The Signal, 1921-4-7, Page 10) R: "4' '-latili'llit;:W244444tatVtgaieibialik 10 ThnreLiy, Aprtl 7, 192L Wall Paper Mem- - Fd'It Every Room in the Nouse :,•1' MOST REASONABLE PRICES Most pleasing decorations for 104 l -tor , M Ir,.suns, ere. ij.nt werviee.tble-ttelxers for diaingrsoms, kifrhen., etc. Special .%gents for Watermai s bleat Fountain Peas Priced from M.50 up. 1 The Store for ('articular People. AN I 11=111 4 1 ,, LIKE A VOLCANO in ac- tion, fire frequently bursts without warning upon a community. Only by sound -in- surance can you be indemnified for the tosses it may bring to you. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company has stood between its customers and losses for more than a century. It will promptly reimburse you for fire damage if you buy its insurance pro. Lection. The Hartford's Fre Preven- tion Engineers will help you, through this agency, to remove perils which cause fire. E. H. HILL Bonds and Insurance British Exchange Bldg. - Phone 316 et nS,,,,i 1' LET US STICK TO THE ISSUE before us. The question k not whether we stunt have Government eontr.d or the 1. T. A., but'whethor we shall keep out the liquor from Q111•1144t• nod .other place.. or .nut. Itrit1.ti ('olulubin la to try Government control. arxt she has Count oht already that she can't keep .nut liquor trove outside. Bootlegging. iltitht stilts, raiser uuuiug, rte., can' go an under Government control aswell as they eaIV,naw. - Vote "Yes" on the iteferendum anti stop importation and trnusport.t.km acid thus seenre a prohibitory law- that will prohibit. "Govrrlamcut eoutrol" la good for the utidertakinu buduess, uo doubt. 1f our 1s u1 that business or wishes. to be :. snbjeet for an undertukor, we can un.k•rst:ind why he advocates stitch a pleasure. 'rent. Tempenan.e eoItsis1s itt the moderate use of things whole - 4404t1114. or harmless and in total Ostin- en.e from things harmful. AI hunt la injurious to taw human holy' it is, In fact, a poison, as it inttyfleetes or {sbi..n1. tin• drinker. linn,out the rum, 1.1114 tleohul in its place for medicinal and industrial purpeets, and have a ..rlx'r, prosperous (;ountry, by voting '.Yes.' on April 1'.rh. Citizen. Serial Service League. THE REFERENDUM BALLOT. ' Loudon Free Press. Respite all the publicity given the prohibition referendum there is atilt much confu.iou in the public mind as to the vote, Judging by the many in. quirks which are reeeiresl by The Free Pres•. The ballot itself might hare been Simples' its ,wording, hlt.is at least f:tr acs. confusing than the last rtder- emdttlu ap the subject. "I'hc following is the ballot : shall the importation and the (winging of intoxicating liquors into the Province to folebiddeu NO Shah the Imtburt:ttion and tit- briMCI lig of u" Imo's belting liquors I into the Province Ise for.'idd.•m • \Those who dewire a continuatioe of Thi Importation of lli4uor into Ontario. as et pre:ent, will put a eN*.+ opposite the word N1► And rin,st' who want nu - "Keep the Family ettlalkliket '>4t Together" by having good photographs tak- en before they leave home. J. T. Fell CITY MEAT MARKET and GROCERY CO. SPECIAL Beef Stew.`j ` , NT . 17c ib. Pot Roast em .......... 22c lb. Pure Lard 2 lbs. for 45c Best Red Salmon, large ."` : '.... 2 for 70c - Small cans Salmon 2 for 25c Snowflake Shortening _ T= . 2 for 37c Peanut Butter ' 21c a lb. Rose brand Oleo. 36c lb. All Two -dollar Orders Delivered Phone 368 R. - GRAF, Proprietor. Cor. Kingston & Square giininuuuumiuuuumuuiuuuum a mnummominimummimmuum SMART, SNAPPY, FASCINATING Such words cannot adequately describe the good features of OUR NEW SPRING GOODcatOta S Wig which have been arriving daily, and are now ready for your inspection, and which we know will be adjudged "JUST IT" it it by the most critical shoppers. Besides, considering the splendid quality of our, shoes, our PRICES ARE VERY LOW, .i�'"1 as you will gather from the following : Ladies' Oxfords, in Kid or Patent Leather, ]flock or the extremely popular browns, various heels, $3.75 to $7.50. Ladies' Ties, one and two eyelets, a variety of heels and colors, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.00 and $8.50. Ladies' Pumps, from $3.50 up. All the newest shapes, leathers and colors for men. A peep at ouq windows will convince you that the right place to buy your footwear is $HARMAN'S SHOE STORE NI NI011 II IINIIMNP .^-t,r 1g' a TEE SIGNAL $AYED FROM LIPELONG MISERY And lip . •TRUI Operation, Y11f. Y. J. GORSE 392817nioa St., Vancouver. B.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant Headaches. I hod pally lar Jost it rho bail cad Mks of the body. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put myself ander a doctor's caro and he advised me to have as operation. I refused. • Then,_ I started taking 'Fruit -a. fives' ; and from the outset, I felt better, and Chir medic:Me hue completely relieved use of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 143 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. I an free of pelt and headaches and the terrible Constipation ; and what saved me frond misery is the splendid fruit medicine, 'Pratt-a-tiveu'." MRS. M. J. (TORSE. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial Mae 25e. At all dealers. or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tivea Limited Ottawa. ant. po.rtation foi'i.i.kl.'n with mark their ballot opposite cit:S. The question 1' frequently asked what• will harpten if the referendum txl..es. 1f the referendum is c'wrritsb, the 1►.tmiuion Government will ls+Ic• a pns•tumation srl1i!I a date after which the tot{strtation of al,vholic beverage, will he forbidden. The law will still provide for the impartation into the Province of liquor for medicinal, saera- mental. sei.•ntitte and mapt)fao•turing pnryn►ses. 1're•.etmnbli for +ale for ttr-r.purpa.rs the present dispensaries will b.• retained There are many who imagine that the taunt provides for A vot..on Gov- ernment control of the liquor traffic. This is not •twing balloted upon. 1f bonedry is.ofeated, it might. of anuses Is etsible for the Government to en - ,nM such legislation barer. although in the last Wet -endow to tttt!e the Prov: ince voted by it majority of nearly 2.-0,000 agriiust Government control. MRS. GORDON WRIGHT'S ADDRESS. Goderirh Urged to Roll t'p a Large Majority fee Pr'ehibition. Under the novices of the citizens' Social Service league. 'Nus. Gordon Wright of London. president of the Itominion W. 1'. T. 1'., gave an atietress in North «trete 'Methodist churn on Wednesday night. The meeting was in the interests of the prohibition cam - pa ign am•piigu for the referendum. Rev. 11, i). Moyer 10ted es chairman. nisi with him nn the platform. hwides the sleeker of Me evening, were Mrs. M. W. Nowell. president of the local W. e'. T. 1'., sand Rev. J. F. Iteyeraft. De- votional exercise,' were rnnducted by RPT. 'J. F:. M'.4'auley and Rev. J. F. Reytrnft. Keveral vocal selections on prohibition themes were given by A quartette consisting of Messrs. C. Si. Robertson. W. C. i'ridham. George Belcher and Ren. H. I). Sloyerr. 'H -re. Wright Ind spoken at Ottawa the previous evening and had travelled all night to reach (tadprlrh. She had" been annoulxwl to speak on the to pie "Why Fto`atialwI-Failed." hat she said ale had entirely forgotten that this AAA 10 1e iwr subject. and though she made some references to her stay in Weiland Ger address was on more genernt lines. She WAY In Scotland to assist An the rwrnt temperance cam- paign there. and mild It was a wonder- ful experience. Scotland failed in that campaign, she mid, because it did not .tart hatfen entury ago in its fight Against liquor, and the trtfk had stritek its roots so deeply into the x011 Cher it termed to require a «uper- llmman effort to drag them out. An- other reason for failure wax that a «ec'tion of the ministry of Scotland booker( askance At prohibition measure.. There were signs, however, of a chang- ing 'sentiment. •Jura. Wright mild that her would he, "Why Ontario Must She paid iter respe•tw to Prof. Steppe Imae.wk, who she said was a joker and was not to ire taken seriously, and abet referred to I'mvoet 'Maeklem of Trin- ity ('.liege anti Mr. Eroesh Heston of Toronto as erring leaders in the "wet" 'ranks. Their utteratceew were deaerib- w1 As "utter unlogie and nonsense..• She had 'spoken op the Mme platform as Prof. 1eaca•k more ,than once, on PAINTING and DECORATING opic High-grade Wail Paper Samples (22 .nches wide) kept on hand. ON NOTICE. Samples will be taken to your house for inspection. Over !i years' experience, ) AN work guaranteed E. P. WEiSS, Trafalgar St. 0.14i im ... DOMINION, ONT. `,'O _._ -11 • e/' . WIEN [BARGAIN 1 DAYS Saturday, April 9th, Monday, April 11th, and Tuesday, Aprie 121h, will be old-time Bargain Days at the L `MICDi4 Colborne Store it= � } • -r - • This means that every article in the store will be reduced in price. Every article in rely -to - wear and every article in piece goods will be reduced in price. \. Substantial reductions will be made in every line. It will pay you to make a list of your requirements and do your shopping on the above dates at this store. ..� .A. -. ...;, Below are a few of the many lines SERGE DRESSES A large range of Serge, Tricotine and Jersey Dresses on sale. Values ranging up to $50.00 on sale at $18.00, $2L50 and $24.50 each. Every Dress is perfect in every way and a real bargain. Be sure and see these values. - s^"�e*wa)aela%rxeears�mcs4➢,C[i BLOUSES Crepe , de chine Blouses at $4.98. These Blouses range up to $15.00 and will. be cleared at $4.98. Georgette Blouses all greatly reduced in price. -- Georgette Blouses reduced to $4.98 and $5.98 each. Voile Blouses all on sale. VOILE DRESSES A large range of Voile Dresses on sale at $12.50 each. These are very special numbers and very low in price. Originally marked as high as $30.00. On sale at $12.50 each. \ House Dresses on sale: Spring Coats and Suits on sale. HOSIERY`" Every line of Hosiery on sale. Silk Hose, in all' colors and sizes, reduced in price. Special values in ladies' and children's lisle Hose. that have been reduced in price LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Special values in ladies' Summer Underwear. Ladies' Combinations in all sizes at 75c a suit. Ladies' Vests in all sizes at 45c a garment. Prints, 35c, for 30c. Shirtings in blue, 45c, for 40c. 36 -in. Flannelette, 39c. Pillow Cotton, 60, for 50c.` Shirtings, 40c, for 35c, in black. Ginghams, 45c for 40c, 40c for 35c. 2 -yd. Sheeting, 75c, for 65c. COATINGS A large range of Spring Coatings ranging up to $8.00 a yard, which includes Broadcloths and Velours, .at $5.00 a yard. Special range of Velours in all colors at $4.00 a yard. e 7 14 SERGES All Dress Goods reduced in price. Botany Serge in blue, black and colors, regu- lar $6.00, for $4.50 a yard. Other lines reduced to very low prices. All Silk reduced 20 per cent. The above is only a partial list of the wonderful values that you will be able to buy on the Three Sale Days. Be sure and come early befo re the lines are picked up. fite� ��:�'��. i , ,s 1:13 Do not forget the days a. - _ , SA T!I RDA Y, MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT No goods charged at bargain prices COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY ■ & co. 11 n 2 i t+ A patriotic Iw+nP. and had thought him a pretty nice wort of ,man. hut on theew- .«.wsious- lw slid twit touch the pro- Irtldtion question. She made fun of isaro'k's statement that 'leer and encumbers sl Id be put in the name Hass,- anal «4141 'she 'would never again eat it cnevndter 'with the senna relielt ex beton.. tithe devoted some attention to the anti -prohibition appeal on the Issue of "individual liberty." The liquor trunk ever and aiwteye, «he add, had been a traitor to ail that was test and holiest. 11 was the breeder cot T1CP, the inudlgatlon of the m(aet immoral deeds. Every bit of liberty wP have had been safeguarded by prohibitions; and to the Challenge that there was nothing in the Bibleto warrant pro. Midden she replied by minting from CAW 21141 chapter of Genesis: "Of. the of the knowledge of good and ern. IN 1 .IIa'It rmt tat of it; for In the day that thou Patted thereof 111011 shalt surely lie." 11 th . "refe'r'endum retried all the illicit mil and bootlegging would be •wlpel out. + fere WAR reason to bee neve that bat reader Drury and the Federal Premie would' o their 'part In enforcing A p .. bttlon lett. Their opposes ere dragging the red herring Go nment control «ernes the trail. Sas' tehewan had tried Government control r ane year and would' have no more f it. and judging term teeters nevi I from Britieh Columbia lees than year would be enough for that I'ro Government control, however. teas an Serene In this emitted: the vote ha nothing to do with Government control. 'Yrs. Weight urged that every vote he polled. It waw neeeaatry Mat a large majority be rolled tip to imprecu the Govermnent with the 'sincerity of the demand for pmtdbtMon. The wo- rsen voted' leave their houneelmitttng and the sea the making of their gar. deem until after the Beth. in order the! every effort nndght Ire directed towards bringieg out a large vote. Com- munTtieea like Gaderieh wouM'tie-looked to for large majorities In order to offs4R the adverse vote in'tbe bonder cities. Referltng again to her Old Country visit, Mrs. Wright %poke of the patri- otic endurance d the English anti Scottish people under the rOtimitng wyvtem, purple 'w110 had plenty of money patiently going without artl(•lee of food and comfort in order that the natlonai neer). `might be met. But while the people did not hare %ulletent. anger for their tables or eadlk'fent coed for their fires the British brewer. atnl distllere eoneumed enormous linen- titiefi of linger and coni. - ('ruminal atatil.ttea were quoted to Mow that under prohibition Crime had greatly decreased. WhMe the wartime prehibutlon against importation waw 10 effect there wawa decrea.A of at least flfty per cent. In crime and the jail% were nearly empty. Since the war- time ban waif lifted crime had agivin Imre. pied. - 111 wbucln,4ion the ,..prltker appealed to the memory of the boy% "Who had given their lives avereeas to keep Can - tele safe and cleaF. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharman returned last night from Hamilton, when they spent the winter months. Mn. Jane Lynn returned home last \we•ek after spending ! few months with Palatinus et Detroit. kr. and Mee, James Buchanan were cnfied to London by the midden and ,acute Ultima .4 Meir danghter, Met. H Stowe of that city. A eerhnwt oper- ntlon wen tslrettaer7 and for *evens' days the onteome was uncertain, but t1 portent kratinally Anhwei s1n•ngtlt an. s nue 1xiievel to be out of danger. S1 r. el Mn. Itueltaued an have return their-wt•ne pting -weweek+a -lae their da %liter, re a Mr. .1. L. Killoran reelrrewntecl rho t slert•h (`, tleegtate institute tmistel Weird at the meetieg .d the trustees' .ectlon of the Ontario Valium time. I AA. soe•latlon at Toronto lust week. _ Prilrc'lpal Shau•iuAn attended the outario Ethwattona AY,rx•lation con- vention at Toronto last week. Riot Lottie 11(410.nn vieIters frlentl% at Toronto 111,41 .week: Sar. .1. N. Johnston. who .r the past year has lsen'oltlee man for he G.xle- riclt Mercantile ('0., has reel • ned to hie former romtton. havltug 1 n ep- pointeYl principul of a public %e•ho'1 at Mitsuko. We are sorry to lose rntch good citizens as Mr. and Mee. John+telu fnnn Goelerloh, and trust they will finds their way bark once In a while. Mrs. E. R. WsMon left on Molxlay on her return to Watertown. N. Y., after a visit to her son, Mr. B':. T. Watson. Hiss Rowena 4111111. ham returned from Toronto, where AP spent batwter week with her tether, Mr. A. H. Jane. Mr. Jane- AAA.. Just casmptoted-.a_ a.uteae .4a motor me•hanlcs at Toronto Univer- sity. • - • Mr. John Galbraith. nt Tara. spent hoe week in town vi'siting her parents, Mr. and Hr. Jamas McClure. ' Mr. and Strs. Horace Hearn have returned to town from Stratford. Mrd. 4'. Simone returned home last week after apwnding the winter very pleasantly with friends at Brantford and Toronto. The fine weather haw brmlght oat Mr. Joseph Kidd. who haw' been mo- aned to the hoose for sense months. We hope he will *non the n stored to P4,, something tike bis oldtime vigor. • Mr. and Mee. Willi m Warnock have returned from N rwkh, where they spent the minter h their tents. In-law and daughter, r. and Mrs. Roy Sperling. - The Signal had the pleaeur• of a fraternal I'll 11 nn Saturday fr, t Mr. J. 4'. Howl. of ronto, editor ' t The Farmers' Sun, who wag a.`c'ott{ratnied fi fry Mr. Gordon Lamb of Colborne. )Lr. Ross addr4%seYl a meeting re the Col- borne Formers Club at ('Arlow on Friday evening and a referendum meeting at ,k•urwiller Saturday after- noon. The Sub 1s now pultilslte•d t'wkv a week and 11 Is planned to make It three Omen a week, with a daily publication In view if circumstances warrant. Mr. Ross ha11a originally from Zorn and haw the physique of the brawny Scots who Inhabit that fa mom section. Mho; Ivy Elliott 1s vlaking her ljrother. at London. lets Glenn, of iterrie, Is visiting her shit , Mrs. Tho.. handy. v Hee J. E. Ford preached In Wesley church, Clinton, last Sunday, preemie. ing the Mentions' hrtere.te of the - MelhodMwt !lurch. Mile Eliza h Wilson, sister of Mrs. (Re', l J. F. Rof bairn, whose fet- ters from China published in The Signal have been read wit much interest by her friends here, has leted her prepare- tory course in the language and' is has been made princi I of the High Sch cot of the Cattadi mission at ; Chengtu. e, The Girls' Harmony -Club or St. Gerrge'a ehllrrh are putting on a abort play,' entitled "The Red Parasol," on, Friday evening, April 15. at.8 *Week. when the autograph quilt will he unearned off. A short mnslcal prtr- gram. by lneol talent, wIM ahs,.. be given. Admherlon 1Sc and 21c•, is sr cal'.':t ,. • .x 1 •