The Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 7THZ SIGNAL
- QOD10.IC8, OJfiT.
Thursday, ftleptember 23, .1920--1
N O DMA( 011e, fat
• • jr
.slates WNW
. tlwra-ntrwllatZOY•
Itaeasess science ens Lew
wet soma ISMS mors
Powers. mama Pupae.
for that cut, burn, sore
or eczema. Ends pain,
prevents blood -poison -
in and grows new
All dealers Mc boz.
Passes for Black Tan, Oxblood and Brows Shoes
White Cake and Liquid for White Shoos
e nil ti. P. DMI.ZY ODarOSAnoNS LTD_ HAMILTON. cats. '
E e
Always at your rvioe
with the best goodtaitalost
reasonable prices.
South Side Square Telephone 46
R. Tait
Electrical Contractor
Wiring of all kinds up-to-date
for Telephones, Burglar Alarms,
Police Patrol and Fire Alarm
Private Residences and Business'
Pfiewti itpmadaltc. —
Alt Work Guaranteed.
Electric Irons. Toeaters. Orflls.
Fans. Vacuum Cleaners, Washing
Machines. Flashlights a n d
Batteries of all kinds always on
Ring up 82 or 193 and have us
give you an estimate on your
welting. It will be done ght.
Robt. Tait
Wont Sweet Next Possoflice
Phones, -)hap 12. 113
Grand Bend has lost one of its oldest
citizens, in the death of Jas. Mollard, at
the age of ninety-one years.
Eric Martin, of the 1st concession of
Howick, dropped dead while drawing in
clover on Tuesday of last week.
A very sudden death was that of John
Burns. of the township of Howick. which
resulted from heart failure. on the 11th
inst. Deceased was in his eighty-first
John Buchanan. a lifelong resident of
the ltith concession of Grey township.
was found in the stable on Thursday
afternoon in a dying condition and passed
away soon after. He had been in poor
health for some time. He was in his
seventy-second year.
The hundred acres on the 8th concession
of Monis known as the Flatt farm• has
been bought by W. H. Maunders for the
sum of 14 400. Another sale in the same
township is that of Russell Fear's (arm on
the 9th concession to J. J. McCaughey;
8th line. the price being 15,200.
Sprokiug of the purchase of •
home in Galerich by M r. Hobert Run-
nel! of Ripley. which , d. reported In
last week's Signal. The cltipley Ex-
press mays of Mr. and Mrs. Russell:
••l;od riele will have two very deslr-
eble citizen,' .and their removal from
our midst will Is generally regretted."
Seaforth Expositor: The Murless
Placers have receiveed numerous re-
queets for appearances In ea rime"
towns, including Goderich, St. Thorne's.
Mitchell, t'llntop, At. Marys, Whig -
ha m. Fxrter and Henault. They
are now working on s new play, one
of the rroeut sut-tesses from N.ew
York, which has not yet appeared on
a ('anedian stage.
As stated last week. D. Urquhart, of
Hensall. has sold his grain elevator and
oatmeal mill there to Geo. T. Mickle of
Ridgetown. Mr. Urquhart is me of
Hensall's oldest business men. having
come here from Chatham in 1878, when
he engaged' in the milling and grain -
buying business. He also built an oatmeal
mill and purchased a sawmill. and for a
time was running all the mills. For some
years also he ran a flax mill. He was one
of the first bean buyers in this section
and bad much to do with encouraging
the growing of beans. He and his family
will continue to reside at Hensall.
i.wasq 1st,1,21-4OC
Bring your tread -worn tires to us
' and let us retread them for you and
get an extra 2.000 to 3,000 extra mil: -
age out of tires that are practically
worthless, or let us reline yogr tire,
which will strengthen it 50 per cent.
Tires repaired in the proper time by
ous process will pay biggest returns.
Let ,us examine your tires. If we
caned save your buying a new tire, it
will be a. pretty bad one.
tires, Tubes, Accessories.
agoH. g" Bamako Bt..
Hydro Store
The heat of summer makes
all household tasks more
Buy u Rlectric Wash-
ing Machine
We have three makes and at
different prices
Tin "Thor"
The "Trellis"
and the "Dile
Vito an4 Light Commission
It stands to reason that travel
should broaden people. It alao_mnkes
them short.
Yoege and Charles St... Toronto.
enjoys an ereellent reputation for high-grade
work. Itis nn wonder the demand for one
graduate is five times our supply. Enter any
time. Catalogue tree.
W. 1. ELLIOTT. Principal.
Noaritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia.
Have brought good
health to halt-a-tallltota
A healthful, monoy-saving remedy,
well known for fifteen years, pre-
scribed bydoctors, sold by drug-
gists, $1.1 • box. Ask our agents
or write for a free trial package.
Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto
Local Agents—Dunlop's Drug Stere.
who is already In possession.
Mr. lierrafotd lura disposed of„his
bakery sial restaurant busirwss to J.
E;, Gadd and A. E. Rates of Ridge -
The Huron Central Agricultural
Society w-111 hold a ploughing match
and tractor demonstration on Get -
ober 19th.
The death occurred at her home
here, on Sunday, 1,'Yh Inst., of Miss
Annie Ross. aged sixty -Ave years.
The deceased was a daughter of the
late Donald Ross of Stanley, In which
township she was horn and spent the
greater part of her life. Tion sister,
survive: Mrs. A. Framer of Ailsa
Craig and Mrs. ('. R. McKenzie of
Wild nice, North Dakota. The fun-
eral took plate to Balyd's cemetery,
New Health -Cali Be Obtained
by Enriching the Blood
Wheat' a itiel in her teens becomes
peevish. listless and dull. when 'nothing
seems to interest her and dainties do not
tempt her appetite, you may be certain
that she needs more good blood than her
BHrtSELP. system is provided with. Before long her
pallid cheeks. frequent headaches and
breathlessness and beam palpitation will
confirm that she is anaemic. Many
mothers as the result of their own girl-
hood experience can promptly\detect the
early sins of anaemia and the wise
mother does not wait for the trouble to
develop further. but at once gives her
daughter a course with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. which renew the blood supply a
banish anaemia before it has obtained
hold on the system.
Nellie McLean, was united in marriage to Out of their emserience thousands Of
Alexander G. MacDermott. of the Stand- I mothers know tTtat anaemia is the Ptl
and Bank. Chatham. Rev. A. J. Mann I road to worse ills. They know the differ -
was the officiating clergyman. Mr. and ence that good red blood makes in the
Mn. MacDermott went on a wedding trap development of womanly health. Every
to the Saguenay and on their return will headache, every gasp for breath that
follows the slightest exertion by the
anaemic girt, every pain she suffers in her
back and limbs are reproaches if you
have not taken the hest steps to give
your weak girl new blood, and the only
sure way to do so is through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's.
New, rich. red blood is infused into the
system by every dose of these pills.
From this new, rich blood springs good
heal h. an increased appetite. new energy,
the engagement of their daughter, high spirits and perfect womanly develop -
Elizabeth Irene. to John L. Routledge, rnent. Give your daughter Dr. Williams'
son of Dr. Routledge of Zurich, the1 Pink Pills, and take them vourself and
marriage to take place in October. I note how promptly their influence is felt
Grant Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. I in better health.
William Hooper of Exeter, was married I You can get these pills through any
at Salford on the 15th inst. to Mildred. dealer in medicine or by 'mail postpaid at
daughter of W. H. Wilford of that place.
The young couple will reside on the
groom's farm near Salford.
Brussels fall fair last week was favored
with good weathoir and was quttesuc-
Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Richards left last
week for their new home at Hamilton.
Mr. Richards sold his residence to J. G.
Smith. of Dand. Man., but still retains
his block of stores
The home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Fox was the s..ene of a pretty wedding on
September 8th. when their daughter,
reside at Chatham.The groom was for
several years on the staff of the Brussels
branch of the Standard Bank.
Case Howard. who has been accountant
on the staff of She Bank of Commerce
here. left last week for New York. where
he takes the position of assistant account-
ant of the New York branch.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rivers announce
in lots new bouw when Iw sue uwbed
to heart failure. He in survived by
his wife. five sons and three daughters.
W. H. Houser, late principal of Wing-'
ham High School. accompanied by Mrs.
Houser and children, have gone to
Liedsay, where they will reside. Mr.
Houser will engage in the lite insurance
Colwell Brock, son of Mrs. E. A. Brock
of Wingham. and Miss Myrtle Rootnson,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Robinson of Guelph, were united in mar-
riage at the latter place oe the 8th inst.
Mr. and Mrs. Brock will reside at
At the home of Mr. and Mrs John
McCool, on Wednesday of last week.
their only daughter, Marlfaret Luella, was
united in marriage to (,eo. W. Schaefer
of Timmins, Ont., Rev. E. F. Armstrong
officiating. After the honeymoon trip
Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer will make their
home at Timmins.
Miss Olive Cruickshank, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Cruickshank of
Turnberry, who has been on the teaching
staff of the Manitoba Agricultural Col-
lege at Winnipeg, has accepted a gtlod
position on the staff of the Ontario Agri-
cultural College at Guelph.
The municipal council of the township
of Colborne met in the township hall
September 14th. All the members present
except C. C. McNeil ; Reeve Young in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting read
and adopted, on motion of Robertson and
Currey. Two communications were re-
ceived from Mr. McPhee's lawyer, re the
McPbee crossing. Moved by Currey,
seconded by Fisher. that the clerk notify '
Mr. McPhee through his lawyer that the 1
council will place the RIC 111 the CfMav
on condition that they be relieved (roll
any further trouble in the matter of
water conning into the pond.- Carried.
The clerk was instructed to'write George
Fowler. Saltierd, re the break in the
water -main under the highway, request-
ing that the same be repaired at once,
complaints having been made by some of
the travelling public. The following
accounts were paid: Reg. Giem, graveling
on 10th coneeasion. $4; James St roughen.
gravelling and repairing road south of
Young's school house, 1220.25: J. Alton,
five days as roadenaster, 925; Wm. Wal-
ters. two days drawing gravel, 113; H.
Edwards, same, 913; Municipsl World
supplies for the assessor, 13.53; James
Straughan, gravelling on road south of
Young's school house. ill; Alex. Kirkpat-
rick. one sheep killed by dogs, 120: Geo.
McNeil. 20 cords of gravel. at 97, on
Ashfield boundary, $140; 1. Hetherington,
copy of assessment roll for county clerk.
930 Total expenditure ire Por the
month. $'185.78. Council' adiourned cn
motion of Fisher and Robertson to Octo-
ber 12th. 1920, at 2 p.m. 1. HETHERINe:-
TON. Clerk.
Let us help you with the problem by showing
you our large stock of wearables for boys of all
ages. We have been selling clothes for a goo.)
many years and know something about what a
lively growing boy needs.
1 Everything for Men's and Boys' Wear
(except boots and shoes)
Semi -Rudy Tailors and Gent's Furnishers
The Dodge Truk Rote
tt'nexoeited dining ear service
itioeplag cars on night trains, ud
parlor cars on principal day trains.
FtU isformatlon froth any Orad
Trunk Ticket Attest. er C. E. Rom -
Jae. District Fasaeager Agent. Xn-
G11. Lauder, 8tasloe Agent, pies. kl
Tows Aguas
A weddingtoolr-place quietly at
street parsonage on September 9th, when
Miss Constance Bowman, of London, and
Robert S. Aylen, of Windsor. were united
in; matrimony by Rev. Mr. McAlister.
The young couple spent their honeymoon
with the bride's sister, Mn: L,V. Hogarth
of Stephen.
>Inrra;v 3teN.'bl hits sold his con.'
fectiottery and ley stream business to
Mr. M:elwarill ll•endnrt, of ('healey.
50 cents a box or six boxes for 9 --
from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockvi,le, Ont.
Sunlight does it
Yee whit always dread wash
der—heeeese et the hears el '
eerT est -heard esbhies, the
4sasp es.s y air, with peAese
year skirt awl awes elected
ed settee --jest fcrew ell that.
Cisme iota (bo otos mod eon -
fort e/ • aaelishi Mesh I.
eeelielt Secs will me lbe
pe sea se set sallied se
ON. Red the diets one. •
to j t t+ 1,1Ohfiar1tas
.r..-.,,.....-.... a--....
.....'. e.
Bliss Gwendolyn Mael.e it is how
from New York 011 a vaeatjon visit.
The death occurred on Monday. Eich
inst.. of Mrs. Alexander Kennedy. for
many years a resident of Whlteeliurcly
and vketntty. Kim had reached the
great age of ninety-four years. 01
late she had made her home with her
dsnght•r, Mrs. James Puree t ----
Alex. Mael)Iarmid, a former resi-
dent of This vicinity, diel on the 14th
inst. at his home at Kinloss, aged
seventy years. Ile .wait-4—for tawny
years a sailor on the Great lakes.
He was a brother of Mrs. Wm. Hen-
derson of town anal Angus McI)tarmkt
of near Dungannon.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Strldall are
here on their honeymoon trip and are
visiting the bridegroom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. A. SIdebell. The young
couple were married In Central Con-
gregational church, 1Vhiiiilseg, on Sep-
eptembwr 7t1i. Before her marriage firs.
Sitldall was bliss 1.tllhin Rogers 1trown
of Winntpcg.
ST. Alt:l'STINE. '
t iy—DEsMOND.—The-3s c r e el
Hear church, Chepstow, was the scene .
of a eery pretty wedding on Tuesday
morning, September 14th, at 9 o'clock.
when Mary A., daughter of Mr, and MI '
John Demme!, of Pinkerton. became the
bride of Joseph, A. Brophy, of St. Augus-
tine. Tne bride, who was given away by
her father, wore a becoming suit of navy
nage and feather )tat to match. She
carried a bouquet of sweetheart rose..
The bridesmaid, Miss Gtertrude O'Reilly.
of Guelph, wore a navy 'suit and hat of
navy taffeta and carried carnations. Mr.
Tom Cummings of St. Augustine was
best man. Rev. Father Daannof King -
bridge, performed the marriage Ceremony,
while Dean O'Reilly, of Central City,
South Dakota. sang nuptial.mass. ` Rev.
Father Zettler was also present. ter
the ceremony a sumptuous dinner s
served at the home of the bride's pari
ents to about a hundred guests. The
large number of gifts testified the esteem
in which the bride is held. The happy
young couple left on the afternoon train
for London. Niagara argot er • - nos.
On their return they will resi a at
manufaetnr.d to order Tor any hese of riI i Tor claaskle defy kind
of grain or s4441. With suitably sieving end 'wreenhag properly
arranged in nearly any ordinary fanning dill, seeds and grain of
any lead can be as thoroughly cleared as I, possible to clean therm.
When urderiug suety, or entree'''. he very careful to give tho
asset PITA* needed, and what they are required to do.
Messing and sereetdag sold by lbs square foot if deaird. Old
fanning still frames reword. Coiaiykte new sieve, and serene.
e nsile to order.
Mail orders .refully attended to.\
Owing 10 locution and facilities frit manufat;ttiring. 1 ha'
transferred my fanning trill supply business to the . bore Arm.
• ♦ , —
6...•, e. p.
Why Lire with Cracked Walls
When They're Easily
Ind Ceases
Covered U
)8•ever Board will cover them up for all time and yrs I'll lever have dh•
kilo to do again. While Beaver Board is doing away with the
d San plaster it is covering up old dingy wail paper on web mai
clangs and giving you an ideal surface for painting and decontlas
fibres of tAa spear tree. Rack pr Il
treated with the tested Sedate p.■
ems which prey is z4slIng.4$11 you
need to build o re- messes of
enlarge sae is t ,w yen win peel tog
Dew as aka boseewaad ha been revived
*blowing, eraekkw mis,1aetend
1,.tlm• teem after room has beams&
perms et • dna 11 yeti row w ds-
Mnst ease err Ilsas-
Hewer lewd is rel hnsbo. h V balk
sip bio loge panel. tires the strong. pew odor
irTheGoderich Pia
4. Box 18 Goderich
91..1 FORTH.
Miss Anna Woods has resigned her
position on the public school P1a1T to
ii eept the position of teller in the
Sterling Bank at Bayfield.
Mrs. R. L. Clark has receive.) from
the military athorities the military
medal awarded to her son, Sergt. C. R.
Clark, a well-kpown Seaforth boy
now living at Windsor.
Mrs. Peter Campbell. an old rest.
dent of Seaforth, died M'rlday morn -
Ing lest at the age of eighty years.
She lived In the township of Hibbert
for many years before removing to
Seaforth with her son. Alexander.
in St. James' church. on Thursday
morning of last week, the marriage
wae solymnluetl of Elizabeth Gertrude,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Eckart. and Charles Louis Brall, of
Detroit. Rev. Father Goetz officiating.
Joseph Webber. well known in Sea-
forth, died suddenly at London on ft-te-
he11th inst., at the age of sixty years
The deceased for a number of years
carried on the pottery business in eg-
mondville and later purchased the
Dominion Hotel at Dublin. Last
spring he disposed of his hotel prop-
erty and he and bis family spent
the summer at the lesss of his brother
then. Jacob, in Seaforth. A few
weeks ago aIso purchased • iv—Melee
In London, he was barely settled
"My B -_
Is So Bad".
P mus is the mai st
back, lumbago, Aar-
ltert us, pains in tae Limbs all ski
f defective kidneys.
release are helm ido la this
Wood which tams galas ate semi.
110 kllseya, liver sad baemelle.
matt be avowed W settee >M mesa
treatment ea Dv. Cbsasl'a 111eb4
Lver P111a.
There le to time ter
ire bleeder -d witsipsseists se}*toss. teredd ft
terdie 214 )1tbM' ASMtr
aateial mak.
Om $11 a sew s emits WON
.nista st 1Mmasmni, SIM • A
Se New De
ning Mills, Ltd.
,'Ontario Phore 47
st Street
In addition to ou
etc., we handle all ki
r lines of Wall Paper, Paint
nds of
If yob are t
year, call on us
A55 -
hinking of doing any decorating this
and let us give you an estimate.
D r S
1 it I ltt'11 )nl
Meth 5
West Street Ooderich, OM.