The Signal, 1920-9-23, Page 6G Seet,-u.l„•u 1!ri4
IS it really worth while to develop institutions and
• industries which are distinctively Canadian.' and
whlc 1 promote the welfare and proeperity of the
Canadian people? 0/ course it is
CANADA is more than an accident of,geography.
The magnificent record of effort made by
Canadians in the great European struggle bears
witness that the peaceful and unhindered de-
velopment of the Canadian ideal should be main-
The future of Canada depends upon the sincere and
earnest self - expression of Canada's millions of
orkers—at the plough, the ' loom. the forge—in
cry, the office and the home. And loyalty
to is beat expressed, not in bursts of
pat emotion on state occasions, but in sup-
porting d sustaining Canadian enterprise and
Pat and this t'.wtoraph.
Thu pin.b.grapher'e clerk acre very
prt'eo'enpiiet inskewing some maniples
of work to prospr•tive enters when
)•atiLk Maloney stalked • into . tlw
1110.1(4. awl intlmate•e1 that 'he weillll
like to know what i11e pl(•teres were
twee Ih.
tike that, Ave shillings is dozen."
said 11ne girt, handbag Mai one.
-Pat g,,*it long :lee cerrestly eit
1 eke phntngraph of a eery smell Iwaly
-ittint; in a wash basin.
"Share. ►row." Pa shyly asltd,
"phecau sunlit 1t cost we wld me
ilia hes ori?'
War a Greal45aveller.
A lieut.-tient wits netting an Italian
private s 1( i t of t welled to
p iM ItK stall
the latter a number of mini.essury
etlleet lens :
"►Teter, what did -;nu do with your
{ea nut wagon when you were draft-
"1 w1111 i1," said fete.
'•.1111(1 what did on CIO with the or-
"I mold that too."
".11rtd what did i.w to with , the
monkey .
R .
••(Oh. they drwftee1 hint and made a
lientrtmut of him," rejdi.d fete.
('ollrurtw School Fair, at ('artow ea
Monde), Triumph.. Over the
W rather.
\\'et, cold eeether was the portion
handed out to the 4'oltsrrne 10(4 II alp
school fair o1( Mouthy : hilt 11( spite
of the uufuvorable •1awtitiuus there
wee u very large ettetsluntr •iid the
fair wee a senses in every particular.
This was the wruud school fair in Col-
borne, and the experience of hist year
was Used to good advantage 111 the con-
duct of the fair ►his year. and a mark -
td iwp10vement wags to In. hhw'rvtd.
The 1111(111 portion of the exhibits was
sheen 8n the township fall 1(t Carlow,
and was a striking revelatiou of whet
wtthful euthmlas1I and luduatry can
accomplish. in frluit, grain, vegetables',
[towers, Iaklug. nature study. drawing
and writtue, manual tt-olrefng, etc., the
exhibits were excellent *!I(l would have
dune credit to a rrgular\distrlet fair.
The display 1(fapples partkularly wan
very lite; but 11( other them the stan-
dard wan almost equally high., Poul-
try, and other live stock were shown
outei de, the exhibits beteg quite cred-
The program opened with a prude,
in which ,,•veli school section* Were
rpresented: Nos. 1. 2, ;t. S, S, 9 aWl
Union suction No. 1. The prix's for
11e bent 'shoeing 1n the parade were
awarded as follows: let, t'.S.tS. No. 1
(Nile) ; 2nd, S. S. No. S I ('edar \'aI-
Iey t ; 3rd. S. g. No. 2 1 ltenmtller).
The towhees of the various eretions
are: No. 1, Mies McArthur; No. 2.
Mime Putt; No. a. Mien, Lansing: No. 5.
Miss Kempton: No. S. Miss' Adkins:
No. 11, Mdse Whiteman: l'.S.S. No. 1.
Miss Plunkett.
.After the parade,rhe various schools
went through a variety of 41i411... awl
this was followed by a -program of
sports in the large field adJoluiag the
township hall. The list of prize -win-
ders In We sporrts, given herewith. is
not altogether cowptete, the large mine
Iwr of competitors i1( uiuu of tlw
event,[ makllig it .almost impossible to
keep atrutNte track of the results.
Public slr•aliug is out a favuritI' ex-
en•ble with the It,ys and girls and there
were only two euh-ie,c in rids einu{w•ti-
tiu: Muriel Rutledge. who spike on
"Tie Flag." ilia Fordyee ['lark. whore
a1111)eet wan "Thr Selection int Seed
Porn." Both did wejh the prizes helm
awarded in tie orii-e•r named.
Then• was a large attendance from
the town. including tankers, newspap-
er men, wrre•hants and others.
•lint• lady from: tow; route -wet tIi*
it w-aw with difficulty that elft'
kept Ii.•r katals off the applies on is -
play. They certainly looked delicious.
Tlw large rooni In the townsb' hall
was w) filled with exhibits and • ow'tkrl
Ith dil-
e sehtool
m will be
sou Band en -
wish sp.•tators that it was
bratty mu* muc,.l Malate 11
1 fair keeps gree iug mere'
Several drums and a k
livened the tieret.•.
The little girls in their light dresses
and the toys in their shirt -sieves In
14w parade may have been perishing
viral] the cold, but they stuck It out
bra rely.
The nature study exhibits were es-
pei•fally interesting 1111.1 were worth
mrr•h more then a casual glutei.. Who
know/4 but that mane famous natural-
ist may out I1( tlwe ewerge from The
pupils w -he pn•P sreil these collection.?
Itrhgmenta wee . e
r +1(l by thegirls'i
dares of Smith's H111 church, who did
llvety trade in spite of the cull
e fair Wap•quite a Awful ower.'
t people getting together from the
sleek parts of the tmvuship in a
way that .laesri t often ereur. The
men had an opportunity to discuss the
erops. netlike, etc.. and the women --
well, what is It women talk about guy•
rte nhlggwe
p n were pros,
ent : Rev. H. Kennedy Kendy of Henmlller,
Rev. H. Royle of "NAP. sad Hey. le, (t.
Me1k•rmid et town: Mr. Itayle Is the
new Mrth/.lige minister at Nile: he has
rer•i•ntly'e.,me from Newfoundland.
The Prises -wieners,
The prize -whiners in the various
ass were eM fullness
GRADhats, Sheat--, or ty Fowler, Har-
vey McPhee.
Oats, iiraiu-Harvey McPhee.
Wheat, Sheaf W1( Hardy,
lrrarrkttrr JMlurllt)1, - Barley, Sheaf -Percy "Sheaf -Percy M.Rrtide.
Barley. i;rain-l'erc:y,.Yrlir}de, Reg-
gio' AIM).
Field fees Fordyce Clark, Cepha
Maskell, Calvin McIntyre.
Corn, 1'ompton's Early --Lawrence.
Snyder, Benson Horton, (Oliver .Min,
Roy Rutledge.
Corn. Golden Hannam - Murray
Kernighanc Franklin Horton, Aileen
Fneman, Ar,,old Allen, Kellner Dew -
Mrs. Nichols Only Weighed Ninety
Pounds Before She Started
Taking Tenter.
"My wife has not only gained twenty
five pounds in weight but is enjoying bet-
ter health than the has for years past, and
we'vegot to t..aiik Tanlac for it," declared
Richard J. Nichols of en East 24th street,
Mountain Top, Hamil;on, a few days
"Owing to the strain of bringing up
the children and doing all her own work,
she had been in a general rundown .un-
dition for the past four years. Her
appetite was very pox r and the little she
ate caused indigestion. The gas would
Corm so bad as to bloat her up eo she
could hardly breathe. She had frequent
sick headaches that almost drove her
frantic, and always got up in the morn-
ings feeling dull and heavy. She lost
flesh until she only weighed ninety
pounds, and although she tried all sorts
of medicines none of them gave her more
than_temporary relief.
"She heath of so many people bei
helped by Tanlac that she thought sh
would like to try it and so 1 got a bottle
for her.' It was surprising to see the way
it gave her an appetite and in a short
time she could eat anything she desired
and never had any trouble with 'gas or
indigestion afterwards. As I've already
said, she'has gained twenty,Irve-pcundsln
weight and feels fine all the time. That
tired feeling is all gone. she never has a
headache now, sleeps well• at night and
gets up feeling at fresh as a May morn-
ing. 1 can't just describe how thankful
i am for the great good it has done her.
and 1 have every confidence in recom-
mending the medicine "
Tonle(' is sold In tioderich by E. R.
Wigle and the leading druggist 15
livery town.
land Kerr. Me
Pair of !tar
sulgdiell in 191
lah Fisher. Hare
1 -sari Harvey llstrr.
(Stir of -. l lwrrnr-sNtantsy
(tiller, Kenneth All In. reel Bisset. !ley
ItuUi•dge. ,
' l'air of Itttidle !Aland e1.-- Beulah
Fisher. )lark Fisher.
Pair of Item•.' Itoek-a, \fnen homy
Acw•k-FOrdy..• Clerk. Harvey 11,' Phis.:
Kcnrwtlr AIIin.
SeAtig Tult, Agricultrira1 -\ John
Tel., .11anm Fisher, Ah'x. Young.
Spring ('all, 11••••f -Wilbert im.
onlyre ('lark, Lawrence Snyder. .
Spring Iamb. Long Weed-Fordy'i
Clark, K,•uurtli .elfin. Arthur Minkel
Spring I:mtub, Short ' Wool --John
Titbit Ethel Tubb. F:Igiii 'lunette. -
I'0ll..•thin of %V.i'tls--iiladye Blake,
i'alY•Iti ltutl.lg.•. -
l'ollre•ttuu of W.W.I S,441s-- Roy Rut-
telge, Alex. Young, .11us•lia \Iellwaia.
" Itediet+iuu. Thelma 1aait
1'08001011 of inesrts-ltrulih Fisher,
I). Mel'lure. Laura Mugford, illadys
Trelde, Kenneth Altin.
t'ollee•thiu of Tree Seeds --Murray
Kernighan. Robert Echlin.
('ulle•tien of Lettere-Gladys Blake.
Sylvia Segues, Roy Rutledge, Mabel
Collection of Wrests -Clayton Rale
ertson, Muriel Rutledge. Alex Young.
)lap of Huron -Leola Snyder. Aaron
Fi.h.'r, Evelyn Horten. Hatu'I Rrindley.
1 Map At North Am. rlev-Thelma
i Limier. 'Attie Lawlor, Gordon Jewell,
Jol.0 .a Horton.
«1 El
Map of En pe -Elsie Lawlor, For-
i',y.e i'hirk. H oM ltreeknw, El 11211
1 Iming, 1.aura MiiKford.
Writing 4Third ,Chisel 'The )est
Rosy -of Stormer"-`Beltran 4'hlrholm,
Thelma Lawlor. Malw•1 Smith, Olive
Horton, 4'luyton ltels•rtenn.
Writing. -Dandelions' Florence
Royle, Ite.rethy Walters, \1 rd Jewell,
Jean Waiters. Emma r ri.•na
Writing, -National Anthem flat
Please.- - .indrew N.•hultz. Mildred
linitt,-Kenneth Ferrish, Jaime }'urtlnh.
Writing, "My Nwtivc Lund- lith
►'heir,)-Reidah Fisher, Merle }forties,
Iran Mugford, Muriel Rutledge, Ken-
neth Allln.
\\•aper To tors i r'_t endsiva pe -Flare
inw'1{r, Fnnly.e Vieth. lihrdys ttegusa,
Lou Mnglord. Jean Farrish.
('rayon !inlaying of Flowers-Iiladye
Treble, 1.11nre Mugfoni. John iterJ-
motwI, Abele Ill.•kson, Allen ',infield.
,ca - mer Pencil1►rawing of Herr; Ilex -Haz-
el Milt, FlIi Litwlnr, *Utah FMhrr.
!fettle Lawlor, Percy Hrdde.
stay -Alex. Yottng,:: 'Nortel Rut-
ledge, Gladys Treble. ' .
Hemmer Hanile--Reggie Schnitz.
Stanley Ohler, Fonlyee Clark, Ken-
neth Alibi. Douglas' Feagan.
Milking Stool -Aaron Fisher, Ken-
neth Alibi. 4!stein Rutledge, Harvey
itax ter.
HandmadeHox-Aaron Flsbei.. for-
dyre Clark. •
le Horton.
1. !y(w•kmegg
, from s
niwth .1111in. lteu-
Mi i'her•, ('lltoed
1Fotetorn, 1fr ei St inntaln- Ralph
Jewell, .%rthur Masked]. Franklin
Flick, Willie 'Treble, Jetties Horton.
Potato',., Irish Cobbler -Jr -.see Mc-
Cann, ('live Allis, Robert. Eo•hlin, Ken-
neth Morris, Clayton Robtrtsnu.
Mantn'is-.taros Fisher, Algin Rut-
ledge, Itert Freeman, John Redmond,
John Me'4;raw.
One Mengel -Avenin i'ldher, Jdlrn
Met w, Benson Thteholm, 11arme7
Mcl'he.•, Inert F'rmine:I.
Turnips --R. N. Hetherington. Grate
Gilders, Thome.' Horton.
One Turnip -Thomas Horton, Greer.
(lilders, Ketth Gardner. -
fleets -Stewart F'erguenn, i1»nes n
Million, Myrtle Fulton!, Christens
Maim, t velyn Horton.
Ca trete --tonna Mcelu re, Gladys
hike, Greve Jewell, Muriel Rutledge,
F'n{nklin Allln.
4inlons-Stanley (filer, Roy Ken -
rusty, Merle Horton, Roy Rutledge,
i.izzle Hardy.
l'srsnlps--lorotliy WaIterm. Dangles
}'eegen, LPtle Lawlor, Isobel McWhin-
ney, Mary Morris.
Cockerel --Marta Horton, Kenoeth
AIIin, Orsee,Rogb'. Thomas Horton.
Pullet -Week Boraimn, Kenneth A1-
lln, Ethel Teb), Reta Fisher, Menton
I lorton.
Pelt of Barred H• ocks--Keonath Al -
I111, Sxm. We Iter, Milord Altai, - Cott•
,(1) T. d mad I iy Rt4nhans, Chief David Tensor Horse in the esa rilea. eetettliba y
W making Lore turnttant a dad. ha is wearing tiffs r�eeggut1tabiea aa/ ale ryiat ties
d passe ,saki Barnham is ale Indian Is j' to her by the
women , a soevaeir Wtri 411111111111R.Bo
Yellow w is W uniform
of ° oe air ak has Osselet Is VS lir the British Geaveso -rt ant ispsetia! Prean
1 Party:e
t aisprommer et eareleciltg 11110.011641. al lank ifloot mttall= Lord Dat*t1lis 1P
Yei7sw - -
Rope splicing---Georep 1). Cerny.
Wire Nplte•ing a- µ111w Thom.
George 1). Curry, Franklin te•hell.
Roy Rutledge, iawrener Snyder.
Bird Floliw'-Kelmer Dawran.
Thicken Corm -John 'raid).
School Lunch -Hazel Rrindley, Mur-
iel Rutledge, Lottle Lawlor, Orace
(ittnerr, ,kende Mef'abe.
Apple Pie -.lassie McCann, Amelia
Mcllw'ain, Muriel Rutledge, (lladyn
,Treble, Grace tinders.
Layer Cake -Mary McWhinney,
M lel Smith, Mildred Vanotone, Lola
Mny r, Jean Walter..
Flo made ('sndy - Edna Young,
Ethel talk AOlady, Blake.
Bread, White -M. Jewell.
Muffins- )1uMe1 Rutledge, Doris
11111, Lenin Snyder, tonna MrClnre,
Ethel Tkhb.
ltl,enits-Ne•11ie Morrie, Jessie Me -
CH nn, Dorothy Robertson, Gladys
Make, Cophe Mwskell.
oatmeal Cookies -Elide Lawlor,
(2nd no name), Ethel Tahb, Grace
Jewell, (iladyt Blake.
Preserved Fruit - Gladys Treble,
)meth Fielwr, Mewl Hill, Gladys
Slake, Rutty Kerr.
Darning nn Htorking-(trace Oltdera,
Gladya Treble, Myrtle Gamble, lithe!
Ti hh.
Cmchet Work-ItIafe Lawlor, Grace
Gilders, Hew' Brindley, Thelua Taw -
Hemntltehtd Haudiferehlrt-- Mabel
Smith, Dorothy Itulwrteen, Lottie Law-
lor, Thrluw Iawier.
Dreewd hull -Muriel Rutledge, Mar-
garet Allln, Aleut' ltl.•kwuu, Margaret
Mitche11, Florets Segued.
Haudutalk .1;iron -Thelma I.a 1or,
Dorothy ltulw•rtmm, Ik,ntni Mtt'lure,
Florence Segues, hazel Itrindlry.
►'Iain Flemming --Pearl Wilmot', Mur-
iel ltutle.lge, Jeesle Mt.'t un, Lottle
Lawlor, M. Gamble.
Woollen ('loth, Shuw1 tear darned -tressle Musket', Grace niters, Men
garrr Alen.
Mubruit erI11g--4:lady, Treble, C race
l i t lder.,
Astern- .:Isle Lawlor, Dorothy Rob-
erti,., Roy Kennedy, Myrtle }'ulforil
Lucy Fierily.
Sweet Pews-liazel I;ildeu•n, Ndna
Phlox -Helen Fulford, Olive Hill,
Grave Jewell. Thelma ,Lawlor.
Bouquet from Hume garden--Cepha
Maskell, Murray Kernlghau, 11. Wal-
ter. titles Horton, Gladys Treble.
Alexander Apples -Myrtle Gamble,
hristha Robertson, Roy Rutledge,
ten Freeman, Henkel' Fisher.
ow Apples -Mildred \"pustont•, Re-
fouug. Sylvah Si.' use, Mtsrrey
haat Nam Water.
Apples -Wilmer Hardy lkir-
lfera, Wilfred FlsheiF; l.'alrfu
ltutledge,,Ntanley older.
Spy Apples -Shirley Venom", Edith
Fisher. Ste iug Fulton', Stanley lits
ler. Marie }' her.
liuletwfu A es- Willie M 4'aun,
►iridal Fisher, tanh•y Older, `\Fart
Itieeett, Worthy wire•
4 %1MPE IT 14
1'ubllr 3{saklug Muriel ltutlellge.
Fordyee 4'la rk.
Iliadliva Tenx{wth yrrl{i.
err. Edgar Blake. lire le 1Lalie,
Articled 1'unuli'-foto Sohl
lieu No. �. N. hied Section No. N,
Sertlon No. P. \
SIN iltTN.
511-yeed Dash, buys ;miler 1
-Geo. ('urrelt, Clayton Itulwrtwm • F);gh
Hlake, Douglas Graham. Jas. M, 'lire
all -yard Hash, girls ;meter 10 v ro-
ttenest* Jewell, Lucy Ilunly, art
(las1. Jessie McCann.
tilt -yard Dash. toys 10 to 12 years
Geo. Torres, Wortley Fowler, Itrur
Cunningham. Ralph ,Jewell.
50 -yard ►trill girls 10 to 12 years --
Gladys Treble. urea.• Gilders, Muriel
Ltntledge, SYlvie S.•guss, Mary '11-
11 hintey. Mary Redmond.
541-yanl dash, Imp, over 12 years. --
4 'atilt' Rutledge. Heiman 4'Irisholm,
Itobr. Hetherington. Geo. ('herb, Rears
('uuuingtaor, Wortley Fowler.
30 -yard hash. girl.. over 12 yrares-
ogee Jewell. Gladys Treble, nutlet
R th.lge. Itubx._1�auc. scat!.:_ Myra-
ytsI:r •, tai.• tie. Hage) Itritetley; -Jean
Far 'eh.
W liil•.•Ilarrow Rat a -Relit. ' Hethllr-
iugtourand" Calvin Itotl.tge, Orval
k*• af-t'tiffont Allen. Gem -Currie
and Calvin McIntire, /tries. (' her-
bal m and Worthy Fowler, 'Wiesen t'hi.-
holar and kenneth Morris.•hers" re• --Mlle Plunkett, Mics
A,Lnii$ Miss olmr., Miss ',enslne.
Three-legged 10a.e, boys--flrval
Itlake and VII rd Allln, Ralph Jewell
and Harold flown , 1'alvlu Rutledge and
It, ps•rt Het heti n* en, Kenneth Alibi
lied %Villw•rt Thl.Ut, Calvin Mclat)•r.•
and Geo. Currie. \
'Three-legged Raise Girls:- Muriel
Riitl••.l .• and Edna Young, Grace"Jew-
ell and Winnir.Vanstone, EIIa Rolwrt•
win end Minerva McPhee, Ruby '1'arr
and Myrle Gamble.
Trustees' Race -Win. Medd won this
ra.e, with 4'. .t. Robertson, and JAI]
Parrish so close for ewvud place that
Ow Judge.' wanted thrni tie ran it
over agate. Thin was not do how-
ever, and the township will re to
wall until the s•hewd fair nest year
to decide rhe matter.
Relay Itace between beim( of tiree
representing dlffer.•nt.ew-hejopy...-lef, l' -
8.S. No. 1 (It. Hetherington, G.'o. l'nr•
.rip. Calvin Rutletgr e : •J wI,- tett. No..
8 (W. Fowler, Kenneth Allen. Gladys
Treble) : aril, N.S. No. 7 (H. Rreekow,
('.. Allln, ()real Hinkel : 4th, N.S. No. 2:
5th, S.S. No. 4: lith,. N.S. Nn. a.
Mtllt Rare -There (wing only one
it of snits on hand. this rave was
ME -time. Geo. 4 `nrrle took
next go, ening the dlttanre in lit we-
nndt. .Three .nntevetants-4'. Mrtutyr.'-'
R. Her rington and 4'. Rutledge -did
it In 22 nils ear+, and ►true.' Cun-
ningham 1 27 seeotxM.
Ex pupilii '(4r.e. glrlw--Julie Young.
E1In Itnlertsen,GNdys Treble, Amelia
Hetherington. \
.1.N-tintingRace, boys -Harald Wal-
ter. Wm. Medd, liyd Young, Tait
$bows Remarkable Curative
Power of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
`-'--i' Ont.- "Before using Lydia iL
P kbi s Vegetable Compound I was
• Ioflsi wreak• 1 had terrible pains iso
tam dela and wpa sot regular. Finally
totem as weak 1 maid not go up stairs
t stopping M rest half
the step. I tried two doctors but they
did me no rail I saw your medicine
advertise in the newspapers and
thought 1 would give it a trial. I took
four of the Vegetable Compound
and wee restored to health. I am mar-
ried, ant the mother of two children,
and do all my housework, milk eight
crows, and do a hired man's work and'
enjoy the best of health. 1 also found
✓ Compound a great help for
res-wres-wisak back before my babies were
born 1 recommend it to all my friends
who are in need of medicine, and yew
may ppnrinmt this letter if you wish."—
Mre.'Hseeat Janna, R. R. No.4, aim
ley, Ontario,
It hardly seems possible that there i•
• woman an this country who will coo-
ties'. to suffer without giving Lydia
"'labium's Vegetable Compound a trial
attar all the evidence that is continually'
being published, proving beyond costes.
diener that tbu grand old medicine MO
relieved more suffering among women
than any other medicine in the world.
it lass seat if yon flit Ila' er
have iladd.g t:oabie–Halts
\ lana far =idotla
farms uric said *bleb united
and worka the kidneys in their effort'
Mar it from. 1.1. system. Regular sl-
alof meat muse duah the kidney. ooea-
liMaally. You must relieve than like you
relieve your bowels; removing all the
aside, waste and poises,else you teal •
dull misery in the kittairy region,
pains ill the back or lad headache, dis-
siaeea your stomach scute, tongue i•
seated and when the weather L bad you
have rbeunatie twinges. The\ arias is
.toady, full of pediment; the damsels
often get irritated, obliging you to get
up two or three times during the bight
To neutralise these irritating acids
and flush oil the body's urinous waste
• grit about four ounces of Jad Bales.
from an, pharmacy; take a table-
spoonful in a glass of water before break -
bol for a few days and your kidney wW
Miss art Ane sad bladder disorders dis-
. -appear. This !anion. salts 1a mads fres
the acid of grapes sad icon juice, tom -
with lithia, and baa bees ad fee
rations to dean and ettan3te
Fetakidney, sw
ad shop bladder irritafi.
ad Balt* is inexpensive; harmless salt
sakes a delightful effervescent mt liflit
dunk which millions of mss sad
women take sow and the', tins esoidittlg
serious kidney and Wider diseases,
The lady
"Speaking of going t Heaven."
-laid a gentlemen to a la Miring
dinner, "what worries me tlat mt
is, how am 1 going to get my o o'
,in over my wings."
"Don't let that worry yon," weld
the hely sweetly. "All yell nivel eon-
rern yourself about 1e how you are
going to get your hat on over yohr
Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens
So Naturally that No-
body can tell.
Hair that loses Its color and lustre.
or when 1t fades, turns gray, dull and
lifeless. is caused by a lack et sulphur
In the hair. Our grandmother made
up a mixture of Sage Tea and 8slphur
to keep her locks dark and beautiful,
and thousands of women and men who
value that even color, that beautiful
dark shade of hair which is so at-
tractive, use only this old-time recipe.
Nowadays we get this famous mix-
ture Improved by the addition of other
ingredients by aeking at any drug
store for a bottle of "Wyeth's sage
and Sulphur Compound," which dark-
ens the hair so naturally, so evenly,
that nobody can portably tell it has
been applied. Tnu Just dampen •
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hale, taking one
small strand at a time. 8y morning
the gray hate disappears: but what
delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound is that, Ire-
eldss beautifully darkening the hale
after a few applications, it also brine*
back the gloss and lustre and gives is
an appearance of abundance.
e Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com-
pound Is a delightful toilet reendsHO
to Impart color and • youthful ass
baranee to the hair. It is not Ing
tended for the cure, mitigation or pres
sande* of disease.
+- w
Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"—that's alit When
it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff
appears, or your hair falls nut, a 35 -cent bottle of delightful -
dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your ids,
also double it's beauty. Try "Danderine" and sed
i ;