The Signal, 1920-9-16, Page 8411 Thursday, September 16, 111!11. s Vete* THH SIaNAL OODItlfI111 OW, • BOOKS Latest Copyrights $1.75 and $2.00 The Valley of Silent Men Curwood Hvery Man for Himself , .. . Moorhou-e The Slayer of Sonls,Cbanlbers The Rescue Conrad Harriet Ind the Ptper..Norris THE PRIZE LIST. (Coultuue,I from palm 6) OPERATION WAS • --- r Tandyn. -- -' r F e 11111.111ECESSAfill Fern 1.icite child's dress, brat trip -Lena 1 ivlssitstua work !slaw 1t;mbru Uving stun. Id:eb[ulttarerd towels, initials or peon ogre m -Lena 1,ivIlig.ton, Mrs. C. Stewart. 14mhroiderei thandken•hief -1t. W. Tamlyu. Lena I.ivtugston. Embroi4er d lace stitehws - - J. 8. lluwru'. I. W Tanllyu. -$ Embroidered collar and cult Mat- I.ena 1,i i ngst nuJ. S. Howrke. i I .ed centrepite-e, poach You et rill and a gbod selec- diofa of1Ipopular REPRINTS ou our Shelves at $1.00 each and a nt shipment of Eng- Iish two t: •Uing 'novels which we are selli at 50c each _ liminess hears S.3$ a... to 5.30 p.a.. Saturdays 9.30 p.a. 35i THE Groceteria listually saves you money NeIiuST.and THE SQUARE GROCERIES of all kind(., best quality and lowest prices Hate you tried our The. and Coffee? First-class Black Tea in bulk ORANGE PEKOi: 1'EA can be used as a flavor or alone t.' Embroidered piliuw ally-I.etta Liv. big -Amt. M. E. Fclkir. SEWING. Hamt.rn:ule shirt waist. -original de sign -J. S. Howrie. I'latn sewing by hand. are varieties -Mrs. J. A. t'owler. S. ji„wile t'laiu him-sttt,I%lne-J. M. 1. F•,•Iktr. IcnlnHt• Tweet. buttonholes. 4 ing, 4 dress and 4 tailors-- Lena 1.1v- ingstou. Mrs. J. .1. Fowler. un cashmere. skit lingo -Mrs. J. A. Fowler. Mending. 1 pastel' hemmed --Lena 14viugstnu. 0. E. Edward. Mewling, 1 leech tap -sewed, --0. F• F:dw:srd, Mrs. J. A. Fowler. YIain working apron. hotel -sewn - Lena Livingston, 0. F. Edward. Fancy Apron -John Fowler, H. W. Tamiyu. !tome -made labor-saving (leek* in women's wort for kitchen use --Lean Livingston. LACE: WORK, ET('. - Point 1ww•--0. W. Tanibm. J. 8. How rte. !rials ereebet-Irtta Livingston. H. . Tamlyn. nit ted thread. Iatr-II'. W. Tamlyn, Livia/stun. trine--la•ua teivi0[stott. ora. .1. T. 9' meson. 1 ' • • lira 'n thread work, doilies-H.'W. Tamlyn' Lena Livingston. Dnw thread work. cent repkee-- I1. W. T:a Iya, .1. S. Howrie. Netting- . S. Howrie. M. E. Fettle. Judges - es. W. F. Clark, Mrs C. Restored ti TO Plant kin f Igo rrwttos/ Aala , M owv •ser "Tor ear Ram / sager -id liner[ pi; la the Iona pia el say had/. win atlatttflg ar illsai-a• 1 saw a yrayrt slew ail 1 emetic undergo sal tea- I trrn& ! r1 Dial '1AadL+-k+se a1 aferisfol is ba.. Tisa Sari bare saw great relief; anti I oaatYrrd r+ armrest. N. no .be is ate0-1 am fres ltf pier -tel l "i , e-tives" q Warmest than Mips Ir. OIRKAU. 50a. a bor. l far S2-50. trial Si" us. At all dealers or seat postpaid let/ ]1rs.t,.•lives Limit's& Ottawa. Our stock of Fall Merchandise is ready for your inspection A splendid assortment of fancy biscuits and cakes THE BEST BREAD IN GODERiCH T2c A LOAF CASH AND CARRY H. McFADYEN i.ec 1I0a1F;sTI(' si'IEN('I . FRl'ITS, ETC. Preserved piurlipple-A. (Ike. i'r•servnl quit -A. like. I'rer :.'eo A. (Ike. 1'reses•rnsd prarltr A. Oke. Preserver! citron- . (►k'yr Chas. A. Well. !fanned wtt-awberrlfa J. S. Howrie, Tinier,' F:. and 1t. Snow en. (l. Ginn. ('annee ra•plw•rrlea-4 t. Y. Edward. E. slid It. Snowden, ('has. . Wills. Pr'es'rvel apples --(l. F. Iward. A. Oke. E. 1111(1 It. Snowden. Preserved cherries ---41. Ginn. A. Oke, .1. S. Howrie. ['reserved pears --A. Dike. flus. A., Wells. ['reserved plums --A. Oke. Chas. A. 1:Vella. 0. F'. Edward. One gins,' each apple sad red cur, mint jellies -(Isar. A. Wella. r t We feature READY-TO-WEAR in our wonderful new department on the second floor. We can show you anything you require in Ready -to -Wear Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Wool Middies and House Dresses you to choose from One pint each. caaad tomatoes and corn, kettle mrtlwnt•-E. and R. Sn:,w- den. A. (11:e. Ane pint verb. nosed toagttoea and corn, told park -R. and R. Snowden. !'has. A. Wens. One pint each. Cannell peas, beams E. and B. Snowden. Our iw.ttle green tomato catsup - E. and K. Ssobdeu. (►rte bottle ripe Denali, catsup -A. Oke. 0. F. Edward. ('has. A. Wells. Two varieties wont pickles, 1 mixed 1 mnstan1-0. F'. F:dwanl, .1. S. How - rte. E. and R. Snowden. Hooey in ro,•bs, 10 pounds -J. W. Belkeld, Gro. Salkeld. Jar of honey. of 1 -7. W. 8a1k- eld, Geo. Salkeld. Maple sugar, made in torn.--Aftdrew Halliday. Maple anger, made in 1920 ---Andrew Halliday. Jndgem-Mrs. Donald TteNevla, Mrs. R. Snetgrove. DOMESTIC SITE\('E, BAKING. Three loaves yeast rising broad, white -priers by Goderich Board of Trade ---;e,. Baxter• Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. Kgitiug. ward, E.• and R. 'Snowden. Mr A. One loaf brown brea41---41. F. rld- Fostcr. One loaf nut bread --airs. A. Foster, J. S. Hewrie, Mrs. Clarence Dustow. Line. leaf fruit hrrad-E. and R. Snowden, Mrs. 4'. ihsatow, arra. A. F'esater. Kix Basking powder, 511 •baking sada tea btw•nits-lira. A. Foster, 0. F. Edward. 11. ars! R. Snowden. Six.plulu. wti fancy rolls or bone -- E. and It. Snowden, Mrs. C. Dnatow. Rix auger, elfr ginger eooj res -F and R. t(nuwddt. Wim. A. Foster, Mrs. C. Dustow. ate az nut rookies -Yrs. A. V t. Mea, C. Stewart, E. and R. COATS Northway Coats are well known in this section as garments that give real service and carry the correct style • These are the garments we are featuring in Fall Coats. Our range has been greatly admired by women who have purchased their fall coat in our department. Even if ver-sre not intending to buy a coat for this season, we should like you to come and see the new styles. They are always on display in READY-TO-WEAR Department. - Children's Costs in all sizes and Many - qhs. Yrake the new styles in fall coats for 'the New Millinery Modes At the new are uaguestia security or NON - 19'22 kr 18 mud Int.. 11Ffl-q aWTw..-7i !frit (g 117 sad Int. yield 193:: 4r 1wi4(e and Int. " 19:7 Io Ips and lot. yield 5.68 TAXABLE 1 Of 87 sad Sat. yield 0.27 p.c.. a . . field 8.26 p.c. Municipal oferiugs yielding lip to 7 per cent. Victory Reds the premier today. 0.37 p.c. 15 'sc. ase. r p.c. T. R.\ Harrison Insurance 810 herd Broker. Pruner 316 (iede,1eh Office adjoining irritish F:arhangn Hotel FOR • THE AUTUMN and WINTER of 1920 Surely never were hats so lovely as this ,seamen THEY SHOW -rim LATe r- --eels TIGRE-TR MIL FP. FAIT AR YOU RE CORDIALLY INVI D TO, INSPYCT OUR STOCK Miss R. M. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich T.0 THE BOYS AND GIRLS of Goderich and surrounding country. a word about your SCHOOL EQUIPMENT You will not forget, of eourse, 'our liens and pencils, .scribblers, grammar and arithmetic Looks, but there is another item which must not be oterlooked. What Boy .pr Girl want, ahakI� shoes t Moat of yon have "finished out" your old ones during the summer holidays, and no matter how nicely you are dressed, a pair of shabby shoes trill give you an untidy appearance. .rust pass the word along to Mother or Father that the best place to go for a gond new .pair is "the shop on the corner," where we can give yen good SOLID -LEATHER SCHOOL SHOES that will stand uruand wear well under lite rough usage you are bound to give them in your school games. at very reasonehle prices. We wish you every success in your renewed studies. YOURS VERY TitULT, Sharman's Shoe Store W. REG. SMRII►Atli SWEATER COATS 0E^ Just c• pkted a new wall case for our lines of Sweater -and Pullovers. They can be easily inspected and . can at a glance fled the style and color of 'coat ted. Be convinced inspecting these lines DRESSES We have in Goderich and the country about a wonderful lot of people wearing dresses bought in our Ready-to.wear Department. We want every woman before buying her dress for this season to inspect the line which we have gathered together for your inspec- tion. The newest styles are being shown in many qualities of silk and wool materials. You must see these garments\o appreciate them. It will be a pleasure for us to show these garments at all times. RC ES A wonderful ran$ of Wool Serges, Gaberdines and Tricotines for fall Wear. New cloths for coats, skirts and dresses. WI have every quality to choose from. Be sure and see these lines for your fall gar- ments. A special navy blue wool y, neatly trimmed. in all sizes, from $530 to $7.50 cat Mat. A. Footer, Mrs. T.1M11t. Sttgwdeu, Swanson, J. 6. itswr llalayer cadre -F:. and R. Snow- den, (11.'V. Edward, J. A. Howrle. 1Jght fruit este, 2 pounds or over --Mrs. C. Marrow. A. Oke, J. S. How rte. .Sit tariff -Mrs. C. Stewart, Mrs. C. Duatow, E. and R. i4sowden. Judges --Mrs. McNally. ora J. T. 14slkeld. 1.1NR AOl'S. I'ItiorEs+IONAL [.IMT-OILtk Landscape, scenery In diatrlet- J. S. Howrie. Mattis..lake or river -J. 8, limerick A mote .1. 8. Horne. Jos. A. Fowler. `- - F9owers or frplt-J. 8. How Janke - Geo. eo. Stewart. I'R(WF$intriNAL LiST - WATSR COLORS. Farwls•ape hovel, Ia distrlet-Jos. A. Fowler. J. lei. hovels Lawtls•ape, scenery -Jos. A. Yowler: J. 14. llowrle. Marine, lake or river -Jas. A. Fow- ler. J. 14. Howrie. Still Ilfe, Iatlldfrgs, ote.-J. 13. Howrie. Beat drawing, in water colon, any subject -Jon ' A. Fowler. Figure or animal anbjeet, one or more -Jos. A. Fowler. J. S. Monde. Flowers -,Ins. A. Fowler, 3. S. Hnw• rlc. Fntit-Jos, A. Fowler, .1. 14, Hnwrle• Mennt•hrome. any subject -Jo.. A. Fowler. J. S. Ilnw•rle. AMA1'EI'It LIST -OILS. Landsoap•, scenery In diatrct-LFaa Livingston, .1 S. Hnwrle. - Marine, lake or river -H. W. Tau- lin, Lena Livingston. Animal or figure, one or more-Ieaa T.iritytston, J. S. Hartle. Flowery,- Teens 1.ivillestnn. Fella --- Irma Livingston. J. Id. Barrie. Inaninate objet, not flowers or fruit- J. S. Howrie. Iaudscape, any auhjt•ct-Lena Liv- ingston, J. 14. Howrie. %MATT VIt LiNT-WATRR COLORS. years -A. J*t> •.4: Tiverton. The Inanimate otsitstAssrw l wsloom *hods Ids eeeherleas edit maw* New r' ems --.1 S nowrls wkhhl�aunt. Mrs. W. IL Baker. T . ,i► Flnao•hrome. ally spbjest '!original) -Mrs. J. A. Fowler, 3.14. Howie. I.ands•ape. scenery in district --Less Livingston, Mrs. J. A. Fowler. Marin• -Mrs J. A. Fowler, J. 8. Ilowrie. Animal or figure, one or mom --W. R. Hutchinson, Lena Livingston. Landscape - leen Livingston, J. 8. Ifowrie. Flowers -Mrs. J. A. Fowler, Lena 1 Art mouton. Fruit - LOS Livingston J. S. CHURCH "tont YICTQRY BONDSmonmirnme, any abject tcopyi- .Lel your own discretion be your tutor Tina i.ivlog.toty Mrs. J. A. Fowler. At Itpoz church divine waredp nett will be jects of Sunday morning and 09R ABT. conducted by the minister. sermons : 11 a. m. -"A Ptrfa�f Church McDoNALD.•=sari a long iline•w Function." 7 p. m.- the Ltttle ,m and Misetng tet Great." y,t)chod1. Year MargrrtA • i1lsOasmMe adult at,d teen-age saes at 3 daughter of MOP MAI vjttAY'Jwha hieo'clock. - Donald, Carhafdstreet, *Rowel Det church nextaway on S -- uturally Isle.-41e-4t•rexn. - S!YYta at the Bap! ell was torn In tIodefk'h and spent'Sunday will be as follows : 9. 4, a. et.. Bible schooi : 11 a. to., Hermon subject, "This Body of Fragile Clay ;" 7. p.m. subject, "A Friend in Need ;•' 11 p. m., young people's meeting. the greater part of per life term. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning. requiem mans being con- ducted at St. Peter'. church by Rev. Father MI•Itae, after which the In- terment took place In the Catholic acatery. The pal hekente were 'three brothers -In -law -J. Eames, of St. Thomas, T. M. McDonald, of Port Huron. and A. L.WIritty, of town -and Mr. Thomas Lavey of torn. 1)YKP---The death ocearret on Monday. after% long period of Illness, of.lirs. Margaret Dyke; In her sixty- seeond year. The deceased was horn In healrrirb township and had lived In town the laws twenty -Me years. She I.arew olwt ,Inuebfer. Mrs. Chas. linty, of town, with whom ales lived, and two sons: Albin, In the Pes,•e River district, and Laurier, of Morose - jaw. Sask. Mr. .loon Tarraaoe, of Porter's 11111, is s brother. The fon- enl took place on Wednesday a'Iter- nonn from. -the residence of her itt In-lsw, Mt. Chas. laity, Nelson st to Maltlatsl cemetery, the atarllima Icing ...minces! by Rev. R. C. Ma TWrmhl. The pants•seers were Messina. Rebl Torrance. John Torrance, yr., James Mcr'hl-key and Chan. Duty. HAWKFNS. -Rhoda Merrisnv, Ise - loved wife of Mr. A. S. Hawkins. died lit her hire. Buffalo, N.T., on Thurs- day Inst. aged thirty -`even yarn. SNP was 1w,rn In I;,wlerleh, the young- est daughter of the. late Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, and fourteen years as was married to Mr. Haw- kins, who. with ane pion, Arthur. sur- vIves her. She heaves also several whi- ten" and limiters: Yrs. LaFord. of *atilt Ste. Marie. c tut : ]urs. K. M. Smith, of Tort Acthar; Mia. W. H - Baker. of town: .mens Morrison. of Manitoulin. and John, of 4111,ago. Mrs. linker and Mrs. let Fonl were with their sister for some weeks dur- How rte. int hear Dunes,'. which she bore with tar subject, /e1 asst Ink sketch, or- ,.elm and cheerful realgn.Hon. The retains worn brought to Oodert'h and the funeral took place on Monday attentions from the reeldence of Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. lister. Weilhiefen street, Interment being merle tit Maitland semmery• TIM fttrwral wer- rice. were c flirted by RPv. R C. YrDorm Id, the paflheanor` being W4asrs. lewd t ratge,. Roy M, Swann, ,inlet Anker. and Jobe Wiggins. Among thew ie attewd41w.e were the hereale� husband and ton: Mr. •ad bin. Q�. Ford. of Snit Ste. Mar Mrs .towns McSween. ,ren, Mrs. ileo and .0 .. at Waal lis W. Tamlyn, Jae. A. Fowler ('IiiNA PAINTING-AMATHWIt. Single plRw- 41. 8. Howrie Constl slat him toms six /leers .1. I 11 ' Judges- It W. 11'. (Hark. Mn. C. I e e. CRAYON. 0a. COAL ANI) iNK. Aa! Mubject. In (mama. or chalk. lir Waal -'['hos. Dewier. Any tnhject, in charcoal. Miriam•-- Jawr RTI. Mr f . by en. or ark to twelve Rny Mrs. The morning service at Victoria street Methodist church nest Sunday will be a family service. Bring all your family and sit together. Subject of sermon : "Religion in the Rom." in the evening Re 7. Fred Story. of Bolivia. South Am- erica. will tell of missionary work in that country. Sunday scpool at 3 p. m. The church will be decorated with the fruits of orchards, fields, gardens and flower - beds. At the Revd Akzantttra s , "'retie it From Me," the three-ring teems of musical coou'dy. direct from Rs six months rue at the 44th Street Theatre, New York. will open a week's engagement at the Royal ab einnelra Theatre. Toronto, ou Mon- day, septemis•r 26th. with Wednes- day and Saturday matinees it is the wort of Will B. Jobnatone. a well-known New York newspaper cartoonist, whnj bas completely ste•- erede4 in transferring to the musIcal comely stage a number of real char- m -term which M• diaroverel and elab- orated Mt of the droll Incidents of everyday Ilfe. Such delightful mnste, such delletons e•omrdy, omen magnt- event wings pietnrea, are aeMnm cone tithed to one musk•al peer. and the et- cesling attractive/wee of It all is 0n- 11aned by the excellent rompsny in the various roles find the beautiful "Kiss - Me" chorus gide. The original New Yeft eompaq of weventy will be ween, Including John Hennings, Richard Mack, Buat- Her. Bndner, Edgar Gardiner, Alice Hills, Marry Burnham, William HtI- fonr, Marjorie Sweet and the G•rtu• er Trio. -GOOD ADVICE, TOO. VISIT OUR STUDIO, EXAMINE OUR PORTRAIT- URE -AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF J. T. FELL • 1. X. L. Battery A Canadian Product The only clattery manufactured entirely in Canada. Suitable for all makes of ears and guaranteed to glue entire satisfaction. We bare opened in Goderich • Battery Service and Sales Station In charge of The People's Garage . J. a.1ScOZZ '_ Victot1S sinew - Bili aderleWMB to 1.,.111$11 � -�, mss•. Co. Limited NT. �� C() LBORN E. Theft. McMIllaa to $peak. -The reg- ular monthly meeting of the Colborne Fsrns-rs' Club will he held In the. Te.. p•ranee Hxll. itenmgler, as TDurmday c•aeninR, September 'lard, at wbtcb Mr. Thos. McMillan will diwe•o.e the gnaw floe of Rural (lredit.. Mr. Meli�lan u one of the mmmisdon appointed by tae etutarlo e:ocernmeet to investigate 41110 matter and Is anilalea 40 meet as many farmer," as pn*.lh e, in as Invitation 1a AMMO 1 hr w e•c and assTRln t The 1. X. L. Manufacturing PALMERSTON, ONT. The New Fall Overcoatings and Suitings Bannockburn Tweeds, Hair -line Blues, Blacks and Browns, Indigo Serges and Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds and IrishSergea -ALL FROM THE BEST MILLS The Fit and Style Will Be Correct MARTIN the Tailor 4 •;w •