The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 4• Tbulsday, 'lilay 4 1it1lL _.1 SUITS MADE TO MEASURE $27.00--$30.00--$35.00 If you want your clothes made to measure at a medium price we would like to have you call and see the Splendid range of samples at the above price. These suits are of special merit for the price. You select your own style You select your' own cloth We guarantee the fit and assume all responsibility. lr Don't buy unless we can save you money. W. C. PRIDHAM .J�%ant fur- Borg'(lino .H'afs Phone 57 Goderich Window Shades FROM 95c UP We have all color, and sizes of Window Shades --combination white and green. and [•ream and green, plain white, plain cream, plain' green. Shades delivered and bung for you free of charge. AGENT FOR THE Flat Kirsch Curtain Rod The $od that never ewes nor tarnishes. Smith's Art Store Fast St. Phone 1t WHEN iN NEED OF A T.1\i PHONE 198 Try a Want Ad. in The Signal. MOTHER'S DAY May RI, second Sunday in May GEO. STEWART -- "Say it with flowers, Oh, say it with flowers. Nature's sweet mes.` 4'e Tells love by the llburs." Florist Goderich POUT ALBERT. 11'ed ties. hl y. May. 3rd.. James ,MacMillan and R n,iam Craw- ford' are wearing broad sullies ,hese lacy. A little girl has.l*rm left at tent -nPtlwlrbonnet eSxilfrafliT,iTf-Tl Several new cars have 1.e•n' or,iertel and come delivered for fart Atberf and Kinriobri.lge. • John Tigert is busy making` tile this week. He ways 1e is very mno-1a be- hind With his the onlers. owing to siekne«s, but will soon be in full swing again. • - Ws: are sorry to report Miss Hannah Wiles is not improving 41 4111 ckly as her many friends would like to see. -The Ladies Guild „f the Allgli.an hutch met at the home of Mrs. W. t►. (eras .to complete the arrangement' fur I a lawn social to be held on the church grounds on June 3rd. • The--T.sie- FM -Si __ri nninghan. Seldom is more widespread sympethy called forth than was canned toy the death of Mr. Pra,wI* Cunningham, whieh oenrnwl on Sunday morning. April 2111,. aft.•r a Iing,ering Illness. at • the ,age of eighty-two year,.. The late Mr. Cunningham was a native of Ih•o- mort•. t'mmitty Tyrone. ir.•lano1. and carne to this ,onutry with Its parents while quite young. The family settler in t1,• township of Vaughan, where Mr. (nuuningha1n met and later marrtel Miss F?'.ther Hamilton. A few years later he mored to this locality. where he had sine reside.l. •Uis wife pre - den -ascii] hint -thirteen gear+. A fain- tly of six daughters remains'•i" Mourn their las: Luella 1111-'4. G. Lane. of 1.4111es). Annie 'Mrs. Wm. M.'iwyan. ,1f Saltforl c, Mau4 ( Mrs. It. Alton. 10th eoo4ession of A4101014l4. Minnie, of Th,rnbary. Mary ami 11-inmie at home. One brother. Nathaniel, of l',)rt...Alb•rt. 11-' the "sole survivor of a fancily of six. ! Mr. 4'lululrghatu was greatly esteemed Its• :all who knew him. He was a prominent and active member of the I Methodist rhuruib at Shepparlhom, and waved as superintet,lent of the tem - day .elonl unfl ilible elioss teacher for • polity ye:lt•s. lie rias alwuvs teadi "to help in gored causes, atal the whole 1 c0ulno1nity will miss lieu. The fun - torsi took Mace to the Dungannon .4•uetery on Tilewlay afternoon and was largely attended by relatives and friends. The funeral services were SIM SIGNAL Are You a Pessimist? Some people are ---They endure the excruciating pains and aches of Rheumatism, Sciatica or Lumbc-go, nor will they help them- selves. Friends advise Templeton's Rheu- matic Capsules but, true Pessimists, they answer : " What's the use?" Springtime makes for Optimism! Turn over a new leaf --get rid of your troubles. T.R.C.'s are Guaranteed to contain nb hab t -forming drug, and to be absol- utely harmless to the heart, kidneys or other organs. Prescribed by doc- tor.. ao'd by druggists, 1100 per box. 1 nor free at our agencies, or write Tcmplctons,'42 King W.. Toronto. Local Agents-Dutelop's Drug Store. 'coitlucteil by the family pastor, Itev;. 11: Moyle of Nile circuit. and the pall. hr:trrrs wen, Messrs. Jas. Crawford. J. 1t. (:Kahan*: Jas. H,ay,lel,. Henry Ilnw•kin.. Nelson . Graham 'anl Altox. SIl114). Amo►tg"t the fiord trilwtes Were two banttflll wreaths, one from the family and another from' th4' Siiep- parilt„n Methodist eitrch. Those- ptresent from a •,ti,tateeelktnelntiel I)r. 11...1. F. and.tudrew• 4'nutliughmn. of Toronto. nephews of the We -rase.) : 31r. G. 1.11,1,,iv. of Toronto: Mr. 11. W. 1'un- ninghaul. of 11'alkervill•: Mrs. Me. Tavish and Mrs. oloainstom. nieces of the deceased; ami J'lr. B. Foster, of Arthur. out. BEN34 1Lt.Elt. Tuesday, May 3. The wet rteriy I4.unuuulion 'servkee held in the Zion North Methodist clam h on Sun ley morning last arae well attended. •' I -We understand that tin• members of the. Go1d,•u -late I'reeptory of the Royail Mark Knights of Orland, who hold their regular Meetings to Goole - Hell. have detailed to unite with the ltetuuilier orange Lodge ..on Sunday. July 3rd. star the purpose of attending p'hblie worship. at Iteumiller, and have Inv1tillitami. H. F. Kennedy to Preach The sermon. Other ' ern uge !mixes wfll 14' inv14 41. -Next Sunda}- will to Motlhire nay at the Ilethel chant at 1(a.30 a.m. rind at Zion North at 2.31/ p.m. A similar service w•!11 he held at Beuwiller on Sunday morning. May 15t11. Public service will h,• held again next Sunday t•v•nin_ 4'u Itewuiller at 7 (ivies*, In - sterol of the morning. We wish to r.•mind all readers again ,4 the s11e•hal jubilee anniversary ser- vices to be Ileld in the 1k•umiller elmn•I on Sunday. Jl.1y 22nd. Ser- vkwe: will he twist at 11 a.m. and"7 pan., eontiuctel by a former pastor. Rev. A. W. Brown, 104..tstel by the present pa. or. • 4'v. . -Kennedy. 3fusSi' will, be furnished by a, special choir organised for that °cession. Rev. TI. F'. Kennedy had the mss- fornnae rn fall nod fracture cue of hie ribs. but i. progressing very favorably. A.NNI AL IIA14D 11EETI\ti. airs of Our Messiest tkg�lltf:athw for the Past Year g.iie"ed. The annual general towel," Of the :t3rl Regiment Maud Asvr!"'"'a vvaa held in the town hall on 1'u...l•te even- ing hart, anti war fairly wall :1'14'10,41. 1n the absence of the /instil...tit. Mr. 31. 11. ('awerou, through ill -h• .1111. the chair w•as occupied by Mr t;"" Stew- art, vee preeklent. The following °[fivers fur. ..'pP•int- el the n.uti; fienY:e. Hou. prrxforldrut, ]te. G. C*werdnu : , yldt•ut, Ge,. Stewart: vice-pre.i.kr Arthur Smith; secretary-tnetrurer. T 11. Mit- e11t4I : aealsra tot seeretary. r. 11. Ito owe. Major H. ('. Dunlop sea• '1'Is1luhml military mearlwr of the oano' 'ire, alwl the ton eo11. jhe B••anl d Troupe, and trio Barwlutu are bel❑ rltlel fo itppdut tlsrlr re.praaeuta::''' '4'4141 `eathis committee. Financial Statement. - The flua•ial rtatealetot wa • prea4it- el. ns follnows: lteeipta anti expendltues.4 the 33x1 ltegiweut Band AM$oeian411 from Da twwber 31, 1919, to Apr.ljs . hr -'1. , RECEIPT'. Balance on hand, D + •swl•r 31. 1010 .0104 43 0 Town of .Uoxiertch19, 11grain • ale 4'0' June moonligh4 exr,pr- 44101 ajtu Le,.s expenses 1' "' 136 July- 1st t'elebrntson*Zoo' ra,e. pale to [umbras ,.' :10 10„1 ('It EWE. Monday. May 20). Miss J. Ritchie. of Zion. is at the Lame of Mrs. 1'. Finulgau. • Mr. and )Mars. Wm. Mc(honald, of KinM,.s. visited fah-nds around here one day Last week. Mr. Jahn Ryan, of Goderich. spent a few days last week with his alllllt, Mrs. Jolru Menary. 31r. Harold Durnin. of Ltw,ktlow, is visiting at the home of Mr. Orville 1►nrnln. Mr. Hugh Finnigan visited with Mr. Plunkett at Ebenezer. CQLBORNE. The regular meeting of the. Colborne Farmers' Club will tot held in the Tem- perance Hall. Benmiller, on Tuesday evening, May 10. All the members are urged to attend, as important business is to be discussed. NILE. Mrs. Cassidy, of London, and Mrs. Hawkm>, of Toronto, have returned home after visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. Jos. Hetherington. CLINTON GODBRICH ZURICH HASP:RU.1. SCHEDULE -1921. At CllMon lAt Goderich I At Zurich I At CrelIton'At Stratford May 241 June 10. 1 June 21 1 May 2A I I' July 20 I July 7 I July _^a I July • 0 June 14 1 . 1 Jnrle 1u May 26 June 4 Aug. 1 I . 1 July 13 Aug. 4 { July 27 May 30 I June 1 II n Jae 3 1 June 22 July 22 1 Jnly 29 July 5 1 July 20 CREDITON June 7 Idune 23 ! ,Tule 20 1 1 Juni 15 _July 15 'July 7_I_ Maj' 24 1 1 Aug. 1 TRATFORDI June 30-'1 June 1 - I June _ 4 .Tune 29 1 July 23 1 July 12 1 Aug. 4 11 July 22 , BASEBALL 00881P, Work .as been commenced on the fitting up of the baseball diamond at Agricultural Park. and next week the "fans" will be able to seethe Purity Flours at practise any evening during the week. Turn out and see the team at work and get the habit of showing interest in base- ball. Enc .uragement of this kind puts life into the players and will help greatly in making a winning team. Again we would ask : When is the pro posed town league to be launched ? The meeting of the schedule committee which was to have been held at Zurich last Thursday was postponed un'il Tues day of this week, owing to some clubs not sending representatives. Secretary • 1 Barlow and Manager Hays were present to represent the Purity Flours. The following are the teams selected for the group in which Goderich will be included : Zurich. Crediton, Stratford. Clinton and the Purity Flours. A double schedule will be played by this soup. the clubs playing two games ea h an the different towns, and the winner will then play off with another group -winning team. The first home game will be with Clinton on May 24th. Judging jrnm the Zine -up of the different group' in the North Wellington League and the way all are:being strengthened up, it will require a classA team to win out. There are thirty-seven senior teams and eleven junior teams entered in the North Willington League this year. Last year there were only twenty-eight teams en- tered Sy -•y4 the schedule of League game dates puhlikhed this week in The Signal. Ripley Express : The Lochalsh baseball ctubhave signed Harry Walker, the famous bsseb dl pitcher of Vancouver, B. C. A wire was received from Harry that he will tort for home.at once, and George Hlue has been offered a position worth 1100 per month on the farm. and it is expected he will accept. Lochalsh, who were the fastest hall team in Brice county last year. will give some of the big towns an eyenpener with Walker and McKend- rick as their battery. A GENTLE HLNT. A number of our district correspond- ents seem to 1►r• resting on their oars. We should be glad to hear from them more frequently. The Canadian Academy of Music, Tor- onto. announces the inclusion of Ernest MacMillan, B. A., Mut. Doc.. F.R.C.O., on the musical directorate of the institu- tion. Ur. MacMillan. who is well known in Goderich ani vicinity, has a well- deserved reputation es one of the most brilliant of Canadian musicians. For many years his fame as an organist has been widespread. Lately he demon- strated his ability as a conductor in a performance of the Brahms "Requiem," which he conducted from memory. 1441 composition "England" was one of the principal number, at the Mendelssohn choir festival in Toronto two weeks ago. Gladys -"•Madge has a hasn't she?" Gwen --'•Yes, the dear kind cost tell collars a American Legion Weekly. high color, girl. That box." -The L:U'RIER MONUMENT FUND. Town of Guxlerich, lst•imprint . on grant t100 00 fiance band benefit... t:I' lass expenses ". IF 63 Total receipts to Apr, tai.1''1 $":. S3 ESPENP rRE4 10.10 A. J. Wort. salary to Ij(reete-er 2 fret is. 13 Muwlc purchased awl Tepwir-.. 41 41:4 Advertising, Land leader _ 70 Scores, re meetilige 2:. inntrumenta, 1 cornet • 111 113 Rhimti'tax tr•- Ffowen., 7. young, band tatuih: r tat 1921 Music 0 2:1 Band member'', concertsanal 1(tp 7o Postage, 1926, 1921 ... (t 49 Minute hook 1 23 A. T. Hintz. hand leader. 1 nt,.. :rs tat Tele1'hune. Kitchener, 2 .ail-1 at Repairs Instruments .. .. 2 30 Advertising, bamlmaater :r.l ),layers ' 30 fnetrum.•nts, 1 sc4n,n1-1, 1 33 Total Expenditures- - .'(i'i 01) ib,lan,v Apr•n 20th, 1"2' Audited x1)41 found c, A. M. 144)1:i.ef",X. T,,..:..ilLttor. Report st, Amalgam* Serretar*. to tO Mi. ('. If. Rance, the It -•:-..,p• -were tory. gave the following r•l.•rt : As the aassstant ascr•:ary ,.f tills Aaso•iation 1 felt that a L'.•f resume of the (brings 01' our .-rga.,ization would he aettptat le and ;.•rtrips more ur less interesting, at til.-. ncc.annual genernl meeting, Wieb veatr permis- shoo. therefore, 1 well Revive-. as brief- ly as pgsslllte. the Molt :ArrieiLiil us during the pasAro -1 year, from Avail 1t., 1020, to , 1921. In April.1020. ase baha as loan,l Miler Mr. A. .T. R••'.rt. 'who had al-' ready been with us f.,r about .o year. ami who Mit us 18 $.gltesnber t , ac- cept a similar positi•'4, at Dundas. olio. During the winter • . 19-'20-a eta-- ..f beginner* had teen.,ruing and pi tieing *bent -awe Mabee a week. and from April to wep-oeider the wh••l,• bated had had tw'•:,:.-ulne prat-ti••s• and played In all •.'••Ive public a -on eerta, which were ..;•;'.i eutly enj..yel and apprr•i:,ted by the. people of ••nr town and numerous visitor, who were spending holidays here. We regret to record the death. in August, 1024), of one of our band' nein- I Isere, Mr. Jame. 1'om.g, former bass drttnuier. who woos healed on August 4t11, the ietet eth•tnl:ng to pay tieir last roemeets to :ni •• :.vaned frieu.l After 3fr. Scott - cell:civet things 1.11 rather flat for a I.' •• while, but after .a ,4,miderable an, : • of advertising MINI e,rr.•sp islen•e .i• se•urel the ser - Ores of a1r. Hintz. .t'' Kltt•hener. who cave anal tool: oy,• [tie duties of leader on the 29ill .1-tnuary of this yea r. We had *Wei - My -sent. -sent. - ve'Iely pract ices metier him. and thi.._- were looking very bright and ro-. it owing to cir- cumstan•e-I lAhf¢.•th outside 0f his connection With the '.;nal Mr. Hintz left ns and rehrrne.l to Kitchener early in alert -h. After_ettether amtaim, of advertising. to which we had u,tnerous replies. we derided to ask Mi. Davies, of Ilam- shun, who vont... .,f . notated' family and who. nue [night ., was born w-it1 a carnet at his moor). enol who has had e,nsiderat,l• .•xp•rience, both in Canada and. overseas, is come up and lurk over the situation, which he did on April 1st, and very kindly helped uta out with a short ...neert we played on the Sgiuir.' Witt Meme evening. pees -Ions to the benefit dative which we had arranged for the purpose of defrnping the" expt•n..• of a mellow - horn which we hong(,•, although after our expenses hal lire pull we ,leared Only about half enough to pay for the horn. On April 11th we fumed our seml'weekly prartie.... fir. Davies In 'the meantime being idirtrnmental in getting a elarirwt-°layer lobated here. In the person of Mr. Beattie, whom we are glad to .have with W. At prevent we have a membership of To date dere has been subscribed towards the Laurier rier monument fund the sum of 8.34.913.!17. Thie represents the voluntary e'ttbia•rtptions of tern of thousands of people, for the largewt *motion 'evaded from any one person is t.. no, *uM"1IJ hundreds of more sums of 810) *awl less have been emit in wfthont names or add renews, The work 1-4 now well nosier way atM auy- bndy desiring to sntoso-1•tw• may do 1M by forwarding sen amount to the hos- ' (ran treasurer, Mr. r. t'. Iwrbla, 1bronto. b Kt-r�o For Disci,.,ih�a ttae�s. or hsemINDoPysi,OKN sen. e.ti viciy. Try at seder fawwaaia. QUICK' RELIEF! AL*0 WI TA•tatir/6111101 MASE sr seen a, nellerig HAstaits 04* Aimmimmunionmeir•COTT't{ [MtJL.SIOPI is a^'tfel-"-rmW" Phone 56 M/�/�I'a/N TNC7 STORE HOURS: �eMM Da M I LLAR t' SON Ih(UP' h Phone ' 56 "The Scotch Store" 8A.M.TO6P.M.r SATURDAYS 10 P.M. Linens for the June Bride AND OTHERS -r- Fortunate indeed will be the bride who receives a goodly supply of Linens from "The Scotch Store." Prices are now much reduced, bringing the better quality of Linens within reach of all. Pure _Linen Damask Cloth and Napkins $25.00 and $30.00 a Set The, set comprises one !^loth, '2x21:, yards, and one dozen dinner -size napkins: These seta make an ideal gift. Lana Sets are popular gifts. See TEA CLOTH`; TR.t,1 ('LATHS Your Spring Needs in Sheetings Sheetiags are much reducedin prices. Now is the time to lay- in a good stock. • Best quality Sheeting, 2 yards -Nide,. extra heavy. Special 75c and 90c a yard. - For single beds - a special quality 111---- yacds wide: Per yard 50c. Rich Madeira Sets So much prized by all are these uti- ful sets of hand-etilbroidered airs .intens. 'They come in [,eta or se to pieces, if desired, at lowest these at $14.50 to $20.00 the set. RI'NNEKI LI NCH CLOTHS Special Value in Irish Em- broidered Pillow Cases, $5 pr. This is a special_ value in beautiful em- broidered Irish. Pilloweaies, i new def igna. Special =6.00 pair. 1 ercen Bedspreads for Gifts This is a lovely quality Bedspread, something out of the ordinary. Would make a most a.ceptable gift. F1uIl doable bed size. $12.00 each. A McClintock Celebrated Real Eiderdown Comforter makes a choice present. Women's Bkdc Silk ---ad-P-oplio Coats r We are showing a small and exclusive', stock. of women's smart Coats for summer wear, in taffeta, moire and heavy silk pop- lins. The ideal ('oat for elderly folks. Smart Sport Skirts at E15.00 The very newest in Sport Skirt* for golfing and street wear, in a variety of ,the newest plaids, in color combinations of brown, green and black, mostly box -pleated. ;15.00 each. Priced from $20.00 to $37.50. New Goods to arrive this week -Silk and Voile Waists, and Backs, new Middies, new Leather Belts, new Neckwear, new Voiles and Ginghams- the new Tie - The more you deal at "The Scotch Store" the better you will like it. Our Mail and Phone Order business is constantly increasing. M lilais Scotch Store Phone 54 twenty-nine. and under the able direr - tion of 31r. ihav-ies we feel confident that we have a very successful season before us. but we would like to feel that we have this townspeople with us. We meed their co-operation and ■nstwt- nt*'4'. most especially In the matter of securing employment for hatwlamen. At the present time. with ect mach nnemploymeft, which it apparently more acute I ie larger centres, there are a good Stony meth -fans who would be glad to- come to a mailer town K work court he, secured for then. We have had numerous appli- cations from such men, and it we ebuld ,►ret the storekeepers and heads of different works in Golerk•h to co- operate with ns. we might often plate ban I"teen In positions, to our mntnal benefit. for, after all, Is 1104 a good $enol a valuable *wet to our town. and if (ioderleh Is going to go ahead and keep its place se one of the lest towns In Western Ontario, we mart not allow one of IM premier organlaatf(ns to fall inter od,sntrity through Jack of interest ortinymisunderstanding. The financial statement. which has been passed 11the town auditors, h*4s been given--t'o you and you will realise that s. •thits1eal organisation cannot be run without funds. Our learners get free tuition, se per the agreement be- tween your Committee and the leader; we own 5 mimber of the ttntnimeats, WIMP 0f which are badly in need of repairs. while quite a number of the men own their own in*tntments, giving fns the benefit thereby. In cone Caston, might I say that too Much melee cannot be given to one vice-prestdeat ;for Me untiring efforts on behalf of the haat? Personally, 1 feel there is not another peiwie in town who wo1Ad glue as much thee and thought to no as Mr. $t.wart, ad while perhaps his efforts (to sot al- ways have the desired Menet be 1• al- ways working atwsy quietly and asshlnntrsly to do Itis utmost ..n nor behalf, find gives no little amount of his time ami labors for 11e srn'essfal carry -Ing on of onr .,14.1nizatio :'anti has Ia•rsonally interviewed quite a number of the employer. 04laiw,r with regard to getting men here and plac- ing them in positions. OLD HOME WEEK NOTES. The OM Home Week *executive met on Friday evening ami 1111 MINI the preparations for the Angtrt event. Mr. Ib. T. F.dwanls Fns appointed to take -charge of the bootie, uipI refresh- ment mann tttee, and the revert loon committee was requester to undertake the making of arrangements for the impplying 0f m,•alc for visitors. It will be n0 light task t0 provide Nonni a1141 lodging for all Who are exported t0 lie in town .luring the great week. hut a committee limker the o•apat,le dir- ection of Major ti. 4'. Ihonlop has this matter in hand. and everything will he properly ath'ndel to In this line Mn. Janie,. Te'wkey. OrIllla. Ont writes: "Your mini appreciated favor of the 13th received. 1 consider myw•}f and family highly honored by the invitation to 'go $wale *41141 meet the ones who have 'kept the home fires horning' for ns who have etraytel away. atxt take gnat pleasure to ae- ermine. for myself ar41 family of I1ve, who, all being well. will hope to he present during tate week of Aegnet 7th. 1'ou will hear from posibly one or two others residing In Ortllla In a short while." Mr. A. It. navlsnn, of Maple ('.reek, Rask . weitee: "Your kiwi Invitation to be present at the home town on Animist 7 10 waw duly received and in rosily would say 1 would to very Meow.' to enter once more 'Ilnr lee Gulden (late,' the towns I look upon *0 Me preetlest town In Camels (intg she Rhino! 1 am quite aur.- 1 4. BABY DAY Every turday dur- ing May will be Baby Day at Sallowe Studio One copy of the photo will be presented to each baby having his or her picture taken on these days Bring your Baby in any Saturday during May R. R.SALLOWS Photographer woods] re rive a royal welemne from many of the Old ikoys (and Girls too). but i am *orry i cannot be there le person. Met will he there In thought. Kindly remember me to ■lI the oM 4rl.twle. Wlfiing your eotnmittee every warrens, i am, Yours rewpec't- fnlly, A. it. I)aviann." Mr. rrwleriek Mann, of Rt. Pani, Minn, aeknowledgest the receipt of an Invitation anti reet•t'ta that he will be unable to attend. He *aye he attend- ed the Rtrang 1)M Roy*' reunion in 11107 and "het] the time of hits life." Mr. Mann men& klnde*t regards to a1 the (lolerieh folks. Mr. Geo. M ('ox writes all the way from Maneheeter, England, saying se hopes the reunion will be a huge suet ewe*, (rift M *orry it will not be emedbr for him to make the joaratty. .• •