The Signal, 1921-4-7, Page 6-• today, April 7, 111121. !� IIISIAL OODERIOH.ONT. 0 1 1[11111111011010111 4...; ;;i 110111. Grandma is Their Doctor 6I0N an old - fashioned bureau, in a house I knew, lies a large-aized New Testament with the binding well worn, and withit Da much -used old copy of Chase's Receipt Book. When the calves have the cglic or the neighbor's baby the ear- ache, 'Grandma' hands out well -assimilated advice from the Dr. Chase"Book. When 'Grandma' herself feels 'run- down.' Dr. Chase's Nerve F cxxl stands ready on the dining -room table among the salt and pepper shakers." In these few simple words Mrs. Bert Smith. Way's Mills. Que., beautifully de- scribes the way in which many a grandmother is a blessing to her family and to her neighbors as a guardian of health. And what finer con1 tt- ment can be paid to Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and Dr: Chase's Medicines than the approval of such moth- ers of experience as the one here described. Just as in this home, Dr. Chase's Almanac hangs on the wall in the great major- ity of Canadian homes, and in the cupboard or medicine chest will be found one or more of Dr. Chase's Medi- cines ready for use in case of emergency. If you did not receive a copy of Dr. Chase's Almanac it will be sent free by F•d- manson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Half a parasol is better than no um- brella in a shower. "Keepcheerful is the watchword." Sure, throw the burden on the other fellow as cheerfully as you can. Is Ne Onager. "The radio -micrometer," we read. "is so sensitive that it will respond if anyone in its neighborhood should blush." In the present state or society there it no great fear of its being overworked in this connection. -Punch. 411.1.11 THE TOWN COUNCIL. John ii. Ilowrie appointed Sexton of Maitland l'emelery - F.xhlbittea Directors', Send flee Town a Cheque for 1100. At the regular miTtiug of the town rnuttmll on Friday evening all the mem- ber+ were lira-ent. The reading of the monthly report of the atrvt inspe•tor was followed by a dismission as to methods of ke'e'ping amount ofesat of various jobs, such as laying c niter walk+'. to the atrest iuspe•tor'a depertmeut, the !dee being to ae.evrtahi if certain Jobe are worth the hime and expense put upon' them. Tte it►steetor agreed in future reports to give additional particulars which will help In making a corre•t eabimate of *time of these Jobs. The Huron ('canthi Children's A(d $oriety applied for the usual annual grant of $.in. Mr. A. M. Robertson. the secretary, in snaking the applica- tion. arid : "We are pleased to say that tie example set by tkalerlch l+ bo1ng followed by a large number of the mutrieipeslities in the county and we are aiming at securing a contribu- tion from each monicipahity in Iluron." The application vs^a+ referred to the fivan•e committee. An apptkation by Mr. 1.. 14•iguau for the placing of a street light on Part street. twrwee•u l'nml,riu mad anti Albert street: was sent to the water. sight and harbor committee. Application for Building Permits. A mndoer of appti.ation+ for build - tag permit+ were referred to the tire eommitt.c W .t. Fraser. East street. 'pr Bodes to build a now verandah at his r. ktenae; Mi.+ }ate TlaNMath to have a dwelling on the hayfield road partly resldngl.4; 1:.•0. 1. I:uutd 110 erect a now dwelling on Market street. two+story brick veneer on (.omega foun- dation, estimated post *3.000: Thomas Gundry. Picton strut. to build a stable and garage. estimate/I cost $4ilit; Airs. Gordon, to hart her hoarse on Keays street rwhingled; Ed. i.yun, Napier street. soil Leslie FHck,.11tucka street, each to build a garage; J. W. entitle, to have t'wu house made from a build- ing OH the wroth elite of Essex street : L. Muni', Det street, a garage: ('ntsk Murray, Cambridge street, a frame summer kitchen. w prtttlon for a sewer uu Cambria road, between Nelanu ft /III Newgate streets, was referred to the public -work.. (wtumlttee. A communication from the Hydro- electric Railway As-Ra•tatlu' and one Prow the Ontario Muuictpl Atesx•Ia- tion, asking that 11o• (outwit send the tee for metnh•reitip iu els se .taw et*. tuns, wen• ret,•rre,l to the thiance tumult toe. \lib Is Pleasing. variation from the usual program wa ,affurlel by the n+ells of a cheque tor *400 term the wr reaary of the GndeMeh Industrial Exhibit' , "for the use of the ground and to assist In making tlw teem' nestles." The clerk was instructed in acknowledging re- ceipt of the cheque to express the air prer•lntiuu of the lt)Uncil. For wavy years the town ha\ leen expending money on the Fah itiou grounds. without ally .snot r•tu Ire( year's I- xitibition was miasmal mieressful, in a financial way. and t directors decided to hand one-half the surplus mer to the town (-outwit, in res4lition of tbe a.esistax•e given by the turn during many yearn. 'Canada's Timber Crops -eat Possession -It b commonly agreed that Can- ada bolds the largest and finest areas of spruce timber of any coun- try in the world. At the same time the total forest resources of the Dominion are less than one-third of the forest resources held by the United States. and Siberia outranks all other countries 1n the vastness of tea timber supplies. As regards the forests of Canada, there has come about a remarkable transformation In the public point of view during the past fifteen years. In the days when timber industries were only moderately important and when the lack of accurate information con- - cerning the forest resources fixed u pon the public mind a fictitious view as to the supposed "inexhausti- bility" of the storehouse of timber, it was not surprising that conserva- tion policies should have been mostly of sentimental rather than practical value. Investigation has demon- strated that the forest area is very much more contracted than was lint thought to be the ease. It was also teamed that. contrary to common be - lid, forests once burned down or de- vastated by the axe did not usually reconstitute themselves except at in- credibly long periods. On the basis of his new information, the man - on -the -street was not slow to recog- nise that unless tha rate of forest destruction ware abated by public laws and vigorous administration and as awakened sense of public re- sponsibility, Canada would sacrifice a great industrial magnet and would put beyond roach the essential wood materials without which the most ordinary business of the country cannot be t'ndertaken. Nowadays, with the enormous in- crease in the manufacture and use of print paper for newspaper pur- pose!' and the adaptability of pulp to a thousand of the every -day neces- sities of mankind. the timber -covered county has come to be looked upon. not as a barrier to agricultural de- velopment, bat as an Ineredibl rich asset, capab'e of attracting Indus- trial capital and providing employ- ment for new population and con- tributing dire'tly to the pmaperity of the country in which it is situated. An excellent example of how • Sorest area, which yesterday was a wilderness. can become in a few anonths the scene of a highly pernu`y pros- s industrial town, is rt. -oilier! the history of Iroquois Falls in Northern Ontario. Only a few veers ago the townsite was occupied by a few settlers and travellers. To -day, y the establishment of a pulp and paper indiatry, 2,500 men are given regular employment and the wage distribution each year is over 113: 750 000. The term, "forest conservation" is frequently misinterpreted to indi n ate that the conservationist would glace a Chinese wall about the standing timber and slow down the w heels of all wood -using industries. 'Ata. however, is the antithesis of the aim of the true conservationist. 'he desire is not to prevent the utilisation of timber trees but to en- gemruga such a system of forest fire '.•teckon accompanied by such sderttIfIe methods of timber cutting ass atsoald maintain the forest area, so • prods -Hoe scone for all time to eau* 1■ tete past, the areas cut over were •in any eases turned Awes permanent barrens. increasing Mullis of umbar and the present I.s..mous costs of atabilahing a p end paper toilve rendered .up.ry h the .rye •t1 progre.- , forest owners a led method operating so u to troop eaeh area trttceesdve timber' le roes -at (1) Canadian timber that has the unique property of repro- ducing itself. From a scene taken on Vancouver Island, B.C. (2) indiscriminate cutting followed by forest fires not only destroyed all the production value of this great forest area but erosion has now set in to complete the work of devastation. regular intervals. The forest must source. of Canada are regarded as be anchored" as securely as the having been taken from ua. in this mill dam. provinee of British Coln,nbia, ass• Of the total area of Canada, cording to the CosmiuIs of Com - about eighty per cent. is designed as nervation, twenty-two times as eimek a permanent forest -growing estate timber has been burned as was ppuut and for that reason quit. useless to use by alt the wood -using Indus - for agricultural development. Tkia tries of that province. Th. three means of course, that over one- praise provinces have ben robbed and -a -half million square miles can of eighty per cent. of flair feeest return no useful services un)esa It 10 Tewurcea through unrestricted flees made to grow timber. The weakness and the proportion •f loos is t2►. in Canada's national position as a provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New forest -growing country at the pros- Brunswick and Nyva Scotia Is otlly ent time is not the scarcity of sat- slightly less appalling. Were tbs ural forest land but the low average causes of forest fire attributable to production of timber per acre char- some purelyaccidental , as acterietie of the areas east of tie lightning, the warp e record might be os - Rocky Mountains. opted with some resignation. 1t in In the radically -changed economic a well demonstrated feet. however, condition" which have automatically that ninety per cent. •f all &vest placed a high market value upon fires are of human origin. The sot - every square mile that produces tim- tier In his land eluting opera ber, the annual damage to the tomtit the camper and his inert!_ resources through the single cause ramp fire, the smoker with hT. of fire, takes on a more and mere eel eigarettei match we pips sinister aspect. Forest engineers have areounted for a serious port are agreed that while the are has the nation's timber us -rifle,: While cleared possibly one hundred thou- the forest prefer -Gen systems of the sand square miles of the Dominion, Dominion and Provincial Govern - the Firs Fiend hu stripped fully one menta have Improved vastly ebring million square pules. That the for- recent years there can come ne activ- ists have not sprung up sneceerfully quote remedy until Ne individual in the wake of thea d.vartation Is citizen derides for hhmaslf to adopt indleated by the filet that nearly pommy'*! tam and vlwee two-thirds of the original se /Dreg re- of kis et geed O or\meIkeputy Reeve ('lark mid the horse- men n wanted the track ut tlw Exhilel• Hon ground- pmt in shape so they could put their hots... on it. Coun- cillor horror said that the track re- quinrt draining mid preparations were being made fir having this .hue. ('hange at Maitland l'emeter). • Wm. E. Ilende'n o.. sexton ..( .11101 - land .wvnetery, tcmb•nd los re-igna- ti,ai. which was u...q,t,.l, and Join S. )low rice was appointed in his place, at the wise salary a• i, now latus paid. Mr, .im,a. Stewart wa- proa•nt nod • +poke ationt the w'w.•r 011 Narrru ' street. which he said was OVerlitiillItlY HMI the water backing up, The puddle work+ ,wnnwittee was nepue•sterd to in- ve•rtimite anal report. NAS NO PAIN NOW What Lydia E. Pinklt.m'e Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Kiever. Vaseouver, B.C.-"I am pleased to is: that Lydia N. Pinkham's vegetable ompound baa done me a lot of good. 5 east now wile about without the aid oda support and feel real strong again. A suras advised me to take the Vegetable Compound and it Is certainly helpingme. It seams like Heaven to be releved after months of pha Kase H. W. B.aaa, 1174 106 Ave. West, Vancouver. B. C. Albert Co., N. B. -"I have takes Eak4cam's osi ediolnes and e are done mea of of good. Race thee I have bees able to do say bq°st- work and 1 have • lot of work to do u we II lb on a farm. Seeing your •dver- gaeanent In the papers was what s me think of wnting to you. t this may help oohs one else." - Mr. wie. B. liCluverii Upper New Horton. Albert Co., N.B. The reams women � h letters to the Lydia Medicine en�dpod tell their fries* bow the are metal le Comppoound has t Lydiabrought health mid kappioess into their lives. Freed Truss tke(r this they wantut•�pa tithe good sewn Moog to ether .'sees •.� women that they also may be retf«vd. If there are any comp) sot understand write to Lydia E. na- b=Medicine Co., Lynn. Masa. work. It as deided to pli(•ath is firm• pernone triio w'rut -to plant de trees this spring. The pnblle s committee will protide the trees. The mitten advertise for ape Committee Reports. ' elle paddle works committer made rhe following recrrmnwlolations: That the engineer to requested to report on the petitions for sewers on Market. Park and South street«:'Telt tTM 1»44-1 way to the golf grounds be gnidelLanl drained; that J,n Newell lie allowed the tier of pasture at the Itravelpit lot on tine Huron road upon payment of -*3, ler- to toot atter-the-grant-pit, Haat in constructing trovers the follows ing wage be paid: 33c per hour to Is,rtom men, 311: per hour to half -way• mea, and 271,4e per hour to other. mea. The cemetery and parks committee reew,nnnendel.that no action he taken on the request - d. the elmetery Onion for an tts'reu,r In salary; Haat the town engineer be engaged to take. levels at the cemetery in connection ,with the 01'0(1 1011 of a dam. The tire committee reported that building peewits hail ilaeu passed on the applications of W. Sproul, J. B. :two Mehl. •S. W. (ids, Campbell Tweedie and Charles Tweedie. The Bnane .rm,mlttee re•owme•sale.l the payment of 1300 to the public library board on the 1921 levy. These reports were all adopted. '('oundltor Knight enquired about the report asked from the Bre warden, which was not at hand, and a [notion wa.e pssiel asking the warden to re- port at the inert meeting. 77x! �liir�Trephies. The Reeve asked "hoot the war trophy received by 'pie town lank year and wHs tt11.1 that it was safely stored in winter quarter+ at the Agricultural ilall. The two German machine guns re- cently went from Ottawa hove arrived and the Deputy Reeve nuggestel they be placed between tbe mortars on the Mute. Sevt•ral location!. wen- pro - pawed for the larger gun. but the whole matter wait referred to the cemetery and parks committee. Councillor Knight mid a member of the citieets4 anal also some reuident+ of Gulerieh township had expreswrl their wlllingne's to take a half-day to work at the (cemetery. ('ouncillor Mitchell, ei,tt1r ear of the cemetery and perks committer, said the cotntnittee had such a plan in rimy and would make the announcement as gran as condi- tion" would permit. in d4s'lnadnn of the work to be done on the "r000erting link!' of the minty rand system Deputy Reeve (lark atatel that the county roadfitilldera mnsl(Mr- el lake gravel the very beret it wan propos .i that a road•r ller be prnenred from some other munk•tpahty, and the Mayor advised that a definite proposi- tion be brought in lay the piddle works committee In connection with the pro- EToe sr. 0.1 eaperimest- lag whoa lea sass per. Chase's (Mnt- meat ire ltesegla sad akin Irrita- tions. 11 relieves Y eves and grade - W heels the skin. dimple boa Mr. rettpOrient free Ifnd Ile.yew menden this ree. stamp for postage. ease a t re gdmsaeres. Rates r (b. OZEMA en adjourned. GODERI('H Pt' Following is a list hive lava plic'r1 "n the G,alrtieh pul'lte• library: Juvedie Beeks, .'Batt -I l tgl to c re•s . -1+th--'IRs ('atlrtx of the ibolylain. 11Ptts--Thr ''.replete Mother ths'-e. Brady -The Gr -cu Forest } 'ry Book. Burnett=Tie one I Kurs Beet o All. Burgess -Granny ranny Fox. lIow-,•r. the Huunl. The Burgess Anlwal !teak. ltadaur-Fourth Lawn. Briggs -The Youug Knights df Con- way. Brss}I-Tie Head 1ar1 at the Gables. ltitrbour-l.uardiug his l.,.,1. .; (jtmrterdawk hats. 14$x -Kay i►anforth's ('amp. uroostt+The •tutor= of la•tber. The Story of Glam. ('orrorai►--{toy 'hunts of the Wolf Patrol. INnklesplel - Lady ltuadkloedle- dum's Children. Refer-oltobivarn ('nasor. IYias-Periwinkle's lalatrd. 1:erLs-Rick ata) Muddy. •(:ray -Margery Morris. Maw•ot. Hatl,or-4',Ohre Story -of lid 11$ Christ Ian Anderson. Htwaton---Lever It to i)orLs. I'nuleuce of the 1'.P,onsge. Prudence Says Ser. Hornthr'mdt-ls bxwaln Drake' of the 14. a Hero's. Ilayrus-I'lsy 1'o, Querns. • The Mystery of the .ttnaz„ua. HtslI rel -T1s• Blue 11-nt. s Feather. doltnson-.Little )t..l 111.11aig Hinal. Jack and the ltsvnstalk. Gulden .,Mall and the Three hears. Montgomery -Arlie of (*ren Gabhe•+. Awe of Avonlea. A • of the Island. )asrzlals-4tturles for the Story Hour. MI,Fee--Il.ry Heroes of FI.•tton. Girl heroines of Fiction. Neiweyer-stories for the History Hour. Oxenbam- A Go-ahead 1•u,•h.algirl. (Milinead„w-Made•ap Judy. Porter, E. H.-l'ollyauna. Pollyanna (:enc. 1-p. npyrl--Moo.. the 1:,a1t4.0y. Told, tits \%'.xp1s•arvrr. Held l alc'k►ii-Tlw Iturgrnphy of a Grizzly Th.. Biography of a Silver Fox. St. Mars. --Hurt and flaw. People of rhe Wild. ?umep+hoir of the Wild. Sluuneh- The Story of iron. Th.nupsm - Water Wonder+ ('1.11d SI 1.1 Know. ila.ou - Paintings Should Klock. Mitbte-Essayn Every ('1.114 Should Know. Sanndrrs--itonnle Prii•c Fetes r. Adult, nee-Fktlon. I'11U.0((/1'IIY. Itlsek--Lest We Forget. TNwift--.11syehohrgy and the Days Work. .SOCIOLOGY. Smith -A Study in ('anadian immt gratton. Meets-Everyman's Legal Guide. Thomas-4nduntry, Emotion and 1'n - rest. Friday -Profit'', Wages and Price. NATi'RAL W'IENeE. Fadkner-4Mysterlee of the Flowers. K I rk ha m -North and South. Packard -Old Plymouth Tralla. USEFGi. ARTS. Simpson-Hktden Treasures. i.1TEIIATi'1tF:. 1'. O. Ir. -imperfectly ''roper. McArthur, I'.-Tlte Affable Stranger Darvia--Osaadison Poeta. leaeork-Winsome Whittle Tit.I V F:1,. Osborne -As It le In Falglsnl. Mnnloek-!'bins, the MyaterMus soil Ma rrelmis. ' Mumam-Jutytle Inky M. Ilun•kman-l'nder the Southern ('rose In Senth AmerI. e (:re•ly-.t Hsn,ihxrk of t'oler 1)is- roveries. I.Iodnay--A Voyage to the Arctic In LIBRARY. hooks that helve+' of the the Whaler Aurora. Edwards -Egypt and Its Monuweute. Howe1M--Iwndou Flims. IIt(N:It l'HY. lieniso11, l'ol.--Iteollec•tlona of a Pollee Magistrate. Barone -Jolla Burroughs, Boy and Mau. Ii17YroitY. A thertou-('al lforma. Itemelt -I tuella fuel It immix. Le Moineu--d'(ctureatue Quebec . ]118 "COMLNG OF AGE." Ontario Library Association Holds Twenty-first A1Mival Meeting, The twenty-first annual netting of UM' Ontario Library A,andaIion was held et Toronto on Easter Mouday and Tuesday. Aniong tie subjects dlwetvoied were.: "How• to (h -t People to Read Better Ilooke ;" "Tlw New library Legisla- tion glsla- ttpn anii the Budget," and "Library Work as a 1'rofewluu." This being the-emning of age'' of the O. L. A., the banquet on Monday even- ing was a /epe est feature. In - the (entre of the halt was a birthday cake with twenty-one lighted caudle+. It M quite interesting to note the progress of the library movement In our Province. In 1901 the American IJbt1try Aesr*lation held It+ annual meeting at ]fN:nl I'nlvensity, Mon- treal. dual a group of 1hitario dek'gatea r.•prea•nteel half -a -dozen (Ihrariea. 'Flew deI.gatss deckled upon the form- ation of an Ontario Library Aesx•la- lion, a .oanditutlon was drafted and the first annual meeting was held in Toronto, at tlw Normal )k hal, ou Easter Monday and Tuewlay. April r and n, 1901. Thirty-three names of p•rsots were reeFb Ierrl at Dila first annual meeting, representing twenty - ave libraries. The animal weetitigs Ila rt• grown steadily in attendance anal Inftueme are a attire of great imspination fo tin• librarians Htnl trustees who ars prlviiege•d to attend. The registration this year was about •:d). trait trawl library wax represeut.sl by the librarian, Mise Marjorie Aitken. During the past tweuty.,ne vena, many impsrr,ant advance-+ have Me•n made in tie library work .d the I'mv- 1ne. 4'o -operation, legislation, in- rteased dnatiei,l r.srprcea, .cientIllr library ma net gents•nt, training of librarians. library institutes, a library periodical. inspection and supervision. ptblicifT. de-vel.apment ,1 . +tnmg. formable public triathlon -these are some (►f the forward s(rina. \inch ba+ been VI ftscl : 11111,11 r•- matns to be roue•. The future is full of promi+r. r. flarri,•.an was in a I,.ad temper. ala when as acquaintance met Lilo ole urning with a gsestion, "'4 hx is your Itla to -day, Mr• 'Arrislw ': ' his sea :ell rathful. . "My me 14 act "Arrtswa.7 11e selapprl. \ "Well." isi 1 the ether, "If • haiteh, a hay. two be s. a hi,. ire.. a ho, r ti a hen don't six "Arrson.' then whist ab the spell ? " Stiffness it 1. a.tun41nm bo queekly ►lueerd'. Lau - mewl obey. soil - new sad temswsw. Gives Great Relief Nn A a *ekes. M r• e toMy W Inn tare's .4' fie '/ ssw�il� Freer 4 - w. i1 Iwr rarer a,da art as .. that ,t e.. p.it , 1 a CI Nn. red ).arm is 70, Tka.M. 0.t- �..,u.yr a 14. len .. rm, weallord vete ...d', . Mtn.' a M, try La,.wt. r/ was rave ler 4•4•40 ohm Yet applara 1 erred . sly t1 W it W wiry sr. Tea .,w. 1 w se wt .alar q,ar .► .r tars red else reee se . st,WI.. Lear. new ..ad ewer' people eMa Mash ., w ere We Wag . MINARD'S King of Pats LINIMENT Yrmoutb IIs ksttsys THOMAS Gi:NI)RY. ACCTIONKER. BOX 67, Goderteb. All Instruction, by mall or left at Ylgnal Mace wlll les promptly attended to. Residence tele► phone 119. LEGAL M G. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS- awe TER. Solicitor, noiary hash' Office llamiltou street. Goderleb, third door from Square. Trust fundi to loan at lowest rates. Every Pt s -r1 ('hill Hot OXO, fir butter .till.. OXO Cube 1a • cupful of ware +silk ie •s ideal food for children. Milk with OXO as be •s.tanil•ted snore readily, and M a most nutritious •.d wholesome diet. Tina of 4 end 10 C.I.• i DECORATING ANf) Decorating Matenals Wall Papers, Paints, etc. We sell you the materials„or take the contract of decorating our home, store or office. Estimates cheerfully given GLASS Window Glass, Plate Glass Mirrors, etc. We can supply your wants in any kind of Glass J. CUTHBERTSON Nardi side West gL Phone 354 CRANE i BUNK SYs E The Double Track Route between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains, and parlor carve on principal day trains.; Full information from any Grand Trnnk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent. To- mato (1.13. Lauder, Stating Agent, phone 20 P. P. LAWRRNC'R lk SONS Tows Agouti . Phone M. D C. HATS, R BARRISTER, SOLiCITOR, NO. TARP • PUBLIC, ITC. Omce-Sterling Bank Block, Hae iltoo Street. Ooderleh. Telephone 86, Real Estate, Limbs and lawntsce. DR0I'D11'OIYr. KILLORAN da HI ILMES, BARItISTEIMS, 1(OLl(TTORS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. • -Office on the Square, second door from Hamilton Street, Uoderic14. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. Prondfa,t, K. C., J. L Killoran. Dudley E. Holmes. CIIAitLI $ GAi1ROW, ICI. It.. BAR- RISTER, attorney, !solicitor, o c., Goderich. Money loaned at lowest rates. CsSE.tGI)It, tt.tltttItTER, Ne►L- 1C1TOR. notary publle and eon- reyancer. Ocoee -Court House. (lode - rich. 09-12m LNSLRANCE. LOA.N8, ETC. ILIAD' MUTUAL FIRE IN$t'R- -ANI'E co. -Farm and Isolated wn property insured. Otecers-Jas. Connolly, Prow,. Gods- rleb P. 0.: Jas. Evans, Tice -free., sec.-Treas., nestorth P. O.s Directors --D. F. McGregor, R. R. No. 3. Seeforth t Jdbn G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton: William Rion, R. R. No. 2. teaforth: John Bcnnewies. itrod- hagrn: Geo. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Harbx•k: Malrotm ateEwen, Clinton; Jamey Evans, itee'bwood; James Connolly, Guderieh. Agents : 1. W. Teo, Goderleh : Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I. Clinton; William Chesney, Seaforth: E. Minch - .y, Seaforth. Polley -holders can pay i payments and get their cards re- ee , ted at R. J. Morrish'+ Clothing KM Minton; R. H. ("titre Grocery. King nn etnwt. Goderieh, or J. H. Reld's General Store, Rayfield. Is Brop = ey Bros. The , nine and Embalmers lh Orders carefully attended to et ■11 hours, night or day. GODERi('11 Try a Want Ad, in The Signal. East Street Garage Do you remember the last time you came up Saltford Hill ? You got a goal start off the bridge but she would hardly make the first turn "on high." She picked up a little, but the 0. T. 1l. bridge was too mneh and you had to change gear. Why ? She would be making "twenty" at the top on high last summer. ilring her around and let us make her do It again. REG. WILLIAMS Phone 243 - Gederich