The Signal, 1921-2-10, Page 3When you pay 30 cents for a 1
half -pound package of Red Rose
Tea (Crimson Label)you
actly the same tefor get
you formerly paid35 cents a
package.—Qualityin Red Rose
ea is the first consideration.
By tan Uunelm.
Ottawa, Feb. 7.—Tills is the great
day of days in the riding of Wert
P(•terlsone and the eyes of all inter-
ested in Canadian polltiee are on the
events in that coustltuenk•y. For
weeks the urganiretlone of both the
old-line parties have been doing their
beat to corral the elusive vote and
their Brit has combined right up to
the last /6 °went. Now some of them
are hot( e, both aides expressing con -
'dews, of the victory. but anxiously
waiting for an announcement to come
front the retuning otflcer for the dis-
trict. At the time of writing the vot-
ing is under way and the outcome as
hazy a. ever. 1f the Government
Candidate, Roland Deuue, eau tonnage
to w,utgle a victory out of the fracas
today there will be great rejoicing
among the Government supporters trot
there is no overburdening ,vole. of
victory making itself apparent so, far.
Whoever is victorious 1ae al.utau tut
\ able to make an appearance In the
House lefore the session has pr.a•eetlwl
Sry far. It Is merely a Matter of
Ring for the ()tiial result to resoit
chief electoral utthr•r, 51141 In the
Icase of Peterhoro' not wraith more tie
• week should elapse before the thin
Is put through.
Government Step Waris.
There will not likely be much rush
as to tilling the other Vacant scats: iii
fact, action in regard to them depwilds
upon the Peterhoru' result and devel-
opments during the yes•lon which
opens a week front today. (1iabliet
changes are, hanging tire from the saute
(cause, for was hardly knows what the
next few months may 'bring forth.
Down at Montreal a few days ago,
the Trio(' Minister admitted the 11e•d
of French-Cana(Ilan representation in
the ('abtnet. •and it is a well-known
' fact flora the Government, chiefly
through Hot. C. C. Italian (safe has
been "feeling out" a few el Who. to
see what timler was avalleble..
ever, the Cabinet timber is sea
playing shy.
Patronage by SoaseOther Name ?
The poor old Civil Service Com
Pilon seems to have fallen upon tryit-,
days. Wgj,'h for a serious more t.
get appribitinenta to the outside s•rvbe�
away from the jurisdiction of the ('unt-
misslou. and when it dors come. If it
starts from the proper source, there
will 11(5 be a great deal of Govern-
mental opposition. Sir Nam Hughes
ban a notice of motion on the, order
paper now for a resolution which
would send the Commission to the dia.,
card' and place all appointment.. ou
the vatruuage Iasis, but that will pos-
sibly not find a aecouder. However,
there are a great warty members who, i
with a general election almost within
reaching Cishtuce, would prefer to 1w
able to recommend their supporters ,
for a;()t-
ve. Weal jolts.
There las leen is lot of dlasattsfec-
thin with the Commission's 111.1)4)110 -
merits, particularly particularly to outside serve
posts, and that Is now taking the form
of protests that better men could he
chosen by committers appointed In
each of the electoral (listrl('ts who
would pass .along the nominations of
Well for vat•aucics as they tet•ur. •
The word 'patronage- stinks in tile•
'nostrils of all 4'anadlaus, so they will
not call it u reversal to patronage, tont
11' those committees are c•omp.sed
the weand t•halrwau and similar ilk
odiciala of the dominant party, th
1t will work out almost the saute.
the move fur to change comes fro
some(me who atxn,ls swell with the Gu
erum(:Ht, and if It has the support
a few friends, there will not be any
strenuous opposition. The iuslde se
vice appointments would be left onde
THE SIGNAL — GODfICpt, oirr.
heart be slaving the buuutry a good
.1„tl of money.
Disappointment• Disappointment for tote Ladies.
There will be i• int (if disappointed
d1. wagers and. debillabu•s here neat
Monday. The opening of 'l i ilia mem 04.
taker place in the Senatetuber tilts
year and with a great deal of the old
' lauump• stall vanities. Therefore there
Is a great rias for invitations. But
ha laying out the Reel 4'hawlwr the
11 atn•hltt'cts, 111'111'whoever were resp.u•
d I elble, faliesl to provide half wtugh
• Gallery )un
acco•alati..u, MD there ore
r fewer than three hundred seats to go
11! around amongst ninny times that nine
Iwr of applicants for seating. of
course, apart from the opening and
closing afternoons. there will be about
half -a -dozen to a score of people who
haven't any greater interest in life
than to spend an afternoon or evening
listening to the Senate delete. So
that, apart from the special! functions,
there will be ample gallery rtem ill
the Senate, Iwo ort �Iou41av teat a lot
of people are going to he I1tcappuluted.
Toronto Woman Well an
Strong for First Time in Five
Years—Praises Tanlac.
"1 had lost over forty p',un(is in wci,;l,t
but 1 have gained seventeen pounds of'1
back alreay by taking Tanlac" sal
Mrs. C. B. Smith, of 102It.verd,le ace,
Toronto, Ont,
"Following a severe attack of erysipela
and blood poieonine five Near, ago I iel
di so fast in weight it was alal,ming and
it just seemed that there was no hope for
me. My stomach was bad y disordered
and 1 betame so weak I could hiedly get
Thursday, February' Irl, 1921.-3
of 1 around. 1 would bloat. up dreadfully and
al the preseure against my heart was so bad
en fit caused palpitation and thortn•as of
if ' b ca'h. Often 1 had severe 1.e: d aches
Ill and bilious attacks and u:metime. suff Ted
v. awfully from nausea'. I was c anp:etely
of rut.doen and my whole boy ached,
'cut I began to improve co the very
,. I fret bottle of Tanlac and now it seems
r 1 glmoat hi Scatting fife over again. 1
mission, as at present, fo
they are mostly technical and can
made by examinations.
It h( not likely, however, that 1
there is a retunt to patronage iia an
form the Government would allow til
abuses to creep in as they have crept
1n in the past. For one thing, th
people would not stand for aiythin
ike the old days• and the present time
auJs w•nomy Instead of extrava-
ance in spending the public motley.
An Undignified. Plea,
rI iv
e t• .
G l\ ogle u u.1 the lead'
every towu
avtn t a itch of indigesti ,n and have
re tdy gained back nearly half my It st
high'. The tseadach,sa:d biliousness
have it ft me :,riftl feel so well and strong
can do m t housework with ease. I can
ever for, et aha" agrrat bl.esin Tanlac
as been 1,me and t certainty deserves
11 the praise in the w
Tanlac It sold ort erieb by E. 11
druggist to
liar interest. Particularly his observ-
---- - ---.1 atloris of young people. For the young
The Carpets You Throw Away!
They are the ones we want to save for you.
No matter how old, how dirty, how dilapi-
dated, by our process they can be woven into
Reversible Rugs
that are good enough for the most
elaborate home.
\Yost' on't realize how good these
nigs really are until you see their
l uty and feel their sof asrpktmder
your feet.
as Ski, sd.writeeeent .ti4 sew
1.4 eddteu fps a fru easals1
•iat An iafa ,...:um
Tie a rope around the old carpet and
send it to
The Ca a Rug Co.
1111 Carling Street. a Lon -Canada
George Foister has brought dow
1 of crltlrls
going Over to New York and trying t
"kid" the,Americana into spending
their m try In ('ansda, That, e
least, wa what Sir George's argil
moots Penn( al like when he talked of
our friendship for the States• and sug-
gested iltat hey reel pro(•ate that
friendship by t ying, in, (•anadn, said
thus reliving tl rate of exchange.
If Canada is to h' ve no letter argil.
ment that that' fu American Money
swing spent herr then here would arm
to to little hope for tting many of
[''nc•le Santjt dollars ov to this side
of the border, but the port of Sir
Georges speech read like ne of Iiia
"happy" ap•,'t•h,'a. which he s able to
deliver nn almost any and wry o•-
(•nsioft, saying little or noth ,g hut
keeping hi. auditors in a eh rful
frame of Mind for half an hour Ile
he., does it.
Where the Money Goes.
One ()f Sir George's pet sehebnes, the
reorganization of the civil service by
Grifenluteen and Associates. ha. gone
by the hoard. after coating the country
butt tret'n allatiNM) HMI S2I'1Qt1OQ-w
any value being reehwI therefor.
Griffenhag,•tl and Assa•iatr were en-
gaged hast ce:ar at a salary of Si ROM
per month and when the eontra.t was
;III it was stated that they were
going to perform miracles lis reorgan-
izing the civil service, mating out the
deadwood and putting the politjcal.
Atagrnn stables• in a n GTP of wbnomy.'
(Hill the far -fa mei .tmerican experts
were somewhat of a flivcpr, as tar as
t Modern Rip -an Winkle.
Calgary A erta11.
.t nict, +tali released a few days ago
who spent a quarter century in
Charlestown state prison.
He had heard and read of outside
changes during his imprisonment. But
that was not like awing for himself.
He corner back to life as a modern
1(ip Vass Winkle.
That gives his observations a pecu-
rr.ulta went. They spent eight have bs'('n the uhjeet of much criticism
n months, supposedly reorganizing the fur their freedom of warmer. disreganl I
r',stalt of one or two deprtw.n and for a(Ivite of elders, and for many
other changes for which they are caw-: ■
' : parol unfavorubly with the young'
o \•people of 1)11,.5. ,
passes! the
1 But Haat Is not_the way they ,app•ar'
t0 Hitt new drip Van Winkle.
• m upon himself fo
• reclassifying them. In many
1 the experts simply took over,
t bolus the recommendations of the
Right In Your Home!
Come to our stun rght rtray—select an Amber(
phonograph and a dozen rewords --and we'll deliver
th:m promptly to your home for a 3 days' FREE
tial which will not cost you a cent or place you
u::tier any obligation to buy! How can we afford to
• du this? Because
is the world's greatest phonograph value and .111
meet wry test, where "talking machines" and
ordinary phonographs fail. if the Free Trial
convinces you, we 11 let you
own the Amberola on peacti-
cally _year envoi gree:' flurry
right down to our store for this
Free -Trial or you may have
to wait your tura
11. W. ll.tMILTON, .%gent
Auburn. Ontario, Phone
11 r 13 (1)ungan:sou).
I partmental head* and has,
vtluug,• and lu other east'. the recom-
mendation. of the AMt'rieana them•
selves were entirely unworkable. So,
finally, the experts were tired by order -
in ('uuncil, as they had been hired, and
in another two monthsthe country will
be free of tale useless expense. Min-
isters, deputies and civil servants
alike are cheering lordly:
Toe Much Mascara.
There is another floss of *Brom.
eases for the Senate this session and
; consequently a renewal of the demand
for (divorce reform- The Senate and
House divorce c••mnlitt•t•, litivt enough
work ahead of them to keep 1117A11 busy
practically all thnmgh the .."sons if
they hear all fiat' evidence in over 423
divorce Application.. and the memla•rs
f them• cumwlttees are getting sick
the job (f Iwo rintg dirty !Meth
lied. ha t•otdmltt,e ,illy after day
year atter year. it is expelled
7(o prow t e for dh-uree
courts n the l'rovint•ee,w•here they ,tot
not nos exist will be presented to
sand that it will go
thunronit'.e:►o. ere will le-upptsitiuu, of
As conitide illy .more than half' the'.
(Benne :torah Inns now before the
committee orkel ,t•" i Tur()nt r. per-
haps it would not a haul Idris to Id
Toronto have a div ret' , o•n t and try
hunt'• ba.,•. tiler, 'I' A.1 o.111,1 at
He was amused by the =intro *karts
rn by girls, and he said they ate
pea "as if on stilts."
Ito he added :
"lin ng people today appear to be
f much ore intelligent. They've got
a gotalw d look that only one in a
hundred u. to hare."
, Huron and \Perth Black Chapter.
Stratford. Felin 7 --Huron :and I',rria
('unity ('hapter f the Royal Black
Knight. of irelau held it. annunl i
meeting at I.ucan n friday, When ,
otficcrs were elected n_ fnfuw•a : ,fast
forth: counts -
pew rptor. E. Noble.
preeptor.-J. 11. Artnihtgt' l,ncan: cjel}
uty. S. L. Ireland. Stratford: chapalnlrt
11. P,s.k, (;r,tIton: regi t'(r.Ir, W.I
Graben). Stratford : 1riawirer, J.
f i,spd.. Winghatn t lecturers, ]fee
yfnrray, Varna, and J. Rutile • or(1. 1
stratters' : e-•raseers.,
ford. and 1'. I)n eanore. Stratto
stindar41-Iwarera. G. I',slain.. l.ak'an:
J. C. I)nnweth. Stratford : •pnrsuivatt s.
.1. L. Carruthers.. Stratford. auto M.
Carter. Ln(•ati: rnmrittee, Wlllhiu)
Sinclair. \\',asltoam: (Mach•. Mason.I
trw•nwd• \1'lllinw (:nest. \vingham:
I). L. Stepheneoi. Clinton: William I
None -Such
JorAtan o -Beast, External or internal
"JJe Geoll.Pundle Son CSL'id
CL indsor, Ont.
f ourdealerhasnt it, we will send
Rue's -None Suchtiniment
prepaid to your address for $ 1.10
r} 1 satisfied
Slew. (tolerieh; J. W. 11c1d4al, Varna:
R. J. I'urklbaon, Grantok;, marshail. J.
Dunbar, Si.' :Mary.. W. Sir Knight
Williarh ('oursey preside!. I
Try a WantrAd. Next !eek; It Pays !
L. R. STEEL CO., Limited, 5c
Palm Olive Soap, special for Satur
Best quality Black Tea
British Columbia Salmon
Spagetti in Tomato Sauce
Shelled Walnuts -
•,,., 9c tar
27c Ib.
15c tin
Oc lb.
2 for 1 i c
. 30c 1
Coffee, best brand
Laundry Soaps
Seedless Raisins , , . , , ..
Flannelette Nightdresses 98c
Flannelette Sleeping Suits $1.00
Wool Vests 59c, 69c, 89c
Wool Bootees 39c, 89c pr.
Wool Hosiery, all sizes 79c
Children's Waists. 39c, 69c, 89c .
1 -oz. Ball, special 25c
2 -oz. Balls, special
Big assortment of Art Goods just received, assorted prices.
Large Turkish Towels 39c, 15c, 59c, 69c
Large Hemstitched Huck Towels 59cc
Best quality Honeycomb Towels 19
Linen crash Towelling, special
Check glass Towelling, special-_?,
Big assortment of Washcloths
39c yard
:39c yard
Cambric Drawers, embroidery trimmed 79c,98c
Ladies' all-over Arons , 98c
Fancy Tea Aprons\ 39c, 49c
Sid Camisoles, best shades V'_
Ladies' pink and white Bloomers $1.00
Ladies' fine rib Vests
39c, 79c, $1.00
8 -quart Saucepa-
Large Kettles
Large Pudding Pans .
Large Milk Pans
Jelly Moulds
........ $1.09
89c, $1.00
49c, 89c, $1.00
39c, 49r
Straw Braid, all the leading shades, special 15c yard
All the very latest buckram Hat Shapes 15c, 29c each
Large assortment of French Veilings, assorted prices.
Large variety of Silks and Satins and Dresden Ribbons,
all widths and all prices.
Extra value Steel Panel Saws • $1.00
Carving Knives and Forks 69c, 89c
Paring Knives 19c, 29c
Hammers 29c, 49c, 79c
Full stock of Household faints.
Always a full stock of Toilet Articles on hand, at r.' k-
bottom prices.
Patent Medicines aI't ass on hand, at very low • rices.
L. R. STEEL CO., Limited, 5c to $i.00 Store