The Signal, 1920-9-16, Page 6• R Thms.lar, Roplembcr lit. 1!l)t>. Tea fuOIAt Slee ISinnfileens of Canada --.ad there are 1158 of •• ll -feel that there are certain fenitirdirfolating to ells Wtry that you should know. One of the principal things is this - There is little likelihood that shoe prices will be very much lower than at present, for some months to come, at least. IN any event, any reduction that the manufacturer may be able to -nake to the retailer will be alight; on the other hand, there is a possibility that prices on some styles may be higher. Your shoe retailer bases his prices to you on what be pays the manufacturer. We, in turn, are dependent on the cost of leather and other things. as well as of Tabor. We buy our materials months before our shoes are on your feet. and the price of these shoes is 'calumny regulated by the cost of the materials of which'thcy are made. and of the handiwork expended on them. Therefore, our advice to you --and we give it in a ity-is to BUY NOW any shoes lou need - for your self or your family. Don't buy extrayseantly or , recklessly. but do so carefully and judiciously. Your retailer will give you this same advice too, if you ask him. He knows, as we do, that if the public demand for footwear sud- denly started up abnormally, scarcity of shoes and higher prices would probably result. This is a situation that should be mutually avoided, and will be if you buy what shoes you need. as you need them. ligfiret•••• of C.J. dor, ad.ty/a.wd of amnion! e..c- .. fr iw.dl imam,. Wk.. r.. 3.3,. ADO i. Cwt.,* 1..e..... rw .w ......d. at ,r_ '.. ..ie.. d..."w d K. .fw..t tai[ ...law .rn predawn iw • fort, Sonnies zt,e. "THE gIGN L" FOR THE REMAINDER OF Ig2o-ONLY • 'E P hist. (lontlafed from paps A► Imes es 'IrA41goukm4-3. W. Salk- * eW, 410* Oke P Uruurard-Abort Ote, 0. F. EdtltkleL Aldine De Jersey --deo. Leith- -r huelsel timoth) •,•,•,1 -Jas. Mtair One bushel clover ",,I -Jno. Sower- by. ower- S One bushel white h, . n, --Albert' Oke. Three heads swot., r seed. best and heaviest -F. Seri, \Via. T. Jen- nings• Feld tltaa4s, rlabtee. ere. Six Lung Red ManVes:•,lel Wurtsel-E. Shc.r ow•n, F. Barker six Globe Mane....I Wurtael-F. Barker, K. and R. Srr..rdow'n. Six Intermediate \I.uttrold Wurtzel, E. Sheaulown, G. W. \ndrew.. - SfI sugar mangokls. for feeding pur- poses -A. IIa11ic1aY. Ci W. Andrews. SIx Swede ' turnips -1i. W. Andrews, Jew Fowler. Six white carrots•• -r. Barker, Albert Oke. ears corp, I), nl-E. and R. Snowden. 1 Nine ears fleldiaq, any variety -E. and R. Snowden. .Albert Ole. Largest pumpkin -I. Salkeld. F. hurlers. aas Largest egh-Geo. Laithwaitc, 0. Sinn. vollargest turnips -.i. Ilalliday, Ju). wler. Six sugar beets for eta r purposes -- Cleo. Salkeld. Twelve largest and beet stalks of field corn Geo. Lalthwaite, •l. Genn'. Judges.. -Chs.. Girvan and J. W. Sal- keld. D %I V PRODIC D1s- CENTS Ten pounds table butler. salted for use. Prizes by Gntlerirti Board of Trail,• -Jas. Alton, Geo. Baxter, Jno. Vow ler. • Ten pounds of table butler. in trolk, salted for present use -Jas.. Alton, Geo. Baxter, O. F. Edward. Tub or crock of butter, not less Yellow St. John-leaae Salkeld. than 30 pounds -Geo. Kivter, \Irs• C. Mountain Huse• -base Salkeld. l)uatuw. Iratry butter: 5 pounds, 1 pound print.: -Geo. Baxter, Albert Oke. wLen Beurre Beurre B•:nrre Beurre Oke. Sheldon -C. A. Wells. Winnter Nellie-Jno. Mtwert y. Hrurre Clairgeon-Won. Waite, C. A. Howell -ileo. Laithwaite, .Vb.rl Oke. t:Pekel-Jno• fSowetby, tiro. Leith• waits. Glapp'a Favorite --P. Barker, Geo. Latthwaite. Lawrence-Jno. Sowerby, Albert Oke. Ke1Qer--Geo. Laithwaite, Albert Oke. Any other variety -Wm. Waite, Al- bert Oke. PLUMS. Mradalaw - Geo. S. .Hunt, Jno. Sowerbf. Pond's Seedling -T. Barker. Victoria -Albert Oke, F. Barker. Huling's Superb -F. Barker. McLaughlin --Geo. it. unt. Smith's Orleans - ..•o. Iiltbwaite Smith's Ori.'ans-Gro. Latthwdit.. Yellow Egg --Geo. Lslthwalte. Lombard -O. F. Edward, llbe Oke. -- -- s Keine Claude De Beyay-T. Barker. Green Gage -O. F. Edward. Coe's Golden prop -Albert Oke, F. Marker. Peads-O. F. Edward. gteQhng it worthy of introduction - E. and R. Snowden, Albert Oke' Niagara -Wm. Waite. Abundance -F. Barker. • Any other variety ---Geo lalkeld. Geo. S. Hunt. PEACHES D'Atalou-13eo. Latthwalte. Superfine -Albert Oke. t}rdy-disc. Lai thwalte• Kase-Rota Andrews, Albert Late 1'rawfonl-Isaac aafkeld. Grapes Etc. • Hest and heaviest. 2 ylustera, white. Judge -Conlon Bisset. under gta.a--H. J. Tr.wartha. W)5TiC.ULTLIRAL DEPARTMENT Eight varieties, 'ranted, open alr, 2 Apples chu.ters of .acts--'lieu.taiutwaite. Ten varieties. named, i of each. con- Fonr varieties, ed, open air., 2 misting of i glummer or fell. 6 rlu.law re sac s,LGeo. L winter. Firm prize D Guderich r, site. Delaware -C. .4. ells, Geo. Lallh- i i \\:air,. $5 worth, of nursery • stock, wish is dense`,. Diamoq -Isaac SSIkeld, c. selection from Stone t Wellinito 's .1. H•rib. catalu(rue---Geo• Laithwelte, J..W Se Eaton ---C. A. WtIIs. k. Id, Jno' Sow•erby. Virtu num- (:eb La*Ibevaite. Six varieties ,named.. of each, cook- l;linto)-f.: eW. • 1 Inge. 2 edhtmer or fag end 1 winter, Lindley. icor .r9 No. t3--Geo..Lalth- tst prise by Gdderlcb 'Star' KI worth wait( of norsery stock. winner's selection Nt6e. ana_4'. ,4, N1ge, Geo. Leith_ from Mone A Wellington'; catalogue- pelts. J. W. Salkeld, Geo. Salkeld, Geo. Leith- \1•ordm-.....4. .4. We11s. Waite. ' Moore. Early -ileo. Laithwalte. Fix varieties, named, 1 •f eaeh, des- Brighton -Geo- Laitbwattr. serf, 2 summer or fall, and i winter- Any ooh.• warts$r--i. Saikeki, G A. .\Ihert Ole, Geo. Laithwatte, Jaco• Sow- N•ell•. ` rfbJ'• �- Leith- Judge,: -n. Cameron, efhoa• Cottle. ihichess of Old waste, J. W. Salkel Jas. Alton. oleander-4ieo. v. .it. Albert i\ete Oke. 51. Lawrence-Jno.' arowwerby, B., H. Lambe,. eratesstetn-Geo. Lalthwaitti, .Albert JEK. Sowerhy • intQsh died --Albert u. -.Cayuga Red Ser-• z, apit 14Selkeld, Geo. Salk Fall Pippin -A +_ 0 # • YO,oz. Pippin : lies -I. keWe,'Jnn Few / Snow-(Seo.kefd. ,Ntrtalthy-(G• �pht. An- lUtffian L ,gal ' ? ,. tkt:,4,, Albert Aire• d tt k1 . Grlhtrs' tint • a►:; s- . Xing. at Tompkins. Salttiel, Albert Olio, ` liter". .i'aI1b.'rry Pippin- In�igy J. \\-' SAlkeld, Jno: Saw.. Prwfnkee--JG*. .4 ,n{ W,vittler-.11bert 0 Robe: Andrew.. Ii.tbbardson's N„n Westllr{d's Sc. !, Salkeld., Jan. F..w. Rhode Island tine ft,'-- --Wei1-. 1--.-. F Baldwin -.l. W. .ino. Pnwh'r. , / Below you will` find many_bargains-which are only a few of the ma' y which will be offered at this sale s Summer Underwear, 90c. ' a garment! for .. .. Men 'a Rmmer COMbinatiol[ -wear, regular 12.00 a -'suit ' $1;7f1 - en's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, t tg- • ular $1.25 a garment, tor....... 11 i 4� bin u Men's re;'.' �i oilier. 's Heavy Wool Undo -wear, r $1.65 a garment, for odium Weight Underwca 'tr S1.85 'Lgarnent, for.:. . nd Bo, t' Unarrteenr -aloe oft goer'.:, reduced prices. »r ees in Chocolate sntY, 11r 48 7b a Clair, for 5 23 s, in Tan and Black, - pair, for 55. Black, regular $5.00 ular.$6.75 a 55,75 $5.75 $4.75• $6.50 a' $5.50 j Women 's--Hsavy-$hees;-r'egelar $3.75 a pair, for_, - ' $3.25 Bos' Fine Shoeiie utail`$4.25 a pair Y g pair, for a $3.80 IBoys' Fine Shoes, regular $4.75 a pair, aj. _ for 1CCeii a Fi • Black, rc RI�:t'sv.ravy E regular 56.75 Mc:i's Fine Shoes, 56.00 a pair, fo Wanton 's Fine Shoes, ,pair, for Wel rat' •s Fine. Shget a• lair, for Women's Fine Shoes, regula , uair, f•:r } Boys' Heavy pair, for Boys' Heavy pair, for / / *iowEM - - Cul '�oral design. 11.1, whl .!t•� G. Hund. C. A. Wells. Centrepiece. flat, for .ra- Co11-C h..�. Vt'ells, A, O. H l.ctioa of cut flows - er, C..4. wells- ' Dahlki6, 1 bloom of Wells, .1..5. Howrie. • Asters -J, S. Howrie, C. Verbenas --H.. . Hunt. J. 9. planthn+-F. Barker; C. .4 !$nniae--C. A. VW'elta, - Annual Pbloles-F. Barker, Anwris. ptetPett,afiilri B• A. Wel ualas, so F. Harker, ft. • Snowden. Anterbiaurns-dna T. Thom _ I G. Hunt. ( f'ARo..1La1tA- Naturtitems-C..A, Wells, J.'3. H .and .i. Snowden, A. Halliday. Titres largee,t gucumbera--F. Barker, E. and H. Snowden. Collection tit garden herbs -l:. A. Wells. ' Collection oI garden produce. • let prize by J. T. ,Fell -F. Barker. Six salsify -41. O, Hunt,' A. Halliday. Two water'utsloos--F. Barer. Two musk melons -E. stab R. Snow- den, W. H. Doak. Two citrons -A. E. Pteher, W. 11. Doak. Judges -!,has. Garvin, J! W. Salkeld. HOME MANUTACTVUES. KNITTING, ETV. pest d.slgliel and worked patch- work quilt-- H. W. Tankl7u, M. 119. Fel k• f r. Rag mat, hooked -Andrew HaUlda7, Mrs. C. I )tat uw•. Batt' towel and want clot4-,Mrs. J. A. Fowler, Andrew Halliday. Carriage Afghan, knitted -1i. W. Tas.lyn, Knitted socks, one pair, coaraae-M. E. Felkir, Idles r'oltbupi Coarse double knitted mitts, one pair-Audrest Halliday. Toney wool mitten. -J. S. Howrie. Knitted wool bootees -Lena Living- ston. M. E. Felkir. Knitted socks, aos-H. W. Tamlyn, 3, S. Howrie. CROCHET IN WOOL. Bedroom slippers -ft. W. '1%11An. J. 8. Howrie. Faa•inator-Lena Livingston, Ladies' shawl -H. W. Tamlyn. - _-- Ladies coat or aweater-loons Liv- ingston. H. W. Tampon. Babies coat -Lena Livingston, I1. W. Tamlyn. Lace -H. W. Taatlla,' Andrew Hai. tlday. CROCHET WORK IN eo'rloN. Lunch cloth -M. E. Fclklr, H. W. Tamlyn. Crocheted work In (semhinatJou with novelty braid. coronation braid or rick rack braid on some article of house- hold linen or w'earIng apparel -M. E. Fclklr, 11. W. Tamlyn. lnaerrion on towels -M. I. Felkir, Lena Livingston. •- ('. 11ar-le•na Livingston, Meg. - t« Stewart. Sofa p141nw-.VIss retrhlip - -__ ._. Runner ..r s.•arf -H. W. Taalyn, Mrs. .1. A. MacDonald. Iiag-1). 1'. Edward. Mrs. C. Stewart. Pin cushion, with insertion -M. E. Felkir. Mrs. 1. :Stewart. Nightgown or ows;s•t eover, with ero(beted yoke -Miss ('nhhup, Lena Llvingstou. l'roc•he•ed bier. or Insertion In pillow Wipe, sheets or drvwsrr oat -M. F.. Fetich.. Mrs. 4'. Stewart_ Cretonne fancy work --M- F Felkir, Yrs. C. Stewart. EMMHOLi1F.RiF.R. Emtiruhknd table Iluen-M. E. Fel- kir. J. 5. Huwrte. • Eqihruklered five o'clock tea cloth. linen -M. E. Felkiv, J. & Howrie. Embroidered centrepiece and 6 dollies, In linen nr mitten- Lena Ingston, J. S. Howrie. FrdhroWered tray cholla--Lena l.iv- (nmeon Mrs. J. A. MacDonald. Emhrlld.red a1d.t,nar4 scarf or run- ner. in .odors-L•ata Livingston,.-__- ___ Embroidered sofa pillow. In oolorn, ventlonal-Lena Livingston, Hrs. A. MacDonald. • older.d nlght.Tress. In white or E. Fakir. Mrs. C. Stewart. taiatNsa--H. W. a7 workbag It W. . ser erred pillow gas -Conic on. M. F.. relklr. htv►lder.d enrset cover -M. E. ir. Mrs. 1'. Stewart Embroidered cap --'i. E. k'efkir. Mrs. ' C. Mews rt. Embt.i•l,•r•4i [adv'• w-alst - 11. W. (Con ti lined ,1n pa se s. • TO WOMEN • OF MIDDLE ACE This Woman's Letter Tela► You How To Pau The Crinis Safely. eiwta n'. c R .:choir vv American \r rte. I. \4. gslkald 3sas>tt perm asp. lay -Gen. folks 3. Rowrie: f -.filbert Okv" ` Lispla!' Harker.annual net Ilsic•d. tins --F. s=lits -.1. \\ Pin-io., (iolerictl 11rw-^ Satkf•Id\ Horst. J. RI Howrie,, Hind 1 at,ayn. 1 loos•• vain. r. E..nit R. SISOWilltin. 1. 'Albert Oke, 1 i•. hammer. .- narxec,-G �eei lie i..ifhwadte, G c+• . J 'tosser--Rnht. l • ulrrws y.wj�L Salkeld. v.,rth fol •r a,..•• • Mint.•. J!.twt h rr .I \\.-45a. •e1d, Albert N•P11+ tar. non • Flat, .4.Fign, gee ht lblora \ 14'cDs. rift lis?- 14 vase T' 1!. Six vase• ,, ,.' 1!F err various •,rt •Nero -J- 114- } --- Pot Plaal• lc- Bnzonii RPA -C. .t.•,Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Behr„ eias, n,tttnher- Lasosj ea, P.Q. - "During the Chases - of Life I telt au weak and run down 1 could hardly do my work. The per- spiration would pour over my face ao that I couldn't sae what 1 was doing. We live on a !arra, so there is lots to do. but many who felt as I did would have been in bed. 1 took Lydia E. ham's. Vegetable Compound and it did me a world of good. 1 tried other remedies but 1 put Vegetable Compound ahead of them all, and I tell every one I know bow mock good it has done mi." - Mrs. DVNcen Snow's, Lasoelles, Prov.' Quebec. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil. timidity sounds in the ear, palpttatios. of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable ap- 'petits, weakness and dizziness should be heeded by middle-aged women, and let,.Lyda E. Pinkham'.Vegetable Corm- car them safely through thee aimsw.. it did Mrs. Brown. Tea are jerked to write far free evict No other medicine has been so suc- cessful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive fres and helpful ad'or by writing the Lydia E. Pinkbam 111 •, •u.e Co., Lynn. Maas. "SYRUP 0 FGS" CHILD'S TIVE pOl- Look at tongue! Remo sons from little stcm liver and bowels t Accept "(alflotnia" S3 rill, of Figs only- leek for the name iahfornia on the package. then you ■re sure your child is having the beret and most harm- less laxative or phval,' for the little stomach, river and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full diraettoes are -child's dose on each bot- tle. Givs it_yithout fear. Mother! Tbu mm` ssy "QUforaia.' UEAYTM[AT[ATBS.IkVF SLOW KIDNEYS Sat Las meat U yon feel Backoo y of bare bladder trouble -Take CRAYaw NSR BECOMES assassw.se Finaaorwoman weas aU?efa'glans of 8.1a. ANDf ons- s Sulphur. • 11'- aylt tl„ 1411$',.x.., - c•, ei,--.1. W. rank•+,i. .1. H. Lind_I Marring basket 11r•. .L F+acv-, C Ur fatth\Cri.m • . \\'ells. . \ Almost *serf 4e knows that Saga , tea` a'- lnot_v--T'hefc t;nttto�'' Cttnt•,e. Tee and Pulp r,•property compound- ' �•• I•; fume Olt!./ -u. W. An- " { . 1.1 C tttDY.N t Yt:f.7 till „ .._ ed. brings s natural Dolor and,. learns to the hair when faded, streaked I v'- - told, .Albert F:IY'. nr gray. Y - rs ago tha.Maly way to get • . Peek Peekof Irishco#r#lxr ;>•,t,:••. ---.i S this mixt . was to malts it at borne, wh'^h Is nein, and troublesome. 'sl ;�rtlalt- f ilo•errs 11•. 4i. jinnt, ,f• 11_.r r., t . -ww rtmIIty aslt at any � peek an. ,'t i ,• veri••t. j-1-• • drug ore for "Wyeth's Pap and Sul- 'ippltr--4.r•n. tate ••. circ. t: II,4. 1,w, 1,. 1. .7 - Ghnr 'nmpnuha^ You Will gat a !arra -....iii/.. N'n1 \Y lit... , brit a of,tilta i,id-time recipe Improved A. Wells. i',.ek an1 .ir••.•IY Mx.iil .,n I ! , - _ bythe addition. cot other fnetodlents, ' Albert eek • 1,4 i .,, at poor Itttle, cost. Everynese 4obt. An- 4peasee this preparation- tow.-iecauae slo--etas I Pre k r.n► tL .• A , ran praIbIy tell. that you dark(rtted ' 'r-N4to- n - sin i1' .,ri ^itdurfintr Tato,.-4'." Ctl6"ill \lh,'r' l' 2/ air It aEeli f[ i13 r•• . , ,. t' ' mrd, .Albert brooder. • r... e r .y-.. Ton Lan.pett.a sponge -Or 1 I •h with It and .grime- -ting , !-- Tv", son ^ ore . u a i. -F It i,• r. Nlio, T .n lint,herrrt !niters4i-•,• n. •+•,sk•,, ! [ fuer- - -mor 1111W 11,113 1 \' \ e• V, t'rleo. 't. ;tiling. • - ,, - - ;.••rare. end after e4n,+ er sr - ,t. _., . 1+r-me-rni-im - ,k ;,-r-, r ' we!,Y•'ur- - t�1r1 F• Htrk k, tl,lrk rad jimmy ant 01 Tun rants roil'*»I 1';--F R,rk,•r ---,onus?. lfteth'i r 11l(fefitl ,Of Two heads winiee,c.•h!•ro- \ 41.!! ' end Is a delight . •e r•nt Htendeii f• -•t • n c,^ rrcv.ntien .. nI ,n& IIWL11tr ..‘1!”•14, •, (I rt_I W. Skil, •,I /1,--Alu.•rl .1 doe. :a.- Jtua •IL's•. Flannelette, regular 45c and 50c for ... ..,., Flannelette Iber Blankets in �Vitite and Grey, 12-4, regular $5.00 .t pair. for - $4.25 Wool Blanket,I, it: Whit` regular $12.50 a pair, for . ....... $9.75 Silks, regular $2.40, $2.65, $2 75 and 43.00 a yd., forit.98. $2.25'and $2.49 Velvets, in shades #ifu(+, ..Brown, Old Rose, Fawn and: RNA regular 11.25 per yd., for..;[ : .90 ,I•(•M k bottom • prices wili•be:,en'a, Wome'r's r, HosieP,y, Ribbons. •Daces and: Inger- tts, ��ltee ,.j3 , ,'omen's Raincoats, :- Many ether yi'f4r;es that wil and ro)s' Rubbers ar•' 'Overshoes inns Men's end Bays' Hats and Ca l •tshea, Crockery and Groceries, etc. ur hale• tak:nq one !mai; • earl! I! : ! 1 . ,,. - I'ittil trier. ! 1:,. • welt :Jno ttoty• I li • v.rHdi,. ,, ,,. 1.0114 a , Ilertlett .T. ch. \t I. 9R1ksk1. ;ht,y, F. Barker. _ •v flit Su-.- . Tteo_t►ea.la. refit• c:4.ta c,• -4I c .-- tl •_ t lhk.. son, Viso. S. H,mt. At turnip. hh4.1,1 ••-I.. for 44441, n.. i1 .1. N'vllp. F• rkrt'. . . ?ix long ht 'et*. for 4.1,1' n • 'nm Oe, -ea _ W i'th o• I rlitn 'tarter- ! Nin' radish Wells. timi. 51x - cairn for tahl•• us•• -.4. a. . ilunl, A. 1 May. �1T e , htt•-T.'4t,IT� -%. list-� dsy. C Wells. rn red onions. W-,,tlr.rallrIA-• LtunE. TI.n.• Bomb r. se tams .1. Twelve yell'\% onions, sans other arirty-- j10. R, Hint, Albert- (oke. 7Nv,'Ive ' solver akin! onions- Cleo, S. hunt, F, Barter: , - Twelve largvaL obione, any variety - Thos. Bltvt.r, , Barkker. !itx rare of cord. lot table us., ar,7 varlet y, nam..r.-Jnr. 'S.;vi•eirfy. F. Harter. ' Fogg plant. Iwo .pedEniPaa-fw'o. S. Hrmt, Twn heels of eantIfl,,wer- -I. Salk- eld, F. Ns'?' -r. . (inflection of ripe' peppers -,A. Nat'l - 44v! .. reveler tornatoes, any variety --E. • .!11•..$R** a Hort Oke, Lily am make a mistaka by nuabing tbs kidneys occasionally, says a tall -known authority. Seat forma uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become over- worked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to Liter the waste and poisons from the blood, thea we get sick. Nearly all ttetmtatism, ''Ittddgehes, liver trouble nervouanem,_dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary diaorden Dome from sluggiab kidneys. Tia moment you feel a dull ache in tbet kidneys or your Mack burta or if the urine is cloudy, offensive full of sedi- ment, irregular of passarre or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a ts.blefxmfill in a glass of water before hr..kfaat and in a few dave.y+ar kidney. will act fine. This famous Nolte ie made from the acid of crapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and bas been weed for generations to flush and .stimulate the kidaeya, alae to geutralire the acids in urine 1a it nn longer canoes irritation. thus ending Madder weakness. Jad Salta is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-seater drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blond pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications, • tt -1.emessossmessmesps 111CH BENEFITS There is not a Single MOOR why you should deny y the benefits of rich, nom.' N. J. TRELE • TERMS: CASH OR' EGGS Scott'sEmuls Far better than alcoholic toning or medicines, en17 drop of Scott's contribnlie to strength and better hada • • Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine"-that's'all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or•loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff : appears, or your hair falls nut, a 35 -cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Panderine" from_any store, Will save your hair, also double it's beauty, 'You can tiaxe nice, thick hair, looi • ,