The Signal, 1920-9-9, Page 3THE BIGNAL
E. Rob- A81tONISHZD O`tER KESI.LTS, HE!n t;oJerith to%%lishill file "114-11111
BIG CARGOES- here. Her masier, aptain t lie, loaded SA)t S. Io IWar from it. Tito. itinol- @
jut, amid plat last luo"th voillicil or Go'14-1101 to%
4 IWS (011A at ithead of should ,-
At vargo of I , ii Im, congroulaitt-d In thus 11-Y1119 4
;E-11 :F1 ;z W. Grant Morden, with a Godleriell file lake.. wit that With tllt% eXcep- "Words AM Not Strong Enough to Ex- I lot ktvp down exim-litlit ilro'. Ck."A.
tit,,, or that cargo lie had never A"
Stif f ness -W Harter, Carries Kec*rd t-6- loaded up to the 14,tXx) ton mark. He pess My Gratilude," Saye this
,rIle ji,ifirgo-st Canadian steamer on S.. & 1. clock for Al- Tomato MAIL
*V, It is ast-ifolikog how cleared the 1. FALL FAIRS-1920 -
The ureal I,#kem, the W. Grant Mor- gorilla. 11114 V~4`1 11.4 OWW'd tlY illike -I have no word of praise>trong enough O M D
to ex rets my gratitude for what lanlac�
den, Is In t-fiargi, of a GOderich mail, ('alkada, Stedw-41111) Line I Toronto (4,1illmilial, Naitional)-Aug. 2
'lip(. C. is. Iltolillistoli, and the lot- The 3dorden's cargo wl')& "Prox ' has dune 101 ale, ' *iod Juhn flowdicl ul I 11. , " TV low
Gives Great Ing vilplied from a Marquette Pit- mutely twice us large all the avenge 46 Beverly street, 1ol-11w. to the Tanial; Goilewiels--Segil. 8, 9, 10. SPORTIN(k, FSEWING",
r is itfteristitlg: W. cargo loaded at Marquette taks. frprescl,tkitivt gtcentiy. PMACHINES I
I.ojooti 4 We�terii Fair 1-4ept. p-18. 00 5",
Relief -% few WtVIL's agothe steamer --I hardly know where to begin in
site], U. 15.
Morden, a Canxiltail vessel, said. "but lot ow el_Sept. 1..0. Ill.
rr A R Cakwor. 36 Grant telling about MY easy," ."g on I itini., I
fwrt o- G" And cleart4l the fill- BLIND BABIES. -AN ArIoEAL. it whole year t)cfo,e star Kinvardine-Kept. Ut.
f-allike into port 04-d. owilig tlhy from fill- L. S. & 1. dock I suffered so with nervous d)spepia 1 :Al, V. 75k
-airgo of Iron (pre that weighed pleasure out of hoe. No Mattel
Frotoodi, of
with a fig got no what I ate Atwood-livilt. W.
of 13.000 Tons. estatill"hi An op -n Letter to the Generously how careful I was about Itlyth Sept 21. =1. a -A
sood .6
�rm grog natiol. -ord for this port for large ore ux)n afterwards. My rich-seloot. 01 -gj A trollill DEW
shipments. food would
1:1 -14-tiol. 2N, V1
a ret Disposied. trouble started TO 1
seem to lie on in V
vievLo, ago I came avi-tow In I sellforth I � I ,WRIM E X�Twlllkilal' ERATO
This r-oril no,loeifter stands, how like a jump of lead arid then it Lucknow-selfor. zi, LA.
lK. F,W 11- Tn. Th -W, Oft - .41ten clo-for- The jolldoll speo*tator all Appeal by and ferment and 1,1m Vas that bloated ss�\\,
ever, for Thursday the Mol llarri�loik-lokept-- Z1. 24
Mi..d'. L --.,coal 4.41 from the same flock with 14.211A) ,tor Arthur Prurso,", in twhalf of a' mcupuntil lcould haidlybieatheand I ; - - Z�
St. Marys-Ittept.
paint, all around my heart
tolls, ilium breaking her own previous *pflao-hilly hpIple,01 4'iUP4'- of tl't' #-'On'- had sharp
Th" i- I its "I wsbw up my fave record and settilig a new mark for wribitV in whielk he says:- headaches that Mill ertoll--sept: 24. 2 7k
rout I I I frequently had such
.W th. ft limmood. Ii :)vIry Wood. .3olitull"11 Sept. 2s, L11.
Hg- '�llllmhllie House, Ch
like later. "A, they almost dr ve me distracted and m)
fillwam.".."tolodo-am o - 'pt. 2S.
"M M..i = big .-Hrgo consisted of we have titeirly-fivi- liftbi.'l who 'are Delves were in a terrible stye. I tritd ItiPle) ---SA
mass it The 3,11-ordeWs - normal hit- i L41. ,10. RDWARE #R IN
everything in the way of medicines, JVUTLF�7!
21114 ,urload- of ore alal it required lwijlg taught to kw iltilt let r!Yi
seven hours suit Aftee" 1-1111111114-8 to mail Iwings, 'to fur up, thlit I" none of them ever gave flat more than Wil[KIIAID--�-Sept. 30, 4
MINARD'S load Levy. from their varliefit darm until The age temporary relief.
King of Pam The Morden Is in the 41100-foot,e" of, fico, when tiffily are traitisferred to kolhen I saw sumany Montreal people
and is one of aw largest vessels M the residential mehools (or the killitall. coming out with strong statements as to
fit#- Great Lukes. She colues to this There at* enough plate tolintl Imitil the great betmetits they had received by
LINIMENT -e notice and
Port ort4.11 and always clears with in fit,- Kingdom to fill NIX I'Tull"mne I taking Tanlac. I began to take )TO
lmowutb Nova Scoda huge- vfirgoe,f, 0 decided to give it a trial myself. Welt, OBITUARY.
lout her two records Houltep, slid I want money
this year have never lifix-n equalled ale it) start the Other five.*' I I"ve taken four bottles in all. and it is HENDE1144 WN. -There loamokeil &Way
aptieur tb,.tt 1 41 M ;
Front this it. would noth;ng less than remarkable the way that in London tin Allirlist David Hell -
in England there Is room six medicine bas settled my stomach trouble derAtin. all old and highly re%pmtvtl -W
homy" for Mimi Isabies food only one and built me up. I can honestly say that res,ident of Hilron township. The, it*- L
1\11� 1,
111RDICAL. long day I
ittenve. Put laere. in fill, favor. for the first time in many a I i -t4jrd year tint
A VPH"41 was In hip, sixty
Ar J-110- 111 ex' -eiofore know what it is to really enjoy tile and death was fine to a-;troke-dit LAl'911741K.- -w"
041 Canada. nothing hx,� 116.1
I thirg W before
1NW GEO. HEILEMANN, .pa. u' in this dirtut-elan, --tit a health. I can now eat ativ The hill, Mr. Hesidermon wal- file
JV IPAI H. specialtal is iscown's sof: c YO rumemplit volillus-lid"I Lost 3 k'%* me without ever suffering the least incon. youllgew
' . I on of tilt. lot*- Hugh Heat
111V late Mr. T. [lot*' Churchill, for veniences from indiltest it -nor gas. Head. mon Allot wait loorto I in Huron township,
am as and ljorcal. partial destrieft. lumobark Tol-onto, wife. after onliet-tilig be- aches are a thing of the Past and my -tit-ally all him life.
o"he soo&tic cuticlatmosts. Adenoids remsev-1 where lie spent prdt
u,,, knife. Othce ■at residence, corse
tw.wn one mud two, thollpaltil dolLarm, nerves are as Etfadv ar a die I sleep He was a litall who ilk Ills 'illy Ws?; It st tk�.
I Mbb� and St. Andrew's streetit At bow* waic tormu-iolly dellosited In a h-41 bank like a •log the whole niuht through and her. OUR WATC
ys;aoy kind lleighloor-alld Indulgent fat
.� Tbur,clays and Satudia to No
to The credit Of the fund. asked lut gel up in the mornings lerhniz Ireshandlel 1*65 ,,, woof imarrIed to AvIlle I. I
rAtIllft it P-11"lit "Ulm StTOPM. I shall always have a good word te--Who tortooderwMitt hins five -year
aid hin In r. "mows
to put*.h&iw preakilmox for file- protooffird to say for Tanlac and have every con- Mo. The following family ifurvive' The ie Medal" Label Shields You
AUCTIONEER. to others." a
house.. Malting wit,ria mvinpathY wktN fidence in recommending it William. of Huron township: Fred. of
Mr. tlhtirrbiil*m prAlwworthy enter- Tarilme Is wild In by R R. Huron towamillp; Mrs. 1). V. MacKen-
I. Against Unknown Hardware G
grime, 4 prolultowk to MIT#
111111 the lWe' Wigle and the leading druggist in 7. IV. (if 11,111-111111sh. 111-s. J. H. J01111"t0n,
THO' C,UNDRY, •tomallry amotimliant-r, blit vircumottaiii0*111 ' ercrY tOWD. Kinvardine: Miss Idells, Of DPtrOIt;
AUCTIONEER. prfurelikillud ow undertaking that wrilik )fisc Berths, of Fergum: Robert. of
And His Fams' ft until t1w pretallit timmit, *lot meanwhile Goolerieh. And Misom 31011A. Mr. JWM
All instructione by mail or dealt, suddenly removed Mr. 4111111rell; Home. Nur- Think of "LD MEDAL" when
8-0 Henderson, of Huron town,6101% Im a Easy to rernernberl
tett L =1=v so td bromiliptly attecidedto *p The Wind
Now, in ta"Ifor that the lsoiwl W* it' 01le"Pt"ful brother of the dec",led. The funeral,
10 iffory and Kbidergart( -bel
no Flip you want the best! Look for th�Cold Medal L
mefficinva collected may jw utilized for the liar- operation In fit" ("'Pitkil city (Of 01"- which was twill On Suixl&y [ruin the
pow for
�whjejk it was sult-irrilowd, At ads. 4,11*4111e., may lot. Shade julyahle old home Is, Huron, lotwombip- wan any article and you will know inistallitly-ithio%iiques- WW296, I
LEGAL. vilarwr I WIthoat ittrick L mato-w-riplitill! 1, to calkadlan Illind 111alil"tionle. largely attended and the rt-U&Ain* were tion -that it r--i;t be right.
is being osocurvill on Ilkat the ins"OrPor' All rplirlittall,-e. uill Iw priatulkly A- laid in life family plot it, the Ki W '.4
MOST people first knew Dr. 4 xry %� sZ-mm;,6 im"MA! K�r*
ated comapailly emn legally and proper- Pnowledged. etirdine (!Wetery, Kinvarlive Be
G. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- 1, my hijok 'to th,. money in the lokink. view. hj
TER, "altur, notary publi Oftoce Chase through his Id J;&kd =1 to earry -#at the 011JIM19 CL JBIACKETT 11411111-INFOXt, For Sale
Kawfitme, Street. C.9clesiclo, third doom fruits,
Seattle, Trust tuD&tokmnoti&Weotr*t�0. ceipt Book. Its reliabijilitY 0. for which file charter Is "uXlrt. eta,:. IKS Dufferin Road, Ottawa. V
usefultifew nsade ijijlz:j ftioniiis "TO provide a refuse for luilly mill' A All First-class Hardware Dealers 2 N
Q RAYS, I Intent blind, to priavitle it" mclenillik.
,,06fs. BA"LbTKR SOLICITOR NOTARY earo. training and maintenance. to GODERICII INOWNSHIP. JOYFUL EATING
PUALIC, HTC. ovq!ryw�1C.0-
AM maye the lives of even A ftp it( thy' Law Tax Rate�]Vlaw No. 1 Not Uskon yew food is Ast•dtJti
U&PU Bluth. Hassiftne Suet' many unfortlinint- wilm (Or leek of
p" Colike-Sterhnit a so title aftercasith of paskidul smicift.
Cosslainch. Teleplimmooe as, Wbm be put his Nerve VOK such Puervive, perish' every year. and 11114 third "allilig And was t'na y
Red Some. I"= *ad lswome. JL1&e964A1VW Pills And CtbW to return these little 0114`4 to Thrif like"Ked at th" 1"'t meeling of the A-01111- dam iny is "din onfir ad both suMag
market U11107, 1,,arvnt#4 at st'hotiol Age, with nckrmaLtVII of GOdt"14-11 township, levying the md 111.
lined an the x rate -4 for the county, l0wusb1P�I�rIDIDS -
VlRMDFC0T. K)LLORAN & CCOKE foulthy boodi" &fast sound nolud-. !n PA -11001 purptaties for The Re Tait
reegived a hearty WekOMe, 411111111111 $net., in lorlef, is the task before SMI
MARRISTEF-s, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES their eMeSIptignal rilkelit IM the pronatterm, ly rru year 1R." its follows rate, ratty G
1�jpjs. rote. #I mills: high y we wondww im, tismis bellp to 60
]1�i I ,
PUBLIC, ETC. juil,441 to 4-iirry I I, wd '110"
.duot from ilisima ke$ dmuin sigh in the poNk Township rate. 2 71-10 drAAwiti, ommeuncift.
C, set&" tion. Va"atlix14 (weever 1wes IS -10, mills: Electrical Contractor
oof I Sow dfoa naills; topovial st-hool rate, 4 mills;
known to turn their 1 1 #%a ami so uae--gow I -we - and
1141. and If school -ate As per refilullifflotif
H. J. D. C40M T"s Dr.- Cb&M,x xianw-t~ it a Rell, by
Private funds to to" at lowest rate& I esuem wirrible vault 4+1 filing, "j,jj4 I f flat, different fli %'Irikkill of all kintloo, up-todate
W. raroutiosiouT. K. L surely this apue-41 will libowt the trnstee- to sec- UAM SIT SCOTT 41k 110,111,11111 for Alarm-, C"
pM for makfaspils. jillsom is so "mail- Irroill, reopro?w... Help nor .. Ithfull tions. It there i. anot1wr rural mull- MA� air SCOrrSl nEtRANCRl-
waltriiji to liec-Alleil upon-- , -- of 4'. ei -I klp&ntypn the cl-tintY that Ill"' a It \ patit aniill Fire Alarn E:
ULARLES GARROW, LL. B., BAR- =so to be �mpared to th� m 111 -low if lite year y lower "Trate for towlishijit purpostis ONE
STISTLIC, attorney. Solicitor. etc., Lod"Icla rVarkilating the liver. I"- ; or, Pak that tilt, systems..
Places -a specialty. safty leaned at Wife" rates. -p- IN,
maga was jampaim a" ourbe essati- Plivalf, Rtoddereett and Follinetoll;
.1 ICITvlot.'nowl- pullet and ane anter. sad Iasiae*tima
MC -t lifouse. Godefich. ow Pull a Saw me a ban at an dodWft Canad Sian Lamb .1 All Work Guaianteed.
Lrr Ce, LAIL, TWO"
Electric Irony. ToAstert; Orillif.
rling. Vacuum CIrifineirs, Washing Always at your service
P MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- Machines. Flalkhtfightit st a d
4 with the best goods almost
srtyweedBatter icii of a -WWI" on
M�L'A'!!A'0CCo Fwo and Affiliated we* prop- 11 kliffii
Colismoly, Pros., Codericills. 0; harm'. reasonable prices.
avam Vice -pros., beectilood P.O..- Timmosso
SW ---1 room., zicalim-ta P.O. I � . J
Distreficars- L). F. loolcGtorace, R, R. No. 3, Ses- (I
}tin{; tip 92 or 193 an e
Wits; t0his G. GrIeve, No. 4� %alloort -, -
R. No. '4 Sealorth; kbro ;Z=7 I - give ynii an eittiroate on your McCartney. R.No. S.Sea-,
Malcolm Mc -i A It will tw done {;ht.
vi lankes,ft to
7%UrRasy, F-PPwemvrr 1`9111,
AT- X. tsep. .. . - ---- -------
IL Hoactakey, Sealorth. P01,cy-boldorz can Pa)
=&a sad got thou tarda recciptsed at X-4
$@Clothing Store,Clinton. R. H. Carl I
--" Ki ifelva-1111, Gaider-ch. of J. H
tofir boyheld.
BrOD1110 Bros.
Ise Leading
of ;P
Funeral Directortl Also IS rine of Scads I
`':«' _ "and Embalmers and Centres, best
it �T'�
aJ quality linen.
Orders elarprully attended IA
L I '11 -Awl
W at all hours• night or day.
2-11 Brothers In Mkfoftum Miss So Noble
I The Telephone -1'm 90109 to Goa
roll more. South Side Square Goderich
The In-lepli-Inf- fill. the mitual rem 11
fe ani Ancrea.-ing Inefflelency LL
f 7 W -- --r---
tor WEAR.
IZT us show Yot,
Boys OUR (91101ODS
South Side Square Telephone 46
11 ,-Wa 7414. "0, r
A- 2j2Z.., ltls,
(1) A Karakul f1wk gathered
for inspection. (2)
Karakal sheep and lamb";.
7U figglyesshill and enterprising
Spirk of as Comeams firmer afkaym
its food of the abodmall In the summer,
whilet their berries supply winter
Urularly mdagyted to the raising of
Karakul sheep on account of Its P10-
fift so &to= Sir at eanklatee to be
IstoW Swerigheirt the Donjohritooks, re-
form*. 1111tor the amply of Mrs, the
lambs are knIed within three days
vatioei, ellittisto and wlntpr conditions
closely approximating the animaiji'l
Why U" with Cza&ei& WaH111,60"A
I Poh In a emathmM braladdair out back
3310VV lisee A
fle bard wbez this wool is curly, a
It msbrbsftR litterwards in
native Boitars. ta Turkestan.
vioram to the war attempts were made
Witm TWm Esasily Cova-1111
of affriekliftisral socUttity.
I attest, whitish baa
the iferat humijid atmosphere. it the
to Aorlintatize Karakul sheep In Bel -
guy liskim wall be" Md w",
oftlemat is gernaKsat to live, the
ghm and Northern Germany. with
Swiver Dowd will cover them up for all titne mid valklill 6~ 11011111aft
- -�
obow, amume hoomum preiriffor-
.10 gradWI7 beefroarmis straight,
losing TWUES Of flexure at M&-
some success. 716 climate of caro
lain sections of Canada, however.
)ob to do resin. While Beaver Board is doing away with the d
UGM illorlooleptaig tole a cos
prorridow more Ideal conditions. and
of r It is COTWuq up old dingy wall paper an walb UN
at msplt>wo is as breve-tarky.
Ing of RAMAUTI obeem, the aamw
in the YMS2 191zt2k* Rarralt,til sbeforri
IndlicAtions are that the fmindatim
SIONg6samoot giving yM " J&W elufam for painting and d
wbeas ye rig groin" the per, Vifirij-
Steady kasistia an Peralta lanes. Astrok-
was nM introduced 1*0 the Un"Od
Mates direct train Boltam ans! In the
hall been told in the. Domijklon for sk
new issue in the livestock hill,"tryi
which alsould Drove a very PrOfItAbIS'
hes bees Goal fibm of the sprom boa lbmb Pmmft
hite" = *W bweenued mm"dW&Arw 111 w" the I
4AL tbb boodsmai Wo
k1hilika. and Karskull. 7411slat brood Is
tol*wWg Timor small bw& ware P`
IID@ to Canadian fOrMPTIL
likewise. seems sow room has bm NO& Immi VAWPAM.
ba little knows on So Amorkm
leffillotish" in Alberta find Drittlidt
Uwe thelf have noMwed and
Refforte the war alinclost the entire
oo*O "tow @1 •11, tims 9 Yen Plikeem-gWilik- seed sks Indid of re-bobille mmum
takallin"t #jtbmo brjamad" 4z-
pwtmmlmft baro beft weabot wth this
VmP*APA" sucOsmstWI7 and give
the Indus-
xesekiii Mr crop from Rokara know!
as Persian lamb or Astrakhan. w
so � of 111how. "ah"Ifts ralk an In
4hwm is equal It In bWk
=pWrolle, Reopen broank
We" as pefujklisa. Now prusewleiko
wary hkagairift et skjokskitiffig
in as weft pront-
treated and dyed at tAkiplig, what*
41111, 6" ban the 6"9". pure using
Md in itakillsome Mw&r4 Islooma. 7%0
bame of the Karabs) sheep is
ablesi ReesidW, r. IL Dawley, kka
two boom" &Ida@ IMe"ITed 760.000
= the VWAS smay 6"orto Of
asharso. wMak an 10.61j, izUkk4o"d
r of the United states pur-
= Ihmagodr7 ftr Jklew, Tork, who
& komed of 49 .rat-
skins eajuv4 at istickfat $2.700.MO '31
pro-wor V. ). A tull-b]O&
Karakul *heap is foli'mitl about $2,000;1
The Godersith Planing Mills,U
is 9" old" by so river sarkateSeato
",allift " 0 elftaftig by afe "".
"a beft rumhaltr
=a" wrigs of OLITIa". AVIWW I tic,
Skins the
jaw"ba of vft6Ws � to this All-
HIN04"Not. Elam
od kNad to file Kafroloola &Wr" of
09towma. a" wilklelk boto pro-
b $160 to $W. at
P seen oft ruiliffs from $ 20 to I
P. 0. Box 18 Goderich, Ontario Phone 47
hd ill"P.
bambee vreer Its 06 lal=l=eobmblighiag
a ohan" much.
00 dhow" to bs par-
1511 aftwo
1 +x 4a,
#T#RI1tAWrcsDeM"TA tku
11 ,-Wa 7414. "0, r
A- 2j2Z.., ltls,