The Signal, 1921-4-7, Page 8R—'Tb easy, Apru 7, 1921. 4. BACAC1iUNII $*b Pais ala 11111 alas away with • snail lathe of sed honest K heal. Oil tilt• ma beak 1. sore said lame or insaDye .alalia or rheumatism has o1s dI d h dost suffer! ties • ail wM WSW of cid, hosed "SC laool Oil" at eny Morn pour ittle ala year he d_aad rub it right into etolattttAain ar mad by the time you fifty, the sureness sad I•m.aess tiraa dip his sootbimod g.. DWI 1)148) crippled! ke• the mho aad pain Ipnaseront t beck and ends then neat It is meggissiyet absolutely harmless sad ''t x ag � tops j lumbago. sciatica gad Mem bask misery .o promptly! GMIOMA NEYI III IIERIIMIOEECRM She Rept Her Loci Dark and %my, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whoa ren darken your hair with gaga vie sad Sulphur, no 1)ae can ton. iss5 . era done so naturally. so Preparing this mixture. at Mtge is mussy and trouble - soma At Me cost you can buy at nap erttg Mere the ready-to-uas prep- aration. Improved by the addition of etlle.1•grelleatecalled "Wyetb's Sap sal Sulphur Compound." Ton just e•mpsa a sponge or soft brush with lit sad draw this through your hair. taking one small strand at a Um% lay moraine all gray hair disappear% and. after aaothar application or two, roar hair becomes beautifully dark - mod. glossy and luxuriant. • ••ray. faded hair. though no dis. geson, Is a sign of old age. and u we all dore a youthful and attractive a�p.�r��ss got bury at once with �eyota'. Nags and Sulphur Compound ata look years younger. This rsady- to.nse preparation is • delightful tel - let requisite and not • medicine. It le set Intended for the cure. native - ties or p lion of disease. — Try • Want Ad. In The Signal. HOW YOU CAN TELL , GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin—No others) r Thera is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer ('roes"—all other tab- lets are only acid imitations. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"' have been prescribed by physicians for ■iaeteen years sad proved safe by mil- lions for Pain. Headache, Neuralgia, ('olds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Heady tin boxes of 12 tablets—iso larger "Bayer" packages, can be had at any drug store. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered i■ r'epada), of Bayer Manufacture of Moeoaeetieaeidester of Salicylicaeid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped with their g l trade tt ark, too "Bayer Cress." Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Wag Says an Inside bath, beton bNSN fast helps us look and feel Glean, sweet, flush. THE SIGNAL -- ao:>'IR1oB, ONT. IJJMBA6O The Prince of Wales presents Boxing Shield to Jewish Lads' Brigade. Colonel Patterson receiving the medaL WIDOW'S STORY DOUBTED. No Alva of Violent Death In Case of iraniel Hastings. \lit(Io41. April 1.—Daniel Ilastiog+ body showed nIW of the evidences of a violent death by strychnine tallsoln Alleged to have been administered to 11im by his site. in a voluntary co.n- (.wslon nude by her a week after Ida death on tie night of Marsh 21. This_was the outstanding testimony at the inquest here today, given by Dr. H. S. Shtrray. who was called In after the elan had diel. The jury. honorer. reached no verdict. as the report nn the analy.ls of tttP contents vof the dead man's stomach had not arrived from Toronto. 0 adjourn- ment was taken until Apr 112. Medical evidence of ' R. S. Mur- ray of MIte11P11 amt Dr. A. Dalton Smith of Dublin, who performed the post-mortem examination on the body after It had been ezhttmed, was taken, and the confession algrled by Mrs. (`atherlpe Hastings was flied by Crown Attorney G. G. McPherson of 'Strat- ford. Died Peacefully. Dr..Murray told of being hurriedly called to the Hastings frottage on the Sparkling and HvaelOa6—metr7. bright, alert --a good. clear akin and . • battiest, rosy, healthy complexion '•re assured only by par* blood. If =every man and woman could be pad to adopt the morning inside bate, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of Mehl). anaemIc-looking men. women sad girls, l with pasty or muddy eomplezloas: instead of the multi- tudes of "nerve wreck.;" "rundowns." "brain tap" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy -checked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking e ach morning. before breakfast a glass Of real hot water with a tea- epoaaful of limestone phosphate to It to wash from the stomach, liver, kid- n eys and tan yards of bowels the''pre• ♦loos day's indigestible waste, sour 1i fermentations and,. poisons, thus cleansing. sweetenln: and freshening the enUre alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bll- • Ioneness, nasty breath rheumatism. colds; sad particulary tiose who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are urged to obtain • quarter pound Qf limestone phosphate at the drug store which will east bet a trifle, but Is sufficient --� t }o the Quick and remark- saleo both b.alth and appear - g 0110.. woe pesetlee Ila - We mast remm- titllt�abaalleeas 1s more he- lium onfaldss because the skin «! skean topatities to mo- bbed while the pores dt Miill Ionia da outskirts of Dublin. R'Iwn he ar he 1.111111 that Hastings had 11 Tier bedclothes were unruffled and t face of demised w:ls quite Iw.a(•ietl►1. "There was nothing which world Indicate a violent death. a4 Is 1141141 hl carry''t poisoning." said the doctor. "Phis*as on the night of March 21. :about 11 o'clock. It just 1l ivpea red to he a ease 1)1 sudden death." he said. "The situation changed. however. on the following Thursday, when Mrs. Hastings called at my office and seemed to 1x' 10 w highly nervous and agitated state of mind. She said she wanted to make a ,onfel141o11. '1 think 1 11111 responsible for the death of my husband: ate said. "1 telephoned for al(r. ` F.' 11. Ra•, erdsou. the attorney, and Mr. Willard Ingram• the county constable, and in their presence she made the confes- sion." continual the doctor. Sara. Hastings' Cenfessionl '.The ro111ession_b_ar follow : "'I. Catherine Hastings, declare that Mr. Daniel Hastings, my hus- band, has been away in Itritiah Col- umbia for ten years, that he returned two years ago. and that sine his re- turn Ito alin-ed me 41141 heat me and beat my mother. end of late las been so contrary and ugly around the house that 1 could stand It no longer. I toted $4011 of luy husband's moray, which he bad In t111' bank. I with- drew the money unknown to hlul, al- though the money seas 111 my 114111x•. Anal when we bought a farlu lately i was afraid that he would tlnd the m0ue)• 11811 1101.11 apv11 01x1 141)441(1 thnroforc harm me. On the eVe11i1111 111 Sheri 21 1 gave him 101.0 tablets of strychnine. Shortly afterward he sat up In axed and slated that he had a bad pain in the head and asked Yue I" batt*. ids head. After that he 48 514 hal his anus once. lost e011- 41•111114111404 x1111 diel la•fore the doc'lor arriv..l. 1 declare before (lad that 1 :on guilty of his death. I make this coufesslon of my own free will. with- out fear or favor and without promise of reward or leniency."' Dr. Murray declared that ns soon :14 1 110 coufess1on had 1ae11 made sloe pl.•lid..l that sloe s11uu111 1101 be lmlIgel (or killing her husband. '.X1) promise or threat of any Ilial N•;14 made, however." state) the doctor. Codd Not Be Certain. A. Dalton Smith, who assisted at the post-mortem, stated that the ►mo nut of stryehuine which would be (141411 t0 a patient depended '011 the patient's susceptibility to the drug. 110 was not prepared to say that poi- son had been 1101 ea ase of death. Dr. Murray stated that a dose of one•half grain of strychnine was con- sidered fatal. He nodded. however. that the 41s11a1 tablet 'Contained not more than one -thirtieth of a grain. "1 asked her." said the doctor. "immediately after 411P e011(4441011. where she lull obtained the drags. and she said that she had -kept therm in the 1 se for the last two years. hut had forgotten where she had obtained them." tem." Anvwering a question by County Crown Attorney •Mci'herson whether in his examination he had fantod any traces of a disease whirli might have caused or contributed tel sudden death. tdw doctor answered that the lungs had fawn parti'IUarly congested. but this was not a contributing cause. No Signs et Struggle. "On the night when 1 was called In by the neighbors 1 could not se any of the well-known V101411 c011v11l- s10114 and sp•"ltcxll' contortions of the face which follow in 11 case of acute strychnine poisoning. The face was a(eflll and the limbs quite flexible. a l 1 the bedclothes unruffled." Dalton NmitIL as of the opinion Hutt poison might (•apse death with- out lea •i11g any physical trace. "Some tois.n+. the doctor said. "react solely on the cl •ulatory organs. The h1(xwd had nearly .11 been withdrawn by 11* undertaker, nd there 11,14 a '.401111 puncture In 4' stntnach. which we Attributed to t undertaker's beetle." Mrs. Alexarxte Darling. a neighbor of the Hastings, w 11 wag tattled next, stated that she had been aroused on the night of March at about 111.30 by the two )Hastings rls. who told her that "Papa was dyin Heard Neighbors Talk. "When 1 got to the Lose, n which my husband had preeded . e, we found Mr. HIstinp4 jaardly__ thing and unconscious. HP filed s rtly after we came. Him wife did riot y a word to us. but only naked the doctor, when he arrived, what had been the cause of death. To a quewtiun, Mrs. Darling answered that ale had never heard of any quarrels between deceased and his wife. There had aaa Do not buy your next lot of Counter Check Books without consulting us We are agents for the best Check Book firm in Canada All styles of4looks PromptIMpment Closest Prices Counter Check Books arc now obtainable at a considerable reduction from last year's prices We can quote the lowest prices in the trade The Sinal Printing Co., Limited Goderich, Ontario Boot1egers and Whiskey Smugglers are Disgracing Canada On April 18 Abolish Gelportation by voting YES Since January 1, 1920, thousands and thousands of gallons of Whiskey, Gin. Brandy and High Wines have been shipped into Ontario, Express shiprents alone for a long period averaged four to sixcarsper daJ,-atlei have run as high as eight! Four car loads a day means at least 19.200 quarts daily, or over 5,000.0011 quarts per year. And yet the people of Ontario voted to make prohibition the permanent law This imported "Booze" is the stuff which enables the "Bootlegger" to carry on his illegal trade, and allows "Rum Runners" and "Whiskey Smugglers" to disgrace Canada. Officers of the law are set at defiance. Read what the Chairman or the Board of License Commissioners says himself. Importation Makes Law.,Enforcement Difficult "After an experience in the administration of the Ontario Temperance Act covering the period from its first coming into :orce in September, 1916, I am in -i position to state that importation is seriously hampering its effec- tiveness. The War Measures Act was repealed in January 1920, and the 'Dominion Orders -in -Council under the Act were rescinded. Heavy ship- ments of liquor into the province began at once. The number of cases of breach of the Ontario Temperance Act have increased in even greater pro- portion."—From a Statement by the Chairman of Board of License Commis- sioners for Ontario. Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating liquors into the Province be forbidd:tm l hall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating liquors into the Province be forbidden t 0 c VOTE—and vote "YES" Mark your ballot as above with an X opposite the Yes, and nothing more. Ontario Referendum Committee sof• been talk among the neighbors, though. about dielenith'.s at the llaatit,gr h(nne. Mary forting", .the flfte4'n-ye.r-1)10 daughter of the dead man. said that after she had returned from a •isle 10 a neighlor her mother had toll her that her father was very III. ".Mother told ns to (Vrlle 111 father's la,lroo.m. Father toll um to say a prayer for him. Ib' scab breathing hard, a1141 said : 'i stn all in.' We were then sent out to call the Darlings. When we (411x' back father hail diel," the girl said. 1 114 Slight ('old. That the dead man had leen al his 150,,4' the 4111414' evening of his death ser. Sohl by John Klnny. '•110 wear 4,t our home 111111 left 8).1115 0 o'clock lie did not complain and was tumor- ently in the whale good health fl. 111- wwys," he sa111. "WI' knew he had 1,14'11 talking (1)11g11 moslicine for n cold. but for the rest he was hale and hearty," Klnny maid. Dr. R. S. Murray also stated that he hail seen the bottle of .ougll meli'Ine, which sows nearly empty. tither witness wino gave evidence were Wm: (lormley, undertaker: WII- Inrd Ingram, rnnnty eonrrtnble• and Mr. Alexander Darling. The 1 11111104 will he resumed on April 12 at MltehelL .1 ('ure for the "Flo." A Colorado editor tells 1 ow he got rid of the 'flu :" "fake four quarts of whiskey, into which were djwJV1d four ounces of loaf sugar. To this add a tea spoonful of water and another quart of whiskey. Then place over a hot ire and boil nut all the water: Then stir in a little more whiskey to cowl. Drink it down without stopping, and to remove the taut take a littlemore whiskey. -- Net In His Case. Visitor- -Ate you eager for your tern) to expire ? (bnviet--No, I'nl in for life. A C•ndtsl of Tates. They're taxed everything we own. and now they'll tax our memories In the effort to remember all the things for whl(h we're being taxed. Nlatare's Garment R. Sha --How hare and cold those hills aDpear 1 1 -/►h, i don't know- -they're well clothes1 In firs. June Brides -Be foOur ° PloWe g our °'Order. June Brides 11 b' rssture at Bnckthtthaws Palace, London. The Kin �teathe helperPof Knlgbthood on rani hte BachelorJIMMIES" .1 . " . alace, Sir Hs1 y 11114 o Zrw''