The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 5TAE SIGNAL OODIUM ONT. halt 4, 021 1 % IT BELONGS IN EVERY HOME Music turns a house in- to a home or makes a home more of a home. It brings to your home that mental relaxation that nothing else can bring. - THE - NEW EDISON. DIAMOND AMBEROLA provides for your home, music in the greatest va- riety -real, live, thrilling. Heir E,dison's Atnherola to day at Campbell's Drug Store "The Penslar Store" Phone 90 The LOCAL TOPICS. ' V l• torl 1 .4.111x11 the tivv1111.• •11140 d.4 w,u iii+, boys and 1s"eRlr, 1 • i.g 431.5 per cent. of the auroral.. 'file Pettily Grain Cargoes. per deposits for the a, oir11 were 172.49 at Central -vitt sal f 1ZZ, The steamer House Smith arrived on Smiley with ;Naomi bushels of wheat 1 141 1'1••tthia ea'11anl. and .alit amt the strainer I:leulh't•t, on A Relpsoalble Position. • 31o114Iuy ulglrt with 127010 bushels of Mr..1. J. Morrison. lure, 'owlet wore= 4'heat .14111 oats.' 1'h41•t• .:armies were hoth for the Goderich elevator. Both sten n11•rs t•lea rtrl light for Fort Wil- liam to reload and are expected again at the elevator lu a few drays. Hospital Benefit a1 the Model. As a henelit for Alexandra hospital, Mrs. Lauder has kindly donated the Monday and Tuesday performances at the Model Theatre next week. The picture is "Mary Ellen Conies to Town." with the popular Dorothy Gish in the chief role. There will be three performances - Monday and Tuesday evenings, and Monday matinee. 4.15 p. m. Usual pries -matinee, 10c and 15c; evenings, I5c and 25c. Let everybody turn out., and give the hospital full hon'ses. Nisi First Sherif of Huron. Several capers in the county. 1n ehruui\•ling the death of Mr.. W. T. [laps stated that she -wits the daugh- ter 14 the late Itola•rt Gibbons, "first sireriR of the (sends of Huron." This 114 44 llstake slut, fur the sake of h(s- tuflcal str•uraey, will bear corrw•tton. Sheriff Gibbons was prior.(-,( iu the otfl(r• by Sheriff M:udouad. *Ilad he In turf was presssietl by Sheriff ilynd- mau. The last 114111e411 was sheriff of the nutted. counties of Huron, Werth and lemur. and Mr Matdouald during part of his term was los-riff of Huron amI Bruce. 1a1t It Wild during his term dud. the comities were seywrateil, and Jar. Macdonald was then sheriff of Hilmar alum-. The tate Sheriff Olio $alba was appointed to- the Mare in 1w75. New Manager at Bank of Montreal. Mr. E. V. Leslie has been appointed manager of the Goderich branch of the Bank of Montreal, succeed ng Mr. A. W. Strickland. Mr. Lesslie is a graduate of the Kingston Collegiate School and Up- ! I per Canada College. Dunng his service - with the Bank of Montreal he has been accountant at the Kingston branch. and manager u( the branches at Weyburn. MIIIIIMINISs Sask., and Ingersoll, Ont. He comes to Goderich from the last-named place. Mr. Lemke takes great interest in outdoor sport. in p►rticular golf, yachting and motor boating. His father has been con- nected with inland navigation all his life, and as a young man Mr. Lesslie spent n c time on and about boats. much Mr. Strickland. who has been in poor health for some time, is taking a Six bliss Alberta Yates, of ,Chicago, is months' hohd .y and Is present In Tor - here here in attendance upon her Lather. Mr. onto. He has been welel l liked by the GREYHOUND TENNIS and RUNNING SHOES These Greyhouncl\Shoes are HIGH PRESSURE CURED and as such they outwear any other make you have worn heretofore, because no other rubler canvas shoe will wear so well as one cured by the High Pressure Process. GREYHOUNDS are the only jine of rubber canvas shoes made brthis procesi in Canada. Try Greyhounds and see how mu:.h longer these wear than others made under the old process. Get them at Hern's Boot Shop. REPAIRING ALWAYS THE BjST BERN'S BOOT SHOP Cattle -buyer Dead. Llu•sn. May':(. --T. 11. 1'onrsey. aged' sixty-three ).,me, diel at his 11041144• here Inst night alfre'r a 1illgvring 111114ti•. )ir. II'onrs.•y has lawn n resident of (enema for the post eighteen ye'a'rs, tint lived in the vicinity all his life. Mr. ('ours(* sus 11 cantle buyer and ions V11.11 k 11..11 n thmughnnt B'est.•rn 1011- tarlo. I4,-411'' his stif.• h( is sinivivwl by aIle daughter. w'Isr is Iic111g to Parkhill • Immigrants Placed. 1.on.luu. Slay - 1111 c - eighty -thio• immigrant' frim I:rtwt Ilritain, 4 -ho arrive(' In the city on talundaly mornitie. 4vre piked un ful'h1x 011 Mlllalay mud like re -.l wen• given j•.b'. Tnewlay uwlrning. They were sent to farm. in Sliddl,w•x. Kent, Idtualrtnll. Elgin, Essex, Huron 1uu1 1►z• ford tnu11110d. eery 11( the Cultist Iarmee?, of lie. tarso, 'who addressed a u.•.•Itmg 111 the '1'emperanee Hall here a fea weeks amu, is taking a w•.'ll+wru,•,I holillar and is away uu a trip to si.• south"1, States, the I'a4Ifle (.'oast, .,nil olio r part,: of North America. In his ale• sem.-. %%Well will 14• 41f iilenlble duration, his work at- Oust i u, lic:nl Whet. will he in ehar4e ut '•I,. 1141r,.1•1 E. Walter-, who hat (wen r wr•retary the C. F. t fu. . ,„ . t::m'• ami is inns' rhe seting sl'('' ' ,1 33r. Waiters lr- Waiters Is, aka), iawreta• Farmer$ Publishing tu, a 1• • h,,..• it IwL- \I. is a graduate of (iuderleb !c„iac Institute, and received 11114 paper training in the on „r The Signal. He hiss shown ma ale:11y 111 tarrying on the imp • .,,r• a111 1't••ga/rlS1hlt• duties which ha ,..,! upon hint, and' is regarded • . eers of the 1'. F. 0. as an .. dispensable part of their Or/Mil/Anon Harold's friends in G,slerie4e 41101 • I... where 4.111 Ile pk'setd and tri;,tial t. learn how thoroughly he 1- ' making gaol." direction The Farmers1+' ('1n•illa(14.41 of 441,000 t'opl' lisp.(. Mr. Walters Is the 114141 S's. E. H. Walters or I LOC.1L TOPICS iN BK11-F. The daily way freight serf. e a, mate Grand Trunk has been resue'' The Square is faking on a trine and neat appearance under the cssef u efforts of Caretaker Johnston. No, h;lugr doe( ((y allrctingGtxlench i1 made in the new 4. P. R. time -table, lakipv etfrct thus week. The of ernoon train from Goderich now arr;vts at Ham•I- ton at a p, m., instead •.t 44.24. • The ctktttty road work is in fulls ing in 1 (fillet patio( the comity and omits liugineer Patterson is kept busy laking inspection trips to th • various 'points where the work is in progress. The May meeting of the Children's :1,14l SocirtV will lie held in the court house , Turstlat;i !slay too. at 1.1' p. m: '1 11 - will wilt like;&• he the last meeting for th,, season and a large attendance is desired. I' . y „;nag o u, 41110 fr.,m As11tit 1.1 . tr„lu 4'1464411V. wPh- %•r. \I : I,' Reid on 11'1011e.da)- •., iu•.11110'. 'rb.• man from \•!,I. a'.,is,n111aitt.,1 to 1114' 1u1a1e1)n Ay l' •.1 .11111 u Isrst1wnr••11o•11t wa,• mark' 114* t1.• .•i tease until'further rlltlrlwv • tswi b• •ulnmltte,l. • Owing to ill•health, Rev. Dr. Turnhull has. resigned the charge of West 'resby. tt Ian church. Toronto.' alter. forty years in the ministry and thirty years as minis ter At West church. pr. Turnhu'I well remembered in Goderich through his connection many years ago with Knox church and his subsequent visits to The death is announced of Mt. D. B. Mewl, of llam1ton, one of the leading millers of the Province. Mr. WOOd was a hrother of Mrs. P. T. Hall(, (ornierly'ot Goderich and now of Winnipeg. Ile was ' i a strong I-iheral in politics, and ;in the ' reciprocity campaign of 1911 he addressed a puh'ic meetitis in Goderich i'1 livor of ;the Liberal candidate. ' t A fratuie tf the op nine flight at the ,i'avliinn next Saturday will be elle draw Lm the Indian scarf and camisaje tots which have been on exhibition in W. e, Walker's store window this week. The • owwiev raised in t11is wav is to heeent-tw .the relief of di -tressed children in England. .'The draw and 'presentation of. prizes Will itake place at 10 o'clock. Miss Emilie Buchanan. of 1 • into, The Kincardln' Reporter rter looks very visiting her relatives here. • i handrme these days. being printed from Masters Charles and Alan Armstrong, an "lruertvpe" machine which has just of Toronto. are visiting at the home of been installed by Mr. I. J. Hunter, the their uncle, Mr. James Buchanan. j pralressive publisher of our. northern Mr. Gordon Drinkwalter. of Lu:knoir, 'contemporary. We hope I J. will have was in town this week and sold his house , the minimum of "power off" and similar on W. iron street to Mr Futon. �. • troubles with his new machine, and will have plenty of work for It to do. - Mrs. Wm. NfcVlttie• \tri June; and Miss Evelyn Jones have returned to town • Mr. ,W.'11. Mitchinson was not atA- after spending the winter at Tubed take parr in the c,rmpalgn. fur the - Mrs. John Beattie, Hatield road, has"' x:ariutrll Shildalihliog 1'11.- by111ar• us re u,ned hoi-ne after spending 1 •c winter tl'' iv in England '-onf.'rrl,,g-with his with relatives at Guelph and H a lltJton• aslw•Ia1.•' in th' 1Vellnu1 "nal c^"" Mr. D. Wiggins has putt !lased the 4. work en which is to he resumed illw.stly_ Itl tUm11w'til.11 41111 Ibis tnn- Mr.1• former Welsh house. onmi Nest street. tract he - will probably- liar.' eonsider- John Dalton, of Timmins, wall the owner. ably. „--rk to 1s• dune in aaslerieh 'at 11)4. Sty. S. plant. people of Goderich, who trust that with a good rev he will be fully restored to health and vigor. Count)Organization Formed. James Yates, who is still callgined to his bed• CHURCH NOTES, The Horticultural Society has been distributing tuberous -rooted begonias to 0 members as the premium for this year. The meeting held at Clinton yesterday to form an educational association for the county brought out a representative gathering. Mr. R. Proctor. of Belgrave, occupied the chair, and the princip 11 ad- dress was given by Mr. R. Segsworth, of Toronto. field secretary of the O .tario School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Asso- ciation. It was decided to establish a • Huron county branch of this Association, and the following officers were elected : Honorary presidents. J. E. Tom and Dr. J. M. Reid. public school in -tors; pciad t. Rev. A. Lung. Forder-, vice - J. J. Rotiartsos Co[berrte tow ; aecretary-treasurer, T. G. Shil- linglaw, Sea(orth; executive committee, Mr. McKercher. Wroxeter; Mr McQuil- lan, Ashfield; Mrs. Currie.East Wawanosh. Mr. Proctor. Belgrave; R. N. Creech, Exeter: L. L. Knox, Goderich' J. Fowler, Seaforth; T. C. Stewart, Usorne; A. H. McDonald. Ethel. The executive will • map out a plan of organization to include each municipality in the county. Public School Board. I Try a Want Ad. in The Signal. Wednesday afternoon%of phi- week was he first of the weekly halt -holidays. The weather was line and no doubt the holi- day was enjoyed,• although it gave the Square a Sabbatarian air. • The Signal would be please,: to have readers hand in the names of their visit- ors. It is a courtesy to the visa ..r, and it helps to make the personal column of the newspaper more interesting. r TI14• regular nivel ing of 1114 public .•he ssd laira d wits treed on Monday , evening, 1'rlo.'ipal Sharman brought before the Isan1 a proposed schedule� of touchers lay. and it was laid on the table until th4 re-engagementf o rearhers is taken rap $.y the board. Miss Vera Elliott w•ad given indefinite lenge ..f aiwellee. owing to ill -health, and Miss Stahel Bailie was appointed to the staff of Central school in hell ...read. The what( managetnont c41m mittee was asked to secure tendere fir hely tr•Illrtgs in two routes of the (','n- eral-4h.s,l. Principal Stonehouse was appointed to the entrance examination hoard. T11e I.I1Ort tri ('entral school fur April showed an arenter attend - ince of ON boys and, tui girls, or tr2 per -sent. of the nulrsli er on the roll. At Goderich's Popular Amusement Resort -17- 441 THE PAVILION First dance of the season Saturday evening, May 7 Entrants. and 1Irvsing R.w'm, 11.lit^^MM an. ft. (lance Floor sod I'nnn-nail(• itwh i2 -'1(1112 aq. ft. 12teet Room and Rrwtanrent, arei4'2" 1511 sal. ft Total write of main no. 74171 dinar- feet 1Inhrstr* !latently, 20110= OfMI mi. rt. Thla makrw one of the mow etwlIrntwllnurl and leso aigw1l11trrl parillolwe In ()ttarlo With a Ilea Monis Von on the hank of take Minot, a nnts•law nn•heren In alten.lanor. and ill nor:r) ,otlt-enh'n , le $shoved In Its opening season, last reit, a poptilirlty which prlsnls4. to he -,1'11 during the vowing -(wawa. Southampton has carr' guarantee the bonds of Pa company which is takint Knechtel factory in that Town. ed4a ASTHMA RAu AH N SEWN -ft *alio, -Is fseM Jut Swallow a Calls RAZ -MAH 1s Guaranteed td restore normal breathing. stop mucus thermpp in the bronchial tabus, give alghts of quiet sleep contain, no Stipp drug. 81.1V it your drug- It's. Trial freest Our age n' les or write iplstoaa, 14d King \' . Toronto. Loral Agenta-Dunlop's Drag Beira The Best in Photo Plays at the MODEL THEATRE Week of May 9 to May 14 MONDAY and TFI.4I)AY , Lanky pr'-'•, DOROTHY 1:1.11 in n The Anglican Synod of Huron will meet at London next week. commencing on Monday. 'I'lie Ie.11d.rn 4'uufrrrnc••.of,the Stet le ••hun•h will meet in Askin street .•bnr•h, -London, on Thursday. June . Arrangements are being made for the Molding d an Anglican summer camp at Bayfield this year. the first part of the " iary Ellen Comes to Town" Also a Travelogue 1114'1 NLlgazins.. NOTE -The Hospital ;its the re- ceipts of this show; so Wye your help. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Goldwyn pr(.c •' "The Penalty fs 150/o off all Suits We are reducing all Spring Suits in the store 15 per cent. These are all the latest models and are absolutely up-to-the-minute in style and quality. Special in Waists We have received a new shipment of geor- gette and crepe -de -chine Waists, all latest styles, which we are putting on sale at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co. GODERICH Headquarters and Factory : 456 Queen St. W., Toronto Il white flower. The evening thence %ill1 1.. "Religion in the 1141111.." '1114! classes, M is•h•n, Be ml. a1141 Men:. ( lith will inert at 111" o.-hw-k. 'rhe t•Ipi••'lur' dlnt•usdion tu*he 1'1116 will be '•Whir! Ix prde;tinallour laud will be intro - (lured by the pastor. The o4Laal 0l4I'II of North street M,•th,*11s( I ill null 111.111 Its ,Slay meet- ilii' ON Mo111 Iuy night. R.lso• s from the cartons departments slum's' the church to 114' 1111 a very pros 14.5="11' ron- Iltion Hr. T. W. I(ellwatt appoim d to the board of etew•arels 11'41 Mr. 11; R. Nan: was res)g••.iurod recording 'trw•- urd \fc-sr...1. Purvis and Roy Stone. house neve-plural "n the ihla11dr ('um- Initt.s ,1r. 11. It. 1140111: Wald algslinted m. 1.4614 '4'ltt4icr t" flit'. May ilis:trnt ewetiug, which e,'iuVe'11.•x at -hly11 on the 1711s .led 11'11*. Mr. Andrew Mi- llen is alternate. 'Tins .rongrewatiot►al unsling "ill 1*' 111.141 W.rhew11ly ere'n- ii.g. the 1sth..w•.h.•n reports freirn :111 de'parhuents of the 4.1111nit w111 be sub- mitted. Tho annual ul••etiug i4 the North street auxiliary of the \teth/sh't W. M. S. was held on Monday afternoon. It.p..rts of the your's work show al most gratifying results. The total rat season for boys and the latter part for VC) Na- sant dnt'iltg the year to t by Gouverneur Al .,1 le with an at1-.$111 A philtre, that will s the whole town talkidir. Adkieek- • A fillies :Ml 1'hri-1 i( . OW- FRIDAY i ,_ _.. FRIi)AY and SATI KI)AY I'nIV4tpal prl'-. HARRY CAM- 1 In "West is West'' AMo a Century 4'••:"Ay. Usual pekes all 1e reit. The isereicee at Vittoria street McNh- odlet rhumb neat Supday will be eon- - Subje els of tier. 111011%: 11 a.m.. '•Miniaratlon•in Sick- nems.7 p.m.. "Wise and Foolish Mothenr. .be$14. h rr•abur.•r : 4+12 trout the aux I - nary. $.WI from the 11ht lam ('1rele, and $014 from the Weston Baud. This i.e. evert. the contributions of soy pre%:nun year. Pilo' 1ram,•a by ere the year to the lief of life-tumlls'rs of 114.' 1lusil;ary, and In addition the: ('like /Ilia the Bank 1-41,11 had two or Mat:ees --Monday, WAIN - day ani'ii! S¢ay• l trir• et1 At the itaptist chno•h. Montreal t'>t l'es't, seri-live will 1'.• .-o uduct.,l next Ilatel.*7 at 1/1 4.m. and 7 p m. Pastor liniso•ribr, .d Southampton, will preach at 11.,1% • servile'.. ;: p.m.. (thele milord. 8-y., -B. Y. _1'__I'� Meeting. ' __AL-K>1iez. rhumb 41.'x) Sabath tlixiiie worship `(t ill he co11dtw•t.d by the minister. \SubJeets of sermons -11 a.ni. "The Inlstry of }[rating" 7 pail., "An 'nilulugill{t " 1'os14/•sslom •. Sabath v'hrea\r nl Bible ...lesser* at 3 tet errk. At the request i the Isard of Alex- andra Inw+pital tiro:$ur•day is to Is. made 1lirspitul Sura y. :1 m1 tlu•ough the Min4Wrrial Aswit• ',111 the pastors of the different church.; have nutlet', taken to 4otwst•ett 11w.week and 11ahlls' ed the •ho 7,itfrl board irbos nnw'ti(11 with our heal situation. I The animal rrnlye.,n o lllif the xil- Irl Series of the 11'..M. S• of G,.l.•righ dis- trict of the 51.•thodist '•Noreen Will be held in North street ihnn•11 nest Wrd- uewla)' afh.rreem and '.•v.•latng. A special ptngnlm of meek -41 -ad• dirt•,." hex 1144'11 arrlug..I for the evening _meet F; rrybody welcome. At the Presbyterian Synod of Hamilton and London. meeting at Chatham last week, the Presbytery of iluron was hon- ored in having one of its members, Rev. S. A. Carriere. oLGrand Befjd, elected moderator, Mr. Joules Mitt -hell, of Goderich was appointed chairman of the Synod's historical mmm+ttee. Those from Goderich. present at the meeting were Rev. James Hamilton, Rev. R. C. M:- Dermid and Mr. R. II. Cutt. Mothers' 14.ly will. M• drs.'rytrl in North strw•t. Methodist church next Sunday morning, when the pastnl•'s thein,' wi14 1w• "4 Mr Ur:paydile Used to Moth.'r,." Petit forget to 4a•nr a 1"11 a officers, E.••lilted alae (Mlle,. Ilou, pros elem. 51 es. 141.4.-h: hon 11011. pr..hh-rat. NI vs. 1er 'h: nun vier-pre-eid.•mt. 51rs Ford ; nesidi rat. Mrs. .1. II. 4'oiborho. : 1-4 vice.lo. j dent, Mrs. Moyer: .mil vile -preside , Mrs. tarsier :Vd via• pr.+i•k'ut. \I - Pards ens --w+retary. Sirs. Mai u• . r.,'. •e•'rt'tary. .ars. P. W. (' arris. wmistatt st•e•retary. Miss (:ogld: t{.^.Is hirer, Mrs. Garb. Allan/IA': plauist- Nes' Snyder: ri•t.lr7 fur 4Opt luuk. Jlix. 55'ashingtou : ; sureriltt••ud.•ut of 14ys- temattc giy!ilg, Mrs. lealridwnl; mem- entoes. Mrs. W. T. Monier 111141 Mix'. SI. .1. Itob.•rt%on : hn11r prey:We 1t of 1'irele, Miss Bailie ; Da ml. leader,, osis Bradford and Mi.v Moimey.' Her Portrait and Her Day Mother is deserving of the finest photograph that the lens can portray. _ _ Why not surprise her by inviting her to our studio this week ? Music for 'Everybody Agency for Starr Cecilian Harmonic Phonograph§ Call aittd-kt us give you a demonstration of these splendid instruments. We have in stock the -Star-Gennett Records which can be used on all --these instruments. GEO. RICHARDSON amlilon and St. Andrew. -Sts. G.14lcrirh Phone 101 SPECIAL SHOWING OF MILLINERY ON Friday and Saturday MAY 6th and 7th J. T. Fell FI;A'1't1R1N(1 PRINCIPALLY HAIR HATS ORGANDY HATS SAILOR EATS SPORT HATS LACE -HATS Altauttab11e*-fur hot weather. Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street Cosi ere h r .ti41 R,NCE :turret Jam`centillental • o- %111 v ter" VANCC5IVI-R ? . V TURaFI. S _q 3 1 •� sr a 1 - The "NATIONAL" Lve. TORONT0,10.30 p.m. ' DAILY For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria Alternative routing` : Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg. Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. Daily via (: T , North Ray. thenca "Continental tl Agent. Canadian National orhrane GratednTrunk Railways. Tickets and information Flom any Ag • 118 n r STANDARD I TIME. Canadian National Railways