The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 10essay, May R, 1011. TEI SIGNAL OOD:UIpH, ONT. e✓ That Room That is so dingy, prob- ably you do not use it just for that reason. Make evtty room in your home "homelike," by using a suitable , WALLPAPER We can decorate any room in a manner that will satisfy you at most reasonable prices con- sistent with best quality. A trial will convince you Bonds and Securities 1un'stora holding short term !fonds and Securities of any kind, motoring in 1921 to 1930. 'should look to rehire/ging these funds mow while long term Bonds at high intertest rate's are availahie M •y is becoming cheaper and holding short term Securities to their maturity before reinvest- ing will mean a considerable loss in income return. 1,et 44es exlolain to you how yntt • , can tatter . your inrome yield mow. We have authentic and accurate information supplied us -thy the test financial houses in the (:pointy. Write or nes! and get the tg_ forvuation you need direct. E. H. HILL &CO. GOND DEALERS British Exchange Bldg. Phs.e 316 PAINTING lar DECORATING H,eh-grade Wall Paper Samples (22 .riches wide) kept on hand. ON NOTICE, Samples will be taken so your house for inspection. Over 26 yes' esper.ence. All work guaranteed. E. P. WEISS, Trafalgar St. THE GUELPH SYSTEM. ' eellent Address on Civie Govern- ment by Mr. .1. E. Carter. • '1r. .1. E vllrter, .'4-M1hayor of 1;11016f, gate a very interesting and lnstruetise address in the, ikserl of Trade room on Tuesday evening before • reyirew'ntative gathering of citizen... The chair w•a' occupied by Mr. A. .1 MacKay, chairman of rhe entertain- ment committee If the ;Liar! of Tuvtle Mr. Carter rv{daiu0d and 41141VIleahe1 the Guolpll sy$tettu of municipkl gov- ernment. under w•hieh the city council discharges the letiSIM tire ftllaetloos, anal a .'ity manager is the executive 110:411 of municipal affairs. He likened u munieigkliity to a joint atow'k (sna- pt1y, with the ratepoyerw as share - hidden., the.aldermen or coum•illors as the 1104 1'11 of director... an,t the mayor a• .iiris.ideift. In such a company the real directiou of affairs would he by a man chosen) as contend in:mut•r; and this w•a. the Guelph system, and the method which he believe' proIueee 111e hest result.. I'nder the ordinary system of run- ning- municipalities, John Brown, a 11.t.t 444,1 sh.w uwr'haut, snee.d,ful In his own business, would he pit in a. Head of. the public work.. department --ss( which lie knew nothing-aud the result was the nstepayers got about tole on the dollar for their expenditure. To'pratu.e lire desired results a muni• cigia1ity mast -hove trained men and must place the respuuaibil it7 upon them of "making good." For some years Glwlph tried the commission system of inanaa4ng r(n public utilities. The parks were under one .'mmission, the public , works limier another, ant( Ao 011. Eneh coin - mission was anx'Iou' to 111laakt• a good showing for itself, but there Was no to -operation between the different commissions. and much waste of work atwl nkvney was- the result. The present system had been adopted atter s eonrminee had investigated various forms of municipal govern- ment in vogues iu Groat Mritain, the United States, .Australia, Prance and ltelgium. Eighteen slderuwn (six -elected each year for a three-year firm 1 constituted the city satinet'. and these eighteen:nen-not the ratepayers --elected from, among themselves one to lie -Slayer. The advantage of this Wes that a man of genuine ability would he chosen, instead of e11e whose reammuenlatiuu- to tiro electors wax his 'smdothues." and his elevenses" in electioneering. All the commissions ceased to exist. and a manager was ap- pointed who chit the exeeut►ve work ami was paid to give his whole time. to rhe city's busine's's. Committees of the euun•il 11114,14' 1'1.0001 1111t dim/ manager•t•arri.d out the civic piliey. The present city manager 118141 shown minds ability in civic service be- fore being appointed to the position. suit as one instance of what he had• done for the city the speaker .states that in the Inst four months he had eared the city $211,000 by picking up loose ends uegll.•tel under tlw old sys- tem. Public works were not entered pow- lwaauu.0 :an alderman wished to p1. -1,.e a certain wrtion, but only be'auw• they Were for bre 'benefit of Use city. The manager 'was constantly studying and looking ahead to see the whole civic sit II/It iou for years to come --something that (unlit not to tone under the ordinary system wlwre the men in control wen• changed from year to year. The Guelph system was inaugurated in January, 1919, :out Mr. Carter was esiesetiMsesessesesieserieseseneserasesesassees the first Mayor finder the new system. mosimosmosirsosimoiesewirsessmesiesmosmosimesesosowsowsimesmosesownews City Meat Market and Grocery Co. SATURDAY SPECIALS Roast Pork 28c lb. Roast' Beef 23e lb. Stewing Beef ,, 17c lb. Pure Lard 2 lbs. for 40c. 2for35c. Snowflake Shortening -Rose brand Oleo- 35c lb. 2 cans Spaghetti, large 35c . 1Oc can Pork and Means' Tr, our fresh, homemade Pork Sausage and Headcheese. It's g(ww1 All Two -dollar Orders Delivered. _plow us R. GRAF Pxoprieter.__-CirKingston & Square • BOYS and GIRLS will be glad to know that we have a big stock of RUNNING SHOES ready for them, so that they can purchase them ready for the next spell of warns weather. Mothers, too, are always glad when the family can put on the Runners, for they are so light and noiseless after the heavier winter shoes, and less expen- sive to tiny. We are safe in saying there are no better goods made titan the celebrated "FLEET FOOT" bland, in 1ugh and low styles, black, brown and white, for sports of all kinds and every occasion, in a variety of heels and Wilk A `'4iii tttli every foot and a price to suit every purse. SPECIAL NOTICE. This store, in conjunction with other leading business place.. In town, will be closed at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays during the months of Mar, Janie, July, August and September. SHARMAN'S SHOE STORE v '( Irv,. hNsasiAN OWES HER LIFE TO "FRUIT-A-TIYES" After Yews of Sedf d.q wM Dye - peps., fii• Preit Median• Gave Reiaf Nad-a ANTOINETTC nOUGMCIe 917 Dories St., IlsstreaL "T am writing to tell yos that /OM any 1 a 'Fria•sri ee for this remedy relieved me whea I. had abandoeod all hope ("lever recovering my heath. / aajawd rernMy with Dyna I ►ad it for years aad all the medhiass I took did not do me any rood - I read something about remits fives' being good for all 8bamaeh Troubles aad Disorders of Digestion so I tried them. After dabbing • few boxes, / w emir* wliemi of this Dyspepsia and h general iso[* was restored. I thank the great Emit mediates, 'Pruit-a-tives% for ties weadsred relief." Mile ANTOINETrE BOIICItfr .. ADo. a box, 6 for "LSO, trial etas 91s. At all dealers or seat paslpai& lay i'reit-a-fives Limited. Ottawas Omit. There were still some weaknes.'ud, hut they were gradually !wing eliminated. The manager was not (00 big a man to he Advised. Mr. Garter advised care in insuring civic buildings at a sufficient figure to avoid disastrous low in case of Are. Another matter on .which he laid stress was that criticism of municipal .soulw•ils should be of a constructive nature. If the citizen hod any critic- ism to mike he should go direct to the man in question instead of talking promiscuously, and if he had no Nuto- stitut0 (nurse to propose he would better say nothing at a11. A vote of thanks to the speaker avis move) by Mr. Wtn. (Iampbelt and •ires4 I by -Mr. J. E. Tom. Sh-. Camp - twit was rather dubious of the man- ager plan in s small place like Gale- . With the small amount of-coa- twttable expenditure he thought .the town could not afford to pay the re- quired :unary. The town should be careful to have gond omciala, aad a good clerk especially was a greet asset. Mr. Tom was favorable towartil the plan advocated by Mr. (Arter. Mr. Carter in reply to Mr. Camp - hell's remarks contended that a cap- able manager would sono wive the town more than enough money to pay his salary. The dbeinetion was one of the limit on civic affairs that have been heart' in (lotlerieh and those wlkr were present were greatly interested and pleased. PERSONAL MENTION. THE COLBORNE STORE Special values in many lines in Ready-to-wear and Piece Goods On Saturday these values will be- on .-sale Mr. T.T. Leckie, of London, is in town today. Mr. W. E. Kelly, of London, made a brie( visit to (7oderich last week. ,Mira. P. W. G•.rrie, of Minneapolis, is visiting ,friends in Gdsl-rich and will he here for .1111• momlhs. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn were at Galt on Saturday attending the funeral of Mn. George Jaffray, an aur.t of Mr. Nairn's• Rev. J. E. Ford will spend a week visit- ing his brother, Dr. Ford. at, Norwood, and his daughter; Mrs. Davidson, at Cobourg. Mrs. Sneyd has arrived from Toronto after spending several months there with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Healy. She re- turned sooner than she had -expected be- cause of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Dodd, at Nile. Md r. Elwin .\rsierwrn, who revently disposed of his farm on the Ilii ld road, Goitre -tell township, 'ns now at Detroit, Mieh , where he is attending BABY CHICKS From purebred trspuestel White I.'ghorns, (Marron Strain). The Marron foghorn Is an English bll'd and for a fog- horn is a very berg.• hied, some of .them loving AN large ns the Hoek. Seldom 410 they ever set. With the e0mint of warm weather the heavy hreds are determinist to set. not se with the foghorn, ss that is the time she 1s determines to lay. They will also lay in the winter if given proper (1are. From Nov- ember 1st to April bit ten of our irapnrwtel foghorns laid 1t).1 etgs at an average prkw for the five montle of 73c per dozen. or $021M for the ten birds in fl. Ave months. From just such stork AS these and others nearly a« good we are offering .rhl it 22t'. each, delivered-.at- atathat. Be sure and take advantage of this sale by supplying your wants from the following list : J„,tLes' Voile Blouses, regular $5.00, $4.50, $4.00, for *98,. These Blou3eaeome in all sizes. The styles are per- fect and this is a chance to get a real bargain. On sale $2.98. Ladies' white wash Skirts. Regular $2.50 and $3.00 eaelOur..91.69 each udies' %% bite wads Skirts. Regular $6.00 and $5.00 each, for' $3.00 sash.' • Silk Hose, regular $1.60, for 91.19. They come in all sizes at 91.19. Handkerchiefs on sale. Regular 40e and 50e, on sale 2 for 65o. Handkerchiefs on sale. Regular 30e add 35e, on, sale 2 for 490. . --- Handkerchiefs on sale. Regular '20c and 25e,- on sale 2 for 36e. • Silk Underwear Camisoles, regular $2.00, for 91.49. Silk Camisoles, regular $3.00, for 91.98. Pink mull Combinations, regular $3.50, for 92.39. Satin Combinations, regular $5.75, for 93.98. Silk I3loothers, regular $5.75, for 93.69. -8ou(tidr-Caps, regular $1.50, for 79c. -1 adtm Cap. -regular $2.50, for 91.49. \ Mull-1?.'iglftgowns, regular $6.00 and $5.50, for $3.98. Crepe -de -chine Nightgowns, regular $9.00, for 96.79. " atiu Nightgowns, regular $6.75, for 94.98. Spring Coats Every Spring Coat in the store, both children's and ladies' is reduced below cost price. We do not carry ready- to-wear from one season to another, and we are beginning now to clear the spring lines. Regular $32.00 for $21.00. *30.00 for 932.50. $40 00 for 925.00. $24.50 for 916.00. Children's Spring Coats Regular $1.4.00 for $10.00, regular $10:00 for $7.00, regular $8.00 for 96.50, regular $7.15 for 96.25. Ladie- Skirt Lengths at 96.98. These ranged a.' i as $1075 They are (.n sale while they las. for $6 --moi -halve J Ladies' SilkGloves 200 pairs of ladies' Silk Gloves, regular up to $2.00 a h `paili� They conte in white, grey, black and champagne, at a pair. Lisle Hose. - Be sure to see on tIee couers H. COL THE HOUSE OF ?ELiABILIT the Slioliigau State Auto School, with the.inteltiol, of t'ntering the automo- bileMrs. T. G. Connon and Miss Gene Connon returned home on Saturday from their trip to Florida, where they spent the winter months very pleasantly. On the return trip they visited Richmond, Wash- ington and other cities. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Solomon and Mas- ter Clayton spent the pest week visiting friends at Lucknow and Ripley. and leave nn Monday next for Pen Mar. Pa., where they witI spend the next six months. Mr. Solomon strained himself in lifting a heavy weight while at his work several weeks ago, and the doctor has ordered him to lake a rest from anything like heavy work for a time. THE NEW FAST SERVICE. G. T. It, (;clderieh-Toronto Train Is Pular with the Piddle. Tim new fast train to nnl from Toronto on rhe (1.T.R. is proving itself :t gnat sn..•'-.«. The fires nln on the m'w •selsis n►.- was made 011 Monday morning. the train leaving here nt 0 o'clock aril resetting Toronto promptly at 111.1 T' Tlo. incoming train. arriving In G.klerh•h at 10.30 p.m.. has been on time or aliea'1 of time every night this week. The Itono,.y morning train/Was in charge of (',owhk-tor .1. S. Allen and 1•Irrelnerr 1t Snialer. with -Max" Mt'agtMr a.4 firms/in:.1. i). Stewart w-ps the baggagpn.an and if. A. McLean the brakeman. The alternate crew con- sists of ('o,ductor J. H. 4‘11 hon. 'tsars ketfian A. ('ox, and 1lraikeiuun J. 1). :41&&:Ir1. The train travel« nt from forty-five fo fifty milts' fin hour, the small num- ber .of,stems between Stratford and Toronto Aetna condlit'ive Past M Stratford the only .tops erne Kitchener. Guelph, (leorge•trrwn. itnmmp- ton and West Tomnto. The train 1s Mode up of coacher whirl' have Just 001114' alit tit the ear +oboes4 and pre- ntr s Atte. sppearanr. .A parlor Huron Specialty F rm WALTER ROSE. Rnia.eb, Ont, Phone 3A m Rex 34. IL ' Do mos salty anotherwits itchina. Pretrial - In Piles. P I l e s. loo aargleal over. ti repined. Dr. chss•'a OlntiesuS ver miters you as owes bed serNd Islam neo• • tt•z• •• ��••aaII.r% re halm PIANO a Oa..1,ta1 Tornele ample 1t you mention Irl• Paper tial ~lose as. shop to pay 7«va" . •Inlffet car ishh•Iuded in the equipment. , Over 211t1 passenger., including ser - eras fnnn Gelb -rich, were on board the train when it r0achel Toronto Monday nkrruiug. Quite a number of Goderieh people have taken advantage of the new fact service this week, minding Dr. A. H. MlaekHi, 31r4 W. W Saints, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kenyon. Dr. L. M. MLetw•e, Mrs. A. M. SheplrarI, Miss Fox, I)r. Maelonell, Messrs. Rig. Elliott, W. I.. Anletw.n. Wm. Craig, J. W. Taylor and G. J. Si. I.oyne.. Get your tiekrts for the popsdar fast train Goderieli to Toronto from the G. T. R. flown -town ticket agents, F. P. Lass rear & Siong. _ (bnsak you Deattat ar you Se Darter. -Mora and ,morn physeal ali- ments. are attributed to bad teeth. The cause of 'rhwnmath.m, stomach troubles and ether complaints may (often be „traced to the teeth. We handle 1,11 .,f the worthy dental pre- parations w•hk•h your dentist may re- comme rid.. Tooth Mnl.hpa, Tooth I'ow- den, l'astew, lbwital Flow, Pyorrhea preparations. ('onsideratde intention is given to thin department of our Nosiness and WP handle especially the things which have leen fount most ielpful. Watch your children's teeth. -E. R. Wigk, Druggist, flodeNeh. • OBITUARY. HANNA. -The following is from The Wingham Times : •The community was shocked early Sunday morning when the news spread of the sudden death of one of our most highly esteemed residents, in the person of Mary L. Young, widow of the late John Fianna, aged seventy years. The deceased lady had not been feeling well for some few days prior to her death and had remained away from the store. On Saturday she had been in much better health and retired Saturday evening feel • ins better than in weeks. She passed peacefully away during the night and was found dead by members of the family earty Sunday morning. 'Mrs. Hanna was born on •'Gowrie Farm," the Young homestead in Colborne township. being a daughter of the late George Young and Isabella Clark. She spent her early life in that township. After her marriage in 1909, to the late John Hanna, she moved to East Wawanosh township, where they fumed for a few mean and started a store nn:the 10th concession. Forty-two years ago the family moved to Wingham and the subject of this sketch'entered into the y,._... k. Columbia Grafonola primo have been cut in Would you like to hear a (irafonola in your home? Qn your request we will place a Grafonola in your ,h(Roe„ without putting you under any obligation to pur- ehase, to show- you how good an instrument it is. Special "Offer A one -dollar deposit on our easy payment plan will give you possession of a fine , Grafonola--the best musical instrument in the world. J. H. LAUDER, Phm. B. NORTH SIDE SQUARE, GODERICH general mercantile business. in which she was most successful, the business for many year, being conducted under the firm name of Hanna & Co. This most highly esteemed lady was endowed with unusual executive ability and largely through her efforts the business grew to one of the largest and most sticcensful retail businesses in Western Ontario. Mrs, Hanna had frequently expressed the desire that the end might come when she was actually in business and her desire was realized. Her many acts of kindness endeared her to a large circle of friends and she will be much rrisfed in the family circle and in the community. Mrs Hanna had for long year been a consistent member of St. Andrew'. Presbyterian church and rarely missed a church service. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs, Robert Allen and Mize Priscilla, of town, and Miss Maude of Toronto. and one son. John W.. who has been asociated with his mother in the business for some years. Her late husband and a son, George C., passed away some twelve years ago. Three listen also survive : Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Goderich township; Mrs. Thos. Straughan, Auburn, Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, Kippen. Two brother.. Alexander Young. Wing - ham. and James Young Auburn, passed away atfew years ago. To the bereaved will be extended ths sincere sympathy of the community. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternorm from the family residence. Edward street. to the family ' plot in the Wingham cemetery.