The Signal, 1920-11-25, Page 1Zetraftrenle Joh SAVE FIFTY CENTS by paying your subscription to ;be S1gua1 For a few days more $1.50 x AT ONCE, before the price la raised to $2,00 a year. O M46 Imam aortae Boulevard w will be accepted as the yearly sub .crtptton to The Signal. The price will then be increased to $2'00, asessorieassiderrasesurestrerMassraoresseseuram YEYENTY-THIRD YEAR. -NO. 47. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1920. orsisMorreircorrerserresereaesioncriresalsoosWasiolei THE SIGNAL PRLNTING CO., LIMITED, Publisher, FARMERS Our Bond Department is in charge of ex- perienced executives, capable and to advise you regarding the safest most .satisfactory investments. It can recommend to you at any time a splen- did selection of high-grade Government and Munidpal Securities --and in addi- tion will transact any Bond business speedily and efficiently. Ask your local Manager for our latest Wt d Investments. SIB STERLINGBANK OF CANADA -_- • SECURITY A Savings Bank Account not only provides an assurance for the It present, but guarantees you security. I 1n Abe future. - To save is to succeed-, m • .r THE CANADIAN BANK r- OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . $15.000.000 RESERVE FUND . - :15,000.000 GODERICH BRANCH, G. Williams, IJaeager. .1 TENDERS WAN'T7S& i ov= or aniimmo. .I MAIL CONTRACT • LED TENDERS, addressed to the tmsur General. ala be received at Ottaw NOON. ea FRIDAY. tion 17th DAY of DE' CEMBER, fee the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, a ■ proposed Castrate for IOW Tears. thirty times per week. on the route God!rich Post Office and Grata Trunk Railway Station, from the 1st day of April nest. Printed notices crovVrining further information .sI....d.11 ...1 o r rd G..0 et maybes= and bank farms of Tender maybe obtained at he Post Offices of God rich, Holmeaville. Osborn. sad at the aka of llte Pbst Otaee aapector.London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Port OS.. teepee tor. Por Office I.,pectr's [Mice, Loudon. 9411 November. 1920. at MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Tb. c.unsi of the ewpnrNkm of the comedy f Huron will meet in the council chamber. Gode- rich, at o'clock in the afternoon of `r..enay. the 7th day of December. 1920. All accounts easiest the cou t7 must Mein the hands of the Neck not later than Monday preceding the meet- ingof council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clem. Gelder lek Nov. 154k. 192a. 2t PUBLIC NOTICE. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aral Hoepeted, twMtnet at Moo.eadd's Bye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London. Eng. M Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Tdep8oe. set. At Bedford Hotel. Goderkb. from W.dnes- day. January 190i. at 7.e1, p. m., to Thursday. the 201h, at 1 p. as. ,COLD' FACTS s Fuel is very high in price and hard STORM -SASH -' will ! Save a large amount of your Fuel Account Not only for this season, but for many winters to come. We are making a large number up within the next few days.. To get quick delivery ORDER NOW Nie and start at once to cut down expenses. rt x The Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. r i, flex IS GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 47 1 Save for Lfe Insurance 1,,111111 T1FS Insurance affords an ad- mirable opportunity for crea- tion of a substantial estate, and provides protection for your fam- ily, la the event of your death. Open a savings account with era and make regular deposits, so that you can meet the premiums as they fall due. 448 Foca SALE OR RENT. 'LOUSES- HOUSES_ All kind. for sale se very rea.onabk If you intend buying • house it will be to your interest to see me, se 1 may have just what you we looking for No trouble to Now you the places 1 liars kw .rale. A large IML to -choose from. Call in and we me. P. ;.'RYAN. rn«; Real Erste and Insurance • o,tt: Y Pbene 50. if POR SALE. CALVES FOR SALE. -TWO PURE- BRED Shoetbwn bull calves, aged mine std eleven months. roan and red. MICHAEL MILER, R. R. No. 2, Clinton (pbooe 117 Bee. miller/, tl 1!,OR SALE. -ONE SET OF CLEVE- LAND Computing Scali.. Apply to G. H. BALL corner South street sad Elgin avers. 2t WOR SALE. -CABBAGE iN QUAN. TITIES. $0 per US Broome smuts. three poem's for 25 cents. Sauerkraut by the posed w in pails and logs of-MIb. to Mb lbs., at reasonable price. Apply at 16 Keays Street Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at N per single cord. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Andean St.) Phone. 61. WANTED. PIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music Seedier. north .ids M Square. tf PLAIN SEWING, -ORDERS TAKEN kr plain sewing for ladies only. Kindly call at roots. owe W{gls's Dreg Store. MRS. J. M. MAdLEOD. REPAIRS.-WiLLIAM TREHUEN, Oatoed arrest. Oodrich, amends gramtewsre. umbrellas. sensors. ruers. *rowan, cnpperwre. and as kinds of scoot... Screen sad rotors shampooed. 11 you want any repairs please write WILLIAM TREHl1EN, P 0. boa lo, G.dericb. W ANTED. -TEACHER FOR S. S. No. 17, Ashfield and West Wawsnaabb 'ownNip; sssondclam pro(erional; duties to eommesn Int Janus 1961. Apply. statists salary. to JAS. SPROUL, R. R.No. [. Aubuer., tf 'IiRLS WANTED. -APPLY GODE- l1 RICH KNITTING COMPANY. tf Goderich Society Orchestra Music Studio. (Entrance between F. H. Wood's and J. H. Lauder's Stores.) Gene C. Coarsen. Pharisee -suit ion given on' piano. Mr. C. V. Henry. Violinist - tuition given oa violin for beginners and advanced student.. For information apply at Studio. Violins repaired, bridges tuned, sound - posts set and violin bows repaired. etc. GODERICH SOCIETY ORCHESTRA (Five pkce9, professional). LOST OR FOUND. kCTRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned, a year-oI I heifer. red. with horns. Kindly forward any information to MRS. DONALD McKENZIE, BayfielI R. R. No. I tteiephtoor 003, 0ll ,PUBLIC IIurwz HEAR DR. SARA DETVf FILER speak in Victoria St. Methodist Church ON Thursday, Dec. 2nd, at 8 p. m. Good musical numbers. ' A treat in store. W. C. T. U. iF YOU WISH TO SAVE 56 CENTS ON YOUR NEXT YEAR'S SUB- SCRiPTiON TO THE SIGNAL, PLEASE RENEW NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 3e. UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager CRAIGIE'S Assurancea•d Real Estate FARM TO RENT. 66 acres of good land with frst- clals buildings situated in God- erich township Nat across the track, on tbe Huron road. Thla farm will $,e rented fQr eve year. "Villa Picton," 2 story brick, fully modern, with fireplace, 7 room., large lot, situated en the south tilde of Picton street. This Is one of the most modern bene. In town. Immediate poseessioa. 1% story frame hoose with R rooms, electric light and water, full lot with orchard. Bltnated on the west side of P,amerou street. Investment Sororities. Victory Ronda bought and sold. Province of Ontario Bonds, due Jane 16. 1960. price $100, to ylehi es per .rant. 3. W. C AiGIE AUCTION BALM AUCTION SALE OF FARM S 1 OCK AND IMPLEMENTS. The undersigned baa received inettuctwm to sea by public mecum', st Lt 54, collocation ie Godoab tuwoabtp, on WEDNESDAY.DICEMMER 1st, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following tiny seldom, 5 ye..r.. Ike lbs.: klrick Percheron, 4years; mue,d y.rs.in hal toLanereGartley, aeric antral geton... 5 veva: Lamaism Slade cue, e years, due .larch 2; UuiW sada tow. 7 yrs., due Marta at; Durham geode cap, it years. due April l; Polio.; Angus saw, 7 years. due Aped is; led better. noise 6 doe Apr.. 14; ado *seder. rising a, dor Aprd 12, roam nester. toes Ude. Apt l 2u, 4 coact stars. la months; x pea 1. nag calve.. rcauterad Durham bun, I yS yew % s doarn yowls bens; Deering binder, .o gaud .tsar; MM. orm.ck mower. felt. cut; 10 -It. sharp rads, 10-.ua dna. arta fiefs attoebnsati Maes. tarns 3-1surse cultiv.tw, Mawr -stares diec haws, 1 rt tbrr e- nation iron hareems. Lose bike. lino lumbar wagon double boa eats naiad mat. pgata:k. hay rasa. 3 gravel buses; fanning se.It 1 .et sal Knits. tun lbs.; (dryer welkin' tier, teeth bead pwley, nays; Fleury plow, east Al Wood twin pious, rieury rcufaet. I pet bobsseigha, spring raga, n ew binder tongue PMIMsdculrer. a arisen grair Wags, sew rubber -tire alp buggy., steel. tile top buggy. 1 read cut, 1 rock elm sto.ebast, gnadsters, peck. wheelbarrow 2 sap kettles. ask brr.1, e • quantity el torsed rock elm ledd.r rungs. a sets of heavy wb.atettees, .ockyoke, lawn mover. ezten.on ,tepmldsr. 1 set tum batwing. s net tragic bar- rieIse[ pw hart.ees, gait L-nc8 cuUan, pp.,..0 t l-inchr. cellolars.•oe.yer v.tensary {ranee. bsyterk Mee sed 'whir.; est maermws. a *.e.rly w swwe•ta .k; a rues -- we el .-secal.osbe, same eadar aisma: loot b.._a Bishop robe, large ,aska*drewan robe; a re= dwpants r'. r.i.ls; ensilage fork, bushel chanlee ti y bay; lads Ql graven lerd!Daisney cbhore. caw; cream separator. No. a, guod as:Kw, 600 Ibe. capacity: tarps beater bowl. about 7s busheleado.i potatoes. poelwoui cues stove, Art buuveroe beater .1111 oven, air, pope. in. chided, a other household effect,: 1 set count rima and siMna Phitlarm; scum poo.. -roadie. chains,sed .the' articles trio numerous to men- tion. No reserve, as the proprietor has sold haters Tunes. -TeaWtalars mai soder. cash, over *bat amount, 12 ma4the' credit un furn.shing a - peoved joist newts, or e psi ural. for cash. H.H.CANTELON, G H ELLIOTT. t'r„pnetw. 'Auctioneer. AUCTION S 1l OF GOJD 130 - ACRE FARM tmasseIELU. MR. 1. I. O'1FZIt.LY will well by medic ■.chw o, at the premises. lot 6, c..mcesston a, W.D. A.k8cld.'.(. n WEDNt8SD.AY. D&CB'M$ER 1st. at 4 o'clock akar 111 loan caselm/'g tel Al act more o1 km u pon w,. eh chere is a geed. coin table hams house• curtaining eta room . d a large frame kitch.R with good celiac A first •cis barn.10kM6 an artearrn ell and • H. C. DuLlop, total d [t, agMt for Wever-farlittg.pine creek rrn.nryrhru ttwtre Tt'mpllton's Limited, has fire samples of of farm. There r toot good la.rle. hoc on the Rheumatic' Capsules and Raz -Mab for tics. which is stoat two mile. hoes '(C.ngs- pgn bat g Tsars -The property will be sold awn' to ,- a reservebid. 11 .old. ten per cent. of parch money mum be padaday of sale: balancer. days. Any further information *111 be given by Miss\ THE WANDERERS' RETURN. Twe Exiled Canadians Come Back to Their Native Land., The Signal a tea days ago received a letter from Los Angeles, California, 1u which were enclosed two Canadian ten' cent pieces, the reason whereof is ex. plained ylt the letter wbit.h follows. It hu nut yet been decided just what is to be done with the distinguished traxellers; at the present time they are taking a rest after their wannerings afar : Los Angeles, Nov. 3rd, 1920. My dear Editor,- 1 came *crofts the two eotlosed Cassdlals, Lather and PM. wandering around this land of suushiue and flowers. They told me they were not welcome in this country and were called very Moulting and urldignIfled names and Gnu such as "phoney, bogus, elkk, spurious, counterfeit, wortble .. be- low liar. and foreign roles," and that they had spent the most of their visit here ill slot machine and church collec- tions, which, in their opinion, were the mut u.elt'ss and worthless places that any human could put any self -respect - Ing colo to work. - They told me they wanted to go back to Canada. 1 asked them what part of Canada and they named a beautiful little city on the banks of Lake Huron and Maitland River called Goierlch. They then informed me that if i would send them to you you would aepd age a copy of The Signal for two consecutive weeks.° 1 therefore take much pleasure In enclosing herewith my two little friends, wishing them a safe Journey home and a free and useful circulation on their arrival. Hoping to receive tbe copies of The Signal in doe course of time, - 1 remain, my dear Editor, RICHARD HARGRAVES, 441 Towne Aveaue, P Loa Angeles, California. Starr Phonographs and Gennett Star Records lex sale at Blackstone's Ill Cream Parkas, West street. irree R. C. church sad Septum scoot asthma, to be had for the asking. Margaret O'Reilly. K egsbtidge. 1.1,0'11a1LLY, THOS GUtiOYY. I roprietor AuctTineer AUCTION SALE OF 1'70U t' 350 CORD! OF URS W01D. MESSRS. ELLIOT r ANL, SYMONUS • sen by public aw1Hoh, at lot 27, conoe-non e, West Wawanosh, on MON DAY. NOVE 1BER 2546, . et Let/o'clock sharp: About V0 coeditor dry wood, mostly hardwood, cut 12 inches Iona ; wd1 be sold in lots to suit purchaser. Tawas. -All Sums of fl-+ and ..dor, malt; over that amount, S months' credit well be given on lurnislung approved 'pmt notes. ELLIOTT a SYMONDS. T. GUNORY, Proprietors. Auctioneer. Be sure to see "The Little Ligh s' and tiODE1t1CH LOSES A HIGHLY ESTEEMED CITIZEN. Mr. D. Millar Passes Quietly from an Active and Useful Life. The people sat Goderich heard with surprise and deep regret on Saturday of the death of Mr. U.vtd Millar, which occurred about 1 o'c.ock that mottling at Ms home, after a brief illn' as. Mr. Malar had not been in robust health for some time, but he was able, to be at the wore as late as the Tuesday preceoutg his death, and it was out until Friday that has cugdiuon was recognized as cnucal. Although In his eightieth year, I11r ;pillar retained his faculties, mental and phys- ical, unimpaired to the end, and he passed away wilrout suffering. Mr. Mader w,s born June 29, 1541. at Glasgow, Scotland. He engaged in the drygoods business, with which 'he was connected for about forty years m Gla+ gow, latterly as the head of a wholesale hrm. In 1905 he tan.e to this country. and in July of that year commenced business here in drygoods, and in the Succeeding years, with the assistance of his son, Mr. W. T, Mtl;ar, built up a large and successful trade.the Scotch Store having a reputation which .xtends far beyond the confines of this county, Mr. Millar was a gentleman of the old school, q .het. reserved, dignified, and having no dealings with anything that was not thoroughly upright and honorable. in church affiliation he was a Presbyterian and in politics a Liberal. He is awvived by his wife, with whom, had he lived. he would complete fifty yearsol maimed Isle next June ; and by lour sons and three daughters : Alfred, of California: Frank, of Stratford; James. of Toledo, Uhw; Wyvillr, of town ; Mrs. Lee, of Edmonton, Alberta, and the Misses Edith ani Lo.ue, at home A private tun. rai was held t n Mon- day afternoon, the Luria! services being 'pet formed by Rev. R C. McDrrmid and the Inlerttmat1 being In Maitland cemetery. 'I'N pallbearers were Messrs. F. J. Dammers, of Toronto; Alex. law (a brother-in-law ), of But. halo, N. 1'.; James Huc•halan and W. 11. Robertson. The sols from • Stratford and Toledo ' were here for the funeral, and Mr. J. O. Motherall of Toronto, au old friend of Mr. Mfllsr'w, ala Was here. The deepest sympathy hi felt with the suddenly bereaved ritually fu their great loss. which is felt with especial keenness because it is the first break in the family circle. ,'The Little J;falseke. rs" in Knox See Wesley Walker's big ad. on page tr. h lecture-ro. m Friday evening, 3 of this borne. I\bumber MIL ON , SCRI PI.EASE THAN N ADDITIONAL LOCAL MATTI * ONE IOU WISH TO SAVE M CANTS INSIDE PAGES. 'OUR NEXT YEARN SUB- f ON TO THE SIGNALL, SIGNAL CALENDAR$..7I RENEW NOT LATER EMBER 3e. The Signal Calendars for. 1121 have been ordered but ase not yet .t hand. er's two .coccus have They will likely behere within the wester Wa many things fothe Christmas sceson, and as he 1s offering special bargalu prices Just now shopper* will find it to their advantage to investigate. See his big ad. on page. 3 of this paper. Ti y our hot fudge sundae. We alio, IF YOU WISH TO SAVE .ie CENTS serve hot coffee, bovlii and thacdtate. - S. C. Wlblon ON YOUR NEXT YRAB'S SUB- • a SCRIPTION TO THE SIGNAL, PLEASE RENEW NOT LATER THAN NOVEMBER 30. If next few day.. rot suhr'rlb*'rw' who pay their snbacrlptloiu now we will reserve calendars for which tb.'y may cull' later on. As usual, the Signal calendar for 1921, 1s ornamental as well as useful, and we. have every canfldenee that our subscribers will he well Life. At ten, a child ; at twenty, wild ; At thirty, tame if ever; At forty wise; at filly. rich ; At sixty, good, or never-! ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Board of Governors Elected at Annual Meeting Held en Tuesday. The adjourned annual meeting of the Alexanura Hospital Assoc anon was held at the Board of Trade rooms on Tuesday evening, with a fairly good attendance. Rev. J. E. Ford, pre*idrnt, was in the chair, and addressed the meeting briefly with reference 4o hospital affairs. Mr. T. G. Connon,' treasurer, submited the financial itatement in printed form, and Rev. Carton Hill read the secretary s re- port. e- port. Nominations were made for the board of governors, and the following were elected : For three years. T. G. Connor. Rev. J. E. Ford, Mrs. M. G. Cameron ; for two years, Judge Dickson, Rev. Canon Hill. Mrs. W. L. Horton ; for one year, C. Wurtele, J. W. Fraser. Mrs. W. A. Coulthurst. (Dieing to lack of space this week a more detailed report of this meeting is held over to the next issue of The Signal. GUNDKI'S SALE REGISTER Tuasoar. Nov. In. -Mr Andre. Sheppard will self sit Are ever etn-k,-,mplement. ttr.. -a her' , .... farm Bar. liner Godench township. No reserve; W• aoNasoar, Dec 1. -Sole of 100 -acre farm in AshfiNd,property cf J. J. O'Reilly, at the p.m- oes, lot ., concession 44, at 2 o'clock sharp. DIED. MILL A R. -- In Goderich. o„ Saturday. Nova nbee 'ler, Davad Mdlat. to his .0th year. IN MEMORIAM. , FiSHER.-In lovin`memory of Clifford W Fisher, who died 'November 12, 114*5, and James A. W. Fisher.` who died November 26. 1441,. You heard a roue vie coild not hear - It bade you come (0 rest ; You lilt so many you laved. dear, To lean on Jesus' breast. And wait the time when by Hurate Our sweet reunion shall take place. And though it seems but yesterday You calmly fell asleep A lonely two years have passed away .And we year memory beep But know that soon God's saving love Shall can us to that Home above. -Parents. Sisters and Brother.. r KERB - In loving memory of husband sod lather, dr. Wm Kerr, who deported this life one year ago. November 271h. 1919. lb a rear but silent graveyard. Where the tr'.e their bran. hes wave , Lies a true and loving . father. - _ ---_ In Iva cold and silent pave. W e mourn the loss of one so dear. One bosionaw sad today. To check the one We I wed so wadi Wsese,reick4y canal cavy, Far.sd octan our 1hosgbta do wtMder Tot that grave not far away. Where they Ind a husband and father Just one year ago today. The happy hours we once enjoyed, Hcw caret the memory still. But death hath left a vacant place The world can never 4411. - Wife and Family. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' Pap Heifer Strayed --Mata, Donald McKenzie, Bay- field 1 Awes ion Sate- H. H. Centel** .... ....:1 pleated ` 'ilh Auct.on Sale -J. J.O'Rrdly,. 1 ' PlainiSewme- Mrs, 1. M. MacLeod. 1 THE SIGNAL' PRINTING CO.,' Address by Dr. Sara Del Weiler -W. C. T. u LIMITS:D. Pianos Tuned- C.'V. Henry. BAZAAR Remember the Bazaar to be held by the LADIES' AID of NORTH STREET METHODIST CHURCH on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 27TH. s in the Masonic Temple. - Homemadebaking, candies, aprons, fancy work, etc., will be on sale from 2 to 6 o'clock p.m. Af- ternoon tea will be served --hot biscuits while you wait. Be sure to procure a supply of Christmas Cents on this occasion. Remember the date, Nember 27th, and the place, Masonic Temple. Potatoes Wanted '� We are still in the market for Potatoes and will be shipping the coming week. .-nr Prices quoted on request. JAMES LLO'D & SON Phone 204 inezei 77k7714P41 _' i, e, Galeria $2.00 from December 1st We announced some weeks ago that the price of The Signal would be raised to $100 a year; but a number of subscribers having promised to make their payment "within a few days," or "next time we are in town," we extended the time for pay- ment at the old rate. The time has now come, however, when we must ask the larger rate. Costs of production are mounting, and we must provide also against a constantly increasing cost of the blank paper on which The Signal is printed. Newspapers all over the 'Province are facing the same problem, and facing it in the only way possible -by . an increase of the rate of subscription. - After December 1st, therefore, the price of The Signal will be $2.00 a year. Until that date the\old rate of $1.50 will remain in force. We are trying to give Signal readers as good a paper as possible tinder existing conditions, And we rely upon the generous support which we have had for many years in keeping The Signal in the front rank of Ontario weeklies. Subscribers can help very materially by. making prompt renewals, and those who are .in arrears are invited to "square up" and do their part in lessening the burden of financing. ' THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED.