The Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 4k" 4-Ttfurabay, February 10, 1921. seenaeroarraseleararelelaornsee SALE OF Men's Suits $8 to $15 off Regular Price For oue week we will offer you suits' at the following reductions: Regular $35 Suits for $27.00 $38 Suits for 30 00 $45 to $SO for 35.00 ,Here is a splendid oppor tunity to get a real good suit for what you would have to pay for a very so-called cheap affair. Call and see for your- self. See Our Windows W. C. Pridham v ON St. Valentine's I a observe the pretty.;Fustom of sending little gift and cards as remembrance - We have a s4endid line of • Valenti% Folders, Lace Valentines, Post Cards, Hearts and Cupids Smith's Art Store DUNGANNON. MR. S. F. 11H1.UW is the agent for THE SIGNAL st Dungannon. I Orders left o nth his► for subscrlp- tlons.advertisements or job print. Ing w111 res el ve prompt attention. I Telephone t Guderlch -Rural l r39. •, Thursday. Feb. 10. Mr. J. R. MiNabb la In Montreal this week attending a mooting of tits Produce Association. I The local 1-. F. 0. meeting will be held to the orange Hall on Monday, February 14th, at R p. m. The Ladies' Alli are h edible a eaten - !line asocial In the beiremunt ,t the i Ppesbyterlan church on Monday even. lug, February lath. ltefreehmenti given. A goal time espe:ted, Ad-' 1 mission 15i• and 25e. Farewell Asee bly-A goodly num- ber of the people of Dungannon and vicinity assembled In the basement oof the Methodist church on Monday t vt•n- ing to say farewell to Mee. N. I. Tre. leaven and two daughters, Ed4th and Ruth, before their departure ta To- ronto, where they will reside in future. The evening was spent In a social manner. An impromptu program was rendered,' atter which Mrs. Treleaven and daughters were called to the plat- form and presented with en address, read by Mrs. Thos. Parks. expressing the deep regret of the people of Duu- gannou at the removal of this .family and extending good wishes for the future. On behalf of the asaembl lura. R. Roach presented Mrs. leaven with an armchair as a tok of the gratitude of the Dungannon ple for her work in the church, . e Wo- •men's iuslltute and other organiza- tions. Mrs. Treleaven plied very fittingly, expressing her t at part- ing from so many fele .s but assuring them that they wontnot be forgotten. Afterwards refresents of coffee and cake were sere Insuranee general wee nosh Fire nsnrance C6•I was held on Friday st. .► very enemesiging re- port f the past year was presented, the st In the history of the Ci,mpany4 nnmtwr of policies In forte had In! paused by {(15 and the total sweets ad inereasetl by $ik ,422.sl- The Com - pony now has a total risk of over nine million dollars. The retiring directors Ts-Glee/1n. Jas. (;irvin and J. A. Mc- Kenzie (Klneardinel-were re-elected. eating,_ The annual ng of the West Wawa. Ti AUBURN. TLeSDAY. Feb 8. Mr. F Carter is getting his supply ofice stored this week. • A res -inn of the Mock Perliamere was; held last Fiche :ii,'t.-in -the'Fn ester,' Ha'l. ImTigrihan was ;h- printi211 t chis for discus -inn Mr. henry Werner underwent an at h'Q home. Dr, in nix Weir and Drs. Hu. ter and 111 ckli:i of Goderi•:h oo ratine. The oaten' 1- ding mealy. Nurse G.adys Jeff ,r.:a 1 is in attendar-cr. A fleece e t c lir•' i ih the Ere t rs it dl o e'ednesday assault. All r pa: t a go xl I li, .. I' s soloonsfeWireseNesresesseseseeesesesesos 4 - HYDRO ELECTRIC If you ever used an Electric Iron you would not want to be without it. It is both economical and labor-saving. Our Electric Washers will do your washing at a minimum expense. Hydro Lamps always in stock See our display at The Hydro Store North Side of Square Be Photographed - � THIS YEAR Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatica. Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Rave brought rood health to half -a -million sufferers. A healthful, money -saving remedy. well known for fifteen years, pre. scribed by doctors. sold by drib gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trial package. Templetons, 142 King W.,To:oste' Loral Ageotll-Dunlop's Drug Store. • ST. HELENS. TUESDAY. Feb. 3 U Mr. and Mrs. A. McCall. of Rainy Riv,r, visited with their aunt, Mrs. R. Buchanan, on Friday. Mrs. Arthur, o[ Sarnia, is a visitor with ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Purvis. and brother,lir. Jamas Ramage. hMr,i Fred Sturdy, of Wingham. ie working with his e.uusin, 111r. 1idram iidmpbrey. The ladies' Guild of the Anglican church gave a goid entertainment on Friday evening. They were ably assisted by local to eat and friends from W i is ham. The autograph quilt was bou by Mr. Geo. nlcltobert-. The Farmers' Club spent a very satiable evening in the hall Monday night. There was a program of speeches, readings, music and games ; refreshments were served, and ail went home well pleased. SHORT COURSE. -A short course in Stott( judging will Ibe l.eld at St. Helens February 15th and 14th. commencing at 2.p. m. on February (Stn and 10 a. m. on the 18th. A•.dresses will be given by. The earl, inachliws were operated J. M. McCallum, of Shakespeare, in the flu dfir ifferent resin ofot uutariu, anti also hall downstairs, and Mrs. J. E. McDor.- ough, of Copetown, will address the' at hill mtit• Xethrrlatnls ladies upstairs on the afternoon of the Canadian Syyd te, Toulon. Manitoba, loth,. A joint meeting will be Held in the under conditions that varied vecon- evening. A cordial invitation is exter-ded slderubly. Moue the tlrldsry lord to all.. leen especially pr sire) for machine pulling. Many of t. .•w were weedy, ' the ground roughs ant lie yield of flax THE SIGNAL - GOuERICH, ONT. A New lac'ustrial Development (butieued from page 1. of a flax harvesting wachlue. The Inventor's crude model. built in a woodshed, was brought tato the flax field drawn by two horses, and this was the first Ione lu the history of the world that a machine successfully pulled, butted and bound flax into sheaves, lu 1019 this model had been Improved in matter of construetlou and refinement. During that season, 11 wen again operated, and repeated its performance of the previous year. The world's patent rights to this Iurentien were then taken over by the Perfection Flax Pulling Machines Limited, Rank of Toronto 13u1t4liug, Toronto, Ont. The model wachlue was then passed tutu .the hands of their mechanical engineers, who. after months of work. brought out au al- most perfect machine. One of these was sent to South ('amillua in May, 1920, where, under Guverutneut super- vision and under the eyes of expert mechanical engineers, it was operated. Further Improvements were suggested from this test, and ren further ma- chines were produced, and commer- cially operated in the tfaz field of ()uterio and Manitoba 'this year. The machine pulls flax with three seta of parallel converging belts, moving back- wards and upwards. As the machine is moved forward into the flax, these belts pull the straw, and it Is carried It au upright position between the felts, and automatically discharged front the back of the machine. These belts are operated by a separate gaso- line engine. which also operates the knotting device. The machine pulls a strip of flax three w:•'. '. One man to 'rive the team 1s all that is required operate it, and it has a capacity of at roxiwately an acre an hour. The ave age hand puller will pull less than a q rter of au acre u day, therefore them ehiue has a capuelty of about forty n. •- Mae . Praetlally Perfect RENMILLER. ' varlet from 1% tons 0 4 tons per Wednesday, Feb. 9. acre. Crider all condition the machine performed very .satisfa, urily, and there Is no doubt that it pans the revolution of the flux indent of the world. In 186)3 Ireland trrew :t111Atat had 11'11ny1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heddle have goneto (iolerirh, where they will stay fur w few weeks. The new tether. Miss Peddle, has assumed her duties this week in tutu- • Peres : in 180s. the• pc,luetlet raccoon...hoed with the ehoed o1 this village, fallen to 34,411/ acres. The got Church Notes. -Service will le held Reiland. Belgium, -France, Ge In. the Itcumiller Methodist church and the Netherlands alit dtw•rea. I next Sunday warning at 11 o'clock ant prior to the R'ar. G.:rwanr, )'rum un evangelistie meeting- win Its held Belgium and 'Maud (Ming large im- rt.ieilm fi aC 7 ifryeJPk ]f. ID ' ` z m'rr^ aria} th ttt•tvag+ ,1 most cordial levitation is extended in Russia increased enusbestly uiril it to the public t, .tttend theme ,„.e..lce's„'' wee produelujt Ia) per tent. of the . We ere look Big forward to the world's supply- . As a rester of the orlslt of Rev. Mr. Snyder, who w111 War, supplies from Russia) were err speak at the three ``:hurdles on this Off, and it 1s reporter! that owing to e•ireuit on Sunday. Mare11 13th. In thei the ,a8relty of 14,,.1 supplies, the Interests of, the R'urltt'.s lirutherlesxl, growth of flag in Ru -sin has dwindled mureueljL" - .turn and -: �e - will - 1. to _ 'err_ PiU --_ prop„r us�Lhe strati. especially welcomed at thdse' .e'rrices !tiself Bain* coPmniiied as a rondo in - and ft is hoped to have tnen's chairs .teed of being used for reseeding• In eharice of the musical program of The result' Is that it will I.e a grt•at the services t series of cottage many years before Hassle will again prayer-me'tings will be held daring Is' a large exporter of fibre flax. lour - fire next few Ili lrths, ratllnititehng.teis ing. the War. the proluetiun of the \►'pdneselay evening ,as the home of bur, other allied countries largely in - Tuesday; Feb. S. Dramatic Pertormam'e.-4 in 31.1n - Jay night 11.' i'initsbri•Ig, Dram -ale 11111, presented "rhe 1. • Tree Min("' to it (Tousled hu.u','. Tin• (tall and •r -tare settings were iirti-r b'ally arc ranged and the hall 1 .i s. brightly lighted by the now le:An-railed Alamo system. ITh.tattention of Nie audience Was held at its hishe.t temsien throughout the performance. n'.'. The pause*. between arts were tilled with refined ynudpvllle. '1'!,.• 1 rannarir Club .'.'rtallny deserve the Heartiest congratulations . i their .n, ee.:, which was without a taw. (_%IIIA 'W. Wednesday. Feb. p. Mr. Elmer Robertson 111.1 palrchas,•.I a mntrhwt tenni 01 bbark horse•, 1\'titrh fur hint at the Gall fairs. Mr. Morris, of 1111kt44, .i+ vlshtltg his eon -iii, Sir:Harold 11'altrr.•y, for e Yew weeks, ' Mr. Thos. Wilson is taking a two - weeks(' winter. cuur.e. for-- taruwre.et- the 1'nirerslty of Turomru Mer. i?. e ' Iawi.,asn i i -riling e niter rousse at rite 1 uiversity of Toronto. Miss Irene Long. of lt'ttmlller, is the guest of Miss Besse Young for a few days. There will be n social .•venhtg in the hall sin Stolidny. Fehniery 14. All who are interested in baseball are In- 'vitel to .' one. bring 1114.1' sWeethrarts and enjoy themselves. ,\ program of *OUP.. sung, and musical selections hats IN.'m la'r'1►i;I;tt' L Mc, lbmlis, of 'I'or,ndo, 111 spending few Chas \r t 1.1 at 11.1. �+ . 1 I lata Ura..`J441n Young. of !Asyut. -spent a d•iy tills weak with her daughter. Itrs. Frank k \\'if .11.'['he 1'. F. 11. s1i14I440 a c:at•iouad 111 lhngs this west .41'1'minor and Allam shipped an surto: ..f rattle. The fitrto•rs ;t r •a11 smile+ Ihcw• lteht ecru the F.) )., 11'1'..111,„r I ti n1 a •, k .\ la nod th a •r :, t r.al merchant. Sir. .\. C. ('I:erk they r getting the Is•st prices for eterythil they have for male. It makes a real treat-Blackatone's delicious ice cream, in btilk or tinea bricks. \\'ENTFIEI,D. and.Totm'reagall. lith enncrssian (unset. and efforts were wade by the t . ii hil i........\t the quer.; 1irlrl.h: G.rcerumi'ut 1" eueuurag' the rcrly 14110111 1.,,41r1 meeting on Tues• grOW1II- rsf fibre MIX in Great Britain d ty evoi. , ng 1 ills we•k n „m iniplons and Ireland. British toast Afrit•a, and. invitation 44 a. e'xtendwl to WI% iI. p' I through the Canadian Government. in Kennedy to return for the third year., i the Dominion of Canada. /;react at- ,.-► freewill offering will es la tension was also given to the develop - the North %ion sel•t'l.r next Sunday at meta of mechanical means to treat the j,, 111•1n (lid of t• !limine Nuff,: s flax, anti 11111400 1110 baud labor tbat + o1 _sit ('bion anti Armrnitia. Let ecer}•INtely. had hitherto been nmol. as vii Wits he•II1 this very needy cause. i o..s .i tiai if fibre flax wars to 1M grown 1 in any considerable quantities in for the lower grades of linen. There 1 "The Scotch Store' STORE HOURS : 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M.1 SATURDAYS 9 P.M. Phone 56 THE NEW SPRING S ITINGS Featured for spring are the new Jersey Cloths, in plain colors and fancy heather mixtures. They are extremely smart. • Also the new Tri- cotines and Gabardines, in the newest' shades of the \season. Plain colors in all -wool Jersey The newest are the rich heather cloth, beautiful shades of navy, mixtures, which are very classy 'and pekin, beaver, sand, for suits, skirts make stunning suits, skirts and and dresses. $5.00 per yard. dresses. Best quality all wool. $5.00 per yard. Gabardines and Tricotines are leaders. We are showing a beautiful range in all the popular shades in black, navy, pekin, sand, beaver and taupe, 50 inches wide, •$4.50 a yard. I ANNOUNCING THE NEW WASH MATERIAL During the last few days we have received several shipments of the newest wash•material, which we state without hesitation are the nattiest goods ever received. Organdies are favored for the c ming season. They come in two qualities, both beautiful and crisp, in c Tors of pink, maize, nile, sky, rose, lavender, delf. 40 and ,45 inches wi at 75c and s $1.35 a yard. ` Very dainty and pretty are the Sw?ss Alpine Spot Mus ins, the sea- son's novelty, in maize, naid, lagoon, rose and pink. 36 nches wide. $1.50 per yard. The figured Voiles are more alluring than ever, in beautif 1 georgette weaves with lovely allover designs. 40 inches wide, $1.50 r yard. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO YOUR KNITTING', The long evening is the time to knit the woolly wearables fIr spring wear. We are showing the Monarch Wool in all, the newest colors, lovelier -than ever_ There are mari gold, rnahogany,burntAia e, pink and blues galore, buff, camel, cherry, golden brown, greens, baa k, navy 30cr ba 11 Monarch Down,50c r ball. and white. Monarch Floss, pe Spring GlovesNew GlSpring Hosiery ewP mew `S >rin aitld Summer-UnderweAr Q i lity Merchandise at lowest prices at all times. Phone 56 OtCh Store • 1'' SSC The Best in Photo Plays atth the I rubes machetes have (Nen developed, in 1912 the re'pwtrtel acreage of flax that are of very great Imistrtunee in sown In ria' world, 'mending both seed Iwttuurle•. outside of Europe. wens to ire no teaspn, now that it can 1u a1111iuu to the development of IM hanQlel by ma�'hluery, why this the Wrss,ot Bax pulling machine, which, *tax of the West shquld not be utilized. ..d course. Is 111.. roost imprchuu labo rr and be the meant of adding vcr;y s:n'Init deci.e that has been develois•el, greatly to the wealth of ('anada- FnNow'in;e 1+ the S1iw'rt 111 We.ttle•Id public seined for the first week of Fehrnnrr : •%' class rental 7011 - Lella Stackhouse, SS1;: Genre Red - Mond, Eddie Itri lg••r, rtfr2: Nor- man Mrt hew el 1. 55si : itsso 14,•a 11 ng„ lulu: Douglas (': mphell, _'tt: F,ehvanl fltee'klenlse, 514): Mary Fnrrna. -tslb. „•i ) IV. class (total (Mo, r;rae,' Strewn. 4110: Mary 1141. 424: George ltnwntt, 407: EIvi1 Walden. 3113: Normal) K,'al• Ong, 8.41: Sarah Howatt. 1012: Mahe! Walden, 301: \\'arvn Ilimtord, 21)1: Eva 4'e1ek, '239. 111 class (total 551,1 -I:m,'rwon Hedger, 3514): !Milia Pinker Inge 344: Joseph Bell, :4411: Mellwtnree Keating. 240. hl. class until 4511)- Sfnry Rodger. 3741: unsold 4'nrter. �tS: ,T. Fell Irene t'au'ter. absent. Pt. 11. class , (total P14)) Blaine itantford. 3:441: Edgar Unwell. 232: Edna Walsh. 222: , Mndellte, Weblen, 211 : 1:va Staet h11nm•• nl..ent. 14. 1t, Redmond, teacher Your Birthday MODEL THEATRE the. Industry- The Perfection Flax and fibre tet. was 08,126,000 acres; In Pulling Marbtne- Limited !lee 114.114- 1920. the deserted area. excluding Ar - "prod :I threshing machine which auto gentinc (whit•h *:1s not reported) was tmatl•ally threshes the flax. ithoiit , 71.1,24),1•(7" screw --including Argentine. injuring ttu.'_Sbre, and rebinds the__the'.a(reage was probably about 10,_ INntdb•- res,ly for r.-1 ting. -11 sh.nld. Outr,itIN) acres. in 1912 the flax flbre IM csp1111neq that flax grown for More proluci■l In the world, and reported, purposes. after being pulled .11p by i was 5112,01110 short' tons: In 19'20 the Week of Feb. 14 to Feb. 19 hand, has, tip to the present' HMG production had fallen to 115.251 tons, beet threshed in a whipping marhlne, and during the •riot from 1915 to then robe!, either by taking It hark ; 1920 the 11nl dmtn of flax fibre acer- JellN11.\1 and TI ESI).11 b, the fields to be reefed by tine dew lege,' hes+ than 1 -5,(100 tons: that is. Int of fibre fix for five years has only of normal. and It re Indeed before the setwl)•n t.. the fibre triol the hnl.nnre of i normal supply IsII again on the market, the stalk. this machine It lies Under thew' rlrc'umstnnePs It is quite " to a seuteher (which is a simple eper--obelus that the price of fibre moat normal George Larne Tucker's wonderful and rain. or. In s,lme,cwses, to be rote') the.world ermine production: , 111 tanks to- the aetlon of water. After -true past four or the this ribre is retied. It then goes i been 211 per een1 66Thii, s jt []� - a From g through a breaker, whk•h tends to will he mans- t Mr' t where the stuck nod 1arcigtt sub- staudirtg the t stances ore remove) from the More. trade that at 1 leaving the fibre in reran. bent strands. the high pest~ chtnery now tie duction fibre yy 1. no reneen hhc Canada should. not noly Increase theflbri-growing arra, in (:astern 4'�anada, and In the moist r Coast. bur also 'r m dlmnf sof tr f n ifl 0 undertake r rrgetirally the utilization 11tlon, fent requires expert help) and continue at a A sinter special from the famous In this. state it Is a• emnmerieal pro - platy by 1:.•n. WI 'owls 411tt•t ready fur .taw spinning wheys. .\L+o la.t ,•piewle ..f The advent of a threshing machine will do away with the hand whipping. "`Daredevil Jack" i Other Labor 'Saving Devices. .\ further machine has ts'ru Uncured 111 Europa' Mitch does away , with the 1:t ening l'rie,s-"_7r and 16e, urea king told ,e•utehltag machin.'. and 'Matinee -11e and 16e, the expert Ialtsrr thalt w•a. DeVe.slu'y With the alitteldng mar•hine. (iter simple machine breaks and sentt•h.'s 11'}:IIN}:111.11' and TIII•R4D:1T be operated by inexps•rietred help. ;o1dwto pre'c'uts Tont Moore itt the The umly hand labor thel'e'fore left ('ow:ut nod Ii:u•ris comedy Minces. It the industry Is the proves. of vet- ting, and this In turn, w•111 IN'.•ome greatly' simplified, n. tank r0tring 1N•• PAMPA more prevalent in this eonn- try. Tilt+ rhe whale intlalstry has Atop De lineen Comedy. been revolutionised glove the outbreak o1 the \\'s.r, and If the tethering figures FRIM% and SATI'BD.t' are carefully considered, 9 will Is. e'en Universal presents that t :ua:ula has every opportunity . mow of lessening one of the prIrieliNlI EDITH ROBERTS flux pr, she countries to the world, • in as Its climate and NOR are ideal for the growth of flax, and ivlth ,cheap N the -Iran 111 ole operation, and 1.1111 "Stop Thief" Adorable Savage" teal, n1 hill mt'ans of pulling. thresh- ing, breaking and eentelli g, It sl Id .\1-o a \C.•srern _-n•,•1 , "ue-,1, he I'•i•ntauo•ntly able to eodlpet' with cheap hand !sour In any part o1 the world. There Se in Western Tannin alrenity,,oncr 1.01111,faM► aero'+ of flax Knot ti • that ptnelnces unite a yalnahle Ifibre,. although not of +orb a high quality a+' the flhre flax grown In Ectri Is'. and yet It le (mite goal enough Matinees Monday, Wedre-- day and Saturday twitb- porary depression 1ff Pse'nt exists, and with s prevailing. and ma - (seemed capable of pro - a very low reset. there of the flax rown In Western Canada, n More. � It int fl „en P.Inn of rind tie: r tl� I OBITI'ARti•, Ma,•KAT.-Meeh regret w•ns felt at the news of the death of Mr. D. 11. Ma,Kay,fwhlch oemrret at Elmira. N. Y.. nt T wise last. Mr. MacKay left Goder)c last month to e1,lt his brother Robert, who eras t thi'r_ 1re 'f- luent '1 the sanitarium at Elmira. 34, had not been in good health for a lung Inc.inhilt It was hops! he was on the way to recovery. 11.' 1Meame 111 the Infter part of last week with nn nggrevetlon of hte old complaint, an xffeetlon of the 'wart. whir. 1 re- sulted fatally. Mr. MeeKne was horn In Gob'rich forty -Ove yeller ago. the y.nlnee-t ton of the bite 1), 4'. Mae - Kay. for many years high eonatahle of rhe eminry of Huron. After reaching man's estate ire wits connected for some time with the (lolcrlch Oren timer for a• numb•l• of years tray diet esteneleely In the United Marne. end fhtally settling down in (ln.lcrich leo pnreha.el from his nnele, Mr. Ale.. Young, what Is now knew't as the iarKey Farm, on the it Is 1,114•'4.1mi 4'ollwt111w. 11111 11 taut in slim _•• of it. i nu successfully suptrintende'l the fa operations. Ile Was it I'resbe- aso'tle onler P e a member OL the M f r 1 a end o the Meneeentng Canoe Clnh. He Is at rived by his brother Robert, the last r aining member of the tam• ily. The 1 ly was brought from F.1 - I Mira on n • Inestlay night, amora- 1 panted by his other, and the funeral takes place on, [day afternoon from his late residence ,n Nelson street to fi Maitland cemetery. • I JlaeKEN71F..-A il)ar friendly ' figure has I1'en remor r try the 411.301 nn Tuesday Loot et iona (Dant Nell MacKenzie. ' Mr. MarKen 10)s dearth was very sudden. He was driving a Wagon for Mr C. C. lee, tri wham he lush Iw•t'n employed the 1 t ten year.. all}( at noun, on Month . Pet, 1,' was w'.'n 1.1 hall hack In the we in. Ilewa. taken into the hospital a medical aid w-ats suulmoned, lout t11 i spark of life lead Mel. heart trouble ng the roast o death. Mr. Maw I t f 1 being Kenzie Was' Inurn ,Mt-nty-tato years ! ago in '('ape 11r,tlnu, N. S.. and wh.'n nm infant was br.diglit by his parents to \sltfleld -township, where he lived nntll lee rally. to (;twlerieh in .the fall of 191o. He is survived by- his father, Mr. Nell MacKenzie, who Is, In his one-hundredth year and who lute lived with his mm In town: by three \ of • .- of A41014)1(1: PII. brothel Jnhn. Toronto. and Roderick. of Oklahoma : two sister. -Mrs. 1). It. McKenzie, of JeN•hal.h. And Mrs. Scott, of Berrie: 4t,lles iii+ wife, two turns, Donald A., of Spokane. Wash., and Nell. stn tete home.tead In Ashfield. and tw-iK daughters, the atlases :Maud and Annie'. 14 Detroit. Mr. M:.. K.•nzie was n stanne•h Presbyterian. and a man highly respected among his friends Rev. R. ('. McDermid, pistol. of Knox church, ,'n 4i eta a ,e'r see at the home, 4'anteron street, this 1Thura,lay) evening. and tomorrow afternoon the burial will take place in 44reen 11111 cemetery, 1,neknow, with Rey. .1. S. Hardie. minister of the Ashfleld Pres- , hvterlan chnreh, In (-barge of the ser - GODERI('li Tt)\WNy111P_ Farm Molds -Mr. A. Tctdmtt ha. sold his farm of ninety-three acre. on the Herrin road to Mr. 1'. E. Grover, of the fkI, eoneeeelon, who gets roomers Inn .%pri1 se The pureline/. prier w•11e 119.000. and Mr. Groves gets a splendid firm. Mr. Telibutt and tam- ely Intend to remove to town. 1.0N DEtt1tORO'. Wednesday, Feb. 9, On Saturday, January- 29411, while the village bell rang out its merry notes W •+e" 1 t of luta[lon bur. .1. D. }.1 ! 3. of 1 undpal,rre', and Miss Annie May Fills, of East Wew-anusb, weer -quietly married at 3 p- m- at the parsonage by it,Wv. T. E. Sawyer. They were acrompautie•el by Sir. and burs. Frank Tamblyn. After the welding the happy couple took the 4 o'clock, train for SY Marys for a short honeymoon , and upon their return they will reside ,:I11 the village. Pat and Mike were workin¢ on a new building. Pat was laying brick and Mike was carrying the hod. Mike had just come up to the fourth floor when the dinner whistle blew. His lunch was on the ground "I hate to walk down after it," he said. "Take hold of this rope," said Pat, "and 1'11 let you down." Pat let him doan halfway, and then let go of the ope. Mike landed in a mortar hed, not ch hurt. buterribl ed, t mortified. Y orti nd why did you let goof the rope he d , andrd, "1 t u:ht it•was going to break," said Pat, "a 1 hid presence of mind encugh to let go. i Come and the ^.Betsy Ilobbitt" ' concert arid m t "Our Aunt from Cali- fornia," in Kno church lecture room, Tuesday, Februa 22nd, under the auspnca of the Arth Circle e Success never com a t a man who is afraid ro risk failure. it isn't neceesacy to be a ained nurse in order to nude a grievance. Pract:ce may not make th lawyer perfect, but enough of it will m e him rich, • Welsh's Grape Jul e, "the nati drink," 35c and 70c. 'amphell'a Dru Store, Little Edna was visiting the museum with her aunt. In the Egylptian viten the child saw the desiccated remains of an ancient queen and asked what it was. "That is someone's mummy, dear," replied auntie. "Goodness !" said Edna. "I'm glad my mummy doesn't look ,ike that." 9 - Buy your kodak firms at Campbell's Uru, Stere. One dtwn't have to stick a rin in IMPS to mak(' it spring eternal.