The Signal, 1920-11-11, Page 7sorwoornatereamelidarMacati
Thursday, November 11, 2920.-r
their lives. Mr. Devereux predeceasing WomEN of t
his wit • `even years. Two sons and one ff:
daughter, all living in Tuckers.'r.ith, suf.
�rrc Thomas C. Ranee, formerly a ('1'n -
Ingress .1_ Critical PerSafely
brkle being Miss _ dale H. Mossop, tai Critical
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. earl conforbilly by aka
**sop.L Lydia E. Kilauea Vegetable
F. R. Fouldx, xt•lrac'e master and • �
agricottani' speelatist on the Clinton -
('ulleglate Institute staff. has scut In
his resignation. to take effect at the
end of the year. He is acweptfng from R,egkbeak.-"Iwaagob► through
the Dominion Government a position of Life and sulferer�for two
as chIl f wwl nalyxt for Mauiaoha *red 11 ill II ( yearewithheadache,
ftaskatvhew . with headquarters at I I III
I,IIII nervousness, sleep
Wlunipeg. Irl i i,II less nights and gen-
Mary nn ((ands, widow of the late 1till
1 +�P era[weakness. Some
Desid e•Connell, passed away at her 1 t• ' days I felt tired and
hom he e on the 29th ult., In her j4X ten` to my work.
j 7� r . I 1 gave Lydia E.
e ty-third year. Before coming to ltham's VeQe-
tutou about twenty years azo the I il
, da
jfamily lived at Myth. Mr. McConnell�I�I ' aleasd foun�""d good
diel three years ago, and a family of results. and I also
four son.' and four daughters surrives• , aIIL, find it every helpful
IIRL'SBELf3 I ` 'Ilii Spring tonic and use -
1'" • fol for constipation
wax married at ream. rerntly, the
need have no terrors for } ou if you are clad
in an outfit from this store. Call and see the
THINK of the vast difference between Edi s
1- a Amberola and ordinary pbenograp or
"talking machines". The Amberola is th rod-
• uet of matchless inventive genius—of ins ration.
Other phonographs are plain, factory ade ma-
chines, devoid of inspiration.
Thomas A. Edison's master nd conceived
the Amberola to entertain ma find. Commer-
cial phonographs are put tog er with just one
object in view—to st'll at so uch profit.
No wonder the Am • - ' has- demonstrated
its superiority time an, ain in public compara-
tive tests with "talki g ' achines ' and commer-
cial phonographs.
The marvel() one of the mberol ho
manent, genui' Diamond Pont Reproducer
needles to change)—the practiclly unbreakable.
everlasting Amberol Records—allies cal the gen-
ius of Edison. And the surprising, low cost of the
Amberola puts high-priced "talking'- machines"
and commercial phonographs to shame`\
New Suits
New Hats
New Shirts
New Gloves
New Underwear
New Overcoats
• New Caps
New Ties
New Socks
New Suspenders
Everything 100 per cent. value
Mrs. Richard Leatherdnle passed from which I suffer much, I have rec-
away Tuesday evening of last week, l ommended Vegetable Compound to sev-
in her sixty-sixth year, after a long I eral friends, and am willing you should
'lineia publish this." -Mrs. MAi rttw VII Lulu- I
One night recently a section of the BAY 810 Robinson St., Regina, Basks
If you have warain gmptotns such
cement mill dam, near the centre, loose
swept away, lacing worked loose' a sense of auffocagoa, hot Aaat►es,
through the constant action of the headaches, backachs, dread of impend-
water. An attetn t is being made to in evi) timidity, sounds is the ears,
repair the dam before winter nets tn.
,tation of the heart, sparks beforo
t 11I epeyes, irregularities eonsti tion,
ea l the winter and spring floats would f weakness, uiet-
variable appetite, play Laces with h. I ude and dizziness, get a bottle of ydia
Walter Inose was serlonsly injured E. {'inkham's Vegetable Compound and
when Ills ear Menai turtle when a pig ' begin taking the medicine at once. We
ran in the road In front of 't as he w•xs 1 know it w{]1 help you as it did lin.
speeding to Belgrrrve with a 'messenger Lindsay._-__.-.
to catch the 1.H.&k afternoon train.
TbP auto went completely over and -
I }l sed { n re -allude. Rewe was pinned EXETER. , _ _.
doyen. Ilia companion took a lying Wh ile painting the interior of her home
leap through tine top and ese-aped ua• one day last week, Mrs. Wm. J. Kernick
hurt and at once went to his rescue. fell from a stepladder and broke her arm,
Hose was taken out uneons•ions and besides surleining other injuries.
carried tun farm phase sett -tend
It Reeve Beavers his received a large
frectwas found that he had cut
oho ribs German trer•ch mortar and a
bead. Mend was badly rot I to the machine gun, souvenirs of the great war.
head. The ear was xmasheel jo such They wi 1 be set up near the town hall.
t mil" This is the third Run of the kind that
Exeter has received.
Ur. Young Cowan, who died at London
a kw days agostat the age of eighty-
six years. practised medicine in
\Exeter for man* years. His death
Was sudden. as he maintained his
practice until the end and hapd re•
ceived his patients as usual that day. He
is sur ived by his wife and one son, Ur.
Harry Cowan of New Zealand.
• W. ti ohnston, who for many years
taught s nol in Stan ev township and
who since idsummer had been teaching
in the Sees th school. has -resigned and
their pa has taken a position in the office of
i iss N. Medd is teaching
place at Sexsmith.
•5 was solemnized at
hurch nn Saturday
morning, November I, wh n Charlotte
E Ina, youngest daug ter of Mr. and'
Mir. Thomas Bissett, ame the bride
of William Newell. of `$tratfort'. The
of -working
pment rs hamper y the stress
ceremony was performed y the rector,
of ty rnea hours. hurried and open Rev. A- A. Trumpet, and erwards the!
meals. o say are more ha le is happy couple left on a mo r tour to
1 conso la uuei9 today, but therers is this Hamilton and other po'nts. On their
1 erly regarded
that, anaemia
aswheretden inc rarm- return they will reside at Strati. d.
erly anaemia as Mten Incurable,
the cures a e now counted in tens of
thousands. Stich medicines as Dr. Wil-
Me- - to
i tams' Pink Pills have restored to health
thousands of •weal:, aneamic girls and
JAUNTY AND DIS'TRIC'T 1I 'I After titty-two yearn on the 7th 1 women. simply because they contain the I himself. One who has sometimes tried
W1J1T 1 ! FlL�1/ DISTRICT conetpaiifn of Mullett. J. II. Medd 1s re- I elements -- sear to make new, rich ei
moving b Exeter with lila wife and r enough to dove e Y
Semi -Ready Tailors ani Gens' Furnishers
t us show you how easy -,it is"for anyone to
vn an Amberola. Call. at our'store or,write
o ties in the ne.rt fete days. Even if you are'cotl�'
vinccd you cannot afford on Amberola, put it sip,
to us to make it possible, So remember --call of
The Strenuous Conditions of
Life TodaylAre Responsible,
.Mothers whb remark that girls today
1 art a ore prone to anaemia than the girls
lot a generation ago, sh ,uld look" back
at the surroundings in wilco- they and
air companions lived. 1 hey would
1 vastly tee the reason in lite's a.tered HarveyBros.
1 circumstances today., in \1r. Johnston
Now the school girl's lite is more
i et pretty sold'
strenuous ; her more rumerous studies Trivia Dtemprial
are a sevrie tax upon her strength. Also
girls enter business soon after. leaving
school -at an age when they most neeo
rest and outdoor lite.. Thou womanly
ed h I t
1 Rev. A. A. Trumper.
1 II morial church, Exeter.
Louis nay, of Exeter. has sure,. stuffy
demonstrated the fact that hobs o of
prime quality can he grown in this Ir -al-
ity. Man experiment he grew a t
fifteen pounds this year and cured i
Mr. and Mrs. P.; W. Scott.
\awanoth, have returned from a
Western Canada. - ' •
Tits Jemima Campbell. of Mo ris
township, passed away on October 20 ,
in her eighty-fifth year. G..
The brick cottage at Wroxeter ownedliked
and occupsed by John Henderson was' He *a
onda rning�
of last week. The origin o s rens lom.' of
unknown. a' Ix•rry.11lx
Mrs. William 'glom died -at her Thine: outy.Tiler(!
in Tucker<_tnith oft October 28th atter an i rruiekshank,
illness of a few --Months. Besides her smith. manager's
husband, two daughters. and four sons 1hran•h of the Be
• survwe I E. F. Armstrong
Why Live with Cracked Walla aux! Camp
When They're Easily Covered Up
Beaver Board will cover them up for all time and you'll never have has
job so do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the da
of tailing plaster it is covering up old dingy will paper on walk
ceilings and giving you an ideal surface fur painting and deaorados.
Marry as old homestead lathe= revived fibres of the .prune ewe. Fath p(
with this knotlesa, azaleas masiilactured treated with the patented Se
lunMr. Room after room has been made cess which prevenu warpie
Duero*• u a dote If you please -with- seed to build or re-bu
oat maw or litter. • uk rs how
Beaver load Is real lumbar. It la bulla nl'uge
up Into large parish horn the strong, pars using Beaver Board
me � u to smoke "home-grown" tobacco strong }
ed blood, shies means good health and ` , v an one to the "back e Goderich P1anin ° ills, Ltd•
vuahty' fifty,"says this is entirely different. It
When your daughter's strength fails'
and pallor, 'breathlessness 'and b,ckaefitj�nk� mildly, bas an -excellent flavor'
disclose iter anaemic conditi2tn, remember i and throws out a beautiful aroma. Mi! P' Box 1 g Goderieh On io Phone 4
that you can mase her *el' net assure
Day intends Rrnwing it un a larger scale j VVV 11 •
her healthy development by ivmc ter next year, and it may be only a quart _
•I bei Exeter can beast of a tobacco —
I daughter, to make his borne there. He
est' leaves the farm -to his. son, James >`
I) 0.1 Medd.
ospital,in Exeter, on October 28th.
li Geiser, son of Dir. and Mrs.Dr. Williams' Palk Pills to ma coed . time ore
am '"
reid Geiser, of Crediton. Deceased red blood. Remember. gra. t t for
operated on for appendicitis. women of al ages Dr. Williams''Pink manufacturing concern
id histwentymnth Year. Pills are especial* helpful in the m'dpy Theft Dad Heard Soasethlpg• ,
Little Johnny, who is of an inquiring
urn. was having a --quiet
cher. Johnny wanttd to know why
Jogging married Mrs. Juggins. Ilis
would mot r wasn't able to tell very dear y.
taka echcot girl I grew veru pale and nn thought a while and then asked '
g I h �t R
My dizzy s;, s loo's• awl that Nf other, ' why did you marry my
My con uicn was uiil tl:a1 1 was not dad"
able to attend h. of rt toil orfs. and my •Johnny, married your father because
mother was ver' much wnrreed ub-•ut hetsaved inet drowning," replied his
gam IIP an church to 'my condition Finally site elect -led to m,^fir
years ago has had no regular chat gr, has hear u e farewell sermon f Rev. Corin gtee me Dr. -Williams" Pink P1T8 hmi-i-t • 1'It bet tfk�t "v by dad'o'31tray'fr 7tm'
i recewed and accepted a call from the , Fletcher, D. D.. who is ret' ing after a Conk these for a considerable time, wad- m - not to get near`the lake," sold Johnny.
t'teshyt-rian congregation of Alliston. 1 pastorate of forty�wo years. us(ly. gaining strength until 1 we=
hey! Fletcher stated that of lite mem- perfectly well. Itis some }ears since 1
tch at took ,the {:ills and 1 have enjoyed the
beat of health, and 1 On certain pa'e,.
teff sickly girls will find new health if they
give Or. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial."
You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Is through any dealer in medicire, or
b mail. at i50 cents a box or six hose
for $2.50, by Suiting direct to the Dr.
Willi • Medicine Co.;Rtockville, Ont.
- at the
e bride's parents la Turn-
ert rude l'rulckshank. B.A.,
T "ohne. -*net risco 'as married married to C. P.
of the Wingham
t of Hamilton. Rev.
Rev. E. F. Mc.. Smith. who since h° i There was 'a large t enflame at the
his m,nistry .(`,, bonsai three . Timm s Road Prtsbytr -
ailments that result form watery hlo .23,
truss well et+d
keep them well. Thjs is amply proved
by_� case of Miss Lea MacK-n-
non, ilammis, w1110 says : �?
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Machan, of (e •
1t,.who-are_muving_to a_ new home I bershrp of the Thames Road ch.
in McKillop, were waited upon b�t their i Thehegfnnhig of his pastorateonlY
Qeighbors and friends and presented with teen now rethain, and in the Kir
an address and a pair of oak rockers. , congregation only seven.
I On Wednesday, October 27th, Miss j A wedding was quietly solemnized a
Olive May Dickisdn,of Carrick township,' the Presbyterian manse, Hensali. on
• Wednesday afternoon of last week, when
Miss (Georgina Jackson, youngest daugh-
ter of Sirs. John Jackson of the London
i and Percival Stuartnn Ashton, of (von*,
were married at Harriston. They wi,l
reside on the groom's farm near Gorrie. road became the bride of Ross McLean.
The 100 -acre farm of John Crerar, 9th of '1'uckeramith The ceremony wasf t (H10W \
concession of prey. has been purchased by i performed 1 y Rev. J. A. McConnell. The
Dona d McKinnon, of More township. j young c uple will reside. on, the groom's p;,p,1s t;.. Rol,• a t.irma r we)T known
IThe price is said -to• be 19,C09.''_Mr._antitiemin them- - - -
Mrs. Crerar will likely locate in Brussels. ; On Sunday, October 31st, Margaret es (wither '.2 i,
1orr 9'btownslnpi'toijames Kirkt of D v reu, widow a .the late as Thomas vPan
The tosip, tplace men B irkslt on Devereux, of T eighty-eigh ,passed away NIr• nn/I Mrs ion
at the ag of eighty-eight years. Mrs.
R ._ewes este nie d res'
Turnberry,officiating. I Devereux was born in Ireland, the family ry -,,i1 bi+t w 11k rn
1111,5 will resfrlc iu futur
Must Be Bad.
•'-in Slam. a man In 'ytrlsou may ob-
tain a pardon -au.l rel'alg(' if he will
nwrry n king's ward, that`ibi, an old
-And do; bey take tldvaiosta.( of
the opla,rtur
"They .1o'
"Gosh! 1 414111 know that thf'r'e
were still in the world prisons i►s
awful as Haat."
The hand strewn with bright leaves
of alltrunn reminds um that this is the
age'il. ninety -fours Tosco when nn urs rTii o1Vr eon Mt
t it e:
Haigh, for many _'_' - - -
hts of. Kinloss,
`n'•re It's Made Right
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkton w'rt reside on Ihtir horning so Canada in 1851. In 18133
farm near Bluevale, they took up land iii Tuckersmith, where
On Thursday that Mies BerthaGratton, l the late deceased lived until her marriage
of Grand Bend, was united in marriage to Mr. Devereux fifty-two years ago.
to Homer Disjardifl , of Stephen town- The young couple settled on the same
ship. The ceremony'\was pe• formed by 1 concession and lived there for the rest of
Fresh shipments of these choice brands just receive
Accept - "California" Pyrnpt of ir
rnla on
.only -look for the name Ct sore your package, then you aft
rhtld is laving the beat and most
barmiest physic for the little stomach,
liver MK bowPtg. Children love Its 1 } e
?rutty tante. Inti dtra4lems as Pitch
Pottle. 1011 most say "California."
The death o.-cnrrrel In ho..'ltal 'at
Tnrnpto on Nnveurber 3rd, rifts. long
Illness, of :II'+. 'eel In, wife of 11.
Neelfti. tiretirhis nfflt'(•r hem. The re-
mains were 1rrouwht to }teafnrth ii 1
were Interred in Mafrlandhank ee111-
etery on Friday aftertroon. Mrs.
Ne•Iin Is survived by her hfi+tdin4, two
sols end ono. daughter.
A former well-known resident of
Senforth, it the person of Mrs. (1. (1
Wtltsnn. s1104 at Detroit on 41w shah
niL, in her seventy-tttth year. Before
the family r,'numed to Itetrolt some
seventeen years nen, lir. and Mrs. Will-
son were two of -the oldest reieldenta
of this town. Mr. Willson nisi at ire-
trnit ti'ltwyears ago. Three danghters
aurvivel Alis, G. McMann and Mks
Elizabeth WIllanu, of lh'trntt, and
Mrs. W. G. Willis, of Sieaforth. The
remains were bronght to Wwifetrth fere
The marriage took plat* at 81.
Thomas' ,rectory on the 29th ult. of
} Mass Minnie Gooney. late of Poeta-
down. Ireland, and Jamas 11. Me-
('auley. of tte*fnrth. The newly -wet-
duel couple left later is the week for
Togliatti, B. C., whore they will reside.
Cod-liver oil is as
delicate as butter, it
must bemade right
to assure' palatability.
13rin, your trc.ld-n nrfl tired to us
and tet us retread -tlirm Her -'you and °
get an extra 2.000 to '3,000 cvtiit mil"- k
age out of tilts tl.ot., fat- p'o,Uca+Uy
worthless. or let ui--Tebnc vier 1-te,
which will ..sli mien It :ru INT errs ,
Tires repaired in the proper time -n ".
our process will pay big?rd returns.
Let us examine yo•:r tires. 1f we -
cannot save your buying a new tire. it
will be a pretty bad one.
Tires, Tubes, Ac.•ct,sories. - '
H. 1 •FISH ? "a" liton fat,
r GODERI('li
-Prest 0 Lite StorageE3atteries and
Colunihia Dry Cells
Several eecond-hand Bicycles for sale cheap
Come and ace these.
All, Tirt'i t sale at a itis reduction in price
• Oils . ltd Greases ni all kind. .�
Special pr;c:.:s,•.ii5ils F1otight in Tr e-gnti.,n tots,
Oise Chevrolet Car. for sale chap
gooel running order.
is decidedly palatable
and 'easy to take. It
contains purest me-
dicinal cod-
liver oil that
is made right
from the start.
'1'. F. HOt.LAN D ..:Gni- t".Milo. WNW