The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 6Tllattclay, May :o, 11r.h. MCCORMICKS JERSEY •&. 4 CREAM obi SA S TSS BION .. 001)1111011. ITE LI2CORM CKS ' JERSLICRLAN' ISCU ITS SODA Ly Miatakl6 .t farmer's daughter started to prse- the winging fa private. I/ac day her Sather came in from the [kcal' unci• y.•'t••lly "What's that extraordinary •,i,e••" he inquired. "7P1a1, dear," replied bis wife Proudly, "is .lane cultivating ler voi e." the telephone. •'(lultivaIing' Ruh !" ejaculates the farmer. "That ain't cultivatlaa— that's harrowing!" A man should always be polite, rat it isn't a(s•easary for him to remove his tett whea bilking to i girl over THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. The Adventure' of Mr. Pussy. Those of lou who have read about Mr. Pussy before know that be M a beautiful gray Oat who lives+ with his master and Peggy. who M the master's wife. Mr. rimy loves the master very malt but he especially laves Peggy, who is 7 ig and very pretty and whom he considers his special care during rhe waster's absence from home This particular day 1 woo telling Mahn[ Wits * very racking day for everyone, for Mir Master and Peggy had 'wan married just a year and that night they were going to have OEM - patty and many goal tlsings to eat. 117 noon the table ars all set with Peggy's' prettiest dishes and prettiest table linen, *1111 Peggy, all flushed with excitement anal happiness sur- veyed it with a great deal of pride. Mr. Pussy looked at it from the top of a tug (Mair and thought It looked very welt. though he Derer could tlntlrrtand why people had to have '*) maul dishes lei rat oaf or ea, many different things to est. But, of course, Mr. Pussy was s eat, which explains his feeling. That afternoon Peggy had to go down town to buy some Mowers and ole or two other things, and as moist she impressed 4Mr. ['tray with the het that she was heaving the house in lits care and he mustn't let anything happen while she was gone. Peggy always toot him this every time rite lett him alow 3 W you might think that Mr. Puai a„,Ild not tike Ida gIhaldlaitship iy, but he did. He toad[ It very vete only au.i he never took is nap Mbit' I, 'my ass gone for fear w,nw t lug wig''! hapisen. On this lay eriz at'l.' iu a gnat hurry and bad ;sl' on her hat and coat begun. Mho 11•11,•utt4erld that 4lw moat pert her n44-, in the °veil and light the wed w,tll1.41 it well (smoked for the party So Mlle llurriellly put It in and lit . m gas, turning it thewu very I,* 'l'h(ll she weht through to the fnwt 4I,slr and, saying goodbye to •11(. l'tl"sy, site left the hotrwe. Wlwn Mr. 19Islywalked buck Intothe kitchen 1W 4o:._ ,•el sI ,kc (tinning from a large w.(p• .casket which Peggy keit to throw the popel-s tutu that her went and Magrtab1 ” were wrapped in. NOW .Mr. Push knew that smote tomtit danger awl gIikkiy fw sprang on the work robs''. twsWe which the ha,ket stood, Mal looked IIMo it. (lure enough there was .a tiny flame anti the basket war basely full of paler! l'eggy, in her hurry, had thrown the match *he ma'am lighting the gas into the casket twaad of Into 11e tin box w'hkh she kept for that purpoue. Quick as a tl.t-h Mr. Pussy saw that he had to 14• something[ or a very dreadful thing ',odd hapten! Peggy Would come twee and dial her patty ,home bunked to -he ground and she had trusted blr Paswy to take care of it. {Yost wit, lee going to do? He Jumped down from 111* table and ran to the front window. Looking out In MAW Peggy far down the street. leo help there. He ran hack to the kit - Olken. He could sett the Aame above the toy of the basket non! Oh dear! 011 dear! He jumped into the .Auk. If he could only get some water luso that 4aksket, but of roursc he couldn't. He Jumped down again and up to the work table again. As he dol so he bumped thump! into Peggy's pretty chills water pitcher and it fell into the basket, Our it mows staudlug near the edge of the table directly over the basket. When ,he saw it going over the edge Mr. Pussy's heart stood stip. for 11e knew Ileggv was very fond of that pitcher, but When lie looked down into the basket he purred for joy. The pitcher had hero ltalt full of water and adieu it fell lutu the basket the water had put out the fire! All this had happened I0 leas than two minutes,' but It had *reused like two hours to Mr. fussy. Ile thought Peggy never would come home, but when she finally did cone the masher Was with her. Mr. Pussy thought they were not going to dlytover how mor they had hem to having no home. but at last the master amid, "What's this, Peg, that you ►cop in your waste basket? Wh', it's your water pitcher. Why, Peg, did the basket catch on fire today?" • "No," :old Peggy, "and how in the ,world 4141 my pitcher get there? I left it on the table." "it's a good thing it did get here." said the waster, "fur th•4e papers are half burned up and the water from • that pitcher must have put out the • • The New Model Seldom has a car won such immediate and wideskread popularity as the Gray -Dort with its new and wonderfully beautiful bodies. Everyone who has viewed this body design has spoken of the Gray -Dort as the unquestioned style leader of its field. It has been instantly lifted into the class of cars costing at least $700 more. r From a value standpoint, the new (ray -Dort has not a rival. It is the motor car sensation of 1921. The new model is now on view. You are urged to set it at once. T. F. HOLLAND GODERICH — ONTAft1O - GRAY - DORT MOTORS, LIMITED v Chatham, Ontario fire.• "Rut who ever tett it there?" *aid Peggy. Mr. fussy thought this a« good a tint as any to make himself known, so lie did a gnat deal *4 pur- ring and nailed against the waster just as hard as 1e could. The waster booked down tot him. "I'll tell you who .1141 1t, Peggy. You left the pitcher on the table and when Mr. 1'llssy diwvvered the 'are he shovel plc pitcher off Into the basket and saved tour huwe fur ora. Think Issw dreadful it would terve Iwen if we load been without a Mimic today of all days." Peggy picked Mr. fussy up and very foolishly cried into his fur, until the initialer emitted her lack to her sunny *Of again. 'Phut bight whim the com- pany beard of *Mr. Pussy's teflon he Wit w yoke tum hero of t'he hour and felt well repaid for bis two minutes' of misery hi the arterwon, though he wouldn't wait Ito go through it again for any amount of petting. Tommy's Temptation. " T.m,aly was goring through a great deal of agony. or at hast 11 near agony as a boy of nine relit could. 1f Tommy had stopped to think alaittt it, he would have said that only twee herons 111111 he ever leen tempted! to do wrong and that was the previous 14U11- 11113' whet) he had not Jjlu and 1101/ on this way to Nunwlay school. They were going swimming anti had coaxes, him t.. join them. T.onmy wanted to I;o very much indeed—mom than be wantei anything in the world Just tlmn. And Bodo explained ean•fulle that there usrthen were not going to find It out -that they were going home Just as Sunday *Wool was out .111.1 110 4)114• *041h1 kmsw' they Ilan been swim- ming. Tummy shun► his head, "You fellows haven't got * mother like wine." ie said. "She knsew. every- thing. 1 never eon fool her. h'om'e 1 don't cal shoot l,4-tn found tont but 1 hate 1N•iu' puni'h.,d on Sturdily. cause I always have to slay in my room all aftern.an. " After a great Ih•al of 'parley Tunny had devidet on Sunday school. though it cost 1,1m a barful wrnIs•h. Wo,nd of it wits he .muhldt tell mother .,how pool he had been '1 11 11.1. she might think she had to tell 11.ut's and iim's mother. Nuc had told him our that charoitter was formed tea doing things one didn't want to do. T.mumv decided 11e had formed quite ■ piece that morning - But the trouble Tommy was having now was quite difrereot. Yon see Imo was taking an examination .In sprlRttg. The teacher'aaad prononnwl the word -electric." Tu,rnnly started to write it down very carefully •e lr�t-r-I- ' whom he happened to glance it the paper of the little girl across the Male. Slw had r riueu "*.t- s -t-r-Esc' Thet gate Tommy a terrible .tart. lint he hadn't time to think *bout It then. fur the teacher hall gone un to. the next word, which was "battery." Tommy was sure it waled with a ",v." but when he gbus.,l furtively at the paper across the nide hr had to do it furtively. Meanie h• ktww' he shomldn'r do --it at ell --the little girl had ended it with an "le." That quite took the wins out of T.nnmy's ,calls. That Wi _fit tte�-_fo be. Ila li!__ word _;ani the teacher always (lave them awns* ilaate* to hook over their welt. " 'Tommy .wrote "electro'' slid ieai r- tric" and 'r►atte•ry" and "bartterle." Tlwn 11e sushi.[ then) carefully, tont be couldn't think •whtrh tire looked best. 'Noonething told him if he dl.ln't stick to his awn Kay of "{selling he would to "copying.' Copying was to be *heel at any time. but from a girl it oras mach worse However. Tummy had ver? Intuit wanted 111 gr a gash grade, •Iw(vtuw• If he did father had promised him a new ias•ket-knife Just like the one he enrriel. and hw was sore mother would make him something awfully Kwo,d to eat. What would be do'' As he looked at the ether words they all looked tower and mispelle1. This was dreadful. He had to do something very soon. for the teaeh•r was starting to collect the Pullers. th.ntgbt Tummy, "1'ul not going to have a girl teach me hoW 111 egw•R," and quickly he wrote 'limn the words, "01451 air" /111.1 "t"Ittery." A" t1W teneher t.s.k hi. piper the (•4mn- forting thought tame into hi" mind that p•rlu,s's If he tnld ther how hi reaist•d tire-t.n,1Nalien to 'Y•niy" she might mal iI film something very CIN NI 11113'W 1I y.' Then 1,4- got 11111 1.1-1 111'111 lig 11.Nok ural laul,tutl up lhlw• two words. tirelit Mas lis 41.-tlghrt 111 111• mover he end leen correct after all. 'Yell," thought Tonlnly. -I've learnt.) a lesson. 1 never will look at env - lowly 's paper, again. ('.flaying 41414w1'1 ply." Setif f ness It Is ssto.iesia( sow gustily MM.rd's Lias woo rearsw stile IMM sod '.*sea.. Gives Great Relief Nn A aC *at ur1Y• tib Aa . GM•ldr► W -d M ,r1. IPW and we It lot Ansa. sad eAnsa.e ,w dims s7e'ra'n ot:' atom 13 Mn Fwd )AIM.. P+ ►b, Tsewhd. "I..end eery a.l. with wMlps y los IAM Isar, sr d.u.d r 41y Lilturst. sod` was nh.wd osassf.Mut 1 paee.nof '" y ,t cad It Ass ......1y sr. The rota 1 .-u go wt •44W4 ill's's. my law And g1.' , , c.. j,, M MN -Ad' 4e,erl row told noel pal* .boot M..wr ,. sad .then ors ease a." MINARD'S Xing oI P 4I LINIMENT bIMENT Yar>.oNwa sew. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER. BOX 87, Ooderich. All instructload by mall or left et Signal office will be - promptly promptly attended to. Residence tele. phone 119. — -- - LEGAL Y 0. CAMERON. K. C., BARRiS. TER. Solicitor, natty pubic Odes Hamilton street, Goderlch, third door from Square_ Trust hryda to loan at lowest rates. Q C. FIATS, 1 • BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NO' TART' PUBLIC, ETC. °doe—Sterling Bank Block, Ham. Ilton Street, Goderkh. Telephone 881. . Beal Estate, Loans and Insurance. PROI'1►E'OOT, KILLORAN gc HI11.MEN, BARRISTERS. SOLiCITORS. NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. Office on the &Quare, second door from Hamilton Street. Oaderlch. Private funds to Fast at lowest rites. W. Proadfoot, R. O., J« Jjd..tllloran. Hadley E. Holmes. CHARLES GAItROW, I.L. s.. RAZ. - --- RISTER, attorney, solicitor, ete.. Oodericb. Money loaned 4 lowest rotes. - _. __ .. * IISA(1ER, BARRiUTE:lt, 1401. {p, ICITOR, notary public and con- veyancer. Once—Court Horse. (lode- dcb. 00-12m INSIJRANCL LOANS. OTC. YcKILIA)P MUTUAL FIRE INSCR- lll AN('E CO.—Farm and Isolated town property Insured. 0f ,era—Jas. Connolly. Pres., Gods - rich P. 0.: Jas. Evans. Vice -fres,. Beechwood P. 0.: Thomas E. Hays* to D. t M Oirregor. IL E. No. It, Seaforth: John 0. Orissa. it.. 4, Walton; William Bina. R. R. No. 'J. Seafortb ; John Renn•wle*, Rrodl hagen: Geo McCartney. R. R. No. 3. Seaforth ; Robert Ferris, Ilartock ; Malcolm McEwen, Clinton; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly„ God"rich. Agents : J. W. Teo. GMlerte1l•. Alex. i.elteb, R. R. No. 1. Clinton; William Chesney. Seatorth : E. Illnch- ley, Seaforth. Policy -holders can pay all payments and get their nada re - minted it R. J. Morrlah'a Clothing Store, Clinton; R. H. entre Grocery. Kingston street. Galerich, or J. 11. Reld's General Store. Bayfield, Another F1*h Story. The fish story soeaw,n Isis started early ?tIls year. The Ktnarllis It.•- t IeW co tributes the following It remained for an 111111x11 to show the oldoat fishermen of this last of Lake Huron how to fish trout from the dock without the rid of a "gaf- luwrk,"'for this is the feat young Tony rIs'a,, a mol of the Italian colony of this town, 414.111:111y twrfortned last Thursday. Hr sling with a minds•r of other early morning lovers of chi 'port was dangling his line In the wat- er, at the same time holding e,nyersw- tion with the seagulls that were flying overhead, iil the meantime holding mut wtrong hypes that a herring might stag 1)115 little hook. when 1e started to yell to the boys that he "hod something." Thinking young Tony had struek the Inttom atsl els hook 11,91 )wrume fnst- ene.). notawly Ewald any ,tt ntioin to Mm. In an instant he tunnel a hark eamerwnnit nn the 44o•k, tacking a heave on the pole. 1'p dont a flab In the alt, then M earth again with a (.411(1 that startled the ,-ivrw•d. it was trwlt--a three-pallnder. Tone's eyes !mlgvd, it dens his first MtPh, *1111 he *t*rte( home for Areakfast. Thr teacher Qf a juvenile Sunday *clonal clams had lwee•t talking to her lawplls about death and .nn41ude1 by asking- "Nim, who tan tell me when all men are equal, ant these is ahsn- lutely no di'ttrw'tion between the rich and the poor man''. "I tan," replied one little flelhlw. "[Ocoee I" I1, get mm7'" she asked. "Y.'Men they goo in swimmiti'!" was the unexpected reply. --The Veteran. Brophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders Carefully attended to st all hours, night or day. Gtyl)Eltt('II HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin—No others! There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Rayer ('ro15s"—all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and proved .afe by mil- lions for Pain, Headachy, Neuralgia, ('cola, Rhenmsti*m, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -.Iso larger "Bayer" park*ged, can be Aad at any drug store. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Rayer Manufacture of Monoaeeticacideater of Salicylieacid. lVhile it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the ppnhlic against imitations, the Tablets of Boger Company, Ltd., will be stamped with their general trade mark, the 'Tiler Cross." He told the shy mold of his Ion, The osolor left her chsrka; Rut nn the 'hnnlder of his chat It showed for *even) weeks, • .