage you can buy—irrespective of cost;. -AMES HOLDEN----a, AUTO-SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires_ - in all ce, Tf _ Standard Sizes ,For Sale By .Red Sox" Tubes P. J. MacEWAN, Y 1tF►, H.40Marr N. Andrews Stn Phew No. 234 a , • OOI0R1CI1, ONT. „ ed a New Tire e here and get one hat ill cut down the- .coat of aut.'ng, per mile, con- siderably.- Our . Tires are doubly guaranteed, first by the manufacturers, second by us. Standard Tires, plus ser- vice, continue to serve the car owner long after the initial saving on a Cut -Rate __Tire has been forgotten. - T- _ Vulranlzhig, Retreading and all kinds, of Tire and Tithe Repairing. H. J. FISHER • Haiiltoa St. Goderich • • Life Buoy Outing . Shoes -- 7 Now that the weather is warmer you will require Outing Shen LIFE-BUOYOOTWEAR ' is popular because they are Stylish, Conifortab e, Serviceable And Economical, the -ideal footwear for old and yo for the sgmrtitr days. Filer! IN a model `or every nut' _ ptrpose. Nowhere will you get a wider selection or better value! tiro ,arc being shown itt life-11noy's ' l-8 .. Let us do your Shoe Repairing and have it done right. (if;O. MacVICAR NORTH SID!: OF SQUARE : : GOt►FRICH • •