The Signal, 1921-5-5, Page 1Rea the Advertisements in The Signal each week and patronize the ad- vertisers. They think euough of your trade to ask for it. . talesowenternWenerserxesetweetreeeseseesnonentewn AK /1 SEVENTY-FOURTH 1 EAR NO. IS. hatu +_ 1 _ - K 1� r- e, 41'r' T, f tory ionai How is Tow Supply of Office Stationery ? The Signal can give you prompt and satisfactory service. Let us have your next order. GODERICH, ONTARI t, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921 THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. CompuETE BANKING SERVICE At any Branch of the Sterling Bank you may— Purchase Money Orden. Buy or sell securities through our Bond Department. Open s Sevin& Account.. Obtain advice retarding financial or investment matters. and lntormation dealing with farm problms. Transact any other Banking business you desire. And se auat•I want yeas baalseee mai bs. you will alee.ye 1sie a .elfin et Mandy human alt order oa ekteradea ea the part of oar .l lcee.—wkdcl .ode to tbs pleasure ra4 eattar.etf.n d dray banne= with gids hash. - M THE STERLINGBANK OP CANADA VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons\or place them to your credit In our Sings Bank where they will draw irate at 32 per annum. ,,, THE CANADIAN BANK OF CO ' CE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $ 15,000,000 GODERICH BRANCH. 9. *saner. • roll UM QR Sin 1410R SALE OR EXCHANGE. Hous and tit with barn. ale, Ford clupe. Hous u white frame, brat ten or twelve years. eight rooms, water in kitchen, electric Liget. in boost and baro, which ,. to `{aid condition. Full lut with small fruits. Pace 11400. Adjoining lot may be bought at ream .able price. Coupe is ,n good running oder. SSW cob; WOtee ms. Or will eactungesb ive. sent., ,e 1 p -o arty Ix a les acres of land, with good buildings, in o dolls to town, preferably on rturo.e roa 1. Apply to WILiJV OKE, Huron Riad, God's ech. L10RSALE.—Rt SIDENCE CORNER V of Cambia road and Nelson street. owned at.d formerly occupied oy A. M. Glover. All sondem conveniences. Owner . as moved from town and wishes to sell. Apply to MRS. G H. i LAUDER, Nelson street., at Signal Office. I1 RASS r0 RENT.—SIXTY-FIVE '3 .tree,( tool grass land to rent; well watered. on Wt 3. come.*s,n 7. W. U. Aabnelu. For par licwars apaly to ANDRE N MARTI N, R.R. No. 3. (lode richt Ont. (,..OUSE FOR RENT.—CORNER OF 1111 Toronto and Bridge streets, Targe two-story brick house. eight rooms, cement basement, Bared attic electric lights end bath. Apply to JAMES GARRICK, Stanley street. tl ICOR SALE.—A TWO-STORY RED brick house. with all modern conveniences sated by hot water system. Garage 00 prop- erty. Situated at the foot of North street. Pus- aeamosi can be sad 1st April. Apply to JOSEPH C. GRIFFIN. 11 L ARM FOR SALE.—WT 25, CON- CESSION 3,Goderich township. consisting of 42 acres of choice clay Immo, with spring creek sad spring well. Barn 40240. with cement stables; hay horn. 18137: drive -house. t6z! . small hen- house: comlatable concrete cottage. ■nd too acres of orchard. It is situated one mile from designated Provincial county road. seven miles Iron- Goderich, and is convenient to school and church. ApOy to B. H. LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2. Goderich, Phone= r 1, 11 11OUSES—HOUSES. All kinds for sale at very tensional -4e prices 11 you intend buying 2 house it w,:1 be to your imam( to re me, as may have lust what you are looking fr.. No trouble to show you the places 1 have for sale. A large list to choose front. Call m and see me. P. J. RYAN. Real Estate and Insurance Phone SO. tl TINDERS WANTED. MAIL CONTRACT. CEALED TENDERS, addressed to the " Postmaster General, will be received •t Flaw• until NOON, es PRIQAY, the 10th "TH PA VILION" rich, Ontorio OPEN G DANCE Saturday Event May 7th, 1921 DANCING FRO 8.00 p. m. Goderich Amusement Co., Ltd. Orchestra Wanted, See Ari. on Page 5. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. The follow,ing Is a List of some of the properties which 1 have for sale. and on investigation prospective buyers will find thatUse prices are put dowel. where the properties can be purchased to ItaAO POMP money. No. 1—Two•wtory, white brick house, fully modern, A rooms, Idtoited on the south side of Newgate street. This la one of the best buys In Ooderk'h. Price 1$000. No. 2—Story and a•half, frame, eight -roomed home, electric light, water and sewer connection, newly decorated throughout, full lot, fruit trees, chicken house, situated on the went side of Cameron street. Price 11503. No. 3 ---Two-story frame house, 8 rooms, electric light and bath, large verandah, east side of Victoria street. Price 11700. No. 4—Two-story, frame, eight -roomed house, oh-etric light, sewer and ,,toilet, teen lots, corner South and Blake streets. Price 11500. No. 7—One and a -half story. fame louse, 6 rooms. fall lot, Mltnated on the west side of Huron Rel. Price 11200. Other listings may be had on application at the once. Victory Bonds bought and sold. J. W. CRAIGIE Insursoce and Real Estate. • 411/1 ave for Colle e ‘, THE wisest thing you can do for your boy is to teach him to save. Open a savings account for him in this Bank to -day, and let him prepare to meet his college sap The crease, wilt steadily 51•w. whet h. knew. Ina 1. saving with • drawn. Midget in view 1140 desalted entry trash fee le r..n, with lat.e.st .l t9(, .snp.s.lad ..al-.aaeally. wit .mM■t b *115.71. 414 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager Starr and Fart Phonograph, and Genneit-Star Records, for Sale at Black- Kon,e's is Cream Parlors, West street. Changeable weather is not conducive to good health. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsula and Rae-Mah for asthma -rare your test Iriesds in time of need. Your local druggist, II. C. D,inlop, sells both preparations. HEAR Frames Nickawa at rllrtaffa fileMetbodist Chards on Tuesday Evg , May 10th AR17tS FOR SALE 1 OR SALE.SA I'E,TER BOR O' `e cedar, as. Beed canoe, with est+ - goodreiolot* l Length, 16 legit. Co plrte with two les. Apply to MRS A BAECHLER. Naptic street. It LL.OR SALE. -*EVEN PASSENGER, r ail -cylinder Steietwter automobile. genuine leather upholster .mels htted rah new bearings. Cat harm thnromghly gorse over by an expert and is as peelect cond,t,m: newly painted. The very�t o1 care has been taken of theca,, has been r only ray its owner and ha ren tem than nen wand mein Fettrd• with four tare proetecSW new and two Were. Top and side curtain as Spud as the day they left use factory. The owoar minis to reg it and will give the b,geeat barmen" Barer given on a fir in Gode- rich. Apply to W aiLEti4 W ALI(EH. L1OOR SALE.—A 1920 MOLAL' .HLIN a auto ,fight Hun 2,eai meds ICE, alta 4g r4- SIGNAL OFFICE, ri KA Gegen t( /CREAMERY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. The Duasipaason Ciesmrry having been burned oat 1ast la/Land it hmilrrne been deemed not to re. build, the follow ,are.cies and goods which formed part W the ,pment are for sale One Ford auto i r Owe h5M Ford One wh.p.s Mie One rotary Bey One rooted Ont round Owe square Oaa 5e saw. . List PrIcon ion's( easaMl4 o ose Inas *5. leo as to condition's( GDaYett may tie reser and blank (ares of Tender met w obtained at the Post Offices of Godencb. Hdroes•ege, Auburn, and at the o15ce of the Post Office Inspector. CHAS. E. II. FISHER, .Post OftLe Inspector. Peet Office Impecta's Office, Landon Ont Meth April, 1121. 3t TENDERS FOR BRIDGE. Sealed tenders will be received by Joseph Agnew, Clerk of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Lucknow, ,to twelve o'clock MAIL on for the construction of a re e n for ced concrete bridge on Ross street. Lucknow,!containing about ISO yards concrete. n• and specificaticns may be smiler forme of ten obtained at the office of the Engineer, Welke on, or at the office of the Village Clerk, Loam A mask cheque for 5 per cent. i4 the amount of tender to - memo each tender. The 'lowest ceFRED 21 any tender not necessarily ac - JAMES, A. M. E. I. C.„ Civil Engineer,' Walkerton, Ont. TENDERS WA ' ED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to Monday,. June 0th. for ran)'..ttie St. Au`wtine Separate School (No. 1, Wei Wawanosh) and building a cement wall and bgsment. Plans and specifications may be seen bafespplication to the undersigned. Lowest ee any tender not neeesari accepted. W M. BOYLE. Sea R. R. Nark WANTED. JUNIOR UNiOR BANK CLERK WANTED — Intelligent boy.`*sateen to seventeen yeas aid. with High Shool education. Apply in Writing. giving reference, to BUX No. 39. SIGNAL OFFICE. WANTED. --GOOD COOK. GENER- AL. Another mud kept. Three in family Apply to MRS. W U RTELE, St. Vincent Street. �RPENTER.-SHINGNG, JOB - C LI BING and other carpenter work promptly attended to. J. A. CHISHOLM. P. O. Boa 2N, Goderich. tl POEL.IC NOTICE. DR. F.J.R.P' EYE, EAR. NOSE:71iE0AT. Late Howse aiageot' New York Ophthalmic and Aural HooR*L as-wtant at Mooreaeld's Eye Hosdoq aanndg GoMen Square Throat Hos- pitalas Waterloo St. S.. Stratlord. Telephone 21x7. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednee. da May lsh, at 7A0 p. m.. to Thursday, the IVH at 1 D. T. Town of Goderich PUBLIC NOTICE. The Board of Health of the Town of Goderich hereby noti- fies all householders and occu- pants of places of business to clean up their yards. cellars and any other premises over which they may have control, not later than MAY let, 1921. By order of the Board, F. G. WEIR. Assistant Sanitary inspector. ,Sh P. baler. K'pac,ty about AS bbl..) Ica paw y about 13 table.). ty about N frame. at m rasa. uasr CUL THE MUNICIPAL ASSESiMENT. Figures for 1921 Announced by An'seM- Reen1 l)epartstent. The awNma.Tne•tlt of the town of Goa -W- rit -1i for 1921, us announced this week by the assessors, totals $2.595,062. The assessment of 1920,, after passing the court tit revii*Ion, Was $2.433,743. The increase this year Its therefore LZ 101,319. The figures for the two y follows: 19-21 Ileal estate $1,S23,330 Aeseeeed for reboil tax only 111,500 91,500 Total real estate 2,014,1450 2,0110 ituslneses assessment 3q0,829 262,580 Int—tone assets, i ant 1111,403 15(1,633 Total Rratem.maent 2,595.062 2.433,743 Hy the addititm of women voters to the list for 1'artiamentary elections, the list is praetk•alle doubled this year. The aWietm ors report 1230 additional voters under tlw Legislative franchise. There are now more women voter's than men on this partaof the list. 020 11,021,050 Dull care places pernauent lines in the fate. Don't drag around in a half- hearted way. 1Mpreesmed spirits, lack- adaisit•a1 tntnsls, stein Ieuve• their iul- pr+s upon the fatty. Such conditions are usually caused by overwork, mental strain, Ions of sleep or the effects of influenza. Throw off ably distressing eonilition by taking Itroarli s S1-rup of Ilypophoirphlt Compound. This is a strengthening, .sustaining Work' and nerve builder that will quickly relieve nervous debility, nu -nun depression. nervous dyspepsia, chi. Why tearer depression when you eau 'buy new energy for one dollar? It is necommt•MI4et1 by physicians. E. R. Wiglr, Druggist, Goderieh. 1t makes a real tray—Blackstone's delicious ice cram, in bulk or fancy bricks. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Temperance Hall on Monday. May 9th, at 3 p. m. Visitors welcome. AUCTION SALE. Friday, May 13.—Yale of grade shorthorn cattle. property of Mr. Hugh A. Radforl, lot 29, roneemalun 10, Mul- lett, on Friday, May 13, commencing S p.m. 'T t*ondry, auctioneer. CAR FOR a TOURING fir, late anodel.ear inane of the best burs is Goderich. used town only by private aa,sl uMk Witt tie se, fag quick Apply t SIGNAL OFFICE or J. H. LAUDER'S thug tore. SHINGLES FOR SALE. We will sell green shingles. because they are guaranteed to last a h le time. Why are "henget, kin -dried? Simply to save freight Shingle% in their natural stele wrgb twenty pounds more per bunch than loin meed. That means twenty per cent. arae serener. I( this means anything to you buy your peen 0.111161 from C. A. RUB. EHt*,ON oe 1uUN TREBLE, R. R. No Goderich. t I L'OR SALE.—A NUMBER OF PURE 1. BRED. registered Polled Anus Aherdrrn bulls, fit for service apply to J. R. VAHCOF„ R. R. No S.G.dencn 11 Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 14 per single cony, delivered, THE GODERICii MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Anglcsea St.) Phone 61. ■US1c PIANOS TUNED—APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music Studio. north side of Square. tf David4cllwain Agent for International Harvester Co. of Canada. 1 kinds of Farm Machinery In the Old Stand Hatrlilton Street, Goderich. Like Getting Money From Home. Over 2000 Pit titres a • Frames to clear out ut prices rom 10c to 910. Many of them Over fifty tl,.euaayyd aril he (lispsusl of in thin Going of-Rtuiness Sale. at pricers -1 will mnke them sell. Ye OW Curiosity Shoppe CARDS OF TRAWLS, UR. AND !IRS. WILFRED PEACHR.Y wish tor/apnea their sincere thanks M all their Inemtiand acquaintances la the kindtwsa and sympathy Mawr to them in their recent sad and surf fen bereavement. `LARD OF THANKS—THE FAMILY lJ of the late Franc's( nnninghA (Port Albert) lake thee rosette of tendennt their grateful thank• to ale the neighbors and If tar their kind sym- pathy and asislance on oh* time of illness and bereavement. NOTICE OF METING. GOLDEN GATE: R. R. P.. No. 10e4. Melts firs Thorwtay of reeh month, In FeweM- era'Hall. VMeting Sir Knitkb srekaasa. 1.fdCNEVIN, R MEW RRgtMrlb. W. P. ADVERTISINiG AND OPTLMISM. i' N. S. BYLAW CARRIED. A letter reinvest a Few days ago by lir. W. lire. Sharman from the editor of Footwear lu Canada, a trade pubileation of Toronto, is an tudleullal of the wide intertest tiLkrn in advertising, and of the value of advertising as refieeting the business spirit of the adver- ttlser. The letter (in iartri is as follow * : "Mr. W. Reg. :ilue utan, '\•',o The Sharman Shoe Store, Golerlch, llntario. "Dear Slr,—It has been with con- ,ritlerable pleasure that I have watched your shoe advertising in your local paper, The Signal, and much admire your Mutineer; spirit and the manner in which you' go after the trade instead of trneting it to come to you. '•1)toring this season of recon- struction when it, many bushes( men are lasltmt1te. it Is doubly pleasant to find thoptimist, and especially one that k •e the Taps (it advertlstng and lints it so wi•11. "Write me at any time • connec- tion with your newspaper a vertis- Ing and store news. I am aye intereaeted." r Peter Carrtvau, Steeplejack, - wlll heat the itritlsh Exchange hotel, • erk•h. on Tuesday. May 17th, tO' e contracts for repairing or paint - 'steeples', putting up lightning rods on teepl e. putting gold lent on ten , or other Minter work reiplir- Iltg an expert. All work guaranteed seal/duet - ry. The ad Icer has had much expert - owe in t work. ('hunch officials. having wo `\''to be done should have all prellwitlaryes arrangett so that the work can he rrt••uhd at mem, as the advertiser may pot la• hack this way again for some y(tttrs. 1'FM'It CARR! V.t1-. Zurich, Ont Ratepa) eery Vote to Guarantee Bonds of Industrial Concern. The National Shipbuilding Co. bylaw wax ea Heti ou Morxhly with a large moults f favorable votes over the gtr.t•wnry to -tenants. Every pulling xuleitrtslo (sstcrihuted to the major- Ity. There Wes a gorel organirwtion in the interwrts of the bylaw. anti a large proportion o the available vote was polled. - The vote 1 subdivision wets as follows: or —u ou don't hear from In every week we ate still doing business. at the old 'stand, • th street, trying to catch up wttlt tgd You tadght as well save 510 to 1115 4.... • n` suit a*, give it away. Tal \ No. 1 2 3 4 6 7 Special Announcemen Peace River Petroleums, Limited have completed all arrangements to secure a Choice Oil Lease in the Fort Nord Oil F -' for the exclusive benefit of the Shareholders of the Company. W. C. GOFFATT & CO. official Firtangial .1 ents TORONTO Phone Miin 13 CANADA x 71 14 (let 101 (10 577 Aga lust 241 20 19 33 2:3 2'7 157 Under the terms of the bylaw the town is to guarantee to . of the National Shipbuilding Co. to the amount of 1.10,000. The Coos, Ity 111 to pay up all arrears due to t - town. Valuators are to he appointed the town (•twncll and are to retort a alu- • salon of at least *1.511,0(10 of plan is pteseeemadon of the Company 'before he bylaw •bee•cmes erw•tive. and as seer ty for the guarantee the Company I:.. the town a first mortgage upon is property. VALU LE BUILDING. BURNED. Dootruithr Nada n - The irony destruction by able plants of the Ing Co. within thlr close of the tolls • mint of a favorable v. patty's bylaw. on Tut. 10.30 o'ehwk the alarm fire having broken out in slop at rhe C. T. R. tri stantial building eret•ted by th Com- pany in 1915 and equipped at 'rent expe•l's, for the tarrying out of a ns tract with the United States FI Emt. rgeney Corpora tkin. The conte Was cancelled atter the armistice of November, 191•`1, and the building had ,noir beton TAU iiiirt . A quautity of Fire Tuesday Night at the (ding Co. Works. tate. was /tern In the of OW of the valu- National Shlphuild- hours, after the the atit,o Ince- * on the ('om- y night at a wounded, e boiler- s sub - months. The alarm was given by some of the G. T. R. trnlremen whom hail come in .°I the late train. They -had seen milling 71111iS, when the train ealde in, It on backing, tip after disharging passengers they nodosa the blaze. flames spread very rapidly and the tire brigade arrived there *thing to be dune lint to wave Ming buildings. Sparks flew leis the machine shop of the Shipbuilding Co. and the It Co.'s block and a num- wnmea nearby. 1'he• Mer- actory was quite rl°se • site away from the • hot work the danger ng buildings was • sillop was emu - big steel girders tett by the firs* at the valuable the building ed. unknown: est of sheeting, with a •ng_ e•ov- 1 th Th w' ItdI was the nil thick til N Nutlonal lielerloh ?` r of freante Ile /'o.'+ •ns on fl iter net 'wields() he 'hot .yid, t net tor' aired t, led 1 w reel fire COM me mrd o-thelatepay'erf,-of We have pleasure in tendering our thanks to those Who so ably assisted us in placing before ._:the .ratepayers the merits of the Bylaw recently voted on. Also to those who supported the Bylaw and indorsed the action of their Council in submitting the Bylaw. - • THE NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD. W. 1.. Anderson. Old Home Week in Goderich August 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1921 Former residents of Goderich are requested to 11 in the spaces below with the names and ad- dre s of any Goderich Old Boys and Girls, and send t . W. S. Bowden, Secretary Old Home Week, Goderiat, Ont. • Mkt ca but • -11111. to the a vert esl. plet)ily dent being wallas! heat, 111141 1* is mnchluery crmn will IK• found to i The rause of the The building was structural iron with and roof anti walls eo latent stel,Ixrseml-to-he-Hr The less Is estimated at eresl by fnsurnnre. There is much eonjeetnre as t the Ore will aren't the munk•Ipnt h nttproved Fey ihe ts•ottll"e tint pnI. •C day. it is uude•rsna') the bitrnet 1ndad111g and p911it were to (w port of '1lir aettfriry ofri•ris11T� The-:(Sytulseetif— for the town's Kiln rafifer. of bonds. 151-vc,hipments tcl❑ ltav'e t.i h• awaitev In the meantime it Is satisfactory know• that the fire does not trot tt•orkmeu out of .tuptoymeut. 4) 3' \Vhe-n•ver• Frances Nk•knwa as lip - prated in the ',Vest, where sh has al- ways lived. -with her India legends and leer Cine Indian e•INt1k11 •s. she has impressed her hearers wit her unique character nnel ourste' • hog ability. Von any hear her to ieteria street Methodist Omni% on r tewlay reeding, May 10. Tickets on . 1e by :Miss Rates at the water and light tommi.sion °rhe. MRN. ROBERTSON.- 4 Monday. May :, to Mr and Mrs. C. M. Robotism, Park street, a daugh- ter (Ruth Margueeite, DIED. PEACHRY-InGode-ich,onSaturday, Ap,l3I� Artbe, 4/1111Igede youngest a m of 'Mr, and Mrs. ilfreePeact,-v in hi 1th year. N fir shall his memory (ad MacAVOY.- in Gode„rh, nn M•nd11y, May 2, Michael Mee Av y, -agd 412 yeses HOGAN.--Is cadence, on Thursday, May 5. , Mary Louisa Glimmer. widow of the late Nicholas Hogan, aged 71 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I'll go Canoe for Sale Mrs. A flan hler t Mad Contract—Postoihce Inspect et. I For Salem Exchange—WUaon oke To the Ratepayers NatiOrdi Sflpbeddin*Co., Card of Thinks -Mr.and Mee 'fatted Psschey;t Gran to Hent -Andrew MMM. f Card of Thank, -Family Si pis 1155 Itemodo • CueninWra.. .. ......................1 Baby Day -R. R. Sallow+ f Special Announcem..4-W. C. Oast a -Cs, Toronto t Fronts Nikawa-Victoria Street Metheidist Church. .1 w