The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 2er�lm 1110lrna. Thursday,'lay 5., 111_l. A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. The ratepayers of Goderich did a good day's work on Monday in voting to endorse the municipal bylaw to assist the National Shipbuilding Co. by a guarantee of bonds. The vote of 577 to 157 was a splendid testimonial of confidence in Mr. W. H. Hutchinson and his associates in the management of the C ompany. 1t is also a declaration that Godericie intends to maintain its industrial position and wi make reasonable concessions to manilla Luring companies rather than allow th m to drift away to the larger centres. he Company is now under obligation to art' out its commitments and to demo -trate that the vote of confidence it has eived has been well placed. It is exceedingly unfortunate that just at this juncture the tire of Tu qday night should occur and destroy a v luable part of the Company's property. At this time of writing it is impossible t will affect the bylaw, but i that an arrangement can which the Company hampered as possible of its program. say how this is to b• hoped be made under ill be as little n the carrying out ED1TOR1IL NOTES. Germany is 11 sidestepping. Has Drur And becau succumbed to Beck Value Supreme is in every packet of LAD T - A MOM d11 such importance, the Mal stages were reached atter midnight, and there was a protest [rum the Opposition which made it look for ■ time as though the Govern- ment would have a fight on its. hands' Hon. Mr. King protested against the raiiroading through of &h railway mea ani tt1 . urea, which in the past had tlwaYs re- sulted in the Government's coming back and 1 asking Parliament to correct the errors it had made due to haste. This Woe. however the protests s eR. formal. on. . James Robb (Huntingdon Lemieux 1Maisonneuve andtie Ho public owner- ship)re- corded themselves against ptl r boll was of the roads. When introduced at midnight a looked for a time as though the House would be kept in operation fora few hours, but the Ebert' lit 11 t of formal protests were over in half an hour 11530 generous Large Immigration - Somewhere, somehow this cvuntry has reater been absorbing immigrants 3: a B ole leaf will yield its t1 quoa and the House got away at 1.30, which is sgOOdnftLs:s• Sold is sealed packets only. good time in these busy days is supported by the evidence of others who have tratelled over large portions of the Province in retest weeks. Factories clesed, men unemployed, and business at a standstill, is the r -port from mPny places. Goderich has not altogether escaped the general depression of trade THE WEEK AT THE CAPITAL rate during the last two years than it ever did before. That is, auvrdtng to the tigerq of Hon. J. A. Calor. who assured oy Iwo Duoelss 1 the House, in connection with his esti- mates. that there had been a bigger Ottawa, April "J.—whether it it an I influx of settlers to Canada during' those Imperial Conference that is to be held in l two years than at any time, even through y outside of June, when the Prime Minister hopes to the boom days. Since n o go to London, or merely a Prime Minis- the Immigration Department officials port thousands 1 d industrybut there jmuch to sup- ters' conference for a sort of preparatory appear': to have seen these t port the claim that for thh e present, at discussi m of matters to come before t people rushing through the country during any rate. it is "the best town in Ontario." real conference later, the Prime Mtniste recent years. the figures eaten by Alr. Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, has the support Calder are somewhat hard to credit. but The Globe seems to be unable to dip- in his Parliamentary following when he since they are official they m st.ofst course. (erentiate between corporationist option- says that he goes there without his hands be "accepted as such. The'and guidance I being tied. asking the House for advice ' ents of the Provincial Hydro power Mr. Meighen, apparently, holds that as to what he should dose the future in system and those citizens—a large and, this is a sort of preliminary canter without regard to admitting some Ur all of - the we believe, a growing body- who wish to discussions of such weighty subjects as thousands of people who are anxious to naval defence and co-operation of the come to this c ,untry and aro" up with it. et rid of the unfair and otherwise undo domi'liions theretobut. on the other There were many, he s id, who would gstill arable manifestations of Hydro policy hand, David Lloyd George and Winston' open wide the flood-gate-and out of er The Globe may deceive itself into thinking Churc i there must be a middle muse somewhere That all is well with the Beck system ; but the last year or two has sten the rise of a widespread and determined opposition to the present methods which intends to make itself heard and felt. Tne cities have had their own way in Hydro yes the lowly dandelion is in favor matters ever since the system was inaug- of its cogent "kick." urated ; but the end of the reign of the cities is at hand. Churchill. who are usually given credit for knowing what they are talking about when they launch out into Empire affairs, convey the intimation that this is the real thing in the way of ah -Empire Cabinet. whowould keep every y' and that was what he hoped to strike. The Minister will probably get Plenty of advice as the debate on his estimates proceeds. for apparently there are all des of opinion represented in the Biness ought to be better now that th ood of money orders to Quebec has str5pped. A Mitchell poultry man says he is get- ting five eggs a day from four hens. This is pretty good laying --or lying. Hon. Howard Ferguson is not satisfied with the Farmers' Government of On- tario. But did anyone expect him to be'? Ju.,t borore rhe iw•gislator• ad- journed on Saturday 'minting Mr. Drury brought lu a hill under which want to see this Dominion bound over to rural tinier oars way be nonuser! to H S i House Has . usp ai ons. and many of -the members seem The House, with the exception of 'the House,hard.y to know whether a ss,ould beVbest Government supporters who attended the to let the people in to cat qp the Vacant I Government caucus early in the week, has land or keep them out vtthere is still ' its suspicions, as evidenced by the -tact danger of unemployment. Many of the that sixty-four members voted to ensure members take the position that there must 1 that the Premier and his one or two fol- be more people here belay the country lowers who attend the conference would catches up with her railway development not tie Cant da down to participation in and that immigratton is the best way t0 any costly ventures at the present time. get them. Also Mr: ting and his suppofters did not Driving for a Finish. any constitutional changes without full tow -extent of one-half 51t. the (.,.st of consent after consideration by'Psrliament. the traIMwiesiun Iin+s. The hill was passel. antenna' some mourners oar the Goveruwent side ..poke against it and In favor of the 1srol'al of tow Leth- hrhige comm 1 1 a $2 tax oa The Prime Minister followed out the usual custom of submitting the matter to a caucus of his followers before debating it in the House, and then sounding out his support. The resultant debate was a sort of 'statesmen's day" effort, in which nota few who Here only sdbe oul - stater It begins to look as though there will be . a drive for an early finish. with the House winding up its business say about the fust of June. At thi caucus the o, her day the Government supporters were given t date to paste in their hats and also in- formed that the "Government had very littlw in the way of marle1r'lation W throw into the arena. There i of course Sale of urtains and Curtain Materials 500 pairs Nottingham and Marquisette Curtains in white, ivory and arab shade, at less than half price. White Nottingham Laos Curtains, •21 _ yards long, overcast and tamboi*d edges in patterns, small figured, dots atUli scroll patterns. Regular $1.50, $1.75 and' *2.25. At per pair 98° French Marquisette Curtains, iu a range of patterns, neat and new, 2111) . pairs, regular $6.50 to $7.50. At per pair $3.75 Marquisette tains, 40 to 42 long, in white. pair tigu and Voile Cur - inches wide, '21 2 yards Regular $5.00. At per Curtain. —TWenty an designs. 36 ine1ies wide, bord in most pleasing colors signs. Regular 40e, 5th and one .pric per yard • $2.75 tt ass loses and `d. - 60e. At 25° WILTON 'AND AXMINSTER' RUGS - AT REDUCED PRICES \\ '�1� x 3 yards, $50.00 for. $35.00. x :31 yards. $60.00 for $45.00. 3 x 3 yards, $65.00' for $50.00. FLOOR OILCLbTHS All wi,lth., at per sl yard . -75C+ .. Four yards wide. in a x :I1:• yards, .$73v :t x 4 yard~, $45.00 Runners and sluall ret x► f•,r $55.00. or 565.00. s to match. STAIR OILCL _4 -inch, best quality ...... LINOLEUMS - ' y- )))))) extra heavy quality, at per square yard :\ \( - tees' to l'e H)-Iro power. The hill will hardly be men managed to have their say. It was a bill which would throw open the old I air ad' ed oho t tete• w.wpulp-, ratty prohh•m. but a good should 1 havele d off the debate and this after all a wonderful incentive to securing c�ns'id,•r.l a satierfaetory-aolurion f fitting, course, f that Sir Robert Borden range of Government jobswhich e. Inc Legislature has lours wi u 1 he did thoughtful manner a certain class of par in his own party workers. That sexing Hon. Mr. Ferguson's promised Wild deal may happen before the next ISMO laying down the law to the House and ' bill is now before the House an! will go to West Show of na ling hides to the fence)• slow of the la•glalature in the way of a tracing constitutional history away back' a special committee for consrieration as Mr. Ferguson, by the way, was mighty d' and shad days of the past to amendments in, the Civil Service Act. eneral shakinir-up in connection with Robert saw Canada's o portunity in the budget will probably come own lobo the dim Y ) d g P lucky to get away with his own hide. the Hydro srtem. her remaining as one of the ester nations about Tuesday and then there will be a weeks' debate on its con It has taken a campaign of nearly a PR,O�'LyiCIAL CEMENT PLANT. hundred years to knock out John Barley- corn. T.hiis mmaibee,,..so�me comfort to the Gowning" l'rs—oaes to Assuye sup• devotees of Lady Nicotine sits; 1 ear the pt'- of feria[, reformers will next attack the tobacco A vote of one million dollars to prbvide habit. for the erection of a Provincial cement plant was passed by the Legislature last week. Toronto may become the home of this new enterprise, according to Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister of Public Works, who added. however, that the depart meit was considering some three or four alternative locations the Province and that it hadnotyet An agricultural representative has been appointed for Perth county, and an office will shortly be opened at Stratforl. Perth was the last county in the Province to hold out against the appointment of a of obs Empire, two or three wee ' Mr. king's AmesZiei— ! tents. There will not ikely be much in After a day or so of discussion on the way of tariff revisiort so that the talk should peter out in th course of two matters sornewhat parochial. the debate weeks. The esti is bens up, however. and that le the apparent meet can get thein th h, and thereusraan apparent effort to get the skids under the oaths- ?gime Mli'aistere' conference carne thRo(Igh the mill aa' as the as an elevation to a higher plane. There is a matter which needs cleaning ppa rest of the work, so that when the budget difference in the Canadian and British viewpoints as to the purpose of the Con- dehate is over there will be little le teren�, And there was this little differ• d�Committees are hammering away morn• ence in the Prime Minister's statements ing and afternoon, and hearing a lot 01 which led to the moving of Mr. King's witnesses on subjects ranging from coal amendment to the motion to go into supply to national railways and re-estab otopPlY• li11hment of soldiers. and, while there will . 0 in various Darts of . The Progressives, led by Dr. Michael undoubtedly be some recommendations Clark in the whence of Hon. T. A. from those committee in the aurae of district representative, c alive, and some "die closed options on any of them. At the Crerar, who has gone a -campaigning in bards" in the county council are still present cost of labor, coal and material, it the Maritime Provinces, were apparently the session, the important ones have hardly gone tar enough as yet to allow of opposed to the innovation. is estimated that the new plane could in favor of letting good enough alone. any indication as to what their reports 1 retail cement at (east a dollar cheaper When Mr Carter in his address on � than the current Canadian price of $320 a barrel. jaunting overseas to talk when there were so many matters at home to be straight - Tuesday evening spoke of a certain tidy The Minister stated that it was the ened up. and Dr. Clark thought Mr. which for many years has elected a intention to proceed with the erec ion of Lloyd George himself could find enough to Mayor, not because of his business - a one -unit plant having a capacity of do in the -tight little island" just now capacity, but because of his qualities as a 1 �,0 barrels a year. The object was without taking days or week ends off to to supp y cement at cost for municipal talk to the Dominion Premiers. "gladhander," he didn't need to mention development, but if the municipalities for Mr. King's amendment was a safeguard the name either of; city or of Mayor. any reason failed to place their orders against any entangling decisions of the Everybody knew, with the, Government. the Provincial conference. for while M. Meighen had I works would be capable of ab sorbing the I declared that the conference was for I total output of the factory, since it re- drscutsiuu the British leaders had mu.e The military authorities of Tipperary !quires.] thus amount each year to resurface I than intimated that there would be some ds. It was estimated that the municip• mighty important decisions reached. So he wanted to make assurance doubly' sure. The Prime ttlmrster, shale In hist talk he more than leaned in the direction 1 of the amendment, was not goi'ig over to the -conference tongae-tied, and his sup- porters voted down the amendment by 96 to 64. Andrews, Davis and Gauthier If, m the cross bei chcn voted against the amendment. They did not think th.s the time for will be have issued a warning that civilians with aloes outside of Toronto required irom ' hands in .their pockets are liable to be 1200000 to 300,000 barrels of cement a fired on. 1t has always been a sure sign year, while in the city from 50,000 of trouble to be lound with your hands in I to 60,000 were used annually. 11 the other people's pockets ; but the Irish' dem old justified it. the new cement plant d be extended into a two -unit one official version is a new one. However. with a production of 700,000 'bar(ele i .'it's a long way to Tipperary." year. Mr. Biggs said that the Government had been impelled to launch forth on this undertaking by' three considerations, MILLIONS IN PROFITS . a•a koiaj petit to die shsre- koldsn of Nort)lei6' Ontario's Gold Miss, Are you folia' trout .bare ) The experience gained in 6f- teen years of acti.e connection with thsee :nines will help you to participate in these spies- d,d profits. Comptet. infewmat..n .n R.ea..t HOMER L. GIBSON & CO. 703-4.5 Bonk of Hamilton Bldg. TORONTO oat SAVE MONEY ON GROCERIES The coming of May Day is in many places a signal for strife between labor ; Firstly, during the past year the Province and capital ; but in Goderich the day 1 had been forced to cancel contracts for saw employers and employees working bridges. culverts and cement roads be- cause it was ut,able to obtain sufficient supplies of cement. Secondly, a 350 - pound barrel costs 13.20 in Ontario. while a 376 -pound one costs only 12.20 in the United States, and. furthermore, the Government was cs nfident thst it you'd sell for a price less than either of these figures. 1 hirdly, a modern plant with up-to-date machinery could produce cement superior in quality to the product at present being offered on the Canadian market. Mr. Biggs emphasized the fact that the Government had no desire to enter into competition with private con- cerns on the open market, but that it merely desired to provide a reliable source of supply for municipal and Provincial needs. together, side by side, to secure the pass- ing of a bylaw which is in the interests of ell. This is the way it should be; ,progress comes through co operation, not through strife. The Federal Government is backing up on its "no patronage" program. The members on the Government side of the House are not content to allow the plums to be picked without having some say as to who is to have _the fruit, and the Gov- ernment, which has travelled a long way down hill from the lofty elevation on which it perched in 1917, is not strong enough to stand by its own policy. Faalis descensus Averni. The vote of 157 against the bylaw on Monday is evidence of a considerable body of opinion opposed to bonus bylaws and such concessions. This is a safeguard against the carrying of any bylaws which do not sufficiently guard the interests of the general body of ratepayers. While The Signal is confident that good results will follow Monday's vote. it has no quarrel with anybody who voted against the bylaw in the sincere belief that in so doing he was performing his duty as a ratepayer. 14r. Anderson's statement at the public sleeting last week that Goderich is better d than ninety per ant. of Ontario towns Grans) Trunk Arbitration. Another step in the Grand Trunk situ- ation has been taken in the third reading of the hill giving the Governrlient power to extend the time for the arbitration 1 award to be made. As usual with bilis of 'PHONE POW -ELL, 291 - and save Two to Ten Per Cent. on your Grocery pur- chases. All orders of three dollars and upwards delivered free. All goods absolutely fresh and clean. ew Automobile Paint - Shop Opened I have opened an Automobile Paint Shop and am prepared to handle all classes of Cars for painting and refinishing CALL ON US ' OR PHONE Rave you got your Anti -Glare lens as required for automobiles ' I hatittle the• McKEE LENS which has been approved by the Government Let us show you its good points over other sakes all JOHN CUTHBERTSON Decorator West Street opposite Masonic Hall Phone 354 P. O. Box 509 W. J. POWELL Formally Announced. Toronto 'I\•legram, ( April 20. ) Thio .morning Ur. J. W. S. heet'ul- lough, head of the 1tegiatrar-Geneettra i)epartnsrmnt, received by orad the fol- lowing death certificate on the printed postcard named to doe -tore and under- takers' to he went to the registrar -gen- eral In ease of hearth: (loumy—i Itocoln. ('ity- Mt. (latliarirrcrt. Name of decwawed—John fiarleyeorn. Age -2,000. ttex--Roth. irate of (Math—April 1R. Date of burial—April 1R. Where interred- -Ontario. (ghees• of death --Women's sotew. Nasse and addressor of phyaleiao in amends ns'n--4,iber•ty League. Nome and eddies. of person twining burial eertilleate—Rona of Temperance Signature and addtwm of undertaker —R. C. T. U. Cleaning Up Adjustments Adjustments on faulty tires rarely satisfy —they are antloying too, and take time. Except in the case of Ames Holden / r Anto-Shoes" Should the necessity for an adjustment arise on any Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe", an obviously honest effort will be made to meet you—franklx and fairly, without quibble or red tape • "Grey Sox" Thbes ,THOS. M. DAVIS, South Rt. Phase Ns. 113 G4►DERIC1i, ONT. AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and Fabric Sis Tires in all S For Sale By "Red sox" Tubes P. J. MacEWAN, Rt. Andrews Rl., Plias N.. 234 (JODERiCH, ONT. • LET US MAKE YOUR CLOTHES and they will express your personality. They will fit you better, wear longer. and give you the satisfaction and confidence that come from dress- ing in perfect taste. F. H. MARTIN, Tailor Newest Shoe Fashions April is the opening of the season for the latest styles in Footwear. Shapeliness, grace and symmetry are characteristics of the new Colonial Ties and Oxfords. The most popular leathern are Black and Brown Vici Kid, Gunmetal and Brown Calf. There is a great variety . of heels. The selec- tion is so extensive that we're sure we can please you at remarkably low prices. REPAIRING CPEO. MacVICAR NORTH SIDE Or SQUARE i OODLRICH