The Signal, 1920-11-11, Page 3TKO sIOIILIL
Thursday, November 11, 11120--B
and all
has given
for three
It quickly reline. rare
aigae. sciatica and any
k...d d pain.
An Old Reliable Remedy'.
Mn S. Fawcett. Hamilton St .Colling.00d1
Ont.. writes.- ?Amami, L,mment wady u a
old reliable rs.,wd) 1 al. aye keep a bottler
at tie hw.e and have recommended a to
mune a number d my friend.. w when it gave
great rend. 1. most cases ,t . as used .. e
cure la rhruman..n
M inb.rd'S
Ki of Pae►iln
Li nwnt
Yarmouth Nova Scotia
110X 67, Gak•rl. h. All lustructlone
1.7 mail ur left at Signal oiflc-w will he
promptly attended to. Residence tele-
phone 119.
i. cASIERON. K. C.. BAR11P.
.11:TER, Solkitur, notary public.
()Mee Hamilton street, ( third
door from Square. Trusty fliedx to
luau at lowest rats.
Office--Strrlitig Rank Block, Ham-
ilton -Street; ttoderlrb Telephone tat.
HMI Kende. Loans and Ineur{tnt•e.
•TA1tIES 1'l'1tLlC, ETC.
(rflee on the Square, soenntl door
theta lirmiltuu"Street. Orslerteh.
J'rieftr funds to loin at loerent
rates ' '
W. Proadfo ot. K. C.. J' L. KUM n,
$jjtT ' attorac• , solicitor.
Goderich, Money Ica et -
FEELS THAT SHE'S but there was • place called Carole. tioderhii to near Stratford In win-
U(IING GOOD DEED. rhe' and then ter it la•t•ame late and cold, so •I ,
brook, theft lace 1. �►
there was a place Warted *ext ofhalted at the t'Yronbrook hotel and , 11111111111=111111111111111111
li#rrpurhey trailed Alms. Ail the Bur -j put in ray team. When i went in.
By tan Dunrlm. d theBattle of Alm+yy MINI been honey had got such a hold on the
Know What a Blessing 'foo- fought, tlwt lx probably fie• 9 g y
Toronto Woman Wants Others to slaw war wan going on ate that- time ride ty get some supper i found the
an t
w u the of crowd that you would have thought
her Her Been to Ilex.
Ottawa, Nov. S.—This appears to be a
time when, to use an lrish:sm. the chief
interest in Ottawa lies in what is going.
on outside. The leaders of Liberal and,
Government parties are touring the West,
where Mr. Crcrar, leader of the National
Progressives, the farmers party. is also
saying his say once in a while. Thus alter every coral. It was herd ecu me Ottawa's interest remains riveted on wain an)ttaug un my stomach and 1 tilt
, the house, were bulk that the twee were In the hive also.
"1 am delighted with the ecults 1 have
received (rem Tan'ac, fur 1 am once
there but I think till were moved There was noosing for it but to get
s. The (! uta• s bush weer Yll Ont my tram again and go on to
moreenjuyiuiL hie and health," said Mrs.
til , ut 65i Crawford street. about the spot In those days and tete Mitchell, which I reached about eleven
Neil lac
price of land was oust/dollar per acre. o'clock.
Toronto, Ont. I remember two families wooing from In the fall of 1857 we started for
I have been almost a constant sufferer I Lorre to Alma by lb" names of Buckle Kincardine with two lnade and got
for more than a year tram stomach
I couldn't eat
trouble and nervousness
and Dalt-. l'erhrpr' same of thew are i to Port Albert where we saw •moa
much of anything. fur my digestive or-
an were so homy upset 1 was in d•utrtss
field. abr.
Sir George Foster and !lean. C. J Doh-
erty have tailed tor Europe. where, at
Gent va, they will attend the League of
Nations assembly. They will have the
companionship and assistance of Hon.
N. W. Rowell, who was there in advance
o: them, having, in fact. spent most of his
Me abroad since the closing of the
session in July.
Hon. Hugh Guthrie is on his -way back.
and Hon. J D. Reid i- expected to itatt
for home :OWL Perhaps. as a whole, it
is as well that the Canadian Government
has a line of railways and ships to take
care of the wanderers ar.d tee that they
has e "transportation" hack to their
home towr s. Hon P. E. Blond.n, Post-
master -General. has returned atter visit-
ing the poetal conver tion and a bull
figbt$ The let e was a side enter'tain:neni
of course. but the P. M G. was slid
horrified with what ne saw on his arrival
in Ottawa.
The Luxury Tax Stamps.
The stamp metltod'of collecting luxury
taxes, now to vogue, 'is causing many
utests, but • she country is Irkele-to
Heft by the change, which means that
a n erchant can no longer simply ring up
the supposed war tax in the cash register
and let the costumer walk • ut without
any reset. tor anything a' show tor his
money. There was a lot of that being
done, previously, and also marry cases df
eves on o1 the tax altogether. Now the
Inland Revenue Department has hopes of
checking up the delinquents and making
1 hem "come across "
Under the new system every merchant
is under 1 cense, which means that if he
ihny_Work while you Sleep"
ieITOIt• notary public rod evon-
feyattrer. OSt 'tart Honee. node-
-_--_ pY.lYat
�■ll AN('E oCfl.—Farm and Isolate.!
town property Inenr.ri.
Oillurrw--Jos. Connolly. i'ree., Gale-
rleh P. t? : Jau. Evans. -Ice-Prep..
tterehwsnd P. 1).: Thornier E. Hays,
1Me-Tres.: Seefurth 1'. 11.
ilerectore—I1. F. Mit:rigor. 11. K.
No. 0, Seeforth: John G. Oriev% No.
4. Walton: Wiliam MDR, R. R. No. 1.
Pre forth: John Belt Dew Inn. tirod-
baleen : Dee. Mct'artniey, R. R. No. A,
Il..rorta: Trr`t?nTf- Terrhr. -"
Male lm McEwen. t'Ilnton: Jager*
Enoe, Ileeehwood: James ('omally,
Agente : .1. W. Teo. Gaderieb
Alex. Leitch. R. R. No. 1. Clinton:
William rhe'sneyftwforth: E. Hhn•h•
ley. Seraforth. I'nitryhohic'rw ern pay
all paynema and got tlw'ir effete re.
gelpto 1- J.' Meeretab'e. Clothing
Store. (linnet: R. n t s t sae
Kingston street, tIoderie'h, or J.
iteld's (ismiral Store.. Ray
sluggish—slow as molasses!
Yon bilious, eonatipatedt You feel
aiadachy, full of cold. ditty. unstrung.
Your meals don't flt—breath is bad, akin
sallow. like Caacareta tonight for your
liver and bowels and wake up clear,
enermstie aid cheerful. No griping—no
isaveni.nde. Children lose Ckacareta
too. 10. 25. 00 teeter.
Brophey Bros.
YrP $^t 17,t3;
and E ; .balasers
unlere t full$ attended to
at all ouce, night or day.
G( )1)ER1('11
t ae
It's Grandmother's Recipe to
keep her Lochs Dark
(iiossy, BeantifuL
The old-time mixture of Sags 'sea
SM sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair te grand-
mother's recaps. and folks ate agate
e Ing chp 1s quitthelr ea'engibls ea
even Or. Mi
we are ItvlegIn an th-
ce le offthen a u
fol appsaran
*antes*. raw deal Moe
Nowadays. though,
the troublesome task of gathering the
sage and the mussy ridging at borne.
All drug .teres sell theto-nee
product, improved by that aA Iden of
other Ingredients, called "Wy.tMS Sage
and Sulphur Compound."11 hi very
popular because nobody M
15 ha• been applied. Simply moisten
your oomb or a soft brush with tt and
draw this through your hall, taking
tine gray hair
sitd ptime; ut what de -
the star
lights the ladies with a;.thea Sago
and Sulphur Compound, is that, bei -
sides beautifully darkening that hair
duaimpro -
ces that soft metreandlt appear•nce
et •tee dance which i.. M attractive.
Iliko ready -to -use preparation is a de-
lightful toilet mediate for these Itho
dewire more youthful appearance,
to not Intended 110* 0? preven en t r the ewes rattlaa•
Mo• diste — mum yews I
eallered with �Moonsett tube I tried
assay remedies but they asssssd to be a
tailarewase �ykostasdwd bbelter.00ne day I same
in poesssitin d • bottle d Dr. Pierer'. Gold-
i erer'.Oold-
ea M.4lesl Discovery and tome it My
sameeh seemed completely cured. I have
great faith in this medicine and hope any
modem that reeds this will give the 'Dis-
covery' a Vial. Onee teed. you will never
be without it."—C. TITUS, Jr., 20 Duke St
New Wlltehine, P. E. suffered
three Teats with bronchial a.tbtaa. I was so
weak I could hardly walk three steps at a
time. I could notwould get up and
stay tip the rest d elk 1. One day a friend
use Pieroe'c Goldin
advised sac so
Medical Discoverryy so I t to my dewiest
for a bottle and when I had takes half of it
1 telt aywt deal better. When i peed that
bottle I sent for two more, and when i So-
bbed the third bottle 1 was eompletelY cured.
It is over two yeses sines I first took Ill.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery sod I
have sot
beeein troubled a • � *harmwit*harmlase-"—
Worn -
nauseated most of the time. Sickenteg
headaches oaten came on me and 1 had io
give right up and go to ued. My nerv" s
were Uostrmt* ane at night 1 was a.waya
restless and many times wasn't able to
get to si,eepiuntil early morning My
strength arra, risco;) seemed to leave me
and most of the time I was Ifni weak t0
do my hon work. l did everything
possible to get •eiiel. and even spent
mom: time Ip, the la, pita!, Lut »othing
seemed to het
It was m
that 1 try Ti
prove steadily
nervousness an
ing me and I_. -
hadn't been ab e to touch. Today 1 call
myself perfect y well end can do my,
housework all by myself. 1 eat just
whatever 1 Ole and never suffer one
hit afterwards. nose sickening headaches
have disappeared and my nerves are sc
steady and quiet'1 sleep sot.ndly all night
long I've toad lots of people about
Tani: c and 1 always tee. I am doing a
good deed every time I do it."
Tanlac is sold an Goderleh by E. It
Wigle. and 14,, ding druggist In
every town.
tauttband who suggested
iliac. and 1 began to im-
ght from the start. The
1 indigestion started leav-
nced to eat things I
refuses or fails to obey the law the Depart-
ment can simply refuse' him a license.
There has been a • lot of trutest
against these I census. -some people, like
merchant tailors and', mdhnets, objecting
:o being licensed under the sales tax as
are other manulactllrrrs. There has
been mut h commer t pro and con, and
the •ecretary of the Retail Merchants'
Assoctauc n issued a statement advising
his members not to pay.
the Government take
However, it is intima
to be certain changes in\the luxury tax
regulations which will remove some of
thel inequalities, and, the, Department
officials are hopinr, stop\ some of the
"kicks" which are pouring in on them at
Present. -
Their Ears to the Ground.
he tax but to let
action against
that there are
tanfeert-art- Int tine 1, the pat
the Maritime Provii res heating
the plaints and praises of 'hose who
oppose or support the present taxation
system. When they return thlrre will be
some talk of changes in the tariff. but
until thesdhearingsare over and $irHenry
Drayton end Hon. G D. Robert r, have
had time to consult between th selves
and with t'teir colleagues there will be
nothing de5nite. Several meth . of
the C bidet, at- the peseta time: ppear
to be keeping an open mind on a lot of
the questions involved, and it is more
than likely that the tip1psuis and dens
imparted to the Prime' Minister o his
trip through the West will have me
beanng on what is finally done.
('rn'ar on the Warpsth.
The Prime Minister, as was expec'
has drawn the fire of many opponen
down on his head by .itis statements 1
recent speeches. 10 m'.ny t eople it
seemed as though the Prime Minister
classed all who disagieed with hi*n as
dangerous malcontents, and on this basis
the leader of the farmers went back at ,
the Premier when he (Mr. Cretari ad
dressed a motif g of farmers at Prince
Albert, Sark. Among other tt,ings the
farmer leader charged the Prime Mini -ter
with having. wilful y or m.t, merepte-
sented a large class of the people of
still living.
l was in Btu
goods the night
WAS burned, a
a child lost th
that time th.'
onbrook, on
Perth god
that Tho
called the
was at
and Knob
a foot
vome off the lake with a horse and i
ord for a load of , cutter. Ire thought we would try (t t�
the p,stottk•e there that route.' so plied the two loads on
the postmaster ami t.. ene.sieigh stud "struck out on the
rr lives in the tire. At. icy for (tine Point. it was so smooth
was a tavern at t"aT ! fluff the sleigh sue -noel to. though
the boundary between it wanted to go by the liorw•s. • We
ron, and a little welt of ' gut through all right. but the Ice
Downey had a tavern cracker under us all the way and I
r'x limp. The next stop fever wanted to try it again. I
rpurhey where W. Fowler open took u load of goals (1,1(0$1 tbs. )
had taverns. There was not , or tele) ti. for l'eter Murray, of At.
gravel road in Huron then. Ilelcu x tint we got stuck nn Dunlop's
it. .was it mud. mud to (lir.lerleb. tin' Hill null_ had In art another team to
one tr from Stratford we get as far climb it. I got on their" until about
as Vgwler's in Harpurttey, where We four miles part Dnngunnon when I
o stay a few days, at)d whew we hail to leave the gtccls in the hush.
ed amain we only got our toad where they staved --twill, Mr, Mur
Ili it. utile where the Butt to put it coedit get oxen and get through t0
fo * learn and walk hack atid stay on thew. as tta•re was-_na_rnad. good_ ..or 1
w,.11e Renter. i 1*lit•cr this was in had. .i few mile* farther on Ie where I'
he fall of le.57. Another time I got , i•ucknow now xtagele.
my load as far as Dr. r'ole's, west of There weer lots of wayside, Inns !
Clinton, where I had to leave It tot In the early days' - Them were els
a week, a* it was nothing lint mud up bet waen.1 ap•rk•h and Clinton. a 4ls-
hill and down hilL tame of twelve miles, and as many
Ouse coming from Stratford 1 had between Gaderieh and Smith's 11111.
R passenger that wanted to get to It , a distance of sex wiles ,UI are gone
plate by the name of Itlueviele•, we now with the nevi roads.
1 tried to find the place and turned . William Swuffli•W.
off at the corner where )deaforth is Gnrkri -h. Oct. 2!ith, 1020.
now. We passed through a little spot
,-:.lied Aluleyvllle, now called Bross
eels, and I often wonder if it le as
big as its namesake. 1 neveriwlP-t)x'
plate before and bare never seen it i
since. We travelled over stumpe and
creeks and through the hueh till we
found the spot we were looking for. 1 I
left my load there and set out again
for Goiltrtc'b on a road that was tied
a track between the trees. The sec-
ond day we came to a clearing whieki
file 7w•tland. There was'0o Wingba
in- those days either. Fronm*Zetlanl
we went to Manchester and from there
on to Goderich.
In my travels, I once este a sign
east of Stratford, which fratd •
Within this hlve, we are all al ce,
Gard llgnor makes us fanny
And if you are dry. step in and try -
The flavor of our honey.
load of coal from
-- A Fair Weds.
Al gentleman lately kept a meteoro-'
kogkel diary of his wife's temper. M' +,•
rat) somewhat as follows:
"Monday : leather cloudy ; in the 4 a
afternoon, rainy.
Tueetlay :. v ower h. brightened u a 'f
iittle towards eventng.
"Webb) tit y : ('hangeable, gloomy,
inclined to rain. -
"Thurslay: H(FIZwind and some
peals of thornier.
"Friday: Fair In the morning:
variable (111 the afteruocnl: elorely at
I 'Saturday : A gentle breeze. hazy : qt
afternoon, a thick fug. and a few
Iaohcs of lightning.
I"Sunday: Tenipstlunls and rainy:
towards ereuing ruther • eaimee "—
Once taking a
Nothing Refreshes
Like Lifebuoy
When you feet all tired out—no energy
-left-- nothing refreshes like Lifebuoy.
A thorough wash with its rich, creamy lather
will make you feel like a different person.
It puts a mild, healthful anti�eotic
right into the res of your,skin., ,Yogi feel
tit all over, anda' lcok " the difference.pu
fairly glow with health.
Try Lifebuoy today. 1 t'u can get it at
any gl>IfiCeryr drug d( department store.
One of Four Millions
regret that the Premier did so.
Mr. Creiar is getur•g a gt.od reception
from the farmers at Battleh rd
and elsewhere that he is speaking. In
Ottawa there is some curjectuie as to
whether tele leader of the farmers has
node good to Parliament and whether
is not within the bounds of possibility
that he may hand over the reins to some-
one else. It seems, howeter. from the
tales borne in on the west wind, that
Mr. Creear has lost none of his popularity
in the Prairie Provinces and that he is
still as strong as ever. Son e p rople gossip
iawhether or not Mf. crftg< riiaY be
succeeded by Premier May, -the Ontar(o
leader. So ler, however, there is little to
support this gaep.
In his rectnt rpeechrs in 11 e West
Mackenzie King has been calling for the
Government to resign on the strength of
being autocratic and without a mandate
from the people. Premier Meighen, how•
ever. gives no indication that the Gov
ernment has any such intention. and it is
BamIJtoa. Ont.:—"1 have sug.'•d with thought here that of the Government is
rlsumatirm for the lest bee swats and 1 have *ueeeetful in the evening bye etectiontit-•
oaly taken three bottles of Ill. Peeroe'a may Cc ..stun that success : t a mandate
Aauris (anti -uric -acids Tablets and three
bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery and re carry on-wildthe end of the Chaplet.
amwarty aura& I also had that dread in which ease there would be no election
disease. Spanish influenza, leaving me in a fora me time yet.
iarrie.i- onodition. Only those who have•Tex East Elgin Fight
(A Photograph Direct from t1a War -Stricken Ana)
per Month Preserves the Life of
1 orphans in Central Europe are growing
Millions of war p
up undernourished and stunted.
had it know what an awful condahon
leaves one in. semeedia sure it had not beeo
advice I
for Dr. Pierce'
ewtalnly would have died. Dr. pltra.'s
'1 want to ret oe with lodes'.
tro▪ uble w any of sufferer rundown after bevies
trouble '. ioAnyone Dr. Pieron'sPleasant
,*for Flu'. Alto try
GRANBY, esf4 James Si. North.
ES _-PI -
Another Use Discovered rat MOM
J s _ Oso
Dere in a recipe calling for tie.
.neat other than the concentrated
beef-goodnees to be found in the
familiar Oxo cube.
Peel and *lire sufficient potatoes
to half fill a large pie dish, add few
pmnU onion* alto sliced. Put int()
cold water, bring quickly to a boil,
boil one minute, then drain_
PIA hack in pie dish with few
* lice* of tomato, matron with pepper
and reit and flavour with herbs.
Dissolve one Oxo cube in i pint 0f
hot milk and pour over mixture.
Pct few bite of butter on top and
hake for two hours in moderate
oven. It's delicious.
All dealere sell Ogre hs Una of
four, ten, and fifty caber. '
Mr. Kin is to visit East Elgin and
address a few meetings in the bye election
campaign. there have hien cheeses
against the Liberal leader of running
away from constituencies where a fight
was looming up. but this vied will dispose
of such charges. With a threecornered
tight there theGovernment may manage to
pull through, hut IheLiners lsare reported
to have the bet candidate personally.
lhete was expectation for a long time
that the farwnete and Liberals would get
tdgether, hut that is apparently all off
now, aad unless there is a resignation it
will be a case of eves v man for himself
Ind ' she dell tek' the hin'most,"
Mr. . William Swatfeld. of town,
writes to The seaforth Expewttor:
1 read with a great deal of intermit
the two lettere In your paper written
by Mr. i'owell and Mr McNanghtoa.
it recall. to ale that they were speak -
Ing of Seefnrth and ltarpnrhey about
the time the latter m.val down to
Mexforth. When the relinind emote
neve, ('arnilehael, started to build et
Seafnrth and put up the first h(1nse
on the sntithweat carrier of the cense.
emote 1n the riffle* when 1 tvseelled
the road from Stratford Ito (1alerifb,
there was no Mesfortk and no Dahlia,
Thousands of them are dying -of -typhus, tuberculosis
'and small -pox.
One Child
There is almost a complete lack of thc nourishing foods growing children need,
of Clothing, of doctors, nurses and medical supplies. The condition of the
children is pitiable in the extreme.
Upon this coming gene dgends largely -whether these nations will be
haklty-indrightd or a hot -bed pi anarchy and degeneracy—a menace to
the world.
It has been found by experience that the cost of caring for a waif child 1s
approximately three dollars per month; that of the supplies that are required
by imports about one dollar is needed; and therefore the dollar that we
provide, together with the local support of local governments, local munici-
palities, local charities and local sar'vices practically preserves the life of
one child.
The British Empire War Relief Fund will be adminis-
tered in Europe by thc British Red Cross in co-operation
with the League of Red Cross Societies. Send your con-
triteutitn] care Of
The Canadian Red Cross
Fscieent fid 1 men)' . order ine t
as my contribution to the Canadian Red (rnr Society for European Rd.d
Mame send your contribution to the .oral Red Croat Rrsndi ate The Canadian Rd Cam. 411
Skwbwwwe Street. Toronto