The Signal, 1921-5-12, Page 1• arIMMMArliMiWM He who whispers dews a well Ablest th. goals be hu to soil MI lieeor reap the gores dollars Like his who climbs a tree and hollers. Advertise Year Business in The Signal. seePseeetineseesiesesiesesers siV1 1T1-VOURTH YEAR NO. t9. Hew is Tear Sepply of ny Office Stationery ? The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let na have your next order. GODERICH, ONT URSDAY, MAY 12, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, FMIEe11161. PERSONAL MENTION. PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Sterling Bank Service is first, last tadliIIIMS• personal one. Discussing applications for credit, furni advice and information, obtaining -if possible - additional information the customer requites -- these and every other transaction receive a per- sonal attention which brings more satidactory results. Our Manager will be glad to meet you -to dis- cuss your plana for 1,21 -at any time. lilE STERLINGBANK Old Home Week in Goderich August 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 The Committees are working to make this the biggest event in the history of Goderich. Talk it up among your friends. Plan for it your- self, and get u many others as you can interested in it.. you desire any information, call on or write to the Secretary, W. S. BOWDEN, Board of Trade, Goderich. FOR SAILR OR WWI% AM kinds tarsals at Vet ressonable prices. A new rod brick. furnielsed beilit to rent tor the summer Months. Near the lake bank on Elgin avenue. Immediate polornesiOn. Apply to P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone Mi. tl VOR SA LE. - R E. SI DENCE CORNER ✓ of Cambria road and Nelms street. owned and formerly occupied by A. M. Glover All modern conveniences Owner i as moved from town end wishes to mil Apply to MRS. G L A U DER, Nelson street. of at Signal Office. 1.1( &cresol good grass lasd to rest; wall watered. ti.uLars apply to ANDREW MARTIN. R.R. No. ▪ Goderich. Ont. ROUSE FOR RENT. -CORNER OF Toronto and Blodgett:ens, large two-story bock 'Masse. eight rooms, cement bosernest. floored 'attic, electric lights and bath. Appl to JAMES GARRICK, Stanley street. rR SALE. -A TWA STORY RED brick house. with all modern convenient:SS. eated by hot water tonere Garage on prop- erty Situated m the foot of Noi tb street. Par atiadon ean be had 1st April APIA, to JOrIPIL C. GRIFFIN. t IjOR SALE. teacher upholstering - bearings. Cm aa expos tied „ir pasted. This Mister, kr rust Imo than lour tires pc sad side curtamos rick. Apply to SALE It makes a real treat-Blackstone's delicious ice cream. in bulk or fancy -PASSENGER, bricks. automobile. genuine fitted with new Y tune over by coodniso; newly libitum taken of its owner and ha. mks. Fitted with two spares Top Ow da7 they left the eell it mad will give ALK ER. era acres of dome clay lama. with spring creek sod spring well. Sara 40z40. with cement stables: hay karn„ Ittl7: drivel -house. 11027; small hen- house; cootiortable concrete cottage. aad two scree at orchard. -it la ritwited ewe Mae Iron dragasted Proverimal toasty road. *even miles limas Goderkh. and coosesietit to wawa sod church. Apply to B.H. LINDSAY. R. R. No.1. TENDERS WAITED. Special Announcement Peace River Petroleums, Limited have completed all arrangensentain neat** Choice Oil Lease in the Fort Norman Oil Field for the exclusive benefit of the Shareholders of the Company. Official Financial .4 gents TORONTO Phone Main 13 CANADA VOR SALE. -A OREAMERY SALE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders wil1 be received by tie irodersignecL to Thursday, May 211101. at o'clock p. m . for the contraction of the Sturdy Drain, in the town. ships of East IV awasaidi and t Plans tad Miscifications may be sees st the Clerk's office aed also at the office of 1 Fiattasd. A marked cheque lot ten pee ctat. of amount muall isoonmpasy each tender. The lowest or asy trader not noceasarily ac• Dated May 100i, 1521. ALEX. PORTERFIELD. Trieraidno Clerk. It Beigrava. MAIL CONTRACT. The Duegannow out lase fall.and it build. the lallomead twined part at UM Owe Ford RPM Ow light reed °meth. maniacs Oat One r(L12 One square took OOC 100. Oboe btu Tea Vaal i rai saps is A quantity of Wawa loAss Prospective §EA.LED TENDERS, addremed to the tawa ulna* NOON. on FRIDAY. ow iOth JON& MIL ler me orie=4 al Ms Weir • sr *pas tho lot Oesoner mem. Pristad mottoes containing farther information as to condiUons 01 propmed Contract inay bean, and blank forms of Trader msy be obtained at the Post Offices of Goon -Kit, Haimesvilla auburn. and at the office of the Post Office I mace tor, CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. The following Is list of POMP of the properties which I have ror sate. ind on investigation prospertive buyers will find that the prices are put down where the properties can be purchased to make florin. money. No. 1 -Two-story, white brick house, fully modern, 8 rooms, "'Busted on the mouth side of' Newmte street. This is ow of the beat buys in Goderich. Price $3600. No. 2-8tory and a -half, frame, eight -roomed house, electric light, water and pewee coneection. newly decorated throughout, full lot, fruit trees, chicken house, situated on the west side ot Cameron street. Price $1660. No. 3 -Two-story frame house. 8 rooms, electric light and bath, large verandah, east side of Victoria street. Price $1700. No. 4-Two-rdory, frame, eight -roomed house, electric light, sewer and toilet, two lots, corner South •nd Blake stream._ Price 21560. No. 7 -One and a -half story, frame house. 6 rootii.. full lot, situated on the west side of Heron ltd. Price $1200. Other listings may be had on application at the office. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate. Buy a Ir V OU atm' dream el x buying • farm and jest as often you dismiss the Idea. saying. et it would need capital te do that I" Wisp eat Mart ilkor simee truer allimit tette, Oka soon 441 tdcLAUGHLIN 2.10.1 mules Good SIGNAL OFFICE.. if Starr and Stewart Phonographs and GentieteStarr Recoeds. for sale at Black - stone's Ice Cream Parlors, West street. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Reliable druggists from coast to coast sell Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules and Raz-Mah for asthma. If ti oubied, Mr. H. C. Dunlop. your home town druggist. will supply you. ENT FOR SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFEIL hammy been burned decided not to re. melee sale : High-grade, gold-filled spectacles and eyeglares, with best quality flat spher- ical lenses, for only 63.50. Eyes exam- ined free, by Mr. Hughstm. with twenty- five years' practical experience and form - weer. erly optical expert for Kent's jewellery store. Toronto. We save ycu money on 2_,„,.."*",1,28,,„bbi..2 Tall lines of optical wort. Three clikyv only. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. IMay 26th. 27th and 28th. Come early. SMITH'S ART STORL GOdefitil. cream cam. OAR FOR bees ia at SIGNAL to A. oisliEss, am sc.„11,,,t. 1 Rich red bkood keeps the whole badly D TOURING structure in perfect repair. 1 he found- be:id:oaf nhdealkteepth ienrkhg the. redebnItoodire couphyr:icangi structure in perfect repair. When the ew▪ es sale. Apply 1 tiood becomes disordered or loaded with • LALlutirs Drug i impurities. the whole system is at once I affected. Laisitude. indigestion, liver and If you have a piece of news. lin The Signal cpbone 35) and lett us have it. Every httle item helps to maks up an interesting paper. The next pubfic holiday is Tuesdry May 20. The parts of the east and west walk it n the Square nearest to the court ham are being seeded for pram, not being nailed now that the diverging walks have been rnade to north and south. The public can help in this improvement by keeping off the newly seeded spaces. so that the grass may have a chance to grow. Miss Gene C. Connon't new orchestri will fill its first engagement at the dance in the Masonic Temple on Friday evening of this week. The dust was very annoying this week especially on Wednesday when a lively bre. ze was blowing. Please hurry on the tarvia and the watering cart. gentlernen SHINGLES We will Dell gumaattod to kiln -dried ? Moir natural per bunch them per Cent. ware yea buy your EHYSON or use they me Why are Mingles Shingles in 1. insium meaty w ays anythsaka 11 I rISUR SALE. - 1.7 BRED. bulls. fit fwe OF PURE - /two Aberdeen 11 GOOD MI at $4 pee THE GO Of FOR SALE ACTURING MIMI 61. (Foot of MNOS aids of kidrey troubles. skin eruptions. rheumatic affections. these are some of the most common results. Dr. Brown's en title is a most effective blond purifier and it will „meet at st„tiord with the tut Mr. and Mrs. D mak! Johnston and the Mimes Dorothy and Hitched Johnston. la Owen Sound, were here over the week -end visiting their relatives. Mrs. Leonard Walter and little daugh- ter, of Millie. Sask., are visiting relatives in town and vicinit y. Mrei. M It. MacLean and her two ?stns., Billy and Oraut, of t'leeeland, arrived on riaturday for a stay lo town. Mr. and Mei. Fred Solornon and their two mow left on Monday on a trip by motor oar to Pen Mar, Pa., where Ow,. intend spending the Moo - Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Munniuge and their daughters. Eileen and Theresa, returned MIN on Saturday atter spending the winter niOnths with their (laughter at Oklahoma City. Tbey en- joyed their sojourn- in the Routbevest very much, and Mr. Munninga ripest@ enthusiastically of the progress that oklahoma Vity is making. More new building 1. going on there, he ow ye, than in •ny other city he saw on the trip. The climatic conditions also were terr pieariant. Mr. Runnings; was not idle while away, het petit a houge Iti the city and Gino took trips in various directions to bee other points -of Interest. The Goderich Mercantile Co. this week received an enquiry regarding their goods from a firm at Bucarest. Roumania. The Ladies' Select Ready-to.vrear C13.1 has opened a branch stole at Wingham. The regreoermodnthly meeting of the held in the of Trade rooms on For the artick on page 7 of tbis week's Signal on the "better bull campaign," and for the illustrations accompanyir4 it. vie ere indebted to tbe publishers of The Fernmes' Magazine, Toronto. The Signal% informed that the G.T.R. Monk are working on a plan to speed up the afternoraStram from Buffalo so that system cleanser It produces rich. red blood and gives 11eW energy and strength. E. R. Wigle, druggist, Oodericb. DANCE Mamie Temple, Gods:rich FRIDAY EVENING. RAY 13 MUSIC BY GENE C. CONNON and her Orchestra Mks Connon has organised her own Orchestra this sitaa6n. and is making her debut Fi.y evening at the head of the beM Orchestra ever lormed to Ooderich. Daseing so 1 o'clock Ladles 26 eta. Gentlemen 60 eta. This nsenseas War Tag train reaching Godench at 10.30 p tn. This will mean a great improvement over the present service from Buffalo. At the regular practice ef the band on Thursday meht las Messrs. Fred Weir and George Jenks were sppotnted to act unrepresentative* of the band on the exe- cutive committee cf the 33rd Regiment Rand Association. Mr. W. J. Davies, bandmaster of the rd Regiment. was out of town cm Mon- ey on business. and coneequently no practice of the band was held on Mondey night. Practices will be held in the future regularly on Monday and Thursday Two brass plates, one inscribed "Post - office," the other "Custom House," have been placed ahove the entrance doors of the postofike building. These are for the benefit of the uninitiated who otherwise would not rep:armee the building with the many doors. Poet Office Inspectoes Office. toseas. Ost...th April, 1711 TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned. up to Monday. June ath. foe raising the St. August in. Separate School (No. 1. West Wawancohi sod building a cement wall and hamment. Plata and specifications mar be seen loo application to the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. PUBLIC NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF GODER ICH. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Goderich mil meet on Thursday. May lith, 1921. at the hour of 10 ceded( a. ••• Court ol Reviews of the seams- ment roll for 1121. All dogs in thei municipality not certified as destroyrd and the togs returned on or before the above date mil be charged in the 1911 tams. ADAM CANTELON Township C k. pUBLIC NOTICE. TOWNSHIP OF COLD:II/NE. The Municipal Council of the corporation of the Township of Colborne will Meet in the Toon- ship Hall. Carlow. May Illth, 421. at 11 o'clock ni the forenoon, as a Court oil Revision of th e aaseasment roll foe 1921. ' I. HETHERINGTON, TOWN 07 OODERION Garbage Collection. The Town will collect garbage from private dwellings on Wednesday and Saturday of each week from JUNE 1st, providing there are enough persons &Or - me the service. 1 he fee is 81.50 per month from the first of any month. and must be mild in advance to the Town Treasurer. For any further particulars apply to L. L. KNOX. Town Clerk. All 1,i;vds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hamilton Street. Coclerich. NOTICE OF KEETING. GOLDEN GATE Win first Thursday oi each in Forese- en' Hall. Visiting Sir Kw•bls Revatrar. W. P, EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic Rye Hospital and Square Throat Hos- Mtal, Lawton. Rag. ag Waterloo St S .3tnitlfwd. Telephone IV. At Bedford Hotel, Godasich, from Wednes- day. May lath, at 7.10 p. to Thewsday, the UNI N BANK OF CANADA CARDS OF MAUS. 9oderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manage "Lt -"111 4111111ffiati- W AN W ANTED. -A FEW STUDENT lard, Ontario. IT NURSIN.2tApplY lia Ow CITY OF dee man; la. y and communions. A real scoots. WANTEjg.-SALESMAN AND COL - vs LEC R Goderich Mid Vicinity; mar- itime WA live Wire. ANA), to aox Godenc h It IMM GODERICII MARKETS Twomear. May 12. i Barley. por bush .70 to .110 i set wham., per bush .ao to leo also r, faintly. per o vs r 340 to 5 50 II an porton WOO to M.00 Dairy Butter. pm lb 65 te .eu Potatoes. pm bads Cattle. butcher. ebolee.Por melt 6.05 to 9.00 Cattle. hotelman' medium Mee curt. 400 to 6.00 Hoge, Him weight. Per 0"" 12.75 to 16.in GENE C. CONNON and Her Popular Orchestra Up -to -Date Instrtunentation aori The very latest Dance Music Rates en application to mem. hen a Orchestra or at it LAUDER'S DRUG . STORE Opea ler all Engagements GENE C. CONNON LEADER "THE PAVILION" GOchtrich. Ontario DANCES WILL BE HELD ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: Saturday, May 4 Monday, May 23 Saturday, May 28 Saturday, May 2 1 Tuesday, May 24 Saturday, June 4 DANCING, 8 TO 10'CLOCK Grand OpenIng-Monday, June 13th I1ARD OF THANKS. -THE FAMILY Goderich Amusement Co., Lt4, of the late Mary Hagan. id Hamilton t, take thisisa zgief= two= taws rid The Rebtkah Lodge will hold a euchre and dance in Oddfellows' Hall on Friday evening. May 20th. Cards at 8.15. Dancing at 11. Five -piece Orchestra. Admissim 50c. Everybody welcome. Isn't it time to ha benches in the Square lit tit appreciated these fine - The -slant mationsen- are asain on Aso gn the Soma atter a winters rest'. The chestnuts around the court house park are coming out in blossom -two r three weeks ahead of the usual time. Mr. int) Mrs. F. F. Lawrence and Mies Lawrence are away this week on a trip to Buffalo and Toronto. • Mr. James Dalton has purchased Mr. JarneA Buchanan's residence at the corner of Cambria road and Nelson street. Mr. Buchanan will build another residence near the planing mill this summer. Mr. C. A. Nairn has sold his cottage on the east corner of Raelan and Keays streets to Mr. Boyce, of Bavfield. MARRIED. • by Rev. G. F. B. Doherty. St. Luke • church, Tomato, Margaret Marks, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs lames Rom Goderich. to Mr. Watson John Summon. Toronto. DIED. ItheL daughter ol Mr and sirs Robert Car• tidt, aged II years and III days. IN MEMORIAM. MILDD.-In loving memory of Stephen Medd. who dad seven years ago today. May 12.1914. When • father beeathod his bast farewell. The blow was mare than tongue can tell Ranh same mate anot her place With ,tit the smile of father'. face. Sleep on. drat fatMr. and take your rest. For God hat h called when He thought best Oar lasa mown pain. but your's ratans gain, ID Hama we hope to meelt•emn Gawk hist not fotipateo.- Hie Lomat Ada Faso Arad elcureteul - White Star Liss. .... 6 Naivete Coatrooms- Ales. Porterfield I • Jubilee Ilsnivwsaiy Services- Bernsiller Metho- NM/CC re Court 01 Rey...on-Township a COI - 1 Card of Thanks -Famdi cif the Late Mary L.. • Salesman and Collectoe Wanted-P.O. Boz CM 1 Dance Gent C Connie° and Heir Orthellifa.....1 Special Optical Sale -Smith's Art Store Popular Orchestra -Gene C. Connon. Leader....1 Coal -Wm. McClure. Dungannon. .. . .4 Court of Revision - Towns iip of Oedema For International Trade CANADA'S imports in the fiscal year of ""-/ rptp-20 amounted to $10264,516,169 ancl its exports to $1,286,658,709, a total track of $2,351,171078. In financing the many transac- tions that go to make up such a volume of busi- ness, banking experience and resources are of paramount importance: The Bank of Montreal has been assisting the ineschiate of Canada in iMPOri and export toe& for over too years. It has built up. ati inset - national banking organization that offers isms tional facilities to those doing business with outside countries. The Manager of any Branch of this Bank will be glad to have you discuss banking facilities with him or you may consult on any problem connected wid2 international trade direct with the Foreign Department at the Head Office in Montreal, where complete statistical and other information is kept on file. • GM/ad. Pas mord Foretr Trod. rdie aloarm. frah AMMO. AINIOWL11141. aft/. Ja pea. es At Woe law; Arnie it dim *Mimes, e toff. rimiskrit well she Peek. Deposing. • t At Had BANK OF MONTREAL Paid-up C.apits1 $11,N14,0111 Rest $27,000,044 Total Assets In Excess of $5041,111011.11011 1