The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 8I-•$Luzday, May a, 1921. RUB BACKMUE AND IUMBAGO RI61 DU1 DA Pakaid Mift� of oil ' away tnN! ft heels Oil Tw rut task 1. eon and tams or loogy•�o� aeiatela or rheumatae has resatup, doss elder JambGet s !0 seat say o1 dm( otore, pour • little lo yaws band and rub it right into ay ca eabe..ed by the time you •Dual My, the wows and Wawa DaaY Okay crippled! This soothing, gieentreitlog all sada to be used only sum It wtes the mho and pain >�t It laila your bosk and ends yet abaduMt77 harmless tad &WI burn the akin. rothiag sten rope lam, sciatica Ind Woe bask misery e,/ promptly! OPENNOSTRILS! A COLD ORCATARRH How To Get Relief Whoa Head ,ad Noes aro Stolid Up. Count Arty! Your eold in bead or catarrh disappears. Your clogged mu- tilate ortrite will open, the air passages of your bead will clear and you can breathe freely. No more sealing, headache; mucous discharge, drynaes r no struggling for breath at night Get a small bottle of Ely's Cram Balm from your druggist and apply little of this fragrant antiseptic e In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or lnflatmed mucous membraae, giving you natant, relief. Head colds and catarrh yield 11ke magic. Don't stay stalled -gip and miserable. Mallet 1a s1*». • BI THE SIGNAL QODERIOH, OWN. WORLD EVENTS: Yonge and Charles Su.. Toronto. Accountancy, stenography, t ype aerating rend general Improvement courses: superior/ In- struction only: students assisted to pusittlOne: open all year, waste for prwpectue,, enter sue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. EATSS'ANDThkE SiS fONKIDNEYS !bb a glass of salt. Woes toriskled if year look hart' or Madder Wain Isa. Western Ontario Best Commercial School CENTRAL STIIATFORD. ONT..' Our winter ter day, January it register in our brad or Tel env time. Ou ...d practical 1 , positions. n t.ac commences Tues god students may Commercial, Short phy departments at courses are thorough sit we assist graduates Get our free catalogue. CIII,AN, Principal. RO-ELECTRIC Use a "Hydro" Vacuum leaner and your house is al- 'ways clean. Does the work quickly and makes no dust. THEIR SIGNIFICANCE. • 6y clitlliam93anks, TrNatte to the extraunllnary rem', ratitttrl by Parliaoseut II is becoming peretiye plovers of !:rut Britain la more obvious that tmm• 1m01glo-J8p•uew Pahl in the budget presented to l'ar- treaty will be a *Wool of s'riou4 de - Bement by the !tight lion. AttIA.tt bate 111 t1w ealt,•n'IN't•. lh'ealer Chamberlain. Tie sin of u fuuuals Ilu,:hrs of Australia ,•mini 11i,' ere of Ills father. t'hatlda'rlaln luta talents of 111a d4•4arture fur the w.e•ttlug expres«rt own that would give Iden high plays the hope that lirear Britain could or - without the alit of his father's fame) Mage with Japan a satiefaetory Hill *nee which t'eluld le, a4te•t4krl to the Flitted -litotes. He s•'4uel du think Ode coltld 1w dope. L "Au111 mean am trial n144I 1.1141114•+1* world toh day 10 annual sa{-hlg of hili:..`.- to Australia brighten the outlook, lad it not (teen in ' respell to d,.feu- ye 'metsnres. for the bulldog tidbit of 'worrying Iinghes mate It clear that Aus4t't iIa tliruugh which still remains the chief regarded'" heraetf a. '311 In.k'la'udrut ,horacteristic of the ilritish ruse. country with full poets of seUit0r- At441 lirita141 is worry ilia through de- eminent, and her a11404.le at the roll - spite the disputes and trotddes that fere awe would be Fawd on that Idea. have darkerlt'll the lnuriz„Il In the last --0- few wombs. bs. anal flu' apparently end -1 A 'striking e.mtnt'i. II" on the inter - lute entuttgloment4 at home end .este involved In the.••11114141 cou(etence abroad that add to the bt►neils she I4 affuneal by a at.lt"-x4a1( rthh•f, ad• bears. Itertratu l.ew44.z S?tup Mark this. The last pre-war budget riser to the Preoddas el China anti its showed receipts of ltet.21:1,I00 pounds- ottkial statistician., tut his way 140 the sterling, and exp•tnlitrt res totalling eonfertmee ire hue-c•+iiied aft Uttalw:l 1117,492,710 (.41111114. 111 those 110 y that to ascertain the slew,. .d the Calwdiaem was regarded as a 1retue,dons budget. llo.emnts'ut h,w'arel Ila' .tu$lu-Japuncsi• 111 the past twi•1ve mouths the revenue treaty. 4.'hi1111 W yeri nou'h it/terestel r•a4'11el,the enormous Alija or 1,425,- ill Meverat phases( ,.t [11:41 :4grrt11.YIt. 9011,001 pounds and after meeting ex- •Mr. Simpon ftaukl ,i.ii rl that (111101. p'udttnrs-i a- surplus of .2►t.r1/111,IMN1 having suffered Iron,. tier luaivity 111 pounds relnitait.1. Tlie stun' ut 2:I*.`rtlw past its the 44 44lu4 iuteruattu4al ;011,1111 was :Ipplt141 to debt reltettou. Ir/mp114-.1111111s. IS'W"t 1.111111141 to litchi Including 7'itNio.latI pounds 414-1341 on aler'lal of 111,• di'ht to tin• Putted ':,state's. witch now stands -rt 1.111501.- 10111 patursle-cah•ula1hlt the 1Mnllul at four dollars Its the present rate of ex- change. 1t must never 1N• forgotten that the bull" of this gnat debt to the Itealhlic Nos incurred by Britain 1111 behalf of her *Mies. If she could r„ei bark what they owe to her the \lother ('4,1ultry would, comparatively +p'nk• Ijlg. he on Easy litre•t today. Her deed rehttions during the past year Mynah• rlitatttal of the debt to eau - wig by _0,00o,INN1 pounds. anti the tak- ing care of 1.1m..141/Table amtonnts of her doniestie debt. 1 11 her lonely ex- ternal debt lil'itall has lapid off ."ming the last two year„ 1.11r1,*NNI,INN' pounds. All debts to Jaium, Spain, Arg,,itillit. t'rugtnly. and Holland haws' twee elm red off. For this year Iirlialn plans to pity .a11new-hot over 411.4NN1,I4M1 p.ut14is for interest 4411 limos (non the United Shires, the 1•st1111at.r1 re'r,'lllle• for the year being L4I.'1i,1"41,INN1. 14 is du,rI.Mu1 It guy traantry• in the world of like postulation stet !matting ad{1 II 4• like r 4f !lar burdens could lows made sort a sturdy Showing. as Itrltadn hes Ibme. Thr reduction 1.f debt to the I'uibd States es4Nr'ially will lir malutalmrl If John Bull clan l4.wibly do It. I'pm that to the greatest tiegree rielieutls the readJllst- mont of the exchange sltt,atl.n. NO 011P klotw•s it better than the Hrlttsher. Not ouP Tg more determtnert 'then be - that Britain's prernliuelwr in thieve strati he maintained. No new taxation was proposed in the budget. The ex- cess profits duty was dropped, and the other changer% announced were not 111 Importance. Mr. 1lhamI*rlalo must have felt rather proud of his budget. -- 44.-- natttill centres the world over hall he rerhx•ttuu In the (tank of Eng- land . iscottnt rate from the seven per vents 4 the last twelve mo11tl*s to six and ons halt per cent. a44 an Ettelioatkrn of Paste motley anal a belief In im- proving ,ndition4. it is hinted In lumbo t , t another reduction will soon cone. New fork financiers pre- dict that the Federal lt,'s'rve I1:elk of their encu 4'1 nary will soon follow .:nit. The op 11ou is 111$41 ex -weasel there, that 1hr'ii tylion will have a help- ful sentimental effect on business. }Ted from tett Weddle.. It may 1s' said that the (bank of Eaglntwl i4 110• in tItltion its which he other hulks of phot country de154s1 their cash, be- muse the law 1.1.s-4 1111 (irtlp'! them to keep cash res'ry,•s. , he manager. thwuse►vea net 4111 tlwir watt Judgment In that matter. 11n the,. gwlslts toads with the Bank oTFfft'hltm no trstvmd Is paid. The net result . that the' hook of England holds the 4 441 of the country not In active .trend 1011. 14 k4+•1144 a t'n"II n's•rse of al lea. t forty 1. ,pi,,. the' •tr- t- or money. ISM his own taletiN would have 11411ite41 little under the re'mark, able conditions exbthlg Its the indus- E' c 0 N O M 1 I'urla arru tendon. Part anti laltltkal opinion, Irowerer, MWnIMe to ►a' tlu1t this !week will raw. the Attlee trltup'llerl to carry out their I of otrupyl041 furtIu'r tletriulu territory. For the first lime Its n untidier td years li{t• Caanitlitilt cattle lave toren 1at441e1 lis 11la,egr.w alai SlaiwiIiwtt•r a•ud siattghtend kir the market. !'Asea are ruplrtel W !rove lawn gots! sone. what better Hiatt Irish saute, its fact - ulsl lit le thought that there will Is. a lrousiderible• !writes! In the trade. Mir (Veil Innvther, a brother of talc retir- ing lbaww►er of the ISa'iti,h Hnllse of Continuos, is a t•niililklt, for the stat made 4.uaut !u lh•urit11, Cuulta•rbual rwuty. lie is 'tailing a big pl:1y' Its hta cu14paigu utritti 4t tl11• admissluu of Ib'e (':uladlull tattle, ela•iuliug that ash 1.0 14111'11 (rout ler u1gorule•lel agttltlst the United !flutist l'aua."tau' cattle cannot aw proteete1 from Iu- ftrliuu through 1'. K. hsarls. ((\.pyrightel by Itritkit and l'uhshial l'n•ss l.1u1itel.1 Ma= mos sad WWIIWM Ww we est** semi nM all osr fool to edam. Our Mood la alld with arts W I whisk the haws strive to Wks n ot. they whim trouts overwork, blow rtsggisb : the eilmi fan times smog sod the neon la kidney trouble, bladder waakomn and • general Wake is health Whas your kidas'ye feet lib lamp, oil Ned: year beck hurts at the Was la Moody, fall d aedenoot ter Hoa ase skllpd rebid seek retwo or Uwe uess Idsrftlg tie, 11 yw ads illadsim ws.q swoon add rtosa� reboil. rat boas in y ryour\ a.neld about four own .70�e a Wer Wan breakfad for • few days W I your kidneys will ties ad tn. Mk /goons maks is sada from the said o f gaper and texas joke. 4ndined with titkia, kid hos bssr'ueed for Rmeratioss b *oak sad mthsolote clogged klda.ys; ao m otr•llae the Deka in the oris. w it so longer t, • *wee of trrttadlon. than blearier wawa. Jed Bake is taspwatvs. wool Is - Ore, makes a delightful dsrveeemt 116ia-water beverage, sad bekogs to rv4erryy borne, because sobodyJ� _� a make • mistake by basing • good kidney sush- i/Ng W. time, SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER See our display of Hydro_ Lamps," irons, Washing Ma chines, etc., at The Hydro Store C,• j h - Ontario When It's a Question of Electrical Gooss call on ROBERT AIT "The Old R nbshi delikbeit UIQ Alts phosphate Is Its haw broadest. ' To W si One as the prov.rtlilt "We. vra must keep the liver wombed W en. w mostmorning. void apotilgo- •-Ike pork from WSOw wltb indigestible material, moor Mk and potsouoos toslns, say, • noted I▪ ftelae. you gat beadaches, It's your liver: If yes catch cold easily, it's your liver' g%1t y n wake op with a bad taste, fantod tangos, nasty breath or stomach ten sows rancid, it's your liver. sallow lysin, muddy eomplexlon, watery.; wren inn denote liver nncicanitness. , Yoar liver Is the moat tmportont, alse'ad mast tabooed gad neglected organlOt the body. Few know Its females Oft bow to release the dammed -op body waste, bile and totlns. Moot tonal resort to violent salon al, which is • dangerous, salivating chemical wWct� can only be rimed occasionally b.oams/ It accumulates to the tls.s.m,11•ls• attacks the hones. 1very roan and woman, .ick Or well, should drinkleash morning WI fore breakraet,ta glass of bot watmfl wltb a tcaapoonftll ot_limestouo pbo►, photo In It, to wash from the llvwr and bowels the prsvtoesTday's lndla..UbtS sesar1al, the potsona, soar bile anti iambs:" this dooming..note oilmen and freshening the sal before potting more food Intl the stomach: i doeei tut [ tw, Limestone phosphate' street the diet like calomel, bs suae It oma not Wt.mte, for it sh acrid pas son sat' aaith tagrds. ✓ 1'i es and almost tasteless, end say Mast•aMd w111 sell roe a Ips.rair I1* .4 elect for a deme gf lamer hit Taber as1 1114► aNS, etlmnlatossl*MINlett � m4 t' UNPIN! 7ou *Mis obi dro oid.IN Sty a Want Aa. Is 711114 Nina [hiuga Out pttI4kly ,ro.l to pr•lalr4' 1444 ev,altlmlltits. Chin.. 4- a IN'llil;en•u, must 144 ,,tutel, 18,444 h. wade 111114 futthut rano : -China nus fully tievidt't1 (1:.,' :n the e•%e,t o: ally future trrufik•t-''•r•u .1atael 111141 .t14t•rlca she '4411! at .•:a a devla w, 1111 AIR P1411. 811,'11 .1 ...nail halt wool. place great Itritaiii la4iliou u, 1111 city(, ,meter the it. . 1.. act aga'lus; China, uthenw'ise it •, •• id be nu Ire:uy at 1111." Itritish tri...„.111- rerLditty 11 ri ehtr•llMiIt' and 4.(41111, ...,I. I:ermany-or per:.4" it moult' I. la•Mer In 'a.y.the tnjetlefl-44 Ilse (Ser. w.ru pwr.ldr-still W-- .-..11%111,11,41 111a1 the allies won 11, -'.u', litth' doubt that Iii• i...at-.iltty tit gr.1sl :t .salient "fact is 111 ntr' Is.ttoml uI tl,- o1s11tnite atW(ude ..e -tate f:t'ralats' .4. rite (lutist ion of ,.•pt, r11111111a. 'stn .lilies Mase reJ4rte1 :w, -latest a-outli r prupisai1 of fifty b. •' , 111:1rk- its gold tit ',lair. of 1111' flew ,:,.i of the reliara- tiulrs eo101uiss liSast IIs• 11Inoullt 411 112 billiup murky, 1lit (lett hash - the twirl: would la• ,a,Jrtb the 21 resits of its par value •M ae4141.1. its prose• value of alartit our :n.1 11 -hal( (w e. There is a feeling 4.'tt, in London atm' Paris that the G.•m"loam.• will ; HK41In off,•r another ylau ,-o'.,.l of .1'1111Wur• ring to the demand ' '1.. .\(lies (ur a de'hnite lgrewn1P11t I, m ,Illig_ whk h there w-111 tae rurth,ei apatiu11 01 titer territory. \CM►In .t mouth Ilio 4 'r - /m n+ pretested tlan.-tis-tretranitesitent twlling for pay'nwl,:.'4,, 1preud ,vel furtv•twit yeah Was tote long: tlsal there should be snob plan w ht•rs•tay they rout." nwet their ob)igatious in Iran time Limn that laow story coolly propose that the ties sliouhl he ex- Iealel t0 •er,llly-1111' print anal the aun.uut d.•Wru,l..l try tb.' Allies cut into less Uta, It.,.! It la pl.•1'tble that if Germany .." , I even 111,6' •rin'ita•1' the .tulles Ilit4 -,r is In ea' oo.i they weubl ire *i11 : to agree on .rept- ate,, up 1101 4- ...110 its 11141i -i,-. whirls ,Has elm, , .'ulatiou w:nh• at the at Western University London, Ontario Summer School Jo Bets and Sciences July 4411 to Auttt: t 12th L\ -or and Calendar wile K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar a Gray -Dort Club House Evidence of Company's Generosity A full stock of Light Fix- tures, Electrical House Utensils, etc., always on ban Estimates given and con- tracts- taken- --per - Einem -- Wiring and Fitting. ROBT. TAIT West St. Next Postoffice Phones: Store 82, Res 193 GRAND TRUNK SYS EM per rent. for any energeneli. e•uitt rate is Its plan for kTepil ray. -_44 444ot. - This is rabnSi_ eta cmnstattees warrant for the .tharin lint of taper, *hits restricting'1o01 . When the reserve twain., hl swell 11.e> pond Ih,• twists of the (bank it en- elrogi-.. Lands 4.y lowering the ,41'1 count nate. While this. broadly spa'lk- ing. Is tIw generally noeoplel principle of making 1,1:114 i4y'where in the civil- • Izeil world. `the di,•011111 rate of the 11311k of F;nglilrol, 4m•n1g to the 1111- IM.rhun'e of tint great Itwtlnatio't. is watched by 1111 ether 1.1,11114 rhos as cam - fully aM A MI1i(114 111111rrs W1111'II 1111' Ism runnier. Britain's new l'ostnmster G1'n,•rnl, Frederick G. K,'IInray, is A, (',011i1i"11-' Liberal w1m sits for Itelf.nl. In 1Se1- forislSrP. Ile has Just been re -rte. -tett by a majority of 4,01101 in a total vote of '3.12`4. F. F. Riley. n 1as11.ir ulna. ,i,4M4s.rl 4,411. Kellaway, who was lirst 1'11'1141 In 111111, is It former newspaper 1 nein. T:In,lr¢hnnt most of his 4'ar1i:1- mettary career he kin tiller, offices of various kinds and was Financial !t1'• creta ry to the Nlinl9lry of Mi,,'tti.ins during part .if the grunt '.',,r. lie has made 411+ nark Ax 1111 Pse'141.Ivt" 11 E4 Tnnlnettr to the general eloetiuus 1411S ,W111‘ 111$37 ngithea an-nilependetlt' candidate. The cote on that .wr14it1 wens nearly 111,41151 lees. than the +lgerl'• gate cast this time. Labor npp;nr0443' tlmnglat 11 had n rh 111Ce. It 1s rather .41(111114•1114 11141 it lost by a elnsi.er•. • able majority in 11 1%11111111 WI which wr:44 harper fotght than the wartime else. Von. . - o The net result of it r rent discussion In the Clurn.11an ('.n111mrae appears to be that Premier \Ieigh•u will K„ to the ...inference of the Empire's Trine Mill - Wore In .Inn.' next nntl.1lImellell by any pens$ Ield dens'n by l'arllament. Timing the debate he cleared the At• mosphere somewhat with the de•lmr1• non that the meeting was not en executive hotly. It was simply c0n•1 snbtatire. No step wrote, he taken hind• I tag this country until that Rep was IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE BI.TWELN GODERICH and TORONTO Lv. Goderich __ _.No. 2*.._ 6.00 a.m.• Lv. Stratford Lva.m • . Kitchener 1.25 a m.• Lv. Guelph t./5 - -" - ._- 1.51 a.es• As. Toronto _.'' _ 10.15 a.m.��, • Daily except 3tndar Lv, Toronto No. st.__ 4.10 p.m.• Lv. Guelph. t.lt p.m • Lv. Kitchener " 1.11 p.m.' Lv. Staffers 7 00 t.m.• Ar. Goden. h I O lO p m.• Daily except Sunday Buffet carter car and font -class vestibule coaches m each direction. 1I. H. Lauder, Station Agent, phose20 P. P. LAWRIiNCN 1'k SONS Town Agents Phone S. The Nightly Line. Teacher -" \\-hat, Oscar, le the An- cient Order of the ieath" 1 thinner, never I puzzled l -' Johnny natality come„ first, then W1111e, then the baby.' -Life. . •• • Gray'-1h,rt M,,tors 11:1%.• always !gent fure•must in .rmsiderttiou of 11n wel- fare 1 lit • .s- rt n I fare of their ewploye r« y factory flit, batt 44y .Inesr1M of 1..ul'. w. lift Insnlal44r, 411.• tunu.st ion of a work's *1,uta'il . bud.-- Doter features, N,.w. I,rwerer th('y are taking•a Inure vliallntenert _UI tte_llrea tot llwir ,r pleiyees apart firma fa...t rry11fr, nm order to aur•.,, dish 1Ili-.:1 nrag,itl.rlt tsraiding 14.1, been rent 11ttr*i 31114 tuts itit aitte.I l.y the 4'11411p:uly for the use If their employees, their f:uutli,s sin! their friends. The Gray-IN.rt ('11,1.• ns it (4'r,llel, b • Forge brk•k ballding fn.trtel by great white plllar4*. The wide Yrearb windrrws town lino a 4pucio11a lobby Innlrionsly furiishsrl •s n 1011110' nano 1EV11II o11ttfortable 4'lwste'rflebls 441441 ,le•p ,tplwdst.rea chaise drawn 11p before an tp•u Nrr-Ids4r. while n creat :rIu.lf:tUlief cbM'k ferry & tate• iSeir'aite hours sp•ut hei'r. Adjoining this is a ps, mal r,s.ul for ladle"', .hltutiiy fnr- llishd otic oi.•ker chairs an stirs. tables atilt writing decks. 1a1'g1' e• ed e•: NI Ic411 1 . 'R111,111441 1 IN'ill 4111 IH g ''anus three linn,b,•,I. :old it 1W e•rn Isacli'Am. .1• e'uq,L ..'.• eluitgarl us s• nest " u'lil. 11, a r. ''k.rpa•r told." 11. ire•, rumpri'e• th • Other M1Nirma down- ,IaTrs. while the upper i4. -•r of tit. t - rarest-aver-l..-e..ferell--.41- r.sou••. .\u e•le9rie• pleA'.r• }hot•.. NO titot the Ititi111ana.uti,y Inner mask tel .eptiren any of their ,ut,•r- lainnr'•t1t11, The l'ompany hen npls'iutt+l a (9nh uunl4Ker, who allots the eve.nlmgs and •,mita the varkte s (rnositteea 411 planning their eve nIugti eotertaIn- np•Irt!e. .\ny 'le•partlu'•,t of tie factory or 111te' +4.1R may- rrse'rve an evening for Its exclitslve 1114,', 11r 44'VPral depart - ,meats may , urnbiur for ■n l•venl1141. - •peaµ.-t'lub tuts alrcaaly-fiewtl the wen, of ronsid.rabl,• 'waia1 ,nvtirity. tun. set r, 11111,114,111". 1111 Wr•s, nnts1e'1il to'intulp',, sterol bights., 4anl Pit 14 i''4, smokers and 'le•hnr4* have larhl I;n ••11 t1J141 each e'irtert:tintneut • has sweet 1s•arti13eali,yvrl. Iinly-' 111.rt llalaltlI'N fire f•Olr eon' gra iota tett om 114e e4e.r1tul413'4e1i tons Rt,y-fin whiett they hare ii.4 the treed r *144.1, :i mems of etd,rtrlumet i • thn'ir ltiTli103'..•<. is lir. ort IIm,", p*r.•stdent ed i