The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 3l l sl. !swimmer /A Imitated—never equalled There is as much difference be- tween Sunlight Soap and its Imitators as Chore Is botwsaa nails' sad L / enlisted light. WbyT 7 Masbate pared with ssps1•r elaaalliag powont —mom rase •sap for your mommy—yea gat tbsao he Ssa IgM Soap LEVER BROTHERS UMiTID. TORONTO. ONT. BICYCLE WEEK. April 31i ---May 7. aerates Health With Bicycle's Help. The story ,of the caner or,/Emil Itraketelf , a Fn•m•hwan living In itoelwster, N. Y., Is twtth brier -sting and Inspiring. At seventeen ysarx of age, he w•as told by a Greeter that he was tlying with consumptho and he wa$ NAV' *NI to return to la I14.11e France before WA clays were enthral. He derided to buy a blcyele. however. est flat Iw could get- out tutu the .oun- try and enjoy fn -.I1 alr and genal exer- cise. For two years he role its often as possible. although 1e was in Rid straits financially. (11w day, hes wife gave hem spore of T>a WO*AL Blade L Good Going and Conga& 1 est form of transportation wan. tldoreover„the bicycle serves the people, going or t•onllug. Wlwn timer are goad. Laud money plentiful, persons ton rowdy afford to enjoy the benefits of bh ytlr riding. SVliel con- ditions run the other way and a period of personal e•otnnay sets in, many people turn to the bicycle as a weans c4 economy. They Mill that the bicycle Is highly useful In many ways. HE REDO GODEYIOH, ONT. ICES OVER • eons.) rhirlly through our careless (!silts a1(1 IINIIR«rrutr. TI Me de I14 arid to he t11 cheap - I GQOD FORTUNE.' statistic. MIN1w That Nlztyfour per known to I cent., or prplesieallf two out of every three fires which aeur, am in our i Iuem4M; eighty INT cent. ut which are Ontario Farmer Says He Is pi..•vetit(i'b•. her 'swain) savings with which to buy coat but he bought a pair of new tires Instead, Ie• that he evo11141 cont{ • to enjoy his eycllug. At the r1a1 of the third year be had rrttallwd sufficient strength to enable him to return to work. He then tools up bicycle racing 81141 met with 4a"1W suceeo4, butIs 114104M be became III with apiass 111141 the doctor toad him hi+ riding days were over. He took to the Merck' again, heaver. and townies! his pastime an a 144•Ft•le Hoer. Early lu 10211 he started training :.s a eaiidklate for ttic Olympic games and in a final trial he create) a new Irm.IteLW road n. -re record when 1,11 covered 1p) 11111 s in approximately U.'.• hours. At ;present. he weighs 10i pounds mewl ds in perfect health. ilc 1M now forty-three yw11a of awe anti Is preparing to rate again (iia summer. Interesting Facts about the Bicycle. A lel•troha wan rewutly made an even trade of a used automoldle fur a new bicycle. Prltews ('cella of Greece Is one of marry royal children swim ride their bicycles every day. Ex -President N'Itseol wax nwently advised by hes phv«kian to ride ei bkyCle for his iealth. The bicycle has ramal a permanent place as a utility for lapid delivery service for stores of all kinds. It laI often 1esu wild that not htug has ever been invented to replace actually the single and 111"414 bk•yelr. Tin- only tools re,essary to keep a hkyt•le to perfect running onler are a wretch, tire pinup and ()II can. ranter. the professional bicycle star, is rated as a millionaire and wierds his spare [lose on the golf hake. Ilky-.4e week is the period each year wlwi tlw e.om•mfc and heflthful ad- vautaa'aI wf tlw blcyclr are emphasized. QBkyel a racks everywlwre ttelkote the service which the hleycke affons tlw workingman in getting quickly to work. The ages of bieycle riders in Canada range from two to eighty year'!', ac- cording to a recent survey. red New Man Since 'rite tlutario FIM 1 revenuer !svelte, Like Bra in affiliation wkh the Fire Marshal's He Started on Tanlac. l eyaruaenc, has inaugurated a Prov - owe -whin publicity can11aign for time purpose of tronserving our homes as ; well as our lives from destruction by "11 would make anybody rejoice to get "v. The boys and girls of the Prot.- wexmder(W Lehr( I have,' tkclarrd User• will be called upon to assist in well-known farmer residing tills 1u0„1d.•sinlblr amt dwtriotic Adam �°k, Ontano, while relating his' movement. Through the prin•ipnls a141 t ewhers of our schemes, tlwe League will Ilistribut• 24)14111 ellpies of a -home inspetiou, blank” so that 11111 pupils, with tlw 1u•Ip of their parents, 111417 answer the que4ion.t. T1s primary deject is to e1ean up attics, reliant, tack yards and remove haz- ardous eoail{nions, the underlying 1114Nlplit Is•iug to prevent fires by re- uwoviig the cause amt thus suer etre twines. ex p iencx with Tarlac at the Parke & Pa drugstore in Hamilton a few days as At hiinradedmigbeedsxtthewontht4itme foermy1nagbwIgrdeoaintn gh hatatadcikmuitneeug. TtltyOaaftcrceklumnas c o1l After eadl farsl gab would form on my stomach meld bloat me up so i could hardly get mY breath. My apprtue was rYrc pO t ubrlhxi sass, wh nil gd severe st co hardly stand up. 1 sub it sissy I cow su soon, end must of it from Trott p IMPORTANCE OF KARL UL- ihe time I had a terrible headache. My right stroutlkr s<, 1 olhardly my coat o . andached at umcr-ud 1 ached and hurt all over. M► nvt5 were m an condition, arid I scarcely slept any. ornln� I gut up f1rhdng dull and heavy and could hardly do any work at all. "I3ut the fust few doses of Tanlac got me to feeling better. 1 have taken lour bottles now, and my appetite is gond, and I never have a trace of Indigestion or biliousness. I have no more aches or pains of any kind, and am feeling like a brand new non. I certainly am grateful for what Tanta' has none for me, and 1 am glad to recommend it to anyone need- ing median." TIVAT1ON IN THE ORCHARD. Experimental Farl11' Note. If a rover cr.rp has !Neu left over the winter in an orehanl It should not. as a rule. be allowed to grow in the spring until there lie a good crop to plough under. especially in districts where droughts .a*1ur, but the lami should is. ploughed its soon as it .to 4Ir7 enough to work. 'int waiting for the plants to grow up: thus 111101 moisture which, would 'otherwise be transgpird b7 the 1eavea uthe plants will he saved and the chafe of suffer- ing (non drought lessened. \ A goad setting of fruit depritfls eery much 4414 an 11111p1e suppAy of moisture in Nee ground at blooming and tipg tinge. and if there should he :t dr.) ht after a I14-,4 crop of clover or re 14 Ines been ploluchel mailer late in Y spring. cunt! Ilion. will and be at all '(141411111414'. • After the lake has been ploughed. in should -M• kept well harrowed dur- ing the early pert of the 1da54111, to .Li11s•rve•,t1w moisture. as It has 114,•11 (41111141 that there is a rapid ile-reamr of moisture unh•st the surface soil is lo -pt loose. Early cultivatlwn is desir- able also bentusic it is important to get the soil warned up as soul as pos- sible by letting Jus air in and Au mak- lug conditions favorable for growth early in the s•:Isnl. The granter activity in growth there is In the early part of the sosro. 11i, more likely is tin -re to he :1 genal act of fruit. ..spec - hilly 4111 strider .14 1 -trees where diel flow of sup throng!' the fruit spurs is ttnt'awfnw as in younger taws, and i if then- are drying winds and a e 'drought there may not be sumetcat'l tnosturr• to h4411 the fruit on the trews. i An elgahwtiuu 414 nitrogen on some mils has 1a, I 1 I THB O1Rt 'lll�(, (()MET. Porta-Wlrnneeke Hill Give This Earth a Close: Rate. - F rkeley, Cal., Aunt 27.—For a month this summer the earth will engage in a race with the periodic comet, Puns-. Winnecke, and because it will have no chance to win, ii will endeavor through astral influences to "trip up'' its gaseous rival, according to a report made public toffay by the observatory of the Univers- ity of California, The earth will not get into the race until the comet has a lead of between 1'2,(100.0041 and 20,0(10,00) miles, but then it will put everything -it has into the test with the comtt. Tall May Touch t's. "The trippng up' Drocess or peeturb- atiolns caused by the earth ,nttuence will pull the rand away from its course some- what. but tt will continue to plunge l the cosmic speedway pace. It will cap its supremacy finally when,onluue 27th. it Hips rtslail so held against the tertestnal rival that the im-. pact will send nut sparks. These will go down in the record as a meteoric shower. No Damage Expected ' The cornet, at last calculations, was approximately 37.(X)1.000 miles from the earth. Its nearest approach will be .132 of an astronomical unit, or 12 000,000 miles, on June 7th. Any propheci, s that the comet will do' great damage to the eatth are out of or- j der, the observatory states. On the other I hared. the rrteteonc shower, it iGdevebps as *IN' ' will be a bus iI". if ittspiring. - are missing a `wail thing. "I heard you grouching something terrible yesterday, Jim, about your long, tiresome walk. You were late and gots docked. I started ten minutes later and had lots of time. And ,you, Tom, saidyour feet burn- ed and ached from walking so illtuch. "Why, my bike and I have the laugh on both you fellows all the time. We spin along home while you're trudging a1on g . Cycling has walking beaten a mile." "Well, wheeling is very fine With A Real Bike Like Yours I wish I could afford one like it, NUL" "Why, Tom, the shoe leather you're wearing out hoofing it on the hard sidewalks would help pay for a C. C. M. bike like mine. Besides. your time is worth money and a bicycle saves a lot of time. And then, you know, one like mine will last for years." \ "That's so, Bill." p, and when you're buying a Tons,be sure to get one with C. C. M. Triplex Hanger It makes a wonderful difference in the ease of riding. It gives your bicycle more speed—and pep—and power." "How much extra h the ')triplex Hanger, Bill?" "Not a dollar. It's on every C. C. M. Bicycle at No Extra Charge" "What abouttita't handy little brake on your bike, Bill?" "You mean the Hercules Coaster Brake. It's been nicknamed 'the Little Fellow with the Giant Grip'. You'll notice it hasn't any clumsy side arm. The Hercules is regular equipment on every C. C. M. Bi- cycle, too." "It's some bike, Bill. Guess we'd both better get that kind and ride to work, too." CCM Bicycles PERFECT — MAS._.ISEy — RED BIRD, ,--- CLEVELAND — COLUMBIA "The Bicycles with the C.C.M. Triplex --Hanger" Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited ' ■tiatfsal. Tsrtlsas. WUTON. ONT.. wlislps, Yssewvsr Thursday, 147 5, 1921.-3 The Red Cross Carries OnWhy? 1 . Because of demands made upon it in dealing with the terrible after- math of disease and suffering which always follows war. 2 . Because of the serious health con- ditions revealed by the war—more than half of our Canadian young manhood unlit for combatant mili- tary service. 3. Because an international confer- ence of medical experts, realizing that voluntary organization was - necessary as an aid to Governments in solving the world's health prob- lems, decided that "no other or. ganization is so well prepared �o undertake these great r and that ties as the Red Cross, "no movement deserves rnor'e the earty and enthusiastic support of all people than does this." ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 F.eroll with your local Red Crop 11ras,h or. as?.n 1eat•Committee, or. if theirs to non• In your communtt7Mrltil the Oa do Prsvlalal Division. 410 EHRR1it4l'itNE ST1t1iET, TOItO (T).. . Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division promoting greater activity of growth 111 tlw earl part of the 1aosNi and ser Iwtter ensue a setting of fruit. W. T. MLA(YN'N. 1 e 'Mon Horticulturist. m found vet— useful 111 The Mart .' Reiura. Exeter A v.sote. After stwlwllrg tlw winter Ilnvntl1" In the south where sn w• and winter blasts and told weather a • not known. the martins that fir titan years have ',Outfitted the Iywy 11e0101 ,f Mr. 14. Fitton's verandah returned st week. I It was rather awnsing to wet a theme beautiful specie. of tlw f.othert rave A Frightful Speed. The following is from The New York Outlook "Apropos of present-day speed in trave,ung by aeroplane, automobli and motorcycle, a subscriber writes that an Ohio newspaper says that an old scrap bout contains a clipping s• ating that the Lancaster. Ohio. s. harl board in 182(1 refused to permit the use of the school - it 'use for a debate as to whether w not 'railroads are practical.' The board members are said to have reported : 'You are welcome to use the schoolhouse to debate all proper questions in, but such things as railroads and telegraphs are impossible arid rank infidelity. There is nothing in the Word of God ,about them. If God had designed that his intelligent creatures should travel at the frightful speed c 1 fifteen miles per hour he would have forecast it.' " -"THE Dr' I'at Casey's Prayer. An Irish 'oldier. after ten months of hard active (ervice, applied for a furlough. His request was granted and then it_ dawned on him that he had no money to - take advantage of his holiday. He wanted 5100 to go tol'aiis. He was at his wits' end, there being no time fb be lost. when appy y to he red good Lord abhis old vher's advice to e in time of trouble. So he wrote and posted this letter : "Dear I.trtd, -Here 1 am afrer fighting terrmonths to mud up to me neck. The work is som"w•hat unpleasant. but ye'II be glad to hear that I kilted fifty Germans. Now, I'm a hale tired, and ( have me furlough all right. but I have no money left. having spent most of what I had for - prayer. book-. Ask Father Tom Mc- Carthy if ye don't believe me. So, Lord, I ask ye in the name of all the saints for the small sure of 5100. Sure, ye'1l never miss it, and iI ye send me the money 111 never forget ver in me pra r. Pre CASEY. - in due o urse the appeal reached the censor's order. which happened in this particular I„cality to be housed in tl.e Y (,,p. G. A. quarters The letter was passed around and aroused considerable attention and interest, as Casey earl known to be a brave and cheerful fighter. Consum of 550 ,lwa rsised esought h s wastand fsent inlltito the applicant, without comment, in a' Y. M. C. A.WI/elope. The next day the following acknowledgment was received: "Uttar Lord. I've received your 550, as per 5pphcatren for furlough stoney, and 1 thank ye. May yer shadow never grow less. But 1 make so bold as to give ye a word of emends'. ' Send the next money by the K. of Cc Ye sent thus bylf the Ye . M. C. A., and they nipped —The Veteran. "Seriousness of the Housing Prehlem." 'Ilw high ,vast Of building 1111terl4h, the rNplill> irlereweing ponndAtkrn, and the enornl„.as annual de,41rwthln of dwelling (oises, In 41'(1k h there were 5,144 firs is't year 1n Ontario' have ernitlnel to mike the holts1ng ,prnh• , Irm one of most serious and acute pro- peirf Iona. O,rtarin H noted for he eztravagam r _ �� ��a-1 through ,,,iii tesoary fire which ch i 4* nothing short of an economic crime, 0 SUMMER TIME" s ret urli to take clplrge of their summer qua ars. During their ab iwe their slimmer haunts sire hlvarial.ly taken ftp by the Mlalrnmi. 11161 fibbing them in full clears'. it *41. a tight to Nee whh•h of 11e tribe+ was going to dear sway. 11 was ,yarn. however. evident that the Nparr.iw"w•as no match for the martin and hs spornewship and 1am- 117, although petting up a stubborn fight. had to evacuate. An 'undertaker was recently caught importing liquir in eolfi'ts. We presume he told the court 11 was the spirits of the departed. is not perfect with() a Bicycle to enable the 'lily or girl, to get round easily and quickly. Every health \ growing boy of course wants a wheel. - It is simply great” for running messages for mot -her, 'for .go- ing to school, or for making ips to the le country on Saturdays. P till his lungs with pure, ,freshair and he - comes homer with rosy cheeks and a�huge ap��etlte. For. air - t "B cy e is a delight cum-. . pani'on, ,and . many older people, men 'nd'omen enc} it al- I r. 51'g most indispensable. Have a Bicycle This Summer a a Enjoy Life T. F. HOLLAND Goderich AGENT FOR Red Bird and Massey C.C.M. BICYCLES 40.11,-44040* i t.