The Signal, 1920-9-9, Page 5iy. f -'Isla° Pretty important event—those first uncertain steps— the first thing you think of is a =w While it is all very simple the Kodak way, the experts in our photographic 4epartment are more than ready to give you the benefit of their experiencF and to help make good picture -making all the easier. Kodak* from $11.21 up—they are all autographic—an invaluable feature for pictures of the youngsters where the date and title are often half the interest. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE , -" THE PENSLAR STORE" vat . stue eon TdepLsae N Next Millar's Scotch Stare The Square — TIE SIGNAL on Labor Day. The players were O. A. Nairn, A. Taylor, Rev. J. F. Rey - 'raft mud Fred Hunt Iskipl. anti ti. lfeIMeraott, Ur. MacDonell, t'. (:arrow and 1)r. Hunter Iskipl. The Hunt rink won all their games, de- feating L'hewley, Cargill. Paisley. and Hanover rinks. and won third plata with a score of pins 2:1. The prise was four elcetrie toasters. The Hunter rink was not ao fortunate and did out get -in the moues." 6.C.L Reopens. The 1'oliegiate Institute re -opened ou Tuesday for the fall term with the same staff as last year. Tlwre are 130 students already In attend- ance and a gaol many more are ex- pected next week. The school gethertyl in the assem- bly hall on Tuesslay morning anti Rev. J. E. Ford, reepresentlug the board of trustees, gave the pupils and teach- ers a word of cheer and entourage - meat for the tasks of the routing year. '{emis at Landes. Representatives of the Goderich tennis club played at London yesterday in a Western Ontario Tennis League fixture and were defeated by Laitowel in all of the five events. Summary: 1. Gordon Hay won from Harrison, 6.1, 6.0. Bernie won from Strickland. 7-5, 6.3. Livingston won from Williams, 6-4, 6-4. Bernie and Hay won from Harriaor. and Fleming. 6-4, 6-2. Hay and Livingston won from Lloyd and McKay, 6-1, 6.2. Judgement in County ('curt ('sae. His Honor Judge Dickson has giv- en judgment this week In the County ('curt ease of ('onper v. Goldthorpe et al. The plaintiff, A. J. Cooper. of Goderieh, stied J. 1'. Goldthorpe and lien. Rlsrett on three promissory auto* of $110, $400 and $2110.00. The dealing* In which the notes figured were rather involved. having been spread out over a period of thirteen or fourteen years. The aetion as against Itissett was dismissed, anti jttlgment was given against Gold- thorpe for $119.77. Including Interest. Will Remain In Gederklti The Signal is pleased to be able to announce that Dr. J. M. Fiekl, who was chaien by the Department of Ed- ncation for the prkwipalshlp of the new college at Monteith. Northern I)ntariu. has declined the offer and will remain in his present position as Inape•tor of schools for East Hur- on. We believe that the advaatages sad comforts of life In I:olerleh had with to do with the Doctor's deci- sion, though the position offered him was not without its attractions. OR LANDS' SAKE fertilizer for Fall Wheat and er the high emit if living by production. If you can relive the same amuuut of erupt. on one acre MI two screw usually preduee. by fertilizing a little more silty, It wiU certainly pay, for the unset of the extra fert- ilizer will. urliniarily. he more than counterbalanced by the rating in rest Of preparing the ground. eroding. cultivating Ind harve.sing the crop o• the extra acre. The serest ran be used for posture or for some other r-rup,'and le so much clear profit. —Farm add F'ire'side. T• B ierset Bion. N. Doherty. The Board of Trade is arranges for a banquet this (Thursday) at the Sunset Hotel in honor of the Minister Of Agriculture. Hon. Manning Dohettty, who is visiting the Exhibition. Beeasatton Day Sunday. The Gnat War 1'eteran, Assorta- tion, te Canadian Order of Foresters, the (le'lfelluws and the Orange- men are Cooperating in the arrangements for the D eeontion Day serene". at Maitland e'emetery next $pnday afternoon. Other societiees are cordially invited to join in the pro -eedfngs. RievNrca I of the local clergymen will take part and the ilond of the 3:het Regiment will play. The Walkerton Tournament. Tan rinks of Goderich bowlers took part in the tournament at WalLerton Tota orders mow fee Rall Model Theatre . Program CODE:RICH, UWP. DON'T FORGET Next Sunday, Sept. 12th Baptist Church Montreal Street Thursday, Reptenil,er 0th. 1,20 ;1 The L. R. Steel Co., Limited +q wr�C,;a� � •le ,t• 'at r� 5c to I.00 Store fix �t �4,r Nt i~ Goderich Industrial Exhibition 7.00 P.M. SUBJECT "The Tables ° gw,e Turned" Visitors to Goderich or} Fair days are invited to call and see this store, which is in itself an interesting Exhibit of modern methods of merchandizing. ' There will be found here -(many excellent values in the numerous lines included in our large and varied stock. %mow nljrl A visit to Goderich will not be complete without 'an inspection of this store. A WELCOME FOR ALL ALL SEATS FREE For Attention of Foresters. The members of Court Goderich. No. 42. I'a nad la n Order of Foresters. are tequ•*ttsl to tne't at the hall at 2 'o'elot•k on Monday, September 12th. or the purpose of attending the an - decoration service at Maitland s ery. Vipiting• brothers are irt- v to juin with the local Foreatera. ('(curt It nmlllcr. No. 'MO. Canadian (eller of Fu,restera, will hold a memorial ser vhee at I'olbortw usenet on Monday, teeptemlwr 19111, •t tiela'k. ' Surrounding Court,. are in- cited to juin a irk thew. Everybody welcome. H. T. Edwards Selling Out. Mr(( H. T. Edwards huts dispstwri of his a*infe•tionery and he cresin Iwisl- nwss to Mr. M. 1'. Wilson of Brussels. who will take it over about the middle of October.. Mr. Edward,. has been in bmsiness in Goderich about fifteen rears and thinks It is time for a chatgce. However. he has no desire to have Goderich. and will remain here if he u -nn find emnetliftrg cuiisMr to engage his attention. For the pres- ent his plans are quite indefinite. Needle... to any, the people of Goder- ch would mucid regret to lose Mr. end Mrs. Edwards, and we hope they wtil e.ee0ietue e+ re•.ide_.dat re -- OBERT WILSON HAMILTON STREET OODLRIC M MONDAY and TUESDAY A PARAMOUNT PiCTU'RE VIVIAN MARTIN In "An Innocent It Adventuress" Also OSBORNE ('OMP:1►1 MDNEBDAI and TiiURSDAY A BIG ENGLISH SPECIAL She was a dishonored maiden and her father faced the grim duty of Flaying her. Then lie demanded from the Foreign 'belie the payment of Ila rode —"An eye for an eye"— "A woman for • woman." The amazing English + eeewe MATHESON LANG The Trouble Man no child under five years of age should he admitted to the elasees. The contingent committee reported• that it was decided that bo action should he taken this year In the mat- ter of the lowering of the ceilings at Central Reboot. Other matters of re- pairs and supplies were referred to the carious committees. Real Estate Changes. Mr. Albert Allen, C.l'.It. conductor, has purctasel from Mrs. W. J. Os= her house and one lot on Britannia road. prying $3.000. Mrs. Cox is re- moving to her home on Kingston street. Mr. W. A. Chisholm has 'sold his yeti brick I ae on Bruce street to Mr. J. H. Juhnatoa, of the Goderich Merantile Cowho will occupy It shortly. Mrs Wielder hats sold her One res- idential property on Wellinglen street, overlooking the river aud bar- ium. to Mr. Mhortrred. of Pittslsirg, der., 11w pumlame price twang $6,0110. The location is one of the most 'lair - able in Goderich. The aimrtreed family have been among the summer reshlents in G«lerk•b and we'iniek'r- staud will now retake a permaMWt lone here. Mira Teat Leaving for ('himm Miss Mabel Toon, daughter of Mr. .1. E. Tom, pull', school inipei•tor for West Huron, has been appointed a member of the hospital staff in eon.: need ion with the Rockefeller Union M..uliebl College which is leing estab. li-.hel at Pekin. Thine by the Rocke- feller Foundation. The College will provide a course for Chinese mod - feel students. while the hospital will train Chinese girls for nursing. Miss Toni will he a member of the original staff of the hospital. and It speaks much for her reputation as a capable nurse that tuber has been chosen for so important a position. She left. on Monday for New York (city to Join two other 1nraM who expert to sail YOU ARE INVITED L. L\STEEL COMPANY, LIMITED r.,.... :voirataimitat= 5c to $1.00 STORE ,. ONTARIO rira GODERICH ----�z���� �r�� In Harness Again. Mr. John Elliott. It. A.. of London. who some time ago retired fropu teaching after a long anti sue•e'ssfnl career In the profession, has been in-\ eluc'eel to resume - the week and to going bait- to Ilowmanville to take the pult►t•lpelshlp of the High Ne•hoenl there—a position which he formerly held fur many yearn. Mr. Elliott, though he has a great many years of good work to his ereelit, is Ity he, means sa old man, and the Ikow•manvllle {amyls wrideeutlg do not -estop -lw oilers him to become rnsteel wlwn they have a r .ek for which lw le well fitted. Mr. El- liott Is a brother of Mr. G. M: Elliott of nown to Signal readerr dmill lsie aasanewrnn l coatribn or to these enlunine. To Establish Golf Club. A movement Is ds foot for the or- ganization of a golf club In (itoderlch, with suitable grounds and a club- house. A preliminary meeting wean held Inst week, and an expert golf- er after looking over the various sites around town has recommended the grounds at the river flats on which golf wens played some years Ran. Several gentlemen have offerel to contribute generunsly to the (untie. anti It is Nepal to have r club-houaee built and the grounds in good shape this fall. Another meeting of those' interested will ie held in the Board of Trade rooms on Friday evening of this week, at A o'clock, to heir a re- port' on the groendu and to discuss financial arrangements. Publk *host Board. At the regular monthly meeting of, the public srhwd board on Monday evening the serrntary reported that Miss Sharman had slgnel a contract at $1300 and Miss Meentley one •t $825 per annulm. Meuse eomplete the engagement of the teaching staff for the year now entered upon. Owing to leek of aceommewlation In the kindergarten, itwas decided that fruit; Mrs. Putt, milk. Thr next regular meeting of t Stalely will Iw held on October 1201. bat Tit/Bore are always welome to call at the Sheller on I'ameron .deet, to see the work for themselves. CHURCH NOTES. The sermon subjects at the Baptist church next Sunday will be: 11 a. m., "Wholesome Pride." 7 p. in,, "Elie Tables Turned." Bible school at 9.55 a. m. B. 1'.P . U. meeting8 . . a t Dm All seats free. Everybody welcome. Rev. J. F. 1t,•yeraft will ronthtet the aervi.,•s in Victoria street Methodist choreh next Sunday. The sermon subject■ will b•: Morning: "The Rich - mit People ht tiw World." Evening: •eget Water from Tour Own Weil." TI,,' financial Meeting of the east erich Methodist district w1U be held in Ontario street chure►i, Clinton, on Monday. September 13th. The busi- ness meeting will .•ummersr at. 10 o'clock in the remnant anti the eon - femme at 1.30 in the afternoon. This conference will be made up of pres- idents and three ele•tel repreeoeent Attires from the• different so,•iugiies. stork as the ibure-h bards, ladies AM, W..M.S., Snntk.y wheel, Ep- worth league, eta.. A repreeeeutative from the g'•ueral utft.rs at Toronto a ill Is. present and give an nddmse. It will be an important m's•ting and should be well, ietteu.hel. North Street Methodist ('hurrh. from S anewurer on M4 pt. mtw'r 31st for China. The good wishes of her floderieh friends will ae•onapwany her to her distant poet. Child Welfare Work. I The 1'hlldre•tu s Aid Sea•it'ty msuusel I t* regular monthly meetings after' t e holiday ssasen, out Tueeslav last. in \\tlw county agent's (+Mee at the coati house. with a goal atteulauae. The `treasurer's report showed a bal- ance of only about $:to in hand. which IA dose, !Wincing and causing Monne anxiety the executive. Anyone feel - In -the good work timid - aid mater lly hy their donations or suhem-rip tion right now. Expenee sic - entente for tt veiling and other net -- emery items tO the amount of $.30.7:1 were passed and ordered pa hi. The executive were given authority to Obeisant a note when nt•i•c,e'eary, in order to clese' the tlseal year, which ends with tik•tober *let. A large number of enemas we r'with ii as having ashen and d�Itt since last meeting, semi, of w irh are of a perplexing nature atlll reyulre musters' attention and Tent --and wise handling. In the tep•s'of two or three families where the Iwmtditiuos were nose iiinhelrnhle and of long standing, the art' taken has thus far been productive of the Iwppieet musette and more flan justify the ex- panse and trouble In'•urrel. Several of the children are now earning good wages and all are rt-uep onding readily to the kindly treatment of gad fomter- ltonnt's. (if sours. there Rre rater where tinfsyorshle °Orly environment has left wrong teedeneie-s, and changes of !oration and Home measure of die- ripihw ha ye been neviasxry, but thew are the great minority of the many w•hk•h have Come under the super- vision of the Society. The executive invite a larger attendance at the neet- Intne of these feeling an Interest in child welfare, that ►bey may learn more of the greet work being aeom- pllehed, and be In a position to add their support to the Sitelety's efforts. The Ilonetiona minty last report are an follow, mad are gratefully se- knowhelgel: Mrs. H. R. Mooney, town, $20; Mrs. Muswell ltekl and Mrs. Strang, each $2; W. J. Ford, aaemherslslp fee. $1: reeeeved out maildPea.new sewn nt, inn... donations of supplies: Kra Grind rod, potatoes'; Judge Dickson and NI W. 'Jewell, vegetables: C. Willer, vegetable, and fruit; Mrs. I'artle sol /Arm. McDonald (CInwroa stn -eel), Mins Jean Bogie has taken a school Redwood, Northern Ontario. -v. Jame* Hamilton is attending the alumni wtnfer•uee at Knox 41011 e•, Toroulo, this work. Mr. Simon Stall and daughter, of Halley ry, were in town on Monday orating the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Snazel. r. Stall and Mr. Snead ate brothers -i w. Mist Ma le Warrener -.returned home Satnr night after her seven %s eeks' trip to Europe with the Lon- don Free Prow rty. . 'She had a very enjoyable time. ' _ Miss Elizabeth Mackay has returned from Detroit, where she had been for several weeks. She w s accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Campbe , of Detroit. who has been in very pax Rh, but is now on the mend. The Signal was plea. - to have a all thin week front Mr. John 'Tor - ranee, of Porter's Ilill, who was mak- hag bin first visit to town in seven years, Mr. Torrance has passN through a long and reverie Illness, hilt we are glad to gee him sew able to be about in gesd health and 'spirits. Mr. and Mrs Andrew A. Lynn sad Mr. Joseph T. 1.31in. of Detroit, Blah., are visiting their mother and seder, Mrs. Jane Lynn sad MISS Jennie Lynn, in their home on .tngle-ta Street. Soon at ter their metro to Detroit, Mr. aid Mrs. A. A. Lts. Intend repot iug to Southern Florida, where they exert to mike, their home. -1 Hydra Store 00! ERICti Pictures The heat of summer makes all household tasks more difficult. Buy an Electric Wash- ing Machine • Rev. H. D. Moyer occupied the pulpit Of North Street Methodist church last Sunday, after an absence of four wee).s. during winch he, with Mrs. Moyer and Miss Helen, was holidaying at Kings- ville, where they have a summer home. The pulpit was occupied very acceptably during the month by Rev. J. E. Ford. Next Sunday -morning in North street Methallst ebnr.h at 10 u'cloek, the shah$ Head will hold its first rally after the mummer vae•ation. Ev- ery nu,uils•r is urged to he peewee and bring aomee new member along. The einem.. and Mtnem Chin n -ill nest at the same huts The told.• for din- ,iission In the 1'Inh will he: "What is the value of Bible study and how eau it lie 1' .0'n•agal and u'Ttended?" Mr. C. M. Rolsertenn will open the iiiseas- thin. The poster's morning theme will he' "The (*metal Fails of Life." t-si'n- lug: "The Pr.rphMie Mission of the Modern Pulpit." Strangers and visit-, ors will be cordially eeleomed. The Epworth league meeting on Twenty night will be ...induced by Miss M. lheigherty. The topic ---Thee Printing crease as a MI+stonery Force in ('hhm"--will be takes by Mr. .I W. 1'aetetter. Blackstone's is the place to get that gift boxer chocolates. LOCAL TOPICS iN BRIEF, The W.C.T.I'., will hold It/rv'gnlsr meeting on Momlay, $epteddlwr 13th. hu the Temperance Hall at 3 p.m. Isitt/r. welcome. Mr. and firs. Donald Mackay, Brit - atolls rod, announce the engagement of their daughter Elizabeth to Mr. Ititvid It. Mclbtnald, of Ripiey, (lot , son of the late John R. McDonald. ft. P.P. Time umrriage is to take pias„ the latter part of September. Mr. -William Chisholm writes to The Signal stating that the paragraph about the young bear in last week's 'ugnat was not altogether correct. He says the tear was captured about 10 o'clock Monday morning after it had escaped from the bleat and was taken to his house and securely fastened, but in some unaccount- able way disappeared from his plate. City Dairy iee cream bricks always on band at;111.,T. Edwards'. Mrs. Wraps► --My fat Ia\ sole( p again. e Perapp- lt'm fussy that It Is never yumr tongue. Iasi Framed Plrluree are wluluws to thought, mid be - cone, your mostintimate fricld-i, and exert an uncos- ..-iuow _ Our Moult is very carefully mleetel and se onel to bene. It romans Iwantiful Art Studies, and till styles of picture produc- tion which will sweat to per- sons of good taste. We cordially invite you all -- - -come is and see theta, • --- Art Store Phone 198 We have three makes and .at different prices —The -- seeing" Th "Trojan" alljf'the "Kribs" CALL AND SEE MASKERS IN STOCK New Millinery Modes FOR THE AUTUMN and WINTER of 1920 Surely never were hats so lovely as this season THEY SHOW THE i•ATEST CONCEP- TIONS IN MILLiN- ERY ART YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT OUR STOCK Miss R. M. MacVicar Kingston street, Coderich 'TEN'S TROUSERS at low prim good materials i plain shades and patterns, all sizes, with 5 pockets V.'/5 MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS, as- sorted patterns, plain collars, finished with 5 pockets, loops for belts, and cuff bottom -a. Sizes 34 to 42 $5.75 BLUE URGES and seat grey patterned tweed, serviceable, dressy, and remarkable rate ne... All sizes at .. , .. jd.SG 1