The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 9"'u SIGNAL Everything you n for Fancy Work may be found here. Call and see the many beautiful and useful ar- ticles we have in stock. Miss S. Noble South Side Square - - Goderich McEwen's Specials FFouelette4 at reduce.' prices. ;ibttLL•tillg at 'reduced prices. Rodded_ Di11Lst _reduced prime. (;inhIiS* it reduced priers. A !dee a..'ortmeut for Window -l'urtalus. form 25e :tad up. .\l1 -wool Serge, navy blue. double width."at $1.75 per rndenyeer,- to .04r. at price"' worth while, A gr,.,,l nulll!•.•r of articles to Urneries at reduced -DO -1,w. J. J. McEWEN (;quare Phone 46 Easy Washing You'll hardly believe it—until you try it. Just oak the clothes in the rich, pure, cleansing Rinso suds overnight (or for three hours) and then rinse them thoroughly either in warm or cold water. They will be as clean as though they had been boiled and rubbed. K1NSO Not a cake soap, or a chip soap, but new and better —tine granules so rich in soap that they loosen the ''dirt as the clothes soak. If you have washing machine— Soak the clothes o•e,sight i• the usual Ringo way. The cleansing suds loosen every bit of dirt. In the •ere- ing operate the machine for • few sioule• and the clothes are perfectly clew -e•en the most soiled spots. GODEBICH, ONT. 111 virus utour ole all Morris; lir.: AIw. c . r.14. and J. T.. r.: '•11N•ker, of Durham : Mr-. Bran• urn• fiayudWId: Rr' t:rasby', of dou. oK o{ Mrs. Sbuel" ttum, of Morris. a. Wewa1NM11, incl to b. .1 for neer Afterbeilka • .4nntittor fol` two years ill a bufps', Tale>i-. ,fit':. liming a stroke alt 1' on April Henry Ina11 ,• pineal' Ola 1.gP uf. 2l4t 11 al tav4.lncay, of M ' seventy-four yearn. Thr Jt4wlrw4 Was 1.orIi 111 1 n1N1r11e township alai wall a lifelong resident of the continually.' $IK It%ve', IKeeiden her hltsk,mt. six daughters and four 'lac'. also tllfrty- six gnuw1/4dldren and eight street- 4(rll udcldldreu. 111.YTH .% \\•Ingham luau toe t14eu11,2 .4 'dale' 11.11:1iailIX hltnlue'n in Myth- The will to The Blyth memorial il tale opened on May reed, tile°I" lug the form of a religion- _ Myth in observing w,attelu•v" _ t I'.1i1 holiday un Thursday thio summer. 'Yureda7. Ike 5, 1021.---� ,S }:A FORTR. 'Sirs. Archibald, of Igo''•4' i11. , f. its hrr houre one evening fractured her hip. As she i• Is .'II ail its years the occident 1' r - r:��11- 0111 Thomas Beattie. of 11c1I q.. a,•• 1 with a revere I. Weill h 1'.s. one day Taut week. His 14'n.,• t'r•,rna frightt•lled at a traletor apt t!rn•a' his. out of the baggy and In ti., (ilii h. had several Tar' fractured. E\F:TYIt. An athletic association iu 1 ve t,'.rbw'r tot'mtrl to tai.+ter lepu will hate four .diviolou- -baseball. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO r I 1 AND DISTRICT. COUNTY ll t'relitou '0141 .el.i,rltte the .King's Birth,lae June :Ird. , 4; T. It. Station Agel►t Fasken. 'of Ki{q'•n, is awns on 9 trip to tier 'West ceiv.•d eon! of the death of her cam. for a few weeks. IGeorge. of lalifac. N. 41.. which fol lobo Kb•es, of }Rip+ ha+ wild .111„,l lowed an 'oleratioi for appendicitis. -1. farm at Blake to kir won, Albert Earl Tlw 1114'1 _- 41 wall' 1'Irn tifty•Ms'u yen,re Key'• who is now on it. 4 ;,g4 its "'poem The remains werel dash' Mulvey, of !trillion... Ailed in I brought 4u Henson for interment. I Dr; Williams Pink Pills Act on the w luldmm hl. -pita) .on April 24rh. 1n his fifty-third year, Ate wait- Reeve 1ti+ Juneve Taylor, formerly for •the Blood and Nerves. tM►110 lanicerralll, anise 7.411 •sat11 ' tl •,tn csler to arrange a Merle. of gaup, r the suulgtrr in eaeh'divisi,ot. - l the .Iii men nt'rt•et aur -.'halt.. utl Wel *•whey 1If 111'4 week. It.•''. 'M. J. 1 Wile 1 performed the mHrri,ll-e erre- away 111111gf Visa Vern.t I:eatcl.•. &aught.. of Mr. and Mr*..1wili`i'1'. r. calor. •o Stephen. to 1t'd•••rt 4*rval Twi(pthelJ. rex of Ruben •Twin"It'•ll of H4•iiwi 11. thitty.slevep yea rs. Mrs. '1'honlpseon WI'' a lalti44' of Mullett tow'u•hi1,. lie•- utde' her husband, site leaves nae tail 411141 tire• daugd►t3.rs. A wedding of interest to Zurich people took plat :gird. when Milos of Mr. and M r married to G1 \Ir. It. H t_im- .DetruiADril x1'•1 Raine. daughter N'111141m Itupp.. was e Itch. of 1►rtroit. at. of Henson: has ^te- Thos. gear, town from ltt•tg t• n...einept burin I\GH ►Jit. o rtlYntly 11140141 to IT." Iso- 4nilr'lmwsl of.Stmou Mit,he11 '• R. •M. McKay Iso dimecod of hi.. jecc.•11.•ry Asld otatea1 usbi.'s- to W. It. H:smflton, ..f Grand \ 11. Mr. Mi •- Kay is In poor health *. Pew, decided.' to take a rest from lust A former Wiugham girl. , i Mary Margaret V.4;r40ror, daugfiti• ,.f -Mr ('atberili• eke;tegor of E. e.liton. Alberta, was married1 thatc v on •.K7.r 1 :Weir 1h rnestt 4I,1le'inls'. ' Ito of. Edluunton. Quick€St ci6 for Kipling A cut sustained in workshop, a sore whah a unattended, result/ say is 1•aammation or blood poisoning. Yoe have to lay oft for a day or two and s counts .when pay-dav comes round. Zan -Dols insures you against such local A little antiseptic Zam-Bub proaptlt applied to any flesh wound or &Ours prevents dlseose infection and risk d festering and ulceration. and tales away smarting pain and promotes clinch healing. At home a ism of /.am•Rul is ever s• useful The baby s nasty rashes, the older children's cuts and bruises. lb* inevitable burn, or scald —for all those, u well ss for more serious skin troubles, such u eczema, ulcers. ringworm, etc., Jiyk,jtLe unrivalled remedy. Mr. J. W. liesnard, 535. Crag Sit. K . !t treat. writes .—" Two of my fingers we so severely crushed that the doctor said ey would have to be amputated 1 deet ed to try . an-Buk first, and applied a halm daily. Within a few weeks t . injury was completely healed. My Sager, eresaved." ex. Dos .it d.a1M Clothes are a Problem but the problem is eilaily volved, if you consult us. If it is for ta'urk, for sport, for brdivary every -day wear, or for dress oe- .easiolls you wish to be outfitted, the are prepared to do it in the correct stele: and at reasonable priies. EVERYTHING IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR (except boots and shoes) McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1HE SQUARE GODER1CH 1 J.. it 1 Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away No matter how cold. how dirty. bow dilapidated, 4410 a nova an:und them and send to u• to 0e mads Into The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs Rovers/bio-V ttl wear a li (.Itis-Yricaa reasonable We have hundreds of recommendations Cron satis- fied customers. Ask for "VtLVtTIX" )ilea 1.4.4. We pay express both ways on large orders. One way on small orders 'Established 1110e Phone Mea CANADA RUG COMPANY M CARLING STRUT n : LONDON, ONT. A SPLENDID TONIC FOR WEAK PEOPLE. will' found guilty by' . dip. Klein x* Walkerton of :dealing a 1 iaakold f a Lucknow reeld riiTn'u1l s-wiltew ed , to central Prisonni for not I4' one..than o1. year uor more.then eighhru the. Mr.. Joseph Nixon iwisesi a 'ay here on April _'lith. In Iwr sixty'- venni year. she bud IN'.•n ailing for eall- s1i1 ra1"e71me: maiden -tier aiden wow was . Mary' ellaUl{' She 'unit Der ns - bowl 10111091 for sono. time in \% t u Wawao'h 111x1 were foes t1111e' la t 1 Rel liminess at Whiteeliureh. S lei YM. IN• -1111" 111!i 110441141. four 101M uud one elaughler,' Wm 4'haugliun. of Forel e, is a brother. 11;ru.. . Is who had been [1Ve Illllg or some time at Itow•t,rwn, SM'k.. was -married ,til April,1t;tk to Norman D.. Munro, of Itors•towu. The weRHbt ceremony wets performed at Rt. An- drew'w =sows' Mooecj•w, by Rev. 0. i,\W. Wilson. air. and Mrs. R. lirotvirlee, who ar.• removing from KIppe•n to the State of Or.•4411, were lite gtlests of honor at 11 400111 gathering held one evening last wlwk and were made the reciplryryttlts of I fars'•welI address anal a pu\'se of Waaler as tokens of esteem from their in the t friMi 1' HildaHarr'fs1nlanghter of Mr. III and Mr'. John Harris. Grey town'llrp. and Richard Harold Seiler'. of Morris township. were Wilted in marriage on \Weinets111y. April 20th. by Itev. W. E. Stafford at the 1tru.cw•ls Mlethalist par- sonage. They will make their home in Morris township. f ilii—tulrrrr. fat' Arai year'. Ill.' ' if'• gid lice children -merle,. After an illness extending over three months Margaret Burton. wife of V. P. Tbutnpwlu, died on April 21st at her home 1n Tuckersnikh. at the age of Good Plumbing IS A DELIGHT Poor Plumbing IS AN ABOMINATION When we do the Joh, war r l give you the right lel a - t he kind that givry you phtil-nil• and comfort. FRED.\ HUNT "TNL PLVMBLR” ►tarnaba avast . Plan tae ' Pliimningl— ..__ 44 ti Itaveatrou*ch i n g EAST ST, G,ARAG DiD you ever try to inflate a tire with a leaky pump ? Got pretty hot and made very little head- way, eh ? - Your motor with the leaky piston rings acts that way when you try to climb a hill. DECORAT IN9/ A N i) Decorating Matenals..- Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials, or take the contract of d orating your home, store oroffice. Estiaates cheerfully gives GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. INC Can supply your want: in ally kind of Glass J: CU'r'HBERTSON North side West st. Phone 354 'MEN'S SUITS of Right Quality As well as our young men's style we carry a large and _complete stock athe "more con- servative models for both young and old, nging in price from $11.50 to $38.50. SPECIAL FOR Saturday and Monday 15 Men's English Worsted Suits in blue and fancy materials, all new patterns. While they last $22.50. All -wool blue Serges, guaranteed indigo dye, pure wool, single and double breasted styles. While they last $35.50. Special — 15 Men's Suits to clear at $16.75. •)r'oo d is as important to the sick person as medicine, more so is many cases-, A badly -chosen diet may retard recovery. In health the natural altleesite.is the best guide to follow ; in sicicness the appetite is often fickle and depraved.tonic will keen Proper food and a B most people in good health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a fine tonic medicine, harmless and -certain in their action, which is to build up the blood and restore Vitality to the rundown system For growing girls who are thin and pale, for pale. tired women, and for old people who fail in strength, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tunic. Thousands have testified to the benefit derived from the use of this medicine. Among them is Mrs. William Gallie, Hantsputt, N. S, who says : "Before I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 was so weak and rundown that I could hardly do my own work. i often suffered from headaches and was veru nervus. I then began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and i call truthfully say I have found them the beat medicine I have ever taken. You may depend upon it 1 will advice otter sufferers to take these pets." You can get Dr. \\iliums' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine ,\ quirt wielding took plate at the Evangelical parsonage, 4'194litun. on Saturday irfterwon. April 10:. when Miss Irene Louise, .biughter of Mr. and Mrs. innuis .1. Willer4. was Indust in marriage to Wellington R. Hoist, the ceremony being performed by Rev. S. M. Ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Heist will reside on the groom's farm near ('redi- ton. An esteemed r'si.lent of McKillop township. 111 the irksome of -Mrs. James Mose, eldest daughter lit the late Mr. and Mrs. Thoma' Hayter of Stephen t.rw•nehip, diel on Yler}ttr4.lay. April 20th. in lwr forty-w'voiith yeti r. The deceased was for 'Ira. time a resident' OT f oderh4l tow:whifr: 411w worn anal Iwo daughters. besides the husband. ellrcive. The funeral took place to the Bayfield cemetery. The home of Mr. awl Mrs. William Sitinr•on. (Merle. was the wlene of a pretty welding on \Weilnewlay, April 27, when their daughter. Gladys May. beeline the bride of 1'r'cton Thorold Walker. of Walkerton, won of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cherie' Walker, MHcer- ton. Iter. A. McKReim' officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Walker wIll reside et 'Walkerton. How about a set of "Pressure Proof" OR -- "Double Seal" Rings to start the season right ? REG. WILLIAMS Mases 243 - - GKderic' M. ROBINS Open Evenings HOOL REPORTS. S. . No. 4, Colborne. i' the report of S. R. , for tire month of • Hazel Hill. Laura Monfort'. Beulah , 'i'her. Jr. II... - Wilfred Fisher, F.mnn 1.1 Mitchell. Sr. '1114' follow i \u, 4. Collett, Aptil, .in rrtii•r Murray Kernigha Speaks Highly of Baby's Own Tablets. Ort. , a Co., Brockville, Ont. 1}1 Ito Mai McClure, Edith Fisher.' ('LINTON. Bert I.angforl has pincher -eel the lower story of the o1d ('omin.•r•ial hotel bni141111g front the roof on emu-- latuy 111141 will place a -"-f on it enol turn It auto 11 garage. Jas. .laekson, of the 2nd .orxeNwinn Of 'Stanley, IUs purrhaswi 4.11e .ticlexrl of (summere bulldeie freen Wesley \Talker of G.xlericll The 'school will still occupy the building. Mrs. James lioutln-crmbe left last week for Montreal. %hem. Abe walls for England to -joand the summer falter• w4th friends. Mr. ail Mrs. Ira,ey Armst.rong and family left hit week for Row'town, Soak., when' they inte1N1 making their hoar. A branch of the .lte'l ('row, Society was orgs11ized here last w'e•k. The following officers wen.aI '1,t4"41 lion. pn^.identsl. Mayor tea .Shaw ; president. 4'. I►. li.uek ; 1st vke•1rn•sident, J. \\'. Treleaven; 2n1I vlle-president. Mrs. W I►. Parr; secre- tary -treasurer, R. F Manning. Most et the ('Hylton menthe,'ts have agrAnl to (lira. 01441 VI ti•ew of business Franklin lyir'IwT1 Jr. III.—Amtie Fisher Jack Pitidadn. Jr. .—Myrtle 11. THE BLUEBIRD WASHER 1'all-atld see a denillu.tratini of the best Washing Machine on the market. We are "agents. - -. - Lighten the drudgery 'of housekeeping with one of -th-essr rosy -running miteliiueti, which v1ve labor and preserve health said good temper. - EDISON MAZDA LAI[!S are the standard,'ail►-to-date electric light. WeAlso All kinds of ELECTRICAL GOODS for house. %tore, office or workshop. Estimates made and rontraetw taken 'tins-. and other electrical work.- - sleet rie rtle JuneBre 11lllrr. Ihrri' Hill. fir. IL -Aar on M.4'lure, tlertie Hougliln11„1 ve Hill.. Margaret i'itb4ado. Ii. - • ink lin Flick. 31a rie 4'i'4it, r, int Ii1:111_ IIit/ rta 1. — •lis., Millar.. Fisted.. Florence McClure. Jr. 1' - 1. .lie Lovett. l.uuretta Flick. -1'r. Ruth l'ithlado. Nettie Pit 11111410. Ilona l'ithlathl. F:LEANT IR F. 1551'1:11, F:IMTN'. Teleher. S. S. No. I1, flattest and E. ti{awaneak The folltiwing is the report 44 1'. 44. Ii. No. 11, IItillett sial East Wawa -i nur'h. for tin' mouth of April. Those marked 1 •, alW 11t (rout one or more 4V, milretiun': Sr. i\'. 1141'0 4kt►i- 11arg1*r•4 Cowan, 4:1;; Wesley Wnid- i k. 3I47. Sr.. -111 Iger' 4,441) --John ileoh)4Inl, 519; Fluertwe• -\Wolper. 5111, 1r 111. (1111,'s _4$1 )--Ketttet ll 1 '.titian. 444: t:rale 4'oenin. 4' 4.1,1111111 .1enkills. 424.' ,Sr. 1L. Italw''• Mal l— Matilihl 11niu'•, 3Mttltlq+Belle Refs l --' 11.11y I Ienfw11m, _ -ctielTr t-' ilt' 414 '( )411. 2-, Ri •T he month Were: h1 nneth• /'oicati. Vati141,1 Mains, Mary ilrnherin. Present every- day—Margairet 1',wnII. • Wesley itrad, Dock, Jahn 1ieulaem, Gorton Jenkins”, Kenneth Cowan, Matilda Mains. Belle Itoher{„11. t'.'rti.t ...I1e11w4 Jt°ir.7 Denholm. Number In roll., Aver- uRe attendam,•. Teacher. des - See Our Weddin S oI onery► ane Brides S e/ore Placing. r Ordgr.�w mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she is always pleased to speak highly of them to tither mothers. She knows the good they have on Wednesday aft, Moons during the done her children and realizes that here months. Loo Kxow, experience should be of benefit Mothers. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Fred Mur- phy, Charlottetown. P. E. 1.. writes : i have used Baby's Own Tabteti fothe r past eight months for my twiny. speak tai highly of them, for they have been of great assistance to me in my first experience of motherhood." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which are absolutely harmless and may be given to even the new born babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct at 25 cent+, a box from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The "berth ol•r•urr4t in Morris town- ship on AprIl 211th 94 SsraMmecti tem. widow of the late Thous.. ltrydgea. The Ile4•swesl; who waw ore a the pioneer residents of Morris, ere. eighty. five years at age. Rhe le survived by Itev. W. J. vocik-ione, 44 1as the1wen 11,4the Arrglk•an lectorl.- . s14 years, has 144.11 appointed to as charge at laatswot•th. Ont. Pr•1-•1 yterten church The• lain kn,rw w111 bold enniversarY eervk'ee on Sun- day next, May sth Roo. }►r. i►rem- tnolxl, of Hamilton. i+ 40 be the speaker of the day. • Rev. R. Mfwe4'kniiln. R. P. Cameron and lien M,4'lure Attended the meet- ing of the PMNry'er!an 4h•ncxl at Chat- ham leaf week. The hu im•sw men of iotoknow pur- pose ober rving lltnrday afternoon of each week as a holiday, cummem'Ing this. gnwt week a May alit continuing until the end of S1eptember. John Engiaml, a Leetnow youth, 'w. • Need a New Tire Come here and get one hat will cut clown the cost o autoing, per mile, coin- sj ► • rably. Our Tires are dou 5 guaranteed, first by the •nufacturers, second by us. Stand . d Tires, phis ser- vice, cont ue to serve the car owner ong after the initial saving n a Cut -Rate Tire has been orgotten. Tukanlxint. Ketrraeli ' and all -kinds of Tire and abe Repairing. H. J. FISH R Hamilton St. edencb GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA 10 DARKEN 5NA111 $be mixed Sulphur with it tis Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. -• Common garden sage brewed Into a heavetea with added, i turn gray, rY.treakdand hair dark and beautifully 1 applications will luxuriant prove few41DD• rev la- • few tion 1[ your hair Is fading, streaked or g rey. Mixing the tage Tea houahas trd ou- blesome. • recipe at home, bottle of Wyeteasier Rgeyend t5ulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for useThis additioin of othercIn- improvedd by the gredients. While wispy, de Trento retain ed hair ie o r yot outhful appearance and attractive- ness. ail adD our hair with gess. By darkening 7 Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It does It so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft a)brush with it and draw king 111100 s,n� lser nd gat a time, by moyour hair. rning all gray hairs have disappeared, end, our Mir becomes bther eautifully dark. glplication or two. ossy, soft and luxuriant. qudernIs delightful toilet requisite andnot intenedfor the cure, fn'titration or prevention of Ma - Two Seasonable rticles EL KAY'S STRAW HAT DYE - Makes the old hat look like new. Sixteen colors . 35c WATER GLASS. EGG PRESERVER Pack your eggs while pride is low. Each tin makes one gallon of preserving liquid 20c •t . Phose No. 1 The Resell Drug Store