The Signal, 1921-4-7, Page 9• Everything you need for Fancy Work may be found here. C ill a l 1 see the marry beautiful and useful ar- ticles we have in stock. Miss S. Noble South Silt Square - Goderidl LUX Helps Business Girls A few minutes easy simple . work in your room and your dainty blouse -your silken underwear and stockings - can be Lux - bathed and made like new. Lux is so easy and pleasant to use. I I ti1. 1.f McEwen's Specials Flannelettes at reduced pries. i dbt'etiug at reduced prkei'.\ Roekf•et Drill at reiluretl prlivs. ()Ingham at reduced. price& A nice assortment for W'lud.w tuMalnr. from 15e and up. All•woirl Sorge. navy blue. double width, at $1.75 per yard rnderwear, to clear, at privet; worth while A great number of urtildes., 111 elrvn•,•rie. at red110,1 prises, J. J. McEWEN 'lie Square i'horle 4fi r"-=�9 The Trouble Man It's a comfort to know there's a man on whom you may call in your troubles--4-tie Plumber. We know our business and are here to serve you. FRED. HUNT ••THC PLUMBER" Haatllton Street Phone 135 1'lun11)ing Eavestrnughin4 Heating Metal work COUNTY AND DISTRICT. Tlltls SIGNAL GODERICH. ONT. bought out 11. 1S+r:': !' b.i!.! :g trod re,u•Ituruut•• business, boa said It to 1'rwl Juhu"tau, of Ileorgrtuwn. Mr. Heudwwm hits not de•id1'tl where 11e will brute. • Mr. and Mee. Chris. Beaeola uud family 11/1V0 moved In front Summer - 11 1 11 ummer•hill 11 1111 takers 110+1,ers1otl of their new' 11u410e "11 .UI"•rt street. - Mr. and Mt'-. Pfeffer, of Aubnrti ha%i• taken up their alsvie In theft Uett huuu• at the corner of .tlln'rr 141441 Ih•io ler. ♦l rept.. iti,YTII. ' The dire•tor. of Itlyttl .lgrteultural1 :Society are direttrsblg the u,Ivisablllty of holding ti school fair In connection with the regular fall fair. Sal un..I 1Ve.tiIiIt'. who was rls't•utt appointed as village constable. 11 1 - thrown up the job owing to ill -health and the eo itlell Will have to make 110 - other appointment. A fonder resident of }::rt W4Wa- 11orh, .In 11e (wrsau of Henry Thiel!. diel reeutly at Neu. Ilurubors. when' he had lived after the death .of his wife fourteen yea es y�to. The d,"eawtil wens sev,.lI, ysdeirr' ears of age. 11P was married it ....mid time. at Nee. Hamburg.. the second wife surviving Aaro11 'l'hit'll 1111.1 Mr.. .1. Pollard. of Myth. are roil and daughter of the de- ceased. r FXETES. Samuel Beavers, ,of the London road north. died Friday morning last after a I brief illness of scarlet fever. He is the second member of the family to succumb. a daughter. Verna. having pasted away about ten days before. On Tuesday, March 22nd. at Lundy's' Lane Methodist pars' nage. Niagara Falb, the marllage took place of Louis Edgar Fanson and Eunice A. Down of Exeter. • I Mr. and Mrs. Fanson will reside at .the groom's home near Exeter. An -old resident of this section, in the person of Charles Christie, passed away 11 on March loth, at the age of seventy-nine years. The deceased was born in Gren- II i ville county and farmed for thirty years II in Stephen before removing to Exeter He is:survived by his wife. one son. C.W.' of Stephen, and a daughter, Coultas. Mrs. Frank Layton. of Tuckersmith, fell one day last week and broke her leg at the ankle. The death occurred on Good Friday of Elizabeth Richardson, widow of the late John Burgess. Bluvale, at the age of eighty years. Four sons and three daugh- ters survive. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McDonal. of Mc- Killop. who are leavi ,g to make Heir home in the West. were presented by their neighbors with a farewell address and appropriate gifts. Ezra Willard, who bought the old Russell 100 -acre (aim on the Thames road. L'sborne. about a year ago, nas disposed of the property to Georgie Arm- strong. of the same township. The price paid was !9.000. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid. of Maple Shade Farm. Hullett. announce the en- gagemei t of their elder daughter, Annie, to NVilham Ncrmn Shepherd. sal of Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd. also of Mullett. The marriage will take place in • April. A pioneer resident of Walton locality, The death of George E. Crawley. of this town. occurred' on Wednesday, March 23rd, at the age of fifty-seven years. He had been ill for several months. He leaves a widow. The funeral was under Masonic auspices, the Interment wr.•k. ..0-Mat+ek tail,; ,ty dirt iJairIS= talons�(( place at London. the deceased third your. Itefolo• her warldagt she concluded a livery business in this town ,.,eelt,-tel a i1r,--Inakiug a+tablf"h- for a number of years. , meta in %%Ingh:ut. • , SI -:.t F1eirrit. NEW STRENGTH FOR Mr.. W. I1. Ti:etl eway p:a•se1 away' VICTIMS OF ANAEMIA at her home lure on 1Vwhu•sehty morn- ing or last week, after a short Wiles.. .1The funeral tooks'p hten b1 Stratford. where Mrs. Trethew ay formerly lived. t1pr�, ....ftiI Iiaanl I ri,iity co,aert Loss of Strength Follows When tt Ii, Fl lir the };,rtnoudeille l'ry+hv- the Blood Becomes Thin, ferias enrv•h. and a feature of the program W'ar the pre,etrition to the Anaemia is the medical term for thin.' +11ini.rer of the t ,lot t,1Iirio11, lie ". S. M,iw•.In. of a lultul- p ulplt gown. watery blood.sitloses ,URMS-' & SCALDS A dressing of Z.am-Bak takes out all fiery pain and soreness. It ensures your hurts healrzg gnickly and perfectly without festering or disease Infection. The secret of Zam-auk's won- derful h.altng, aoothiwt •11a antsaeftio Votes. hes In the blending of certain rich herbal es- sences whose effect stimulates and hastens Nature's own healing. Z.am•link is 100'i, medicine. It conlatns none of those animal fats or mineral impurities which youget in common salves and ointments. As a "first-aid" for, Injuries, and as a remedy for eczema, ring- worm, ulcers, and other obstinate skin diseases •Lam-Nuk a ab- solutely reliable. It's the purest and most valuable healer in the universe. F.J►, ..n1, .N 4.+.rs. tuii. • *MHOS' • 0001/'000.0• .nes t""►us ussaa• satu".asa scone. w 1111• • s.al Owes • saw teaNU .,.►e• war a( o ,.. dict' rt I!. arta�Mµ/ra. moorland .4t4 taa \e a�OIJIAle O,.eIAo1 �alMtaflov KINt:SItltllwl}:. TUESDAY, April 5. SCA. IAL EYENINt...- I he parish hall. 0n the night of Match 20th. was the scene of a gay gathering. The hall was in splendid condition and this, with the excellent music rendered, drew a large crowd. Those who wished to indulged in card -playing, but the majority danced. The teachers who spent Sister in Kingsbridge have returned to t, ke up their various duties. Miss Lrsu'a O'Connor hat returned to Chatham after spending the winter months here. Miss Catherine Martin is home again from London. Sevetal of the farmers in the district have purchased splendid teams, Born. -To Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Courtney, a son. Congratulations ! Wedding bells are ringing. ST. HELENS. WEDNESDAY. April 6. Mr. W. E. McPherson left on Thursday for Rapid City, Man., to be with his son, Ewart, who was seriously ill. Latest reports ate that conditio s are favorable. Mrs. W. E. Gordon isha\Goderich for a week visiting fr,-nds. Mrs. Puchanan, who pure aced a resi- dence in Lucknow last fall, t possession of it last week. Her many fr nds here , hope she may live long to enjoy her new home. On April 5th a son and heir arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel pit\nin, Congratulations. Mrs rid. McRoberts is at Winglt t with friends this week. \\ Mrs John Bennett and son. of Port\ Albert, are visitors with the lady's mother,. IMrs. H. Rutherford. Mr. Frank Todd sports a new buggy. Mr. Angus McDonald. Who spent the winter with friends at Guelph, returned home on Saturday. Mr. Harry Durnin, who was operated on for appendicitis on Friday in W Ingham hospital, is reported doing line. Mrs. ll, Todd received the sad news on• Sunday of the death of her brother, Mr. Neely. Mrs. Todd left on Monday for Michigan. rum To indulge ilii self-pity Is self -de - Beam stnw•tiup• i.. Ott 4g. . What She Larked. Tau' -father of n young man who had aa, uu- Iatety married 11ae1 oritsion 40 send a faithful but � Whitt blunt uld ,a•rs,11it th 1114 -w1u'r house, "nm1• ndh s .11shWt. oil 111111) 114.,-. 4411 hi" re- turn. tit bus to hear the uwuiy opiu- het of the lady. he said: -Well, you Win' the bride. 'I'hlnuus?" "Yes. muster, 1 waw• the bride." -Sh,:s a wealthy lady. 'phinwis.'' "Yes. master. very ucaltliy,. I tui - p e ts...' • -Weil. • 111111 What's your opheon. Thtnna •'r ' •'1 think site's a right bonnie lady til talk 1n. as Weil as being rich and elver: but, master:' slid the old roan. c,ntldenrially, If la•uuty'. a Kin sbe won't Imve that to ensure for." The hetes strength 11".gift .,f filo• chi ,.r ""the YuuuR becomes short of breath and complains of 1"-"1.1"--. w" iron palpitation of the heart after the slightest. I Societ •-s lightestT H A T in the person of James McCallum. pas ed lightest tack becomes a burden. [titre is spring show, held t. Marr s•larg Friday Pe a loss of ambition the victim loses w• fight afternoon. April 1st. wa• the largest and exertion,such as walking up stairs. The The Seafexth Agn.0 tura 1 - away on Tuesday, March 2,J, to his • and as the disease progresses the appetite best attended (air held h7rre for many eighty-first year. He was born in York is affected, color fades from cheeks and years. All classes were we.l filled with county+: but lived m MdKil4op-• Ips an l'atnting spettemay-oscurr-----rentrirs, particularly in the agriculturaL for over forty years. His wife died about Anaemia is not a disease that corrects, gederal purpose and heavy draught two years ago. and three sons and six itself, and if unchecked it progresses , classes. The finest exhibit was in the daughters survive. - steadily. But it can be combatted by . agricultural teams, seven entries making About sixty neighbors and 'friends oftgood food, fresh air and a proper tonic for a class of horses fit for any show ring in Mr. at.d Mrs. Robert Messer. lit cones- the blood. As the blood becomes rich and . Canada. John Dale won first prize in sion of Morris. met at their home 0n the red under this treatment. the symptoms rag: icultural teams. D. Fotheringham, evening of March 25th to join in cele- disappear, as iq the case of Miss Evelyeen second, and Mr. Jackson, Blyth, third. bratin¢ the twentv-fifth anniversary of Joyce Westville. N. S.. whose mother In the general purpose teams there were 1 G d f Gude ! h their wedding. An. address and several Handsome gifts .were presented to the bride and, g,com of twenty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. John Robb. ,,th line. Morris township, have sold their farm to souls fan a SIc tm Harry McCutcheon, their neighbor, and As the years went by and she was merg- I field, second: three-year-old stallion. T. J. will remove to Brussels shortly. One ing into womanhood 1 began to fear that , McMichael & Sons. first: two-year old evening last week t, large company of 1 would lose her. Then I decided to try stallion, A. Wright. Brucefield. first: neighbors and friends assembled at Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and i could Percheron. J. Brewster. Seaforth, first; their home and presented them with an soon seta change for the better. For the trotting stallions. W. Cudmore. Seaforth, Iaddress, accompanied by a fine clubbag next three year at ir.tervals, she took' fi`st.G. ion. Re'Mitchell. firs�nnd: mages 1 and cane rocker. the pills. always with the best of results.McCarthy, • The home of Mr. and Sirs. Robert Now at the age of sixteen she is a tine i were : Heavy draught, R. J. McKnight, Cathers. 4th concession of Howick, wag healthy girl. and 1 never tire of telling Millbrook: light roadster class. Dr. W. C. the scene of a happy event. n Wednesday,those who see the wonderful change in Baker, Toronto. IMarch 23rd, when their third daughter, bet condition that she owes It to Dr. Alma Hazel, was united in marriage toWilliams'Pink Pills." William T. Jardine, of Tugaske. Sask. Bliss Joyce herself says : "It gives me 1:.tYI'II:I.I*. • Rev. A. McKibbin officiated. Mr. and • pleasure to confirm the statertents made Tin, marriage took place in (Pah-rich Mrs. Jardine left last week Dr their home by my mother. Since using Dr. Williams' I tm Tit»- I;n �(;.r, I, 21111. of Mr. lt,da•rt in Saskatchewan. Pink Pills I have gained in weight, and an .slur klml,I• ,11 Ihn field. and NIL.; from a sickly girl. suffering from head• Lillian I',"•k, of Stanley. Rev. ,It. 4'. Mclh•rinia ofliciutMg. 31r. hind Mrs. 44peek-mscu will re+hie_JILIbis _village. Mr. John Da risen, Of this Tillage. who is working for the O. T. it.. met with a. lutinfill a,•,•iilent rear London. where he was working on u bridge. Tlw derrick .they were using fell "sal struck him on the head, cnnsiug a large oat. His Ing 111.0 sus Injured. .110 was able to Mille Iran ami is improv- ing nicely. - says "Almost from infancy my daughter j four entries. t\ r. ass mer, o was very delicate, and was often under • won first: J. Reynolds. Hullett. second. the doctor's care. A -s her father had died • In the Clydesdale stallions, aged class, of consumption my friends feared she i T. J: MCMichael & Sores, Hullett. won t' to that dread diseasefust and third. and R Murdock, Bruce - The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Keys, Hensall, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Saturday, March 26th, when their only daughter. Ruth, was united in marriage to Russell Langmaidref %Vestor., aches, dizziness and languid feeling. 1 am now as well as other girls of myage and 1 nwe it all to Dr. illiams' 'Pink hills" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained through any medicine dealer. or by mail, Ont. The ceremony was performed by i at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 Rev. G. W. Rivers. The young couple fmtn the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. will' make their home at Weston, wher, Mr. Langmaid is teaching school. The Brucefield community mourns the ' death of Margaret Ann McDiarmid, wife of Thomas B. Baird, who was called away on March 24th, at the age of thirty' ----- I six years The deceased was born in GEO. RICHARDSON Hamilton and St. Andrew's fah. GODERICH Before buying fertilizer be sure to get prices from us. We handle Harris -Davies Fertilizer of all grades. Cockshutt Machine Agent C :' 1 AR POSTS We arm or sale a quantity of No. 1 Cedar Poste. also some good A*elms roma at Ceekahutt Maehine Shop. Ham- ilton ferret. PHONE 104 Stanley township, the eldest daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Hugh h(cDiarmld. nitl'SSELS. tl. A. Deadman lobs rewrtesl from Florida. where lie spent the winter. \list KW... 1s still in the South following her profe'.'inn ns in 1913 she was married to Thomas B.nurse. home J Baird and their home had since been enid 9 i from Fort \r. and � -.. 1*.' *. where aro the 2nd concession of Stanley. tey had her husband. the deceased leaves one son, I WWIIIr'tt,yil �tsirs,' thm- in the ltniss Stewart. CLINTON. cTea mery curly Saturday morning and did considerable damage tufo" It Was get tinder eentrol. The handing IS ,d f'ooter's s'erner Iltib 10111 11 very .1n•- eessftd enterta) •tit last friday even- ing. The Hackett Town 1Pro matie nub presented the dratml, "The Coun- try School \la'nnh." In four arts. which wens greatly enjoyeil by all. Refined vandan-llle w:s liver 1144Teem arts. After the play the boxes were sold and brought quite n Iargw shim of money. .after hutch dancing yeas tndnlg,'tl In until morning. The proceeds amounted to 541. Roan -tri qtr. anal Mrs. Joseph ('onrtlivy, on April 3rd, a toy. i'on- gratnlatlons. 1. Stolidity. Split 4 'Ir. Wm t lane luta a telephone in - 1 8.4 week. M rs. Tau,'. Rimier hail n a11.4`. n 0 . ing her furniture to her future home at St. .tng11.tila•. Bot Mortal and Entertainment.- W. 11. Davison Wes+ tip fropt. Shure for Easter and rentovWI hl" Ninny to Haat town. where he is now In business. I'. Ib'ndenuhn, who n few months ago AND STOP CA ARRH Tells How To Osep Clog Nos- trils and End Head -Colds. PUT CREAM IN NOS You feel fine in • few moments. Your told in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you an breathe freely. No more dull- ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, muerte% discharges or dryness; no strut'- ghee for breath at night Tell your druggist ymt want a small of Trade awl tomo coursed on Friday bottle of Ely's Cream Bald: Apply • evening. April s. little of this fragrant, antiseptic emus At the home of Mrs rlaniig FryfogtP. . your „estrus, ' 0f ths lisped throughetrate "line ler dniighta'r,,Ml-.' May. was Itunitted eery air pl+•""• t 14uoed "mem" in marriage to Wm. Iter.), Rev,. Dr end r*l & swollen. .s instantly,.couple membrane. and relief enol1e•rrle• oAlelaflilg. The hippy 1 It is just what every eold and eatarrI wi 11 shM In London. Dust stay stuffed -up J West gad miserable. cement. so that rhe damage w•a' to the interior and the roof. The loss. amounting Ito .everal hundr.'d dolhirs, h coverall by insurance. vIN(;RANI. A merlons aeeitlent haplwnel to the idne;vear'dd son of Robert Saint 'one on afternorecently. 11P wa!, coming dawn a hill on .lohn •tre't at a terrific escapingrate In a small wagon, and utter nar- rowly escaping en nut bile he went face foremost into the wheel of a wagon on the apposite Able of the H street. He win. picked tip um -owe -14 ns and taken Into a gimlet's office. whererwPIT, stitches wPrP Vitt in the wound in his fair. .1. F. McKay of Ingersoll, formerly business !wringer of The Toronto mole-, is to be the principal speaker at n banquet to be Isla R0111.11y the SUDDEN - Sharp Pain Which you ex• perience ab times can be removed. No woman has the right to suffer when she can obtain relief safely, certainly and promptly. Suppose you do have head- aches, back- aches, extreme nervousness, low - spirits and general good-for-noth- ing feelings at times? Your case is not hopeless. Try Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion. Sold by druggists in liquid or tablets, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package. Read what this woman says: Loaenow, Orr. -"in my early married lite 1 was very frail and delicate. 1 was feeling exceedingly weak and miserable when a friend advised me to take a bottle of Dr. Pierre's favorite 1'rever.iptlon. From the very start 1 felt new strength and vitality. i am always grateful for what Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ban done for ane and will Aiwa a be pplwa..d to te•omme'od It. Mag. Downs, 13U Ann Street. Spirit. Pe-ott Fitzgerald. the ymtthfnl ambos Whom resent novel of college life has male him fan tno". said at a Inneheon In New York -College spirit I. always the online.it Is escnrldlfeil in the dialogue of the two juniors. 'W'hat .t; ttwe do tonight '!' said the first junior. "1'11 toss tip A mitt for It; the lad seecjunior answered'. "'If It's heads well go to the n sufferer needs. Dna y moles: 'If it's tans we'll go to Valais\i Mrs Mary Adams. a farmer de dans., and it It Mande an edge "' resident of W'ingbam, dlorl at (hieing, we'll PIudy. e Thursday, AprII 7, 1921. 9 Saturday and Every Other Day we show values in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings that bring discriminating buyers to our store. Our spring stock comprises all that is desirable in New Suits New Spring Overcoats New Shirts New Hats New Gloves New Neckties, etc. Get your spring outfit here and have the solid satisfaction that comes from the 'knowledge that your Dollar purchased 100 cents' worth of value. MILE AN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers 1 HE SQUARE GODERICH wo Seasonable Articles L KAY'S STRAW HAT I)1•E Makes he old_ hat look like new. Sixteen colors - - - WATER GLA • EGG PRESERVER Pack your eggs w e t 'r.;: is low. --Each- tin makes one gallon of, pr \ Ing,liquid -..., . • 20c DUNLOP, Phm. B. The Rexall Drug Store Bedford Block Smith's Art Store is the place to buy your Window Shades The hest quality and largest range of colors to select from. ,All rotors and sizes of Shade* kept In atoek. Shades delivered and hung for you free of charge. How about tho.e new Shade* yon need this Spring ? We are agent for the flat Kirsch Cur- tain Rods, iest rode on the market. wxesm.e'ses Studebaker and Gray -Dort MOTOR GARS Let us give jou a demonstration with these cabs before you decide on your spring purchase. Our new Battery Charging Outfit is working fine and we are now in a position to handle any number of Batteries. PREST-O-LITE STORAGE BATTERIES are good Batteries. • This is p4roven by the fact that four-fifths of the Automobile Companies In Can- ada are using there as standard equipment. We ;have them here ready for delivery. - Non -Glare .Lenses -from $2.75--#4.06 a pair. USED CARS FOR SALE 1 Gray -Dort Special, good as new, 1920. 1 Studebaker, 4 -Cylinder, 5 -passenger, thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. order. 1 Ford Touring, in good running 1 Ford Delivery Truck, in first-class shape. Case Tractors and Machinery. EAST STREET 0ARAGE T F. HOLLAND - Electric Wiring Let ns give you a figure on your wiring. It will be worth your while. If your ELECTRIC IRON iq out of repair do not leave it until you unntto use it We have repairs in stock for it. New stock of TUNGSTEN LAMPS, 10v, 251", 400, 5410, 60a, 751 and 100s. Reasonable prlees. (gall and see ns for anything in the electrical line. < < A. J. LAITHWAITE Smith's Art Store Old Colborne Hotel Corner veer St v Thane HMI • PHONE 251 jj ,dvv