The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 7"You Are Looking `All In'" ityF.S, w anIdfeel." that is just "I know from personal ex-, heperience. After I had the "What seems to 'flu' I was left just like you be the matter?" are now -all run down; "Why, I had tonailitis, and could not sleep; the little my whole system seemed to food I ate did not seem to do me any good, and I was get - be poisoned and run down. ting pretty blue." So much so that I do not„ seem to gain strength." "Well, my wife had been using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and insisting on me giving it a trial. You know the rest, for I was soon about again, as hale and hearty as ever. I have told Iota of peo- ple about this Nerve Food. and never knew it to sail yet." "You are to be the doctor in this case, so I will follow your advice." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box. all dealers, or Ed- manson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. "Will }loin let me be your doctor and do as I tell you?" "I will do anything to get _ strong and well. I have been sitting here too long al- ready." "Well, you send to the drug store for six boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and take one pill after each meal and at bedtime. Believe me, it will not be long until you feel the benefit of this treat- ment and find yourself gain- ing in health and vigor." "How do you know?" en SIGNAL HYDRO TAX REASONABLE. Argument in Favor of Committee's Recommendations. The findings of the committee of the IA•gbslature appointed to enquire kite questions of Hydro dlatrbutioua are dlecuaatd at emote length to Farmers' .Magazine by the editor, Mr. F. M. c'hlapmau. 'Phe situation bar elute somewhat altered, as tits. Legislature has adjourued without putting into effect the thellutia of the committee exeept In a %tartlet degr e. Nle. }'bat► - 11040s article Is ea follows: 'The natural retiourvee of Ontario alwukl be utilized for the benefit of all the people of the Provlute. The Prov- ince 114114 as much right to secure a reuwont ble revenue from its water powers ask has from he minerals or its fo)eets." This simple dictum, laid down by the special tomtufttee epp anted by the Legislature to inquire into the opera - !Meet of the distributing system used by the Hydro -Electric lower l'omml'- slon, would rem( to most reasonable turn to be an almost uimasaibable and Conine ltly aoutsl doctrine. Yet, strange as it way seem, there ere those who objeet most otuphatk•d11y against the krgieel appliestiou of the principle lntti practical lousiness. 111 other words. n strange and alwust startling (sounter- doctrine le promulgated i11 its stead. The doctrine that the power tw'Iongs to tdw.se who eau toy for the trarl,uliN- shm awl production from the tux free, rent tree, r vIl ial-vwnest water is vehevtoutly,a e41 by the twltrnehlries+ of this -gift; in (Niter words, thus theory la tire Lha economic bereay of fume, where night is right and the devil must takethe hindmost. .tlthough Tim sed Pat were known t.. Ie.• great friends. it war. remarked !lust one morning, they passed 4'11111 .1 her 011 !be street will"ml speaking. -Why. '1'n11." gli,•rterl a (flew! In eauuishBl,id. "ha te• ;14, Mud I'st rinsrrelb.l` ' "Filth. 44'•• lea v 1144:''r111lie1 Tire. earnestly. 'There •e.••sn.'t 1., ie a 111111111.11114 bre- 8% 4w:1 you w h. a yon i.4' -awl this. morn - Ing rtpl'led Tim. 'that's the • way we're going to hold our frietod- "1 don't understand." "Ye don't? We'll, thin. it's this way. I'at an' due are that devoted to wan another that we 4.10'1 tear the thought av a quarrel, an' as we're troth moighty led -temp -reel. w'e•'te reedv.rl not to whet(► to N'4111 souther 111 all, for •tear of breaking our friendship" OODERIOH, OlIT. SUFFERINC OF YOUNG WOMEN This Letter Tells How It May be Overcome -A11 Mothers Interested. --- Toronto Ont "I have suffered sines I was a school With Win lh my left side and with cram pa, growing worse each ear until I was all down. I was so at times that I as unfit fur wurk, tried several doe- rs and patent edicines, but was ly relieved for a or time. Some f the doctors anted to perform operation, but myfather o' - • • Finally I learned thugh my mother of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and how thankful I am that heed it. Im relieved from paispsi and feel u if it has en u saved m help other oY u womuse en myt ant g:ed to recommend the medicine.' -Mss• H. A. Go,urAB, 14 13ockvale Ave., Toronto. ')'hose who aro troubled u Mrs. Goodman was should immediatelyseek restoration to b.&th ble kingComLydia LThose who, need special advice may write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lysol, Mous. These letters will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held is strict confidence.--. Not So Willing. Fortunately, i11 modern prattioll pinkest economy the hindmost are net so ovoulent to be `.capture! by this eahtule fatalism. threat -10 has, I4, a t mortar ,ytpaclty and by her 11W11 KUN radee$, construct- ed a big puhlicly-ow net project alt lw- 1nrnss• 4111114', that M gulag an iue,itl- uuhble ,a'rvi a to tlweasile. I'artk'- ularly to thwhous' ho hav been fnrtn- the proxi- nate 011ongh to come lush mitt' circle of its la•urtit'Irut rmeratiorio. Naturally those munkipaliti stool 14) Meme( most which lay *Om tit to the trig power projects or song St path of the nigh tension lines to the tog cities of Toronto and !tallithim. These places have he'n. securing pose at a low cost, ru11nlug las low -re. $14.-10 in the city sof Toronto. Kiel affta'tllt trs- 1111'1n11op1s savings to tar torn of p SIM will 4144 of residential bent 111x1 11 Seriously Handirappeel. -- l'itka, tool .. villager and fanners farther Miami or outside the vow, are ,wriotnily Itainliewripel fu the matter . 1 The man who marries for wealth 1s a gambler in (aairding boiler futures. err• Long Distance Service Is Now' Claiiified • THE Qaesificatiocts on long distance telephone valla in enact from ai flied. April 20th. are of interest to all users of that se vke. It i• prima*. by aattdy et req your long distance requirements, to effect savings in your long distance bit t'hst alis meg worth while. Station -to -Station Service Station -to -Station service should be geed when you are willing to talk to ANYONE at a distant need that la, when you do not d to get a particalar person on the line. Station -to -Station service is not only cheaper, but more rapid and accurate than Ptirion-to-Person service. On Sta- tioD-to-Station cervica the call can be completed as soon as the distant tele - 1s answered, while on a Person -to - call the particular party wanted must be located and summoned to the telephone. The charge for a Station -to -Station call cannot be reversed - that is, it can- not be charged to the telephone called, for in that case the telephone operator would have to locate a particular person to approve the charge, which would make it a Person -to -Person call. Appointment mad Measonior Service Appointmerd c,52,„ Allessesder eca calla. An APPOINTMENT CJI•L tests, which is about 50 per cant 1 drin the station -to -station rate. is �7 service when an appolkament pW I calling party to talk at a time. When a person who does not have tdepftotoe is called over tang distance and a messenger moat be spat to srmanon the party to the telephone, the MESSEN- GER CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the rate, is charged. and to this is added tlln necessary messenger charges. The Report Charge When you place a call for a particular 4 person or persons and kr any reason ffi4 cannot be reached the same day at the address given, or will not talk, cc if you Person -to -Person Service make a call and you are not ready to talk when the other person is ready with - When you make a call specifying that in an hour, a REPORT is conversation is desired with a particularmade. The report charge is abed toe - number. Person -to- fourth the station -to -station rate. It is, per at a givenintended to cover part of our etpemse of . Person service is used. handling the uncompleted call. h As this service requires greater open- Special EveningandNight Rates ating labor and circuit time than a Stowe -to -Station call, the rate is about p.m.Theme 2121 Is rate, bet 8.. !t~l per cent greater. to - station calls, is about orae -half on thed� rate. The NIGHT rate, between mid- i Examples of Different Rates night and 4.30 a.m., is about one-fourth Following are examples showing the the day station -to -station rate. However, no evening air rates station -to -station and person-to-person �t rates for distances up to sixty-four miles: are quoted on station -to -dation calls where the day rate is less than 25 cents. Station -to- Person -to- On such short -haul calls the day rate Miles Station Rate Person Rate applies. For longer distanoea spec . 0-12 $0.10 $0.15 ning and night rates are quoted. 1112-18. 20 Because it is difficult to reach partial - 118 -24 persons at night, when many are 24-32 .25 .30 away from their hones and places of 92-40 .30 .40 business, there are no special evening or 4018...7 .35 .45 night rates quoted for person -to -perste 48-56 .40 .50 calls. They apply only on stattoe•to- 56-64 .45 .56 station calls. Roars Bell Tolephnattilliaft 1111Ifsnco Station The Bell Telephone Company 011 CANADA 11 4v1•ks to play rurul against urban and Mg (entre* age Inst *mall eNwa, 111111 asserts (lett the Province is rioek- lug to tax these urban users ,for aurae value 1113 do 114,1 get Itefuled by Farts. Ally such : Iguun'ut Is absolutely re- futed by a reference to the huts of the clime. Indeed, 11 shows, as in many other cases wlIIch reveal similar erro- neous claims, flit the ittjusthe works the other way. For "the big power users have been getting tlwIr power aimed rent foe, alai have Is•t'u enjoy. lug the fruits of a s4'rvlee that has leen paid fur and 111a4ie porslble by the rxrhequer of the w'-hu.1.' Province of UIltario. For Out.rio has spent to date $1.700- 000 for the Hydro 4'ommissiuu, 11(11 44)44' dollar of wllk•h has leen returned or charged *gaited the commission. on. Further, Ontario guaranteed ell 111e enuawlsalou'h 1101111a. which enabled money to Ie.' obtained at it low rate, a sating of at least 1 per cent.. or a total of over one 1111111011 dollars to the users of hydro (sower. reckoning the Hydra Iuvesdmeuts at only nue hundred w11- 11nns. • Further, the credit 4,t the Previte* of Ontario is the only thing hebind the whole big expenditure upon the'1'hilt- 1*1•w-a project. which i.. near rumple t 11 11. 111111 r4 lla9'r1111144 111,' success ,44rf whk•h all kitut. 1f rumors tare afloat. (demo service, tint only irk the matter 4d nitro, but 111 taw actual supply of nay power at all to them. . This situation, end the apparent In- justices of thhee east'. 1111lr 4,','n 1)1111, lister! p•rslstently by Farmers ILiga- siln' from time to tiro.. l'tlbl14' 44pinl4,n was AO generally 4rooeriesl over the prohibitive rates being gooiest by the Ilydr1 t'ommh«lon, as well as by the 11ltatorlurss of the trtuuuLa1011 to make any real effort ID 0.4 1)3 their Issw'er 1111•s to other points. that the, Legis- lature upgMrintel a emuullssion. .'n11 - Shit intt of Metiers. £.* ..ij•lhhririlo. and If. H. 4'nsehna4'It F. 11. uu•n11a'r' for Middlesex and IBetas emut1rr4•- Mttirh4' q.with .1. tnoke..VnwTvn= tive memdwr fol. 11,st' lKN: John 4l'Neili, a LNwrwl satuuher for Toronto. and F..11. Greenlaw•, l41lsor r4epresent- atlrr from St. 4'atlsarin's, to hellfire into the .whole rdtueli„u-of-H7dru dis- tribution. Not Yet Ijisettesed. These men spent conscientious time ou•tle inquiry, an.I brought in an ex- haustive report, which has Medi print- ' eel for s time. but which report has -not bets] May1144.441 folly i.1 1lir 1w'ttis- Iature. N4iw•, at. the closing hours of a I011g aeration, n hill fu bring intrahwrsl which will e1embody Ile• principles laid acorn in this report, although the eon- eluadon, ■mi narrmmend:ittotna may not all be accepta tee pelacflple of the telt mist h . Briefly, thin ,mitT=Tpropmed a 142 per horsepower Ism on -all power produced by the i'roVlseinl water pow- ers. 111144 tax- 10 go Into a fond n4' be weal for the extension of Hydra trans- mission lines Into the mnnicipallties clamoring for the privilege's These proposal. were: , Small Cities and Towns Helped. 1. Where the tact of power suliplkrl' to arty mtli.•ip[lity or tamer ?AIM 141 in exe0s" of lair per h.,rsepover per ye.,r, and the 41 -'ributhrg system is om'114.41 an4 npw•r• 1 by the mask ip:ll. tt3 or lot"tl .1.411 -.ton or *trlplied by the liyilro-)ar•tr. • I'onter ('onrmiselnn of ()Mario, then elle minister of power may authorize to hoe paid. nut of the revenues of the -l'rni'Itwe. to the cool - mission of .411011 fannit'tpetitr or power 7,4/4)41. a 4411m 4.1111:11 hr 3n per cent. of Site additional '(stet in excess, of $Rl per horsepower: hat tbat the maximum a'moutrt of hscistattee by the l'ln'inee to nn• .such commission shall not Me in ex0ese of $27, Per horsa•p,wer per year. 2. When ("neer h" supplied to the agrkculturd indu.tri* under the con- ditions outline) in clause 1. thin the minister of power may give firther as- alstan00 by Krnnrieg to the lout com- tuk,.hm of the municipality or power 7,0114' a sum sItttr'i1'nt to meet 80 per cent. of the animal charge neetemery to stay for the rest of building •au11' Inalntalning in rural dilitricte the low ter -Fon tr*tndnlssl.rtf ilnerf--115T Are neer•.:<•ry' far 'rnt ditribiition, but tint such asst (mere 1(11)111 fort (1'4441 110 tier tent. 4,t' the reveille &rival from power n'n:al., and that one of the' couditi„I,,, 11}.11 ch *444444(' ancc' may ase giv.•n law•hlthath theresiw•rents( he A)4 Arerxge of three servicrm per 01114' of transnit'sten lite in all rural districts ee'rvtrl. Snell proposals 01 nary' inflamed the particular beneficiaries of cheep power. who began to write', in wean polities fashion, agalrnit any tax being placed on power. They urged the rather epee r•lons doctrine that lite cities using the -1:0:111 power were being taxed in favor of th4' ?:dares, Wrong .s- Snc•11. haired, .vas a wort fa Serious 4)rgInlwnl if not a taAtllflous aid mis. leading one. it 1s misleading 1144T1t1ae SII" Adana ikr'k. In hie own report, showed that the principle of the tax was established long ago. 481.411111,14. 1 tax of !h4 lents per horsepower 1e:1. ,'mMalled In nearly ell the Hydro rontraets, although, strange to say, very little sof this money hos ere'' been (44th itlfo the 1'nwinelel freosnry. it is 01 111 there is entre 1411111,1811 11114' 11.• I'rminT' 111 1his re- pot rd. Further. It Is I11140ldlltg Well lige all the water 1 04.'r Imre been PoYll1K retrials to the %'aero.'.' when lensed by prlt-atn compant.- • Ttle o I)nmhdon Porter end Tralr Illi.4(on t.'onepany gen- erate •12.118)-1 or,eprwer at dk4'ew VA 1111 sled pay 4:t0.l00, or over 711 tents per hor*spnwer ie the Ikominlon (im-- ernment. other water power* ender Crown lease In initarin stater a rental opo r4P from 2•i cent* to tt1 per horm- ptsa fr. M Is a malicious argument because What Would Happen? Let us su(1snse' that 11114 big ditch falls to develop the 1*1orr etpettd. should the loosened -power production 1,' charged with the 1 pv.rhh'itl of the whole (vest by haviug it written off in the service charges over a aeries of crane Would our friends who argle tit --they 41f4 %mayileg he whole --cakes. ..1 Hydro la' so willing to follow up their logic to that 4x1'11(? Undoubt- edly the Province is hearing. and' is (wound to hear, a big proportion of those coats without hope of final re- donipt ion. Therefori' the s*pelons reesen}ng of reeiel 411 I*'neneiarit•s full» to the gr4.111141. Justine':iti to is. -on 11w• sante division, given to the non-users for their con- tention of a tax that will help to d0 - fray' the 04rsts of 11.ydro (.N(4404011 lulu 111,1444• parts where curets erg* 1)rohliopiy0.' Sir Adam Ite•k inferentially agrees to 1110 justice of the claim when he adtq'atel as he 41141, awl 111 V1 Well Farmers Magazine entered a serious protest in its March :11 issue. that taw farmers be granted a quarter of a 11111- 11011 from Ilse• 41111401 ha1e1 •t•Ycaews, funds for' this 1a1r1M,se•. W4' 4w)4tk'mlavl 1111' prlprsa1 lee's ns4' it 111110111 the harmers 11/ 1114' 110141 1011 01 1• 14, 8114 11 apparently, for a tour - pose. drew a herring ur1(rss the trail. in that this proposal sought to nick.. it out that IS Ness only the farmers and not the urban' {eriple who dere uhjev•t- Iug to the present methods. ()nit.. 1110 o.Iitrnry prevails. for over 72 per eegt. of the urban e't•ntrr44. the smaller tithe's. the rumens and the village•. '44111 x11(1111 1" gain, snd that 4d a right, i,ot by grave. Thurrday, May ti. The Editor. The (lhtor. he sit. around .lid wonder: with/ to write: He's got 10 think op something good, But must oat titan a fight. T1s (Ritter; -hr -wants -tires dope, -He wants the 1re'ww and Atuff: Most any little joke will tlo, Though it mustn't he too rough. The editor, he wants '(44114' thrills To mak,- its cry or laugh: Alit satisfiel with ins! a line. Ile wants :1 paragraph. The editor, 11.' wants to know When fol1ys go -far a -frolic: 'Rout marriages (or even Metes!) Ort. n cure for baby's whir. A Sure Grip on a Narrow Rotlild Dominion GROOVED, CHAIN and NOBBY TREAD Theo ar small car owner the non-skid type e1 tire belt wish ORM aamrars% the same time -tested materlale, the same worlumns ip kind res largest saes for the heaviest can. You get DOMINION quality, DOMINION seeeice, DOS comfort, DOMINION MILEAGE in Dominion Time. whether >ess buy 30 x 3 tit tares bra Ford 4'r Chevrolet a the biggest time meds for the largest cars_ Dominion Tiros, Dominion Maw Telma awl Lbwitden The Acc.woris• ars sold by the lest diewlera hem coast to cower. ON OMINION TIRFS ARE GOOD TIRES The editor, he sits around Alhl itvmde1s what to write: 114' looks for news the whole day long stud pttiy's for it at night. Well. let's all help the editor With the eventrii.ntion stuff: Let's deluge him with newsy news 1.1)1il he cries: F:Iwyngh:' The End. "i just got Dred... "What for''" "Fur 4o4.41."-Ynl, itecord XXXXXXXXXXXXX A Man is just as Young and Strong as his Blood No man can fight the battles of life and hold his own if hisblood is not pure, for rich, red blood is what stret gth is based upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who never knows when he is licked, you may wager that such a man has coursing through his veins rich, red blood. Many people have thin, pale blood. They are weak, tire easily, be- come discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like giving up the struggle. Such folks need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery, which is sold by druggists in liquid or tablet form.' -. Send 10 cent* to Doctor Pierre's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of the tablets. NIAGARA FALL1,O11T.-" I have used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with at times for the past three yea wonderfl n pleasure in sak saying a word to boossults, and I take t the cense of ' Freedom from Illness.' 1 am a pressman by occll atinn, which is quite fatiguing and injurious to the system, lint since taking the ' Disoov- ery' briefness has no drawback for me. Three chsare for Doctor Pleree'a medicine I "-WIt.Lialt 0. Dincesay, Ja.. $$ Snag. Steele, -School of Commerce=- Clinton and Goderich, Ont. ()FFIiRS THE FOLLOWING COURSES . Business Stenographic Secretarial Civil Service Teachers' Training Course and arranges Special Courses for students. I' 16'Fo1.I.0wtNG ADVANTAGES\*\ highly taalifie4 Teaching Staff . Actual Business System of Bo�o^kkeeping CredentiaLlyiC 184ting Tests • Positions Guaranteed Vocational Training Scb"bOOt'• Jr this district, by Government appointment. and order in- .pectimm by Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment Departent. For Terfna, etc , write R. F. W.%Ki), B. A. M. Acetyl., Prinelpal -IMO* 1915, Clinton M. A. STONE, Com. Speelall.t, Vlee-Principal &PRINS TIMM BEGINS MARCH 29. 1921 5tpdeeta tray rifer at Tiny time X XXXXj XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIX C C$1J DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND SGNIF.ICEM7T STEAMERS 3 TI, Coest Ship "SFLANDafa's'--"ary4O(17th- - "CrrY OF 4UFTAIA",. 41111,11.24- BUFFALO -.Daily. Mos lat to_Nlov: 16th-CLEV1iLANID USW aen.rtn- 00 9. 7. AL I,,a?w 2r.4'.. tCta..a+� • 9.00 I. IL Antro t',.erWwp A 7.10 A. Y.) , !RAMA= Thee/ I Ants. Rao ps 1.40 A. tL Connection, at Clr..iaed 4se Ceder Point, Pat -la -Bar, Teld..D.treit and sew "deft 44.a.°.d tkl eta &.dial txt..sa Bessie tad t1^read w rend ter • •r , t t,rl.t went sr t.wr)t army ter (/rest.' via C 1 B 14.., Use. Taoist a 11100 Nomad Trip. with t olkpl mere own. for ears not .,....ane 4r4Irish .Mises. Bwet.failr *Wad ...'(test p ,ie strut of fl. sadGroat •e aaa".wt ea ardor .l a.• Also salt for esQ.p.(/ W�ttt.„ ,'eke Cleveland & a4I(el ; Transit Company l le•el.n4(Alto 'the 6rw.4 PM, -1taANDelta. _,i. larval ..d mew wool, '.resp/ 1(..m.s w 1.1ui ..,tars.(,8. ww4d, al..py .seen,, 1500 r 'p'4 " h • • 1 • 4: